--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/inc/W32ADLL.H Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Header for writing animated DLL add ons
+#if !defined(__W32ADLL_H__)
+#define __W32ADLL_H__
+#if !defined(__W32STD_H__)
+#include <w32std.h>
+#if !defined(__BITSTD_H__)
+#include <bitstd.h>
+const TUint KWservAnimDllUidValue8=268435858;
+const TUid KWservAnimDllUid8={KWservAnimDllUidValue8};
+const TUint KWservAnimDllUidValue16=268450594;
+const TUid KWservAnimDllUid16={KWservAnimDllUidValue16};
+const TUint KWservAnimDllUidValue=KWservAnimDllUidValue16;
+const TUid KWservAnimDllUid={KWservAnimDllUidValue};
+// Contains functions callable from animated DLLs
+class TWindowInfo
+/** Animation window information.
+Stores the window position and display mode for the animation.
+During a redraw of the animation window, the redraw regions
+can be retrieved by calling GetRedrawRegionAndRedrawShadowRegion().
+@see TWindowInfo::GetRedrawRegionAndRedrawShadowRegion() */
+ {
+ /** The screen position. */
+ TRect iScreenPos;
+ /** The display mode.
+ This is the minimum display mode that the screen has to be in to display this window. */
+ TDisplayMode iMode;
+ /** Constructs an animation window information object. */
+ inline TWindowInfo() : iRegionPair(NULL) {}
+ /** Stores a pair of region pointers. */
+ struct TRegionPair
+ {
+ const TRegion* iRegion1;
+ const TRegion* iRegion2;
+ };
+ /** Returns the current redraw region and redraw shadow region.
+ This function must only be called from an override of CWindowAnim's pure virtual Redraw function.
+ The region pointers retrieved must not be used beyond the end of the Redraw override.
+ @param aRedrawRegion The redraw region in screen coordinates.
+ @param aRedrawShadowRegion The redraw shadow region in screen coordinates. */
+ inline void GetRedrawRegionAndRedrawShadowRegion(const TRegion*& aRedrawRegion, const TRegion*& aRedrawShadowRegion) const
+ {
+ if (iRegionPair)
+ {
+ aRedrawRegion=iRegionPair->iRegion1;
+ aRedrawShadowRegion=iRegionPair->iRegion2;
+ iRegionPair=NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRedrawRegion=NULL;
+ aRedrawShadowRegion=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ mutable const TRegionPair* iRegionPair;
+ TAny *iFree2;
+ friend class CWsAnim;
+ };
+class MEventHandler
+/** Event handler interface.
+The interface provides a function to handle raw events, e.g. key presses,
+pen events, power buttons etc. Raw events are passed to the OfferRawEvent()
+function when the MAnimGeneralFunctions::GetRawEvents() function has been
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Handles raw events.
+ If the incoming event can be handled, the function should
+ process it and then return true. If it cannot be processed the function should
+ return false, and the event will be passed to other event handling code.
+ This function must be implemented in every animation DLL. If event
+ handling is not required, the function should simply return false.
+ @param aRawEvent The raw event to be processed
+ @return ETrue if the raw event is handled by this function, EFalse if the function
+ chooses not to process it. */
+ virtual TBool OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent)=0;
+ };
+enum TAnimNotifications
+/** Bit flags to be used by anims when registering for notifications */
+ {
+ /** Notify when direct screen access begins or ends.*/
+ EDirectScreenAccess = 0x0001,
+ /** Notify when the wserv heartbeat timer starts or stops. */
+ EHeartbeatTimer = 0x0002,
+ /** Notify when screen device changes.*/
+ EScreenDeviceChange = 0x0004
+ };
+//Forward Declaration.
+class MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension;
+class MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension ;
+class MAnimGeneralFunctions
+/** General animation utility functions interface.
+The interface provides functions to set the animation timing,
+event functions, and other general functions.
+You do not have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented
+by the window server and provides utility functions to all CAnim-derived
+classes via the CAnim::iFunctions pointer.
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Animation synchronisation flags.
+ The animation can be synchronised to any of these values;
+ the Animate() call will take place at the start of the new unit (day, hour, etc...). */
+ enum TAnimSync
+ {
+ /** Not synchronised. Animate() is called after some number of flash cycles -
+ set by SetSync(). */
+ ESyncNone,
+ /** Animate() every flash tick. This occurs twice a second, on the second and after
+ 7/12ths of a second, e.g. the function is called in a flash-on (7/12 seconds) -
+ flash-off (5/12 seconds) cycle. */
+ ESyncFlash,
+ /** Animate() called as soon after every second as system activity allows. */
+ ESyncSecond,
+ /** Animate() called as soon after every minute as system activity allows. */
+ ESyncMinute,
+ /** Animate() called as soon after midnight every day as system activity allows. */
+ ESyncDay,
+ };
+ enum
+ {
+ ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces=0,
+ EWindowExtensionInterface,
+ EEventExtentionInterface,
+ EInterfaceCount, // Always keep at the end.
+ };
+ //Timing functions
+ /** Calls the DLL's Animate() function then deactivates the graphics context.
+ This allows users to do drawing from their own active object.
+ Note:
+ If the user calls the CAnim-derived classes' Animate() function directly,
+ or otherwise does drawing from their own active object, then this will not
+ deactivate the graphics context. This causes the window server to panic the
+ client.
+ Alternatively, use CFreeTimerWindowAnim, which allows you to deactivate the
+ graphics context yourself.
+ @param aDateTime The parameter passed into the animation DLL's Animate()
+ function. */
+ virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime)=0;
+ /** Sets the synchronisation mode.
+ This determines the time intervals between calls to the Animate() function.
+ @param aSyncMode The synchronisation mode. */
+ virtual void SetSync(TAnimSync aSyncMode)=0;
+ /** Sets the repeat interval.
+ If the synchronisation mode is TAnimSync::ESyncNone, then the Animate() function
+ is called at intervals defined by some number of flash ticks. There are two
+ flash ticks a second, with a 7/12 second - 5/12 second cycle. If the function
+ is called when the synchronisation mode is not TAnimSync::ESyncNone, then
+ the window server panics the client.
+ If the new interval is greater than the current countdown, then the call does
+ not affect the current countdown. For example, if the countdown has 10 flash
+ ticks remaining, and the interval is set to 20, the new interval does not
+ apply until the current countdown is complete.
+ However if the new interval is less the current countdown, then the new interval
+ applies immediately i.e. the countdown is reset to the interval value.
+ If the interval is set to zero the countdown stops, and the Animate() function
+ is no longer called.
+ @param aInterval The number of flash ticks between calls to the Animate()
+ function. */
+ virtual void SetInterval(TInt aInterval)=0;
+ /** Sets the next interval.
+ This function immediately resets the current countdown to the specified number
+ of flash ticks, irrespective of its current value. After the countdown expires,
+ the interval returns to its usual rate. Note that this may be zero (i.e.
+ not at all).
+ To call this function, the synchronisation mode must be TAnimSync::ESyncNone,
+ otherwise the window server panics the client.
+ Note: there are two flash ticks a second, with a 7/12 second - 5/12 second cycle.
+ @param aInterval The interval to the next Animate(). If the value is less
+ than 1, it automatically gets set to 1.
+ @see SetInterval() */
+ virtual void SetNextInterval(TInt aInterval)=0;
+ /** Gets the system time as it was when Animate() was last called.
+ @return The system time when Animate() was last called. */
+ virtual TDateTime SystemTime() const=0;
+ /** Tests the flash cycle state.
+ The flash cycle has 2 states: on (7/12 second) or off (5/12 second).
+ @return ETrue if in the on part of the flash cycle, otherwise EFalse. */
+ virtual TBool FlashStateOn() const=0;
+ /** Gets the current synchronisation mode.
+ @return The current sync mode. */
+ virtual TAnimSync Sync() const=0;
+ //Other functions generally useful
+ /** Gets a pointer to the screen device.
+ For example, this might be used to gain access to twips to pixel conversion functions.
+ @return A pointer to the screen device. */
+ virtual const CFbsScreenDevice *ScreenDevice()=0;
+ /** Creates and duplicates a bitmap from a handle.
+ This function might be used to duplicate client side bitmaps on the server side.
+ @param aHandle A handle to the bitmap to be duplicated.
+ @return A pointer to the duplicate bitmap. */
+ virtual CFbsBitmap *DuplicateBitmapL(TInt aHandle)=0;
+ /** Creates and duplicates a font from a handle.
+ This function might be used to duplicate client side fonts on the server side.
+ @param aHandle A handle to the font to be duplicated.
+ @return A pointer to the duplicate font. */
+ virtual CFbsFont *DuplicateFontL(TInt aHandle)=0;
+ /** Closes a duplicate font.
+ @param Pointer to the duplicate font.
+ @see DuplicateFontL() */
+ virtual void CloseFont(CFbsFont *)=0;
+ /** Gets a reference to the calling client's thread.
+ @return A reference to the calling client's thread. */
+ virtual const RThread &Client()=0;
+ /** Send a reply to the client process in response to a request
+ from the client.
+ @see RAnim::CommandReply()
+ @param aDes The data to be sent back to the client
+ */
+ virtual void ReplyBuf(const TDesC8 &aDes)=0;
+ /** Send a reply to the client process in response to a request
+ from the client.
+ @see RAnim::CommandReply()
+ @param aDes The data to be sent back to the client
+ */
+ virtual void ReplyBuf(const TDesC16 &aDes)=0;
+ /** Panics the client.
+ This will result in the client thread being destroyed. */
+ virtual void Panic() const=0;
+ //Event functions
+ /** Switches animation raw event handling on and off.
+ If raw event handling is switched on, then raw events, e.g. pointer, key, or power events
+ are all offered to the animation event handling code's MEventHandler::OfferRawEvent().
+ If Animation works in a window for which advanced pointers have been enabled,
+ then after switching on raw event handling it will receive pointer events from all
+ detected pointers. Otherwise it will receive events only from one emulated pointer.
+ @param aGetEvents If ETrue, raw events are passed to the animation
+ event handling code. If EFalse, events are not passed to the animation.
+ @see RWindowBase::EnableAdvancedPointers() */
+ virtual void GetRawEvents(TBool aGetEvents) const=0;
+ /** Posts a raw event, just as if it had come from the kernel.
+ If aRawEvent has pointer-related type (move, switch on, down, up or out of range),
+ then its Z coordinate and iPointerNumber fields will be validated and may be
+ overwritten by WSERV in order to guarantee correct behaviour depending on:
+ 1. Pointer Pressure and Proximity support on current platform.
+ 2. Multiple pointers support on current platform.
+ 3. Animation's awareness of these fields. If Animation works in a window
+ for which advanced pointers have been enabled, it is assumed that it has
+ initialized these fields. Otherwise WSERV will assume that these fields have
+ not been provided and may overwrite them with most appropriate values.
+ For more information about event validation, please refer to System Documentation.
+ @param aRawEvent The raw event
+ @see RWindowBase::EnableAdvancedPointers() */
+ virtual void PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent) const=0;
+ /** Posts a key event.
+ The function is similar to PostRawEvent() but should be
+ used for posting key events.
+ @param aRawEvent The key event. */
+ virtual void PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent &aRawEvent) const=0;
+ /** Get the address of an object which can retrieve information from and send
+ information to the client-side.
+ @return A pointer to RMessagePtr2. Complete must be called on the returned object (or a
+ copy of it) if and only if Message is called from an override of CAnim's CommandReplyL which
+ has been caused by a client-side RAnim::AsyncCommandReply call. If Message is called outside
+ an override of CAnim's CommandReplyL or outside an override of CWindowAnim's ConstructL or
+ CSpriteAnim's ConstructL, the it returns NULL.
+ @see RMessagePtr2 */
+ virtual const RMessagePtr2* Message()=0; // replaces Reserved1
+ /**Returns an extension interface, maybe extended further in the future.
+ @param aInterfaceId The ID of the interface to return.
+ @return A pointer to the extension interface.
+ When aInterface=0 (ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces), the number of interfaces is returned (currently 2).
+ When aInterface=1 (EWindowExtensionInterface), a pointer to the Window Extension interface is returned.
+ When aInterface=2 (EEventExtentionInterface), a pointer to the Event Extension interface is returned.
+ */
+ virtual TAny* ExtendedInterface(TInt aInterface)=0; // replaces Reserved2
+ /** Register to receive notifications.
+ @param aNotifications A bitset of TAnimNotifications values indicating which notifications are required
+ @return One of the system wide error codes
+ */
+ virtual TInt RegisterForNotifications(TUint32 aNotifications)=0;
+ /*
+ Return number of ExtendedInterfaces. */
+ inline TInt NumberOfExtendedInterfaces()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<TInt>(ExtendedInterface(ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces));
+ }
+ /** Gets access to Window Extension utility functions.
+ @return A pointer to a class containing functions for working with Window. */
+ inline MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension* WindowExtension()
+ {
+ return static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension*>(ExtendedInterface(EWindowExtensionInterface));
+ }
+ /** Gets access to EventExtension utility functions.
+ @return A pointer to a class containing functions for working with Event. */
+ inline MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension* EventExtension()
+ {
+ return static_cast<MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension*>(ExtendedInterface(EEventExtentionInterface));
+ }
+ private:
+ virtual void Reserved1() const;
+ virtual void Reserved2() const;
+ virtual void Reserved3() const;
+ };
+/* Structure for passing window configuration information. Currently transparancey
+related configuration information is supported, though this may be added to, as
+class TWindowConfig
+ {
+ /** Transparency flags.
+ Used to represent transparency configuration of the window. */
+ enum
+ {
+ /** Transparency is enabled on the window. */
+ ETransparencyEnabled=0x0001,
+ /** Window transparency uses alpha blending channel. */
+ EAlphaBlendedTransparency=0x0002,
+ };
+ /** Indicate configuration of window, using enumerations defined within this class. */
+ TInt iFlags;
+ TInt iReserved0;
+ TInt iReserved1;
+ TInt iReserved2;
+ };
+class MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension
+/** General Window utility functions interface.
+The member functions define the interface for querying and manipulating
+the window and screen attributes.
+You obtain one by calling: iFunctions->ExtendedInterface(MAnimGeneralFunctions::EWindowExtensionInterface)
+and casting the result.
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Class contains the information pertaining to a window group: name, priority,
+ focusability. */
+ class TWindowGroupInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ enum
+ {
+ /** Window is focusable flag. */
+ EIsFocusable=0x0001,
+ };
+ public:
+ /** Returns whether or not the window is focusable.
+ @return ETrue if focusable, else returns EFalse. */
+ inline TBool IsFocusable() const {return iFlags&EIsFocusable;}
+ public:
+ /* Window group attributes. */
+ TInt iId;
+ TUint32 iFlags;
+ TInt iOrdinalPriority;
+ TInt iNameLength;
+ TInt iParentId;
+ };
+ /** Returns the total number of screens.
+ @return The total number of screens. */
+ virtual TInt Screens() const=0;
+ /** Returns the number of the screen which is currently in focus.
+ @return The number of the screen which is currently in focus.*/
+ virtual TInt FocusScreens() const=0;
+ /** Changes the focused screen.
+ @param aScreenNo New screen number. */
+ virtual void SetFocusScreen(TInt aScreenNo)=0;
+ /** Returns the number of window groups available for the specified screen.
+ @param aScreen The screen number.
+ @return The number of window groups. */
+ virtual TInt WindowGroups(TInt aScreen) const=0;
+ /** Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the complete window
+ group information of the specified window. If the window group does not exist, the
+ function returns EFalse.
+ Note: the ordinal position specified should be the total or full ordinal position
+ of all group windows of all priorities on that screen.
+ @param aInfo on return, complete window information.
+ @param aScreen Screen number.
+ @param aFullOrdinalPosition Ordinal position of the window.
+ @return ETrue if window group information exists, EFalse otherwise. */
+ virtual TBool WindowGroupInfo(TWindowGroupInfo& aInfo,TInt aScreen,TInt aFullOrdinalPosition) const=0;
+ /** Takes a screen number and an ordinal position and returns the window group name.
+ If the window group does not exist, the function returns false.
+ Note: the ordinal position specified should be the total or full ordinal position of
+ all group windows of all priorities on that screen.
+ Note: if the name does not fit into the descriptor provided then it will be truncated.
+ @param aWindowName On return, the window group name.
+ @param aScreen The screen number.
+ @param aFullOrdinalPosition The ordinal position of the window.
+ @return ETrue if the window group name exists, EFalse otherwise. */
+ virtual TBool WindowGroupName(TPtrC& aWindowName,TInt aScreen,TInt aFullOrdinalPosition) const=0;
+ /** Changes the ordinal position and priority of the window group with the specified ID.
+ @param aWindowGroupId The window group ID.
+ @param aPos The ordinal position to move the window to.
+ @param aOrdinalPriority The new ordinal priority of the window.
+ @return KErrNotFound if there is no window group with the specified ID, KErrNone otherwise. */
+ virtual TInt SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aWindowGroupId,TInt aPos,TInt aOrdinalPriority)=0;
+ /** Accessor for window configuration.
+ @param aWindowConfig Gets filled in with window configuration details. */
+ virtual void WindowConfig(TWindowConfig& aWindowConfig) const=0;
+ virtual void Reserved1() const;
+ virtual void Reserved2() const;
+ virtual void Reserved3() const;
+ };
+class MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension
+/** Event utility functions interface.
+The member functions define the interface for generate repeated key events .
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+ {
+ /** Posts a key event.
+ The function is similar to PostKeyEvent() but should be
+used for posting repeated key events.
+ @param aRawEvent The key event.
+ @param aRepeats value */
+ virtual void PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent& aRawEvent, TInt aRepeats) const=0;
+ virtual void Reserved1() const;
+ virtual void Reserved2() const;
+ };
+class MAnimWindowFunctions
+/** Window utility functions interface.
+The member functions define the interface for querying and manipulating
+the window in which the animation takes place.
+You do not have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented
+by the window server, and provides these utility functions to all CWindowAnim
+and CFreeTimerWindowAnim derived classes via the iWindowFunctions pointer.
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Activates the graphics context.
+ This function should be called to enable drawing in the CAnim-derived classes'
+ Command(), CommandReplyL(), Animate(), or FocusChanged() functions.
+ Note: this function is called automatically by the animation DLL framework in the
+ Redraw() function. */
+ virtual void ActivateGc()=0;
+ /** Sets the rectangle that this animation will draw to.
+ This function must be called as part of the initialisation/construction of
+ the CAnim-derived object, i.e. in CAnim::ConstructL(). This is so that the
+ window server knows which area the animation is operating in. Anything that
+ is drawn by the animation outside this rectangle may not be redrawn correctly
+ as the window server uses this rectangle to decide when the animation should
+ be redrawn.
+ @param aRect The rectangle to be drawn to. */
+ virtual void SetRect(const TRect &aRect)=0;
+ /** Gets the window size.
+ @return The window size, in pixels. */
+ virtual TSize WindowSize() const=0;
+ /** Tests whether to draw the animation.
+ If the window is completely hidden, there is normally no need to draw
+ the animation. However in some conditions the animation should be drawn even
+ if it is obscured. The window server is aware of these cases, and returns
+ ETrue if it is not safe to draw the animation.
+ @return True if the window is completely hidden and there is no requirement
+ to continue drawing the animation, otherwise false. */
+ virtual TBool IsHidden()=0;
+ /** Sets the visibility of the window the animation is drawing to.
+ This does the same as RWindowBase::SetVisible().
+ @param aState True for visible, false otherwise. */
+ virtual void SetVisible(TBool aState)=0;
+ /** Forces a redraw of a rectangular part of the window.
+ The function causes a redraw message on the part of the window specified,
+ which provides a non-immediate way to do drawing.
+ It can be used to redraw the whole of the window, not just the part used by
+ the animation.
+ @param aRect The rectangle to be redrawn. These co-ordinates are relative
+ to the origin of the window. */
+ virtual void Invalidate(const TRect &aRect)=0;
+ /** Gets window information.
+ @param aData The window information. */
+ virtual void Parameters(TWindowInfo &aData)=0;
+ /** Gets the visible region.
+ This region is the area of the visible window which
+ is currently unshadowed. If there is not enough memory to calculate this region
+ then aRegion's error flag is set.
+ @param aRegion The visible region. */
+ virtual void VisibleRegion(TRegion& aRegion)=0;
+ //virtual void CopyScreen(CFbsBitGc *aBitmapGc,TRect aRect)=0;
+ virtual void Reserved() const;
+ virtual void Reserved1() const;
+ virtual void Reserved2() const;
+ virtual void Reserved3() const;
+ };
+class MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions : public MAnimWindowFunctions
+/** Free timer animation utility functions interface.
+The class inherits functions from MAnimWindowFunctions, and defines the additional
+interface required for window operations which support animations with their
+own timers.
+You do NOT have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented
+by the window server, and provides utility functions to all CFreeTimerWindowAnim
+derived classes via the WindowFunctions() member.
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Deactivates the graphics context.
+ This function is used in the context of a CFreeTimerWindowAnim derived class
+ when writing animation DLLs with their own timer. Within the timer's RunL(),
+ the ActivateGc() function should be called prior to drawing to the window.
+ DeactivateGc() should be called after drawing is finished. */
+ virtual void DeactivateGc()=0;
+ /** Forces the screen to update. */
+ virtual void Update()=0;
+ virtual void Reserved3() const;
+ };
+class MAnimSpriteFunctions
+/** Sprite animation utility functions interface.
+The interface includes functions for querying and manipulating a sprite.
+You do NOT have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented
+by the window server, and provides utility functions to all CSpriteAnim derived
+classes via the CSpriteAnim::iSpriteFunctions pointer.
+It is not intended for user derivation.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Gets sprite member data.
+ Each member of the sprite is effectively a bitmap, which is displayed for a
+ different amount of time.
+ @param aMember The index of the sprite member for which information is required.
+ @return A pointer to the sprite member. */
+ virtual TSpriteMember *GetSpriteMember(TInt aMember) const=0;
+ /** Redraws part of a sprite.
+ Updates a sprite on the screen, possibly after the bitmap for a particular
+ sprite member has been changed.
+ Use the aRect parameter to specify the (small) part of the sprite which has been changed,
+ then any flicker will only occur in this rectangle.
+ A full update used to be required if you had removed pixels from the mask, i.e. made
+ pixels in the sprite transparent when they were not before. If drawing is
+ additive, e.g. you are using a mask or the draw mode is EDrawModePEN, a partial
+ update used to be possible. But current versions of the window-server always do full back to front rendering.
+ Note: if the sprite member aMember is not visible then there is no need for a change
+ to the display, so the aRect and aFullUpdate parameters are ignored.
+ @param aMember The index of the sprite member that is to be updated.
+ @param aRect The part of the sprite member which has changed.
+ @param aFullUpdate Not used. Wserv now always do full back to front rendering. */
+ virtual void UpdateMember(TInt aMember,const TRect& aRect,TBool aFullUpdate)=0;
+ /** Turns a sprite on or off.
+ In effect this makes the sprite bitmap visible.
+ @param aActive ETrue to turn sprite on. EFalse to turn it off. */
+ virtual void Activate(TBool aActive)=0;
+ /** Finishes constructing the sprite.
+ It also sets the currently displayed sprite member to zero.
+ This function must be called after members change size. */
+ virtual void SizeChangedL()=0;
+ /** Set the sprite's position.
+ @param aPos The new position of the sprite. */
+ virtual void SetPosition(const TPoint &aPos)=0;
+ virtual void Reserved() const;
+ /** Returns the visibility of the sprite.
+ A sprite can be seen if it is neither obscured by another window nor hidden.
+ @return ETrue if the sprite can be seen, EFalse otherwise. */
+ virtual TBool SpriteCanBeSeen() const = 0;
+ virtual void Reserved2() const;
+ virtual void Reserved3() const;
+ virtual void Reserved4() const;
+ };
+class CAnimGc : public CBitmapContext
+/** Animation graphics context.
+An object of this type is linked into CAnim by the window server, which allows
+you to draw to the animation window. The object's functions allow you to set
+and cancel the clipping region, and to draw to the visible window using
+the inherited CBitmapContext functions.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Sets the clipping region.
+ Only the parts of the animation which are within the clipping region are drawn.
+ @param aRegion The clipping region. */
+ virtual TInt SetClippingRegion(const TRegion &aRegion)=0;
+ /** Cancels the clipping region.
+ @see SetClippingRegion() */
+ virtual void CancelClippingRegion()=0;
+ };
+class CWsAnim; // Forward ref for friend declaration
+class CAnim : public CBase , public MEventHandler
+/** Server side animated object base interface.
+Animations implement this interface, which is called by the window server
+to pass commands from clients, perform a step in the animation, or to pass
+window server events (if required) so that the animation can handle them
+before the application.
+The functions are all pure virtual, and must be implemented in
+the derived class to provide server side behaviour. The functions will be
+called by the window server with optional arguments passed in from the client
+side animation class RAnim.
+You should derive from CWindowAnim, CFreeTimerWindowAnim or CSpriteAnim,
+depending on whether the animation is to draw to a sprite or a window,
+rather than directly from this class.
+The derived class is constructed in the DLL factory class CAnimDll::CreateInstanceL()
+The operation to perform an animation step is called by the window server
+on a timer. The timing properties are set through an MAnimGeneralFunctions
+member, which also provides other utility functions.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Implements client-side initiated commands, returning a value.
+ The window server calls this function in response to application calls to
+ the client side command function RAnim::CommandReplyL(). The arguments passed
+ to the function by the window server are the same as were used on the client
+ side function call.
+ This function returns values to the client side, and should be used to return
+ error codes for commands which might leave.
+ @param aOpcode Opcode understood by the class.
+ @param aArgs Arguments packaged on the client side, for example as a struct
+ of a type determined by the aOpcode argument. These mirror the aArgs argument
+ passed in to RAnim::CommandReply().
+ @return Value passed back to client side function when this function completes.
+ Typically this would be KErrNone or another of the system-wide error codes.
+ However any value may be returned to the client side.
+ @see RAnim */
+ virtual TInt CommandReplyL(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs)=0;
+ /** Implements client-side initiated commands.
+ The window server calls this function in response to application calls to
+ the client side command function RAnim::Command(). The arguments passed to
+ the function by the window server are the same as were used on the client
+ side function call.
+ Because this function does not return errors, it is not safe for commands
+ which might leave.
+ @param aOpcode Opcode understood by the class
+ @param aArgs Arguments packaged on the client side, for example as a struct
+ of a type determined by the aOpcode argument. These mirror the aArgs argument
+ passed in to RAnim::Command().
+ @see RAnim */
+ virtual void Command(TInt aOpcode, TAny *aArgs)=0;
+ /** Main animation function, called by the window server.
+ The drawing code which implements a given animation should be provided here.
+ This function is called at a frequency determined by the SetSync() helper
+ function. Note that if sync is not set, then this function will never be
+ called. This effect can be exploited to use the animation framework, with
+ its server side speed, for what are strictly not animations, e.g. for streaming
+ video images.
+ The aDateTime parameter will be null if the current time (as determined by
+ the window server) matches the time implied by the sync period, modulo normalisation,
+ otherwise it will contain a valid (non-normalised) time.
+ Normalisation is to some specified granularity, for example if one minute
+ is specified as the animation frequency, then in effect the window server
+ will decide whether the implied time is correct to the minute, but not to
+ the second.
+ Implied time is the time implied by the (normalised) actual time of the previous
+ animation call plus the sync interval. For example if the last call was at
+ time 't' and the sync interval is 1 second then if the time at this call
+ is t + 1 second, then actual time and implied time match and the value placed
+ into aDateTime will be NULL.
+ Cases in which the two may not match include, for example, system time having
+ been reset between animation calls (perhaps British Summer Time or other daylight
+ saving time has just come into effect). The intention is that when system
+ time changes, a mechanism is provided to alert the animation code and allow
+ it to reset itself. The assumption is that somewhere in its initialisation
+ code, the animation will have performed a CAnimFunctions utility call to set
+ a base time, which is then implicitly tracked by incrementing by a suitable
+ interval; when aDateTime is non-NULL after a call to Animate(), base time
+ should be reset.
+ @param aDateTime Null if the current time w.r.t. the window server matches
+ the time implied by the synch period. Otherwise a valid (non-normalised) time. */
+ virtual void Animate(TDateTime *aDateTime)=0;
+ virtual void HandleNotification(const TWsEvent& /*aEvent*/) {};
+ inline CAnim() {}
+ virtual void Reserved1() const {};
+ virtual void Reserved2() const {};
+ virtual void Reserved3() const {};
+ /** Pointer to a class containing functions implemented by the window server.
+ These are available to any CAnim derived class.
+ Note that this value is automatically set for you by the animation framework.
+ You do not need to assign a value to this pointer.
+ @publishedAll
+ @released */
+ MAnimGeneralFunctions *iFunctions;
+ friend class CWsAnim;
+ friend class CWindowAnim;
+ friend class CSpriteAnim;
+ };
+class CWindowAnim : public CAnim
+/** Window animation interface.
+This interface is provided to create animations other than sprites. A window
+animation can be provided by deriving from this class.
+The interface inherits from CAnim and has access to its functions. It additionally
+can access an interface for querying and manipulating the window in which
+the animation takes place, using its iWindowFunctions member.
+The derived class is constructed in the DLL factory class CAnimDll::CreateInstanceL().
+@see CFreeTimerWindowAnim
+@see CSpriteAnim */
+ {
+ /** Server side construction and initialisation of an animation class.
+ Note: the aHasFocus argument allows the animation to start in a known focus state.
+ For example, an animation may or may not have focus, depending on how it was
+ started. Together with the FocusChanged() function, this allows an animation
+ to always know its focus state.
+ @param aArgs Packaged arguments which may be required during construction.
+ These are transferred from the aParams argument of the client side constructor's
+ RAnim::Construct().
+ @param aHasFocus Specifies whether or not the animation has window server focus. */
+ virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs, TBool aHasFocus)=0;
+ /** Redraws the objects.
+ The function is called by the window server when it needs to redraw the object.
+ The object must provide all the low level drawing code. */
+ virtual void Redraw()=0;
+ /** Notifies change of focus.
+ The function is called by the window server to notify a change of focus,
+ allowing the animation code to track whether it does or does not have focus,
+ and to change its appearance accordingly.
+ @param aState Indicates whether the focus has or has not changed. */
+ virtual void FocusChanged(TBool aState)=0;
+ /** Protected constructor.
+ Prevents objects of this class being directly constructed. */
+ inline CWindowAnim() {}
+ virtual void ReservedW1() const {};
+ virtual void ReservedW2() const {};
+ /** Pointer to a class containing functions implemented by the window server.
+ These are available to any CWindowAnim-derived class.
+ Note that this and the iGc pointer are automatically set for you by the
+ animation framework - you do not need to assign a value to them.*/
+ MAnimWindowFunctions *iWindowFunctions;
+ /** Pointer to the graphics context. */
+ CAnimGc *iGc;
+ friend class CWsAnim;
+ };
+class CFreeTimerWindowAnim : public CWindowAnim
+/** Free timer animation interface.
+This interface allows animations to have their own timers or other active
+objects, and to draw to the window when the timer completes. The implication
+of this is that animations derived from this class can have an extremely short
+user-defined time between calls to the Animate() function, unlike the
+other animation classes, which are tied to the (approximately) half second
+flash cycle.
+The interface inherits from CWindowAnim and has access to its functions. It
+additionally can access functions declared in the MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions
+interface, using WindowFunctions().
+In order to draw to the window inside the RunL() of your own timer, you will
+need call the ActivateGc() function before doing any drawing, and the DeactivateGc()
+function after finishing the drawing.
+@see CSpriteAnim */
+ {
+ inline MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions* WindowFunctions()
+ /** Gets the free timer utility functions.
+ These functions include all the MAnimWindowFunctions,
+ and additional functions to deactivate the graphics context and to force the
+ screen to update.
+ @return A pointer to the free timer utility functions. */
+ {return STATIC_CAST(MAnimFreeTimerWindowFunctions*,iWindowFunctions);}
+ virtual void ReservedF1() const {};
+ };
+class CSpriteAnim : public CAnim
+/** Sprite animation interface.
+Sprites are bitmaps that can overlay a window or the screen. A sprite animation
+can be provided by deriving from this class.
+The interface inherits from CAnim and has access to its functions. It additionally
+can access an interface for querying and manipulating a sprite, using its
+iSpriteFunctions member.
+The derived class is constructed in the DLL factory class CAnimDll::CreateInstanceL()
+@see CFreeTimerWindowAnim
+@see CWindowAnim */
+ {
+ /** Server side construction and initialisation of an animation class.
+ @param aArgs Packaged arguments which may be required during construction.
+ These are transferred from the aParams argument of the client side constructor's
+ RAnim::Construct(). */
+ virtual void ConstructL(TAny *aArgs)=0;
+ inline CSpriteAnim()
+ /** Protected constructor.
+ Ensures that only derived classes can be constructed. */
+ {}
+ virtual void ReservedS1() const {};
+ virtual void ReservedS2() const {};
+ /** Pointer to a class containing functions implemented by the window server.
+ These are available to any CSpriteAnim-derived class.
+ Note that this value is automatically set for you by the animation framework.
+ You do not need to assign a value to this pointer. */
+ MAnimSpriteFunctions *iSpriteFunctions;
+ friend class CWsAnim;
+ };
+class CAnimDll : public CBase
+/** Animation DLL factory interface.
+An animation DLL class must be a derived class of CAnimDll, and can be thought
+of as a server side factory class. CAnimDll consists of a single pure virtual
+factory function, CreateInstanceL(TInt aType), which is used to create new
+instances of animation objects of type CAnim contained in the DLL. Animation
+DLL objects are created by the CreateCAnimDllL() function, which is called
+by the window server at the request of the client.
+For efficiency reasons, it makes sense to collect multiple animation classes
+into a single DLL, even if they are otherwise logically quite separate classes.
+@released */
+ {
+ /** Factory function for animation DLLs.
+ It must be provided in the derived class.
+ The parameter can be used to differentiate between multiple animation
+ classes contained in the same animation DLL.
+ @param aType Identifies an animation class to be constructed. This is the
+ same value as the aType argument of the client side animation constructor
+ RAnim::Construct(). It is passed from the client side by the animation framework.
+ @return Pointer to a CAnim-derived animation class object. */
+ virtual CAnim *CreateInstanceL(TInt aType)=0;
+ };