--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/directgdiadaptation/swsrc/swdirectgdibitblt.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "swdirectgdiengine.h"
+#include "swdirectgdidriverimpl.h"
+#include "directgdiadapter.h"
+#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
+#include <bmalphablend.h>
+#include <graphics/bitmap.inl>
+#include <graphics/gdi/gdiinline.inl>
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::BitBlt()
+@panic DGDIAdapter 7, aBitmap is invalid (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::BitBlt(const TPoint& aDestPos,
+ const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
+ const TRect& aSrceRect)
+ {
+ if (aBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid)
+ {
+ iDriver->SetError(KErrNotSupported); // Not supported for extended bitmaps
+ return;
+ }
+ TRect srceRect(aSrceRect);
+ const TPoint destPoint(aDestPos + iOrigin + srceRect.iTl - aSrceRect.iTl);
+ const TPoint offset(srceRect.iTl - destPoint);
+ TRect targetRect(destPoint,srceRect.Size());
+ aBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+ CBitwiseBitmap* srce = static_cast<const CSwDirectGdiBitmap&>(aBitmap).Address();
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(srce,EDirectGdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+ TBool opaqueSource = (!IsAlphaChannel(aBitmap.DisplayMode())) && (iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN);
+ TRect clipRect;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+ {
+ clipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+ if(!clipRect.Intersects(targetRect))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ clipRect.Intersection(targetRect);
+ TRect clippedSrceRect(clipRect);
+ clippedSrceRect.Move(offset);
+ if (opaqueSource)
+ {
+ iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha; // write rather than blend.
+ }
+ DoBitBlt(clipRect.iTl, srce, aBitmap.DataAddress(), aBitmap.DataStride(), clippedSrceRect);
+ if (opaqueSource)
+ {
+ iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN; // set it back to how it was.
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(clipRect);
+ }
+ aBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::BitBltMasked(const TPoint&, const CFbsBitmap&, const TRect&, const CFbsBitmap&, TBool)
+@panic DGDIAdapter 7, if either aMaskBitmap or aBitmap are invalid (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::BitBltMasked(const TPoint& aDestPos,
+ const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap,
+ const TRect& aSrcRect,
+ const CFbsBitmap& aMaskBitmap,
+ TBool aInvertMask)
+ {
+ if ((aBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid) || (aMaskBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid))
+ {
+ iDriver->SetError(KErrNotSupported); // Not supported for extended bitmaps
+ return;
+ }
+ TRect localSrcRect(aSrcRect);
+ const TPoint destPoint(aDestPos + iOrigin + localSrcRect.iTl - aSrcRect.iTl);
+ const TRect destRect(destPoint, localSrcRect.Size());
+ const TPoint offset(localSrcRect.iTl - destPoint);
+ TRect targetRect(destRect);
+ aBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+ aMaskBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+ CBitwiseBitmap* srcebmp = static_cast<const CSwDirectGdiBitmap&>(aBitmap).Address();
+ CBitwiseBitmap* maskbmp = static_cast<const CSwDirectGdiBitmap&>(aMaskBitmap).Address();
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(srcebmp,EDirectGdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(maskbmp,EDirectGdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ const TDisplayMode maskMode = maskbmp->DisplayMode();
+ const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+ TBool opaqueSource = (!IsAlphaChannel(aBitmap.DisplayMode())) && (iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN);
+ TRect clipRect;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+ {
+ clipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+ if (!clipRect.Intersects(targetRect))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ clipRect.Intersection(targetRect);
+ TRect clippedSrceRect(clipRect);
+ clippedSrceRect.Move(offset);
+ if (opaqueSource)
+ {
+ iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha; // ie write rather than blend
+ }
+ DoBitBltMasked(clipRect.iTl, srcebmp, aBitmap.DataAddress(), clippedSrceRect, maskbmp,
+ aMaskBitmap.DataAddress(), aInvertMask);
+ if (opaqueSource)
+ {
+ iDrawMode = DirectGdi::EDrawModePEN; // set to default
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(clipRect);
+ }
+ aBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+ aMaskBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+ }
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::BitBltMasked(const TPoint&, const CFbsBitmap&, const TRect&, const CFbsBitmap&, const TPoint&)
+@panic DGDIAdapter 7, if either aBitmap or aMaskBitmap are invalid.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1022, if the top-left corner of aSrcRect is out of bounds (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::BitBltMasked(const TPoint& aDestPt,
+ const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TRect& aSrcRect,
+ const CFbsBitmap& aMaskBitmap, const TPoint& aAlphaPt)
+ {
+ if ((aBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid) || (aMaskBitmap.ExtendedBitmapType() != KNullUid))
+ {
+ iDriver->SetError(KErrNotSupported); // Not supported for extended bitmaps
+ return;
+ }
+ TRect srcRect(aSrcRect);
+ //Calculate the destination rect
+ TPoint destPt(aDestPt + iOrigin);
+ TRect destRect(destPt, srcRect.Size());
+ TPoint offset(srcRect.iTl - destPt);
+ TRect targetRect(destRect);
+ aBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+ aMaskBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+ CBitwiseBitmap* srcBmp = static_cast<const CSwDirectGdiBitmap&>(aBitmap).Address();
+ CBitwiseBitmap* alphaBmp = static_cast<const CSwDirectGdiBitmap&>(aMaskBitmap).Address();
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(srcBmp, EDirectGdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(alphaBmp, EDirectGdiPanicInvalidBitmap);
+ TUint32* srcDataAddr = aBitmap.DataAddress();
+ TUint32* alphaDataAddr = aMaskBitmap.DataAddress();
+ //For each region - find the clipping rect and draw
+ TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count ();
+ TRect clipRect;
+ for (TInt count=0; count<limit;count++)
+ {
+ clipRect=(*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+ if ( !clipRect.Intersects(targetRect))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //targetRect was constructed from destRect. destRect was constructed from srcRect.
+ clipRect.Intersection (targetRect);
+ TRect clippedSrcRect(clipRect);
+ clippedSrcRect.Move(offset);//clippedSrcRect - maps to a part of srcRect now.
+ TPoint shift(clippedSrcRect.iTl - srcRect.iTl);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(shift.iX >= 0, EDirectGdiPanicNegativeShift);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(shift.iY >= 0, EDirectGdiPanicNegativeShift);
+ DoBitBltAlpha (clipRect.iTl, srcBmp, srcDataAddr, clippedSrcRect,
+ alphaBmp, alphaDataAddr, aAlphaPt + shift, EFalse);
+ iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion (clipRect);
+ }
+ aBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+ aMaskBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+ return;
+ }
+Calculates the position into the scanline for the given x coordinate.
+@param aX The given x-coordinate.
+@param aDisplayMode The applied display mode.
+@return The memory offset, or 0 if the mode is not supported.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1009, if aDisplayMode is not supported (debug only).
+TUint CSwDirectGdiEngine::MemoryOffsetForPixelPitch(TUint aX, TDisplayMode aDisplayMode) const
+ {
+ switch (aDisplayMode)
+ {
+ case EColor16MU:
+ case EColor16MAP:
+ return aX << 2;
+ case EColor64K:
+ return aX << 1;
+ default:
+ GRAPHICS_PANIC_DEBUG(EDirectGdiPanicInvalidDisplayMode);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+TUint32* CSwDirectGdiEngine::GetScanLineOffsetPtr(CBitwiseBitmap* aSrce, TUint32*& aSlptr,
+ TInt aLength, TPoint aPixel, TUint32* aBase,
+ TLineScanningPosition& aLineScanningPosition, TUint aXOffset)
+ {
+ aSrce->GetScanLinePtr(aSlptr, aLength, aPixel, aBase, aLineScanningPosition);
+ return (TUint32*)((TUint8*)aSlptr + aXOffset);
+ }
+Performs the actual bitblt to the device.
+This function may also be called by DrawBitmap(), and DrawRect() when using a patterned brush,
+so any changes to this function may impact on them also.
+@pre aSrce A bitmap with non-zero dimensions. aSrceRect has been clipped against the target.
+@param aDest The target position on the device which will contain the top left
+ corner of the source bitmap.
+@param aSrce The bitmap object that contains the pixels to draw.
+@param aBase The address of the bitmap pixels.
+@param aStride The length in bytes between scanlines in memory.
+@param aSrceRect The area of the bitmap to draw from.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1013, if aDest is fully outside of the bounds of the target, or aSrceRect.iTl is not
+ within the drawing area (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoBitBlt(const TPoint& aDest,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aSrce,
+ TUint32* aBase,
+ TInt aStride,
+ const TRect& aSrceRect)
+ {
+ // Does multiple bitmap widths for painting rects only
+ const TInt width = aSrceRect.Width ();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ TRect deviceDestRect;
+ iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceDestRect);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.iX >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.iY >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG((aDest.iX + aSrceRect.Width()) <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG((aDest.iY + aSrceRect.Height()) <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aDest.iX >= 0 && aDest.iY >= 0, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aSrceRect.iTl.iX >= 0 && aSrceRect.iTl.iY >= 0, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ TSize srcSize = aSrce->SizeInPixels ();
+ const TPoint KZeroPoint(0,0);
+ TAny* interface = NULL;
+ if (iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha &&
+ aSrceRect.iBr.iX <= srcSize.iWidth &&
+ aSrceRect.iBr.iY <= srcSize.iHeight &&
+ !aSrce->IsCompressed() &&
+ aSrce->DisplayMode() == iDrawDevice->DisplayMode() &&
+ iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlit2InterfaceID, interface) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Conditions in CFbsBitGc allow for optimised blitting.
+ // The draw device supports the optimised blitting function.
+ // Operation may fail regardless due to unacceptable conditions in the draw device.
+ MFastBlit2* fastBlit = reinterpret_cast<MFastBlit2*>(interface);
+ if (fastBlit && (fastBlit->WriteBitmapBlock(aDest, aBase, aStride, srcSize, aSrceRect) == KErrNone))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ MFastBlend* fastBlend=NULL;
+ if (FastBlendInterface(aSrce,NULL,fastBlend)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (fastBlend->FastBlendBitmap(aDest, aBase, aStride, srcSize, aSrceRect, aSrce->DisplayMode(), GcDrawMode(iDrawMode), CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow)== KErrNone)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const TInt scanLineBytes = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
+ TUint32* scanLineBuffer = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
+ TPtr8 scanLineDes((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer, scanLineBytes, scanLineBytes);
+ const TDisplayMode dispMode = ScanLineBufferDisplayMode(iDrawDevice);
+ const TBool useScanLinePtr = (dispMode == aSrce->DisplayMode()) &&
+ (TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel(dispMode) >= 8);
+ TUint32* slptr = NULL;
+ TUint offset = 0;
+ TUint32* lastScanLine = NULL;
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ lastScanLine = aSrce->ScanLineAddress(aBase, aSrceRect.iBr.iY-1);
+ }
+ TInt srceWidth = srcSize.iWidth;
+ TInt partlinestart = aSrceRect.iTl.iX % srceWidth;
+ if (partlinestart < 0)
+ {
+ partlinestart += srceWidth;
+ }
+ const TInt partlinelength = Min(srceWidth - partlinestart, width);
+ TInt destX = aDest.iX;
+ const TInt destXlimit = destX+width;
+ const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = GcDrawMode(iDrawMode);
+ // first part line
+ if (partlinestart > 0 && partlinelength > 0)
+ {
+ TPoint srcecoord1(partlinestart, aSrceRect.iTl.iY);
+ TInt desty = aDest.iY;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aBase);
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ offset = MemoryOffsetForPixelPitch(partlinestart, dispMode);
+ if (aSrce->IsCompressed ())
+ {
+ while (srcecoord1.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr (aSrce, slptr,
+ partlinelength, srcecoord1, aBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ if (srcecoord1.iY == aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX, desty, partlinelength,
+ scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ srcecoord1.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (srcecoord1.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr (aSrce, slptr,
+ partlinelength, srcecoord1, aBase, lineScanPos,
+ offset);
+ do
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (aDest.iX, desty,
+ partlinelength, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ scanLineBuffer = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer + aStride);
+ srcecoord1.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ while ((srcecoord1.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY) && (scanLineBuffer < lastScanLine)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( ; srcecoord1.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY; srcecoord1.iY++, desty++)
+ {
+ aSrce->GetScanLine (scanLineDes, srcecoord1, partlinelength,
+ EFalse, KZeroPoint, dispMode, aBase, lineScanPos);
+ if ( srcecoord1.iY==aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark (lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (aDest.iX, desty, partlinelength,
+ scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ }
+ }
+ destX += partlinelength;
+ }
+ // multiple complete lines - columns
+ TInt numcolumns = (destXlimit - destX) / srceWidth;
+ if (numcolumns > 0)
+ {
+ TPoint srcecoord2(0, aSrceRect.iTl.iY);
+ TInt desty = aDest.iY;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aBase);
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ if (aSrce->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ while (srcecoord2.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ TPoint coord(srcecoord2);
+ aSrce->GetScanLinePtr (slptr, srceWidth, coord, aBase, lineScanPos);
+ if (srcecoord2.iY == aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ TInt tempdestX = destX;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < numcolumns; count++, tempdestX += srceWidth)
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(tempdestX, desty, srceWidth, slptr, drawMode);
+ }
+ srcecoord2.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (srcecoord2.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ TPoint coord(srcecoord2);
+ aSrce->GetScanLinePtr (slptr, srceWidth, coord, aBase, lineScanPos);
+ do
+ {
+ TInt tempdestX = destX;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < numcolumns; count++, tempdestX += srceWidth)
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (tempdestX, desty, srceWidth, slptr, drawMode);
+ }
+ slptr = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)slptr + aStride);
+ srcecoord2.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ while ((srcecoord2.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY) && (slptr < lastScanLine));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (; srcecoord2.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY; srcecoord2.iY++, desty++)
+ {
+ TInt tempdestX = destX;
+ TPoint coord(srcecoord2);
+ aSrce->GetScanLinePtr (slptr, srceWidth, coord, aBase, lineScanPos);
+ if (srcecoord2.iY == aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark (lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ for (TInt count = 0; count < numcolumns; count++, tempdestX += srceWidth)
+ {
+ aSrce->GetScanLine(slptr, scanLineDes, coord, srceWidth,
+ EFalse, KZeroPoint, dispMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(tempdestX, desty, srceWidth, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ destX += numcolumns * srceWidth;
+ }
+ // final part line
+ if (destX < destXlimit)
+ {
+ const TInt restofline = destXlimit - destX;
+ TPoint srcecoord3(0, aSrceRect.iTl.iY);
+ TInt desty = aDest.iY;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aBase);
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ offset = 0;
+ if (aSrce->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ while (srcecoord3.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr (aSrce, slptr,
+ srceWidth, srcecoord3, aBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ if (srcecoord3.iY == aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark (lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(destX, desty, restofline, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ srcecoord3.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (srcecoord3.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr (aSrce, slptr,
+ srceWidth, srcecoord3, aBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ do
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(destX, desty, restofline, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ scanLineBuffer = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer + aStride);
+ srcecoord3.iY++;
+ desty++;
+ }
+ while ((srcecoord3.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY) && (scanLineBuffer < lastScanLine));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (; srcecoord3.iY < aSrceRect.iBr.iY; srcecoord3.iY++, desty++)
+ {
+ aSrce->GetScanLine (scanLineDes, srcecoord3, srceWidth, EFalse,
+ KZeroPoint, dispMode, aBase, lineScanPos);
+ if (srcecoord3.iY == aSrceRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSrce->SetCompressionBookmark (lineScanPos, aBase, NULL);
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(destX, desty, restofline, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Performs the masked bitblt to the device.
+@param aDest The target position on the device which will contain the top left
+ corner of the source bitmap.
+@param aSourceBitmap The bitmap object that contains the pixels to draw.
+@param aSourceBase The address of the source bitmap pixels.
+@param aSourceRect The area of the bitmap to draw from.
+@param aMaskBitmap The bitmap object that contains the mask.
+@param aMaskBase The address of the mask pixels.
+@param aInvertMask Inverts the mask if ETrue.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1013, if aDest is outside of the device bounds (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoBitBltMasked(const TPoint& aDest,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aSourceBitmap,
+ TUint32* aSourceBase,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+ TUint32* aMaskBase,
+ TBool aInvertMask)
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ TRect deviceDestRect;
+ iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect (deviceDestRect);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG (aDest.iX >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG (aDest.iY >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG ((aDest.iX + aSourceRect.Width()) <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG ((aDest.iY + aSourceRect.Height()) <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ const TPoint KZeroPoint(0,0);
+ MFastBlend* fastBlend=NULL;
+ if (FastBlendInterface(aSourceBitmap,aMaskBitmap,fastBlend)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (fastBlend->FastBlendBitmapMasked(aDest, aSourceBase, aSourceBitmap->DataStride(), aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aSourceRect, aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode(),
+ aMaskBase, aMaskBitmap->DataStride(), aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode(), aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aSourceRect.iTl, aInvertMask,
+ GcDrawMode(iDrawMode), CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode() == EGray256)
+ {
+ DoBitBltAlpha (aDest, aSourceBitmap, aSourceBase, aSourceRect,
+ aMaskBitmap, aMaskBase, aSourceRect.iTl, EFalse);
+ }
+ // if screen driver is 16MAP we avoid logical operator pen modes by using DoBitBltAlpha() for blitting
+ else if(iDrawDevice->ScanLineDisplayMode() == EColor16MAP)
+ {
+ DoBitBltAlpha (aDest, aSourceBitmap, aSourceBase, aSourceRect,
+ aMaskBitmap, aMaskBase, aSourceRect.iTl, aInvertMask);
+ }
+ else if (aSourceBitmap == aMaskBitmap)
+ {
+ const TInt width = aSourceRect.Width();
+ const TDisplayMode dispMode = ScanLineBufferDisplayMode(iDrawDevice);
+ const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = aInvertMask ? CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND : CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeOR;
+ TPoint srcePoint(aSourceRect.iTl);
+ TInt destY = aDest.iY;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aSourceBase);
+ const TBool useScanLinePtr = (dispMode == aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode() &&
+ (TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel(dispMode)>=8));
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ TUint32* scanLineBuffer = NULL;
+ TUint32* slptr = NULL;
+ TUint offset = MemoryOffsetForPixelPitch (srcePoint.iX, dispMode);
+ if (aSourceBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ for ( ; srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY; destY++,
+ srcePoint.iY++)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr (
+ aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint,
+ aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (aDest.iX, destY, width,
+ scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint stride = aSourceBitmap->DataStride ();
+ TUint32* lastScanLine = aSourceBitmap->ScanLineAddress(aSourceBase, aSourceRect.iBr.iY-1);
+ while (srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint,
+ aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ do
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (aDest.iX, destY, width, scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ scanLineBuffer = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer + stride);
+ destY++;
+ srcePoint.iY++;
+ }
+ while ((srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY) && (scanLineBuffer < lastScanLine));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TInt scanLineBytes = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
+ TUint32* scanLineBuffer = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
+ TPtr8 scanLineDes((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer, scanLineBytes,
+ scanLineBytes);
+ for (; srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY; destY++,
+ srcePoint.iY++)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLine (scanLineDes, srcePoint,
+ width, EFalse, KZeroPoint, dispMode,
+ aSourceBase, lineScanPos);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine (aDest.iX, destY, width,
+ scanLineBuffer, drawMode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoBitBltMaskedFlicker(aDest, aSourceBitmap, aSourceBase,
+ aSourceRect, aMaskBitmap, aMaskBase, aInvertMask);
+ }
+ }
+@see DoBitBltMasked()
+ */
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoBitBltMaskedFlicker(const TPoint& aDest,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aSourceBitmap,
+ TUint32* aSourceBase,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+ TUint32* aMaskBase,
+ TBool aInvertMask)
+ {
+ const TInt width = aSourceRect.Width();
+ TInt destY = aDest.iY;
+ TPoint srcePoint(aSourceRect.iTl);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aSourceBase);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPosMask(aMaskBase);
+ const TDisplayMode srcFormat = aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode();
+ const TDisplayMode maskFormat = aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode();
+ if (aMaskBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ HBufC8* hBuf = CFbsBitmap::GetDecompressionBuffer(aMaskBitmap->DataStride() + 4);
+ if (!hBuf)
+ {
+ iDriver->SetError(KErrNoMemory);
+ return; // Out of memory so do not draw anything
+ }
+ lineScanPosMask.iScanLineBuffer = hBuf;
+ }
+ TAny* interface = NULL;
+ if ( (srcFormat == EColor16MU || srcFormat == EColor64K ) &&
+ maskFormat == EGray2 &&
+ aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth <= aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth &&
+ aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight <= aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight &&
+ iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlitInterfaceID, interface) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ // Parameters allow optimised code path
+ TInt length = width;
+ TUint32* srcPtr=NULL;
+ TUint32* maskPtr=NULL;
+ MFastBlit* fastBlit = reinterpret_cast<MFastBlit*>(interface);
+ while (srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLinePtr(srcPtr, length, srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPos);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLinePtr(maskPtr, length, srcePoint, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ fastBlit->WriteMaskLineEx(aDest.iX,destY,length,srcePoint.iX,srcPtr,srcFormat,srcePoint.iX,maskPtr,aInvertMask);
+ destY++;
+ ++srcePoint.iY;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const TDisplayMode dispMode = ScanLineBufferDisplayMode(iDrawDevice);
+ const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = aInvertMask ? CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND : CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeANDNOT;
+ TUint32* scanLineBuffer = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
+ const TInt scanLineBytes = iDrawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
+ TPtr8 scanLineDes((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer,scanLineBytes,scanLineBytes);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos2(aSourceBase);
+ const TPoint KZeroPoint(0,0);
+ //scanline modifications required if using different modes, bits per pixel less than 8
+ if ( (dispMode == aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode()) &&
+ (TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel(dispMode)>=8))
+ {
+ TUint offset = MemoryOffsetForPixelPitch(srcePoint.iX, dispMode);
+ TUint32* slptr=NULL;
+ //mask scanline modifications required for EInvertPen, different screen modes
+ if ((drawMode != CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeANDNOT) && (dispMode == aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode()))
+ {
+ TUint32* scanLineBufferMask = NULL;
+ //stride jumping not possible with compressed bitmaps
+ if (aSourceBitmap->IsCompressed() || aMaskBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ for (; srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY; destY++,srcePoint.iY++)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer, CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ scanLineBufferMask = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aMaskBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask, offset);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferMask,drawMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer, CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint strideSrc = aSourceBitmap->DataStride();
+ TUint strideMask = aMaskBitmap->DataStride();
+ TUint32* lastScanLineSrc = aSourceBitmap->ScanLineAddress(aSourceBase,aSourceRect.iBr.iY-1);
+ TUint32* lastScanLineMask = aMaskBitmap->ScanLineAddress(aMaskBase,aSourceRect.iBr.iY-1);
+ while (srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBuffer = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ scanLineBufferMask = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aMaskBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask, offset);
+ do
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferMask,drawMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ destY++;
+ srcePoint.iY++;
+ }
+ while ((srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY) &&
+ (scanLineBuffer < lastScanLineSrc) &&
+ (scanLineBufferMask < lastScanLineMask) &&
+ ((scanLineBuffer = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBuffer + strideSrc))>(TUint32*)0) &&
+ ((scanLineBufferMask = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBufferMask + strideMask))>(TUint32*)0) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint32* scanLineBufferPtr = NULL;
+ //stride jumping not possible with compressed bitmaps
+ if (aSourceBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ for (; srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY; destY++,srcePoint.iY++)
+ {
+ scanLineBufferPtr = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferPtr,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(scanLineDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse , KZeroPoint, dispMode, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ TileScanLine(scanLineDes, width, srcePoint, aMaskBitmap, lineScanPosMask, aMaskBase, dispMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,drawMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferPtr,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint stride = aSourceBitmap->DataStride();
+ TUint32* lastScanLine = aSourceBitmap->ScanLineAddress(aSourceBase,aSourceRect.iBr.iY-1);
+ while (srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ scanLineBufferPtr = GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width, srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPos, offset);
+ do
+ {
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferPtr,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(scanLineDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse, KZeroPoint, dispMode,aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ TileScanLine(scanLineDes, width, srcePoint, aMaskBitmap, lineScanPosMask, aMaskBase, dispMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,drawMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBufferPtr,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ destY++;
+ srcePoint.iY++;
+ }
+ while ((srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY) && (scanLineBufferPtr < lastScanLine) &&
+ ((scanLineBufferPtr = (TUint32*)((TUint8*)scanLineBufferPtr + stride))>(TUint32*)0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (; srcePoint.iY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY; destY++,srcePoint.iY++)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLine(scanLineDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse, KZeroPoint,
+ dispMode,aSourceBase,lineScanPos);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(scanLineDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse , KZeroPoint, dispMode,
+ aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ TileScanLine(scanLineDes, width, srcePoint, aMaskBitmap, lineScanPosMask, aMaskBase, dispMode);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,drawMode);
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLine(scanLineDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse , KZeroPoint ,dispMode,
+ aSourceBase,lineScanPos2);
+ iDrawDevice->WriteLine(aDest.iX,destY,width,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@see DoBitBltMasked()
+ */
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoBitBltAlpha(const TPoint& aDest ,CBitwiseBitmap* aSourceBitmap,
+ TUint32* aSourceBase, const TRect& aSourceRect,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aMaskBitmap, TUint32* aMaskBase,
+ const TPoint& aAlphaPoint, TBool aInvertMask)
+ {
+ MFastBlend* fastBlend=NULL;
+ if (FastBlendInterface(aSourceBitmap,aMaskBitmap,fastBlend)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (fastBlend->FastBlendBitmapMasked(aDest, aSourceBase, aSourceBitmap->DataStride(), aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aSourceRect, aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode(),
+ aMaskBase, aMaskBitmap->DataStride(), aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode(), aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aAlphaPoint, aInvertMask,
+ GcDrawMode(iDrawMode), CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ const TPoint KZeroPoint(0,0);
+ const TInt KScanLineLength = 256;
+ const TInt KRgbSize = 4;
+ TUint8 srceRgbBuffer[KScanLineLength * KRgbSize];
+ TUint8 maskBuffer[KScanLineLength];
+ TUint8* srceRgbBufferPtr(srceRgbBuffer);
+ TPtr8 srceRgbDes(srceRgbBuffer, KScanLineLength * KRgbSize, KScanLineLength * KRgbSize);
+ TPtr8 maskDes(maskBuffer, KScanLineLength, KScanLineLength);
+ TInt srceY = aSourceRect.iTl.iY;
+ TInt destY = aDest.iY;
+ TInt alphaY = aAlphaPoint.iY;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPosSrc(aSourceBase);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPosMask(aMaskBase);
+ TDisplayMode sourceMode = aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode();
+ if (aMaskBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ HBufC8* hBuf= CFbsBitmap::GetDecompressionBuffer(aMaskBitmap->DataStride());
+ if (hBuf == NULL)
+ {
+ iDriver->SetError(KErrNoMemory); // Out of memory so do not draw anything
+ return;
+ }
+ lineScanPosMask.iScanLineBuffer = hBuf;
+ }
+ TAny* interface = NULL;
+ if ( (sourceMode == EColor16MU || sourceMode == EColor64K) &&
+ aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode() == EGray256 && // ensure a monochrome mask isn't passed in as an alpha channel
+ aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth <= aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth &&
+ aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight <= aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight &&
+ iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlitInterfaceID, interface) == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt length = aSourceRect.Width();
+ const TInt srceX = aSourceRect.iTl.iX;
+ const TInt alphaX = aAlphaPoint.iX;
+ const TInt destX = aDest.iX;
+ MFastBlit* fastBlit = reinterpret_cast<MFastBlit*>(interface);
+ while (srceY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ TUint32* srcPtr;
+ TUint32* maskPtr;
+ TPoint srcPoint(srceX, srceY);
+ TPoint maskPoint(alphaX, alphaY);
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLinePtr(srcPtr, length, srcPoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPosSrc);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLinePtr(maskPtr, length, maskPoint, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ fastBlit->WriteAlphaLineEx(destX, destY, length, srceX, srcPtr,
+ sourceMode, alphaX, maskPtr, MAlphaBlend::EShdwBefore);
+ srceY++;
+ destY++;
+ alphaY++;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const TBool useScanLinePtr = ( (EColor16MA == aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode()));
+ TUint32* slptr = NULL;
+ TUint offset = 0;
+ while (srceY < aSourceRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ TInt srceX = aSourceRect.iTl.iX;
+ TInt destX = aDest.iX;
+ TInt alphaX = aAlphaPoint.iX;
+ while (srceX < aSourceRect.iBr.iX)
+ {
+ TPoint srcePoint(srceX,srceY);
+ TPoint alphaPoint(alphaX,alphaY);
+ const TInt width = Min(KScanLineLength, aSourceRect.iBr.iX - srceX);
+ if (useScanLinePtr)
+ {
+ offset = MemoryOffsetForPixelPitch(srceX, EColor16MU);
+ srceRgbBufferPtr = (TUint8*)GetScanLineOffsetPtr(aSourceBitmap, slptr, width,
+ srcePoint, aSourceBase, lineScanPosSrc, offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->GetScanLine(srceRgbDes,srcePoint,width,EFalse,KZeroPoint,
+ ERgb,aSourceBase,lineScanPosSrc);
+ }
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(maskDes, alphaPoint, width, EFalse, KZeroPoint,
+ EGray256, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ TileScanLine(maskDes, width, alphaPoint, aMaskBitmap, lineScanPosMask, aMaskBase, EGray256);
+ // aInvertMask is not used for alpha channels (EGray256 mask)
+ if (aInvertMask && aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode() != EGray256)
+ {
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < width; ++i)
+ {
+ maskBuffer[i] = ~maskBuffer[i];
+ }
+ }
+ iDrawDevice->WriteRgbAlphaLine(destX, destY, width, srceRgbBufferPtr, maskBuffer, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));
+ srceX += KScanLineLength;
+ destX += KScanLineLength;
+ alphaX += KScanLineLength;
+ }
+ srceY++;
+ destY++;
+ alphaY++;
+ }
+ }
+Tiles the scan line if its length in pixels is less than aLengthInPixels.
+@param aScanLine A pointer to the scan line buffer.
+@param aLengthInPixels The scan line size in pixels.
+@param aSrcPt Position of the first pixel in aMaskBitmap that should be used as a source
+ for the pixels in scan line buffer.
+@param aMaskBitmap Any additional pixels for the scan line buffer will be taken from here.
+@param aScanLinePos This argument is used for some internal optimisations. It should not be
+ modified by the caller.
+@param aMaskBase The base address of aMaskBitmap data.
+@param aDisplayMode Any additional pixels should be taken from aMaskBitmap using aDisplayMode
+ as an argument for GetScanLine() call.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1021, if the memory required for the scanline is greater than the size of aScanLine (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::TileScanLine(TPtr8& aScanLine,
+ TInt aLengthInPixels,
+ const TPoint& aSrcPt,
+ const CBitwiseBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+ TLineScanningPosition& aScanLinePos,
+ TUint32* aMaskBase,
+ TDisplayMode aDisplayMode
+ )
+ {
+ TInt lengthInBytes = CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(aLengthInPixels, aDisplayMode);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(lengthInBytes <= aScanLine.MaxLength(), EDirectGdiPanicInvalidArg);
+ TInt scanLineLength = aScanLine.Length();
+ if(scanLineLength < lengthInBytes && aSrcPt.iX > 0)
+ {
+ //If, for example, src bmp is 100 pixels width, mask bmp is 20 pixels width and src
+ //rect is (10, 0, 100, 1) -> We will read only pixels 10..19 from the first scan line
+ //of the mask bmp. We have to have 90 mask bmp pixels.
+ //So we have to make a second mask bmp read startig from pixel 0 - 10 pixels length.
+ TInt maxLen = Min(aScanLine.MaxLength() - scanLineLength, aSrcPt.iX);
+ TPtr8 maskDes2(const_cast <TUint8*> (aScanLine.Ptr()) + scanLineLength, maxLen, maxLen);
+ TPoint srcPt(0, aSrcPt.iY);
+ TPoint zeroPt(0, 0);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(maskDes2, srcPt, maxLen, EFalse, zeroPt, aDisplayMode, aMaskBase, aScanLinePos);
+ aScanLine.SetLength(scanLineLength + maskDes2.Length());
+ scanLineLength = aScanLine.Length();
+ }
+ if(scanLineLength >= lengthInBytes || scanLineLength == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //If we still don't have enough mask bmp pixels - we have to tile the scan line
+ TInt repeatCnt = lengthInBytes / scanLineLength - 1;
+ TInt bytesLeft = lengthInBytes % scanLineLength;
+ const TUint8* src = aScanLine.Ptr();
+ TUint8* dest = const_cast <TUint8*> (src) + scanLineLength;
+ for(;repeatCnt>0;dest+=scanLineLength,repeatCnt--)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(dest, src, scanLineLength);
+ }
+ if(bytesLeft)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(dest, src, bytesLeft);
+ }
+ aScanLine.SetLength(lengthInBytes);
+ }
+Draws a masked rectangular section of the source bitmap and does a compress/stretch to
+fit a given destination rectangle. It uses DoBitBltMasked() if no stretching is involved.
+@see DrawBitmapMasked()
+@param aDestRect The target position on the device containing the top left corner of the source bitmap.
+@param aSourceBitmap The bitmap object that contains the pixels to draw.
+@param aSourceBase The address of the source bitmap pixels.
+@param aSourceRect The area of the bitmap to draw from.
+@param aMaskBitmap The bitmap object that contains the mask.
+@param aMaskBase The address of the mask pixels.
+@param aInvertMask Inverts the mask if ETrue.
+@param aClipRect A clipping rectangle.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1013, if the clipping rectangle is fully outside of the device bounds (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoDrawBitmapMasked(const TRect& aDestRect,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aSourceBitmap,
+ TUint32* aSourceBase,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect,
+ CBitwiseBitmap* aMaskBitmap,
+ TUint32* aMaskBase,
+ TBool aInvertMask,
+ const TRect& aClipRect)
+ {
+ CFbsDrawDevice* drawDevice = iDrawDevice;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ TRect deviceDestRect;
+ drawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceDestRect);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aClipRect.iTl.iX >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aClipRect.iTl.iY >= deviceDestRect.iTl.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aClipRect.iBr.iX <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(aClipRect.iBr.iY <= deviceDestRect.iBr.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+ // The clipped version of the destination rectangle
+ TRect clippedDestRect(aDestRect);
+ clippedDestRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+ // If the source rectangle and the destination rectangle are same,
+ // no stretch/compress operation required, just do BitBltMasked
+ if (aDestRect.Size() == aSourceRect.Size())
+ {
+ if (!clippedDestRect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ const TPoint destPoint(clippedDestRect.iTl);
+ clippedDestRect.Move(aSourceRect.iTl - aDestRect.iTl);
+ DoBitBltMasked(destPoint,
+ aSourceBitmap,
+ aSourceBase,
+ clippedDestRect,
+ aMaskBitmap,
+ aMaskBase,
+ aInvertMask);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ MFastBlend* fastBlend=NULL;
+ if (FastBlendInterface(aSourceBitmap,aMaskBitmap,fastBlend)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (fastBlend->FastBlendBitmapMaskedScaled(aClipRect, aDestRect, aSourceRect, aSourceBase, aSourceBitmap->DataStride(),
+ aSourceBitmap->DisplayMode(),aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels(),
+ aMaskBase, aMaskBitmap->DataStride(), aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode(), aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aInvertMask,
+ GcDrawMode(iDrawMode), CFbsDrawDevice::ENoShadow)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TUint32* scanLineBuffer = drawDevice->ScanLineBuffer();
+ const TInt scanLineBytes = drawDevice->ScanLineBytes();
+ TPtr8 scanLineDes(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(scanLineBuffer),scanLineBytes,scanLineBytes);
+ const TInt KScanLineLength = 256;
+ const TInt KRgbSize = 4;
+ TUint8 maskBuffer[KScanLineLength];
+ TUint8 sourceBuffer[KScanLineLength*KRgbSize];
+ TPtr8 sourceDes(sourceBuffer,KScanLineLength*KRgbSize,KScanLineLength*KRgbSize);
+ const TDisplayMode dispMode = ScanLineBufferDisplayMode(drawDevice);
+ CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = aInvertMask ? CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND : CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeANDNOT;
+ // If the source bitmap and the mask bitmap are same, draw the source bitmap either
+ // with EDrawModeAND or EDrawModeOR based on aInvertMask parameter.
+ if (aSourceBitmap == aMaskBitmap)
+ {
+ drawMode = aInvertMask ? CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeAND : CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeOR;
+ }
+ TLinearDDA xLine;
+ TInt bitmapXStart = 0;
+ xLine.Construct(TPoint(aSourceRect.iTl.iX,aDestRect.iTl.iX),
+ TPoint(aSourceRect.iBr.iX,aDestRect.iBr.iX),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+ xLine.JumpToYCoord2(bitmapXStart,clippedDestRect.iTl.iX);
+ TLinearDDA yLine;
+ TPoint yCoord(aSourceRect.iTl.iY,aDestRect.iTl.iY);
+ yLine.Construct(yCoord,TPoint(aSourceRect.iBr.iY,aDestRect.iBr.iY),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+ TInt dummy;
+ yLine.JumpToYCoord2(dummy,clippedDestRect.iTl.iY);
+ yCoord.SetXY(dummy,clippedDestRect.iTl.iY);
+ const TInt srceWidth = aSourceRect.Width();
+ const TInt destWidth = aDestRect.Width();
+ const TInt clipWidth = clippedDestRect.Width();
+ const TInt clipStrch = clippedDestRect.iTl.iX - aDestRect.iTl.iX;
+ const TInt sourceBmpWidth = aSourceBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
+ const TInt maskWidth = aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
+ const TInt maskHeight = aMaskBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos(aSourceBase);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPos2(aSourceBase);
+ TLineScanningPosition lineScanPosMask(aMaskBase);
+ HBufC8* alphaBuffer = NULL;
+ TPtr8 alphaBufferDes(NULL, 0);
+ const TDisplayMode maskDisplayMode = aMaskBitmap->DisplayMode();
+ // Mask inversion is not supported if the original source mask format is EGray256.
+ // Note that this is only used for pre-multiplied alpha targets.
+ TUint8 maskInverter = (aInvertMask && maskDisplayMode != EGray256) ? 0xFF : 0x00;
+ if (aSourceBitmap != aMaskBitmap)
+ {
+ // Get buffer to be used to convert non-EGray256 masks to EGray256 when display mode is EColor16MAP
+ // or to tile the mask when the mask width is smaller than the source bitmap width.
+ if (maskDisplayMode != EGray256 && (dispMode == EColor16MAP || maskWidth < sourceBmpWidth))
+ {
+ alphaBuffer = CFbsBitmap::GetExtraBuffer(CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(maskWidth, EGray256));
+ if (!alphaBuffer)
+ {
+ return; // Out of memory so do not draw anything
+ }
+ alphaBufferDes.Set(alphaBuffer->Des());
+ }
+ // Get buffer to be used for decompressing compressed masks when mask is EGray256
+ if (maskDisplayMode == EGray256 && aMaskBitmap->IsCompressed())
+ {
+ HBufC8* hBuf= CFbsBitmap::GetDecompressionBuffer(aMaskBitmap->DataStride());
+ if (!hBuf)
+ {
+ return; // Out of memory so do not draw anything
+ }
+ lineScanPosMask.iScanLineBuffer = hBuf;
+ }
+ }
+ const TPoint KZeroPoint(0,0);
+ while (yCoord.iY < clippedDestRect.iBr.iY)
+ {
+ // Draw only the source bitmap, if the source bitmap and the mask bitmap are same.
+ // else draw both the bitmaps
+ if (aSourceBitmap == aMaskBitmap)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->StretchScanLine(scanLineDes,TPoint(bitmapXStart,yCoord.iX),
+ clipStrch,clipWidth,destWidth,aSourceRect.iTl.iX,
+ srceWidth, KZeroPoint,dispMode,aSourceBase,lineScanPos);
+ if (yCoord.iY==clippedDestRect.iTl.iY)
+ aSourceBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos,aSourceBase,NULL);
+ drawDevice->WriteLine(clippedDestRect.iTl.iX,yCoord.iY,clipWidth,scanLineBuffer,drawMode);
+ }
+ else if ((maskDisplayMode == EGray256) || (dispMode == EColor16MAP))
+ {
+ // Stretch the source bitmap and the mask bitmap for KScanLineLength as stretch length
+ // then do alpha blending for this length. If the length is more then KScanLineLength
+ // repeat it till you stretch complete destination length.
+ const TPoint startPt(bitmapXStart,yCoord.iX);
+ TInt clipWidthPart = clippedDestRect.Width();
+ TBool loopLast = ETrue;
+ if(clipWidthPart > KScanLineLength)
+ {
+ clipWidthPart = KScanLineLength;
+ loopLast = EFalse;
+ }
+ TInt clipIncStrch = clippedDestRect.iTl.iX - aDestRect.iTl.iX;
+ TInt startClip=clippedDestRect.iTl.iX;
+ TPoint sourceDestXCoords(bitmapXStart,clippedDestRect.iTl.iX);
+ xLine.Construct(TPoint(aSourceRect.iTl.iX,aDestRect.iTl.iX),
+ TPoint(aSourceRect.iBr.iX,aDestRect.iBr.iX),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+ xLine.JumpToYCoord2(sourceDestXCoords.iX,sourceDestXCoords.iY);
+ TPoint srcPixel(bitmapXStart % maskWidth,yCoord.iX % maskHeight);
+ TInt spaceLeft = 0;
+ TRgb maskRgbValue;
+ TUint32* maskScanLinePtr32 = NULL;
+ TPoint currentYValue(0,srcPixel.iY);
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLinePtr(maskScanLinePtr32, currentYValue, maskWidth, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ // To implement non EGray256 mask support with EColor16MAP display mode, we convert
+ // the mask to EGray256.
+ if (maskDisplayMode != EGray256) // Convert scan-line to EGray256 and set maskScanLinePtr32 to the conversion.
+ {
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(maskScanLinePtr32, alphaBufferDes, currentYValue, maskWidth, EFalse, TPoint(0, 0), EGray256);
+ maskScanLinePtr32 = (TUint32*)alphaBuffer->Ptr();
+ }
+ TUint8* maskScanLinePtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(maskScanLinePtr32);
+ // Outer loop over all KScanLineLengths
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->StretchScanLine(sourceDes,startPt,clipIncStrch,clipWidthPart,destWidth,
+ aSourceRect.iTl.iX,srceWidth, KZeroPoint ,EColor16MU,aSourceBase,lineScanPos);
+ // Inner loop to tile the mask if necessary
+ spaceLeft = clipWidthPart;
+ do {
+ srcPixel.iX = sourceDestXCoords.iX % maskWidth;
+ // Invert the mask using the inversion mask.
+ maskBuffer[(sourceDestXCoords.iY-clippedDestRect.iTl.iX)%KScanLineLength]=
+ maskInverter^maskScanLinePtr[srcPixel.iX];
+ xLine.NextStep(sourceDestXCoords);
+ } while (--spaceLeft>0);
+ if (yCoord.iY == clippedDestRect.iTl.iY && startClip == clippedDestRect.iTl.iX)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos,aSourceBase,NULL);
+ aMaskBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPosMask,aMaskBase,NULL);
+ }
+ drawDevice->WriteRgbAlphaLine(startClip,yCoord.iY,clipWidthPart,sourceBuffer,maskBuffer, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));
+ if (loopLast)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ startClip+=KScanLineLength;
+ if (clippedDestRect.iBr.iX - startClip <= KScanLineLength)
+ {
+ loopLast = ETrue;
+ clipWidthPart = clippedDestRect.iBr.iX - startClip;
+ }
+ clipIncStrch += KScanLineLength;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->StretchScanLine(scanLineDes,TPoint(bitmapXStart,yCoord.iX),
+ clipStrch,clipWidth,destWidth,aSourceRect.iTl.iX,
+ srceWidth, KZeroPoint ,dispMode,aSourceBase,lineScanPos2);
+ drawDevice->WriteLine(clippedDestRect.iTl.iX,yCoord.iY,clipWidth,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ TInt maskXStart = bitmapXStart % maskWidth;
+ if(maskWidth < sourceBmpWidth)
+ {
+ TPoint sourceDestXCoords(bitmapXStart,clippedDestRect.iTl.iX);
+ xLine.Construct(TPoint(aSourceRect.iTl.iX,aDestRect.iTl.iX),
+ TPoint(aSourceRect.iBr.iX,aDestRect.iBr.iX),TLinearDDA::ELeft);
+ xLine.JumpToYCoord2(sourceDestXCoords.iX,sourceDestXCoords.iY);
+ TPoint srcPixel(maskXStart,yCoord.iX % maskHeight);
+ TInt spaceLeft = clipWidth;
+ TPoint prevSourceDestXCoords(-1,-1);
+ TRgb maskRgbValue;
+ aMaskBitmap->GetScanLine(alphaBufferDes, TPoint(0,srcPixel.iY), maskWidth, EFalse, TPoint(0, 0), EGray256, aMaskBase, lineScanPosMask);
+ // Loop to tile the mask
+ do {
+ if (sourceDestXCoords.iY != prevSourceDestXCoords.iY)
+ {
+ if (sourceDestXCoords.iX != prevSourceDestXCoords.iX)
+ {
+ srcPixel.iX = sourceDestXCoords.iX % maskWidth;
+ if (srcPixel.iX < 0)
+ srcPixel.iX += maskWidth;
+ maskRgbValue = TRgb::Gray256((*alphaBuffer)[srcPixel.iX]);
+ }
+ drawDevice->WriteRgb(sourceDestXCoords.iY,yCoord.iY,maskRgbValue,drawMode);
+ spaceLeft--;
+ }
+ prevSourceDestXCoords = sourceDestXCoords;
+ xLine.SingleStep(sourceDestXCoords);
+ } while (spaceLeft > 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No need to tile the mask
+ aMaskBitmap->StretchScanLine(scanLineDes,TPoint(maskXStart,yCoord.iX % maskHeight),
+ clipStrch,clipWidth,destWidth,aSourceRect.iTl.iX,
+ srceWidth, KZeroPoint ,dispMode,aMaskBase,lineScanPosMask);
+ drawDevice->WriteLine(clippedDestRect.iTl.iX,yCoord.iY,clipWidth,scanLineBuffer,drawMode);
+ // Redo stretching of the aSourceBitmap scanline
+ aSourceBitmap->StretchScanLine(scanLineDes,TPoint(bitmapXStart,yCoord.iX),
+ clipStrch,clipWidth,destWidth,aSourceRect.iTl.iX,
+ srceWidth, KZeroPoint ,dispMode,aSourceBase,lineScanPos2);
+ }
+ if (yCoord.iY==clippedDestRect.iTl.iY)
+ {
+ aSourceBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPos2,aSourceBase,NULL);
+ aMaskBitmap->SetCompressionBookmark(lineScanPosMask,aMaskBase,NULL);
+ }
+ drawDevice->WriteLine(clippedDestRect.iTl.iX,yCoord.iY,clipWidth,scanLineBuffer,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+ }
+ yLine.NextStep(yCoord);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CSwDirectGdiEngine::FastBlendInterface(const CBitwiseBitmap* aSource, const CBitwiseBitmap* aMask, MFastBlend*& aFastBlend) const
+ {
+ #if defined(__ALLOW_FAST_BLEND_DISABLE__)
+ if (iFastBlendDisabled)
+ return(KErrNotSupported);
+ #endif
+ if ((aSource && aSource->IsCompressed()) || (aMask && aMask->IsCompressed()))
+ return(KErrNotSupported);
+ TAny* interface=NULL;
+ TInt ret= iDrawDevice->GetInterface(KFastBlendInterfaceID, interface);
+ aFastBlend=(MFastBlend*)interface;
+ return(ret);
+ }
+Returns the pixel-format to be used when extracting a scan-line through CBitwiseBitmap::GetScanLine(), CBitwiseBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine(), and CBitwiseBitmap::StretchScanLine() for consumption by CFbsDrawDevice::WriteLine() and associated methods.
+@see CBitwiseBitmap::GetScanLine()
+@see CBitwiseBitmap::GetVerticalScanLine()
+@see CBitwiseBitmap::StretchScanLine()
+@see CFbsDrawDevice::WriteLine()
+TDisplayMode CSwDirectGdiEngine::ScanLineBufferDisplayMode(CFbsDrawDevice* aDrawDevice)
+ {
+ return iDrawMode == DirectGdi::EDrawModeWriteAlpha ? aDrawDevice->DisplayMode() : aDrawDevice->ScanLineDisplayMode();
+ }