changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/m3g/m3gcore11/src/m3g_camera.c	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Camera implementation
+ * \internal
+ * \file
+ * \brief Camera implementation
+ */
+#   error included by m3g_core.c; do not compile separately.
+#include "m3g_camera.h"
+/* Internal frustum plane enumeration (and testing order!) */
+#define NEAR_PLANE      0
+#define FAR_PLANE       1
+#define LEFT_PLANE      2
+#define RIGHT_PLANE     3
+#define BOTTOM_PLANE    4
+#define TOP_PLANE       5
+ * Private functions
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Makes sure that the internal projection matrix is up-to-date
+ *        and checks if the camera has a zero view volume.
+ */
+static void m3gValidateProjectionMatrix(Camera *camera)
+    M3Gint projType = camera->projType;
+    /* The generic matrix is always valid, but for perspective and
+     * parallel we must regenerate the matrix */
+    if (projType != M3G_GENERIC) {
+        M3Gfloat m[16];
+        M3Gfloat clipNear = camera->clipNear;
+        M3Gfloat clipFar = camera->clipFar;
+        if (projType == M3G_PERSPECTIVE) {
+            M3Gfloat height = m3gTan(m3gMul(M3G_DEG2RAD * 0.5f,
+                                            camera->heightFov));
+            m[0] = m3gRcp(m3gMul(camera->aspect, height));
+            m[1] = m[2] = m[3] = 0.f;
+            m[4] = 0.f;
+            m[5] = m3gRcp(height);
+            m[6] = m[7] = 0.f;
+            m[8] = m[9] = 0.f;
+            m[10] = m3gDiv(-m3gAdd(clipFar, clipNear),
+                           m3gSub(clipFar, clipNear));
+            m[11] = -1.f;
+            m[12] = m[13] = 0.f;
+            m[14] = m3gDiv(m3gMul(m3gMul(-2.f, clipFar), clipNear),
+                           m3gSub(clipFar, clipNear));
+            m[15] = 0.f;
+        }
+        else if (projType == M3G_PARALLEL) {
+            M3Gfloat height = camera->heightFov;
+            m[0] = m3gDiv(2.f, m3gMul(camera->aspect, height));
+            m[1] = m[2] = m[3] = 0.f;
+            m[4] = 0.f;
+            m[5] = m3gDiv(2.f, height);
+            m[6] = m[7] = 0;
+            m[8] = m[9] = 0;
+            m[10] = m3gDiv(-2.f, m3gSub(clipFar, clipNear));
+            m[11] = 0.f;
+            m[12] = m[13] = 0.f;
+            m[14] = m3gDiv(-m3gAdd(clipFar, clipNear),
+                           m3gSub(clipFar, clipNear));
+            m[15] = 1.f;
+        }
+        else {
+            M3G_ASSERT(M3G_FALSE); /* unknown projection type! */
+        }
+        m3gSetMatrixColumns(&camera->projMatrix, m); 
+    }
+    {
+        M3GMatrix im;
+        if (!m3gMatrixInverse(&im, &camera->projMatrix)) {
+            camera->zeroViewVolume = M3G_TRUE;
+        }
+        else {
+            camera->zeroViewVolume = M3G_FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    camera->frustumPlanesValid = M3G_FALSE;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Validates the cached view frustum planes
+ */
+static void m3gValidateFrustumPlanes(Camera *camera) 
+    if (!camera->frustumPlanesValid) {
+        Vec4 *plane;
+        Vec4 rows[4];
+        m3gGetMatrixRows(&camera->projMatrix, (M3Gfloat*) rows);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[LEFT_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gAddVec4(plane, &rows[0]);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[RIGHT_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gSubVec4(plane, &rows[0]);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[BOTTOM_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gAddVec4(plane, &rows[1]);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[TOP_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gSubVec4(plane, &rows[1]);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[NEAR_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gAddVec4(plane, &rows[2]);
+        plane = &camera->frustumPlanes[FAR_PLANE];
+        *plane = rows[3];
+        m3gSubVec4(plane, &rows[2]);
+        camera->frustumPlanesValid = M3G_TRUE;
+    }
+#undef NEAR_PLANE
+#undef FAR_PLANE
+#undef LEFT_PLANE
+#undef TOP_PLANE
+ * Internal functions
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
+ *
+ * \param property      animation property
+ * \retval M3G_TRUE     property supported
+ * \retval M3G_FALSE    property not supported
+ */
+static M3Gbool m3gCameraIsCompatible(M3Gint property)
+    switch (property) {
+        return M3G_TRUE;
+    default:
+        return m3gNodeIsCompatible(property);
+    }
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
+ *
+ * \param obj          Camera object
+ * \param property      animation property
+ * \param valueSize     size of value array
+ * \param value         value array
+ */
+static void m3gCameraUpdateProperty(Object *obj,
+                                    M3Gint property,
+                                    M3Gint valueSize,
+                                    const M3Gfloat *value)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) obj;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    M3G_ASSERT_PTR(value);
+    switch (property) {
+        M3G_ASSERT(valueSize >= 1);
+        camera->clipFar =   (camera->projType == M3G_PERSPECTIVE)
+                            ? m3gClampFloatPositive(value[0])
+                            : value[0];
+        break;
+        M3G_ASSERT(valueSize >= 1);
+        camera->heightFov = (camera->projType == M3G_PERSPECTIVE)
+                            ? m3gClampFloat(value[0], 0.f, 180.f)
+                            : m3gClampFloatPositive(value[0]);
+        break;
+        M3G_ASSERT(valueSize >= 1);
+        camera->clipNear =  (camera->projType == M3G_PERSPECTIVE)
+                            ? m3gClampFloatPositive(value[0])
+                            : value[0];
+        break;
+    default:
+        m3gNodeUpdateProperty(obj, property, valueSize, value);
+        return; /* don't invalidate the matrix */
+    }
+    /* Validate the projection matrix if we changed any of the
+     * camera parameters */
+    m3gValidateProjectionMatrix(camera);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Overloaded Node method.
+ *
+ * Start render setup scene traversal.
+ *
+ * \param node Camera object
+ * \param toCamera transform to camera
+ * \param alphaFactor total alpha factor
+ * \param caller caller node
+ * \param renderQueue RenderQueue
+ *
+ * \retval M3G_TRUE continue render setup
+ * \retval M3G_FALSE abort render setup
+ */
+static M3Gbool m3gCameraSetupRender(Node *self,
+                                    const Node *caller,
+                                    SetupRenderState *s,
+                                    RenderQueue *renderQueue)
+    Node *parent;
+    M3Gbool success = M3G_TRUE;
+    /* Just do the parent node.  Note that we won't be needing the old
+     * state back after going up the tree, so we can overwrite it. */
+    parent = self->parent;
+    if (caller != parent && parent != NULL) {
+        Matrix t;
+        if (!m3gGetInverseNodeTransform(self, &t)) {
+            return M3G_FALSE;
+        }
+        m3gMulMatrix(&s->toCamera, &t);
+        /* The parent node will update the alpha factor and culling
+         * mask if necessary, so we need not touch those */
+        success = M3G_VFUNC(Node, parent, setupRender)(parent,
+                                                       self, s, renderQueue);
+    }
+    return success;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
+ *
+ * \param originalObj original Camera object
+ * \param cloneObj pointer to cloned Camera object
+ * \param pairs array for all object-duplicate pairs
+ * \param numPairs number of pairs
+ */
+static M3Gbool m3gCameraDuplicate(const Object *originalObj,
+                                  Object **cloneObj,
+                                  Object **pairs,
+                                  M3Gint *numPairs)
+    Camera *original = (Camera *)originalObj;
+    Camera *clone = (Camera *)m3gCreateCamera(originalObj->interface);
+    *cloneObj = (Object *)clone;
+    if (*cloneObj == NULL) {
+        return M3G_FALSE;
+    }
+    if (m3gNodeDuplicate(originalObj, cloneObj, pairs, numPairs)) {
+        clone->projType = original->projType;
+        clone->projMatrix = original->projMatrix;
+        clone->heightFov = original->heightFov;
+        clone->aspect = original->aspect;
+        clone->clipNear = original->clipNear;
+        clone->clipFar = original->clipFar;
+        clone->zeroViewVolume = original->zeroViewVolume;
+        return M3G_TRUE;
+    }
+    else {
+        return M3G_FALSE;
+    }
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Initializes a Camera object. See specification
+ * for default values.
+ *
+ * \param m3g           M3G interface
+ * \param camera        Camera object
+ */
+static void m3gInitCamera(Interface *m3g, Camera *camera)
+    M3GMatrix m;
+    /* Camera is derived from node */
+    m3gInitNode(m3g, &camera->node, M3G_CLASS_CAMERA);
+    /* GENERIC, Identity */
+    m3gIdentityMatrix(&m);
+    m3gSetProjectionMatrix(camera, (const M3GMatrix *)&m);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Sets camera matrix to OpenGL
+ * projection matrix.
+ *
+ * \param camera Camera object
+ */
+static void m3gApplyProjection(const Camera *camera)
+    M3Gfloat t[16];
+    m3gGetMatrixColumns(&camera->projMatrix, t);
+    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+    glLoadMatrixf(t);
+    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Returns a pointer to the camera projection matrix
+ *
+ * The matrix <em>must not</em> be accessed directly, as only this
+ * function will ensure that the returned matrix has valid values in
+ * it.
+ * 
+ * \param camera Camera object
+ * \return a pointer to the projection matrix
+ */
+static const Matrix *m3gProjectionMatrix(const Camera *camera)
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    return &camera->projMatrix;
+ * \internal
+ * \brief Retrieves a pointer to the six camera space view frustum planes
+ */
+static const Vec4 *m3gFrustumPlanes(const Camera *camera)
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    m3gValidateFrustumPlanes((Camera*) camera);
+    return camera->frustumPlanes;
+ * Virtual function table
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static const NodeVFTable m3gvf_Camera = {
+    {
+        {
+            m3gObjectApplyAnimation,
+            m3gCameraIsCompatible,
+            m3gCameraUpdateProperty,
+            m3gObjectDoGetReferences,
+            m3gObjectFindID,
+            m3gCameraDuplicate,
+            m3gDestroyNode /* no extra clean-up for Camera */
+        }
+    },
+    m3gNodeAlign,
+    NULL, /* pure virtual DoRender */
+    m3gNodeGetBBox,
+    m3gNodeRayIntersect,
+    m3gCameraSetupRender,
+    m3gNodeUpdateDuplicateReferences,
+    m3gNodeValidate
+ * Public API functions
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \brief Creates a Camera object.
+ *
+ * \param interface     M3G interface
+ * \retval Camera new Camera object
+ * \retval NULL Camera creating failed
+ */
+M3G_API M3GCamera m3gCreateCamera(M3GInterface interface)
+    Interface *m3g = (Interface *) interface;
+    {
+        Camera *camera =  m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(Camera));
+        if (camera != NULL) {
+            m3gInitCamera(m3g, camera);
+        }
+        return (M3GCamera) camera;
+    }
+ * \brief Sets a parallel projection.
+ *
+ * \param handle        Camera object
+ * \param height        height (=fovy)
+ * \param aspectRatio   viewport aspect ratio
+ * \param clipNear      near clipping plane
+ * \param clipFar       far clipping plane
+ */
+M3G_API void m3gSetParallel(M3GCamera handle,
+                            M3Gfloat height,
+                            M3Gfloat aspectRatio,
+                            M3Gfloat clipNear, M3Gfloat clipFar)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) handle;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    if (height <= 0 || aspectRatio <= 0.0f) {
+        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(camera), M3G_INVALID_VALUE);
+        return;
+    }
+    camera->projType   = M3G_PARALLEL;
+    camera->heightFov  = height;
+    camera->aspect     = aspectRatio;
+    camera->clipNear   = clipNear;
+    camera->clipFar    = clipFar;
+    m3gValidateProjectionMatrix(camera);
+ * \brief Sets a perspective projection.
+ *
+ * \param handle        Camera object
+ * \param fovy          fovy
+ * \param aspectRatio   viewport aspect ratio
+ * \param clipNear      near clipping plane
+ * \param clipFar       far clipping plane
+ */
+M3G_API void m3gSetPerspective(M3GCamera handle,
+                               M3Gfloat fovy,
+                               M3Gfloat aspectRatio,
+                               M3Gfloat clipNear, M3Gfloat clipFar)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) handle;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    if (fovy <= 0.0f || fovy >= 180.f
+        || aspectRatio <= 0.0f
+        || clipNear <= 0.0f || clipFar <= 0.0f) {
+        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(camera), M3G_INVALID_VALUE);
+        return;
+    }
+    camera->projType   = M3G_PERSPECTIVE;
+    camera->heightFov  = fovy;
+    camera->aspect     = aspectRatio;
+    camera->clipNear   = clipNear;
+    camera->clipFar    = clipFar;
+    m3gValidateProjectionMatrix(camera);
+ * \brief Sets a generic projection.
+ *
+ * \param handle        Camera object
+ * \param transform     projection matrix
+ */
+M3G_API void m3gSetProjectionMatrix(M3GCamera handle,
+                                    const M3GMatrix *transform)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) handle;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    if (transform == NULL) {
+        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(camera), M3G_NULL_POINTER);
+        return;
+    }
+    camera->projType = M3G_GENERIC;    
+    m3gCopyMatrix(&camera->projMatrix, transform);
+    m3gValidateProjectionMatrix(camera);
+ * \brief Gets camera matrix.
+ *
+ * \param handle        Camera object
+ * \param transform     projection matrix to fill in
+ * \return              projection type
+ */
+M3G_API M3Gint m3gGetProjectionAsMatrix(M3GCamera handle,
+                                        M3GMatrix *transform)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) handle;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    if (transform != NULL) {
+        /* Check for impossible projection matrix */
+        if (camera->projType != M3G_GENERIC && 
+            camera->clipFar == camera->clipNear) {
+            m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(camera), M3G_ARITHMETIC_ERROR);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        m3gCopyMatrix(transform, m3gProjectionMatrix(camera));
+    }
+    return camera->projType;
+ * \brief Gets camera parameters.
+ *
+ * \param handle        Camera object
+ * \param params        camera parameters to fill in
+ * \return              projection type
+ */
+M3G_API M3Gint m3gGetProjectionAsParams(M3GCamera handle, M3Gfloat *params)
+    Camera *camera = (Camera *) handle;
+    M3G_VALIDATE_OBJECT(camera);
+    if (params != NULL && camera->projType != M3G_GENERIC) {
+        params[0] = camera->heightFov;
+        params[1] = camera->aspect;
+        params[2] = camera->clipNear;
+        params[3] = camera->clipFar;
+    }
+    return camera->projType;