changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/inc/Graphics/openwfc/surfaceconfiguration.inl	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Sets all members to default values. Initializes the size field to match the object size.
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration::TSurfaceConfiguration()
+	{}
+Copy constructor. This constructor will read the size field of the source and target 
+objects and only copy the minimum set of fields indicated. Any remaining fields in the target 
+object will be set to default values. 
+@param aSurfaceConfiguration Config to copy
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration::TSurfaceConfiguration(const TSurfaceConfiguration& aSurfaceConfiguration):
+	TSurfaceConfiguration2(0)
+	{
+	TInt tempSize = aSurfaceConfiguration.Size();
+	if (tempSize > sizeof(*this))
+		{
+		tempSize = sizeof(*this);
+		}
+	Mem::Copy(this, &aSurfaceConfiguration, tempSize);
+	iSize = tempSize;
+	}
+This constructor will take any value, but it is designed to be used with
+a value returned by RWsSession::PreferredSurfaceConfigurationSize, 
+and initializes the members to represent an object compatible with that.
+If the aPreferredMaxSize is larger than the actual size of TSurfaceConfiguration, indicating 
+that the server supports a newer version of the interface than the caller is aware of, then 
+the actual size is used.
+If the aPreferredMaxSize is smaller than the actual size of TSurfaceConfiguration, indicating 
+that the server supports an earlier version of the interface, then this value is used. It must 
+match the Size() member of one of the defined hierarchy of TSurfaceConfiguration classes.
+@param aPreferredMaxSize User defined max size
+@see RWsSession::PreferredSurfaceConfigurationSize
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration::TSurfaceConfiguration(TInt aPreferredMaxSize):
+	TSurfaceConfiguration2(sizeof(*this))
+	{
+	if (sizeof(*this) > aPreferredMaxSize)
+		{
+		iSize = aPreferredMaxSize;
+		}
+	}
+/** Default constructor for configuration 1
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration1::TSurfaceConfiguration1():TSurfaceConfigurationSize(sizeof(*this))
+		,iExtent(TRect::EUninitialized), iViewport(TRect::EUninitialized)
+	{}
+Constructor for configuration 1 passing through a size already calculated
+@param aSize Size of the class already calculated and being passed up through the classes
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration1::TSurfaceConfiguration1(TInt aSize):TSurfaceConfigurationSize(aSize)
+		,iExtent(TRect::EUninitialized), iViewport(TRect::EUninitialized)
+	{}
+The method sets the surface ID to be set as the background surface. 
+The default initial value held in this class for surface ID is the null surface ID.
+Note that SetBackgroundSurface() will not accept a null surface ID, so this parameter must always be set.
+@param aSurfaceId Surface ID to set
+@return KErrNone on success or a system-wide error code
+	- KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+@post The Surface Id values are updated in the object of this class if supported. The 
+SetBackgroundSurface API must be called passing object of this class as parameter to 
+get the desired effect.
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfiguration1::SetSurfaceId (const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId)
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iSurfaceId))
+		{
+		iSurfaceId = aSurfaceId;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}	
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+The method gets the surface ID stored in the object of this class.
+@param aSurfaceId User surface id to be set
+@post The aSurface parameter is filled in.
+@post If the instance of TSurfaceConfiguration is too small, the null surface ID will be set.
+inline void TSurfaceConfiguration1::GetSurfaceId (TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId) const
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iSurfaceId))
+		{
+		aSurfaceId = iSurfaceId;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aSurfaceId.CreateNullId();
+		}
+	}
+The method sets the area of the surface that should be mapped to the specified window area. 
+The viewport is in surface coordinates.
+In SetBackgroundSurface(), if not set or if the set viewport is empty, the size of the whole surface 
+is used as the viewport. If the surface is changed then the viewport will track the size of 
+the surface. 
+Setting any ordinate of the viewport outside the surface size is not required specified behavior for 
+this interface. The call will not fail if any ordinates are out of range, and the internal NGA Composition 
+handling of this case will produce a representative image. This current behavior is that the NGA Composition 
+will clamp any out-of-range ordinate to the size of the surface.
+@param aViewport A rectangle of the area, in relative coordinates to the surface
+@return KErrNone on success or a system-wide error code
+	- KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+@post The viewport values are updated in the object of this class. This does not imply that the 
+viewport is set for the surface. The SetBackgroundSurface API must be called passing an object of 
+this class as parameter to get the desired effect.
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfiguration1::SetViewport (const TRect& aViewport)
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iViewport))
+		{
+		iViewport = aViewport;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+This method gets the viewport stored in the object of this class. The viewport is in surface 
+If viewport was not set or an empty viewport was set, the value returned is an empty viewport. This 
+is an indication that the viewport used by the server is equal to the size of the surface. The 
+actual size of the surface is not returned.
+@param aViewport User viewport to be set.
+@post The aViewport rectangle is filled in.
+@post If the instance of TSurfaceConfiguration is too small, the empty viewport rectangle will be returned.
+inline void TSurfaceConfiguration1::GetViewport (TRect& aViewport) const
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iViewport))
+		{
+		aViewport = iViewport;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aViewport = TRect();
+		}
+	}
+This method sets the relative orientation of viewport to window extent. The default value is 
+The rotation effect is applied to the input viewport area, around the centre-point of the viewport.
+@param aOrientation User orientation to be set
+@return KErrNone on success or a system-wide error code
+	- KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+	- KErrArgument if aOrientation is out of range
+@post The orientation is updated in the object of this class. This does not imply that the orientation 
+is set for the surface content. The SetBackgroundSurface API must be called passing an object of 
+this class as parameter to get the desired effect.
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfiguration1::SetOrientation (CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation aOrientation)
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iOrientation))
+		{
+		__ASSERT_COMPILE(CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal==0 && 
+						CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270 == 3);
+		if(aOrientation < CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal || 
+				aOrientation > CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270)
+			{
+			return KErrArgument;
+			}
+		iOrientation = aOrientation;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+The method gets the surface orientation angle stored in the object of this class. It is the 
+relative orientation of viewport to window extent. If orientation was not set, the value returned 
+will be EGraphicsOrientationNormal.
+@return orientation in this object
+@post If the instance of TSurfaceConfiguration is too small, the default EGraphicsOrientationNormal 
+setting will be returned.
+inline CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation TSurfaceConfiguration1::Orientation() const
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iOrientation))
+		{
+		return iOrientation;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal;
+		}
+	}
+This method sets the area of the window where the surface content is to be placed. The extent is 
+in window coordinates.
+If not set or if the set extent is empty, the size of the entire window is used as the default extent. 
+The default extent changes according to the change in the window size. The empty extent is an indication 
+to the server that the extent should fill the entire window without the client tracking the change in 
+the window size.
+In SetBackgroundSurface() it is legal to set the extent larger than the window, or the window may 
+become smaller than the extent. In these cases the output will be transformed on the basis of this 
+larger extent, but then clipped to the window outline.
+@param aExtent Area on the window where the surface contents specified by viewport
+should be mapped
+@return KErrNone on success or a system-wide error code
+	- KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+@post The extent values are updated in the object of this class. This does not imply that the 
+extent is set for the surface. The SetBackgroundSurface API must be called passing an object of 
+this class as parameter to get the desired effect.
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfiguration1::SetExtent(const TRect& aExtent)
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iExtent))
+		{
+		iExtent = aExtent;
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+The method gets the extent stored in the object of this class. The extent is in window coordinates.
+If extent was not set or an empty extent was set, the value returned will be an empty extent. This 
+is an indication that the extent used by the server is equal to the size of the window. The actual 
+size of the window is not returned.
+@param aExtent User extent to be set
+@post The aExtent parameter is filled in
+@post If the instance of TSurfaceConfiguration is too small, the empty extent rectangle will be returned.
+inline void TSurfaceConfiguration1::GetExtent(TRect& aExtent) const
+	{
+	if (MemberAccessible(iExtent))
+		{
+		aExtent = iExtent;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aExtent = TRect();
+		}
+	}
+This method identifies which attributes are available to use.
+Generally, any version of the server will accept any version of TSurfaceConfiguration, ignoring 
+newer version attributes it does not recognize and substituting defaults for attributes not present 
+in older version.
+However, by using this method in conjunction with GetBackgroundSurface() the intelligent client can 
+identify which blocks of attributes are actually present and supported after a call to 
+GetBackgroundSurface, avoiding preparing complex attributes, or reducing user-interface control 
+@return ETrue if all these attributes are available to use; otherwise EFalse
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfiguration1::SupportsAllMembers()
+	{
+	if (Size() >= sizeof(*this))
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	}
+Constructs the TSurfaceConfigurationSize class, enters the size field and blanks everything else
+@param aSize The size to set for the configuration
+@return ETrue If all these attributes are available to use; otherwise EFalse
+inline TSurfaceConfigurationSize::TSurfaceConfigurationSize(TInt aSize)
+	{
+	Mem::FillZ(this,aSize);
+	iSize = aSize;
+	}
+Reads the size field. The size is set automatically in the constructor, or by the 
+GetBackgroundSurface method to indicate the sender’s supported structure size, and imply a 
+compatible version identifier. The size reported after GetBackgroundSurface will match 
+the expected size of one of the hierarchy of TSurfaceConfiguration classes documented in the 
+header, and will never exceed the constructed size.
+@return ETrue if all these attributes are available to use; otherwise EFalse
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfigurationSize::Size() const
+	{
+	return iSize;
+	}
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfigurationSize::operator == (const TSurfaceConfigurationSize& aRhs)const
+	{
+	return aRhs.Size()==Size();	//If the two objects are not the same version then we can't compare them!
+	}
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfiguration1::operator == (const TSurfaceConfiguration1& aRhs)const
+	{
+	if (!TSurfaceConfigurationSize::operator ==(aRhs))
+		return EFalse;	//Check for earlier version compatability
+	if (Size()<sizeof(*this))
+		return ETrue;	//If the objects are smaller than this then the check is complete
+	return 	(iSurfaceId==aRhs.iSurfaceId)
+		&&	(iOrientation==aRhs.iOrientation)
+		&&	(iExtent==aRhs.iExtent)
+		&&	(iViewport==aRhs.iViewport)
+		;
+	}
+/** Default constructor for configuration 2
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration2::TSurfaceConfiguration2():TSurfaceConfiguration1(sizeof(*this))
+        ,iFlip(EFalse)
+    {}
+Constructor for configuration 2 passing through a size already calculated
+@param aSize Size of the class already calculated and being passed up through the classes
+inline TSurfaceConfiguration2::TSurfaceConfiguration2(TInt aSize):TSurfaceConfiguration1(aSize)
+        ,iFlip(EFalse)
+    {}
+This method sets the flip attribute to the surface. The default value is 
+@param aFlip When ETrue enalbes flip in the x-axis
+@post The flip attribute is updated in the object of this class. This does not imply that the flip 
+is set for the surface content. The SetBackgroundSurface API must be called passing an object of 
+this class as parameter to get the desired effect.
+@return KErrNone on success 
+    - KErrNotSupported if flip is not supported. 
+inline TInt TSurfaceConfiguration2::SetFlip(TBool aFlip)
+    {
+    if (MemberAccessible(iFlip))
+        {
+        iFlip = aFlip;
+        return KErrNone;
+        }
+     return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+The method gets the flip attribute of the surface stored in the object of this class. If the flip was not set, the value returned 
+will be EFalse.
+@return ETrue if flip is enabled
+@post If the instance of TSurfaceConfiguration is too small, the default EFalse 
+setting will be returned.
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfiguration2::Flip() const
+    {
+    if (MemberAccessible(iFlip))
+        {
+        return iFlip;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfiguration2::SupportsAllMembers()
+    {
+    if (Size() >= sizeof(*this))
+        {
+        return ETrue;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+inline TBool TSurfaceConfiguration2::operator == (const TSurfaceConfiguration2& aRhs)const
+    {
+    if (!TSurfaceConfiguration1::operator ==(aRhs))
+        return EFalse;  //Check for earlier version compatability
+    if (Size()<sizeof(*this))
+        return ETrue;   //If the objects are smaller than this then the check is complete
+    return  iFlip==aRhs.iFlip;
+    }