--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/gdi/sgdi/GlyphSel.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __GLYPHSEL_H__
+#define __GLYPHSEL_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include "ShapeInfo.h"
+Forward declarations.
+void Panic(TGdiPanic aError);
+class TGlyphSelectionState;
+ The Unicode char to use for glyph cluster without a base char
+#define KUnicodeDottedCircle 0x25CC
+// TUtf32Iterator Class declaration
+class TUtf32Iterator
+ Converts UTF16 encoded array of bytes into UTF32 characters,
+ ignoring non-characters and unpaired surrogates and
+ combining paired surrogates.
+ {
+ TUtf32Iterator(const TText16* aStart, const TText16* aEnd, TInt aOffset=0);
+ inline TBool AtEnd() const;
+ inline TBool BeforeStart() const;
+ TChar Next();
+ TChar Prev();
+ void SetPos(TInt aOffset);
+ inline TChar Get() const;
+ TUint Get(TInt offset);
+ TChar GetThenNext();
+ TChar GetThenPrev();
+ const TText16* CurrentPosition() const;
+ void SetCurrentPosition(const TText16*);
+ TInt LengthToStart() const;
+ TInt LengthToEnd() const;
+ TUint UTF16ToTChar(const TText16* a);
+ /** Start address of the UTF16 array */
+ const TText16* iStart;
+ /** Address of current position in array */
+ const TText16* iCurrent;
+ /** Address of the first entry past the end of the array */
+ const TText16* iEnd;
+ /** UTF32 value of the character at the current iterator position */
+ TChar iChar;
+ };
+// GlyphSelUtils Namespace declaration
+namespace GlyphSelUtils
+ This namespace holds a collection of useful common utility
+ functions used in glyph selection. These functions are intended to be
+ used by the glyph selector classes.
+ {
+ inline TBool IsSurrogate(TText a)
+ {
+ return 0xD800 == (a & 0xF800);
+ }
+ inline TBool IsHighSurrogate(TText a)
+ {
+ return 0xD800 == (a & 0xFC00);
+ }
+ inline TBool IsLowSurrogate(TText a)
+ {
+ return 0xDC00 == (a & 0xFC00);
+ }
+ inline TChar PairSurrogates(TText aHigh, TText aLow)
+ {
+ return ((aHigh - 0xd7f7) << 10) + aLow;
+ }
+ inline TBool IsThaiCharacter(TUint code)
+ {
+ return ((code > 0x0E00 && code < 0x0E3B) ||
+ (code > 0x0E3E && code < 0x0E5C));
+ }
+ }
+// TGlyphSelectionState Class declaration
+class TGlyphSelectionState
+ This container class holds the data for glyph selection algorithm and is
+ used to pass this data around the algorithm methods.
+ {
+ enum TPenAdvance
+ /**
+ Enum used in glyph selection code indicating if a pen advance is needed following
+ the processing of the current glyph.
+ */
+ {
+ EPenAdvance_No,
+ EPenAdvance_Yes,
+ };
+ enum TGlyphClusterStateOverride
+ /**
+ These enumeration values are used by the glyph selector classes to indicated
+ back to the glyph selection algorithm when they find a cluster complete.
+ */
+ {
+ EGClusterComplete,
+ EGClusterNotComplete
+ };
+ enum TGlyphPostCombine
+ /**
+ These enumeration values are used by the glyph selector classes to decide whether
+ post combining is needed to combine the diacritic to the base character.
+ */
+ {
+ EGPostCombine_No,
+ EGPostCombine_Yes
+ };
+ TGlyphSelectionState(TUtf32Iterator& aIter, const CFont* aFont, CFont::TPositionParam& aParam)
+ : iCodePt(0xFFFF), iCodeChar(0xFFFF), iCombCls(-1), iCats(0),
+ iText(aIter), iFont(aFont), iParam(aParam),
+ iClusterState(EGClusterNotComplete), iPen(EPenAdvance_No),
+ iAdvance(), iLigaturePortionsRemaining(0), iGlyphPostCombine(EGPostCombine_No) { };
+ TBool IsCombiningClass() { return (iCats & 0xF0) == TChar::EMarkGroup; }
+ void CombineLastGlyphToBase(const TRect& aBase, TInt aFirstDiacritic);
+ TBool AppendGlyphToCluster(TUint code);
+ /** The properties of the current character being processed */
+ TUint iCodePt;
+ TChar iCodeChar;
+ TInt iCombCls;
+ TUint iCats;
+ /** The Unicode iterator to the text processed */
+ TUtf32Iterator& iText;
+ /** The font to select glyphs from */
+ const CFont* iFont;
+ /** The in/out parameter data to the glyph selection code from outside */
+ CFont::TPositionParam& iParam;
+ /** Result from the glyph selector class as to whether it thinks the
+ cluster is complete or incomplete.
+ */
+ TGlyphClusterStateOverride iClusterState;
+ /** These hold the possible pen advance and if it should be applied */
+ TPenAdvance iPen;
+ TSize iAdvance;
+ /** Can be used in any way or not at all by the processing function. It is
+ set to 0 on intitialisation. Suggested use is to pass information about
+ which part of a ligature is currently having diacritics attatched to it. */
+ TInt iLigaturePortionsRemaining;
+ /** Can be used in any way or not at all by the processing function. It is
+ not initialised. Suggested use is to record the position in the output
+ glyph array of the first diacritic on this portion of the ligature. */
+ TInt iLigaturePortionFirstMark;
+ /**
+ Result from the glyph selector class as to whether it needs to
+ combine the diacritic with the base character.
+ */
+ TGlyphPostCombine iGlyphPostCombine;
+ };
+// GlyphSelector_SoftHyphen Class declaration
+class GlyphSelector_SoftHyphen
+ This glyph selector class processes the Unicode soft hyphen U+00AD
+ character.
+ This is a discretionary hyphen, i.e. it is only rendered when required
+ and in Symbian OS that is when it is found at the end of a line.
+ {
+ static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
+ };
+// GlyphSelector_Default Class declaration
+class GlyphSelector_Default
+ This is the default glyph selector class which has the behaviour of outputting
+ all glyphs it is invoked to process.
+ {
+ static TBool Process(TGlyphSelectionState& aGss, RShapeInfo&);
+ };
+// TUtf32Iterator inline Function definitions.
+inline TBool TUtf32Iterator::AtEnd() const
+ {
+ return iEnd == iCurrent;
+ }
+inline TBool TUtf32Iterator::BeforeStart() const
+ {
+ return iStart > iCurrent;
+ }
+inline TChar TUtf32Iterator::Get() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrent >= iStart && iCurrent < iEnd, Panic(EGdiPanic_OutOfText));
+ return iChar;
+ }
+#endif // __GLYPHSEL_H__