changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/group/	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path;
+use FindBin;
+use lib $FindBin::Bin;
+use Win32::Process; 
+use Win32; 
+use Win32::Job;
+my $platform = "winscw";
+my $screens = 2;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+#             log-id				wins/winscw	executable	test-context					wsini selection					#of screens #
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+&RunWservTest("normal",				$platform, "auto", 		"autou.cfg", 					"wservu.ini",					$screens);
+&RunWservTest("sparse", 			$platform, "auto", 		"autou_sparse.cfg", 			"wservu_sparse.ini",			$screens);
+&RunWservTest("sparse_nodefault", 	$platform, "auto", 		"autou_sparse_nodefault.cfg",	"wservu_sparse_nodefault.ini",	$screens);
+sub RunWservTest()
+  my $session = shift;
+  my $plat = shift;
+  my $exe = shift;
+  my $cfg = shift;
+  my $wservu = shift;
+  my $nScreens = shift;
+  my $epocDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\";
+  my $epocEmulator = $epocDir."epoc.exe";
+  my $wsini = $epocDir."z\\system\\data\\wsini.ini";
+  my $wsiniBackup = $wsini.".bak";
+  my $epocFile = "\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini";
+  my $epocBackup = $epocFile.".bak";
+  # backup original epoc.ini and wsini.ini	
+  &DoCopy($epocFile, $epocBackup) if (!-f $epocBackup);
+  &DoCopy($wsini, $wsiniBackup) if (!-f $wsiniBackup);
+  print "Mnt install\n";
+  my $wservDir = ".";
+  &StartMntCommand($wservDir, $plat, $wservu, $cfg);
+  $exeFile = $epocDir.$exe.".exe";
+  if (-f $exeFile)
+  {
+	$epocEmulator = $exeFile;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+	&AddShellCmd($wsini, $exe);
+  }
+  if ($nScreens > 1)
+  {
+	&CreateEpocMultiScreen($epocFile, $wsini, $nScreens);
+  }
+  my $job = Win32::Job->new;
+  if (!$job) { &ErrorReport(); next; }
+  print "Running wserv test $session...";
+  my $spawned = $job->spawn($epocEmulator, 'epoc.exe');
+  if (!$spawned) { &ErrorReport(); next; }
+  my $timeout = 45;
+  my $ok = $job->run($timeout * 60); 
+  warn "WARNING: Process \"$epocEmulator\" killed due to timeout.\n" if (!$ok);
+  print "done\n";
+  # save wserv.log
+  my $logDir = "\\epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\";
+  my $wservLog = $logDir."wserv.log";
+  my $logBackup = $logDir."wserv_$session.log";
+  &DoCopy($wservLog, $logBackup);
+  # restore original epoc.ini and wsini.ini
+  &DoCopy($wsiniBackup, $wsini);
+  &DoCopy($epocBackup, $epocFile);
+  # remove auto.cfg
+  system("del /f /q \\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\udeb\\z\\system\\data\\auto.cfg");
+sub StartMntCommand()
+  my $wservDir = shift;
+  my $plat = shift;
+  my $wservu = shift;
+  my $autou = shift;
+  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\system.ini", "\\epoc32\\data\\");
+  &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'udeb', $wservu, $autou);
+  &MntDoInstall($wservDir, $plat, 'urel', $wservu, $autou);
+sub MntDoInstall()
+  my $wservDir = shift;
+  my $plat = shift;
+  my $UrelUdeb = shift;
+  my $whatFile = shift;
+  my $autoCfg = shift;
+  my $dataDir   = "\\epoc32\\release\\$plat\\$UrelUdeb\\z\\system\\data\\";
+  mkpath($dataDir);
+  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$whatFile",    $dataDir.'wsini.ini');
+  &DoCopy("$wservDir\\..\\group\\$autoCfg",     $dataDir.'auto.cfg');  
+sub AddShellCmd
+  my $file = shift;
+  my $cmd = shift;
+  my $string = &ascii_to_utf16("SHELLCMD $cmd");
+  &Write_UTF16_Newline($file);
+  open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
+  print FILE $string;
+  close FILE;
+  &Write_UTF16_Newline($file);
+sub Write_UTF16_Newline
+  my $file = shift;
+  open(BIN, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open \"$file\": $!\n";
+  binmode BIN;
+  sysseek BIN, 0, SEEK_END;
+  syswrite BIN, "\x0D\x00\x0A\x00" or warn "WARNING: Could not write to file\n";
+  close BIN;
+# Function that accepts an ASCII string and returns the same string in UTF16
+sub ascii_to_utf16 {
+  my $utf16_string = "";
+  my $ascii_string = shift;
+  my $lengthofstring = length($ascii_string);
+  for (my $count=1; $count<=$lengthofstring; $count++)
+  {
+    my $char = substr($ascii_string,$count-1,1);
+    $utf16_string .= $char;
+    $utf16_string .= "\x00";
+  }
+  return $utf16_string;
+sub	ProduceWServResult()
+	$plat = shift;
+	$subDir = shift;
+	$handleFileTable = shift;	
+  $wservTestResStatistic = shift;
+  $background = 0;
+  $wservTestResStatistic = "";
+  $duration = "";
+	my $result = "PASS";
+  open TEMPLOGFILE, ">>\\work.txt";
+  print TEMPLOGFILE "Start ProduceWServResult: plat $plat,subDir $subDir,handleFileTable $handleFileTable,background $background\n";
+	$logFile = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\$plat\\c\\data\\WSERV.LOG";
+  open LOGFILEWSERV, "$logFile" or $logWSFileRes = -1;
+  $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;
+  $CurWinServTestName = "";
+  $wservTestDuration = 0;
+  $wservFullTestDuration = 0;
+	print "result ws : $logWSFileRes\n";
+  $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\1_wserv.htm";
+  open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";#	or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n";
+  print FILELOGDEST  "<pre>";
+  while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>)
+	{
+    if(/\s(\d+\.\d\d\d)/)
+    {
+      $wservTestDuration = $1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      $wservTestDuration = 0;
+    }
+    $wservFullTestDuration +=  $wservTestDuration;
+    if(/AUTO New Test: /)
+		{
+      $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration;
+      if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0) #previos test was inconclusive
+      {
+        $Inconclusive++;
+        $result = "INCONCLUSIVE";
+        OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
+           $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
+        $background = !$background;
+        print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
+        close FILELOGDEST;
+      }
+      if(/Test (\d+),(.+\w)(\s+\d\.)/)
+      {
+        $CurWinServTestNumber = $1;
+        $CurWinServTestName = $2;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        /Test (\d+),(.+)/;
+        $CurWinServTestNumber = $1;
+        $CurWinServTestName = $2;
+      }
+      if($CurWinServTestNumber > 1)
+      {
+          $fileLogWServDest = "$subDir\\$CurWinServTestNumber" . "_wserv.htm";
+          open FILELOGDEST, ">$fileLogWServDest";#	or die "Can't open file: $fileLogWServDest! \n";
+          print FILELOGDEST  "<pre>";
+      }
+    }
+    elsif(/AUTO TEST RESULT: /)
+		{
+      $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;
+      /AUTO TEST RESULT: (\w+)/;
+      $TestResult = $1;
+      if($TestResult eq "PASS")
+      {
+        $col = "#008000";
+        $result = $TestResult;
+        $Pass++;
+      }
+      elsif($TestResult eq "FAIL")
+      {
+        $col = "#ff0000";
+        $result = $TestResult;
+        $Failed++;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        $col = "#0000ff";
+        $Unknown++;
+        $result = "N/A";
+      }
+      if($wservFullTestDuration =~ /(\d+\.\d{0,3})/)
+      {
+        $wservFullTestDuration = $1;
+      }
+      #output result to the file
+      OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
+          $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
+      $background = !$background;
+      print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"$col\">$_</FONT><br>";
+      print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
+      close FILELOGDEST;
+		}
+    if(/AUTO Testing Complete, (.*)(\d+\.\d{0,3})/)
+    {
+      $wservTestResStatistic = $1;
+    }
+    if(/AUTO Failed /)
+    {
+       print FILELOGDEST "<FONT COLOR=\"#ff0000\">$_</FONT><br>";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        print FILELOGDEST "$_<br>";
+    }
+	} #while($_ = <LOGFILEWSERV>)
+ #check if a test is inconclusive
+  if($CurWinServTestNumber != 0)
+  {
+     $CurWinServTestNumber = 0;
+     $wservFullTestDuration = $wservTestDuration;
+      $wservTestResStatistic = "Inconclusive";
+      $result = "INCONCLUSIVE";
+      $Inconclusive++;
+      #output result to the file
+      OutputWServerTestResultToTable(FILERES, $background, $result,
+          $CurWinServTestName, $fileLogWServDest, $wservFullTestDuration);
+      $background = !$background;
+      print FILELOGDEST  "</pre>";
+      close FILELOGDEST;
+  }
+sub	OutputWServerTestResultToTable()
+  my $handle = shift;
+  my $background = shift;
+  my $result = shift;
+  my $TestName = shift;
+  my $WServDest = shift;
+  my $duration = shift;
+  if($background == 1)
+  {
+		    print $handle "<TR BGCOLOR='#ECECE4'><TD WIDTH=\"33%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
+  }
+  else
+  {
+		    print $handle "<TR><TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
+  }
+  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P><a href=\"$WServDest\">$TestName</FONT></TD>\n";
+  print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
+  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$duration</FONT></TD>\n";
+  print $handle "<TD WIDTH=\"25%\" VALIGN=\"TOP\">\n";
+  print $handle "<FONT SIZE=2><P>$result</FONT></TD>\n";
+  print $handle "</TR>\n";
+sub DoCopy
+  my $source = shift;
+  my $target = shift;
+  my $out = `copy /y \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`;
+  if ($? && -e $target && $out =~ /Access is denied./)
+  {
+    # Target exists and is probably read only, so attempt an xcopy
+    `xcopy /y /i /r /e \"$source\" \"$target\" 2>&1`;
+  }
+  warn "WARNING: Could not copy \"$source\" to \"$target\"\n" if $?;
+sub CreateEpocMultiScreen()
+  my $epocFile = shift;
+  my $wsiniFile = shift;
+  my $nScreens = shift;
+  # epoc.ini
+  open(FILE, ">>$epocFile") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
+  for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++)
+  {  
+	  print FILE "_NewScreen_\n";
+	  print FILE "ScreenWidth 640\n";
+	  print FILE "ScreenHeight 240\n";
+  }  
+  close FILE
+  # wsini.ini
+  &AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN0]"); 
+  for (my $i=1; $i<$nScreens; $i++)
+  {
+	&AppendLineToFile($wsiniFile, "[SCREEN$i]");   
+  }
+ }
+ sub AppendLineToFile()
+ {
+   my $file = shift;
+   my $line = shift;
+   my $string = &ascii_to_utf16($line);
+   &Write_UTF16_Newline($file);
+   open(FILE, ">>$file") or warn "WARNING: Could not open file: $!\n";
+   print FILE $string;
+   close FILE;
+   &Write_UTF16_Newline($file);
+ }