--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/sgdi/BidiText.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include "BidiTextImp.h"
+#include "BidiCopy.h"
+#include "BidiCompact.h"
+#include <bidi.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <linebreak.h>
+static const TInt KLineSeparator = 0x2028;
+static const TInt KParagraphSeparator = 0x2029;
+static const TInt KCodeCR = 0x000D;
+static const TInt KCodeLF = 0x000A;
+static const TInt KCodeEllipsis = 0x2026;
+void DeleteTRunInfo(void* aRunInfo)
+ {
+ delete[] reinterpret_cast<TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo*>(aRunInfo);
+ }
+void BidiPanic(TInt aError)
+ {
+ User::Panic(KBidiPanicCategory, aError);
+ }
+// One page-full of TRunInfos
+const TInt KMaxRunInfoArraySize = 4*1024 / sizeof(TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo);
+const TInt KBidiTlsHandle = 0x101F633D;
+* Ref-counted TLS for the shared run info array used by the SetText() method.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBidiTextTls) : public CObject
+ {
+ static CBidiTextTls* NewL();
+ static CBidiTextTls* GetTls();
+ ~CBidiTextTls();
+ inline TUint MaxArraySize();
+ inline TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* RunArray();
+ CBidiTextTls();
+ void ConstructL(TUint aMaxArraySize);
+ TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* iRunInfoArray;
+ TUint iMaxArraySize;
+ };
+: iRunInfoArray(NULL),
+ iMaxArraySize(0)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ UserSvr::DllFreeTls(KBidiTlsHandle);
+ if (iRunInfoArray)
+ {
+ delete [] iRunInfoArray;
+ }
+ }
+TUint CBidiTextTls::MaxArraySize()
+ {
+ return iMaxArraySize;
+ }
+TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* CBidiTextTls::RunArray()
+ {
+ return iRunInfoArray;
+ }
+ * Helper function provided to simplify reading the TLS data and improve the
+ * readability of the code
+ */
+CBidiTextTls* CBidiTextTls::GetTls()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<CBidiTextTls*>(UserSvr::DllTls(KBidiTlsHandle));
+ }
+CBidiTextTls* CBidiTextTls::NewL()
+ {
+ CBidiTextTls* self = new (ELeave) CBidiTextTls;
+ CleanupClosePushL(*self);
+ self->ConstructL(KMaxRunInfoArraySize);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CBidiTextTls::ConstructL(TUint aMaxArraySize)
+ {
+ iMaxArraySize = aMaxArraySize;
+ iRunInfoArray = new (ELeave) TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo[aMaxArraySize];
+ User::LeaveIfError(UserSvr::DllSetTls(KBidiTlsHandle, this));
+ }
+EXPORT_C RRunInfoArray::RRunInfoArray()
+: iTls(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+Creates the run array if necessary and increases the reference count on it.
+RRunInfoArray::OpenL() must be called prior to calling TBidiText::SetText().
+ */
+EXPORT_C void RRunInfoArray::OpenL()
+ {
+ if(!iTls)
+ {
+ iTls = CBidiTextTls::GetTls();
+ if(iTls)
+ {
+ iTls->Open(); // Increase ref count
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTls = CBidiTextTls::NewL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Decreases the reference count on the run array. The run array will be deleted
+if the reference count reaches zero. The client application must ensure that
+there is a matching call to Close() for every call to OpenL() or memory will
+be leaked.
+ */
+EXPORT_C void RRunInfoArray::Close()
+ {
+ if(iTls)
+ {
+ iTls->Close();
+ iTls = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+@return Pointer to the run array buffer
+ */
+TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* RRunInfoArray::RunArray() const
+ {
+ return iTls ? iTls->RunArray() : NULL;
+ }
+@return Number of bytes needed to hold the TBidiTextImp member variables, plus the
+ text data allocated off the end of the TBidiTextImp object.
+TInt TBidiTextImp::RequiredBytes(TInt aLength, TInt aMaxLines, TInt aBdRunArraySize)
+ {
+ // size of TBidiTextImp class
+ TInt bytes = TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf();
+ // size of text for logical and visual orderings.
+ // This includes aMaxLines - 1 line breaks with surrounding
+ // zero-width joiners, and a truncation character (possibly
+ // a surrogate pair) plus a zero-width joiner.
+ bytes += sizeof(TText) * (aLength * 2 + aMaxLines * 3);
+ // size of line length array
+ bytes += sizeof(TInt16*) * aMaxLines;
+ // alignment
+ bytes = (bytes + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
+ // array of TRunInfoCompact
+ bytes += sizeof(TRunInfoCompact) * aBdRunArraySize;
+ return bytes;
+ }
+@return A TBidiTextImp object of sufficient size to hold the amount of text data specified
+ by the the arguments.
+@param aLength The number of characters in the text.
+@param aMaxLines The maximum number of lines
+@param aBdRunArraySize The size of the bidi run array.
+TBidiTextImp* TBidiTextImp::NewL(TInt aLength, TInt aMaxLines, TInt aBdRunArraySize)
+ {
+ const TInt bytes = RequiredBytes(aLength, aMaxLines, aBdRunArraySize);
+ TInt8* mem = static_cast<TInt8*>(User::AllocL(bytes));
+ TBidiTextImp* me = reinterpret_cast<TBidiTextImp*>(mem);
+ me->iTextLengthAndFlags = aLength;
+ me->iVisualOrderedTextLength = -1;
+ me->iWrappingWidth = 0xFFFF;
+ me->iBidiRunArrayLength = aBdRunArraySize;
+ me->iLines = static_cast<TUint8>(aMaxLines);
+ me->iTruncationCharPlane = 0;
+ me->iTruncationChar16 = KCodeEllipsis;
+ me->SetAllocatedTextDataBytes(bytes - TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf() - (sizeof(TRunInfoCompact) * aBdRunArraySize));
+ return me;
+ }
+@return Position of logically-ordered text portion of the heap cell.
+TText* TBidiTextImp::LogicalText()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<TText*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<TInt8*>(this)
+ + TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf());
+ }
+@return Position of visually-ordered text portion of the heap cell.
+TText* TBidiTextImp::VisualText()
+ {
+ TInt bytes = TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf();
+ bytes += sizeof(TText) * TextLength();
+ return reinterpret_cast<TText*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<TInt8*>(this) + bytes);
+ }
+Returns a pointer to the array containing the width in pixels of each and every line.
+@return Position of the array of line widths portion of the heap cell.
+TInt16* TBidiTextImp::LineWidthArray()
+ {
+ TInt bytes = TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf();
+ bytes += sizeof(TText) * (TextLength() * 2 + iLines + 2);
+ return reinterpret_cast<TInt16*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<TInt8*>(this) + bytes);
+ }
+@return Position of the array of runs portion of the heap cell.
+TRunInfoCompact* TBidiTextImp::BidiRunArray()
+ {
+ TInt bytes = TBidiTextImp::AlignedSizeOf();
+ bytes += sizeof(TText) * (TextLength() * 2 + iLines + 2);
+ bytes += sizeof(TInt16*) * iLines;
+ bytes = (bytes + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;
+ return reinterpret_cast<TRunInfoCompact*>(
+ reinterpret_cast<TInt8*>(this) + bytes);
+ }
+Report if the current character is an explicit line break. Both
+aText[0] and aText[1] must be part of the string.
+@return Size of line break.
+TInt SizeLineBreak(const TText* aText, const TText* aTextEnd)
+ {
+ if (aText == aTextEnd )
+ return 0;
+ if (*aText == KLineSeparator || *aText == KParagraphSeparator
+ || *aText == KCodeLF)
+ return 1;
+ if (aText[0] == KCodeCR)
+ {
+ // first check for space before checking for LF
+ if (aText+1 < aTextEnd )
+ {
+ return aText[1] == KCodeLF? 2 : 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+Find the next line break character.
+const TText* FindEndOfThisLine(const TText* aStart, const TText* aEnd)
+ {
+ while (aStart != aEnd && *aStart != KLineSeparator
+ && *aStart != KParagraphSeparator && *aStart != KCodeLF
+ && *aStart != KCodeCR)
+ ++aStart;
+ return aStart;
+ }
+Count number of lines in text.
+TInt NumberOfLines(const TText* aStart, const TText* aEnd)
+ {
+ TInt num = 0;
+ while (aStart != aEnd)
+ {
+ aStart = FindEndOfThisLine(aStart, aEnd);
+ aStart += SizeLineBreak(aStart, aEnd);
+ ++num;
+ }
+ return num;
+ }
+/** Returns the directionality of a given language.
+@param aLanguage Language.
+@return The directionality of the given language. */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText::TDirectionality TBidiText::ScriptDirectionality(
+ TLanguage aLanguage)
+ {
+ const TUint32 DirectionalityBitmap[] =
+ {
+ 0,
+ // Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew
+ 0x02040020,
+ // Urdu
+ 0x40000000
+ };
+ TUint index = aLanguage;
+ if (index < sizeof(DirectionalityBitmap) * 8)
+ {
+ index >>= 5;
+ TInt bit = aLanguage & 31;
+ return (DirectionalityBitmap[index] >> bit) & 1?
+ ERightToLeft : ELeftToRight;
+ }
+ return ELeftToRight;
+ }
+/** Reports the implicit directionality of a piece of text.
+@param aText The text to be examined.
+@param aFound If non-null, returns ETrue if there were any strongly directional
+characters and EFalse if there were none. If a piece of text is spread over
+several descriptors, They need to be queried in sequence until one returns
+ETrue in aFound.
+@return The directionality implicit in aText. 131 */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText::TDirectionality TBidiText::TextDirectionality(
+ const TDesC& aText, TBool* aFound)
+ {
+ return BidiCopy::ImplicitDirectionalityIsRightToLeft(
+ aText.Ptr(), aText.Length(), aFound)?
+ ERightToLeft : ELeftToRight;
+ }
+/** Creates a bidirectional text object with directionality determined by
+aDirectionality. Use this for text that has come from user input.
+@param aText The text in logical order.
+@param aMaxLines
+ The maximum number of lines that this text will need to be split into. Must
+ be at least 1, but should not be too large, as each potential line takes an
+ extra 8 bytes of memory.
+@param aDirectionality Direction to use.
+@return The newly constructed object.
+ */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText* TBidiText::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aMaxLines,
+ TBidiText::TDirectionality aDirectionality)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 < aMaxLines, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidMaxline));
+ const TText* text = aText.Ptr();
+ const TInt length = aText.Length();
+ TInt linesInOriginalText = NumberOfLines(text, text + length);
+ if (aMaxLines < linesInOriginalText)
+ aMaxLines = linesInOriginalText;
+ const TInt arraySize = TBidirectionalState::GenerateBdRunArray(text, length, 0, 0);
+ TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* runInfoArray = new(ELeave) TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo[arraySize];
+ TCleanupItem ci(DeleteTRunInfo, runInfoArray);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ci);
+ TBidirectionalState::GenerateBdRunArray(text, length, runInfoArray, arraySize);
+ TBidirectionalState state;
+ state.ReorderLine(runInfoArray, arraySize, ETrue, ETrue, aDirectionality,
+ TChar::EOtherNeutral, TChar::EOtherNeutral);
+ TInt compactArraySize = TRunInfoCompact::Convert(0, aText, runInfoArray, arraySize);
+ // size of TBidiTextImp class
+ TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::NewL(length, aMaxLines, compactArraySize);
+ me->SetRightToLeftDirectionality(aDirectionality != ELeftToRight);
+ TRunInfoCompact::Convert(me->BidiRunArray(), aText, runInfoArray, arraySize);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(runInfoArray);
+ Mem::Copy(me->LogicalText(), text, length * sizeof(TText));
+ return me;
+ }
+/** Creates a bidirectional text object with directionality determined by the text
+itself. Use this for text that has been obtained from a resource file.
+@param aText The text in logical order.
+@param aMaxLines The maximum number of lines that this text will need to be
+split into. Must be at least 1, but should not be too large, as each potential
+line takes an extra 8 bytes of memory.
+@return The newly constructed object. */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText* TBidiText::NewL(const TDesC& aText, TInt aMaxLines)
+ {
+ return NewL(aText, aMaxLines, TextDirectionality(aText));
+ }
+/** Creates a bidirectional text object with enough room for up to aReservedMaxLength
+number of characters. The number of characters that will actually fit (when calling
+SetText()) might be slightly less than aReservedMaxLength, as each change between a
+left-to-right and a right-to-left sub-string (and the other way around) needs about
+two characters worth of memory.
+@param aReservedMaxLength The maximum number of characters.
+@param aMaxLines The maximum number of lines that this text will need to be
+split into. Must be at least 1, but should not be too large, as each potential
+line takes an extra 8 bytes of memory.
+@return The newly constructed object. */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText* TBidiText::NewL(TInt aReservedMaxLength, TInt aMaxLines)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 < aReservedMaxLength, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidReservedMaxLength));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 < aMaxLines, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidMaxline));
+ const TInt compactArraySize = 1; // Always at least one needed
+ TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::NewL(aReservedMaxLength, aMaxLines, compactArraySize);
+ me->SetTextLength(0); // no text yet, just reserved memory
+ return me;
+ }
+/** Sets the text of the bidirectional text object with directionality determined
+by the text itself. Use this for text that has been obtained from a resource file.
+@param aText The text in logical order.
+@return The number of characters that didn't fit in the available buffer.
+EXPORT_C TInt TBidiText::SetText(const TDesC& aText, RRunInfoArray& aRunInfoArray)
+ {
+ return SetText(aText, TextDirectionality(aText), aRunInfoArray);
+ }
+/** Sets the text of the bidirectional text with directionality determined by
+aDirectionality. Use this for text that has come from user input.
+@param aText The text in logical order.
+@param aDirectionality Direction to use.
+@return The number of characters that didn't fit in the available buffer.
+@panic Bidi EBidiPanic_RunArrayNull The call to RRunInfoArray::OpenL() has not
+been made prior to this call to TBidiText::SetText()
+EXPORT_C TInt TBidiText::SetText(const TDesC& aText,
+ TDirectionality aDirectionality,
+ RRunInfoArray& aRunInfoArray)
+ {
+ TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo* const runArray = aRunInfoArray.RunArray();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(runArray, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_RunArrayNull));
+ TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ const TInt maxLines = me->iLines;
+ const TText* text = aText.Ptr();
+ TInt length = aText.Length();
+ TInt requiredArraySize = TBidirectionalState::GenerateBdRunArray(text, length, 0, 0);
+ const TInt actualArraySize = aRunInfoArray.iTls->MaxArraySize();
+ if (requiredArraySize > actualArraySize)
+ {
+ // Handle the case where we do not have enough space in the run array
+ // to cope with the input text. The text will be truncated to ensure
+ // we don't overrun the buffer and the number of excess characters
+ // returned as a negative number.
+ requiredArraySize = actualArraySize;
+ TBidirectionalState::GenerateBdRunArray(text, length, runArray, requiredArraySize);
+ length = 0;
+ for (TInt index = 0; index < requiredArraySize; index++)
+ {
+ length += runArray[index].iLength;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBidirectionalState::GenerateBdRunArray(text, length, runArray, requiredArraySize);
+ }
+ TBidirectionalState state;
+ state.ReorderLine(runArray,
+ requiredArraySize,
+ ETrue,
+ ETrue,
+ aDirectionality,
+ TChar::EOtherNeutral,
+ TChar::EOtherNeutral);
+ const TInt compactArraySize = TRunInfoCompact::Convert(0,
+ aText,
+ runArray,
+ requiredArraySize);
+ // Calculate number of bytes needed to keep text data
+ TInt requiredBytes = sizeof(TText) * (length * 2 + maxLines * 3); // size of text for logical & visual orderings.
+ requiredBytes += sizeof(TInt16*) * maxLines; // size of line length array
+ requiredBytes = (requiredBytes + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC; // alignment
+ TInt textLength = length;
+ const TInt excessData = Max(0, requiredBytes - me->AllocatedTextDataBytes());
+ TInt excessChars = 0;
+ if(excessData)
+ {
+ // Calculate how much text data that can be fitted into the available bytes,
+ // given the bytes needed for run array data
+ excessChars = excessData / (sizeof(TText) * 2);
+ textLength -= excessChars;
+ }
+ else if (aText.Length() > length)
+ {
+ excessChars = aText.Length() - length;
+ }
+ me->SetTextLength(textLength);
+ me->SetRightToLeftDirectionality(aDirectionality != ELeftToRight);
+ me->iVisualOrderedTextLength = -1;
+ me->iBidiRunArrayLength = static_cast<TUint16>(compactArraySize);
+ TRunInfoCompact::Convert(me->BidiRunArray(), aText, runArray, requiredArraySize);
+ Mem::Copy(me->LogicalText(), text, textLength * sizeof(TText));
+ return excessChars;
+ }
+/** Sets the character that will be added at the end of the text if the whole text
+cannot fit into the space specified.
+@param aTruncateWith The truncation char. */
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::SetTruncationChar(TChar aTruncateWith)
+ {
+ TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ me->iTruncationCharPlane = static_cast<TUint8>(aTruncateWith >> 16);
+ me->iTruncationChar16 = static_cast<TUint16>(aTruncateWith);
+ }
+TInt RemoveTrailingSpaces(const MLineBreaker* aBreaker,
+ const TText* aInput, TInt aMinPos, TInt aEndPos)
+ {
+ // Ignore space characters at the end of the line.
+ // Don't bother to ignore spaces made of surrogate pairs:
+ // more processing than it's worth.
+ TUint dummy1, dummy2;
+ while (aEndPos != aMinPos && MLineBreaker::ESpLineBreakClass
+ == aBreaker->LineBreakClass(aInput[aEndPos - 1], dummy1, dummy2))
+ {
+ --aEndPos;
+ }
+ return aEndPos;
+ }
+/** Prepares the visually-ordered text according to the wrapping width and font
+specified. Text cannot be drawn until this has been done.
+@param aWrappingWidth
+ The maximum width of the text in pixels. Note that this distance should be
+ slightly less than the available width to allow for characters such as "W"
+ which can have side-bearings that leak into the margins.
+@param aFont The font that will provide the character metrics.
+@param aBreaker
+ An object for breaking the lines. May be NULL for default behaviour.
+@param aMaxLines
+ Number of lines to restrict wrapping to. The truncation character will be
+ used if the text is too long for this number of lines. The number of lines
+ wrapped to may not be greater than the figure passed to NewL.
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::WrapText(TInt aWrappingWidth, const CFont& aFont,
+ const MLineBreaker* aBreaker, TInt aMaxLines)
+ {
+ TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ me->iWrappingWidth = aWrappingWidth;
+ TInt16* lineWidths = me->LineWidthArray();
+ TText* output = me->VisualText();
+ TInt numLines = 0;
+ DoWrapText(aWrappingWidth, aFont, aBreaker, aMaxLines, output, numLines, lineWidths);
+ me->iVisualOrderedTextLength = output - me->VisualText();
+ }
+/** Calculate the minimum size needed to draw the current text, given the specified
+wrapping width, font, and line gap. Calling this method will not rewrap the object's
+@param aWrappingWidth
+ The maximum width of the text in pixels. Note that this distance should be
+ slightly less than the available width to allow for characters such as "W"
+ which can have side-bearings that leak into the margins.
+@param aFont The font that will provide the character metrics.
+@param aLineGap The number of empty pixels between two lines of text.
+ Note that this is not the same as the baseline spacing, which is the font
+ height plus the line gap.
+@param aMaxLines
+ Number of lines to restrict wrapping to. The truncation character will be
+ used if the text is too long for this number of lines. The number of lines
+ wrapped to may be greater than the figure passed to NewL, and that figure
+ will be used if the number of lines is specified as -1. If 0 (zero) is specified
+ no limit is applied.
+@param aBreaker
+ An object for breaking the lines. May be NULL for default behaviour.
+EXPORT_C TSize TBidiText::MinimumSize(TInt aWrappingWidth, const CFont& aFont, TInt aLineGap,
+ TInt aMaxLines, const MLineBreaker* aBreaker) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= aWrappingWidth, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidWrappingWidth));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= aLineGap, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidLineGap));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(-1 <= aMaxLines, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidMaxline));
+ TInt numLines = 0;
+ TText* output = NULL;
+ const TInt minWidth = DoWrapText(aWrappingWidth,
+ aFont,
+ aBreaker,
+ (aMaxLines = 0 ? KMaxTInt : aMaxLines),
+ output,
+ numLines,
+ NULL);
+ const TInt minHeight = (aFont.FontMaxHeight() + aLineGap) * numLines - aLineGap;
+ return TSize(minWidth, minHeight);
+ }
+TInt TBidiText::DoWrapText(TInt aWrappingWidth, const CFont& aFont, const MLineBreaker* aBreaker,
+ TInt aMaxLines, TText*& aOutputText, TInt& aNumLines, TInt16* aLineWidthArray) const
+ {
+ MLineBreaker defaultBreaker;
+ if (!aBreaker)
+ aBreaker = &defaultBreaker;
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ if (me->iLines < aMaxLines)
+ aMaxLines = me->iLines;
+ const TRunInfoCompact* runArray = me->BidiRunArray();
+ const TRunInfoCompact* runArrayEnd = runArray + me->iBidiRunArrayLength;
+ const TText* input = me->LogicalText();
+ const TInt inputLength = me->TextLength();
+ TPtrC textDes(input, inputLength);
+ const TText* output = me->VisualText();
+ TRunInfoCompact::TReorderingContext context;
+ context.iSource = input;
+ context.iTruncation = 0xFFFF;
+ context.iJoinsAtEnd = EFalse;
+ TInt start = 0;
+ CFont::TMeasureTextInput measureInput;
+ measureInput.iMaxAdvance = aWrappingWidth;
+ measureInput.iEndInputChar = FindEndOfThisLine(input, input + inputLength) - input;
+ CFont::TMeasureTextOutput measureOutput;
+ TBool truncated;
+ TInt widestLineWidth = 0;
+ TBool bLastLine = EFalse;
+ for (aNumLines = 0; aNumLines != aMaxLines && start < inputLength; ++aNumLines)
+ {
+ truncated=EFalse;
+ context.iJoinsAtStart = context.iJoinsAtEnd;
+ if(aNumLines != 0 && aOutputText)
+ *(aOutputText++) = KLineSeparator;
+ measureInput.iStartInputChar = start;
+ TInt advance = aFont.MeasureText(textDes, &measureInput, &measureOutput);
+ TInt breakPos = measureOutput.iChars;
+ TInt endOfLine = breakPos;
+ // truncationCharWidth is the width of any truncation character on this
+ // line only.
+ TInt truncationCharWidth = 0;
+ if (endOfLine == measureInput.iEndInputChar)
+ {
+ //handle the dangling lines here
+ TInt sizeLineBreak = SizeLineBreak(input + endOfLine, input + inputLength);
+ if((measureInput.iEndInputChar < inputLength - sizeLineBreak) && (aNumLines == aMaxLines - 1))
+ bLastLine = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (aNumLines == aMaxLines - 1)
+ {
+ bLastLine = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Not last line, so find a legal line break.
+ aBreaker->GetLineBreak(textDes,
+ start + 1,
+ measureOutput.iChars,
+ EFalse,
+ 0,
+ breakPos,
+ endOfLine);
+ }
+ if (bLastLine)
+ {
+ // Last line, so re-measure leaving enough room for
+ // truncation character.
+ context.iTruncation = me->TruncationChar();
+ truncationCharWidth = aFont.CharWidthInPixels(context.iTruncation);
+ measureInput.iMaxAdvance = aWrappingWidth - truncationCharWidth;
+ advance = aFont.MeasureText(textDes, &measureInput, &measureOutput) + truncationCharWidth;
+ breakPos = RemoveTrailingSpaces(aBreaker, input, start, measureOutput.iChars);
+ truncated=ETrue;
+ bLastLine = EFalse;
+ }
+ // if the break position has changed, we need to remeasure
+ if (breakPos != measureOutput.iChars)
+ {
+ const TInt oldEnd = measureInput.iEndInputChar;
+ measureInput.iEndInputChar = breakPos;
+ advance = aFont.MeasureText(textDes, &measureInput, &measureOutput) + truncationCharWidth;
+ measureInput.iEndInputChar = oldEnd;
+ truncated=ETrue;
+ }
+ //width may be greater than advance
+ advance = Max(advance,measureOutput.iBounds.Width());
+ if(widestLineWidth < advance)
+ widestLineWidth = advance;
+ if(aLineWidthArray)
+ *(aLineWidthArray++) = static_cast<TInt16>(advance);
+ context.iStart = start;
+ context.iEnd = breakPos;
+ if (truncated)
+ {
+ context.iJoinsAtEnd = breakPos < inputLength?
+ TRunInfoCompact::JoinBefore(input, breakPos) : EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ context.iJoinsAtEnd = endOfLine < inputLength?
+ TRunInfoCompact::JoinBefore(input, endOfLine) : EFalse;
+ }
+ if (aOutputText)
+ {
+ for (const TRunInfoCompact* p = runArray; p != runArrayEnd; ++p)
+ aOutputText = p->Reorder(aOutputText, context);
+ }
+ // Set 'start' to the beginning of the next line...
+ start = endOfLine;
+ // ...move it past any line break...
+ const TInt sizeOfLineBreak = SizeLineBreak(input + start, input + inputLength);
+ if (sizeOfLineBreak != 0)
+ {
+ start += sizeOfLineBreak;
+ // ...and find the end of this next line.
+ const TText* endLine = FindEndOfThisLine(input + start, input + inputLength);
+ measureInput.iEndInputChar = endLine - input;
+ }
+ }
+ return widestLineWidth;
+ }
+/** Prepares the visually-ordered text according to the wrapping width and font
+specified. Text cannot be drawn until this has been done.
+@param aWrappingWidth The maximum width of the text in pixels. Note that this
+distance should be slightly less than the available width to allow for characters
+such as "W" which can have side-bearings that leak into the margins.
+@param aFont The font that will provide the character metrics.
+@param aBreaker An object for breaking the lines. May be NULL for default behaviour. */
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::WrapText(TInt aWrappingWidth, const CFont& aFont,
+ const MLineBreaker* aBreaker)
+ {
+ WrapText(aWrappingWidth, aFont, aBreaker, KMaxTInt);
+ }
+/** Returns the original logically-ordered text supplied in the constructor.
+@return The original logically-ordered text supplied in the constructor. */
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TBidiText::Text() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ const TText* text = me->LogicalText();
+ return TPtrC(text, me->TextLength());
+ }
+/** Returns the text as prepared for display, provided that WrapText has been called.
+If WrapText has not been called, a panic will result.
+@return The text as prepared for display */
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TBidiText::DisplayText() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(me->iVisualOrderedTextLength >= 0, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidVisualOrderedTextLength));
+ const TText* text = me->VisualText();
+ return TPtrC(text, me->iVisualOrderedTextLength);
+ }
+/** Returns the wrapping width previously supplied to WrapText.
+@return The wrapping. */
+EXPORT_C TInt TBidiText::WrappingWidth() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ return me->iWrappingWidth;
+ }
+/** Returns the directionality of the text.
+@return The directionality. */
+EXPORT_C TBidiText::TDirectionality TBidiText::Directionality() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ return me->HasRightToLeftDirectionality() ? ERightToLeft : ELeftToRight;
+ }
+/** Returns the truncation character used.
+@return The truncation character. */
+EXPORT_C TChar TBidiText::TruncationChar() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ return me->TruncationChar();
+ }
+/** Reports the number of lines in the text to be drawn.
+WrapText must have been called already.
+ The number of lines in the text which would be drawn by DrawText.
+EXPORT_C TInt TBidiText::NumberOfLinesInDisplayText() const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ if (me->iVisualOrderedTextLength <0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const TText* text = me->VisualText();
+ const TText* textEnd = text + me->iVisualOrderedTextLength;
+ return NumberOfLines(text, textEnd);
+ }
+/** Returns the text as prepared for display, provided that WrapText has been called.
+If WrapText has not been called, a panic will result.
+@param aLine Line number to retrieve.
+@param aWidth Returns the width in pixels of the line retrieved.
+@return The text as prepared for display. */
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TBidiText::LineOfDisplayText(TInt aLine, TInt& aWidthInPixels) const
+ {
+ const TBidiTextImp* me = TBidiTextImp::Imp(this);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(me->iVisualOrderedTextLength >= 0, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidVisualOrderedTextLength));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= aLine && aLine < me->iLines, BidiPanic(EBidiPanic_InvalidLineNumber));
+ aWidthInPixels = me->LineWidthArray()[aLine];
+ const TText* text = me->VisualText();
+ const TText* textEnd = text + me->iVisualOrderedTextLength;
+ for (; aLine != 0; --aLine)
+ {
+ text = FindEndOfThisLine(text, textEnd);
+ text += SizeLineBreak(text, textEnd);
+ }
+ const TText* endOfLine = FindEndOfThisLine(text, textEnd);
+ return TPtrC(text, endOfLine - text);
+ }
+/** Draws all of the text. WrapText must have been called already.
+@param aGc The graphics context to draw the text to. The graphics context's
+font is assumed to have been set to the same font that was passed to the previous
+call to WrapText.
+@param aLeft The left extreme of the baseline. Note that this should not be
+at the very edge of the available space, or characters such as "W" with left
+side bearings may be truncated.
+@param aBaseLineSpacing The spacing between each line. If 0, only the first
+line is drawn.
+@param aAlignment How to position the text horizontally. */
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aLeft,
+ TInt aBaseLineSpacing, CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign aAlignment) const
+ {
+ TPoint origin;
+ origin.iY = aLeft.iY;
+ TInt lines = aBaseLineSpacing == 0? 1 : NumberOfLinesInDisplayText();
+ TInt wrappingWidth = WrappingWidth();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i != lines; ++i)
+ {
+ TInt width;
+ TPtrC textLine = LineOfDisplayText(i, width);
+ origin.iX = aLeft.iX;
+ if (aAlignment != CGraphicsContext::ELeft)
+ {
+ TInt excess = wrappingWidth - width;
+ origin.iX += aAlignment != CGraphicsContext::ECenter?
+ excess : excess >> 1;
+ }
+ aGc.DrawText(textLine, origin);
+ origin.iY += aBaseLineSpacing;
+ }
+ }
+/** Draws all of the text. Alignment is taken from the directionality of the text.
+WrapText must have been called already.
+@param aGc The graphics context to draw the text to. The graphics context's
+font is assumed to have been set to the same font that was passed to the previous
+call to WrapText.
+@param aLeft The left extreme of the baseline. Note that this should not be
+at the very edge of the available space, or characters such as "W" with left
+side bearings may be truncated.
+@param aBaseLineSpacing The spacing between each line. If 0, only the first
+line is drawn. */
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aLeft,
+ TInt aBaseLineSpacing) const
+ {
+ DrawText(aGc, aLeft, aBaseLineSpacing,
+ Directionality() == ELeftToRight?
+ CGraphicsContext::ELeft : CGraphicsContext::ERight);
+ }
+/** Draws the first line of the text. WrapText must have been called already. Alignment
+is taken from the directionality of the text.
+@param aGc The graphics context to draw the text to. The graphics context's
+font is assumed to have been set to the same font that was passed to the previous
+call to WrapText.
+@param aLeft The left extreme of the baseline. Note that this should not be
+at the very edge of the available space, or characters such as "W" with left
+side bearings may be truncated. */
+EXPORT_C void TBidiText::DrawText(CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TPoint& aLeft) const
+ {
+ DrawText(aGc, aLeft, 0);
+ }