--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicshwdrivers/surfacemgr/test/src/tsecondprocess.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Surface manager multi-processed test code
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32debug.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+#include <graphics/surface.h>
+#include <graphics/surfacemanager.h>
+#include "tsmgmultprocessshared.h"
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("TReceiveSurface"));
+class CTestDriverSecondProcess : public CTestDriver
+ CTestDriverSecondProcess();
+ ~CTestDriverSecondProcess();
+ void ConstructL();
+ static CTestDriverSecondProcess* NewL();
+ void TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess2();
+ void TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess1();
+ void TestCheckSyncOperation();
+ void TestCheckHandleInSecondProcess();
+ void TestSurfaceInfoUsingSurfaceId();
+ void TestOpeningSurfaceUsingSurfaceId();
+ void TestOpeningSurfaceInvalidParams();
+ void OpenWaitMap();
+ void CreateWaitKill();
+ void OpenClose();
+ void MapSurfaceInfoCantAccess();
+ void TestReadFromBufferInSecondProcess();
+ void TestGetSurfaceHint();
+ void TestSetSurfaceHint();
+ void TestAddSurfaceHint();
+ void TestOutofMemory();
+ RSurfaceManager iSurfaceManagerTwo;
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iSurfaceManagerTwo.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTestDriver::ConstructL();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iSurfaceManagerTwo.Open());
+ }
+CTestDriverSecondProcess* CTestDriverSecondProcess::NewL()
+ CTestDriverSecondProcess * driver = new (ELeave) CTestDriverSecondProcess();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(driver);
+ driver->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(driver);
+ return driver;
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess2()
+ {
+ // Store the attributes used to create the Surface
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attributes = buf();
+ attributes.iSize = TSize(280,301);
+ attributes.iBuffers = 1;
+ attributes.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatYUV_422SemiPlanar; // 2bpp
+ attributes.iStride = 1;
+ attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = 1;
+ attributes.iAlignment = 1;
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hints[2]; // two hint pairs specified
+ attributes.iHintCount = 2;
+ attributes.iSurfaceHints = hints;
+ hints[0].Set(TUid::Uid(0x124578), 25, ETrue);
+ hints[1].Set(TUid::Uid(0x237755), 50, ETrue);
+ attributes.iContiguous = ETrue;
+ attributes.iCacheAttrib = RSurfaceManager::ECached;
+ attributes.iOffsetBetweenBuffers = 0;
+ attributes.iMappable = ETrue;
+ // Create the surface
+ TSurfaceId surfaceIdOne;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.CreateSurface(buf, surfaceIdOne))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Create the surface
+ TSurfaceId surfaceIdTwo;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.CreateSurface(buf, surfaceIdTwo))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceIdTwo))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManagerTwo.OpenSurface(surfaceIdOne))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ // Put the surfaceId onto the shared chunk
+ iChunkWrapper->SetId(surfaceIdOne);
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem.Signal();
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+// // Put the surfaceId onto the shared chunk
+ iChunkWrapper->SetId(surfaceIdTwo);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess1()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceIdOne = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open the surface using the surfaceId - check that it returns KErrNone
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceIdOne))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ sem.Signal();
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Get the surface info
+ RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf infoBuf;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(surfaceIdOne, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ TSurfaceId surfaceIdTwo = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ if(KErrArgument == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(surfaceIdTwo, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFifthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestCheckSyncOperation()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Check it returns KErrAccessDenied when the surface is not Open
+ TInt bufferNo = 1;
+ RSurfaceManager::TSyncOperation syncOperation = RSurfaceManager::ESyncBeforeNonCPURead;
+ if(KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.SynchronizeCache(surfaceId, bufferNo,syncOperation))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Open the surface using the surfaceId - check that it returns KErrNone
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Map the surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(surfaceId, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SynchronizeCache(surfaceId, bufferNo,syncOperation))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ // Close the chunkwrapper, handle and the surface manager
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestCheckHandleInSecondProcess()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open the surface using the surfaceId - check that it returns KErrNone
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Map the surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(surfaceId, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Get the surface info
+ RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf infoBuf;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(surfaceId, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01& info = infoBuf();
+ // Get the adress of this chunk of memory
+ TUint8* surfaceAdd = handle.Base();
+ TInt offsetToFirstBuffer;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.GetBufferOffset(surfaceId, 0, offsetToFirstBuffer))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ TUint8* bufferAdd = surfaceAdd + offsetToFirstBuffer;
+ // Write to the first buffer, and test the value is written
+ *bufferAdd = 20;
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ // Close the chunkwrapper, handle and the surface manager
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+Test 18. Receiving a surface and querying SurfaceInfo for surface properties
+Process 1: Create the Surface
+Process 2: Receive the Surface Id
+Process 2: Receive the attributes used to create the surface
+Process 2: Open the surface using the id
+Process 2: Map the surface
+Process 2: Call SurfaceInfo to get the attributes of the Surface
+Check if these are equal to the ones received.
+@see TestSurfaceInfoUsingSurfaceIdL() in tsurfacemanager.cpp
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestSurfaceInfoUsingSurfaceId()
+ {
+ // Set attributes for the surface - these are expected attributes in the second process
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attributes=buf();
+ attributes.iSize = TSize(200,200);
+ attributes.iBuffers = 1;
+ attributes.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatARGB_1555;
+ attributes.iStride = 415;
+ attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = 80;
+ attributes.iAlignment = 8;
+ attributes.iContiguous=ETrue;
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hints[2]; // two hint pairs specified
+ attributes.iHintCount = 2;
+ attributes.iSurfaceHints = hints;
+ hints[0].Set(TUid::Uid(0x124545), 50, EFalse);
+ hints[1].Set(TUid::Uid(0x237755), 50, EFalse);
+ attributes.iOffsetBetweenBuffers = 0;
+ attributes.iCacheAttrib = RSurfaceManager::ENotCached;
+ attributes.iMappable = ETrue;
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open the surface using the surfaceId - check that it returns KErrNone
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Map the surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(surfaceId, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Get the surface info
+ RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf infoBuf;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(surfaceId, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01& info = infoBuf();
+ TInt offsetToFirstBuffer;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.GetBufferOffset(surfaceId, 0, offsetToFirstBuffer))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(info.iSize == attributes.iSize)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFifthTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(info.iBuffers == attributes.iBuffers)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESixthTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(info.iPixelFormat == attributes.iPixelFormat)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESeventhTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(info.iStride == attributes.iStride)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EEighthTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(offsetToFirstBuffer >= attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ENinthTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(info.iContiguous == attributes.iContiguous)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ETenthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ // Close handle
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+Test 19. Opening a surface using surfaceId
+Priocess 1: Create the surface
+Process 2: Receive the Surface id
+Process 2: Open the Surface using the stored Surface id
+Check OpenSurface returns KErrNone
+@see TestOpeningSurfaceUsingSurfaceIdL() in tsurfacemanager.cpp
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestOpeningSurfaceUsingSurfaceId()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+// CChunkWrapper* chunkWrapper = CChunkWrapper::OpenL(KSharedChunkName, ETrue);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open the surface using the surfaceId - check that it returns KErrNone
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+Test 20. Opening a surface using invalid surfaceId
+Process 1:Create the surface
+Process 2: Receive a Surface Id
+Change Surface Id by
+1. adding 500 to the SurfaceId
+2. making the Surface ID negative
+3. converting the type of the Surface ID to EInvalidSurface
+Process 2: Call OpenSurface using the new SurfaceId
+Check that the return value of OpenSurface is KErrArgument
+@see TestOpenSurfaceInvalidParams() in tsurfacemanager.cpp
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestOpeningSurfaceInvalidParams()
+ {
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open Surface using the right Id
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Open the surface using the invalid surfaceId - check that it returns KErrArgument
+ TSurfaceId invalidSurfaceId = surfaceId;
+ //Add 500 to the first field of surfaceId
+ invalidSurfaceId.iInternal[0] = surfaceId.iInternal[0]+500;
+ if(KErrArgument == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(invalidSurfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Change the surfaceId type to EInvalidSurface
+ invalidSurfaceId.iInternal[3] = (surfaceId.iInternal[3] & 0x00FFFFFF) | ( TSurfaceId::EInvalidSurface <<24 ) ;
+ if(KErrArgument == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(invalidSurfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+Test 22: Create, Open and Close in 3 different processes,
+ leaves surface accessible in first 2 processes
+Process 2: Open Surface
+Process 2: MapSurface - KErrNone (still accessible)
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::OpenWaitMap()
+ {
+ // Find the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId id = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open Surface
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(id))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem.Signal();
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Map surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(id, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+Test 23/24/25/26: Test surface can be accessed when creating process dies /
+ Test surface can be closed when creating process dies /
+ Test surface can be closed from third process when
+ creating process dies and second process closes /
+ Test surface can't be accessed in a second process when open
+ and closed in the first process.
+Process 2: Create Surface
+Process 2: Kill Process
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::CreateWaitKill()
+ {
+ // Setup attributes
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributesBuf buf;
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceCreationAttributes& attributes = buf();
+ attributes.iSize = TSize(20,80); // w > 0, h > 0
+ attributes.iBuffers = 12; // > 0
+ attributes.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatYUV_422SemiPlanar; // 2bpp
+ attributes.iStride = 250; // > 0, < width * bpp
+ attributes.iOffsetToFirstBuffer = 200; // > 0, divisible by alignment
+ attributes.iAlignment = 4; // 1 || 2 || 4 || 8
+ attributes.iContiguous = ETrue;
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hints[2]; // two hint pairs specified
+ attributes.iHintCount = 2;
+ attributes.iSurfaceHints = hints;
+ hints[0].Set(TUid::Uid(0x124545), 50, EFalse);
+ hints[1].Set(TUid::Uid(0x237755), 50, EFalse);
+ attributes.iOffsetBetweenBuffers = 0;
+ attributes.iMappable = ETrue;
+ // Create the surface
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.CreateSurface(buf, surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Put the surfaceId onto the shared chunk
+ iChunkWrapper->SetId(surfaceId);
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem.Signal();
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,&sem);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ }
+Test 27/28/29: Test closing doesn't prevent opening on another process
+ Test closing doesn't prevent access on another process
+ Test closing a surface in the creating process
+ when it has already been closed in a second process returns KErrNone
+Process 2: Open Surface
+Process 2: Close Surface
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::OpenClose()
+ {
+ // Find the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId id = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open Surface
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(id))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Close Surface
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.CloseSurface(id))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem.Signal();
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ }
+Test 30: Test a surface cannot be accessed in a second process if not opened
+Process 2: Map Surface - KErrAccessDenied
+Process 2: Surface Info - KErrAccessDenied
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::MapSurfaceInfoCantAccess()
+ {
+ // Find the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId id = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Map surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(id, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Surface Info
+ RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf infoBuf;
+ if(KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(id, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Pass control back to the first process
+ RSemaphore sem;
+ if(KErrNone == sem.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem.Signal();
+ RSemaphore sem2;
+ if(KErrNone == sem2.OpenGlobal(KMultiProcessSemaphore2))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ sem2.Wait();
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3,&handle);
+ sem.Close();
+ sem2.Close();
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+Test 31: Test that a buffer written to in one surface can be read from in another
+Process 1: Create Surface
+Process 1: Map Surface
+Process 1: Write to buffer
+Process 2: Open the surface
+Process 2: Read from buffer
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestReadFromBufferInSecondProcess()
+ {
+ // Find the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId id = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Open Surface
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(id))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Map surface
+ RChunk handle;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.MapSurface(id, handle))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Read from the buffer
+ RSurfaceManager::TInfoBuf infoBuf;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SurfaceInfo(id, infoBuf))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSurfaceManager::TSurfaceInfoV01& info = infoBuf();
+ TUint8* surfaceAdd = handle.Base();
+ TInt offsetToFirstBuffer;
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.GetBufferOffset(id, 0, offsetToFirstBuffer))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ TUint8* bufferAdd = surfaceAdd + offsetToFirstBuffer;
+ if(*bufferAdd == 134)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFifthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ handle.Close();
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestGetSurfaceHint()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+ hintPair.iKey.iUid = 0x124578;
+ if (KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.GetSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ if (KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.GetSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestSetSurfaceHint()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+ hintPair.iKey.iUid = 0x124578;
+ hintPair.iValue = 300;
+ if (KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.SetSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ if (KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.SetSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPairNew;
+ hintPairNew.iKey.iUid = 0x124578;
+ iSurfaceManager.GetSurfaceHint(surfaceId,hintPairNew);
+ if (hintPairNew.iValue == hintPair.iValue)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestAddSurfaceHint()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPair;
+ hintPair.iKey.iUid = 0x124580;
+ hintPair.iValue = 300;
+ hintPair.iMutable = ETrue;
+ if (KErrAccessDenied == iSurfaceManager.AddSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ if (KErrNone == iSurfaceManager.AddSurfaceHint(surfaceId, hintPair))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EThirdTestPassed;
+ }
+ RSurfaceManager::THintPair hintPairNew;
+ hintPairNew.iKey.iUid = 0x124580;
+ iSurfaceManager.GetSurfaceHint(surfaceId,hintPairNew);
+ if (hintPairNew.iValue == hintPair.iValue)
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFourthTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+void CTestDriverSecondProcess::TestOutofMemory()
+ {
+ // Open the chunk wrapper and get the surfaceId
+ TSurfaceId surfaceId = iChunkWrapper->GetId();
+ // Test OOM in OpenSurface()
+ __KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, 1);
+ if (KErrNoMemory == iSurfaceManager.OpenSurface(surfaceId))
+ {
+ iTestResult |= EFirstTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Test OOM in AddConnection()
+ RSurfaceManager surfaceManagerTest;
+ __KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, 1);
+ if (KErrNoMemory == surfaceManagerTest.Open())
+ {
+ iTestResult |= ESecondTestPassed;
+ }
+ // Set the results so they can be read and tested by the first process
+ iChunkWrapper->SetSecondProcessResults(iTestResult);
+ }
+// Real main function
+void MainL()
+ {
+ test.Title();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("marker"));
+ test.Start(_L("Starting 2nd Process"));
+ TInt testCase;
+ User::GetTIntParameter(EMultiProcessSecondSlot, testCase);
+ TInt procHandles1 =0;
+ TInt threadHandles1=0;
+ RThread().HandleCount(procHandles1, threadHandles1);
+ CTestDriverSecondProcess* testDriver = CTestDriverSecondProcess::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testDriver);
+ switch(testCase)
+ {
+ case ETestInfoReceivedSurface:
+ testDriver->TestSurfaceInfoUsingSurfaceId();
+ break;
+ case ETestOpenReceivedSurface:
+ testDriver->TestOpeningSurfaceUsingSurfaceId();
+ break;
+ case ETestOpenSurfaceInvalidParams:
+ testDriver->TestOpeningSurfaceInvalidParams();
+ break;
+ case EOpenWaitMap:
+ testDriver->OpenWaitMap();
+ break;
+ case ECreateWaitKill:
+ testDriver->CreateWaitKill();
+ break;
+ case EOpenClose:
+ testDriver->OpenClose();
+ break;
+ case EMapSurfaceInfoCantAccess:
+ testDriver->MapSurfaceInfoCantAccess();
+ break;
+ case EReadFromBuffer:
+ testDriver->TestReadFromBufferInSecondProcess();
+ break;
+ case ECheckHandle:
+ testDriver->TestCheckHandleInSecondProcess();
+ break;
+ case ESyncOperation:
+ testDriver->TestCheckSyncOperation();
+ break;
+ case ETestChannelMultiProcess1:
+ testDriver->TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess1();
+ break;
+ case ETestChannelMultiProcess2:
+ testDriver->TestMultipleChannelsInSecondProcess2();
+ break;
+ case EGetSurfaceHint:
+ testDriver->TestGetSurfaceHint();
+ break;
+ case ESetSurfaceHint:
+ testDriver->TestSetSurfaceHint();
+ break;
+ case EAddSurfaceHint:
+ testDriver->TestAddSurfaceHint();
+ break;
+ case ECheckOutofMemory:
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ testDriver->TestOutofMemory();
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ break;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testDriver);
+ // Handle check
+ TInt procHandles2 =0;
+ TInt threadHandles2=0;
+ RThread().HandleCount(procHandles2,threadHandles2);
+ if (threadHandles1 != threadHandles2)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral); // Thread-owned handles not closed
+ }
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ }
+// Cleanup stack harness
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(error, MainL());
+ _LIT(KTSecondProcessPanic,"tsecondprocessmain");
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error, User::Panic(KTSecondProcessPanic, error));
+ delete cleanupStack;
+ return 0;
+ }