--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstest/uibench/src/ttranslucent.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "ttranslucent.h"
+const TInt KIterationsToTest = 100;
+// CTTranslucent
+ {
+ SetTestStepName(KTTranslucent);
+ }
+ {
+ iWindowArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iWindowArray.Close();
+ delete iTopWindow;
+ delete iBottomWindow;
+ delete iBitmap;
+ delete iGc;
+ delete iScreen;
+ iWindowGroup.Close();
+ iWsSession.Close();
+ }
+Override of base class virtual
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTTranslucent::doTestStepPreambleL()
+ {
+ CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL();
+ SetScreenModeL(EColor16MU);
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+TVerdict CTTranslucent::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWsSession.Connect());
+ iWindowGroup=RWindowGroup(iWsSession);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWindowGroup.Construct(2, ETrue)); // meaningless handle; enable focus
+ // construct screen device and graphics context
+ iScreen=new (ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWsSession); // make device for this session
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->Construct()); // and complete its construction
+ User::LeaveIfError(iScreen->CreateContext(iGc)); // create graphics context
+ iScreenRect = TRect(0,0,iScreen->SizeInPixels().iWidth, iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight);
+ // Construct a gradient bitmap for use by bitmap test
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(80,80), EColor16MA));
+ CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase::VerticalGradientAlphaL(bitmap, TRgb(0x000000ff), TRgb(0xff000000));
+ delete iBitmap;
+ iBitmap = bitmap;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(bitmap);
+ /**
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Measures time taken to redraw 2, 8, 32 and 144 blank translucent
+ partially overlapping windows.
+ @SYMTestActions
+ 1. Create blank translucent partially overlapping windows.
+ 2. Cover them all with an "ontop" window.
+ 3. Hide the "ontop" window and measure time taken to redraw all overlapping windows underneath.
+ 4. Repeat KIterationsToTest times and calculate average time per iteration.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults
+ As the number of windows increases, so should the time taken to redraw them.
+ */
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0132"));
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BlankWindows2"), EBlankWindows, 2, 1);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BlankWindows8"), EBlankWindows, 2, 4);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BlankWindows32"), EBlankWindows, 4, 8);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BlankWindows144"), EBlankWindows, 12, 12);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ /**
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Measures time taken to redraw 2, 8, 32 and 144 translucent
+ partially overlapping windows containing drawn text.
+ @SYMTestActions
+ 1. Create translucent partially overlapping windows.
+ 2. Cover them all with an "ontop" window.
+ 3. Hide the "ontop" window and measure time taken to redraw all overlapping windows underneath.
+ 4. Repeat KIterationsToTest times and calculate average time per iteration.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults
+ As the number of windows increases, so should the time taken to redraw them.
+ */
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0133"));
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-TextWindows2"), ETextWindows, 2, 1);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-TextWindows8"), ETextWindows, 2, 4);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-TextWindows32"), ETextWindows, 4, 8);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-TextWindows144"), ETextWindows, 12, 12);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ /**
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Measures time taken to redraw 2, 8, 32 and 144 translucent
+ partially overlapping windows containing drawn ellipsis.
+ @SYMTestActions
+ 1. Create translucent partially overlapping windows.
+ 2. Cover them all with an "ontop" window.
+ 3. Hide the "ontop" window and measure time taken to redraw all overlapping windows underneath.
+ 4. Repeat KIterationsToTest times and calculate average time per iteration.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults
+ As the number of windows increases, so should the time taken to redraw them.
+ */
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0134"));
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-EllipseWindows2"), EEllipseWindows, 2, 1);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-EllipseWindows8"), EEllipseWindows, 2, 4);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-EllipseWindows32"), EEllipseWindows, 4, 8);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-EllipseWindows144"), EEllipseWindows, 12, 12);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ /**
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc Measures time taken to redraw 2, 8, 32 and 144 translucent
+ partially overlapping windows containing bitmaps.
+ @SYMTestActions
+ 1. Create translucent partially overlapping windows.
+ 2. Cover them all with an "ontop" window.
+ 3. Hide the "ontop" window and measure time taken to redraw all overlapping windows underneath.
+ 4. Repeat KIterationsToTest times and calculate average time per iteration.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults
+ As the number of windows increases, so should the time taken to redraw them.
+ */
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-UI-BENCH-0135"));
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BitmapWindows2"), EBitmapWindows, 2, 1);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BitmapWindows8"), EBitmapWindows, 2, 4);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BitmapWindows32"), EBitmapWindows, 4, 8);
+ RunTestCaseL(_L("Redraw-BitmapWindows144"), EBitmapWindows, 12, 12);
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+void CTTranslucent::RunTestCaseL(const TDesC& aTestName, TTestCase aTestCase, TInt aHorizontalWindows, TInt aVerticalWindows)
+ {
+ iTestCase = aTestCase;
+ ConstructWindowsL(aHorizontalWindows, aVerticalWindows);
+ iWsSession.Finish(); // Make sure all windows are drawn in their initial state/positions
+ iProfiler->InitResults();
+ // Measure time taken to redraw all overlapping translucent windows
+ // and repeat KIterationsToTest times
+ for (int i = 0; i < KIterationsToTest; i++)
+ {
+ iProfiler->StartTimer();
+ iTopWindow->Window().SetVisible(EFalse); // hide ontop window to cause overlapping translucent windows to be redrawn
+ iWsSession.Finish();
+ iProfiler->MarkResultSetL();
+ iTopWindow->Window().SetVisible(ETrue); // show ontop window
+ iWsSession.Finish();
+ }
+ iProfiler->ResultsAnalysis(aTestName, 0, 0, ScreenDevice()->BitmapDevice().DisplayMode(), KIterationsToTest);
+ DestroyWindows();
+ }
+void CTTranslucent::ConstructWindowsL(TInt aHorizontalWindows, TInt aVerticalWindows)
+ {
+ // Create a yellow opaque window to use as the background for the translucent windows
+ iBottomWindow = new (ELeave) CWin(iWsSession, iWindowGroup);
+ iBottomWindow->ConstructL(iScreenRect);
+ iBottomWindow->Window().SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(255, 255, 0));
+ iBottomWindow->Window().SetOrdinalPosition(-1);
+ iBottomWindow->Window().Invalidate();
+ iBottomWindow->Window().BeginRedraw();
+ iBottomWindow->Window().EndRedraw();
+ iBottomWindow->Window().Activate();
+ // Create some green partially overlapping translucent windows.
+ // Each window has roughly the same aspect ratio as the screen.
+ // Each window is the same size for every test, regardless of how many windows are being created.
+ // Maximum number of windows horizontally and vertically that we want to be able to fit onto
+ // the screen. Window size is calculated based on screen width/height and number of windows we want
+ // to fit in with the desired overlap.
+ // KMaxWindows * KMaxWindows gives the total maximum number of windows that will fit on screen without
+ // being clipped.
+ const TInt KMaxWindows = 12;
+ // Calculate 1/4 width of each window
+ const TInt KQuarterWidth = iScreenRect.Width() / (KMaxWindows + 3);
+ // Calculate 1/4 height of each window
+ const TInt KQuarterHeight = iScreenRect.Height() / (KMaxWindows + 3);
+ TRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TInt x = 0;
+ TInt y = 0;
+ // Calculate size used for all translucent windows
+ TSize size(KQuarterWidth*4, KQuarterHeight*4);
+ TInt hCount = 0;
+ TInt vCount = 0;
+ for (hCount = 0; hCount < aHorizontalWindows; hCount++)
+ {
+ y = 0;
+ for (vCount = 0; vCount < aVerticalWindows; vCount++)
+ {
+ // Construct a vertical column of windows
+ CWin* win = new(ELeave) CWin(iWsSession, iWindowGroup);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(win);
+ iWindowArray.AppendL(win);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(win);
+ rect.iTl = TPoint(x, y);
+ rect.SetSize(size);
+ win->ConstructL(rect);
+ User::LeaveIfError(win->Window().SetTransparencyAlphaChannel());
+ win->Window().SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(0, 255, 0, 16));
+ TRect clipRect(size);
+ DrawWindowL(win, clipRect);
+ win->Window().Activate();
+ y+=KQuarterHeight;
+ }
+ x+=KQuarterWidth;
+ }
+ // Create a red opaque window ontop of all the others
+ iTopWindow = new (ELeave) CWin(iWsSession, iWindowGroup);
+ iTopWindow->ConstructL(iScreenRect);
+ iTopWindow->Window().SetBackgroundColor(TRgb(255, 0, 0));
+ iTopWindow->Window().SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+ iTopWindow->Window().Invalidate();
+ iTopWindow->Window().BeginRedraw();
+ iTopWindow->Window().EndRedraw();
+ iTopWindow->Window().Activate();
+ }
+void CTTranslucent::DestroyWindows()
+ {
+ iWindowArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete iTopWindow;
+ iTopWindow = NULL;
+ delete iBottomWindow;
+ iBottomWindow = NULL;
+ }
+void CTTranslucent::DrawWindowL(CWin* aWindow, const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ iGc->Activate(aWindow->Window());
+ iGc->SetClippingRect(aRect);
+ aWindow->Window().Invalidate();
+ aWindow->Window().BeginRedraw();
+ // Draw the whole window
+ switch(iTestCase)
+ {
+ case EBlankWindows:
+ break; // Don't draw anything on the blank windows
+ case ETextWindows:
+ {
+ CFont* font;
+ TFontSpec fontSpec;
+ fontSpec.iHeight = 300;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iGc->Device()->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips(font, fontSpec));
+ iGc->UseFont(font);
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Text"), TPoint(0,20));
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("window"), TPoint(0,40));
+ iGc->DiscardFont();
+ iGc->Device()->ReleaseFont(font);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EEllipseWindows:
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb(0, 0, 0, 255));
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(128, 128, 255, 128));
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(0,0,79,79));
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(10,10,69,69));
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(20,20,59,59));
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(30,30,49,49));
+ iGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb(255, 0, 0, 150));
+ iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::EDiamondCrossHatchBrush);
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(0,0,20,15));
+ iGc->DrawEllipse(TRect(30,10,50,30));
+ break;
+ case EBitmapWindows:
+ iGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), iBitmap);
+ break;
+ }
+ aWindow->Window().EndRedraw();
+ iGc->Deactivate();
+ }
+// CWin
+CTTranslucent::CWin::CWin(RWsSession& aWsSession, RWindowGroup& aWindowGroup)
+ :iWsSession(aWsSession), iWindowGroup(aWindowGroup)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iWindow.Close();
+ }
+void CTTranslucent::CWin::ConstructL (const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ iWindow=RWindow(iWsSession);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWindow.Construct(iWindowGroup, (TUint32)this));
+ iRect = aRect;
+ iWindow.SetExtent(iRect.iTl, iRect.Size());
+ }
+RWindow& CTTranslucent::CWin::Window()
+ {
+ return iWindow;
+ }