changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/directgdi/test/tgeneraldrawing.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "tgeneraldrawing.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+	{
+	SetTestStepName(KTDirectGdiGeneralDrawingStep);
+	}
+	{
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Critical
+	Check the results of drawing to a context which has been reset, the default context settings 
+	should be used rather than any previously set settings.
+	Set a pen color
+	origin
+	pen style
+	pen size
+	brush color
+	brush style
+	brush pattern
+	brush origin
+	draw mode
+	line pos
+	and draw a rect, then reset the context and draw the another rect.
+	The second rect should be drawn with the default settings and not 
+	any of the previously set settings.
+	Draw a third rect with a brush pattern in draw mode write alpha,
+	reset again and draw a fourth rect. The fourth rect should also be 
+	drawn with default settings.
+	The second rectangle should be drawn with the default settings rather then any of the previously set settings.
+	The fourth rectangle should also be drawn with default settings.
+	Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap  should be the same as appropriate reference bitmap.
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestDrawToResetContextL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-DrawToResetContext"); //test case name
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	// create a brush pattern programatically so we can test EPatternedBrush	
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat;
+	TSize patternSize(50,50);
+	CFbsBitmap* pattern = CreateCheckedBoardBitmapL(pixelFormat, patternSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pattern);
+	TEST(pattern != NULL);	
+	ResetGc();
+	// Draw a rectangle and line with lots of settings set
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(2,2));
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->SetPenStyle(DirectGdi::EDotDashPen);
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbYellow);
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::EDiamondCrossHatchBrush);
+	iGc->SetBrushOrigin(TPoint(1,1));	
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(10,10,140,30));
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(10,20));
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(150,0));	
+	iGc->Reset();
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());		
+	// Draw a rectangle and line with no settings set
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(10,40,140,60));
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(10,50), TPoint(150,50));				
+	// Draw a rectangle and line with a brush pattern in draw mode write alpha
+	TRgb redWithAlpha(255,0,0,125);
+	iGc->SetBrushPattern(*pattern);
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::EPatternedBrush);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(redWithAlpha);
+	iGc->SetDrawMode(DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha);	
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(10,80,140,100));
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(10,90), TPoint(150,90));
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());		
+	iGc->Reset();		
+	// Draw a rectangle and line with just the previous pen color set (to check draw mode has been reset properly)
+	iGc->SetPenColor(redWithAlpha);
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(10,120,140,140));	
+	iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(10,130)); // should move from 0,0 if the previous position was reset properly
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(140,0));			
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());		
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pattern);
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Check the results of drawing to a context with only the default pen, brush etc. set.	
+	Critical
+	Draw some shapes to a context without setting pen and brush colors etc. and make sure
+	we get the same result when drawing with bitgdi and directgdi
+	The BitGdi and DirectGdi created bitmaps should be the same
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestDrawToDefaultContextL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-DrawToDefaultContext"); //test case name
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	ResetGc();
+	CArrayFixFlat<TPoint> *array = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(5);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(110, 60));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(120, 93));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(130, 93));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(142, 67));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(142, 110));			
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(10,10,140,30));
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(5,7), TPoint(50,130));
+	iGc->DrawArc(TRect(50,60,140,140), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(150,150));
+	iGc->DrawPolyLine(*array);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());		
+	iGc->Reset();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	}
+	Critical
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Complete
+	Test the case where a target is closed after it has been activated and then it is drawn to.
+	Test the use case where we:
+	Create a target.
+	Activate the target.
+	Close the target.
+	Draw to the target.
+	If the reference counting fails this test will panic with error DGDIAdapter 28 EglMakeCurrentError.
+	Implemented
+ */
+void CTGeneralDrawing::DrawToClosedActiveTargetL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-DrawToClosedActiveTarget"); 
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	ResetGc();
+	// Close the target before drawing to it to check that the reference count increment
+	// that is applied when the target is activated is working correctly
+	iGdiTarget->Close();
+	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(100,100,100));
+	TEST(iGc->PenColor() == TRgb(100,100,100));
+	iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(0,0,30,30));
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	TESTL(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));	
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Tests the draw modes DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN and DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha are set correctly
+	when drawing rectangles.
+	Critical
+	Set the draw mode to DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN.
+	Draw several red rectangles with green borders, some with half alpha pen and brush set.
+	Set the draw mode to DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpa.
+	Draw the same rectangles.
+	The rectangles drawn in DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN should be drawn blended when they are drawn with half alpha 
+	(the top two red rectangles)).
+	The rectangles drawn in DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha should not blend, they should write over whatever was
+	drawn underneath them (the rest of the red rectangles).
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestSetDrawMode()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-SetDrawMode"); //test case name	
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	ResetGc();
+	const TRgb greenWithAlpha(0,255,0,125);
+	const TRgb redWithAlpha(255,0,0,125);
+	const TRect rectBack(50,10,100,200);
+	const TRect rectA(10,30,70,60);
+	const TRect rectB(80,30,140,60);
+	const TRect rectC(10,90,70,120);
+	const TRect rectD(80,90,140,120);
+	const TRect rectE(10,150,70,180);
+	const TRect rectF(80,150,140,180);
+	// Test EDrawModePEN
+	iGc->SetDrawMode(DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(KRgbBlack));
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
+	// Draw a large rect background rect
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbBlue);
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::ESolidBrush);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectBack);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	// Draw two rects in draw mode EDrawModePEN	
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbGreen);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectA);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	iGc->SetPenColor(greenWithAlpha);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(redWithAlpha);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectB);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	// Test EDrawModeWriteAlpha
+	iGc->SetDrawMode(DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha);
+	// Draw two rects in draw mode EDrawModeWriteAlpha
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbGreen);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectC);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	iGc->SetPenColor(greenWithAlpha);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(redWithAlpha);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectD);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	// Draw two rects in draw mode EDrawModeWriteAlpha with PenSize set to 1
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(1,1));
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbGreen);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectE);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	iGc->SetPenColor(greenWithAlpha);
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(redWithAlpha);
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectF);
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Test functions behaviour after calling with invalid parameters.
+	Critical
+	Call SetDrawMode with invalid parameters.
+	KErrArgument should be set as error.
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestSetDrawModeInvalidParametersL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-SetAttributes-InvalidParameters");
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	ResetGc();
+	iGc->SetDrawMode((DirectGdi::TDrawMode)1234);
+	if(iUseDirectGdi)
+		{
+		TESTL(iGc->GetError() == KErrArgument);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TESTNOERRORL(iGc->GetError());
+		}	
+	ResetGc();
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Test the MoveBy method performs correctly.
+	Critical
+	Draw 10 rectangles, each shifted by 5,5 pixels from the previous one
+	Test should successfully 10 rectangles each shifted by 5,5 pixels from the previous one
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestMoveBy()
+	{	
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-MoveBy"); //test case name
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	TPoint move(5,5);
+	ResetGc();
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(25,25));
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+		{
+		iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(50,0));
+		iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(0,50));
+		iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(-50,0));
+		iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(0,-50));
+		iGc->MoveBy(move);
+		TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());
+		}
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Check that calling DrawRect() does not affect the internal drawing position.
+	Critical
+	Call MoveTo() to set new internal drawing position.
+	Call DrawRect().
+	Call DrawLineTo() to draw a line from the internal drawing position.
+	DrawRect() should not affect the internal drawing position.
+	A black rectangle should be drawn, with a red line going from the top-left to the bottom-right of
+	the rectangle.
+	Implemented
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestInternalDrawingPositionDrawRect()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-InternalDrawingPositionDrawRect"); //test case name
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	const TRect rectTop(10,10,iGdiTarget->SizeInPixels().iWidth - 10, iGdiTarget->SizeInPixels().iHeight/2 - 10);
+	const TRect rectBottom(10,iGdiTarget->SizeInPixels().iHeight/2 + 10,iGdiTarget->SizeInPixels().iWidth - 10, iGdiTarget->SizeInPixels().iHeight - 10);
+	ResetGc();
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(rectTop.iBr.iX, rectTop.iTl.iY));
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(1,1));
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectTop);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(rectTop.iBr);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(rectBottom.iBr.iX, rectBottom.iTl.iY));
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
+	iGc->DrawRect(rectBottom);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbRed);
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(3,3));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(rectBottom.iBr);	
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());	
+	iGc->Reset();
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Draws various shapes with irregular pen sizes, that is with pens where the width and 
+	height of the pen are different.
+	Critical
+	Set a irregular pen size.
+	Draw various shapes
+	The following shapes should be drawn with a black outline, filled with a checked brush pattern
+	ellipse, rect, plot, polygon, round rect, pie, another polygon, crossed lines.
+	Implemented
+ */
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestDrawShapesIrregularPenSizeL(const TSize& aPenSize)
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-IrregularPenSize"); //test case name
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	TBuf<70> testName;
+	TBuf<10> testCaseName;	
+	_LIT(KPenSize, "%d_%d");
+	testCaseName.Format(KPenSize, aPenSize.iWidth, aPenSize.iHeight);
+	testName.Append(KTestName);
+	testName.Append(KSeparator);	
+	testName.Append(testCaseName);
+	// create a brush pattern programatically so we can test EPatternedBrush	
+	TUidPixelFormat pixelFormat = iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat;
+	TSize patternSize(50,50);
+	CFbsBitmap* pattern = CreateCheckedBoardBitmapL(pixelFormat, patternSize);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pattern);	
+	ResetGc();	
+	iGc->SetPenSize(aPenSize);
+	// The sw version allocates memory when you set a pen size and this memory is not freed
+	// until after the __UHEAP_MARKEND macro when running OOM tests, this causes a memory 
+	// leak when this test leaves. The following TCleanupItem has been added to reset the pen
+	// size to 1,1 on account of a leave as settting the pen size to 1,1 deletes the allocated
+	// pen memory.
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ResetPenSize, iGc));
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
+	iGc->SetBrushPattern(*pattern);
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(DirectGdi::EPatternedBrush);
+	// Draw an ellipse
+	iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(10,10,100,50));
+	// Draw a round rect
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(110,10,190,50));
+	CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>* array = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(10);
+	TESTL(array != NULL);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+	// Draw a zigzag line
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+		{
+		if (i%2)
+			array->AppendL(TPoint(35+(i*15), 60));
+		else
+			array->AppendL(TPoint(10+(i*20), 90));
+		}	
+	iGc->DrawPolygon(*array, DirectGdi::EWinding);
+	// Draw a rect
+	TSize corner(30,15);
+	iGc->DrawRoundRect(TRect(10,100,90,140), corner);
+	// Draw a diamond shape
+	array->Reset();
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(10,170));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(50,150));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(90,170));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(50,190));
+	iGc->DrawPolygon(*array, DirectGdi::EWinding);
+	// Draw a pie
+	iGc->DrawPie(TRect(110,100,190,170), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(200,0));
+	// Plot
+	iGc->Plot(TPoint(10,60));
+	// Line
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(120,170), TPoint(190,190));
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(120,190), TPoint(190,170));
+	TESTNOERROR(iGc->GetError());	
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, pattern);
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, testName));
+	}
+	PREQ39
+	REQ9195
+	REQ9201 
+	REQ9202 
+	REQ9222 
+	REQ9223 
+	REQ9236 
+	REQ9237
+	Test that shape drawing happens at the correct positions when a combination of DrawLineTo, DrawLineBy,
+	MoveTo, MoveBy, SetOrigin and Reset are called in conjunction with various shape drawing methods.
+	Critical
+	Draw a blue arc and two lines with a combination of MoveTo() and MoveBy().
+	Draw a red arc and two lines with a combination of MoveTo() and MoveBy().
+	Draw an two orange ellipses with different SetOrigin() calls, only one ellipse should be seen.
+	Draw a magenta rect, round rect and plot after a SetOrigin() call.
+	Draw a cyan polygon after a SetOrigin() call.
+	Draw a green polyline after a SetOrigin() call.
+	Draw three grey lines after a SetOrigin() and two MoveBy() calls.		
+	Valid bitmap should be created. This bitmap should be the same as corresponding reference bitmap
+	and should contain the shapes mentioned in the SYMTestActions section above.
+	Implemented
+ */
+void CTGeneralDrawing::TestDrawShapesChangingOriginL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KTestName, "Drawing-DrawShapesChangingOrigin");
+	if(!iRunningOomTests)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTestName);
+		}
+	ResetGc();		
+	// draw a blue arc with a line either side
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbBlue);
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(10,30));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(50,40));
+	iGc->DrawArc(TRect(50,20,150,60), TPoint(200,40), TPoint(0,40));
+	iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(100,0));
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(40,-10));
+	// draw a red arc with a line either side
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbRed);		
+	iGc->DrawArc(TRect(50,30,150,70), TPoint(0,50), TPoint(200,50));
+	iGc->MoveTo(TPoint(50,50));
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(-40,-10));
+	iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(180,0));
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(-40,10));
+	iGc->Reset();
+	// draw an orange ellipse
+	TRgb orange(255,128,64);
+	iGc->SetPenColor(orange);	
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(-100,-100));
+	iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(50,30,150,70));
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(0,0));
+	iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(50,40,150,80));	
+	// draw a magenta rect, round rect and plot
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbMagenta);	
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(100,110));
+	iGc->DrawRect(TRect(-75,-20,75,20));
+	iGc->DrawRoundRect(TRect(-65,-10,65,30), TSize(10,10));
+	iGc->Plot(TPoint(0,0));
+	// draw a cyan polygon
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbCyan);	
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(0,160));
+	TInt numPoints = 5;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TPoint> *array = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(numPoints);	
+	TESTL(array != NULL);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(0,0));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(50,-50));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(100,0));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(150,-50));
+	array->AppendL(TPoint(200,0));
+	iGc->DrawPolygon(*array, DirectGdi::EAlternate);
+	// draw a green polyline
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbGreen);
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(0,170));
+	iGc->DrawPolyLine(*array);
+	// draw 3 grey lines
+	iGc->SetPenColor(KRgbDarkGray);
+	iGc->SetOrigin(TPoint(10,180));	
+	iGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,0), TPoint(180,0));
+	iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(0,5));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(0,5));
+	iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(0,5));
+	iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(180,0));
+	// the following DrawLineTo() calls have been added for coverage, they don't draw anything, they just return
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(10,0));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(100,100));
+	iGc->SetPenSize(TSize(0,0));
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(100,100));
+	iGc->SetPenStyle(DirectGdi::ENullPen);
+	iGc->DrawLineTo(TPoint(100,100));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, array);
+	TEST(KErrNone == WriteTargetOutput(iTestParams, KTestName()));
+	}
+Override of base class virtual
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTGeneralDrawing::doTestStepPreambleL()
+	{			
+	CTDirectGdiStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL();	
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTGeneralDrawing::doTestStepL()
+	{		
+	// Test for each pixel format
+	for(TInt targetPixelFormatIndex = iTargetPixelFormatArray.Count() - 1; targetPixelFormatIndex >= 0 ; targetPixelFormatIndex--)
+		{
+		iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat = iTargetPixelFormatArray[targetPixelFormatIndex];
+		SetTargetL(iTestParams.iTargetPixelFormat);
+		RunTestsL();
+		RunOomTestsL();
+		}
+	CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Lists the tests to be run
+void CTGeneralDrawing::RunTestsL()
+	{	
+	TestDrawToDefaultContextL();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestDrawToResetContextL();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestSetDrawMode();	
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestSetDrawModeInvalidParametersL();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestMoveBy();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestInternalDrawingPositionDrawRect();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestDrawShapesIrregularPenSizeL(TSize(2,5));	
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestDrawShapesIrregularPenSizeL(TSize(6,3));
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	TestDrawShapesChangingOriginL();
+	RecordTestResultL();
+	if (iUseDirectGdi)
+		{
+		// test for reference counting of targets, only has meaning on DirectGdi
+		DrawToClosedActiveTargetL();
+		RecordTestResultL();
+		}
+	}