--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/directgdiadaptation/hwsrc/directgdidriverimpl.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "directgdidriverimpl.h"
+#include "directgdiimagetargetimpl.h"
+#include "directgdiimagesourceimpl.h"
+#include "directgdiadapter.h"
+#include "directgdiimageref.h"
+#include "vgengine.h"
+#include "confighelper.h"
+#include <graphics/directgdiimagetarget.h>
+#include <graphics/sgresource.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#ifndef __WINS__
+// Static member variable
+XDirectGdiDriverProcessState CDirectGdiDriverImpl::gProcessState;
+Handles an EGL failure. It may either set the passed-in TInt to a Symbian OS-mapped error code,
+or panic the specified panic code, depending on the egl failure. Done as a macro so the line number is reported.
+#define HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, panic) \
+ { \
+ const EGLint eglError = eglGetError(); \
+ if (eglError == EGL_BAD_ALLOC) \
+ err = KErrNoMemory; \
+ else if (eglError == EGL_CONTEXT_LOST) \
+ err = KErrDied; \
+ else if (eglError != EGL_SUCCESS) \
+ { \
+ TBuf16<256> _message; \
+ _message.Format(_L16("EGL Error: %x\n"), eglError); \
+ GRAPHICS_LOGD_DEBUG(_message); \
+ } \
+ }
+Populates the config hash map with matching EGL configs, based on the supported pixel types.
+@param aDisplay A valid EGL display to retrieve EGL configs for.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 24, if no suitable EGL configs are present (debug-only).
+@panic DGDIAdapter 25, if no exact matching EGL config can be found.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 29, if RSgImage::GetPixelFormats returns pixel count <= 0.
+@pre EGL has been initialised by eglInitialize().
+@post The supported EGL configs are stored in the hash map.
+@return KErrNoError if successful, KErrNotReady if EGL was not initialised, otherwise one of the
+system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::InitializeEglConfigs(EGLDisplay aDisplay)
+ {
+ GRAPHICS_LOG_DEBUG("InitializeEglConfigs");
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // Get EGL configs upfront and store them in a hash map
+ EGLint configSize = 0;
+ EGLConfig *configs = NULL;
+ // Query RsgImage for the number of supported target pixel formats. Then we know how much memory should be
+ // allocated to the pixelformats array.
+ TInt count = 0;
+ TSgImageInfo imageInfo;
+ imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageDirectGdiTarget;
+ imageInfo.iSizeInPixels = TSize(1,1);
+ TUidPixelFormat* pixelFormats = NULL;
+ err = RSgImage::GetPixelFormats(imageInfo, NULL, count);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(count > 0, EDirectGdiPanicNoValidPixelFormats);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ pixelFormats = new TUidPixelFormat[count];
+ if (pixelFormats == NULL)
+ {
+ err = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = RSgImage::GetPixelFormats(imageInfo, pixelFormats, count);
+ if (!eglGetConfigs(aDisplay, configs, 0, &configSize) && configSize)
+ {
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, EDirectGdiPanicNoAvailableConfigs);
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ configs = new EGLConfig[configSize];
+ if (configs == NULL)
+ {
+ err = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ for (TInt i = 0; (i < count) && (err == KErrNone); ++i)
+ {
+ // Finds a suitable config to map to this bitmap.
+ TInt selPixmapAttribs = TConfigHelper::MatchPixelType(pixelFormats[i]);
+ EGLint numConfigs = 0;
+ if (!eglChooseConfig(aDisplay, TConfigHelper::KSurfaceAttribs[selPixmapAttribs], configs, configSize, &numConfigs))
+ {
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, EDirectGdiPanicNoMatchingConfig);
+ break;
+ }
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(numConfigs >= 1, EDirectGdiPanicNoAvailableConfigs);
+ // Find an exact matching config from the available configs.
+ TInt match = TConfigHelper::GetSuitablePixmapConfigIndex(aDisplay, configs, numConfigs, selPixmapAttribs);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(match >= 0, EDirectGdiPanicNoMatchingConfig);
+ EGLConfig currentConfig = configs[match];
+ // Store this matching config and the pixel type in the hash map.
+ err = iPixelConfigMap.Insert(selPixmapAttribs, currentConfig);
+ }
+ delete [] configs;
+ delete [] pixelFormats;
+ return err;
+ }
+Constructor to allocate memory to CDirectGdiDriverImpl object.
+@param aInternal On success, will store a pointer to the newly created CDirectGdiDriverImpl.
+@param aLibrary
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::New(CDirectGdiDriverInternal*& aInternal, RLibrary aLibrary)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiDriverImpl* self = new CDirectGdiDriverImpl(aLibrary);
+ if(!self)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TInt err = self->Construct();
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ aInternal = NULL;
+ delete self;
+ return err;
+ }
+ aInternal = self;
+ return err;
+ }
+Destructor - frees the memory for the hashmaps and the source and target arrays.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 45, if images are still in the source or target image array (debug-only).
+ {
+ // Check that there are no drawbles left in the drawable array
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iSourceArray.Count() == 0, EDirectGdiPanicItemsLeftInImageArray);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iTargetArray.Count() == 0, EDirectGdiPanicItemsLeftInImageArray);
+ iSourceArray.Close();
+ iTargetArray.Close();
+ delete iVgImageCache;
+ THashMapIter<TInt, EGLContext> contextIter(iPixelContextMap);
+ const EGLContext* context = contextIter.NextValue();
+ while (context)
+ {
+ eglDestroyContext(iDisplay, *context);
+ context = contextIter.NextValue();
+ }
+ iPixelContextMap.Close();
+ iPixelConfigMap.Close();
+ delete iGlyphImageStorage;
+ // This will terminate the display if it is the last driver.
+ ProcessState().CloseDriver(iDisplay);
+ eglReleaseThread();
+ SgDriver::Close();
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::Flush()
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Flush()
+ {
+ vgFlush();
+ }
+ @see CDirectGdiDriver::Finish()
+ */
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Finish()
+ {
+ // Call eglWaitClient() instead of vgFinish() because MBX EGL implementation currently
+ // does nothing with a vgFinish().
+ if (eglWaitClient() == EGL_FALSE)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, EDirectGdiPanicFinish);
+ SetError(err);
+ }
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::GetError()
+If no error has been reported explicitly, or SetError() has not been called, it will instead return
+the first (if any) OpenVG error to occur since GetError() was last called.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetError()
+ {
+ // Call vgGetError() even when iErrorCode is already set, so that any OpenVG error state is
+ // cleared and not reported in future.
+ const TInt vgErrorCode = GetVgError();
+ if (iErrorCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iErrorCode = vgErrorCode;
+ }
+ TInt error = iErrorCode;
+ iErrorCode = KErrNone;
+ return error;
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::CreateDrawableSource()
+For image resource creates a DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource from the given RSgDrawable resource so
+it can be drawn using the DirectGDI rendering API. Creates an EGLImage, then a VGImage from the
+passed RSgImage and associates the new source with these images. Sources that are successfully created
+are added to an array of sources so that they can be closed and deleted correctly at a later stage.
+Note that an image source cannot be created before an image target has been created and activated.
+This is a limitation of OpenVG as a VG context must exist before an image source can be created.
+@param aHandleRet Handle of newly created drawable source, must be KNullHandle (is checked by generic driver).
+@param aSgDrawable The RSgDrawable object to use when creating the drawable source. An attempt is made to
+match the pixel format of the new EGL surface with the pixel format of this RSgImage.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread and a target has been activated.
+ aHandleRet is KNullHandle.
+@post The DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource that is bound to the given
+drawable resource is created and this handle is now associated with it. The reference
+counter on the drawable resource is incremented. The CDirectGdiDriver for this thread
+is now aware of and owns the adaptation-specific resource.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the drawable resource is not valid,
+KErrNotSupported if the drawable resource is not created with the type (KSgImageTypeUid),
+otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CreateDrawableSource(TInt& aHandleRet, const RSgDrawable& aSgDrawable)
+ {
+ TUid typeUid = aSgDrawable.DrawableType();
+ if(typeUid != KSgImageTypeUid)
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ const RSgImage* image = reinterpret_cast<const RSgImage*>(&aSgDrawable);
+ CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imageSource = NULL;
+ TInt err = CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl::New(imageSource, *this, *image);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ aHandleRet = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(imageSource);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::CreateDrawableSource()
+Destroys the DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource associated with this handle.
+Calling this method on a handle that is not associated with any DirectGDI specific
+resource will do nothing. Once Close() is called, this handle can be reused. The handle
+is set to KNullHandle.
+@param aHandle A reference to a valid handle to a RDirectGdiDrawableSource object which is
+ to be closed.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@post The DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource associated with this handle will
+be destroyed (at any time preferred by the adaptation). This handle is no longer
+associated with a DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource. The reference counter of
+the underlying drawable resource is decremented. aHandle is set to KNullHandle.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 37, if an image source cannot be created from the passed handle.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CloseDrawableSource(TInt& aHandle)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* imageSource = GetImageSourceFromHandle(aHandle);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(imageSource, EDirectGdiPanicCloseDrawableHandleFailure);
+ // Decrement the reference count on this image source. If it reaches zero, it will
+ // remove itself from the source array and delete itself.
+ imageSource->Close();
+ aHandle = KNullHandle;
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::CreateImageTarget()
+Allocates and constructs a CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl object, and associates it with aHandleRet.
+@param aHandleRet Handle of newly created Image Target, must be KNullHandle (is checked by generic driver).
+@param aSgImage The RSgImage to associate with the created image target. An attempt is made to match
+the pixel format of the new EGL surface with the pixel format of this RSgImage.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+The image resource has been fully constructed and created with the correct usage
+that allows it to be used as a DirectGDI target. aHandleRet is KNullHandle.
+@post The DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource that is bound to the given image
+resource is created and this handle is now associated with it. The reference counter
+on the image resource is incremented.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the image resource is not valid,
+KErrNotSupported if the image resource is not created with the correct
+usage, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CreateImageTarget(TInt& aHandleRet, const RSgImage& aSgImage)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* imageTarget = NULL;
+ TInt err = CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl::New(imageTarget, *this, aSgImage, iPixelContextMap, iPixelConfigMap, iSharedContext);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Return the handle to the newly created image target.
+ aHandleRet = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(imageTarget);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+Destroys the DirectGDI adaptation-specific resource associated with this handle.
+Calling this method on a handle that is not associated with any DirectGDI adaptation-
+specific resource will do nothing. Once Close() is called, this handle can be reused.
+@param aHandle A handle to a RDirectGdiImageTarget object to be closed.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@post The DirectGDI specific resource associated with this handle will be destroyed
+if the reference count falls to zero. This handle is no longer associated with
+a DirectGDI specific resource. The reference counter of the underlying image
+resource is decremented. aHandle is set to KNullHandle.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 37, if the image source associated with aHandle is NULL.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CloseImageTarget(TInt& aHandle)
+ {
+ CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* imageTarget = GetImageTargetFromHandle(aHandle);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(imageTarget, EDirectGdiPanicCloseDrawableHandleFailure);
+ // Decrement the reference count on this image target. If the reference count reaches zero,
+ // it is deleted and removed from the targets array.
+ imageTarget->Close();
+ aHandle = KNullHandle;
+ }
+Instantiates an adaptation-specific rendering engine.
+@param aDirectGdiEngine Reference to instantiated engine.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@return KErrNone if the engine is constructed, else KErrNoMemory.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CreateEngine(MDirectGdiEngine*& aDirectGdiEngine)
+ {
+ TInt result = KErrNone;
+ aDirectGdiEngine = new CVgEngine(*this);
+ if (aDirectGdiEngine == NULL)
+ {
+ result = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+Unbinds target from rendering engine and marks it for deletion.
+NOTE: Currently this means just deleting the engine.
+@param aDirectGdiEngine Engine to operate on.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 38, if the engine is NULL.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::DestroyEngine(MDirectGdiEngine* aDirectGdiEngine)
+ {
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDirectGdiEngine, EDirectGdiPanicDestroyNullEngine);
+ CVgEngine* actualEngine = static_cast<CVgEngine*>(aDirectGdiEngine);
+ delete actualEngine;
+ }
+The only extension interface supported by this implementation is MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize.
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::GetInterface()
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetInterface(TUid aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface)
+ {
+ aInterface = NULL;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ switch (aInterfaceId.iUid)
+ {
+ case KDirectGdiDriverCacheSizeUid:
+ {
+ aInterface = static_cast<MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize*>(this);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ err = KErrExtensionNotSupported;
+ break;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CDirectGdiDriverImpl(RLibrary aLibrary)
+ : CDirectGdiDriverInternal(aLibrary),
+ iDisplay(EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+ {
+ }
+Performs the second phase of construction.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@post EGL has been initialised. SgDriver has been opened.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 36, if eglGetDisplay() fails.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 35, if eglInitialize() fails.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 23, if eglBindAPI() fails.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if no implementation of the Graphics Resource API is found,
+ KErrNotSupported if the version of EGL is less than required (1.2), otherwise one of the
+ system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Construct()
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ iSharedContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
+ // First thing is to check whether the mutex for the Process State was successfully created.
+ // If not, it's a fatal error. If it is, we must increment the reference count on the mutex as
+ // early as possible to make the creation/destruction of the display thread-safe.
+ err = ProcessState().MutexCreationStatus();
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ ProcessState().OpenDriver();
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = SgDriver::Open();
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Create display object
+ iDisplay = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDisplay != EGL_NO_DISPLAY, EDirectGdiPanicNoDisplay);
+ // Initialise the display. If it is already initialised, EGL will return quickly.
+ EGLint major, minor;
+ if (!eglInitialize(iDisplay, &major, &minor))
+ {
+ iDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, EDirectGdiPanicInitializeDisplay);
+ }
+ else if (major < 1 || (major == 1 && minor < 2))
+ {
+ // Atleast EGL 1.2 needs to be available.
+ err = KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Let EGL know we will use it for OpenVG
+ if(!eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENVG_API))
+ {
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(err, EDirectGdiPanicBindApi);
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iGlyphImageStorage = new CFontGlyphImageStorage(KDirectGdiAdapterDefaultMaxGlyphImageCacheSize);
+ if(!iGlyphImageStorage)
+ {
+ err = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iVgImageCache = new CVgImageCache(KDirectGdiAdapterDefaultMaxImageCacheSize);
+ if(!iVgImageCache)
+ {
+ err = KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = ProcessState().Initialize(iDisplay);
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ err = InitializeEglConfigs(iDisplay);
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+@see CDirectGdiDriver::SetError()
+In the event that OpenVG's error state has been set, it will be used as the driver's error state,
+overriding aErr.
+@param aErr The error code to be set.
+@pre CDirectGdiDriver object has been initialised from the calling thread.
+@post The error state is set to the current OpenVG error state, otherwise aErr, if the current error state
+ is empty.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::SetError(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ if( iErrorCode == KErrNone )
+ {
+ iErrorCode = GetVgError();
+ if (iErrorCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iErrorCode = aErr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Static function. Converts the current OpenVG error state (if any) to a standard Symbian error code.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 64, if the error code received from OpenVG is due to misuse of OpenVG rather
+ than a runtime error.
+@return KErrGeneral if the OpenVG error code not recognised, otherwise a system-wide error
+code converted from the OpenVG error code.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetVgError()
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrGeneral;
+ switch(vgGetError())
+ {
+ case VG_NO_ERROR:
+ error = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ error = KErrBadHandle;
+ break;
+ error = KErrArgument;
+ break;
+ error = KErrNoMemory;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Any other error is due to DirectGDI using OpenVG incorrectly somewhere.
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+Sets the current engine as the most recent engine which has been activated.
+@param aCurrentEngine The pointer to the most recent engine.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::SetCurrentEngine(CVgEngine* aCurrentEngine)
+ {
+ iCurrentEngine = aCurrentEngine;
+ }
+Checks whether the given engine is current or not, so that the OpenVG state can be reset.
+@param aCurrentEngine The pointer to an engine.
+@return ETrue if it is the current engine, else EFalse.
+TBool CDirectGdiDriverImpl::IsCurrentEngine(const CVgEngine* aCurrentEngine) const
+ {
+ return (iCurrentEngine == aCurrentEngine);
+ }
+Checks whether this target is current or not, so that the EGL state can be reset.
+@param aCurrentTarget The pointer to a target.
+@return ETrue if it is the current target, else EFalse.
+TBool CDirectGdiDriverImpl::IsCurrentTarget(const CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* aCurrentTarget) const
+ {
+ return (iCurrentTarget == aCurrentTarget);
+ }
+Sets the current target as the most recent target which has been activated.
+@param aCurrentTarget The pointer to the most recent target.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::SetCurrentTarget(CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* aCurrentTarget)
+ {
+ iCurrentTarget = aCurrentTarget;
+ }
+Activates the specified target and increments its reference count as it can be shared across many
+DirectGDI contexts.
+@param aRenderingTarget The target object which is to be activated.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Activate(CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* aRenderingTarget)
+ {
+ // Reactivate() does the same activation
+ Reactivate(aRenderingTarget);
+ aRenderingTarget->Open();
+ }
+Reactivates the specified target, without affecting its reference count.
+@param aRenderingTarget The target to be reactivated.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 2, if eglGetError() returns an error we can't handle.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Reactivate(CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* aRenderingTarget)
+ {
+ if(!aRenderingTarget->Activate())
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ HANDLE_EGL_ERROR(error, EDirectGdiPanicUnexpectedError);
+ if(error == KErrNoMemory)
+ {
+ SetError(error);
+ }
+ // Can check here whether error == KErrDied, which signifies an EGL_CONTEXT_LOST error.
+ // due to a power management event. Then need to destroy and recreate all EGLContexts used.
+ // This is not implemented as the EGL used with this reference adaptation does not produce this error.
+ // Following pseudocode will achieve this:
+ // 1. For each context stored in iPixelMapContext:
+ // 1a. Destroy context.
+ // 1b. Create replacement context with same parameters.
+ // 1c. Search through all rendering targets replacing the context stored (if it matches with the one just destroyed) with the new one.
+ // 2. Try activating the rendering target again.
+ }
+ }
+Deactivates the target if it was the current target, and decrements its reference count as it can
+be shared across many DirectGDI contexts.
+@param aRenderingTarget The target object which you want to deactivate.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::Deactivate(CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* aRenderingTarget)
+ {
+ aRenderingTarget->Close();
+ }
+Helper function for removing a pointer to a CDirectGdiImageRef object from the source image array.
+@param aImage A pointer to a CDirectGdiImageRef source object.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if no suitable object pointer can be found,
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::UnregisterSourceImage(const CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl& aImage)
+ {
+ TInt index = -1;
+ TInt err = iSourceArray.FindInAddressOrder(&aImage, index);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iSourceArray.Remove(index);
+ iSourceArray.GranularCompress();
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+Helper function for removing a pointer to a CDirectGdiImageRef object from the target image array.
+@param aImage A pointer to a CDirectGdiImageRef source object.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotFound if no suitable object pointer can be found,
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::UnregisterTargetImage(const CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl& aImage)
+ {
+ TInt index = -1;
+ TInt err = iTargetArray.FindInAddressOrder(&aImage, index);
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTargetArray.Remove(index);
+ iTargetArray.GranularCompress();
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+Helper function to convert a handle for a RDirectGdiDrawableSource object to a CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl
+object. In debug builds, it also checks that the image source was actually created by this driver and
+exists in the array of image sources.
+@param aHandle A valid handle to a RDirectGdiDrawableSource object.
+@return A pointer to a CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl object that the handle represents.
+CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetImageSourceFromHandle(TInt aHandle) const
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CheckSourceIsValid(aHandle);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl* source = reinterpret_cast<CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl*>(aHandle);
+ return source;
+ }
+Helper function to convert a handle for a RDirectGdiImageTarget object to a CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl
+object. In debug builds, it also checks that the image target was actually created by this driver and
+exists in the array of image target.
+@param aHandle A valid handle to a RDirectGdiImageTarget object.
+@return A pointer to a CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl object that the handle represents.
+CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetImageTargetFromHandle(TInt aHandle) const
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ CheckTargetIsValid(aHandle);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl* target = reinterpret_cast<CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl*>(aHandle);
+ return target;
+ }
+Allows the engine to check whether a resource is an image source or not, given its handle.
+If the image is an image source, it will be in the array of image sources.
+@param aHandle The handle to check for being an image source.
+@return ETrue if the passed handle is for an image source, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+TBool CDirectGdiDriverImpl::IsImageSource(TInt aHandle) const
+ {
+ CDirectGdiImageRef* source = reinterpret_cast<CDirectGdiImageRef*>(aHandle);
+ TInt index = -1;
+ return (iSourceArray.FindInAddressOrder(source, index) == KErrNone);
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+Debug-only helper function to check that a source object has been created by this driver.
+If it has been created by this driver it will exist in the source array.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 32, if the source can not be found in the source array.
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CheckSourceIsValid(TInt aHandle) const
+ {
+ // Debug only check to make sure the handle exists in the array of source objects
+ // that have been created by this driver
+ CDirectGdiImageRef* source = reinterpret_cast<CDirectGdiImageRef*>(aHandle);
+ TInt index = -1;
+ TInt err = iSourceArray.FindInAddressOrder(source, index);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone, EDirectGdiPanicResourceHandleNotFound);
+ }
+Debug-only helper function to check that a target object has been created by this driver.
+If it has been created by this driver it will exist in the target array.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 32, if the target is not found in the target array.
+ */
+void CDirectGdiDriverImpl::CheckTargetIsValid(TInt aHandle) const
+ {
+ // Debug only check to make sure the handle exists in the array of target objects
+ // that have been created by this driver
+ CDirectGdiImageRef* target = reinterpret_cast<CDirectGdiImageRef*>(aHandle);
+ TInt index = -1;
+ TInt err = iTargetArray.FindInAddressOrder(target, index);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone, EDirectGdiPanicResourceHandleNotFound);
+ }
+#endif // _DEBUG
+// VGImage cache APIs
+@see CVgImageCache::GetVgImageFromCache()
+ */
+VGImage CDirectGdiDriverImpl::GetVgImageFromCache(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TPoint& aOrigin) const
+ {
+ return iVgImageCache->GetVgImageFromBitmap(aBitmap, aOrigin);
+ }
+@see CVgImageCache::AddImage()
+ */
+TBool CDirectGdiDriverImpl::AddVgImageToCache(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, VGImage& aImage, const TPoint& aOrigin)
+ {
+ return iVgImageCache->AddImage(aBitmap, aImage, aOrigin);
+ }
+Gets the VGImage cache.
+@return The VGImage cache.
+CVgImageCache* CDirectGdiDriverImpl::VgImageCache() const
+ {
+ return iVgImageCache;
+ }
+Gets the Glyph image storage.
+@return The Glyph image storage.
+CFontGlyphImageStorage* CDirectGdiDriverImpl::FontGlyphImageStorage() const
+ {
+ return iGlyphImageStorage;
+ }
+Creates VG images which will be used to draw glyphs if the system runs out of memory
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::PreAllocateFontGlyphImages()
+ {
+ TInt res = KErrNotReady;
+ if(iGlyphImageStorage)
+ {
+ res = iGlyphImageStorage->PreAllocateImages();
+ if(res == KErrNoMemory)
+ {//try to clean bitmap cache
+ iVgImageCache->ResetCache();
+ res = iGlyphImageStorage->PreAllocateImages();
+ if(res == KErrNoMemory)
+ {//try to clean glyph image cache
+ iGlyphImageStorage->CleanGlyphImageCache();
+ res = iGlyphImageStorage->PreAllocateImages();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+Registers the image source with this driver, by adding it to a list of internal image sources.
+@param aImage The image to register.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise on of the system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::RegisterSourceImage(const CDirectGdiImageSourceImpl& aImage)
+ {
+ return iSourceArray.InsertInAddressOrder(&aImage);
+ }
+Registers the image target with this driver, by adding it to a list of internal image targets.
+@param aImage The image to register.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise on of the system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::RegisterTargetImage(const CDirectGdiImageTargetImpl& aImage)
+ {
+ return iTargetArray.InsertInAddressOrder(&aImage);
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize::SetMaxImageCacheSize()
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::SetMaxImageCacheSize(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ return iVgImageCache->SetMaxCacheSize(aSize);
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize::MaxImageCacheSize()
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::MaxImageCacheSize() const
+ {
+ return iVgImageCache->MaxCacheSize();
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize::SetMaxGlyphCacheSize()
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::SetMaxGlyphCacheSize(TInt aSize)
+ {
+ return iGlyphImageStorage->SetMaxGlyphCacheSize(aSize);
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiDriverCacheSize::MaxGlyphCacheSize()
+ */
+TInt CDirectGdiDriverImpl::MaxGlyphCacheSize() const
+ {
+ return iGlyphImageStorage->MaxGlyphCacheSize();
+ }