changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/directgdiadaptation/swsrc/swdirectgdigraphics.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "directgdiadapter.h"
+#include "swdirectgdiengine.h"
+#include "swdirectgdiellipse.h"
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::Clear(const TRect&)
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Clear(const TRect& aRect)
+	{
+	TRect rcpy(aRect);
+	rcpy.Move(iOrigin);	
+	DirectGdi::TBrushStyle tempbrushstyle = iBrushStyle;
+	iBrushStyle = DirectGdi::ESolidBrush;
+	RectFill(rcpy);	
+	iBrushStyle = tempbrushstyle;
+	}
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::Clear()
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Clear()
+	{
+	TRect deviceRect;
+	iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+	if ((iOrigin.iX!=0) || (iOrigin.iY!=0))
+		{
+		deviceRect.Move(-iOrigin);
+		}
+	Clear(deviceRect);
+	}
+@see MDirectGdiEngine::Plot()
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::Plot(const TPoint& aPoint)
+	{
+	TRect targetRect(aPoint + iOrigin, TSize(1,1));
+	targetRect.Grow((iPenSize.iWidth >> 1) + 1,(iPenSize.iHeight >> 1) + 1);
+	DoPlot(aPoint);	
+	}
+Draws a single point.
+@see Plot()
+@param aPoint The location to plot at.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1013, if the point being plotted is out of bounds of the target (debug only).
+ */
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::DoPlot(const TPoint& aPoint)
+	{
+	const TSize oneByOne(1,1);
+	const TPoint point(aPoint + iOrigin);
+	TRect temp(point,oneByOne);
+	if (iPenSize.iWidth > 1 || iPenSize.iHeight > 1)
+		{
+		temp.Grow(iPenSize.iWidth >> 1, iPenSize.iHeight >> 1);
+		}
+	const DirectGdi::TPenStyle oldPenStyle = iPenStyle;	
+	iPenStyle = DirectGdi::ESolidPen;
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TRect deviceRect;
+	iDrawDevice->GetDrawRect(deviceRect);
+	TRect clipRect;
+	const TInt limit = iDefaultRegionPtr->Count();
+	for (TInt count = 0; count < limit; count++)
+		{
+		clipRect = (*iDefaultRegionPtr)[count];
+		if (!clipRect.Intersects(temp))
+			{
+			continue;
+			}
+		clipRect.Intersection(temp);	
+		if (iPenSize == oneByOne)
+			{
+			if (clipRect.Contains(point))
+				{
+				GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(point.iX >= deviceRect.iTl.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+				GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(point.iY >= deviceRect.iTl.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+				GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(point.iX <= deviceRect.iBr.iX, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+				GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(point.iY <= deviceRect.iBr.iY, EDirectGdiPanicOutOfBounds);
+				iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(point.iX,point.iY,iPenColor, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			PenDrawClipped(point, clipRect);
+			}
+		iDrawDevice->UpdateRegion(clipRect);
+		}
+	iPenStyle = oldPenStyle;
+	}
+Clips the horizontal drawing of a line between two points.
+The vertical location must be inside the clip rect.
+@param aLeft The left hand side coordinate.
+@param aRight The right hand side coordinate.
+@param aClipRect The rectangle to which the line is clipped.
+ */
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::ClipFillLine(TPoint aLeft,TPoint aRight, TRect aClipRect)
+	{
+	if (aLeft.iY < aClipRect.iTl.iY || aLeft.iY >= aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+		return;
+	aLeft.iX = Max(aLeft.iX,aClipRect.iTl.iX);
+	aRight.iX = Min(aRight.iX,aClipRect.iBr.iX-1);
+	if (aLeft.iX > aRight.iX)
+		{
+		return;
+		}
+	TInt xcoord = aLeft.iX;
+	TInt length = aRight.iX - aLeft.iX + 1;
+	TPoint origin(iOrigin + iBrushOrigin);
+	const CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode = GcDrawMode(iDrawMode);
+	switch(iBrushStyle)
+		{
+	case DirectGdi::ESolidBrush:
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::EPatternedBrush:
+		{
+		iBrushBitmap.BeginDataAccess();
+		CBitwiseBitmap* brushBitmap = iBrushBitmap.Address();
+		if (brushBitmap)
+			{
+			TRect sourcerect(aLeft,TSize(length,1));
+			sourcerect.Move(-origin);
+			DoBitBlt(aLeft,brushBitmap,iBrushBitmap.DataAddress(),iBrushBitmap.DataStride(),sourcerect);
+			}
+		iBrushBitmap.EndDataAccess(ETrue);
+		return;
+		}
+	case DirectGdi::EHorizontalHatchBrush:
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		if (Abs((aLeft.iY - origin.iY) % 3) == 2)
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::EVerticalHatchBrush:
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		while (Abs((xcoord - origin.iX) % 3) != 2)
+			xcoord++;
+		for (; xcoord < aLeft.iX + length; xcoord += 3)
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(xcoord,aLeft.iY,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::ESquareCrossHatchBrush:
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		if (Abs((aLeft.iY - origin.iY) % 3) == 2)
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		else
+			{
+			while (Abs((xcoord - origin.iX) % 3) != 2)
+				xcoord++;
+			for (; xcoord < aLeft.iX + length; xcoord += 3)
+				iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(xcoord,aLeft.iY,iPenColor,drawMode);
+			}
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::EForwardDiagonalHatchBrush:
+		{
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		TInt diff = (origin.iX + origin.iY - aLeft.iX - aLeft.iY) % 3;
+		if (diff < 0)
+			diff += 3;
+		xcoord += diff;
+		for (; xcoord < aLeft.iX + length; xcoord += 3)
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(xcoord,aLeft.iY,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		}
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::ERearwardDiagonalHatchBrush:
+		{
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		TInt diff = (origin.iX - origin.iY - aLeft.iX + aLeft.iY) % 3;
+		if (diff < 0)
+			diff += 3;
+		xcoord += diff;
+		for (; xcoord < aLeft.iX + length; xcoord += 3)
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(xcoord,aLeft.iY,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		}
+		return;
+	case DirectGdi::EDiamondCrossHatchBrush:
+		{
+		iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(aLeft.iX,aLeft.iY,length,1,iBrushColor,drawMode);
+		TInt sum = aLeft.iX + aLeft.iY - origin.iX - origin.iY;
+		for (; xcoord < aLeft.iX + length; xcoord++,sum++)
+			if ((sum & 1) == 0 && ((sum & 3) != 0 || ((xcoord-origin.iX) & 1) == 1))
+				iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(xcoord,aLeft.iY,iPenColor,drawMode);
+		}
+		return;
+	default:
+		return;
+		}
+	}
+Creates the pen using the current pen size.
+@return KErrNoMermory if memory could not be allocated, KErrNone otherwise.
+TInt CSwDirectGdiEngine::PenAllocate()
+	{		
+	ResetPenArray();
+	if (iPenSize.iWidth == 1 && iPenSize.iHeight == 1)
+		{
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	const TInt doublePenHeight = iPenSize.iHeight << 1;
+	TInt* penArray = new TInt[doublePenHeight];
+	if (penArray == NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	SetPenArray(penArray);
+	if (iPenSize.iWidth == 1 || iPenSize.iWidth == 2 || iPenSize.iHeight == 1 || iPenSize.iHeight == 2)
+		{				
+		for (TInt count = 0; count < iPenSize.iHeight; count += 2)
+			{
+			iPenArray[doublePenHeight - count - 2] = 0;
+			iPenArray[doublePenHeight - count - 1] = iPenSize.iWidth - 1;
+			iPenArray[count] = 0;
+			iPenArray[count + 1] = iPenSize.iWidth - 1;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TPoint tl,tr,bl,br;
+		TSwDirectGdiEllipse ellipse;
+		ellipse.Construct(TRect(iPenSize));		
+		for (TInt count = 0; count < iPenSize.iHeight; count += 2)
+			{
+			//coverity[check_return]
+			//coverity[unchecked_value]
+			ellipse.NextStep(tl,tr,bl,br);
+			iPenArray[doublePenHeight - count - 2] = bl.iX;
+			iPenArray[doublePenHeight - count - 1] = br.iX;
+			iPenArray[count] = tl.iX;
+			iPenArray[count + 1] = tr.iX;
+			}
+		}	
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Draws at a given point using the current settings, if within clipping rectangle.
+@pre The pen size is greater than one.
+@param aPoint The location to draw at.
+@param aClipRect The clipping rectangle.
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1016, if the current pen size is zero (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::PenDrawClipped(TPoint aPoint, const TRect& aClipRect)
+	{	
+	GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPenSize.iWidth > 0,EDirectGdiPanicZeroLength);
+	GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPenSize.iHeight > 0,EDirectGdiPanicZeroLength);
+	aPoint.iX -= ((iPenSize.iWidth - 1) >> 1);
+	aPoint.iY -= ((iPenSize.iHeight - 1) >> 1);
+	if (iPenSize.iWidth == 1 && iPenSize.iHeight == 1)
+		{
+		if ( (iPenStyle == DirectGdi::ESolidPen || (iDotMask & (1 << (iDotParam % iDotLength)))) &&
+		      aClipRect.Contains(aPoint) )
+			{
+			iDrawDevice->WriteRgb(aPoint.iX, aPoint.iY, iPenColor, GcDrawMode(iDrawMode));		
+			}				
+		}
+	else if (iPenArray != NULL)
+		{
+		TInt yCoord = aPoint.iY;
+		const TInt maxdim = Max(iPenSize.iWidth,iPenSize.iHeight);
+		const TInt doublePenHeight = iPenSize.iHeight << 1;
+		if (iPenStyle == DirectGdi::ESolidPen || (iDotMask & (1 << ((iDotParam / maxdim) % iDotLength))))
+			{
+			for (TInt ix = 0; ix < doublePenHeight; yCoord++, ix += 2)
+				{
+				if (yCoord >= aClipRect.iTl.iY && yCoord < aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+					{
+					TInt left = aPoint.iX + iPenArray[ix];
+					TInt right = aPoint.iX + iPenArray[ix+1];
+					if (left < aClipRect.iTl.iX)
+						{
+						left = aClipRect.iTl.iX;
+						}
+					if (right >= aClipRect.iBr.iX)
+						{
+						right = aClipRect.iBr.iX - 1;
+						}
+					if (left <= right)
+						{
+						iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(left, yCoord, right - left + 1, 1, iPenColor, CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TPoint tl,tr,bl,br;
+		TSwDirectGdiEllipse ellipse;
+		ellipse.Construct(TRect(aPoint,iPenSize));
+		while (!ellipse.NextStep(tl,tr,bl,br))
+			{
+			if (tl.iY >= aClipRect.iTl.iY && tl.iY < aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+				{
+				if (tl.iX < aClipRect.iTl.iX)
+					{
+					tl.iX = aClipRect.iTl.iX;
+					}
+				if (tr.iX >= aClipRect.iBr.iX)
+					{
+					tr.iX = aClipRect.iBr.iX-1;
+					}
+				if (tl.iX <= tr.iX)
+					{
+					iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(tl.iX,tl.iY,tr.iX - tl.iX + 1,1,iPenColor,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+					}
+				}
+			if (bl.iY >= aClipRect.iTl.iY && bl.iY < aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+				{
+				if (bl.iX < aClipRect.iTl.iX)
+					{
+					bl.iX = aClipRect.iTl.iX;
+					}
+				if (br.iX >= aClipRect.iBr.iX)
+					{
+					br.iX = aClipRect.iBr.iX - 1;
+					}
+				if (bl.iX <= br.iX)
+					{
+					iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(bl.iX,bl.iY,br.iX - bl.iX + 1,1,iPenColor,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		if (tl.iY == bl.iY && tl.iY >= aClipRect.iTl.iY && tl.iY < aClipRect.iBr.iY)
+			{
+			if (tl.iX < aClipRect.iTl.iX)
+				{
+				tl.iX = aClipRect.iTl.iX;
+				}
+			if (tr.iX >= aClipRect.iBr.iX)
+				{
+				tr.iX = aClipRect.iBr.iX - 1;
+				}
+			if (tl.iX <= tr.iX)
+				{
+				iDrawDevice->WriteRgbMulti(tl.iX,tl.iY,tr.iX - tl.iX + 1,1, iPenColor, CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+@panic DGDIAdapter 1016, if the current pen size is zero (debug only).
+void CSwDirectGdiEngine::PenDrawDeferred(TPoint aPoint,TInt* aArray, TInt aFirstElement)
+	{
+	GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPenArray,EDirectGdiPanicZeroLength);
+	GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPenSize.iWidth > 0,EDirectGdiPanicZeroLength);
+	GRAPHICS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iPenSize.iHeight > 0,EDirectGdiPanicZeroLength);
+	aPoint.iX -= ((iPenSize.iWidth - 1) >> 1);
+	const TInt doublepenheight = iPenSize.iHeight << 1;
+	for (TInt ix = 0; ix < doublepenheight; ix++,aFirstElement++)
+		{
+		if (aFirstElement == doublepenheight)
+			{
+			aFirstElement = 0;
+			}
+		TInt newval = aPoint.iX + iPenArray[ix];
+		if (newval < aArray[aFirstElement])
+			{
+			aArray[aFirstElement] = newval;
+			}
+		ix++;
+		aFirstElement++;
+		newval = aPoint.iX + iPenArray[ix];
+		if (newval > aArray[aFirstElement])
+			{
+			aArray[aFirstElement] = newval;
+			}
+		}
+	}