changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 36 01a6848ebfd7
child 163 bbf46f59e123
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstest/graphicstestharness/src/tprofiler.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 
+#include <test/TestExecuteStepBase.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include "tprofiler.h"
+#define PROFILER_TEST(a)  (iTestStep.testBooleanTrue((a), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__)) 
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF1(p1)                            iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF2(p1, p2)                        iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(p1, p2, p3)                    iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2), (p3))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF4(p1, p2, p3, p4)                iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF5(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)            iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF6(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)        iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5), (p6))
+#define PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)    iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrInfo, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5), (p6), (p7))
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF1(p1)                             iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1)) 
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF2(p1, p2)                         iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2)) 
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF3(p1, p2, p3)                     iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2), (p3)) ;
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF4(p1, p2, p3, p4)                 iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4)) 
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF5(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)             iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5)) 
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF6(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)         iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5), (p6)) 
+#define PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF7(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)     iTestStep.Logger().LogExtra(((TText8*)__FILE__), __LINE__, ESevrErr, (p1), (p2), (p3), (p4), (p5), (p6), (p7))
+CTProfiler::CTProfiler(CTestStep& aTestStep) :
+    iTestStep(aTestStep)
+    {
+    }
+EXPORT_C CTProfiler::~CTProfiler()
+    {   
+    iResults.Reset();
+    }
+EXPORT_C CTProfiler* CTProfiler::NewL(CTestStep& aTestStep)
+    {
+    CTProfiler* profiler = new (ELeave) CTProfiler(aTestStep);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(profiler);
+    profiler->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return profiler;
+    }
+void CTProfiler::ConstructL()
+    {
+    User::LeaveIfError((HAL::Get(HALData::EFastCounterFrequency, iFreq)));
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF2(_L("FastCounterFrequency: %i   Hz"), iFreq);
+    if(iFreq == 0)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrDivideByZero);
+        }
+    }
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::StartTimer()
+    {
+    iStart = User::FastCounter();
+    }
+EXPORT_C TInt64 CTProfiler::StopTimer()
+    {
+    iEnd = User::FastCounter();
+    // wrap around automatically dealt with by two's complement arithmetic as long as all variables are unsigned int
+    iDiff += iEnd - iStart;
+    TInt64 difftime = (1000000*(TInt64)iDiff) / (TInt64)iFreq;
+    return difftime;
+    }
+Initalises the results. Must be called before MarkResultSet
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::InitResults()
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(!iResultsInitalised);
+    iResultsInitalised = ETrue;
+    iDiff = 0;
+    iResults.Reset();
+    StartTimer();
+    }
+Records set current time. Can be called multiple times so an average can be taken.
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::MarkResultSetL()
+    {   
+    iResults.InsertInUnsignedKeyOrderAllowRepeatsL((TUint32)StopTimer());
+    iDiff = 0;
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    StartTimer();
+    }
+Frees all memory allocated by results capturing methods like MarkResultSetL().
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::FreeResultsMemory()
+    {
+    iResults.Reset();
+    }
+Returns the trimmed mean of a set of results. i.e. Trims off the 20% smallest and the 20% largest of the data results.
+EXPORT_C TUint32 CTProfiler::GetTrimedMean()
+    {
+    TInt64 total = 0;   
+    if (iResults.Count() <= 50)
+        PROFILER_ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Not enough results for trimming - need more than 50, but got %d"), iResults.Count());
+    if (iResults.Count() == 0)      // If iResults is zero then do nothing
+        {
+        return 0;
+        }
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResults.Count() > 50); //Ensure we have an ability to remove some results in trimming
+    TInt twentyPercentCount = iResults.Count()/5;
+    for (TInt count = twentyPercentCount; count < iResults.Count()-twentyPercentCount; count++)
+        {
+        total += iResults[count];
+        }
+    return ((TUint32)(total/(iResults.Count()-(twentyPercentCount*2))));
+    }
+EXPORT_C TInt CTProfiler::PercentageChange(TInt aFirstTime, TInt aSecondTime)
+    {
+    return ((aFirstTime - aSecondTime)*100) / aFirstTime;
+    }
+Finds the maximum time taken
+TUint32 CTProfiler::TimeMax()
+    {
+    if (iResults.Count() == 0)
+        {
+        return 0;
+        }
+    TUint32 result = iResults[0];
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < iResults.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        if(iResults[i] > result)
+            result = iResults[i];
+        }
+    return result;
+    }
+Finds the minimum time taken
+TUint32 CTProfiler::TimeMin()
+    {
+    if (iResults.Count() == 0)
+        {
+        return 0;
+        }
+    TUint32 result = iResults[0];
+    for(TInt i = 0; i < iResults.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        if(iResults[i] < result)
+            result = iResults[i];
+        }
+    return result;
+    }
+Reports analysis results
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysis(const TDesC& aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  us"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters,  GetTrimedMean());
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  "), TimeMax(), TimeMin());
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results for pixel rates
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+@param aNumPixels is the number of pixels rendered
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisPixelRate(const TDesC & aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters, TInt aNumPixelsPerIteration)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    TReal time = (TReal)iResults[0] / 1000000;
+    TInt32 pixelRate = aNumPixelsPerIteration*aIters/time;
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  pixels/second"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters, pixelRate);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  "), TimeMax(), TimeMin());
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results for character rates
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+@param aNumChars is the number of characters rendered
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisCharacterRate(const TDesC & aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters, TInt aNumCharsPerIteration)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    TReal time = (TReal)iResults[0] / 1000000;
+    TInt32 characterRate = aNumCharsPerIteration*aIters/time;
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  characters/second"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters, characterRate);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  "), TimeMax(), TimeMin());
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results when there is one total result given the number of itertions
+This function should only be used if you cannot obtain the times for each iteration of 
+the test and ResultsAnalysis cannot be used.
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisAverageByIterations(const TDesC& aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  us"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters,  iResults[0]/aIters);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  "), TimeMax(), TimeMin());
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results for frame rates
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+@param aNumPixels is the number of pixels rendered
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisFrameRate(const TDesC & aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters, TInt aNumPixelsPerIteration)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    TReal time = (TReal)iResults[0] / 1000000;
+    TInt32 pixelRate = aNumPixelsPerIteration * aIters / time;
+    TInt32 frameRate = aIters / time;
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  pixels/second"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters, pixelRate);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  Framerate:  %i  frames/second"), TimeMax(), TimeMin(), frameRate);
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results for screen rotation rates
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+@param aNumPixels is the number of pixels rendered
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisScreenRotationRate(const TDesC & aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters, TInt aNumPixelsPerIteration)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    TReal time = (TReal)iResults[0] / 1000000;
+    TInt32 pixelRate = aNumPixelsPerIteration * aIters / time;
+    TInt32 frameRate = aIters / time;
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  pixels/second"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters, pixelRate);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  Framerate:  %i  frames/second"), TimeMax(), TimeMin(), frameRate);
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+Reports analysis results for Z Order Switching rates
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aZorderSwitching is the z Order Switching being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+@param aNumPixels is the number of pixels rendered
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisZorderSwitchingRate(const TDesC & aTestName, TInt aZorderSwitching, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode, TInt aIters, TInt aNumPixelsPerIteration)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    TReal time = (TReal)iResults[0] / 1000000;
+    TInt32 pixelRate = aNumPixelsPerIteration * aIters / time;
+    TInt32 frameRate = aIters / time;
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  pixels/second"), &aTestName, aZorderSwitching, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters, pixelRate);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  Framerate:  %i  frames/second"), TimeMax(), TimeMin(), frameRate);
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }
+This function calclulates the mean without deleting any of the values from iResults
+EXPORT_C TUint32 CTProfiler::Mean()
+    {
+    TInt64 total = 0;   
+    TInt count1 = iResults.Count();
+    for (TInt count = 0; count < iResults.Count(); count++)
+        {
+        total += iResults[count];
+        }
+    return ((TUint32)(total/(iResults.Count())));   
+    }
+Reports analysis of results when there are more then one values by calculating the average based on value of iResult.count().
+@param aTestName is the name of the test case
+@param aRotation is the screen rotation being used in the test
+@param aSrcScreenMode is the source screen mode being used, 
+i.e. for bitmap display conversion the source and destinations bitmaps maybe different
+@param aDstScreenMode is the destination screen mode (usually the display screen mode)
+@param aIters is the number of iterations used in the test
+EXPORT_C void CTProfiler::ResultsAnalysisAverageByNumberOfIterations(const TDesC& aTestName, TInt aRotation, TInt aSrcScreenMode, TInt aDstScreenMode,TInt aIters)
+    {
+    PROFILER_TEST(iResultsInitalised);
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF7(_L("TID:   %S  Rot:    %i  SrcMode:    %i  DestMode:   %i  Iters: %i   TrimmedMean:    %i  us"), &aTestName, aRotation, aSrcScreenMode, aDstScreenMode, aIters,  Mean());
+    PROFILER_INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Max:   %i  Min:    %i  "), TimeMax(), TimeMin());  
+    iResultsInitalised = EFalse;
+    }