changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicshwdrivers/surfacemgr/src/extension.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1699 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+#include <graphics/surface.h>
+#include <graphics/surfacetypes.h>
+#include <graphics/surfacemanager.h>
+#include "surfacemanager_dev.h"
+#include <kernel/cache.h>
+Convert the surface Id to an index of the array 
+based on the least significant 4 bits of the first word of the ID
+@param	aSurfaceId  Const reference to the surface Id
+static TInt SurfaceIdToIndex(const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId)
+	{
+	return static_cast<TInt>(aSurfaceId.iInternal[0]&(KMaxLists-1));
+	}
+Removes an item from a linked list
+@param	aList  Pointer to the head of a linked list of type T
+@param	aOwner  Pointer to the object to be removed
+template<class T>
+static void UnlinkListItem(T** aList, const T* aItem)
+	{
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM UnlinkListItem list %08x  object %08x \n", aList, aItem);)
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aItem != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(*aList != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	if (*aList == aItem)	//one we want is at the head of the list
+		{
+		*aList = aItem->iNext;
+		return;
+		}
+	T* p = *aList;
+	T* q = (*aList)->iNext;
+	while (q)
+		{
+		if (q == aItem)
+			{
+			p->iNext = q->iNext;
+			return;
+			}
+		p = q;
+		q = q->iNext;
+		}
+	}
+Returns a pointer to the surface owner object for the specified process, for this surface.
+@param	aProcess  Pointer to the process object
+@return pointer to the surface owner object if found, else NULL
+TProcessListItem* TSurface::ProcessOwnerInfo(const DProcess* aProcess)
+	{
+	TProcessListItem* so = iOwners;
+	while(so)
+		{
+		if (aProcess == so->iOwningProcess)
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		so = so->iNext;
+		}
+	return so;
+	}
+Creates a shared chunk surface.
+@param aParams  Package buffer containing the surface creation parameters.  
+@param aId  Will be set to the surface id of the newly created surface.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
+TInt DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface(const TDesC8* aParams, TSurfaceId* aId)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attribs = buf();
+	Kern::KUDesGet(buf, *aParams);		//fetch input parameters
+	if( (attribs.iHintCount > KMaxHintsPerSurface) || (attribs.iHintCount<0) )
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}	
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair tempSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface];
+	if( (attribs.iHintCount>0) && attribs.iSurfaceHints)
+		{
+		kumemget(tempSurfaceHints, attribs.iSurfaceHints, attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
+		attribs.iSurfaceHints = tempSurfaceHints;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		attribs.iSurfaceHints=NULL;
+		}
+	//validate input parameters and calculate chunk size
+	TInt roundedBufferSize = attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
+	TUint dummyActualSize = 0;	
+	TInt chunkSize = ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(attribs, roundedBufferSize, dummyActualSize, ETrue);
+	if (chunkSize == 0)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}	
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	TSurface* surface = NULL;
+	do		//in the unlikely event that we generate a duplicate surface id, try again.
+		{
+		GenerateSurfaceId(sid);
+		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+		surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		}
+	while (surface);
+	//create a shared chunk for the surface memory
+	TChunkCreateInfo info;
+	info.iType = TChunkCreateInfo::ESharedKernelMultiple;	//multi process mappable
+	info.iMaxSize = chunkSize;
+	info.iOwnsMemory = ETrue;
+//iMapAttr is valid only for hardware devices and will not make any effect in wins	
+#ifndef __WINS__
+	info.iMapAttr = (attribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached) ? EMapAttrCachedMax : EMapAttrL1Uncached;
+	info.iMapAttr = 0;
+	TLinAddr kernAddr;
+	TUint32 mapAttr;	
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	DChunk* chunk;
+	r = Kern::ChunkCreate(info, chunk, kernAddr, mapAttr);
+	if (KErrNone != r)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return r;
+		}
+	//commit the memory
+	TUint32 paddr;
+	if (attribs.iContiguous)
+		{
+		r = Kern::ChunkCommitContiguous(chunk, 0, chunkSize, paddr);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		r = Kern::ChunkCommit(chunk, 0, chunkSize);
+		}
+	if (KErrNone != r)
+		{
+		//problem committing the memory,
+		//destroy the chunk and cleanup
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return r;
+		}
+	//create a surface structure for the new surface
+	surface = new TSurface;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
+	if (!surface)
+		{
+		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	surface->iId = sid;
+	surface->iSize = attribs.iSize;
+	surface->iBuffers = attribs.iBuffers;
+	surface->iPixelFormat = attribs.iPixelFormat;
+	surface->iStride = attribs.iStride;
+	surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer = attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer;
+	surface->iAlignment = attribs.iAlignment;
+	surface->iContiguous = attribs.iContiguous;
+	surface->iChunk = chunk;
+	surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers = roundedBufferSize;
+	surface->iCacheAttrib = attribs.iCacheAttrib;
+	surface->iMappable = attribs.iMappable;
+	if(attribs.iHintCount>0)
+		{
+		memcpy(surface->iSurfaceHints,tempSurfaceHints,attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+		}
+	memclr(surface->iSurfaceHints+attribs.iHintCount, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-attribs.iHintCount)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	//create a surface owner for this surface
+	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem CreateSurface",owner);)
+	if (!owner)
+		{
+		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		delete(surface);
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it as open in this process
+	owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
+	owner->iNext = NULL;
+	surface->iOwners = owner;	//only 1 owner at creation time
+	//at this point we have a fully constructed TSurface
+	//add surface to head of surfaces list
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//Mask off the bottom log2(KMaxLists) bits of the first word of the surfaceID as an index
+	//add the new surface to the beginning of the list 
+	TInt index = SurfaceIdToIndex(sid);
+	surface->iNext = iSurfacesIndex[index];
+	iSurfacesIndex[index] = surface;
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);		
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	//write surface id back to user side
+	kumemput(aId, &sid, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Validate that a chunk contains physical memory for the used areas.
+This function should be called in Critical Section in order to be completed even if the thread 
+or process is killed and so be able to free the memory allocated  (TUint32[pageList])
+@param aChunk  Chunk that the user supplied.   
+@param aAttribs  Surface Creation Attributes.
+@param aBuffersize  Calculated size of each buffer.
+@param aMapAttr  Filled in with the mapping attributes of the memory.
+@param aIsContiguous  Lets the caller know if the surface is physically contiguous or not. 
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
+KErrBadHandle if aChunkHandle is of an invalid shared chunk memory,
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
+TInt DSurfaceManager::ValidatePhysicalMemory(DChunk* aChunk, const RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& aAttribs, 
+								   TUint aBuffersize, TUint32& aMapAttr, TBool &aIsContiguous) 
+	{
+	TLinAddr kernAddr;
+	TUint32 physAddr;
+	//Get the physical address for a region in a shared chunk
+	TInt pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
+	TInt pageList = 1 + (aChunk->iSize + pageSize - 2) / pageSize;
+	TUint32* physAddr2 = new TUint32[pageList];
+	if(!physAddr2)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	// Unless proven otherwise, the memory is not contiguous. 
+	aIsContiguous = EFalse;
+	TInt r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 0, aChunk->iSize, kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
+	if (KErrNone == r)
+		{
+		aIsContiguous = ETrue;
+		}
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface ChunkPhysicalAddress r %d chunk %08x chunk size %d", r, aChunk, aChunk->iSize);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface kernAddr %08x", kernAddr);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface mapAttr %08x", aMapAttr);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface physAddr %08x", physAddr);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CreateSurface physAddr2 %08x", physAddr2);)
+	if(r < KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Error means that there isn't memory in the whole chunk - so check the
+		// relevant areas - it is allowed to have gaps between the buffers, but not 
+		// within the actual regions that are used for buffers. 
+		// So, we first check the area before first buffer up to "offsettofirstbuffer", which all should be valid
+		if (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer != 0)
+			{
+			r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 0, aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer, 
+					kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			r = KErrNone;
+			}
+		// If that's a pass, loop through and check the actual buffers (leave loop if it fails).
+		for(TInt i = 0; i < aAttribs.iBuffers && KErrNone <= r; i++)
+			{
+			r = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(aChunk, 
+					aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + aAttribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers * i, 
+					aBuffersize, kernAddr, aMapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
+			}
+		}
+	// Fix up weird ChunkPhysicalAddress behaviour - it returns 1 to indicate that memory is non-contiguous. 
+	if (1 == r)
+		{
+		r = KErrNone;
+		}
+	delete[] physAddr2;
+	return r;
+	}
+Creates a surface in an existing shared chunk.
+@param aParam  Package buf containing the surface creation parameters and id to be set to the surface id of the newly created surface.  
+@param aChunkHandle  Existing valid shared chunk handle.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the creation attributes were incorrect,
+KErrBadHandle if aChunkHandle is of an invalid shared chunk memory,
+otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+@see RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes
+TInt DSurfaceManager::CreateSurface(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam, TInt aChunkHandle)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attribs = buf();
+	//Get the input parameters
+	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
+	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
+	Kern::KUDesGet(buf, *(reinterpret_cast<const TDesC8*>(param.iBuffer)));
+	if( (attribs.iHintCount > KMaxHintsPerSurface) || (attribs.iHintCount<0) )
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}	
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair tempSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface];
+	if( (attribs.iHintCount>0) && attribs.iSurfaceHints)
+		{
+		kumemget(tempSurfaceHints, attribs.iSurfaceHints, attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
+		attribs.iSurfaceHints = tempSurfaceHints;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		attribs.iSurfaceHints=NULL;
+		}
+	//validate input parameters and calc size
+	TInt roundedBufferSize = attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
+	TUint actualBufferSize = 0;
+	TInt chunkSize = ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(attribs, roundedBufferSize, actualBufferSize);
+	if (chunkSize == 0)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	//Open an existing shared chunk
+	DChunk* chunk = Kern::OpenSharedChunk(NULL, aChunkHandle, EFalse);
+	if(chunk == NULL)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrBadHandle;
+		}
+	//Check for chunk type as kernel multiple
+	if(chunk->iChunkType != ESharedKernelMultiple)
+		{
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrBadHandle;
+		}
+	//Check for enough chunk size to create surface for requested attributes
+	if (chunk->iSize < attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + attribs.iBuffers * actualBufferSize)
+		{
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	TSurface* surface = NULL;
+	do		//in the unlikely event that we generate a duplicate surface id, try again.
+		{
+		GenerateSurfaceId(sid);
+		NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+		surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		}
+	while (surface);
+	//create a surface structure for the new surface
+	surface = new TSurface;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
+	if (!surface)
+		{
+		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TUint32 mapAttr = 0;
+	TBool isContiguous;
+	TInt r = ValidatePhysicalMemory(chunk, attribs, actualBufferSize, mapAttr, isContiguous);
+	if (r != KErrNone)
+		{
+		//destroy the surface and close the chunk
+		delete(surface);
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		if (r != KErrNoMemory)
+			{
+			r = KErrArgument;
+			}
+		return r;
+		}
+	surface->iId = sid;
+	surface->iSize = attribs.iSize;
+	surface->iBuffers = attribs.iBuffers;
+	surface->iPixelFormat = attribs.iPixelFormat;
+	surface->iStride = attribs.iStride;
+	surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer = attribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer;
+	surface->iAlignment = attribs.iAlignment;
+	surface->iContiguous = isContiguous;
+	surface->iChunk = chunk;
+	surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers = (attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers) ? attribs.iOffsetBetweenBuffers : roundedBufferSize;
+	surface->iMappable = attribs.iMappable;
+#ifndef __WINS__	//Creation attribute field will not considered for iCacheAttrib
+	TUint32 level1Info = mapAttr & EMapAttrL1CacheMask;
+	TUint32 level2Info = mapAttr & EMapAttrL2CacheMask;
+	TBool chunkIsNotcached =  ((level2Info == EMapAttrL2Uncached) && 
+	    ((level1Info == EMapAttrFullyBlocking) || (level1Info == EMapAttrBufferedNC) ||
+	     (level1Info == EMapAttrBufferedC) || (level1Info == EMapAttrL1Uncached)));
+	surface->iCacheAttrib = (chunkIsNotcached) ? RSurfaceManager::ENotCached : RSurfaceManager::ECached;
+	surface->iCacheAttrib = RSurfaceManager::ENotCached;	
+	if(attribs.iHintCount>0)
+		{
+		memcpy(surface->iSurfaceHints,tempSurfaceHints,attribs.iHintCount*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+		}
+	memclr(surface->iSurfaceHints+attribs.iHintCount, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-attribs.iHintCount)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	//create a surface owner for this surface
+	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem CreateSurface",owner);)
+	if (!owner)
+		{
+		//destroy the chunk and cleanup, out of memory
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunk);
+		delete(surface);
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CreateSurface",surface);)
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it as open in this process
+	owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
+	owner->iNext = NULL;
+	surface->iOwners = owner;	//only 1 owner at creation time
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//at this point we have a fully constructed TSurface
+	//add surface to head of surfaces list
+	//Mask off the bottom log2(KMaxLists) bits of the first word of the surfaceID as an index
+	//add the new surface to the beginning of the list 
+	TInt index = SurfaceIdToIndex(sid);
+	surface->iNext = iSurfacesIndex[index];
+	iSurfacesIndex[index] = surface;
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);		
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	//write surface id back to user side
+	kumemput(reinterpret_cast<TSurfaceId*>(param.iSurfaceId), &sid, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Opens a surface.  If the current process already is in the owners list, its usage count is
+incremented.  If this is an open from a different process, a new surface owner object is added
+to the surface's list of owners and its usage count is set to 1.
+@param aId  The surface id of the surface to be opened.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise a system error code
+TInt DSurfaceManager::OpenSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
+	{
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	TProcessListItem* owner = new TProcessListItem;  //speculative creation
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		delete owner;		//free the memory just allocated
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (so)
+		{
+		//already an owner so inc the ref count
+		++so->iCount;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//new process trying to open it
+		if (!owner)
+			{
+			//the creation of the owner information object failed, out of memory
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+			}
+		owner->iCount = 1;		//mark it open in this process
+		owner->iOwningProcess =  &Kern::CurrentProcess();
+		//add the owner to the list of owners
+		owner->iNext = surface->iOwners;
+		surface->iOwners = owner;
+		owner = NULL;
+		}
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	delete owner;		//free if not used.
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem OpenSurface", owner);)
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Closes a surface.  Decrements the usage count in the surface owner object
+if the usage count is then zero, removes this surface owner from the surface.
+If this results in a surface with no owners, the surface is deleted and the 
+surface shared chunk is closed.
+@param aId  The id of the surface to be closed
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a surface,
+KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, otherwise a system wide
+error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::CloseSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
+	{
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	//look it up
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	//current process is a surface owner so decrement the open count
+	TSurface* surfaceToDelete = NULL;
+	TProcessListItem* ownerToDelete = NULL;
+	DChunk* chunkToClose = NULL;
+	if (--so->iCount == 0)
+		{
+		//if count is now zero remove the owner
+		//surface->RemoveOwner(so);
+		UnlinkListItem(&surface->iOwners, so);
+		ownerToDelete = so;
+		//check to see if the surface has any owners
+		if (!surface->iOwners)
+			{
+			//no more owners of the surface
+			chunkToClose = surface->iChunk;
+			//remove the surface from the list
+			UnlinkListItem(&(iSurfacesIndex[SurfaceIdToIndex(surface->iId)]), surface);
+			surfaceToDelete = surface;
+			}
+		}
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	if (chunkToClose)
+		{
+		//surface has no more owners so close the chunk
+		Kern::ChunkClose(chunkToClose);
+		}
+	delete surfaceToDelete;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CloseSurface",surfaceToDelete);)
+	delete ownerToDelete;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem CloseSurface",ownerToDelete);)
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Maps the surface memory into the process of the calling thread. This will fail if
+the surface is not open in this process, or if the handle to the chunk cannot be created.
+@param aId  The id of the surface to be mapped in.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a
+surface, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process,
+KErrNotSupported if the surface is not mappable, KErrOverflow if the chunk limit has been
+exceeded in the moving memory model, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::MapSurface(const TSurfaceId* aId)
+	{
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	//look it up
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;	//surface id is not valid or in the list of surfaces
+		}
+	if(!surface->iMappable)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();		
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;	//can't map it in, it's not open in this process
+		}
+	DChunk* chunk = surface->iChunk;
+	TInt r = chunk->Open();
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM MapSurface chunk open r %d\n",r);)
+	if (r == KErrGeneral)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	//if we are here, got the surface and we are the owner.
+	//if we are the owner we must have it open at least once
+	r = Kern::MakeHandleAndOpen(NULL, chunk);
+	chunk->Close(NULL);
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM MapSurface handle open r: %d\n",r);)
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return r;
+	}
+Record a new connection to the driver.
+Adds an element to the reference counted list of connected processes if the connection
+is from a new process, otherwise it increments the reference count.
+@param aProcess  The process which has opened a driver channel.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::AddConnection(const DProcess* aProcess)
+	{
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddConnection process %08x\n", aProcess);)
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	TProcessListItem* connectedProcess = new TProcessListItem;  //speculative creation
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM A %08x TProcessListItem AddConnection", connectedProcess);)
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	TProcessListItem* p = FindConnectedProcess(aProcess);
+	if (p)	//already connected, found the process
+		{
+		++p->iCount;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//add a new connected process
+		if (!connectedProcess)
+			{
+			//the creation of the owner information object failed, out of memory
+			NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+			NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+			}
+		connectedProcess->iOwningProcess = (DProcess*)aProcess;
+		connectedProcess->iCount=1;
+		connectedProcess->iNext = iConnectedProcesses;
+		iConnectedProcesses = connectedProcess;
+		connectedProcess = NULL;
+		}
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	delete connectedProcess;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem AddConnection", connectedProcess);)
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Called when the driver channel is closed.
+Decrements the reference count for the connected process, if the last connection
+for this process is closed (reference count reaches 0) it removes the process from the list.
+@param aProcess  The process which has closed the driver channel.
+void DSurfaceManager::RemoveConnection(const DProcess* aProcess)
+	{
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM RemoveConnection process %08x\n", aProcess);)
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	TProcessListItem* p =FindConnectedProcess(aProcess);
+	TProcessListItem* toDelete = NULL;
+	if (p)	//already connected, found the process
+		{
+		if (--p->iCount == 0) //last connection in process has disconnected
+			{
+			//remove the process from the list and cleanup
+			UnlinkListItem(&iConnectedProcesses, p);
+			toDelete = p;
+			}
+		}
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	delete toDelete;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem RemoveConnection ", toDelete);)
+	if (toDelete)	// if a process has closed its last channel, remove process from the surface owners.
+		{
+		CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess(aProcess);
+		}
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	}
+Closes all the surfaces belonging to the process which has just terminated.
+If this is the only owner of a surface, delete the surface.
+@param aProcess  The process which has terminated.
+@pre must be called in critical section
+void DSurfaceManager::CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess(const DProcess* aProcess)
+	{
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	TSurface* p = NULL;
+	TSurface* surfacesTodelete = NULL;
+	TProcessListItem* ownersTodelete = NULL;
+	TProcessListItem* so;
+	// There are 16 doubly linked lists managed by Surface Manager
+	for (TInt index = 0; index < KMaxLists; index++)
+		{
+		p = iSurfacesIndex[index];
+		while(p)
+			{
+			//see if the process which has just died is an owner of any surfaces
+			TSurface* surface = p;
+			p=p->iNext;
+			so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(aProcess);
+			if (so)
+				{
+				UnlinkListItem(&surface->iOwners, so);
+				so->iNext = ownersTodelete;	//add the owner to the list of owner objects to remove
+				ownersTodelete = so;
+				if (!surface->iOwners)	//if the surface hasn't any owners
+					{
+					//remove the surface from the list
+					UnlinkListItem(&iSurfacesIndex[index], surface);
+					surface->iNext = surfacesTodelete;	//add the surface to the list of surfaces to remove
+					surfacesTodelete = surface;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	while(surfacesTodelete)
+		{
+		p = surfacesTodelete->iNext;
+		Kern::ChunkClose(surfacesTodelete->iChunk);
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Close chunk %08x CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",surfacesTodelete->iChunk);)
+		delete surfacesTodelete;
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TSurface CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",surfacesTodelete);)
+		surfacesTodelete = p;
+		}
+	while(ownersTodelete)
+		{
+		so = ownersTodelete->iNext;
+		delete ownersTodelete;
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM D %08x TProcessListItem CloseSurfaceHandlesForProcess",ownersTodelete);)
+		ownersTodelete = so;
+		}
+	}
+Returns the metadata information about the specified surface.
+@param aId  The id of the surface.
+@param aInfo  Pointer to user side descriptor to receive the information.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID does not refer to a surface,
+KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, otherwise a system wide
+error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::SurfaceInfo(const TSurfaceId* aId, TDes8* aInfo)
+	{
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, aId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf buf;
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01& info = buf();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrAccessDenied;	//can do this, not open
+		}
+	//at this point, we have a surface, we are the owner and it's mapped in
+	info.iSize = surface->iSize; 									// Visible width/height in pixels
+	info.iBuffers = surface->iBuffers;								// Number of Buffers
+	info.iPixelFormat = surface->iPixelFormat;	      				// pixel format
+	info.iStride = surface->iStride;								// Number of bytes between start of one line and start of next
+	info.iContiguous = surface->iContiguous;						// is it physically contiguous
+	info.iCacheAttrib = surface->iCacheAttrib;						// Underlying chunk is CPU cached or not
+	info.iMappable = surface->iMappable;							// Is the surface Mappable
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	//copy it back to user side
+	Kern::InfoCopy(*aInfo, buf);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Generates a unique surface id
+@param aId  Surface id reference to receive the generated id.
+void DSurfaceManager::GenerateSurfaceId(TSurfaceId& aId)
+	{
+	TSurfaceId id;
+	for (TInt x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
+		{
+		id.iInternal[x] = Kern::Random();
+		};
+	//package up the handle,
+	//set the type identifier
+	id.iInternal[3] &= 0x00FFFFFF;
+	id.iInternal[3] |= TSurfaceTypes::ESurfaceManagerSurface << 24;
+	aId = id;
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GenerateSurfaceId id = %u %u %u %u\n",id.iInternal[0],id.iInternal[1],id.iInternal[2],id.iInternal[3]);)
+	};
+Validates the surface creation attributes and calculates the size of the chunk required.
+@param aAttribs  The surface creation attributes used to specify the surface requirements.
+@param aOffset  Set to the offset between buffers on successfull return.
+@param aNewChunk  If this is true, surface is created in a new chunk otherwise the surface is created in an existing chunk
+@return The size of chunk required.  A size of 0 indicates a problem.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::ValidateAndCalculateChunkSize(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& aAttribs, 
+			TInt& aOffset, TUint &aActualBufferSize, const TBool aNewChunk)
+	{
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM width = %d  height = %d\n", aAttribs.iSize.iWidth, aAttribs.iSize.iHeight);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM buffers = %d\n", aAttribs.iBuffers);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM format = %d\n", aAttribs.iPixelFormat);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM stride = %d\n", aAttribs.iStride);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM offset to first buffer = %d\n", aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM offset between buffer = %d\n", aOffset);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM alignment = %d\n", aAttribs.iAlignment);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM contiguous = %d\n\n", aAttribs.iContiguous);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM cacheAttrib = %d\n\n", aAttribs.iCacheAttrib);)
+	//check for negative values
+	if(aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer < 0 || aOffset < 0 )
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset for negative value");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	//check aligment is sensible
+	TInt alignmentMask = 0;
+	switch(aAttribs.iAlignment)
+		{
+		case 1:	
+		case 2:	
+		case 4: 
+		case 8: 
+		case 16: 
+		case 32: 
+			alignmentMask = 31; 
+			break;
+		case 64: 
+			alignmentMask = 63; 
+			break;
+		case RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned:
+			break;
+		default:
+			TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate alignment");)
+			return 0;
+		}
+	//check alignment issues.
+	if(aAttribs.iAlignment != RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned)
+		{
+		if(aNewChunk)	
+			{
+			if(aAttribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached)	// Surface is CPU cached, so the alignment will be based on either 32 or 64 byte 
+				{
+				//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
+				aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;
+				//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
+				aOffset = aOffset + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;
+				}
+			else	// Surface is NOT CPU cached, so the alignment will be based on surface attribute alignment
+				{
+				TUint alignMask = aAttribs.iAlignment-1;
+				//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
+				aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + alignMask & ~alignMask;
+				//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
+				aOffset = aOffset + alignMask & ~alignMask;
+				}
+			}
+		else	// existing chunk
+			{
+			TUint alignMask = aAttribs.iAlignment-1;
+			//check alignment issues.  offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
+			if (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer & alignMask)
+				{
+				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset to first pixel misaligned");)
+				return 0;
+				}
+			//check alignment for offsetbetweenbuffers.  offset between buffer needs to fit alignment for existing chunks
+			if (aOffset & alignMask)
+				{
+				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset between buffers misaligned");)
+				return 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else	//page aligned
+		{
+		if(aNewChunk)// if its a new chunks and doesn't match exact alignment then do the rounding
+			{
+			TUint32 pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
+			//offset to first buffer needs to fit alignment
+			aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = (aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (pageSize - 1)) & ~(pageSize - 1);
+			//alignment with respect to offsetbetweenbuffers
+			aOffset = (aOffset + (pageSize - 1)) & ~((pageSize - 1));
+			}
+		else	// for existing chunks don't do any rounding operation
+			{
+			TUint32 pageSize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(1);
+			TUint alignmask = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer & (pageSize - 1);
+			if (alignmask)
+				{
+				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset to first pixel misaligned");)
+				return 0;
+				}
+			alignmask = aOffset & (pageSize - 1);
+			if (alignmask)
+				{
+				TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate offset between buffers misaligned");)
+				return 0;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	//check width and height
+	if(aAttribs.iSize.iWidth <= 0 || aAttribs.iSize.iHeight <= 0)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate width/height");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	//check there is at least 1 buffer
+	if (aAttribs.iBuffers <= 0)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate buffers");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	//Sort the array and also check for duplication
+	if (!SortHints(aAttribs.iSurfaceHints,aAttribs.iHintCount)) 
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate Duplicate hint key");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	TUint size = 0;
+	//calculate buffer size and round it to alignment or to page size
+	TInt64 bufferSize = aAttribs.iStride;
+	bufferSize  *= aAttribs.iSize.iHeight;
+	if (I64HIGH(bufferSize) > 0) //too big
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate chunk buffer size is out of range");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	TUint bsize = I64LOW(bufferSize);
+	if (bsize > KMaxTInt)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate buffer size is out of range for TInt");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	if(aAttribs.iAlignment == RSurfaceManager::EPageAligned)
+		{
+		bsize = Kern::RoundToPageSize(bsize);	//page alignment
+		}
+	else if(aAttribs.iCacheAttrib == RSurfaceManager::ECached)
+		{
+		bsize = bsize + alignmentMask & ~alignmentMask;	//CPU cached byte alignment, for minimum of the specified alignment(32 or 64)
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		bsize = bsize + (aAttribs.iAlignment-1) & ~(aAttribs.iAlignment-1);	//NON CPU cached byte alignment for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64
+		}
+	bufferSize = bsize;
+	// Remember the actual size. 
+	aActualBufferSize = bsize;
+	//if offset between buffers is zero, then assign the calculated value as offset between buffers
+	if(aOffset == 0)
+		{
+		//buffer size rounded to alignment as offset between buffers
+		aOffset = I64INT(bufferSize);
+		}
+	else if(aOffset < I64INT(bufferSize))
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Offset between the buffer is less than the required size");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//use the buffer size specified
+		bufferSize = aOffset;
+		}
+	TInt64 totalSize = aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (aAttribs.iBuffers * bufferSize);
+	if (I64HIGH(totalSize) > 0) //too big
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate chunk size is out of range for RoundToPageSize");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	size = I64LOW(totalSize);
+	if (size > KMaxTInt)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Validate size is out of range for TInt");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	size = Kern::RoundToPageSize(size);
+	//check the size isn't greater than will fit in a TInt
+	if (size > KMaxTInt)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM Rounded size is out of range for TInt");)
+		return 0;
+		}
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM After validate - offset to first buffer = %d\n", aAttribs.iOffsetToFirstBuffer);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM After validate - offset between buffer = %d\n", aOffset);)
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM CalculateChunkSize size = %d\n", size);)
+	return size;
+	}
+Find the surface in the list.   
+@param aId  The surface id of the surface to find in the surface list
+@return pointer to the surface object
+TSurface* DSurfaceManager::FindSurfaceById(const TSurfaceId& aId)
+	{
+	TSurface *p = iSurfacesIndex[SurfaceIdToIndex(aId)];
+	while (p)
+		{
+		if (aId == p->iId)
+			{
+			//found it
+			return p;
+			}
+		p = p->iNext;
+		}
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Find the index of the hint key from the surface list using binary search.   
+@param aHintsArray  Pointer to the first element in the array of surface hints
+@param aKey  The surface hint key uid value to search in the surface list
+@return index of the hint pair key in the surface list, KErrNotFound if key not found
+TInt DSurfaceManager::FindHintKey(const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, TUint32 aKey) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	TInt bottom = 0;
+	TInt top = KMaxHintsPerSurface - 1;
+	TInt mid;
+	while (bottom <= top)
+		{
+	    mid = (bottom + top) / 2;
+	    if((TUint) aHintsArray[mid].iKey.iUid == aKey)
+	    	{
+	    	return mid;
+	    	} 
+	    else if ((TUint)aHintsArray[mid].iKey.iUid < aKey) 
+	    	{
+	    	top = mid - 1;
+	    	}
+	    else
+	    	{
+	    	bottom = mid + 1;
+	    	}
+	  }
+	return KErrNotFound;	//Hint key not found
+    }
+TProcessListItem* DSurfaceManager::FindConnectedProcess(const DProcess* aProcess)
+	{
+	TProcessListItem * p = iConnectedProcesses;
+	while (p)
+		{
+		if (aProcess == p->iOwningProcess)
+			{
+			//found it
+			return p;
+			}
+		p = p->iNext;
+		}
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Searches for a right place to insert the new hint pair in a sorted array.
+@param aHintsArray  Pointer to the first element in the sorted array
+@param aKey  The surface hint key uid value to search in the surface list
+@pre, there is at least one empty place in the array
+@return KErrNone if a new hint pair key inserted in the surface list, KErrAlreadyExists if duplicated
+TInt DSurfaceManager::InsertHintKey(RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair& aHintPair) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray != NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aHintsArray[KMaxHintsPerSurface-1].iKey.iUid == NULL, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	TInt pos = 0;
+	if (aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid != 0)
+		{
+		while((TUint)aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid>(TUint)aHintPair.iKey.iUid && pos < KMaxHintsPerSurface-1)
+			{// find the right place to insert
+			++pos;
+			}
+		if((TUint)aHintsArray[pos].iKey.iUid==(TUint)aHintPair.iKey.iUid)
+			{
+			//Duplicate key 
+			return KErrAlreadyExists;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Shift right
+			memmove(aHintsArray+pos+1, aHintsArray+pos, (KMaxHintsPerSurface-pos-1)*sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));		
+			}	
+		}
+	aHintsArray[pos] = aHintPair;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Sort the surface hint array in descending order.
+@param aHintsArray  The surface hintpair in the surface list
+@param aNumberOfHints The number of hints
+@return ETrue if sorting is finished or it is an empty array, EFalse if key duplicated
+TBool DSurfaceManager::SortHints(RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintsArray, TInt aNumberOfHints) const
+	{
+	TInt in = 0;
+	TInt out = 0;
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair temp;
+	if(!aHintsArray)
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	for(out = 0; out < aNumberOfHints; ++out) 
+		{
+		if(aHintsArray[out].iKey.iUid != 0)
+			{
+			temp = aHintsArray[out];   
+			in = out;          // start shifting at out
+			while(in > 0 && (TUint)aHintsArray[in-1].iKey.iUid <= (TUint)temp.iKey.iUid)
+				{
+				if ((TUint)aHintsArray[in-1].iKey.iUid == (TUint)temp.iKey.iUid)
+					{
+					return EFalse;		//duplicate hint keys are not allowed
+					}
+				aHintsArray[in] = aHintsArray[in-1];     // shift item to the right
+				--in;          // go left one position
+				}
+			aHintsArray[in] = temp;        // insert marked item
+			}
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+Ensures the memory is updated consistently before/after triggering non CPU hardware access. 
+@param aParam  The suface id and buffer number (0 based).
+@param aOperation  The type of the synchronize operation. 
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or
+buffer number is invalid, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in this
+process, otherwise a system wide error code.
+@see RSurfaceManager::TSyncOperation
+TInt DSurfaceManager::SynchronizeCache(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam, RSurfaceManager::TSyncOperation aOperation)
+	{
+	//Parse the parameters
+	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
+	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	kumemget(&sid, param.iSurfaceId, sizeof(TSurfaceId));
+	TInt buffer = (TInt)param.iBuffer;
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	// surfaces have to have at least one buffer
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(surface->iBuffers > 0, Kern::Fault("Surface Manager", __LINE__));
+	//Validate the buffer number is within range
+	if((buffer >= surface->iBuffers) || (buffer < 0))
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	DChunk* chunk = surface->iChunk;
+	TInt offsetBetweenBuffers = surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	TUint32 kernAddr;
+	TUint32 mapAttr;
+	TUint32 physAddr;
+	TInt pageList = chunk->iSize / Kern::RoundToPageSize(1) + 1;
+	TUint32* physAddr2 = new TUint32[pageList];
+	if(!physAddr2)
+		{
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x DChunk SynchronizeCache", chunk);)
+	//Retrieve the kernel address and mapping attribute from the chunk
+	TInt err = Kern::ChunkPhysicalAddress(chunk, surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer + (buffer * offsetBetweenBuffers), offsetBetweenBuffers, kernAddr, mapAttr, physAddr, physAddr2);
+	delete[] physAddr2;
+	if(err >= KErrNone)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x kernAddr SynchronizeCache", kernAddr);)
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM %08x mapAttr SynchronizeCache", mapAttr);)
+		err = KErrNone;
+		// Do the sync operation
+		switch(aOperation)
+			{
+			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncBeforeNonCPURead:
+				Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaWrite(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers, mapAttr);
+				break;
+			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncBeforeNonCPUWrite:
+				Cache::SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers, mapAttr);
+				break;
+			case RSurfaceManager::ESyncAfterNonCPUWrite:
+				Cache::SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead(kernAddr, offsetBetweenBuffers);
+				break;
+			default: 
+				err = KErrArgument;
+				break;
+			}			
+		}
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return err;
+	}
+Get the surface hint value for the given surface ID and hint pair key.
+@param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
+@param aHintPair  The hint value for the requested hint pair key.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or
+invalid hint pair key used, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the
+current process, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::GetSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	if (hintPair.iKey.iUid == 0)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
+		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
+		}
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	//at this point, we have a surface, we have to find the hint value based on the hint pair key
+	TInt index = FindHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints, hintPair.iKey.iUid);
+	if (index == KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint key not found");)
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrArgument;	//Hint key not found
+		}
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hint = surface->iSurfaceHints[index];
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM GetSurfaceHint Hint value %d", hint.iValue);)
+	//write it back to user side
+	kumemput(aHintPair, &hint, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Set the surface hint value for an existing surface hint key of the surface Id.
+@param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
+@param aHintPair  The value of the hint pair to set.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or if invalid
+hint key used, KErrAccessDenied if the hint pair is immutable or the surface is not open
+in the current process, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::SetSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	//Check for valid hint key
+	if (!hintPair.iKey.iUid)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
+		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
+		}
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	//at this point, we have a surface, we have to find the hint value based on the hint pair key
+	TInt index = FindHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints, hintPair.iKey.iUid);
+	if (index == KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key not found or invalid");)
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;	//Hint key not found or invalid
+		}
+	//Check for mutability
+	if(!surface->iSurfaceHints[index].iMutable)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint is immutable");)
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;	//Hint pair is immutable
+		}
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM SetSurfaceHint Hint key found and updated its value %d for the surface %08x \n", aHintPair->iValue, &sid);)
+	//set the hint pair value now
+	memcpy(&surface->iSurfaceHints[index], &hintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Add a new surface hint value for the surface Id.
+@param aSurfaceId  The surface identifier originally returned when the surface was created.
+@param aHintPair  The value of the hint pair to Add.
+@return Returns KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if the surface ID is invalid or the
+hint pair has invalid key UID, KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current
+process, KErrAlreadyExists if duplicate hint key used, KErrOverflow if no space to add new
+pair, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::AddSurfaceHint(const TSurfaceId* aSurfaceId, const RSurfaceManager::THintPair* aHintPair)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+	kumemget(&hintPair, aHintPair, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::THintPair));
+	//Check for valid hint key
+	if (hintPair.iKey.iUid == 0)
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint Hint key is invalid");)
+		return KErrArgument;	//Invalid Hint key
+		}
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, aSurfaceId, sizeof (TSurfaceId));
+	NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	//look it up
+	TSurface* surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if (!surface)	
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrAccessDenied;
+		}
+	//Check for empty hint pair
+	if(surface->iSurfaceHints[KMaxHintsPerSurface - 1].iKey.iUid != 0)//at least end of sorted hint array should be 0 to add a new hint
+		{
+		TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint there is no room to add the hint");)
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+		return KErrOverflow;	//No room for new hint
+		}
+	//We found room for a new hint pair, so insert it in the array
+	// Meanwhile, we check for duplication, if it is, return KErrAlreadyExists
+	TInt err = InsertHintKey(surface->iSurfaceHints,hintPair);
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	TRACE(Kern::Printf("SM AddSurfaceHint Added new key ");)
+	NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+	return err;
+	}
+Get the offset of the specified buffer from the base address of the underlying
+To obtain the address of the buffer, the offset returned must be added onto the
+base address of the RChunk returned in a call to MapSurface(). Note that
+buffer offsets are immutable during the lifetime of the surface.
+@param aParam The input parameters including the surface ID and buffer index.
+@pre The surface is open in the calling process.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrArgument if aSurfaceId or aBuffer are invalid,
+KErrAccessDenied if the surface is not open in the current process, KErrNotSupported if
+the surface is not mappable, otherwise a system wide error code.
+TInt DSurfaceManager::GetBufferOffset(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam* aParam,TUint* aOffset)
+	{
+	//Get the input parameters
+	RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam param;
+	kumemget(&param, aParam, sizeof(RSurfaceManagerDriver::TDeviceParam));
+	TSurfaceId sid;
+	//fetch surface id from user memory
+	kumemget(&sid, param.iSurfaceId, sizeof(TSurfaceId));
+	//(TAny*)iBuffer holds the buffer number in its value
+	TInt bufferNumber = (TInt) param.iBuffer;
+	TSurface* surface = NULL;
+	NKern::FMWait(&iMutex);
+	surface = FindSurfaceById(sid);
+	if(NULL == surface || (bufferNumber >= surface->iBuffers))
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	if(!surface->iMappable)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+		}
+	//find the owner
+	TProcessListItem* so = surface->ProcessOwnerInfo(&Kern::CurrentProcess());
+	if (!so)
+		{
+		NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+		return KErrAccessDenied;		
+		}
+	TInt bufferOffset = surface->iOffsetToFirstBuffer + bufferNumber*surface->iOffsetBetweenBuffers;
+	NKern::FMSignal(&iMutex);
+	kumemput(aOffset, &bufferOffset, sizeof (TInt));
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Returns information specific to the Surface Manager implementation.
+@param aAttrib: Attribute to retrieve
+@param aValue : Output parameter where we write the value for the specified attribute
+@return KErrNone if successful or KErrArgument if the attribute UID is not recognized
+TInt DSurfaceManager::GetSurfaceManagerAttrib(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib* aAttrib,TInt* aValue)
+	{
+	RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib attrib;
+	kumemget(&attrib, aAttrib, sizeof(RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceManagerAttrib));
+	TInt out=KErrNone;
+	TInt value;
+	switch (attrib)
+		{
+		case RSurfaceManager::EMaxNumberOfHints:
+			value=KMaxHintsPerSurface;
+			break;		
+		default:
+			out=KErrArgument;
+			break;			
+		};
+	if (out==KErrNone)
+		{
+		kumemput(aValue, &value, sizeof (TInt));
+		}	
+	return out;
+	}