changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 26 15986eb6c500
child 45 36b2e23a8629
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/inc/Graphics/openwfc/WSGRAPHICDRAWERINTERFACE.H	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1413 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Server-side base-classes for graphic drawer plugins
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <bitstd.h>
+class CWsGraphicDrawer;
+struct TGraphicDrawerId;
+class MWsEventHandler;
+class CWsGraphicMessageQueue;
+class CWsClient;
+class CWsWindow;
+	class MWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver;
+class MWsScreenRedrawObserver;
+class MWsMemoryRelease;
+class MEventHandler;
+class MWsElement;
+class MWsGraphicsContext;
+enum TWinType
+	{
+	EWinTypeClient,
+	EWinTypeRoot,
+	EWinTypeGroup,
+	};
+/** Declares an object type, ETypeId, for a class, in order to allow the WSERV object
+provider mechanism to locate and provide objects from the class.
+@see MWsObjectProvider */
+#define DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(id) enum { EWsObjectInterfaceId = id };
+class MWsObjectProvider
+/** A class for dynamic extension of object instances
+	WSERV classes which wish to allow dynamic extension show derive those
+	extensions from MWsObjectProvider and use the DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID macro
+	Similiar in principle and operation to CONE's MObjectProvider
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	@see MObjectProvider
+*/	{
+	template<class T>
+	T* ObjectInterface()
+	/** Gets an object of the type defined by the template parameter.
+	@return A pointer to an object of the type required, or NULL if none can be
+	found. */
+		{ return (T*)ResolveObjectInterface(T::EWsObjectInterfaceId); }
+	/** Gets an object of the type defined by the template parameter.
+	@return A pointer to a const object of the type required, or NULL if none can be
+	found. */
+	template<class T>
+	const T* ObjectInterface() const
+		{ return (T*)const_cast<MWsObjectProvider*>(this)->ResolveObjectInterface(T::EWsObjectInterfaceId); }
+	/** Resolve an instance of an interface
+	should be overriden by implementations when they have custom interfaces to provide. */
+	IMPORT_C virtual TAny* ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId);
+	};
+class MWsScreen: public MWsObjectProvider
+/** A destination for a drawing occasion of a CWsGraphicDrawer
+	Used by animation schedulers to update screens
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+*/	{
+	using MWsObjectProvider::ResolveObjectInterface;
+	friend class MWsAnimationScheduler;
+	/** Called by the MWsAnimationScheduler when scheduled animation is to be serviced
+		WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+		@released */
+	virtual void OnAnimation() = 0;
+	/** Called by the MWsAnimationScheduler when a scheduled animation is to be serviced.
+		@param aFinished If not NULL then this is signalled when the animation has 
+		been processed and further animations may be submitted. An animation may be
+		submitted prior to signalling, but the render stage pipeline may not be ready
+		to process it. 
+		WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+		@released */
+	virtual void OnAnimation(TRequestStatus* aFinished) = 0;
+	/** Called by the MWsAnimationScheduler when the screen needs to be redrawn in its entirity
+		WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+		@released */
+	virtual void Redraw() = 0;
+	/** Called by MWsAnimationScheduler when the any parts of the screen that potentially contain
+		commands to draw graphics in the list of IDs passed need to be redrawn
+		@param aInvalid the list of IDs that are invalid
+		@return whether the screen did any redrawing
+		WARNING: Function for internal use ONLY. Compatibility is not guaranteed in future releases.
+		@released */
+	virtual TBool RedrawInvalid(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aInvalid) = 0;
+	};
+class MWsAnimationScheduler: public MWsObjectProvider
+/** A system mechanism for customising the animation timer to a particular hardware variant or to a
+	particular external compositor e.g. an out-of-scene transition engine.
+	The default animation scheduler in WSERV does not understand device-dependant parameters e.g.
+	screen refresh rates
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+	to be adapted when WSERV migrates to surfaces
+*/	{
+	/** Called to schedule an animation event for a screen to occur not before some point
+	A screen may be scheduled to animate several times without actually receiving an animation event from the scheduler
+	If the scheduler cannot honour the request e.g. device constraints, it ignores the request.
+	@param aScreen the screen to recieve the event
+	@param aWhen the point in time the event need not occur before
+	*/
+	virtual void ScheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen) = 0;
+	/** Called if a screen determines that it no longer needs to schedule any animation
+	@param aScreen the screen not needing to receive any animation events
+	*/
+	virtual void UnscheduleAnimation(MWsScreen& aScreen) = 0;
+	/** Called to schedule the redrawing of all screens containing this graphic.
+	The redrawing of affected screens can be deferred by the scheduler.
+	@param aId the ID of the graphic to be redrawn.  The graphic itself need not exist
+		(e.g. it has just been deleted, hence the need to redraw all potentially affected screens). */
+	virtual void Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) = 0;
+	/** Called when the Window Server receives a TRawEvent::EInactive  event, to signal power-saving */
+	virtual void OnInactive() = 0;
+	/** Called when the Window Server receives a TRawEvent::EActive event, to signal screen back on */
+	virtual void OnActive() = 0;
+	/** Called to schedule a redraw for a screen which is out of date
+	A screen may be scheduled to redraw several times without actually receiving aredraw event from the scheduler
+	If this request is ignored then the screen will be draw incorrectly untill a such a request is not ignored.
+	@param aScreen the screen to recieve the event
+	@param aWhen the point in time the event need not occur before
+	*/
+	virtual void ScheduleRedraw(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TTime& aWhen) = 0;
+	/** Called to force a previously scheduled redraw for a screen to happen synchronously
+	Used when we are about to loose our ability to perform the redraw correctly.
+	@param aScreen the screen to recieve the event
+	*/
+	virtual void DoRedrawNow(MWsScreen& aScreen) = 0;
+	IMPORT_C void Animate(MWsScreen& aScreen);
+	IMPORT_C void Animate(MWsScreen& aScreen, TRequestStatus* aFinished);
+	IMPORT_C void Redraw(MWsScreen& aScreen);
+	IMPORT_C TBool RedrawInvalid(MWsScreen& aScreen,const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aInvalid);
+	};
+class CWsMessageData : public CBase, public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	virtual TPtrC8 Data() const = 0;
+	virtual void Release() = 0;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ClientHandle() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt Id() const;
+	IMPORT_C const CWsGraphicDrawer* Drawer();
+	IMPORT_C void SetClientHandle(TInt aClientHandle);
+	IMPORT_C void SetId( TInt aId);
+	IMPORT_C void SetDrawer(const CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer);
+	friend class CWsGraphicMessageQueue;
+	friend class CWsClient;
+	CWsMessageData* iNext;
+	const CWsGraphicDrawer* iDrawer;
+	TInt iId;
+	TInt iClientHandle;
+	TInt iMWsMessageDataSpare[3];
+	};
+class MWsClient: public MWsObjectProvider
+/*** Represents a client session
+	@publishedPartner 
+	@released  */
+	{
+	/** Determines if this client has the specified capability */
+	virtual TBool HasCapability(TCapability aCapability) const = 0;
+	/** Retrieves the Secure ID of the client's process */
+	virtual TSecureId SecureId() const = 0;
+	/** Retrieves the Vendor ID of the client's process */
+	virtual TVendorId VendorId() const = 0;
+	friend class CWsGraphicDrawer;
+	virtual TInt SendMessage(const CWsGraphicDrawer* aOnBehalfOf,const TDesC8& aData) = 0;
+	virtual TInt SendMessage(const CWsGraphicDrawer* aOnBehalfOf,CWsMessageData& aData) = 0;
+	};
+class MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment: public MWsObjectProvider
+/** The environment for a graphic drawer
+*/	{
+	/** Locate a graphic by ID
+	@return the graphic with that ID, else NULL if no such graphic exists */
+	virtual const CWsGraphicDrawer* ResolveGraphic(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) const = 0;
+	/** The number of screens the device has; this is constant for a device */
+	virtual TInt ScreenCount() const = 0;
+	/** Get a particular screen by ordinal
+	@return the screen, or NULL if aIndex is out of bounds */
+	virtual MWsScreen* Screen(TInt aIndex) = 0;
+	/** Get a particular screen by ordinal
+	@return the screen, or NULL if aIndex is out of bounds */
+	virtual const MWsScreen* Screen(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Set the animation scheduler; this can only be done once by custom code
+	@return success of overriding the default scheduler */
+	virtual TBool SetCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aScheduler) = 0;
+	/** Query whether a custom animation scheduler has been set
+	@return ETrue if the custom animation scheduler has been set */
+	virtual TBool HasCustomAnimationScheduler() const = 0;
+	/** Clears a custom animation scheduler
+	@return success if the custom scheduler was set, and hence removed */
+	virtual TBool ClearCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aCurrentScheduler) = 0;
+	friend class CWsGraphicDrawer;
+	/** Schedules all potentially affected parts of the screen to repaint
+	This is called automatically whenever a graphic is added, replaced or removed.
+	However, if a graphic which changes representation during runtime must call this
+	explicitly.
+	Note: this is not a suitable method for animating a graphic.  For animation,
+	use MWsGc::Invalidate when the graphic is being drawn to schedule the next
+	animation frame instead.
+	@param aId the ID of the artwork; the artwork may not exist */
+	virtual void Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) = 0;
+	/** Register to be notified when some events occur.
+	@return KErrNone if successful */
+	virtual TInt RegisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer, MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask) = 0;
+	/** Unregister from events notification
+	@return KErrNone if successful */
+	virtual TInt UnregisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer) = 0;
+	/** Register to be notified when some events occur.
+	@return KErrNone if successful
+	@prototype */
+	virtual TInt RegisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask) = 0;
+	/** Unregister from events notification
+	@return KErrNone if successful 
+	@prototype */
+	virtual TInt UnregisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+	/** Logs a message to the wserv logger, if one is loaded
+	@param aPriority The priority of the message - low priority is 1, high is 9
+	@param aFmt The string to log.  This may contain a single %d, %x or equivalent
+	@param aParam An integer parameter corresponding to a %d, if present
+	@prototype */
+	virtual void Log(TInt aPriority,const TDesC &aFmt,TInt aParam=0) = 0;
+	/** Registers an interface for releasing memory in low memory situations.
+	The release function may be called as a result of any Alloc or ReAlloc attempts in the window server
+	process.
+	@param aMemoryRelease a callback interface
+	@return KErrNone or a system wide error code
+	@prototype */
+	virtual TInt RegisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease) = 0;
+	/** Removes a registration set by RegisterMemoryRelease
+	@param aMemoryRelease the registered release object to remove
+	@prototype */
+	virtual void UnregisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease) = 0;
+	};
+class MWsGc: public MWsObjectProvider
+/** A destination for a drawing occasion of a CWsGraphicDrawer
+	Used to register invalidation schedules for animation
+	@publishedPartner
+	@released
+*/	{
+	/** The Client requesting this drawing occasion
+		@return the client
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@released  */
+	virtual MWsClient& Client() = 0;
+	/** The screen that is currently being drawn to
+		@return the screen
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@released  */
+	virtual MWsScreen& Screen() = 0;
+	/** The origin of the GC relative to the screen's origin
+		@return the origin
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released  */
+	virtual TPoint GcOrigin() const = 0;
+	/** The clipping region currently being used
+		@return the clipping region
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released */
+	virtual const TRegion& ClippingRegion() = 0;
+	/** The BITGDI graphics context to draw to
+		@publishedPartner
+		@released */
+	virtual CFbsBitGc& BitGc() = 0;
+	/** Saves the state of the GC to an internal buffer.  Several GC states can be saved in a FILO.
+		Do not restore a GC (using PopBitGcSettings()) that wasn't properly saved!
+		@return KErrNone if successful, else one of the system-wide error codes. */
+	virtual TInt PushBitGcSettings() = 0;
+	/** Restores the last GC state that was saved. */
+	virtual void PopBitGcSettings() = 0;
+	/** The time for the current redraw
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@released */
+	virtual const TTime& Now() const = 0;
+	/** Schedule an animation of a rectangle in the future.
+	    Scheduled animation doesn't work in low memory conditions or
+	    if aRect values fall outside the window area of this animation.
+		@param aRect the rectangle to animate, in the GC's coordinates
+		@param aFromNow the time in microseconds from Now() that the rectangle will be invalid
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@released */
+	virtual void ScheduleAnimation(const TRect& aRect,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow) = 0;
+	/** Schedule an animation of a rectangle in the future
+		@param aRect the rectangle to animate, in the GC's coordinates
+		@param aFromNow the time in microseconds from Now() that the rectangle will be invalid
+		@param aFreq microseconds between frames that this rectangle will probably be invalid in the future (0 means no such hint is known)
+		@param aStop the duration in microseconds from Now() that the aFreq hint will be valid for (0 means indefinitely)
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@released */
+	virtual void ScheduleAnimation(const TRect& aRect,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFreq,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStop) = 0;
+	/** Sets the origin of gc
+		@param aOrigin The new origin of the gc
+		@publishedPartner 
+		@prototype	*/
+	virtual void SetGcOrigin(const TPoint& aOrigin) = 0;
+	};
+/** Interface Extension
+	{
+	KMWsScreenConfigInterfaceId = 1,
+	KMWsBackBufferInterfaceId = 2,
+	KMWsFrontBufferInterfaceId = 3,
+	KMWsGraphicDrawerMessageAlloc = 4,
+	KMWsGraphicMessageAlloc = 5,
+	KWsGraphicHandleSynchronMessageId = 6,
+	KWsGraphicMessageCallbackInterfaceId = 7,
+	KWsActiveSchedulerDebug = 8,
+	KWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver = 9,
+	KMWsWindow = 10,
+	KWsScreenRedraw = 11,
+	KWsScreenRedrawObserver = 12,
+	KCWsRenderStage = 13,
+	KMWsRenderStageFactory = 14,
+	KMWsMemoryRelease = 15,
+#if !defined(SYMBIAN_GRAPHICS_GCE)	
+	KMWsGcClipRect = 16,
+	KMWsFader = 17,
+	KMWsPluginManager = 18,
+	KMWsIniFile = 19,
+	KMWsRawEventServer = 20,
+	KMWsPlaceSurfaceId = 21,
+	KMWsTextCursor = 22,				// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsTextCursor
+	KMWsGraphicsContext = 23,			// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsGraphicsContext
+	KMWsCompositionContext = 24,		// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsCompositionContext
+										// 		MWsCompositionContext::CreateLayer will yield a MWsLayer
+	KMWsEventHandler = 25,				// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsEventHandler
+	KMWsScreenDevice = 26,				// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsScreenDevice
+	KMWsPalette = 27,					// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsPalette
+	KMWsUiBufferInterfaceId = 28,		// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsUiBuffer
+	KMWsDebugBar = 29,					// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsDebugBar
+	KMWsDrawableSourceProvider = 30,	// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsDrawableSourceProvider
+	KMWsScreenConfigListInterfaceId = 31,	//MWsScreen can return this list interface
+	KMWsWindowTreeObserver = 32,        // CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsWindowTreeObserver
+	KMWsDrawAnnotationObserver = 33, 	// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsDrawAnnotationObserver
+	KMWsWindowVisibilityNotifier = 34, 	// CWsRenderStage Object Extension will optionally yield an MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier
+	KMWsWindowTree = 35,				// Object Extension to be used by render stages for recovery of MWsWindowTree
+	KMWsScene = 36,                     // CWsRenderStage Object Extension will yield an MWsScene
+	                                    //      MWsScene::CreateSceneElement will yield a MWsElement
+	};
+class TSurfaceConfiguration;
+/** Extension to GC to allow surface placement.
+NOTE: This interface is deprecated. Do not use!
+class MWsSurfacePlacement: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	public:
+	virtual TInt	PlaceSurface(const TSurfaceConfiguration& aConfig)=0;
+	};
+/** Current screen mode configuration.Values return from this interface shall not be cached as they
+can change at anytime when wserv changes its screen mode. Plugin can listen to event EScreenSizeModeChanged
+to be notified when it happens.
+class MWsScreenConfig: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsScreenConfigInterfaceId)
+	/** Get screen display mode */
+	virtual TDisplayMode DisplayMode() const = 0;
+	/** Get physical screen size in pixels */
+	virtual TSize SizeInPixels() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen size in pixels for current screen size mode as defined in wsini */
+	virtual TSize ScreenModeSizeInPixels() const = 0;
+	/** Get frame buffer line pitch */
+	virtual TInt Stride() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen orientation */
+	virtual CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation Orientation() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen size mode */
+	virtual TInt SizeMode() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen scaling factor */
+	virtual TSize ScalingFactor() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen origin */
+	virtual TPoint Origin() const = 0;
+	/** Get screen scaled origin */
+	virtual TPoint ScaledOrigin() const = 0;
+	};
+/**	Available list of screen modes as specified during start-up.
+ * 	This interface can generally be enquired from the MWsScreen instance.
+ * 	Can be read by render stage to configure its Display Configuration policy.
+ * 	
+ * 	Note that mode list is not contiguous, so methods may leave if missing index is requested.
+ **/
+class MWsScreenConfigList: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsScreenConfigListInterfaceId)
+	enum	TModeFlags
+		{
+		EDynamic=			0x00000001,		//"-1,-1"
+		EHighRes=			0x00000002,		//High-res policy mode
+		EDisconnected=		0x00000004,		//Mode to use when disconnected
+		EHalDefault=		0x00000008,
+		ETwipsSpecified=	0x00000010,
+		EClientDefinedDigitiserArea=	0x00000020,	
+		};
+	/** Get  list of valid display modes - may be sparse **/
+	virtual TInt	GetScreenSizeModeList(RArray<TInt>&aList) const =0;
+	/** Get screen display mode */
+	virtual TDisplayMode DisplayModeL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen size in pixels for current screen size mode as defined in wsini */
+	virtual TSize ScreenModeSizeInPixelsL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen size in twips for current screen size mode as defined in wsini */
+	virtual TSize ScreenModeSizeInTwipsL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen orientation */
+	virtual CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation OrientationL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen orientation */
+	virtual TInt AvailableOrientationsL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen scaling factor - note this is expected to stay at 1:1 */
+	virtual TSize ScalingFactorL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen origin */
+	virtual TPoint OriginL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get screen scaled origin - note this is expected to stay at 1:1  */
+	virtual TPoint ScaledOriginL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	/** Get the modeflags for specified mode  */
+	virtual TInt ModeFlagsL(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
+	};
+class MWsWindowTree : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	virtual void SendTree() const = 0;
+	};
+/** Wserv flickerfree buffer access
+class MWsBackBuffer: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsBackBufferInterfaceId)
+	/** Get wserv flickerfree buffer bitmap
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitmap* GetBitmap() = 0;
+	/** Get default wserv flickerfree buffer drawing context. This will always return the original
+	context not the current context (e.g. not the redirecting context when it is redirected).
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitGc* GetBitGc() = 0;
+	/** Set wserv flickerfree buffer drawing context to redirect its drawing output. Drawing context must
+	have been activated on a device prior calling this function.
+	@param aBitGc The context where flickerfree buffer drawing output is redirected to. If it is NULL
+	the redirection will be cancelled and default drawing context will be restored.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc) = 0;
+	/** Redirects drawing to another back buffer. Target back buffer must provide bitmap and drawing context
+	which has been activated on a bitmap device.
+	@param aTarget Target back buffer where drawing is redirected to. If it is NULL
+	the redirection will be terminated.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of system-wide error codes.
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual TInt RedirectTo(MWsBackBuffer* aTarget) = 0;
+	/** Sets the back buffers observer.  The observer will be called just before and just after each
+	complete sequence of drawing to the back buffer.
+	@param aObserver The observer handling the callbacks
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual void SetObserver(MWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+	/** This returns the observer set by SetObserver.
+	@return The observer set by SetObserver, or NULL
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual MWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver* Observer() = 0;
+	/** Get current wserv flickerfree buffer drawing context. This will return the redirected context 
+	when it is set.
+	@return The graphics context to use to draw to the flicker buffer directly.
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitGc* GetBitGcCurrent() = 0;
+	};
+/** Wserv screen buffer access
+class MWsFrontBuffer: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsFrontBufferInterfaceId)
+	/** Get pointer to framebuffer
+	*/
+	virtual const TAny* GetBits() = 0;
+	/** Get default wserv screen drawing context. This will always return the original
+	context not the current context (e.g. not the redirecting context when it is redirected).
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitGc* GetBitGc() = 0;
+	/** Set wserv screen drawing context to redirect its drawing output. Drawing context must
+	have been activated on a device prior calling this function.
+	@param aBitGc The context where screen drawing output is redirected to. If it is NULL
+	the redirection will be cancelled and default drawing context will be restored.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc) = 0;
+	/** Set wserv screen drawing context to redirect its drawing output and perform fullscreen 
+	redraw if necessary. Drawing context must have been activated on a device prior calling this 
+	function.
+	@param aBitGc The context where screen drawing output is redirected to. If it is NULL
+	the redirection will be cancelled and default drawing context will be restored.
+	@param aInvalidateScreen Flag to tell wserv to perform fullscreen redraw or not
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of system-wide error codes.
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc, TBool aInvalidateScreen) = 0;	
+	/** Get current wserv screen drawing context. This will return the redirected context 
+	when it is set.
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual CFbsBitGc* GetBitGcCurrent() = 0;
+	};
+/** Optional Memory Allocator for incoming messages
+	To be implemented by CRPs which want to control large incoming messages themselves
+class MWsGraphicDrawerMessageAlloc: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsGraphicDrawerMessageAlloc)
+	virtual TAny* Alloc(TInt aSize) = 0;
+	virtual void Free(TAny* aCell) = 0;
+	};
+/** Optional Memory Allocator for incoming messages
+	To be implemented by CWsGraphics which want to control large incoming messages themselves
+class MWsGraphicMessageAlloc: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsGraphicMessageAlloc)
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(MBuffer): public MWsObjectProvider
+		{
+	public:
+		virtual TPtr8 Buffer() = 0;
+		virtual void Release() = 0;
+		};
+	virtual MBuffer* Alloc(TInt aSize) = 0;
+	};
+/** For debug purposes only
+class MWsActiveSchedulerDebug: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KWsActiveSchedulerDebug)
+	virtual TInt64 Requests() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Errors() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Draws() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Total() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Preparing() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Drawing() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt64 Idle() const = 0;
+	};
+/** This forms part of the MWsBackBuffer interface
+class MWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver: public MWsObjectProvider 
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KWsFlickerFreeBufferObserver)
+	/** Function that gets called before the flicker buffer is updated
+	@param aBuffer The back buffer that is about to be updated
+	@param aRegion The region of the back buffer that is about to be updated
+	*/
+	virtual void BeforeUpdate(MWsBackBuffer& aBuffer,const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	/** Function that gets called after the flicker buffer has been updated
+	@param aBuffer The back buffer that has been updated
+	@param aRegion The region of the the back buffer that has been updated
+	*/
+	virtual void AfterUpdate(MWsBackBuffer& aBuffer,const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	};
+/** An interface through which a window can be examined
+This returns non const copies instead of const references, and the
+functions themselves are non const.
+class MWsWindow : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Gets the origin of the window.
+	@return TPoint containing the origin of the window.
+	*/
+	virtual TPoint Origin() const = 0;
+	/** Gets the windows rect in absolute co-ordinates.
+	@return TRect
+	*/
+	virtual TRect AbsRect() const = 0;
+	/** Gets the size of the window
+	@return TSize containing the size of the window
+	*/
+	virtual TSize Size() const = 0;
+	/** Get the window's handle
+	@return TUint32 containing the window's handle.
+	*/
+	virtual TUint32 Handle() const = 0;
+	/** Invalidate an area of the window.
+	@param aRect TRect containing the area to invalidate.
+	*/
+	virtual void Invalidate(const TRect * aRect = 0) = 0;
+	/** Get the MWsScreen for this window.
+	@return A pointer to the MWsScreen that this window is on.
+	*/
+	virtual MWsScreen * WsScreen() const = 0;
+	/** Finds a child of this window by specifiying its handle.
+	@param aHandle A handle to the window to find.
+	@return an MWsWindow pointer to the found window
+	*/
+	virtual MWsWindow * FindChildByHandle(TUint32 aHandle) = 0;
+	/**
+	Returns the ordinal priority of the node. 
+	*/
+	virtual TInt OrdinalPriority() const = 0;
+	/** Get the window's basic area before any clipping is done.
+	For windows with rounded corners, the window area is different from AbsRect.
+	@return a reference to the window area 
+	*/	
+	virtual const TRegion& WindowArea() const = 0;
+	};
+An interface providing information about a window group.
+class MWsWindowGroup
+	{
+	virtual TInt Identifier() const = 0;
+	virtual TPtrC Name() const = 0;
+	virtual TBool IsFocusable() const = 0;
+	virtual TInt OrdinalPriority() const = 0;
+	virtual const MWsClient * Client() const = 0;
+	};
+An interface through which a sprite can be examined. 
+class MWsSprite 
+	{
+	enum TSpriteType
+		{
+		EWindowSprite,
+		EFloatingSprite,
+		ECustomTextCursorSprite,
+		EPointerCursorSprite
+		};
+	virtual TRect Rect() const = 0;
+	virtual TSpriteType SpriteType() const = 0;
+	};
+An interface through which a standard text cursor can be examined. 
+class MWsStandardTextCursor
+	{
+	/**
+	Cursor type.
+	@return The cursor type; either TTextCursor::ETypeRectangle or TTextCursor::ETypeHollowRectangle.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Type() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Draw rectangle.
+	@return Draw rectangle of the cursor in <b>window</b> co-ordinates.
+	*/
+	virtual TRect Rect() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Clipping rectangle in <b>window</b> co-ordinates.
+	@return If a clipping rect has been set, the cursor must be drawn clipped to the returned rectangle.
+	@see MWsWindowTreeObserver::ECursorClipRectSet
+	*/
+	virtual TRect ClipRect() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Cursor flags.
+	For possible values, see TTextCursor::EFlags.
+	Note, only flags included by the mask TTextCursor::EUserFlags are provided.
+	@see TTextCursor::EFlags
+	*/
+    virtual TUint Flags() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Cursor color.
+	@return The cursor color.
+	*/
+	virtual TRgb Color() const = 0;
+	/**
+	Flash time interval.
+	@return If TTextCursor::EFlagNoFlash is set, zero; otherwise the time interval between cursor flash on/off.
+	@see MWsStandardTextCursor::Flags()
+	*/
+	virtual TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 FlashInterval() const = 0;
+	};
+/** An interface providing information about a window tree node.
+class MWsWindowTreeNode
+	{
+	enum TType
+		{
+		EWinTreeNodeClient = EWinTypeClient,	//0
+		EWinTreeNodeRoot = EWinTypeRoot,		//1
+		EWinTreeNodeGroup = EWinTypeGroup,		//2 
+		EWinTreeNodeAnim = 16,					//3-15 reserved for expansion of TWinType
+		EWinTreeNodeSprite,
+		EWinTreeNodeStandardTextCursor,
+		};
+	/** 
+	 @return The Node Type for this MWsWindowTreeNode. 	 */
+	virtual TType NodeType() const = 0;
+	/**
+	 @return A pointer to a MWsWindow interface only when this 
+	 MWsWindowTreeNode represents a client window 
+	 (i.e. node type EWinTreeNodeClient), NULL otherwise. */
+	virtual const MWsWindow* Window() const = 0;
+	/**
+	 @return A pointer to a MWsSprite interface only when this 
+	 MWsWindowTreeNode represents a sprite, NULL otherwise. */
+	virtual const MWsSprite* Sprite() const = 0;
+	/**
+	 @return A pointer to a MWsStandardTextCursor interface only when this 
+	 MWsWindowTreeNode represents a standard text cursor, NULL otherwise. */
+	virtual const MWsStandardTextCursor* StandardTextCursor() const = 0;
+	/** 
+	 @return The MWsWindowGroup this MWsWindowTreeNode belongs to, or "this"
+	 MWsWindowTreeNode object if the NodeType is EWinTreeNodeGroup. Will  
+	 return NULL if this MWsWindowTreeNode is of type EWinTreeNodeRoot. */
+	virtual const MWsWindowGroup* WindowGroup() const = 0;
+	/**
+	 @return The parent MWsWindowTreeNode. NULL if current node is of type
+	 EWinTreeNodeRoot. The parent of a floating sprite is the root window. */
+	virtual const MWsWindowTreeNode* ParentNode() const = 0;
+	};
+An interface optionally provided by render stages, to observe changes in 
+window tree structure, or changes to tree nodes.
+class MWsWindowTreeObserver : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsWindowTreeObserver)
+	/**
+	 This enum encapsulates the set of boolean attribute changes that can be observed
+	 using the MWsWindowTreeObserver interface. 
+	 @see FlagChanged */
+	enum TFlags
+		{
+		/** For a window to be drawn, it needs to be activated and visible and have visible parents.
+	 	Making a window invisible, implies that its children should be invisible as well.
+	 	The default value for a window is true. */
+		EVisible = 1,
+		/** Non-fading windows should not be drawn faded regardless of their fade-count.
+		The default value is false. */
+		ENonFading,
+		/** Windows with this attribute enabled uses alpha channel to control its transparency.
+		The default value is false. */
+		EAlphaChannelTransparencyEnabled,
+		/** True if a clipping rect should be applied when drawing a standard text cursor, false otherwise.
+		The default value is false. */
+		ECursorClipRectSet
+		};
+	/**
+	 This enum encapsulates the set of non-boolean attribute changes that can be observed
+	 using the MWsWindowTreeObserver interface. 
+	 @see AttributeChanged */
+	enum TAttributes
+		{
+		/** Cursor type.
+		@see MWsStandardTextCursor::Type()*/
+		ECursorType = 1,
+		/** Cursor clip rect.
+		@see MWsStandardTextCursor::ClipRect()*/
+		ECursorClipRect,
+		/** Cursor flags.
+		@see MWsStandardTextCursor::Flags()*/
+		ECursorFlags,
+		/** Cursor color.
+		@see MWsStandardTextCursor::Color()*/
+		ECursorColor,
+		/** Window shape.
+		@see MWsWindow::WindowArea()*/
+		EWindowShape,
+		/** Window group name
+		@see MWsWindowGroup::Name()*/
+		EWindowGroupName
+		};
+	/** 
+	 Callback to notify that a MWsWindowTreeNode has just been created. 
+	 Nodes are always added as the left-most sibling as this means they are
+	 added in front of exisitng nodes.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been 
+	 						created. Note that attributes such as e.g. the extent
+	 						is not yet set by the client when this notification arrives.
+	 @param aParent The parent node which aWindowTreeNode has been attached to. 
+	 				Special cases: aParent will be set to NULL for root windows, 
+	 				and set to the root window for floating sprites. */
+	virtual void NodeCreated(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const MWsWindowTreeNode* aParent) = 0;
+	/** 
+	 Callback to notify that a node in the window tree is about to be destroyed. 
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of node that's about to be destroyed. */
+	virtual void NodeReleased(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a node in the window tree has been activated. This 
+	 event is only generated for windows which has a visual appearance 
+	 (i.e. root windows and group windows are not activated). Before a node 
+	 can be drawn it needs to be activated and visible and have a non-zero size.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of node that has been activated. */
+	virtual void NodeActivated(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a node's extent has changed. It is guaranteed that there
+	 will be at least one NodeExtentChanged notification between the NodeCreated and 
+	 NodeActivated notifications.
+	 Note that when a window has child-windows, those are always moving along with their
+	 parent but no NodeExtentChanged notifications will be generated for the child-windows.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.
+	 @param aRect The new rectangle. */
+	virtual void NodeExtentChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const TRect& aRect) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that the ordinal position of a window has changed.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.. 
+	 @param aNewPos The new position of this node among its siblings. */
+	virtual void SiblingOrderChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TInt aNewPos) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a node has had one of its boolean attributes changed.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.
+	 @param aFlag The attribute that has changed.
+	 @param aNewValue The new value for the attribute. */
+	virtual void FlagChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TFlags aFlag, TBool aNewValue) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a node has had one of its non-boolean attributes changed.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to identify the affected node and query the new value of the changed attribute.
+	 @param aAttribute The attribute that has changed. */
+	virtual void AttributeChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TAttributes aAttribute) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a window's fade count has been changed.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.
+	 @param aFadeCount Zero means the window is not faded, an integer > 0 means 
+	 					faded if absolute fading is used, or the number of times 
+	 					SetFaded has been called if using counting fade. */
+	virtual void FadeCountChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TInt aFadeCount) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that the user defined transparent region of a window has changed. 
+	 This information is for optimisation purpose only, the rendering engine don't need 
+	 to do a full back-to-front rendering behind the opaque region. 
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode  Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.
+	 @param aNewTransparentRegion   The transparent region defined by the user. Coordinates 
+	 								are relative the window's origin.
+	 @param aNewOpaqueRegion 	The inverse of aNewTransparentRegion.  Coordinates are 
+	 							relative the window's origin. */	
+	virtual void TransparentRegionChanged(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const TRegion& aNewTransparentRegion, const TRegion* aNewOpaqueRegion) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a element has been added to this window.
+	 The render stages implementing this interface know when elements are added or removed through MWsElement interface.
+	 The purpose of the ElementAdded API is only to enable render stages to make an association between the element and the window.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been changed.
+	 @param aElement Use to query attributes of the new element. */
+	virtual void ElementAdded(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const MWsElement& aElement) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a window has been moved to another window group.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Use to query attributes of the node that has been moved.
+	 @param aNewWindowGroupNode The window group aWindowTreeNode has been moved to. 
+	 @see RWindowBase::MoveToGroup */
+	virtual void MovedToWindowGroup(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const MWsWindowTreeNode& aNewWindowGroupNode) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a window group chain has been formed or extended.
+	 @param aParent The window group node to which a child has been attached.
+	 @param aChild The window group node that has been attached to aParent. */
+	virtual void WindowGroupChained(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aParent, const MWsWindowTreeNode& aChild) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that a window group chain has been broken. 
+	 Special case: Deleting a window group that is part of a chain will break all chaining 
+	 after the deleted window group and a notification for each node being dequed will be sent.
+	 @param aWindowGroupNode The window group chain is broken directly after this window group. */
+	virtual void WindowGroupChainBrokenAfter(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowGroupNode) = 0;
+	/**
+	 Callback to notify that all nodes below aWindowTreeNode should be drawn faded,
+	 unless they have the ENonFading flag set. 
+	 This API is primarily used in conjunction with application frameworks that uses 
+	 absolute fading rather than counting fade.
+	 @param aWindowTreeNode Typically a root window, for which all children should have their
+	 					fade state set to aFaded.
+	 @param aFaded The new fade state to apply. ETrue means faded, EFalse not faded. */
+	virtual void FadeAllChildren(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TBool aFaded) = 0;
+	};
+An interface optionally provided by render stages, to observe which node in 
+the window tree structure that is being rendered.
+Text cursors and sprites (floating or non) are annotated by the same APIs.
+class MWsDrawAnnotationObserver : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsDrawAnnotationObserver)
+	virtual void WindowRedrawStart(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	virtual void WindowRedrawEnd(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode) = 0;
+	virtual void WindowAnimRedrawStart(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	virtual void WindowAnimRedrawEnd(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode) = 0;
+	virtual void SpriteRedrawStart(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	virtual void SpriteRedrawEnd(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode) = 0;
+	virtual void SpriteFlash(const MWsWindowTreeNode& aWindowTreeNode, TBool aFlashOn) = 0;
+	virtual void SegmentRedrawStart(const TRegion& aRegion) = 0;
+	virtual void SegmentRedrawEnd() = 0;
+	};
+Implemented by a WSERV screen to respond to window visibility change notifications sent
+by a render stage implementing MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier.
+Immediately after WSERV sucessfully obtains a pointer to MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier, 
+WSERV will call MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier::RegisterWindowVisibilityObserver()
+to provide a means for the render stage to notify WSERV, when window visibility changes.
+@see MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier
+class MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
+	{
+	/** 
+	Called by the render stage to indicate a window's visible region has changed.
+	After this method has been called, it does not need to be called again until
+	after WSERV calls SendVisibilityChanges.
+	@see MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier::SendVisibilityChanges
+	*/
+	virtual void VisibilityChanged() = 0;
+	/**
+	Called by the render stage to update a window's visible region.
+	@param aWindow The window whose visible region has changed.
+	@param aVisibleRegion Region of the window not obscured by a fully opaque window. Part of this region could potentially still
+	be obscured by opaque parts of translucent windows on top of aWindow.
+	*/
+	virtual void SetWindowVisibility(const MWsWindow& aWindow, const TRegion& aVisibleRegion) = 0;
+	};
+This interface may be implemented by a render stage wishing to take over responsibility
+from WSERV, for updating a window's visible region.
+For example, if a render stage introduces non-WSERV visuals which overlap WSERV windows, WSERV may
+need to receive updated window visibility information.
+Immediately after sucessfully obtaining this interface, WSERV will call RegisterWindowVisibilityObserver
+to provide a means for the render stage to notify WSERV when window visibility changes.
+@see MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
+class MWsWindowVisibilityNotifier : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KMWsWindowVisibilityNotifier)
+	/** 
+	Register to be notified when window visibility changes.
+	@param aWindowVisibilityObserver Observer to be notified.
+	*/
+	virtual void RegisterWindowVisibilityObserver(MWsWindowVisibilityObserver* aWindowVisibilityObserver) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Register to be notified when visibility of a specific window changes.
+	After registering a window, the render stage must immediately provide the
+	current visible region by calling VisibilityChanged() and later, in response
+	to SendVisibilityChanges, call SetWindowVisibility.
+	RegisterWindow and UnregisterWindow are symmetrical operations. For each
+	call to RegisterWindow, there will follow exactly one call to UnregisterWindow.
+	@param aWindow Window for which WSERV needs accurate visibility information.
+	@see MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
+	*/
+	virtual void RegisterWindow(const MWsWindow& aWindow) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Stops visibility notifications being sent for the specified window.
+	RegisterWindow and UnregisterWindow are symmetrical operations. For each
+	call to RegisterWindow, there will follow exactly one call to UnregisterWindow.
+	@param aWindow Window for which visibility notifications are no longer required.
+	*/
+	virtual void UnregisterWindow(const MWsWindow& aWindow) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Asks the render stage to call SetWindowVisibility for each window whose
+	visible region has changed.
+	All visible region changes must be sent before this method returns.
+	@see MWsWindowVisibilityObserver
+	*/
+	virtual void SendVisibilityChanges() = 0;
+	};
+/** This is an extension of the MWsScreen interface for handling the
+animation aspects of the redraw sequence.
+class MWsScreenRedraw: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/**Sets the screen redraw observer. 
+	@param aObserver
+	*/
+	virtual void SetObserver(MWsScreenRedrawObserver* aObserver) = 0;
+	/** Checks if there is a redraw in progress or scheduled to take place.
+	@return Returns ETrue if there is an update pending.
+	*/	
+	virtual TBool IsUpdatePending() = 0;
+	/** Gets the current time according to the animation scheduler
+	@return The current time as a TTime reference.
+	*/
+	virtual const TTime& Now() const = 0;
+	/** Schedule a render of the screen without requesting any area of it
+	to be redrawn.  Effectively, request a rerun of the render stages.
+	@param aFromNow The time from now, in microseconds, to perform the render.
+	*/
+	virtual void ScheduleRender(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow) = 0;
+	/** Gets the the animation region for this screen redraw.
+	@return the Region being redrawn during the animation
+	*/
+	virtual const TRegion * AnimationRegion() const = 0;
+	/** Updates the screen device to reflect any animation changes
+	*/
+	virtual void UpdateDevice() = 0;
+	};
+/** This is part of the MWsScreenRedraw interface
+class MWsScreenRedrawObserver: public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	DECLARE_WS_TYPE_ID(KWsScreenRedrawObserver)
+	/** Callback function that gets called after the completion of every redraw sequence.
+	@see MWsScreenRedraw::SetObserver
+	@publishedPartner
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual void ScreenUpdated(TInt aScreenNumber) = 0;
+	};
+/** This is part of the MGraphicDrawerInterface
+class MWsMemoryRelease : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	enum TMemoryReleaseLevel
+		{
+		ELow,
+		EMedium,
+		EHigh
+		};
+	/** This function is called on registered memory release objects whenever there
+	is insufficient memory available to honour an Alloc or ReAlloc in the window server
+	process.  It may be called up to three times, once for each level defined in TLevel.
+	The meaning of each level is open to interpretation by individual implementations.
+	@see MGraphicDrawerEnvironment::RegisterMemoryRelease
+	@param aLevel 
+	@return ETrue to indicate that memory was freed, EFalse otherwise.
+	@publishedPartner
+	@prototype
+	*/
+	virtual TBool ReleaseMemory(TMemoryReleaseLevel aLevel) = 0;
+	};
+/** This is an extension of the MWsGc.  This interface is not used in
+non-NGA configurations.  It has been removed from NGA configurations.
+@see MWsGc
+class MWsGcClipRect : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Sets a master clipping rectangle on the GC.  This will combine with any clipping rectangles
+	specified by the client.
+	@param aRect
+	*/
+	virtual void SetClipRect(TRect aRect) = 0;
+	/** Resets the master clipping rectangle specified in SetMasterClipRect
+	*/
+	virtual void ResetClipRect() = 0;
+	/** Returns the combined clipping rectangle.
+	@param aRect this is set to the clipping rectangle
+	@param aSet this is true if there is a clipping rectangle in effect
+	*/
+	virtual void GetClipRect(TRect & aRect, TBool & aSet) = 0;
+	};
+/** DebugBarDrawer interface
+class MWsDebugBar : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/**
+	 * Prints a debug information bar overlaid at the top the screen.
+	 * 
+	 * @param aDebugText An array of text lines.
+	 */
+	virtual void DrawDebugBar(const TArray<TPtrC>& aDebugText)=0;
+	};
+/** This is an extension of MWsGc and provides plugin fading capabilities for wserv.
+    Default implementation of the plugin uses bitgdi fade. 
+@see MWsGc
+class MWsFader : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Sets any parameters for the fade.
+	@param aData Descriptor containing the fade parameters
+	*/
+	virtual void SetFadingParameters(const TDesC8& aData)=0;
+	/** Perform a fade of the specified region
+	@param aBitGc CFbsBitGc to perform the fading with.
+	@param aRegion TRegion containing the region that the fading is to be performed on.
+	*/
+	virtual void FadeArea(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc,const TRegion * aRegion)=0;
+	/** Perform a fade of the specified region
+	@param aRegion TRegion containing the region that the fading is to be performed on.
+	*/
+	virtual void FadeArea(const TRegion& aRegion)=0;
+	};
+/** Plugin Manager Interface
+class MWsPluginManager : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Resolve an instance of an interface
+	@param aTypeId
+	*/
+	virtual TAny* ResolvePluginInterface(TUint aTypeId) = 0;
+	};
+/** An Interface to allow CRP's and CWsPlugins to access the wserv ini file
+class MWsIniFile : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable if present in the window server ini file.
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find.
+	@param aResult TPtrC that gets set to the value of the ini variable.
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC &aVarName, TPtrC &aResult) = 0;
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable if present in the window server ini file.
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@param aResult TInt that gets set to the value of the ini variable
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC &aVarName, TInt &aResult) = 0;
+	/** Find if the variable is present in the ini file
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC &aVarName) = 0;
+	/** Find if the variable is present in the [SCREENx] section
+	@param aScreen TInt containing the screen number
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar( TInt aScreen, const TDesC &aVarName) = 0;
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable if present in the [SCREENx] section of the ini file
+	@param aScreen TInt containing the screen number
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@param aResult TInt that gets set to the value of the ini variable
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar( TInt aScreen, const TDesC &aVarName, TInt &aResult) = 0;
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable if present in the [SCREENx] section of the ini file
+	@param aScreen TInt containing the screen number
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@param aResult TPtrC that gets set to the value of the ini variable.
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar( TInt aScreen, const TDesC& aVarName, TPtrC &aResult) = 0;
+	/** Find if the specified variable is present in the named section of the ini file
+	@param aSection TDesC containing the name of the section 
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC& aSection, const TDesC &aVarName) = 0;
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable in the named section of the ini file.
+	@param aSection TDesC containing the name of the section 
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@param aResult TInt that gets set to the value of the ini variable
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC& aSection, const TDesC &aVarName, TInt &aResult) = 0;
+	/** Find the value of the specified variable in the named section of the ini file.
+	@param aSection TDesC containing the name of the section 
+	@param aVarName TDesC containing the name of the variable to find
+	@param aResult TPtrC that gets set to the value of the ini variable.
+	@return ETrue if ini file variable found
+	*/
+	virtual TBool FindVar(const TDesC& aSection, const TDesC& aVarName, TPtrC &aResult) = 0;
+	};
+/** An interface that allows CRP's and CWsPlugin derived objects to handle events like anim dll's
+class MWsRawEventServer : public MWsObjectProvider
+	{
+	/** Register to be notified when some kernel events occur.
+	@return KErrNone if successful
+	@prototype */
+	virtual TInt RegisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+	/** Unregister from events notification
+	@prototype */
+	virtual void UnregisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler* aHandler) = 0;
+	/** Creates a new raw event
+	@prototype */
+	virtual void PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent & aEvent) = 0;
+	/** Creates a new key event
+	@prototype */
+	virtual void PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent & aEvent) = 0;
+	};