--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsdeviceinterface/screendriver/inc/BITDRAW.H Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __BITDRAW_H__
+#define __BITDRAW_H__
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <e32event_private.h>
+enum TScreenDriverPanic
+ {
+ EScreenDriverPanicNoDevicePresent=1,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidParameter,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidDisplayMode,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidWindowHandle,
+ EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds,
+ EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength,
+ EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidPointer,
+ EScreenDriverPanicAlphaBlendInvariant,
+ EScreenDriverPanicIvalidMethodCall,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidSize,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidHalValue,
+ EScreenDriverPanicInvalidScreenNo,
+ EScreenDriverPanicIncompatiblePreviousDevice //<The previous device in SetDisplayMode was not compatible
+ };
+GLREF_C void Panic(TScreenDriverPanic aPanicCode);
+class CFbsDrawDevice : public CBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Defines possible Shadowmode values
+ */
+ enum TShadowMode
+ {
+ /** No Shadow mode is supported.
+ */
+ ENoShadow = 0x0,
+ /** Shadow mode is supported.
+ */
+ EShadow = 0x1,
+ /** Faded mode is supported.
+ */
+ EFade = 0x2,
+ /** Shadow and faded mode is supported.
+ */
+ EShadowFade = 0x3
+ };
+ /**
+ Defines possible rotation values
+ */
+ enum TOrientation
+ {
+ /** Normal orientation is supported.
+ */
+ EOrientationNormal,
+ /** A 90 degree rotation is supported.
+ */
+ EOrientationRotated90,
+ /** A 180 degree rotation is supported.
+ */
+ EOrientationRotated180,
+ /** A 270 degree rotation is supported.
+ */
+ EOrientationRotated270
+ };
+ /**
+ DEPRECATED: Use NewScreenDeviceL(TInt aScreenNo, TDisplayMode aDispMode)
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CFbsDrawDevice* NewScreenDeviceL(TScreenInfoV01 aInfo,TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ /**
+ Creates a new screen device instance, which implements CFbsDrawDevice interface.
+ The method has to be implemented for each type of supported video hardware.
+ @param aScreenNo Screen number
+ @param aDispMode Requested display mode
+ @return A pointer to just created screen device, which implements CFbsDrawDevice interface
+ @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory
+ KErrNotSupported The requested screen device type is not supported
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CFbsDrawDevice* NewScreenDeviceL(TInt aScreenNo, TDisplayMode aDispMode);
+ /**
+ DEPRECATED: Use NewBitmapDeviceL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aDispMode, TInt aDataStride)
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CFbsDrawDevice* NewBitmapDeviceL(TScreenInfoV01 aInfo, TDisplayMode aDispMode, TInt aDataStride);
+ /**
+ Creates a new bitmap device instance, which implements CFbsDrawDevice interface.
+ @param aSize Bitmap device size
+ @param aDispMode Bitmap display mode
+ @param aDataStride Bitmap data stride
+ @return A pointer to just created bitmap device, which implements CFbsDrawDevice interface
+ @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory
+ KErrArgument Invalid aSize value
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CFbsDrawDevice* NewBitmapDeviceL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aDispMode, TInt aDataStride);
+ /**
+ Depending on current graphics hardware the method will return one of
+ two possible 16M video modes:
+ EColor16M or EColor16MU. If the hardware doesn't support EColor16M
+ or EColor16MU mode, the return value will be ENone.
+ @return EColor16M, EColor16MU or ENone.
+ ENone - it means that current hardware doesn't support 16M color mode.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TDisplayMode DisplayMode16M();
+ /**
+ Return the display mode of the device.
+ @return Display mode
+ */
+ virtual TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Scanline width in pixels.
+ The return value can be greater or equal than iSize.iWidth, because
+ the scan line memory is allocated in 32-bit words and can be rounded up, if
+ the display mode allows more than 1 pixel to be stored in a single byte.
+ @return The (adjusted) width in pixels.
+ */
+ virtual TInt LongWidth() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Alter the colours within a defined rectangle according to the supplied mapping.
+ The colour map is supplied as pairs of TRgb objects. One member of the pair defines a colour value
+ to match, the other defines a colour to replace that value by.
+ Note that, for comparison purposes, smaller gamuts (e.g. 64K colour) are mapped to TRgb form before
+ comparison, so a colour that is not representable in the current display mode will not be matched.
+ Pixels in the original that do not match an entry in the colour map are unchanged.
+ @param aRect Area of the device/bitmap to be mapped in logical coordinates
+ @param aColors Colour map. This should be provided as a set of TRgb pairs, one to be matched
+ and the other to provide a replacement.
+ @param aNumPairs Number of pairs of colours in aColors.
+ @param aMapForwards If ETrue, match the first colour of a pair and replace by the second, otherwise
+ match the second and replace by the first.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds if aRect transforms back to illegal physical coordinates.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer if aColors == NULL
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength if aNumPairs == 0
+ */
+ virtual void MapColors(const TRect& aRect,const TRgb* aColors,TInt aNumPairs,TBool aMapForwards) = 0;
+ /**
+ Reads a line of aLength pixels starting at [aX, aY] (in logical coordinates). The direction of reading
+ is affected by the current orientation, and the "stride" taken in sampling pixels is affected by
+ any scaling currently in force. Pixels are converted (if necessary) to the form specified by
+ aDispMode before being written to the buffer. The entire line to be read must be within the
+ physical bounds of the bitmap or device
+ @param aX X coordinate of the pixel to start reading from (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Y coordinate of the pixel to start reading from(logical coordinates)
+ @param aLength Number of pixels to read
+ @param aBuffer Buffer to receive the pixel data (must be large enough)
+ @param aDispMode Format to use for writing pixels into the buffer.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds if either end of the line is out of bounds
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer if aBuffer == NULL
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength if aLength == 0
+ */
+ virtual void ReadLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TAny* aBuffer,TDisplayMode aDispMode) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Get the colour of the pixel at the logical position [aX,aY]
+ @param aX X-coordinate of pixel to read (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Y-coordinate of pixel to read (logical coordinates)
+ @return The colour pf the pixel at [aX,aY]
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds if [aX,aY] transforms back to illegal physical coordinates.
+ */
+ virtual TRgb ReadPixel(TInt aX,TInt aY) const = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns a pointer to a buffer large enough to read a line of pixels of maximum length. Ownership of
+ the buffer is retained by the bitmap or device object. Repeated calls to this function will return
+ the same buffer.
+ @return A pointer to a scan line buffer
+ */
+ virtual TUint32* ScanLineBuffer() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Scanline width in bytes. The return value may be greater than the actual number of bytes needed
+ to store the pixels, since scan line memory is allocated in 32-bit words and can be rounded up.
+ @return The (adjusted) width in bytes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt ScanLineBytes() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Return the display mode to be used when passing pixel data to the device using the scanline buffer.
+ @return Display mode
+ @see CFbsDrawDevice::DisplayMode
+ */
+ virtual TDisplayMode ScanLineDisplayMode() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns the screen size in pixels, taking the orientation into account.
+ Always prefer GetDrawRect() to SizeInPixels() call.
+ GetDrawRect() will take into account possible non-[0,0] top-left corner of the drawing
+ rectangle if the device is scaled.
+ @return TSize Screen size in pixels
+ */
+ virtual TSize SizeInPixels() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Allows the caller to calculate the physical size of a bitmap on the current hardware
+ by calculating how many twips a 1000-pixel wide bitmap would be. Only applicable to
+ screen-based devices; bitmap devices return 0.
+ @return Twips per 1000 pixels
+ */
+ virtual TInt HorzTwipsPerThousandPixels() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Allows the caller to calculate the physical size of a bitmap on the current hardware
+ by calculating how many twips a 1000-pixel high bitmap would be. Only applicable to
+ screen-based devices; bitmap devices return 0.
+ @return Twips per 1000 pixels
+ */
+ virtual TInt VertTwipsPerThousandPixels() const = 0;
+ /**
+ Reports on which orientations are available on the device/bitmap.
+ @param aOrientation Array to receive the capability (use CFbsDrawDevice::TOrientation as an index)
+ */
+ virtual void OrientationsAvailable(TBool aOrientation[4]) = 0;
+ /**
+ Set the orientation of the device
+ @param aOrientation Orientation to set
+ @return ETrue if the new orientation was set successfully, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+ virtual TBool SetOrientation(TOrientation aOrientation) = 0;
+ /**
+ Combines the current content of the device/bitmap with a supplied colour, based on a bitmask and
+ a draw mode. The bitmask is supplied as an array of TUint32s, one for each line (so there should
+ be aHeight entries in the array). Since one word is used per line, aLength must be <= 32. Each bit
+ of the mask controls one pixel - if the bit is 1, the pixel is combined with aColor, if the bit
+ is 0, the pixel is left unchanged. Note that bits in the bitmask are examined in low-high order,
+ so bit0 affects the pixel at aX, bit1 affects the pixel at aX+1 and so forth.
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX Left edge of the rectangle (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Top edge of the rectangle (logical coordinates)
+ @param aBuffer Array of bitmasks - one per line
+ @param aLength Width of the rectangle (must be >0 and <= 32)
+ @param aHeight Height of the rectangle (== number of entries in aBuffer)
+ @param aColor Colour to combine with the existing pixel data
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the rectangle maps to an illegal physical coordinate
+ or if aLength > 32.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer If aBuffer == NULL
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength If aLength <= 0
+ */
+ virtual void WriteBinary(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Combines the current content of the device/bitmap with a supplied colour, based on a bitmask and
+ a draw mode. This function differs from WriteBinary, in that aLength can be greater than 32, and
+ the height is implicitly 1. aBuffer must contain sufficient elements to hold aLength bits
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX Starting X coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Starting Y coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aBuffer Array of bitmasks
+ @param aLength Number of pixels
+ @param aColor Colour to combine with existing pixels
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the line maps to an illegal physical coordinate
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer If aBuffer == NULL
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength If aLength <= 0
+ @see WriteBinary
+ */
+ virtual void WriteBinaryLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Similar to WriteBinaryLine, but writes a vertical, rather than a horizontal line. LIne is drawn upward
+ (decreasing Y) if aUp == ETrue.
+ @see WriteBinaryLine
+ */
+ virtual void WriteBinaryLineVertical(TInt aX,TInt aY,TUint32* aBuffer,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode,TBool aUp) = 0;
+ /**
+ Write the given colour to the location [aX,aY], combining it with the existing pixel
+ using aDrawMode
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX X coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Y coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aColor Colour to write
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If [aX,aY] maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void WriteRgb(TInt aX,TInt aY,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Write the given colour to the rectangle [aX,aY] - [aX+aLength,aY+aHeight], combining it
+ with the exiasting pixels using aDrawMode
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX X coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aY Y coordinate (logical coordinates)
+ @param aLength Width of the rectangle (logical coordinates)
+ @param aHeight Height of the rectangle (logical coordinates)
+ @param aColor Colour to write
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the rectangle maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void WriteRgbMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TInt aHeight,TRgb aColor,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ The method performs an alpha blending of the source data - aRgbBuffer and screen pixels, using
+ the data from aMaskBuffer buffer as an alpha blending factor.
+ The formula used for that, is:
+ (C1 * A + C2 * (255 - A)) / 255, where:
+ - C1 - a pixel from aRgbBuffer;
+ - C2 - a pixel from the sceen;
+ - A - a pixel from aMaskBuffer;
+ The content of source and mask buffers is preserved.
+ The calculated alpha blended pixel is written to the destination - the screen or a bitmap.
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, a shadow/fade copy of the source bitmap will be used.
+ @param aX Logical X coordinate of the start of the line.
+ @param aY Logical Y coordinate of the line.
+ @param aLength Source data - length in pixels.
+ @param aRgbBuffer A pointer to a line of the source bitmap data.
+ Must be in ERgb format.
+ @param aMaskBuffer Buffer containing the data which should be used as an
+ alpha blending factor. Must be in EGray256 format.
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the line maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint8* aRgbBuffer,TUint8* aMaskBuffer, CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Combine the data in aBuffer with existing pixels along the line [aX,aY]-[aX+aLength,aY],
+ using aDrawMode as the combining function.
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX Logical X coordinate of the start of the line.
+ @param aY Logical Y coordinate of the line.
+ @param aLength Source data - length in pixels.
+ @param aBuffer Source data. Must be in the format returned by ScanLineDisplayMode().
+ @param aDrawMode Combination function for source and destination pixels.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the line maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void WriteLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TUint32* aBuffer,CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Do any necessary initialisation on screen devices (default applies to bitmaps)
+ @return Success/failure code
+ */
+ virtual TInt InitScreen() {return(KErrNone);}
+ /** Sets or unsets auto-update for the screen.
+ @param aValue ETrue, if the screen is set to auto-update; EFalse, otherwise.
+ */
+ virtual void SetAutoUpdate(TBool aValue) {(void) aValue;} // To avoid compiler warning for unused parameter
+ /**
+ Set the internal data buffer to point to the supplied buffer. No checks are made that the buffer
+ is appropriate for the purpose. Ownership is not taken.
+ @param aBits A buffer of sufficient size.
+ */
+ virtual void SetBits(TAny*) {}
+ /**
+ Set up a custom palette for those bit formats that support palettised colour
+ @param aPalette Palette to use
+ @return Success/failure code
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetCustomPalette(const CPalette*) { return KErrNotSupported; }
+ /**
+ Retrieve a custom palette, if the bit format supports it.
+ @param aPalette Pointer to a CPalette. The palette will be created by this function.
+ @return Success/failure code
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetCustomPalette(CPalette*&) { return KErrNotSupported; }
+ /**
+ Copies all settings (scaling, orientation, etc.) from the supplied device
+ and reinitialised the current device.
+ @param aDrawDevice Device to get settings from
+ */
+ virtual void SetDisplayMode(CFbsDrawDevice*) {}
+ /**
+ Set the origin point of the dither matrix (if appropriate)
+ @param aPoint Dither origin (logical coordiantes)
+ */
+ virtual void SetDitherOrigin(const TPoint&) {}
+ /**
+ Sets the user display mode - used for certain colour mapping functions
+ */
+ virtual void SetUserDisplayMode(TDisplayMode) {}
+ /**
+ Sets the current shadowing mode
+ @see TShadowMode
+ */
+ virtual void SetShadowMode(TShadowMode) {}
+ /**
+ Set the current fading parameters
+ @param aBlackMap Black point
+ @param aWhiteMap White point
+ */
+ virtual void SetFadingParameters(TUint8 /*aBlackMap*/,TUint8 /*aWhiteMap*/) {}
+ /**
+ Apply shadow processing to all the pixels in the supplied rectangle
+ @param aRect Area to apply shadow processing to (logical coordinates)
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the rectangle maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void ShadowArea(const TRect&) {} // Obeys shadow mode
+ /**
+ Applies shadow processing to the supplied buffer
+ @param aLength Length of buffer in pixels
+ @param aBuffer Buffer to process in the format returned by ScanLineDisplayMode()
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicZeroLength If aLength <= 0
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicNullPointer If aBuffer == NULL
+ */
+ virtual void ShadowBuffer(TInt,TUint32*) {} // Obeys shadow mode
+ /**
+ Update the screen with the update region.
+ */
+ virtual void Update() {}
+ /**
+ Update the screen with the union of the update and specified regions.
+ @param aRegion Region to update (logical coordinates)
+ */
+ virtual void Update(const TRegion&) {}
+ /**
+ Update the update region.
+ @param aRegion Region to update (logical coordinates)
+ */
+ virtual void UpdateRegion(const TRect&) {}
+ /**
+ Blend aColor with the pixels along the line [aX,aY]-[aX+aLength,aY], using aMaskBuffer
+ as alpha data
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, a shadow/fade copy of the source bitmap will be used.
+ @param aX Logical X coordinate of the start of the line
+ @param aY Logical Y coordinate of the line.
+ @param aLength Length of line to modify
+ @param aColor Colour to blend with existing pixels
+ @param aMaskBuffer Buffer containing the data which should be used as an
+ alpha blending factor.
+ @panic EScreenDriverPanicOutOfBounds If any part of the line maps to an illegal physical address
+ */
+ virtual void WriteRgbAlphaMulti(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,TRgb aColor,const TUint8* aMaskBuffer) = 0;
+ /**
+ The method performs an alpha blending of the source data - aRgbBuffer1 and aBuffer2, using
+ the data from aMaskBuffer buffer as an alpha blending factor.
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ The formula used for that, is:
+ (C1 * A + C2 * (255 - A)) / 255, where:
+ - C1 - a pixel from aRgbBuffer1;
+ - C2 - a pixel from aBuffer2;
+ - A - a pixel from aMaskBuffer;
+ The content of source and mask buffers is preserved.
+ The calculated alpha blended pixel is written to the destination - the screen or a bitmap.
+ If the shadowing/fading flag is set, the resulting pixels will be shadowed/faded.
+ @param aX Logical X coordinate of the position in the target the result should be drawn to.
+ @param aY Logical Y coordinate of the position in the target the result should be drawn to.
+ @param aLength Source data - length in pixels.
+ @param aRgbBuffer1 A pointer to a line of the source bitmap data 1.
+ Must be in ERgb format.
+ @param aBuffer2 A pointer to a line of the source bitmap data 2.
+ Must be in the format returned by ScanLineDisplayMode().
+ @param aMaskBuffer Buffer containing the data which should be used as an
+ alpha blending factor. Must be in EGray256 format.
+ @param aDrawMode Drawing mode
+ */
+ virtual void WriteRgbAlphaLine(TInt aX,TInt aY,TInt aLength,
+ const TUint8* aRgbBuffer1,
+ const TUint8* aBuffer2,
+ const TUint8* aMaskBuffer,
+ CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode aDrawMode) = 0;
+ /**
+ Retrieves a pointer to the specified CFbsDrawDevice interface extension.
+ @param aInterfaceId Interface identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
+ @param aInterface Address of pointer variable that retrieves the specified interface.
+ @return KErrNone If the interface is supported, KErrNotSupported otherwise.
+ @see BitDrawInterfaceId.h file for the IDs of supported interfaces
+ */
+ virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface) = 0;
+ /**
+ Gets logical coordinates of the drawing rectangle.
+ If the device is not scaled and with zero origin, logocal coordinates of
+ the drawing rectangle are the same as its physical coordinates.
+ If the device is rotated, drawing rectangle width and height are swapped.
+ Always prefer GetDrawRect() to SizeInPixels() call. SizeInPixels() will return
+ drawing rectangle width and height. But if the device is scaled or with nonzero origin,
+ GetDrawRect() will take into account and the top-left corner of the drawing rectangle too,
+ which may not be [0, 0].
+ @param aDrawRect Upon return aRect contains drawing rectangle logical coordinates.
+ */
+ virtual void GetDrawRect(TRect& aDrawRect) const = 0;
+ /**
+ The method swaps bitmap device's width and height.
+ For example: if the size is (40, 20), the swapped size will be (20, 40).
+ The device's content is not preserved.
+ The method leaves CDrawBitmap object in a consistent state -
+ scaling settings will be set with their default values (the scaling is switched off),
+ iDitherOrigin will be set to (0,0), iOrigin to (0,0).
+ Note: This method is used internally by BITGDI component. Do not call it!
+ */
+ virtual void SwapWidthAndHeight() = 0;
+ };