--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicstools/bitmapfonttools/rel/TEST.PD Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+! PCL5.PD
+! Printer driver file for HP laser printers
+Resources Pcl5Resources
+ Reset "<27>E"
+ SetPageSize "<27>&l%dA"
+! 0o - Portrait
+! 0e - top margin to zero
+! 0C - VMI to zero
+!<27>9 - clear horizontal margins
+!<27>(0N - ISO 8859-1 Latin 1 character set
+ PreAmble "<27>&l0o0e0C<27>9<27>(0N"
+ PostAmble "<27>E"
+ BoldOn "<27>(s3B"
+ BoldOff "<27>(s0B"
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+ ItalicOff "<27>(s0S"
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+ UnderlineOff "<27>&d@"
+ NewPage "<12>"
+ Portrait "<27>&l0o0E<27>9"
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+ BitmapStart "<27>*t300R<27>*r%df1A" ! resolution 300 dots per inch
+ ScanLine "<27>*b%dm%dW" ! compression method coded in first %d
+ BitmapEnd "<27>*rC"
+Translates Telephone
+ 5:35 ! must ensure width of 5 = width of 35
+ 156:"<27>R<3><35><27>R<0>"
+FontInfo Courier10
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 25
+ Ascent 33 ! improvised values throughout
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:25
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo Courier12
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 30
+ Ascent 40
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:30
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo LinePrinter9
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 18
+ Ascent 28
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:18
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo CgTimesStd
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 188
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:104 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:61 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:61 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:108 20:104 21:104 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:184 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:61
+ 33:69 34:96 35:104 36:104 37:184 38:161 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:104 43:184 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:104
+ 49:104 50:104 51:104 52:104 53:104 54:104 55:104 56:104
+ 57:104 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:184 62:207 63:92 64:184
+! A B C D E F G H
+ 65:150 66:131 67:142 68:154 69:131 70:123 71:150 72:154
+! I J K L M N O P
+ 73:69 74:81 75:146 76:131 77:188 78:154 79:150 80:119
+! Q R S T U V W X
+ 81:150 82:138 83:111 84:131 85:154 86:150 87:196 88:150
+! Y Z
+ 89:150 90:134 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:104 95:104 96:104
+! a b c d e f g h
+ 97:92 98:104 99:92 100:104 101:92 102:69 103:104 104:104
+! i j k l m n o p
+ 105:58 106:58 107:104 108:58 109:161 110:104 111:104 112:104
+! q r s t u v w x
+ 113:104 114:77 115:81 116:58 117:104 118:104 119:150 120:104
+! y z
+ 121:104 122:92 123:92 124:104 125:92 126:104 127:207 128:142
+ 129:104 130:92 131:92 132:92 133:92 134:92 135:92 136:92
+ 137:92 138:92 139:58 140:58 141:58 142:150 143:150 144:131
+ 145:138 146:184 147:104 148:104 149:104 150:104 151:104 152:104
+ 153:150 154:154 155:104 156:104 157:154 158:182 159:104 160:92
+ 161:58 162:104 163:104 164:104 165:154 166:104 167:104 168:92
+ 169:104 170:184 171:184 172:184 173:69 174:85 175:85 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:150 182:150 183:150 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:105 190:104 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:92 199:150 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:104 208:104
+ 209:154 210:129 211:129 212:129 213:58 214:70 215:70 216:70
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:104 222:70 223:207 224:152
+ 225:104 226:152 227:152 228:104 229:152 230:115 231:106 232:122
+ 233:154 234:154 235:154 236:104 237:150 238:105 239:104 240:72
+ 241:184 242:104 243:183 244:104 245:104 246:184 247:104 248:104
+ 249:104 250:1 251:73 252:73 253:73 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo CgTimesItalic
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 170
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:104 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:61 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:61 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:103 20:104 21:104 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:184 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:61
+ 33:69 34:100 35:104 36:104 37:184 38:161 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:104 43:184 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:104
+ 49:104 50:104 51:104 52:104 53:104 54:104 55:104 56:104
+ 57:104 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:184 62:207 63:104 64:184
+ 65:127 66:127 67:138 68:150 69:127 70:119 71:150 72:150
+ 73:69 74:92 75:138 76:115 77:170 78:138 79:150 80:127
+ 81:150 82:127 83:104 84:115 85:150 86:127 87:170 88:127
+ 89:115 90:115 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:104 95:104 96:104
+ 97:104 98:104 99:92 100:104 101:92 102:58 103:104 104:104
+ 105:58 106:58 107:92 108:58 109:150 110:104 111:104 112:104
+ 113:104 114:81 115:81 116:58 117:104 118:92 119:138 120:92
+ 121:92 122:81 123:92 124:104 125:92 126:104 127:207 128:138
+ 129:104 130:92 131:104 132:104 133:104 134:104 135:92 136:92
+ 137:92 138:92 139:58 140:58 141:58 142:127 143:127 144:127
+ 145:138 146:184 147:104 148:104 149:104 150:104 151:104 152:92
+ 153:150 154:150 155:104 156:104 157:151 158:183 159:104 160:104
+ 161:58 162:104 163:104 164:104 165:138 166:104 167:104 168:104
+ 169:104 170:184 171:184 172:184 173:69 174:96 175:96 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:127 182:127 183:127 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:105 190:105 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:104 199:127 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:104 208:104
+ 209:148 210:127 211:127 212:127 213:58 214:70 215:70 216:70
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:104 222:70 223:207 224:152
+ 225:104 226:152 227:152 228:104 229:152 230:115 231:106 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:92 237:115 238:105 239:104 240:72
+ 241:184 242:104 243:182 244:104 245:104 246:184 247:104 248:104
+ 249:104 250:2 251:73 252:73 253:73 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo CgTimesBold
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 196
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:104 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:61 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:61 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:119 20:104 21:104 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:184 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:61
+ 33:69 34:96 35:104 36:104 37:184 38:169 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:104 43:184 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:104
+ 49:104 50:104 51:104 52:104 53:104 54:104 55:104 56:104
+ 57:104 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:184 62:207 63:104 64:184
+ 65:150 66:138 67:150 68:150 69:138 70:127 71:161 72:161
+ 73:81 74:100 75:161 76:138 77:196 78:150 79:161 80:127
+ 81:161 82:150 83:115 84:138 85:150 86:150 87:207 88:150
+ 89:150 90:138 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:104 95:104 96:104
+ 97:104 98:115 99:92 100:115 101:92 102:73 103:104 104:115
+ 105:58 106:69 107:115 108:58 109:171 110:115 111:104 112:115
+ 113:115 114:92 115:81 116:69 117:115 118:104 119:150 120:104
+ 121:104 122:92 123:104 124:104 125:104 126:104 127:207 128:150
+ 129:115 130:92 131:104 132:104 133:104 134:104 135:92 136:92
+ 137:92 138:92 139:58 140:58 141:58 142:150 143:150 144:138
+ 145:150 146:215 147:104 148:104 149:104 150:115 151:115 152:104
+ 153:161 154:150 155:104 156:104 157:163 158:182 159:104 160:104
+ 161:58 162:104 163:115 164:115 165:150 166:104 167:104 168:104
+ 169:104 170:184 171:184 172:184 173:69 174:88 175:88 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:150 182:150 183:150 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:105 190:104 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:104 199:150 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:104 208:104
+ 209:148 210:137 211:137 212:137 213:58 214:80 215:80 216:80
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:104 222:80 223:207 224:162
+ 225:115 226:162 227:162 228:104 229:162 230:115 231:116 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:104 237:150 238:105 239:104 240:72
+ 241:184 242:104 243:183 244:104 245:104 246:184 247:104 248:104
+ 249:104 250:23 251:73 252:73 253:73 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo CgTimesBoldItalic
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 184
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:104 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:61 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:61 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:131 20:104 21:104 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:184 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:61
+ 33:81 34:108 35:104 36:104 37:184 38:161 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:104 43:184 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:104
+ 49:104 50:104 51:104 52:104 53:104 54:104 55:104 56:104
+ 57:104 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:184 62:207 63:104 64:184
+ 65:138 66:138 67:138 68:150 69:138 70:127 71:150 72:161
+ 73:81 74:104 75:138 76:127 77:184 78:150 79:150 80:127
+ 81:146 82:138 83:115 84:127 85:150 86:138 87:184 88:138
+ 89:127 90:127 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:104 95:104 96:104
+ 97:104 98:104 99:92 100:104 101:92 102:73 103:104 104:115
+ 105:58 106:58 107:104 108:58 109:161 110:115 111:104 112:104
+ 113:104 114:81 115:81 116:58 117:115 118:92 119:138 120:104
+ 121:92 122:81 123:104 124:104 125:104 126:104 127:207 128:138
+ 129:115 130:92 131:104 132:104 133:104 134:104 135:92 136:92
+ 137:92 138:92 139:58 140:58 141:58 142:138 143:138 144:138
+ 145:146 146:192 147:104 148:104 149:104 150:115 151:115 152:92
+ 153:150 154:150 155:104 156:104 157:151 158:184 159:104 160:104
+ 161:58 162:104 163:115 164:115 165:150 166:104 167:104 168:104
+ 169:104 170:184 171:184 172:184 173:81 174:92 175:92 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:138 182:138 183:138 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:105 190:105 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:104 199:138 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:104 208:104
+ 209:148 210:137 211:137 212:137 213:58 214:80 215:80 216:80
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:104 222:80 223:207 224:152
+ 225:104 226:152 227:152 228:104 229:152 230:115 231:106 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:90 237:127 238:105 239:104 240:72
+ 241:184 242:104 243:183 244:104 245:104 246:184 247:104 248:104
+ 249:104 250:18 251:69 252:69 253:69 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo UniversStd
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 188
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:131 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:69 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:69 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:110 20:131 21:131 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:207 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:69
+ 33:69 34:104 35:131 36:131 37:207 38:158 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:131 43:207 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:131
+ 49:131 50:131 51:131 52:131 53:131 54:131 55:131 56:131
+ 57:131 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:207 62:207 63:108 64:207
+ 65:154 66:131 67:146 68:150 69:119 70:115 71:154 72:150
+ 73:58 74:115 75:138 76:111 77:188 78:150 79:158 80:123
+ 81:161 82:134 83:134 84:131 85:150 86:150 87:207 88:150
+ 89:142 90:127 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:131 95:104 96:131
+ 97:111 98:119 99:111 100:119 101:111 102:77 103:119 104:119
+ 105:50 106:50 107:111 108:50 109:181 110:119 111:119 112:119
+ 113:119 114:73 115:104 116:77 117:119 118:115 119:181 120:115
+ 121:115 122:100 123:92 124:104 125:92 126:131 127:207 128:146
+ 129:119 130:111 131:111 132:111 133:111 134:111 135:111 136:111
+ 137:111 138:111 139:50 140:50 141:50 142:154 143:154 144:119
+ 145:177 146:204 147:119 148:119 149:119 150:119 151:119 152:115
+ 153:158 154:150 155:122 156:131 157:160 158:207 159:131 160:111
+ 161:50 162:119 163:119 164:119 165:150 166:85 167:85 168:108
+ 169:104 170:207 171:207 172:207 173:69 174:115 175:115 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:154 182:154 183:154 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:129 190:129 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:114 199:154 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:128 208:121
+ 209:150 210:119 211:119 212:119 213:51 214:58 215:58 216:58
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:105 222:58 223:207 224:158
+ 225:127 226:158 227:158 228:119 229:158 230:115 231:119 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:118 237:141 238:129 239:129 240:72
+ 241:207 242:106 243:207 244:130 245:130 246:207 247:129 248:131
+ 249:129 250:25 251:81 252:81 253:81 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo UniversItalic
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 188
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:131 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:69 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:69 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:114 20:131 21:131 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:207 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:69
+ 33:69 34:104 35:131 36:131 37:207 38:158 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:131 43:207 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:131
+ 49:131 50:131 51:131 52:131 53:131 54:131 55:131 56:131
+ 57:131 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:207 62:207 63:108 64:207
+ 65:154 66:131 67:146 68:150 69:119 70:115 71:154 72:150
+ 73:58 74:115 75:138 76:111 77:188 78:150 79:158 80:123
+ 81:161 82:134 83:134 84:131 85:150 86:150 87:207 88:150
+ 89:142 90:127 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:131 95:104 96:131
+ 97:111 98:119 99:111 100:119 101:111 102:77 103:119 104:119
+ 105:50 106:50 107:111 108:50 109:181 110:119 111:119 112:119
+ 113:119 114:73 115:104 116:77 117:119 118:115 119:181 120:115
+ 121:115 122:100 123:92 124:104 125:92 126:131 127:207 128:146
+ 129:119 130:111 131:111 132:111 133:111 134:111 135:111 136:111
+ 137:111 138:111 139:50 140:50 141:50 142:154 143:154 144:119
+ 145:177 146:204 147:119 148:119 149:119 150:119 151:119 152:115
+ 153:158 154:150 155:122 156:131 157:160 158:207 159:131 160:111
+ 161:50 162:119 163:119 164:119 165:150 166:85 167:85 168:108
+ 169:104 170:207 171:207 172:207 173:69 174:115 175:115 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:154 182:154 183:154 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:129 190:129 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:111 199:154 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:128 208:121
+ 209:150 210:119 211:119 212:119 213:51 214:58 215:58 216:58
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:105 222:58 223:207 224:158
+ 225:127 226:158 227:158 228:119 229:158 230:115 231:119 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:115 237:142 238:129 239:129 240:72
+ 241:207 242:106 243:207 244:130 245:130 246:207 247:129 248:131
+ 249:129 250:16 251:81 252:81 253:81 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo UniversBold
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 188
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:131 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:69 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:69 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:115 20:131 21:131 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:207 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:69
+ 33:69 34:108 35:131 36:131 37:207 38:158 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:131 43:207 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:131
+ 49:131 50:131 51:131 52:131 53:131 54:131 55:131 56:131
+ 57:131 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:207 62:207 63:108 64:207
+ 65:154 66:131 67:146 68:150 69:119 70:115 71:154 72:150
+ 73:58 74:115 75:138 76:111 77:188 78:150 79:158 80:123
+ 81:161 82:134 83:134 84:131 85:150 86:150 87:207 88:150
+ 89:142 90:127 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:131 95:104 96:131
+ 97:111 98:119 99:111 100:119 101:111 102:77 103:119 104:119
+ 105:50 106:50 107:111 108:50 109:181 110:119 111:119 112:119
+ 113:119 114:73 115:104 116:77 117:119 118:115 119:181 120:115
+ 121:115 122:100 123:104 124:104 125:104 126:131 127:207 128:146
+ 129:119 130:111 131:111 132:111 133:111 134:111 135:111 136:111
+ 137:111 138:111 139:50 140:50 141:50 142:154 143:154 144:119
+ 145:177 146:204 147:119 148:119 149:119 150:119 151:119 152:115
+ 153:158 154:150 155:122 156:131 157:160 158:207 159:131 160:111
+ 161:50 162:119 163:119 164:119 165:150 166:85 167:85 168:108
+ 169:104 170:207 171:207 172:207 173:69 174:115 175:115 176:207
+ 177:207 178:207 179:207 180:207 181:154 182:154 183:154 184:105
+ 185:207 186:207 187:207 188:207 189:129 190:129 191:207 192:207
+ 193:207 194:207 195:207 196:207 197:207 198:111 199:154 200:207
+ 201:207 202:207 203:207 204:207 205:207 206:207 207:128 208:121
+ 209:150 210:119 211:119 212:119 213:51 214:58 215:58 216:58
+ 217:207 218:207 219:207 220:207 221:105 222:58 223:207 224:158
+ 225:127 226:158 227:158 228:119 229:158 230:123 231:119 232:126
+ 233:150 234:150 235:150 236:115 237:142 238:129 239:129 240:72
+ 241:207 242:106 243:207 244:130 245:130 246:207 247:129 248:131
+ 249:129 250:33 251:81 252:81 253:81 254:104 255:104
+ EndCodeSection
+FontInfo UniversBoldItalic
+ MaxNormalCharWidth 188
+ Ascent 167
+ CodeSection 0:255
+ 0:207
+ 1:207 2:207 3:207 4:207
+ 5:131 ! telephone character must be the same as # (35)
+ 6:207
+ 7:69 ! non-breaking hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 8:207
+ 9:69 ! tab must be the same as space (32)
+ 10:207 11:150 12:150 13:104
+ 14:69 ! potential hyphen must be the same as hyphen (45)
+ 15:69 ! non-breaking space must be the same as space (32)
+ 16:150
+ 17:150 18:150 19:125 20:131 21:131 22:207 23:150 24:150
+ 25:150 26:150 27:150 28:207 29:150 30:150 31:150 32:69
+ 33:69 34:111 35:131 36:131 37:207 38:158 39:69 40:69
+ 41:69 42:131 43:207 44:69 45:69 46:69 47:69 48:131
+ 49:131 50:131 51:131 52:131 53:131 54:131 55:131 56:131
+ 57:131 58:69 59:69 60:207 61:207 62:207 63:108 64:207
+ 65:154 66:131 67:146 68:150 69:119 70:115 71:154 72:150
+ 73:58 74:115 75:138 76:111 77:188 78:150 79:158 80:123
+ 81:161 82:134 83:134 84:131 85:150 86:150 87:207 88:150
+ 89:142 90:127 91:69 92:69 93:69 94:131 95:104 96:131
+ 97:111 98:119 99:111 100:119 101:111 102:77 103:119 104:119
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