changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/printingservices/printerdrivers/epson/EPSON.PD	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+! Printer driver file for Epson printers
+Resources Resources
+    Reset               "<27>@<27>T<1><27>6<27>x<1><27>R<0>"
+    SetPageSize         "<27>C<0>%c"
+! <27>l<0> left margin to zero
+! <27>N<0> no bottom margin
+! <27>+<2> 180 lines per inch
+! <27>x<1> letter quality
+    PreAmble            "<10><27>l<0><27>N<0><27>+<2><27>x<1>"
+    PostAmble           "<12><27>@"
+    BoldOn              "<27>E"
+    BoldOff             "<27>F"
+    ItalicOn            "<27>4"
+    ItalicOff           "<27>5"
+    UnderlineOn         "<27>-<1>"
+    UnderlineOff        "<27>-<0>"
+    StrikethroughOn     "<27>(-<03><00><01><02><01>"
+    StrikethroughOff    "<27>(-<03><00><01><02><00>"
+    NewPage             "<12><10>"
+    IncrementXPos       "<27>\%w"
+    IncrementYPos       "<27>J%c"   ! maximum 255/180 of an inch 
+    CarriageReturn      "<13>"   
+    BitmapStart         "<27>*<39>%w"
+    BitmapEnd           "<13>"
+Translates Page850ToWindows
+	130:44  ! low quotation mark mapped to comma
+	131:159
+	132:44  ! double low quotation marks mapped to comma
+	133:46  ! ellipses mapped to full stop
+	134:"<27>R<64><125><27>R<0>"
+	135:32  ! Double dagger mapped to space
+	136:94  ! mapped to circumflex accent
+	137:32	! per mille sign mapped to space
+	138:83	! S with caron mapped to S.
+	139:174	! single left pointing angle quotation mark mapped to double
+	140:32	! Capital OE ligature mapped to space
+	145:39  ! left single quotation mark mapped to apostrophe
+	146:39  ! right single quotation mark mapped to apostrophe
+	147:34  ! left double quotation mark mapped to quotation mark
+	148:34  ! right double quotation mark mapped to quotation mark
+	149:250	! bullet
+	150:45  ! en-dash mapped to hyphen-minus
+	151:45  ! em-dash mapped to hyphen-minus
+   	152:246 ! small tilde mapped to tilde
+  	153:"<27>R<64><126><27>R<0>"       ! Trademark symbol
+  	154:115 ! s with caron mapped to s
+ 	155:175	! single right pointing angle quotation mark mapped to double
+	156:32	! small oe ligature	mapped to space
+	159:89	! Y with diaeresis mapped to Y
+	160:32  ! no-break space mapped to space
+	161:173	! Inverted excl. mark
+	162:189	! cent sign
+	163:156	! Pound sign
+	164:"<27>R<5><36><27>R<0>"	! currency symbol
+	165:"<27>R<8><92><27>R<0>"	! Yen symbol
+	166:124	! Vertical bar
+	167:"<27>R<64><64><27>R<0>"	! Section sign
+	168:"<27>R<1><126><27>R<0>"		! diaeresis
+	169:"<27>R<64><123><27>R<0>"	! Copyright symbol
+	170:166	! Feminine ordinal indicator
+	171:174
+	172:170
+	173:45	! Soft hyphen mapped to hyphen-minus
+	174:"<27>R<64><124><27>R<0>"	! Registered sign
+	175:238	! Macron
+	176:"<27>R<64><91><27>R<0>"
+	177:241
+	178:253
+	179:252	! Superscript 3 
+	180:239	! Acute accent
+	181:230	! Micro sign
+	182:"<27>R<64><94><27>R<0>"	! Pilcrow sign
+	183:250	! Middle dot
+	184:247	! Cedilla  
+	185:251	! Superscript 1
+	186:167
+	187:175
+	188:172
+	189:171
+	190:32	! Three quarters mapped to space
+	191:168
+	192:183	! A grave
+	193:181	! A acute 
+	194:182	! A circumflex
+	195:199	! A tilde 
+	196:142
+	197:143
+	198:146
+	199:128
+	200:212	! E grave
+	201:144	
+	202:210
+	203:211
+	204:73	! I grave mapped to I
+	205:214	! I acute 
+	206:215	! I circumflex
+	207:216	! I diaeresis
+	208:209	! ETH mapped to D
+	209:165
+	210:227	! O grave
+	211:224	! O acute
+	212:226	! O circumflex
+	213:229	! O tilde
+	214:153
+	215:158	! Multiplication sign
+	216:"<27>R<9><92><27>R<0>"	! O with stroke
+	217:235	! U with grave
+	218:233	! U acute
+	219:234	! U circumflex
+	220:154	
+	221:237	! Y acute
+	222:232	! Capital thorn
+	223:"<27>R<2><126><27>R<0>"	! small sharp S
+	224:133
+	225:160
+	226:131
+	227:198	! a tilde
+	228:132	
+	229:134
+	230:145
+	231:135
+	232:138
+	233:130
+	234:136
+	235:137
+	236:141
+	237:161
+	238:140
+	239:139
+	240:208	! Small letter eth
+	241:164
+	242:149
+	243:162
+	244:147
+	245:228	! o tilde
+	246:148
+	247:246
+	248:"<27>R<9><124><27>R<0>"	! Small o with stroke
+	249:151
+	250:163
+	251:150
+	252:129
+	253:236	! y acute
+	254:231	! small letter thorn
+	255:152
+  EndTranslates
+FontInfo Prop 
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+	173:15 174:18  175:15   176:15 177:15  178:15 179:15
+	180:9   181:15  182:15 183:15 184:15  185:15  186:15
+	187:15  188:15  189:15  190:15  191:15
+	192:18  193:18  194:18  195:18  196:18  197:18  198:21
+	199:18  200:18  201:18  202:18  203:69  204:12  205:12
+	206:12  207:12	208:18  209:18  210:18  211:18  212:18
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+	32:30
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+     49:30   50:30   51:30   52:30   53:30   54:30   55:30   56:30
+     57:30   58:18   59:18   60:30   61:30   62:30   63:30   64:36
+     65:36   66:36   67:36   68:36   69:36   70:36   71:36   72:36
+     73:24   74:30   75:36   76:36   77:42   78:36   79:36   80:36
+     81:36   82:36   83:36   84:36   85:42   86:36   87:42   88:36
+     89:36   90:30   91:24   92:30   93:24   94:30   95:30   96:18
+     97:30   98:36   99:30  100:36  101:30  102:24  103:36  104:36
+    105:18  106:24  107:36  108:18  109:42  110:36  111:30  112:36
+    113:36  114:30  115:30  116:24  117:36  118:36  119:42  120:30
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+    EndCodeSection
+   	CodeSection 130:140
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+    CodeSection 145:156
+	145:18  146:18  147:30  148:30  149:30  150:30  151:30
+	152:30  153:36 154:30 155:30  156:30
+    EndCodeSection
+    CodeSection 159:255
+	159:36  160:30  161:30  162:30 163:30  164:30  165:36
+	166:18  167:30  168:30  169:36  170:30 171:30  172:30
+	173:30 174:36  175:30   176:30 177:30  178:30 179:30
+	180:18   181:30  182:30 183:30 184:30  185:30  186:30
+	187:30  188:30  189:30  190:30  191:30
+	192:36  193:36  194:36  195:36  196:36  197:36  198:42
+	199:36  200:36  201:36  202:36  203:69  204:24  205:24
+	206:24  207:24	208:36  209:36  210:36  211:36  212:36
+	213:36  214:36  215:30  216:30  217:42  218:42  219:42
+	220:42  221:36  222:36   223:36  224:30  225:30  226:30
+	227:30  228:30  229:30  230:42  231:30 232:30  233:30
+	234:30  235:30  236:18  237:18  238:18 239:18  240:36
+	241:36  242:30  243:30  244:30  245:30  246:30  247:30
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+      0:12
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+FontInfo CourierE10
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+      0:18
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+FontInfo CourierC20
+    MaxNormalCharWidth 24
+    Ascent 40
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+      0:24
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+FontInfo Courier20
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+      0:30
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+FontInfo CourierE20
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+    FontHeight
+        Height          420  ! 21 point
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+    FontHeight
+        Height          420
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+        Bold            DoubleProp
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+        BoldItalic      DoubleProp
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+    FontHeight
+        Height          420
+        Normal          DoubleProp
+        Bold            DoubleProp
+        Italic          DoubleProp
+        BoldItalic      DoubleProp
+        ! sans serif double-width, double height
+        Command         "<27>k<1><27>w<1><27>W<1><27>p<1>"
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+    FontHeight
+        Height		400	! 6cpi         
+        Normal          Courier20
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+        BoldItalic      Courier20
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+    FontHeight
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+Model EpsonLQ860
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+! 1 Landscape not available
+    Resources Resources
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+        Courier
+	CourierCompressed
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+        Elite
+        Roman
+	SansSerif
+	EndTypefaceFontss
+Model CitizenPN60
+    Name "Citizen PN60" RequiresPrinterPort
+	Uid -1610611287
+    Flags 1
+! 1 Landscape not available
+    Resources Resources
+    KPixelWidth    8000   ! Twips = 180 dots per inch
+    KPixelHeight   8000 
+	PortraitOffset  22 90  ! Pixels
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+    MinMarginLeft   22    ! Pixels
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+        Courier
+	CourierCompressed
+	CourierExpanded
+        Elite
+        Roman
+	SansSerif
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+	Uid 268439229
+    Flags 1
+! Landscape not available
+    Resources Resources
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+	PortraitOffset  23 90  ! Pixels
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+        Courier
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+	Elite
+	Roman
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+	EndTypefaceFontss
+    PDLName             "Epson"
+	PDLUid 268435820
+    Models
+	CanonBubblejetLQ
+	CitizenPN60
+        EpsonLQ860
+    EndModels