--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstest/uibench/src/tscaleddrawbitmap.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "tscaleddrawbitmap.h"
+const TInt KIterationsToTest = 55;
+const TInt KDelay = 500*1000; // 0.5 seconds
+#define __CyclesPerPixel(__a,__b) ((TInt)(((__a/(TInt64)__b)*((TInt64)iCPUSpeed)/((TInt64)(iWindowSize.iWidth*iWindowSize.iHeight)))/(TInt64)1000))
+const TDisplayMode ModeArray[]=
+ {
+ EColor64K,
+ EColor16MU,
+ EColor16MA,
+ EColor16MAP
+ };
+const TInt ModeCount=sizeof(ModeArray)/sizeof(ModeArray[0]);
+#define FPSHFT 8
+#define VARSIZE TSize((actsizexFP>>FPSHFT),(actsizeyFP>>FPSHFT))
+ @SYMTestCaseID
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc
+ The test determines how long DrawBitmap function takes when scaling is involved.
+ @SYMTestActions
+ Compare the results over time, and before and after changes to wserv code.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults
+ Test should pass and display total test time and cycles per pixel
+void CTScaledDrawBitmap::DoTestScaledDrawBitmapL(TInt aRotation, TDisplayMode aMode, TDisplayMode aScreenMode, TInt aIters)
+ {
+ TSize siz=iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels();
+ CFbsBitmap * bmpModeDep = CreateSoftwareBitmapLC(siz, aMode);
+ CFbsBitmap * sourceOverImage = LoadBitmapL(KAlphaTestBitmap,0);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(sourceOverImage);
+ CopyBitmapL(bmpModeDep, sourceOverImage);
+ TInt startsizeFP=1<<FPSHFT;
+ TInt endscale=1;
+ TInt endsizexFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth)<<FPSHFT;
+ TInt endsizeyFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight)<<FPSHFT;
+ TInt dxFP=(endsizexFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ TInt dyFP=(endsizeyFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ TInt actsizexFP=startsizeFP;
+ TInt actsizeyFP=startsizeFP;
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt i=1;i<aIters;i++)
+ {
+ iGc->DrawBitmap(siz, bmpModeDep,VARSIZE);
+ actsizexFP+=dxFP;
+ actsizeyFP+=dyFP;
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("ScaledDrawBmpVarDest"), aRotation, aMode, aScreenMode, aIters);
+ startsizeFP=1<<FPSHFT;
+ endscale=50;
+ endsizexFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth)<<FPSHFT;
+ endsizeyFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight)<<FPSHFT;
+ dxFP=(endsizexFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ dyFP=(endsizeyFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ actsizexFP=startsizeFP;
+ actsizeyFP=startsizeFP;
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt i=1;i<aIters;i++)
+ {
+ iGc->DrawBitmap(VARSIZE, bmpModeDep, siz);
+ actsizexFP+=dxFP;
+ actsizeyFP+=dyFP;
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("ScaledDrawBmpVarSrc"), aRotation, aMode, aScreenMode, aIters);
+ CFbsBitmap * greyMask = CreateSoftwareBitmapLC(iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels(), EGray256);
+ VerticalGradientAlphaL(greyMask, TRgb(0xffffffff), TRgb(0x00000000));
+ CFbsBitmap * bmpMask = CreateSoftwareBitmapLC(iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels(), EGray2);
+ CopyBitmapL(bmpMask, greyMask);
+ startsizeFP=1<<FPSHFT;
+ endscale=1;
+ endsizexFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth)<<FPSHFT;
+ endsizeyFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight)<<FPSHFT;
+ dxFP=(endsizexFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ dyFP=(endsizeyFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ actsizexFP=startsizeFP;
+ actsizeyFP=startsizeFP;
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt i=1;i<aIters;i++)
+ {
+ // Parameters: DrawBitmapMasked(const TRect &aDestRect, const CWsBitmap *aBitmap, const TRect &aSourceRect, const CWsBitmap *aMaskBitmap, TBool aInvertMask)
+ iGc->DrawBitmapMasked(siz, bmpModeDep, VARSIZE, bmpMask, ETrue);
+ actsizexFP+=dxFP;
+ actsizeyFP+=dyFP;
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("ScaledDrawBmpMskdVarDest"), aRotation, aMode, aScreenMode, aIters);
+ startsizeFP=1<<FPSHFT;
+ endscale=50;
+ endsizexFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iWidth)<<FPSHFT;
+ endsizeyFP= (endscale*iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels().iHeight)<<FPSHFT;
+ dxFP=(endsizexFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ dyFP=(endsizeyFP - startsizeFP)/aIters;
+ actsizexFP=startsizeFP;
+ actsizeyFP=startsizeFP;
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ for (TInt i=1;i<aIters;i++)
+ {
+ iGc->DrawBitmapMasked(VARSIZE, bmpModeDep, siz, bmpMask,ETrue);
+ actsizexFP+=dxFP;
+ actsizeyFP+=dyFP;
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(_L("ScaledDrawBmpMskdVarSrc"), aRotation, aMode, aScreenMode, aIters);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, bmpModeDep); // bmpMask, greyMask, sourceOverImage, bmpModeDep
+ User::After(KDelay);
+ }
+ {
+ SetTestStepName(KTScaledDrawBitmap);
+ }
+@return - TVerdict code
+Override of base class pure virtual
+Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+TVerdict CTScaledDrawBitmap::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ TBool orientation[4];
+ TRect blockRect(10, 10, 200, 180);
+ for(TInt dispModeIndex = 0; dispModeIndex < KNumValidDisplayModes; dispModeIndex++)
+ {
+ SetScreenModeL(KValidDisplayModes[dispModeIndex]);
+ iGc->OrientationsAvailable(orientation);
+ for (TInt orient = CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal; orient <= CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270; orient++)
+ {
+ if (orientation[orient])
+ {
+ iGc->SetOrientation((CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation)orient);
+ SetTestStepID(_L(" GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0020"));
+ // test drawing speed of scaled bitmaps
+ for (TInt m=0; m<ModeCount; m++)
+ DoTestScaledDrawBitmapL(orient, ModeArray[m], KValidDisplayModes[dispModeIndex], KIterationsToTest);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }