--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstest/uibench/src/tfadeperf.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "tfadeperf.h"
+const TInt KIterationsToTest = 250; // Number of iterations to run tests
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ SetTestStepName(KTFadePerfName);
+ }
+Override of base class virtual
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTFadePerf::doTestStepPreambleL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWs.Connect());
+ CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+TVerdict CTFadePerf::doTestStepPostambleL()
+ {
+ iWs.Close();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+ Override of base class pure virtual
+ Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+ not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+ @return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTFadePerf::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0108"));
+ FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRepeatedlyL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0109"));
+ FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0110"));
+ FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0111"));
+ FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0112"));
+ FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0113"));
+ FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRepeatedlyL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0114"));
+ FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0115"));
+ FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0116"));
+ FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0117"));
+ FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0118"));
+ SetSystemFadedRepeatedlyL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0119"));
+ SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0120"));
+ SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0121"));
+ SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0122"));
+ SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0123"));
+ SetNonFadingRepeatedlyL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0124"));
+ SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0125"));
+ SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0126"));
+ SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0127"));
+ SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+/** Set up the window server environment in which the fading performance test cases are executed.
+ The RWsSession is connected to the window server, the CWsScreenDevice and the RWindowGroup
+ members are constructed.
+ */
+void CTFadePerf::SetUpWindowEnvironmentL()
+ {
+ SetScreenModeL(EColor16MA);
+ iWsScreenDev = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWs);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWsScreenDev->Construct());
+ TSize screenSize = iWsScreenDev->SizeInPixels();
+ iWinGroup = new(ELeave) RWindowGroup(iWs);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWinGroup->Construct(reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(iWinGroup),iWsScreenDev));
+ }
+/** Construct the single RWindow member and set its background colour according to the tranparency flag.
+ Make the window visible, activate it and draw it.
+ @param aUseTransparency the transparency flag of the window
+ */
+void CTFadePerf::ConstructSingleWindowL(TBool aUseTransparency)
+ {
+ iSingleWin = new(ELeave) RWindow(iWs);
+ TUint32 winID = reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(iWinGroup+1);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSingleWin->Construct(*iWinGroup,winID));
+ iSingleWin->SetExtent(TPoint(0,0),iWsScreenDev->SizeInPixels());
+ if (aUseTransparency)
+ {
+ iSingleWin->SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+ iSingleWin->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(240,50,170,50)); //semi-transparent window (R,G,B,Alpha)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSingleWin->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(240,50,170,255)); //opaque window
+ }
+ iSingleWin->SetVisible(ETrue);
+ iSingleWin->Activate();
+ iSingleWin->Invalidate();
+ iSingleWin->BeginRedraw();
+ iSingleWin->EndRedraw();
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+/** Populate the RWindow array member by constructing RWindow objcets. Set the background colour of the windows according to the
+ tranparency flag. Set non-fading half of the windows according to the non-fade flag.
+ Make the windows visible, activate them and draw them.
+ @param aUseTransparency the transparency flag of the windows
+ @param aNonFadeHalfWindows the non-fade flag of the windows
+ */
+void CTFadePerf::ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(TBool aUseTransparency, TBool aNonFadeHalfWindows)
+ {
+ TRect rect(TPoint(0,0),iWsScreenDev->SizeInPixels());
+ TInt i;
+ TUint32 winID;
+ for (i=0;i<ENumWins;++i)
+ {
+ iWins[i]=new(ELeave) RWindow(iWs);
+ winID = reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(iWinGroup+i+1);
+ if (i==0)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWins[i]->Construct(*iWinGroup,winID)); //iWinGroup is the parent of iWins[0]
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWins[i]->Construct(*iWins[0],winID)); //iWins[0] is the the parent for every subsequent window
+ }
+ rect.Resize(-rect.Width()/10,-rect.Height()/10);
+ iWins[i]->SetExtent(TPoint(0,0),rect.Size());
+ if (aUseTransparency)
+ {
+ iWins[i]->SetTransparencyAlphaChannel();
+ iWins[i]->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(240,(200*i)/ENumWins,170-(20*i)/ENumWins,(60*(i+1))/ENumWins)); //semi-transparent window (R,G,B,Alpha)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iWins[i]->SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(180,(30*i)/ENumWins,170-(40*i)/ENumWins,255)); //opaque window
+ }
+ if (aNonFadeHalfWindows)
+ {
+ if ((i%2)==0) //every second window is set to non fading
+ {
+ iWins[i]->SetNonFading(ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ iWins[i]->SetVisible(ETrue);
+ iWins[i]->Activate();
+ iWins[i]->Invalidate();
+ iWins[i]->BeginRedraw();
+ iWins[i]->EndRedraw();
+ }
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+/** Release the resources that the window server environment and the window construction has allocated.
+ */
+void CTFadePerf::ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(TBool aIsSingleWindow)
+ {
+ if (aIsSingleWindow)
+ {
+ if (iSingleWin)
+ iSingleWin->Close();
+ delete iSingleWin;
+ iSingleWin=NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (TInt i=0;i<ENumWins;++i)
+ {
+ if (iWins[i])
+ iWins[i]->Close();
+ delete iWins[i];
+ iWins[i]=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (iWinGroup)
+ iWinGroup->Close();
+ delete iWinGroup;
+ iWinGroup=NULL;
+ delete iWsScreenDev;
+ iWsScreenDev=NULL;
+ }
+ Fade single window test cases
+ */
+Tests how long it takes to fade a single opaque window repeatedly without trying
+to unfade it first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an opaque window. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the window by calling RWindow::SetFaded() and record the time this action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRepeatedlyL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRepeatedlyL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructSingleWindowL(EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(ETrue);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade a single transparent window, when at each iteration the window is later unfaded
+Set up the window server environment and construct a transparent window. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the window by calling RWindow::SetFaded() and record the time this action requires.
+The window is unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructSingleWindowL(ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(ETrue);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade a single transparent window, when at each iteration the window is faded first
+Set up the window server environment and construct a transparent window. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the window and successively unfade it by calling RWindow::SetFaded() and record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeTransparentSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructSingleWindowL(ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(ETrue);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade a single opaque window, when at each iteration the window is later unfaded
+Set up the window server environment and construct an opaque window. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the window by calling RWindow::SetFaded(). Record the time this action requires.
+The window is unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructSingleWindowL(EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(ETrue);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade a single opaque window, when at each iteration the window is faded first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an opaque window. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the window and successively unfade it by calling RWindow::SetFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueSingleWindowRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructSingleWindowL(EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iSingleWin->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeWindowOnly);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(ETrue);
+ }
+ Fade behind test cases
+ */
+Tests how long it takes to fade opaque windows behind another opaque window repeatedly without trying
+to unfade them first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the windows behind the one on top by calling RWindow::FadeBehind() and record the time this action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRepeatedlyL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRepeatedlyL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(ETrue);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade transparent windows behind the window on top when at each iteration the windows are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the windows behind the one on top by calling RWindow::FadeBehind() and record the time this action requires.
+The windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(ETrue);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(EFalse);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade transparent windows behind the window on top when at each iteration the windows are faded first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade and unfade the windows behind the one on top by calling RWindow::FadeBehind(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+The windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeTransparentWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(ETrue);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(EFalse);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade opaque windows behind the window on top, when at each iteration the windows are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade the windows behind the one on top by calling RWindow::FadeBehind() and record the time this action requires.
+The windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(ETrue);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(EFalse);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade opaque windows behind the window on top, when at each iteration the windows are faded first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Over a specific number
+of iterations fade and unfade the windows behind the one on top by calling RWindow::FadeBehind(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+The windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "FadeOpaqueWindowsBehindRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, EFalse);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(ETrue);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[ENumWins-1]->FadeBehind(EFalse);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+ SetSystemFaded test cases
+ */
+Tests how long it takes to set the windows in the system faded repeatedly, without trying to unfade them first
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Half of them are set to non fading.
+Over a specific number of iterations set the system faded by calling RWsSession::SetSystemFaded() and record the time
+this action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetSystemFadedRepeatedlyL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetSystemFadedRepeatedlyL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to set the windows in the system faded, when at each iteration the windows are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of tranparent windows. Half of them are set to non fading.
+Over a specific number of iterations set the system faded by calling RWsSession::SetSystemFaded() and record the time this action requires.
+The system is set unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(EFalse);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to set the windows in the system unfaded, when at each iteration the windows are faded first.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows. Half of them are set to non fading.
+Over a specific number of iterations set the system faded and successively unfaded by calling RWsSession::SetSystemFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetSystemFadedTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(EFalse);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to set all the windows in the system faded, when at each iteration the windows are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Half of them are set to non fading.
+Over a specific number of iterations set the system faded by calling RWsSession::SetSystemFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+The system is set unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(EFalse);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to set the windows in the system unfaded, when at each iteration the windows are faded first.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows. Half of them are set to non fading.
+Over a specific number of iterations set the system faded and successively unfaded by calling RWsSession::SetSystemFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetSystemFadedOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(ETrue);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWs.SetSystemFaded(EFalse);
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+ SetNonFading test cases
+ */
+Tests how long it takes to set a parent window and its children faded repeatedly, without trying to unfade them first.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows, so that the first window is the parent for all the other windows.
+Half of them are set to non fading. Over a specific number of iterations set the parent window faded including its children by calling RWindow::SetFaded().
+Record the time this action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetNonFadingRepeatedlyL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetNonFadingRepeatedlyL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade a parent window and its children, when at each iteration they are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows, so that the first window is the parent for all the other windows.
+Half of them are set to non fading. Over a specific number of iterations set the parent window faded including its children by calling RWindow::SetFaded().
+Record the time this action requires. The parent and children windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade a parent window and its children, when at each iteration they are first faded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows, so that the first window is the parent for all the other windows.
+Half of them are set to non fading. Over a specific number of iterations set the parent window faded and successively unfaded including its children
+by calling RWindow::SetFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetNonFadingTransparentWindowsRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(ETrue, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to fade an parent window and its children, when at each iteration they are later unfaded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of opaque windows, so that the first window is the parent for all the other windows.
+Half of them are set to non fading. Over a specific number of iterations set the parent window faded including its children by calling RWindow::SetFaded().
+Record the time this action requires. The parent and children windows are unfaded at the end of each iteration.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordFadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }
+Tests how long it takes to unfade a parent window and its children, when at each iteration they are first faded.
+Set up the window server environment and construct an array of transparent windows, so that the first window is the parent for all the other windows.
+Half of them are set to non fading. Over a specific number of iterations set the parent window faded and successively unfaded including its children
+by calling RWindow::SetFaded(). Record the time the latter action requires.
+Test should pass and display average test time per iteration
+void CTFadePerf::SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KTestName, "SetNonFadingOpaqueWindowsRecordUnfadeL");
+ SetUpWindowEnvironmentL();
+ ConstructArrayOfWindowsL(EFalse, ETrue);
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt count=KIterationsToTest; count>=0; --count)
+ {
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(ETrue,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iWins[0]->SetFaded(EFalse,RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+ iWs.Flush();
+ iWs.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(KTestName, 0, EColor16MA, EColor16MA, KIterationsToTest);
+ ReleaseWindowsAndEnvironment(EFalse);
+ }