changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstest/uibench/src/tbitbltperf_directgdi.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 
+#include "tbitbltperf_directgdi.h"
+#include <graphics/directgdidriver.h>
+#include <graphics/directgdidrawablesource.h>
+#include <bitdrawinterfaceid.h>
+#include <bmalphablend.h>
+#include <bitdraw.h>
+_LIT(KBitmap12bit, "z:\\system\\data\\uibench_12bit.mbm");
+_LIT(KBitmap16bit, "z:\\system\\data\\uibench_16bit.mbm");
+_LIT(KBitmap24bit, "z:\\system\\data\\uibench_24bit.mbm");
+_LIT(KBitmap32bit, "z:\\system\\data\\uibench_32bit.mbm");
+_LIT(KBitmapTile, "z:\\system\\data\\uibench_tile.mbm");
+const TInt KIterationsToTest = 5; 		// Number of iterations to run tests
+const TInt KMaxPixelFormats = 30;		// Number of bitmaps/tiles to create
+// For many of these tests, the size of which the destination blit is cropped to. 
+const TRect KCropTo = TRect(0,0,200,200);
+	{
+	}
+	:iBitmapImage(KMaxPixelFormats),
+	iBitmapTile(KMaxPixelFormats)
+	{
+	SetTestStepName(KTBitBltPerfDirectGdi);
+	}
+Override of base class virtual
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::doTestStepPreambleL()
+	{	
+	CTDirectGdiTestBase::doTestStepPreambleL();
+	// Create a CFbsBitmap image for each source mode we are testing.
+	for (TInt srcMode = 0; srcMode < iSourcePixelFormatArray.Count(); ++srcMode)
+		{
+		TDisplayMode bitmapDisplayMode = TDisplayModeMapping::MapPixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourcePixelFormatArray[srcMode]);
+		CFbsBitmap* bitmapImage = NULL;
+		switch(bitmapDisplayMode)
+		{
+			case EColor4K:
+			case EGray256:
+				bitmapImage = LoadBitmapL(KBitmap12bit, 0);
+				break;
+			case EColor64K:
+				bitmapImage = LoadBitmapL(KBitmap16bit, 0);
+				break;
+			case EColor16M:
+				bitmapImage = LoadBitmapL(KBitmap24bit, 0);
+				break;
+			default:
+				bitmapImage = LoadBitmapL(KBitmap32bit, 0);
+				break;
+		}
+		if (bitmapImage && bitmapImage->DisplayMode() != bitmapDisplayMode)
+			{
+			CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapImage);
+			CFbsBitmap* tempBitmap = CopyIntoNewBitmapL(bitmapImage, bitmapDisplayMode);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, bitmapImage); //bitmapImage
+			bitmapImage = tempBitmap;
+			}
+		iBitmapImage.AppendL(bitmapImage);
+		}
+	// Create 8bit alpha bitmap
+	CFbsBitmap* tempBitmap = LoadBitmapL(KBitmap12bit, 0);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tempBitmap);
+	iAlpha8bit = CopyIntoNewBitmapL(tempBitmap, EGray256);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempBitmap);	// tempBitmap
+	// Create CFbsBitmaps for the tile images of various pixel formats.
+	// The first entry in the array is always the default pixelformat loaded from the mbm.
+	// Then in the rest of the array are bitmaps converted to the source pixel formats.
+	CFbsBitmap* tile = LoadBitmapL(KBitmapTile, 0);	
+	iBitmapTile.AppendL(tile);
+	for (TInt srcMode = 0; srcMode < iSourcePixelFormatArray.Count(); ++srcMode)
+		{
+		TDisplayMode bitmapDisplayMode = TDisplayModeMapping::MapPixelFormatToDisplayMode(iSourcePixelFormatArray[srcMode]);
+		CFbsBitmap* tileCopy = CopyIntoNewBitmapL(tile, bitmapDisplayMode);
+		iBitmapTile.AppendL(tileCopy);
+		}
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Override of base class virtual
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::doTestStepPostambleL()
+	{	
+	delete iAlpha8bit;
+	iAlpha8bit = NULL;
+	for (TInt ii = iBitmapImage.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
+		{
+		delete iBitmapImage[ii];
+		}
+	iBitmapImage.Close();
+	for (TInt ii = iBitmapTile.Count() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
+		{
+		delete iBitmapTile[ii];
+		}
+	iBitmapTile.Close();
+	return CTDirectGdiTestBase::doTestStepPostambleL();
+	}
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::doTestStepL()
+	{
+    INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi can only be run with RSgImage legacy"));
+    return TestStepResult();
+	// for each display mode
+	for(TInt dispModeIndex = 0; dispModeIndex < iTargetPixelFormatArray.Count(); ++dispModeIndex)
+		{
+		TDisplayMode targetDisplayMode = TDisplayModeMapping::MapPixelFormatToDisplayMode(iTargetPixelFormatArray[dispModeIndex]);
+		if(SetTargetPixelFormatL(targetDisplayMode))
+			{
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0150"));
+			SimpleBitBltL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0151"));
+			SimpleDrawBitmapL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0153"));
+			MaskedBitBltAlphaL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0154"));
+			MaskedBitBltSameL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0155"));
+			MaskedBitBltL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0156"));
+			MaskedDrawBitmapL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0136"));
+			MaskedDrawBitmapScaledL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0157"));
+			BitBltCpuAccessL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0158"));
+			SimpleDrawResourceL();
+			RecordTestResultL();
+			}
+		}
+    CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Measure the performance of BitBlt() for the current screen mode and for various bitmap pixel formats.
+Draw an entire bitmap using BitBlt(), with no overlapping or clipping. 
+Measure the time taken.
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleBitBltL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleBitBlt"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiBitBlt");
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EBitBlt, iBitmapImage[source], NULL, KCropTo, KTestName, iContext);
+		}
+	}
+Measures the performance of DrawBitmap() for the current screen mode, for various bitmap pixel formats.
+The bitmap is drawn without scaling.
+Create a copy of the bitmap, and scale to the required size, prior to running the test.
+For each required source pixel format, use DrawBitmap() to tile a bitmap across the target, avoiding any
+clipping or overlap. 
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleDrawBitmapL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleDrawBitmap"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiDrawBitmap");
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		// Use a bitmap that needs no scaling.
+		CFbsBitmap* bitmapBitBltImage = CopyIntoNewBitmapL(iBitmapImage[source], iBitmapImage[source]->DisplayMode());
+		CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapBitBltImage);
+		bitmapBitBltImage->Resize(KCropTo.Size());
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EDrawBitmap, bitmapBitBltImage, NULL, bitmapBitBltImage->SizeInPixels(), KTestName, iContext);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, bitmapBitBltImage);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of BitBltMasked() for the current screen mode, using bitmaps of various 
+pixel formats.
+Call BitBltMasked() with a bitmap for various pixel formats of bitmap, using the same bitmap 
+as the mask bitmap each time. The bitmap is tiled across the target to avoid overlapping or clipping. 
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBltL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBlt"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiMBitBlt");
+	// for each display mode
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EBitBltMasked, iBitmapImage[source], iBitmapTile[0], KCropTo, KTestName, iContext);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of BitBlt(), using the same bitmap as a mask with different screen modes.
+Call BitBltMasked() with a bitmap for various pixel formats of bitmap, using the bitmap 
+as the mask bitmap each time. The bitmap is tiled across the target to avoid overlapping or clipping.
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBltSameL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBltSame"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiMBitBltS");
+	for (TInt tile = 0; tile < iBitmapTile.Count(); ++tile)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EBitBltMasked, iBitmapTile[tile], iBitmapTile[tile], KCropTo, KTestName, iContext);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of BitBltMasked(), with an alpha bitmap with different screen modes.
+Call BitBltMasked() with a bitmap for various pixel formats of bitmap, using the same alpha bitmap 
+as the mask bitmap each time. The bitmap is tiled across the target to avoid overlapping or clipping.
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBltAlphaL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedBitBltAlpha"));	
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiMBitBltA");
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EBitBltMasked, iBitmapImage[source], iAlpha8bit, KCropTo, KTestName, iContext);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of BitBlt() for the current screen mode and for various bitmap pixel formats,
+with a bitmap that is accessed by the CPU via DataAddresss(), and is therefore never cached by DirectGDI.
+Create a copy of a test bitmap.
+Call DataAddress() on the bitmap.
+Draw an entire bitmap using BitBlt(), with no overlapping or clipping. 
+Measure the time taken.
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::BitBltCpuAccessL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::BitBltCpuAccess"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiBitBltCpuAccess");
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		CFbsBitmap* bitmapBitBltImage = CopyIntoNewBitmapL(iBitmapImage[source], iBitmapImage[source]->DisplayMode());
+		TESTL(bitmapBitBltImage != NULL);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapBitBltImage);
+		bitmapBitBltImage->DataAddress();	// CPU Access so that it is not cached by DirectGDI.
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EBitBlt, bitmapBitBltImage, NULL, KCropTo, KTestName, iContext);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, bitmapBitBltImage);		
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of DrawResource() for the current screen mode and for various bitmap pixel formats,
+with no rotation.
+Draw an entire bitmap using DrawResource(), by tiling the image across the target to avoid overlapping and
+clipping. Measure the time taken.
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleDrawResourceL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::SimpleDrawResource"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiDrawResource");
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		TSgImageInfo imageInfo;
+		imageInfo.iSizeInPixels = iBitmapImage[source]->SizeInPixels();
+		imageInfo.iPixelFormat = TDisplayModeMapping::MapDisplayModeToPixelFormat(iBitmapImage[source]->DisplayMode());
+		imageInfo.iUsage = ESgUsageDirectGdiSource;
+		// Create an RSgImage from the CFbsBitmap.
+		RSgImage sgImage;	
+		TInt res = sgImage.Create(imageInfo, iBitmapImage[source]->DataAddress(), iBitmapImage[source]->DataStride());
+		CleanupClosePushL(sgImage);		
+		CDirectGdiDriver* drv = CDirectGdiDriver::Static();
+		TEST(drv != NULL);
+		RDirectGdiDrawableSource* imageSrc = new RDirectGdiDrawableSource(*drv);
+		TEST(imageSrc != NULL);
+		res = imageSrc->Create(sgImage);		
+		// The test loop.
+		// Tile across the target, and avoid clipping and overlapping of tiles.
+		const TSize targetSize = GetPixmapSizeInPixels();
+		const TSize tileSize = imageInfo.iSizeInPixels;
+		const TInt tileColumns = targetSize.iWidth / tileSize.iWidth;
+		const TInt tileRows = targetSize.iHeight / tileSize.iHeight;
+		const TInt numTiles = tileColumns * tileRows;
+		const TInt numPixelsPerIteration = numTiles * tileSize.iWidth * tileSize.iHeight;
+		iProfiler->InitResults();
+		for(TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>0; --count)
+			{
+			TPoint bitmapPosition = TPoint(0,0);
+			for (TInt tile = numTiles - 1; tile >= 0; --tile)
+				{
+				iContext->DrawResource(bitmapPosition, *imageSrc, DirectGdi::EGraphicsRotationNone);
+				bitmapPosition.iX += tileSize.iWidth;
+				if (bitmapPosition.iX + tileSize.iWidth > targetSize.iWidth)
+					{
+					bitmapPosition.iX = 0;
+					bitmapPosition.iY += tileSize.iHeight;
+					}
+				}
+			iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+			}
+		iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+		TESTNOERRORL(iDGdiDriver->GetError());
+		WriteTargetOutput(KTestName());		
+		const TDisplayMode targetDisplayMode = TDisplayModeMapping::MapPixelFormatToDisplayMode(iImageInfo.iPixelFormat);
+		iProfiler->ResultsAnalysisPixelRate(KTestName, CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal, iBitmapImage[source]->DisplayMode(), targetDisplayMode, KIterationsToTest, numPixelsPerIteration);
+		imageSrc->Close();
+		delete imageSrc;
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &sgImage);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of DrawBitmapMasked() for the current screen mode, using bitmaps of various 
+pixel formats.
+Call DrawBitmapMasked() with a bitmap for various pixel formats of bitmap, using the same bitmap 
+as the mask bitmap each time. The bitmap is tiled across the target to avoid overlapping or clipping. 
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedDrawBitmapL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedDrawBitmap"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiDrawBitmapM");
+	// for each display mode
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EDrawBitmapMasked, iBitmapImage[source], iBitmapTile[0], KCropTo, KTestName, iContext, EFalse);
+		}
+	}
+Measure the performance of DrawBitmapMasked() for the current screen mode, using bitmaps of various 
+pixel formats.
+Call DrawBitmapMasked() with a bitmap for various pixel formats of bitmap, using the same bitmap 
+as the mask bitmap each time. The bitmap is tiled across the target to avoid overlapping or clipping. 
+The performance to be logged as a pixel rate, per bitmap.
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedDrawBitmapScaledL()
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::MaskedDrawBitmapScaled"));
+	_LIT(KTestName, "DirectGdiDrawBitmapMS");
+	// for each display mode
+	for (TInt source = 0; source < iBitmapImage.Count(); ++source)
+		{
+		BitBltBitmapTestL(EDrawBitmapMasked, iBitmapImage[source], iBitmapTile[0], KCropTo, KTestName, iContext, ETrue);
+		}
+	}
+Helper function to test bitblt bitmaps for different types of blitting. The bitmap is 
+tiled across the target to avoid any overdraw. Once the target is filled, the process
+is performed for @c KIterationsToTest times.
+@param aBitBltTest the bitblt test to carry out
+@param aBitmapToBlt the bitmap to bitblt
+@param aBitmapMask the bitmap mask
+@param aCrop rectangle to crop bitblt to
+@param aOrientation the orientation of the display
+@param aTestName the name of the test
+@param aGc the graphics context to bitblt to
+void CTBitBltPerfDirectGdi::BitBltBitmapTestL(TBitBltTest aBitBltTest, CFbsBitmap* aBitmapToBlt, CFbsBitmap* aBitmapMask, TRect aCropTo, const TDesC& aTestName, CDirectGdiContext* aGc, TBool aScaled)
+	{
+	aGc->Clear();
+	iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+	const TSize targetSize = GetPixmapSizeInPixels();
+	const TInt scalingFactor = aScaled ? 2 : 1;
+	// Calculate the number of tiles that will fit fully on the pixmap
+	const TSize tileSize = TSize(aCropTo.Width()/scalingFactor, aCropTo.Height()/scalingFactor);
+	const TInt tileColumns = targetSize.iWidth / tileSize.iWidth;
+	const TInt tileRows = targetSize.iHeight / tileSize.iHeight;
+	const TInt numTiles = tileColumns * tileRows;
+	const TInt numPixelsPerIteration = numTiles * tileSize.iWidth * tileSize.iHeight;
+	switch (aBitBltTest)
+	{
+	case EDrawBitmap:
+		{
+		// Do a draw outside the loop so that we aren't measuring the time to load and cache the bitmap.
+		aGc->DrawBitmap(TRect(0, 0, tileSize.iWidth, tileSize.iHeight), *aBitmapToBlt);
+		iProfiler->InitResults();
+		for(TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>0; --count)
+			{
+			TPoint bitmapPosition = TPoint(0,0);
+			for (TInt tile = numTiles - 1; tile >= 0; --tile)
+				{
+				aGc->DrawBitmap(TRect(bitmapPosition.iX, bitmapPosition.iY, bitmapPosition.iX+tileSize.iWidth, bitmapPosition.iY+tileSize.iHeight), *aBitmapToBlt);
+				bitmapPosition.iX += tileSize.iWidth;
+				if (bitmapPosition.iX + tileSize.iWidth > targetSize.iWidth)
+					{
+					bitmapPosition.iX = 0;
+					bitmapPosition.iY += tileSize.iHeight;
+					}
+				}
+			iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EDrawBitmapMasked:
+		{
+		// Do a draw outside the loop so that we aren't measuring the time to load and cache the bitmap.
+		aGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(0, 0, tileSize.iWidth, tileSize.iHeight), *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo, *aBitmapMask, EFalse);
+		iProfiler->InitResults();
+		for(TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>0; --count)
+			{
+			TPoint bitmapPosition = TPoint(0,0);
+			for (TInt tile = numTiles - 1; tile >= 0; --tile)
+				{
+				aGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(bitmapPosition.iX, bitmapPosition.iY, bitmapPosition.iX+tileSize.iWidth, bitmapPosition.iY+tileSize.iHeight), *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo, *aBitmapMask, EFalse);
+				bitmapPosition.iX += tileSize.iWidth;
+				if (bitmapPosition.iX + tileSize.iWidth > targetSize.iWidth)
+					{
+					bitmapPosition.iX = 0;
+					bitmapPosition.iY += tileSize.iHeight;
+					}
+				}
+			iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EBitBlt:
+		{
+		// Do a draw outside the loop so that we aren't measuring the time to load and cache the bitmap.
+		aGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo);
+		iProfiler->InitResults();
+		for(TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>0; --count)
+			{
+			TPoint bitmapPosition = TPoint(0,0);
+			for (TInt tile = numTiles - 1; tile >= 0; --tile)
+				{
+				aGc->BitBlt(bitmapPosition, *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo);
+				bitmapPosition.iX += tileSize.iWidth;
+				if (bitmapPosition.iX + tileSize.iWidth > targetSize.iWidth)
+					{
+					bitmapPosition.iX = 0;
+					bitmapPosition.iY += tileSize.iHeight;
+					}
+				}
+			iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EBitBltMasked:
+		{
+		// Do a draw outside the loop so that we aren't measuring the time to load and cache the bitmap.
+		aGc->BitBltMasked(TPoint(0,0), *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo, *aBitmapMask, EFalse);
+		iProfiler->InitResults();
+		for(TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>0; --count)
+			{
+			TPoint bitmapPosition = TPoint(0,0);
+			for (TInt tile = numTiles - 1; tile >= 0; --tile)
+				{
+				aGc->BitBltMasked(bitmapPosition, *aBitmapToBlt, aCropTo, *aBitmapMask, EFalse);
+				bitmapPosition.iX += tileSize.iWidth;
+				if (bitmapPosition.iX + tileSize.iWidth > targetSize.iWidth)
+					{
+					bitmapPosition.iX = 0;
+					bitmapPosition.iY += tileSize.iHeight;
+					}
+				}
+			iDGdiDriver->Finish();
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	TESTNOERRORL(iDGdiDriver->GetError());
+	iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+	WriteTargetOutput(aTestName);
+	const TDisplayMode targetDisplayMode = TDisplayModeMapping::MapPixelFormatToDisplayMode(iImageInfo.iPixelFormat);
+	iProfiler->ResultsAnalysisPixelRate(aTestName, CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal, aBitmapToBlt->DisplayMode(), targetDisplayMode, KIterationsToTest, numPixelsPerIteration);
+	}