--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/mglyph/mglyphtool.pl Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+## Used as global variables, probably need to change and pass variables through as parameters.
+my %globalValues=();
+##initialise filenames
+$globalValues{'inputFile'} = 'mglyphs.txt';
+$globalValues{'outputFileName'} = 'mglyphs.inl';
+$globalValues{'htmlFileName'} = 'mglyphs.html';
+$globalValues{'lgtablesize'} = 9; # Default tablesize value is 512
+$globalValues{'tablesize'} = 1 << $globalValues{'lgtablesize'};
+$globalValues{'storeashex'} = 0;
+$globalValues{'stepOffset'} = 72;
+$globalValues{'stepShift'} = 0;
+## die if the correct number of argumements have not been entered
+&extractFlags(\@ARGV, \%globalValues);
+if ($globalValues{"information"})
+ {
+ &dieShowingUsage();
+ }
+&printDebug("Creating HashTable....\n");
+my %hashTable = &createHashTable($globalValues{'inputFile'});
+if (!defined(%hashTable))
+ {
+ die("ERROR: Hash table was not created\n");
+ }
+if ($globalValues{"outputtohtml"})
+ {
+ my $htmlFileName = $globalValues{'htmlFileName'};
+ &printDebug("Creating HTML output to file: $htmlFileName\n");
+ &createHTMLOfMappings($htmlFileName, %hashTable);
+ }
+my $outputFileName = $globalValues{'outputFileName'};
+&printDebug("Writing Hash table to file: $outputFileName\n");
+&writeHashTableToFile($outputFileName, %hashTable);
+&printDebug("$outputFileName created.");
+##################### end of main section
+sub extractFlags
+ {
+ my $aArgumentArray=shift;
+ my $aArguments=shift;
+ my $expectedArg = 'lgtablesize';
+ my $expectedExtension;
+ foreach my $argument (@$aArgumentArray)
+ {
+ if ($argument =~ m!^[-/]([a-zA-Z].*)$!)
+ {
+ my $switch = $1;
+ $expectedArg = 'lgtablesize';
+ $expectedExtension = undef;
+ if ($switch=~/^(x|hexoutput)$/i)
+ {
+ $$aArguments{'storeashex'}=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(\?|help)$/i)
+ {
+ $$aArguments{'information'}=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(v|verbose)$/i)
+ {
+ $$aArguments{'verbose'}=1;
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(h|outputtohtml)$/i)
+ {
+ $$aArguments{'outputtohtml'}=1;
+ $expectedArg = 'htmlFileName';
+ $expectedExtension = '.html';
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(i|input)$/i)
+ {
+ $expectedArg = 'inputFile';
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(o|output)$/i)
+ {
+ $expectedArg = 'outputFileName';
+ $expectedExtension = '.inl';
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(offset)$/i)
+ {
+ $expectedArg = 'stepOffset';
+ }
+ elsif ($switch=~/^(shift)$/i)
+ {
+ $expectedArg = 'stepShift';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (defined $expectedExtension && $argument !~ m!\.[^/\\]*$!)
+ {
+ $argument .= $expectedExtension;
+ }
+ $$aArguments{$expectedArg} = $argument;
+ $expectedArg = 'lgtablesize';
+ }
+ }
+ $globalValues{'tablesize'} = 1 << $globalValues{'lgtablesize'};
+ $globalValues{'stepOffset'} &= 0xFFFFFE;
+ }
+sub dieShowingUsage
+ {
+ print <<USAGE_EOF;
+perl -w mglyphtool.pl [-?] [<lg-table-size>] [-x] [-i <input-file-name>]
+ [-o <output-file-name>] [-h [<output-html-file-name]]
+ [-offset <value-for-offset>] [-shift <value-for-shift>]
+<lg-table-size> the default log(base 2) table size is 9. This gives a table
+size of 512 entries (2 to the power 9). So 7 gives a size of 128, 8 gives
+256, 9 gives 512, 10 gives 1024 and so on.
+options: -x -o -i -h
+ -? Shows help
+ The -x flag stores values into the .inl file in hex format:
+ hex(OriginalKeyCodeMirrorGlyphCode),
+ By default the values are stored in string hex format i.e 0x220C2209
+ The -h flag generates a html file displaying hash table information.
+ This may be followed by the filename to be output.
+ Default is 'mglyphs.html'
+ The -i file specifies input file name. Default is 'mglyphs.txt'.
+ The -o file specifies output file name. Default is 'mglyphs.inl'.
+ -shift and -offset alter the "step" hash algorithm.
+ exit 0;
+ }
+# Writes a hash table to file.
+# Current format:
+# Hex mode: "hex number created"
+# Hex string mode: "Original keyMapped key"
+sub writeHashTableToFile
+ {
+ &printDebug("Writing to .inl file");
+ my ($aOutputFileName, %aHashTable) = @_;
+ open(OUTPUT_FILE, '> ' . $aOutputFileName) or die('Error: could not open $aOutputFileName to write to\n');
+ ## Print comments at top of .inl file
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "\/\/ mGlyphs.inl\n");
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "\/\/\n");
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "\/\/ Generated by mglyphtool.pl from '$globalValues{'inputFile'}'\n");
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "\/\/\n\n");
+ ## Declare array and fill in values
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "const unsigned long mGlyphArray[] = {\n\t");
+ for (my $counter = 0; $counter < $globalValues{'tablesize'}; $counter++)
+ {
+ my $storeValue = "00000000";
+ if (defined($aHashTable{$counter}))
+ {
+ $storeValue = $aHashTable{$counter};
+ }
+ $storeValue = ($globalValues{'storeashex'}) ? hex($storeValue) : "0x$storeValue";
+ print OUTPUT_FILE $storeValue;
+ if (($counter+1) < $globalValues{'tablesize'})
+ {
+ print OUTPUT_FILE (($counter + 1) % 8 == 0? ",\n\t" : ', ');
+ }
+ }
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "};\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "\nconst int KLgMirrorTableSize=$globalValues{'lgtablesize'};\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "const int KMirrorTableSize=$globalValues{'tablesize'};\n");
+ # Inline functions
+ # Get a Hash value from a given key
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "\n// Returns the first index to probe for character aKey.\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "inline long MirrorStart(long aKey)\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "\t{ return aKey \& (KMirrorTableSize-1); }\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "\n// Returns the offset for further probes for character aKey.\n");
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "inline long MirrorStep(long aKey)\n");
+ my $stepShift = $globalValues{'stepShift'};
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "\t{ return (");
+ if ($stepShift == 0)
+ {
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "aKey");
+ }
+ elsif (0 < $stepShift)
+ {
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "(aKey >> $stepShift)");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $stepShift = -$stepShift;
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE "(aKey << $stepShift)");
+ }
+ print(OUTPUT_FILE " | 1) + $globalValues{'stepOffset'}; }\n\n");
+ close(OUTPUT_FILE);
+ }
+##################### listing of hash indexes values for original and mirrored glyphs
+sub createHTMLOfMappings
+ {
+ my ($aOutputFileName, %aHashTable )= @_;
+ open(OUTPUT_FILE, '> ' . $aOutputFileName) or die('Error: could not open $aOutputFileName to create HTML output');
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>MirrorGlyph Hash Output<\/TITLE><\/HEAD><BODY>");
+## print hash table details
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<P>Values in hash Table - <B>(Hash Function: Key mod $globalValues{'tablesize'})<\/B><\/P><TABLE border=1>");
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<TR><TD><B>---<\/B><\/TD><TD BGCOLOR=\#8888FF><B>Character code:<\/B><\/TD><TD><B>Hash Index:<\/B><\/TD><TD BGCOLOR=\#8888FF><B>Mirror Glyph Value:<\/B><\/TD><TD><b>Search Jump Count<\/b>");
+ my %keySet;
+ foreach my $value (values %aHashTable)
+ {
+ $keySet{&getLower(hex $value)} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $key (32..127)
+ {
+ $keySet{$key} = 1;
+ }
+ my @keys = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %keySet);
+ foreach my $key (@keys)
+ {
+ my $counter = 0;
+ my $HKey = &findHashTableIndex($key, \$counter, \%aHashTable);
+ my $stored = $aHashTable{$HKey};
+ my $storedValue = 'no change';
+ my $storedKey = $key;
+ if (defined $stored)
+ {
+ $storedValue = sprintf('%02x', &getLower(hex $stored));
+ $storedKey = &getUpper(hex $stored);
+ }
+ if ($storedKey)
+ {
+ die('incorrect key found in hash table') unless ($storedKey == $key);
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<TR><TD>---<\/TD><TD BGCOLOR=\#8888FF><B>%02x<\/B><\/TD><TD>%02x<\/TD><TD BGCOLOR=\#8888FF><B>%s<\/B><\/TD><TD>%d<\/TD><\/TR>", $key, $HKey, $storedValue, $counter);
+ }
+ }
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<\/TABLE>");
+ printf(OUTPUT_FILE "<\/BODY><\/HTML>");
+ close(OUTPUT_FILE);
+ }
+# Hash Table functions
+#Returns a new Hash Table
+sub createHashTable
+ {
+ my $aInputFileName = shift;
+ my $lineNumber = 1;
+ my %newHashTable = ();
+ open(INPUT_FILE, '< ' . $aInputFileName) or die('ERROR: Could not open $aInputFileName to read from');
+ while (my $line=<INPUT_FILE>)
+ {
+ if ($line=~/^(.*);\s(.*\w)\s\W.*$/) ## Grab Original glyph value and mirrored glyph value
+ {
+ &updateHashTable($1, $2, \%newHashTable);
+ }
+ $lineNumber++;
+ }
+ close(INPUT_FILE);
+ return %newHashTable;
+ }
+# Retrieves a HashKey which is not currently being used in a given HashTable
+sub findHashTableIndex
+ {
+ my ($aHashKey, $aCounter, $aHashTable) = @_;
+ my $current = &hashFunction($aHashKey);
+ my $step = &hashStepFunction($aHashKey);
+ my $tableSize = $globalValues{'tablesize'};
+ while (defined($$aHashTable{$current}) && &getUpper(hex($$aHashTable{$current})) != $aHashKey)
+ {
+ ++$$aCounter;
+ $current += $step;
+ $current &= $tableSize - 1;
+ }
+ if (2 < $$aCounter)
+ {
+ printf STDERR ("WARNING: Jumped $$aCounter times, inefficient hash for %02x ($current, $step)\n", $aHashKey);
+ }
+ return $current;
+ }
+sub updateHashTable
+ my ($aKey, $aValueToStore, $aHashTable) = @_;
+ my $counter = 0;
+ my $key = hex($aKey);
+ my $hashKey = &findHashTableIndex($key, \$counter, $aHashTable);
+ $$aHashTable{$hashKey} = "$aKey$aValueToStore";
+ return $hashKey;
+# Returns a hash key for a given key
+# Currently using a simple hash function
+sub hashFunction
+ {
+ my $aKey = shift;
+ return $aKey & ($globalValues{'tablesize'}-1);
+ }
+# Returns second hash value: used for the step size
+sub hashStepFunction
+ {
+ my $aKey = shift;
+ my $stepShift = $globalValues{'stepShift'};
+ if ($stepShift < 0)
+ {
+ $aKey <<= -$stepShift;
+ }
+ elsif (0 < $stepShift)
+ {
+ $aKey >>= $stepShift;
+ }
+ return ($aKey | 1) + $globalValues{'stepOffset'};
+ }
+# Utility functions
+sub getLower
+ {
+ my $aValue = shift;
+ return $aValue & hex("0000FFFF");
+ }
+sub getUpper
+ {
+ my $aValue = shift;
+ return ($aValue & hex("FFFF0000")) >> 16;
+ }
+sub printDebug
+ {
+ my $string = shift;
+ if ($globalValues{'verbose'})
+ {
+ print $string;
+ }
+ }