--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nga/CLIENT/WSGRAPHIC.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// The client-side representation of a WsGraphic artwork
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
+#include "w32comm.h"
+#include "CLIENT.H"
+#include <s32mem.h>
+NONSHARABLE_STRUCT(CWsGraphic::CPimpl): public CBase, public MWsClientClass
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ friend class CWsGraphic;
+ enum
+ {
+ /** is registered in the graphic manager's array */
+ ERegistered = 0x01,
+ /** has a peer CWsGraphicDrawer on the server */
+ EHasPeer = 0x02
+ };
+ CPimpl(CWsGraphic& aGraphic);
+ ~CPimpl();
+ void ConstructL(); //LeaveScan: Member of macroised structure declaration.
+ CManager* iManager;
+ TInt WriteCreateGraphic(TWsClCmdCreateGraphic& aCreateGraphic,const TDesC8& aData,TInt aWsHandle) const;
+ CWsGraphic& iGraphic;
+ TWsGraphicId iId;
+ TUint iFlags;
+ MWsObjectProvider* iExt;
+ };
+LOCAL_C void MWsGraphicMessageAllocRelease(TAny* aAny)
+ {
+ MWsGraphicMessageAlloc::MBuffer* buf = static_cast<MWsGraphicMessageAlloc::MBuffer*>(aAny);
+ if(buf)
+ {
+ buf->Release();
+ }
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CWsGraphic::CManager): private CActive, public RWsSession
+/** Client-side manager singleton for marshalling messages for all CWsGraphics owned by a client
+*/ {
+ static CManager* StaticL(); //LeaveScan: Member of macroised structure declaration.
+ // used by CWsGraphic
+ void AddL(CWsGraphic* aGraphic); //LeaveScan: Member of macroised structure declaration.
+ void Replace(CWsGraphic* aGraphic);
+ void Remove(CWsGraphic* aGraphic);
+ CWsGraphic* Find(const TWsGraphicId& aId);
+ void Inc();
+ void Dec();
+ RWsBuffer* Buffer();
+ void ScheduleFlush();
+ CManager();
+ ~CManager();
+ void ConstructL(); //LeaveScan: Member of macroised structure declaration.
+ void Queue();
+ void RunL(); //LeaveScan: Member of macroised structure declaration.
+ void DoCancel();
+ static TInt GraphicCompare(const CWsGraphic& aFirst,const CWsGraphic& aSecond);
+ static TInt FlushOnIdle(TAny* aArg);
+ TInt iRefCount;
+ RPointerArray<CWsGraphic> iArray;
+ CIdle* iFlusher;
+ TBool iFlushScheduled;
+ };
+// TWsGraphicId \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+EXPORT_C TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId(TUid aUid):
+/** Construct a UID
+ @param aUid UID of the graphic artwork.
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ iFlags(EWsGraphicIdUid), iId(aUid.iUid)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId(TInt aId):
+/** Construct a transient Id
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ iFlags(EWsGraphicIdTransient), iId(aId)
+ {
+ }
+Copy constructor.
+@param aCopy Graphic artwork Id.
+EXPORT_C TWsGraphicId::TWsGraphicId(const TWsGraphicId& aCopy):
+ iFlags(aCopy.iFlags), iId(aCopy.iId)
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C TUid TWsGraphicId::Uid() const
+/** Returns UID.
+ @return UID of graphic artwork. KNullUid if graphic artwork is transient.
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ if(IsUid())
+ {
+ return TUid::Uid(iId);
+ }
+ return KNullUid;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TWsGraphicId::IsUid() const
+/** Identifies whether graphic artwork is non-transient.
+ @return ETrue if graphic artwork is non-transient.
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ return (iFlags & EWsGraphicIdUid);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TWsGraphicId::Set(TUid aUid)
+/** Set to be a UID
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ iId = aUid.iUid;
+ iFlags = EWsGraphicIdUid;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicId::Id() const
+/** Returns the transient Id.
+ @return Id of transient graphic artwork. Zero if graphic artwork is non-transient.
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ if(IsId())
+ {
+ return iId;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TWsGraphicId::IsId() const
+/** Identifies whether graphic artwork is transient.
+ @return ETrue if graphic artwork is transient.
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ return (iFlags & EWsGraphicIdTransient);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void TWsGraphicId::Set(TInt aId)
+/** Set to be a transient Id
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ iId = aId;
+ iFlags = EWsGraphicIdTransient;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicId::Compare(const TWsGraphicId& aOther) const
+/** Compares another Id with this one.
+ @return 0 if the other Id is identical, else -1 if the other Id is to greater than or 1 if the other Id is less than
+ @publishedAll @released
+*/ {
+ if(iId < aOther.iId)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(iId > aOther.iId)
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // else we have to compare the iIsUid flag too; again, expect it to be a match 99.99% of these times
+ else if(IsUid() == aOther.IsUid())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // collisions of id but not iIsUid are going to be really really rare
+ else if(IsUid())
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+// CWsGraphicManager \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+CWsGraphic::CManager* CWsGraphic::CManager::StaticL()
+ {
+ CManager* singleton = RWsBuffer::WsGraphicManager();
+ if(!singleton)
+ {
+ singleton = new(ELeave) CManager;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(singleton);
+ singleton->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(singleton);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(singleton == RWsBuffer::WsGraphicManager(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ }
+ return singleton;
+ }
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!ResourceCount(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iArray.Count(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicOrphaned));
+ Close();
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!RWsBuffer::WsGraphicManager(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ iArray.Close();
+ delete iFlusher;
+ }
+CWsGraphic::CManager::CManager(): CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
+ {
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(Connect());
+ iBuffer->SetWsGraphicManager(this);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ iFlusher = CIdle::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::Inc()
+ {
+ iRefCount++;
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::Dec()
+ {
+ if(!--iRefCount)
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ }
+RWsBuffer* CWsGraphic::CManager::Buffer()
+ {
+ return iBuffer;
+ }
+// used by CWsGraphic
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::AddL(CWsGraphic* aGraphic)
+/** Leaves if the graphic couldn't be added to the list
+ @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic && aGraphic->iPimpl,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic->Id().IsId() || aGraphic->Id().IsUid(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(aGraphic->iPimpl->iFlags & CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ iArray.InsertInOrderL(aGraphic,GraphicCompare);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= iArray.FindInOrder(aGraphic,GraphicCompare),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ aGraphic->iPimpl->iFlags |= CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered;
+ Queue();
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::Replace(CWsGraphic* aGraphic)
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic && aGraphic->iPimpl,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!(aGraphic->iPimpl->iFlags & CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic->Id().IsId() || aGraphic->Id().IsUid(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ const TInt idx = iArray.FindInOrder(aGraphic,GraphicCompare);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= idx,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iArray[idx]->iPimpl->iFlags & CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ iArray[idx]->iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered;
+ iArray[idx] = aGraphic;
+ iArray[idx]->iPimpl->iFlags |= CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered;
+ Queue();
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::Remove(CWsGraphic* aGraphic)
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic && aGraphic->iPimpl,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic->Id().IsId() || aGraphic->Id().IsUid(),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aGraphic->iPimpl->iFlags & CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ const TInt idx = iArray.FindInOrder(aGraphic,GraphicCompare);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0 <= idx,Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ iArray[idx]->iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered;
+ iArray.Remove(idx);
+ if(!iArray.Count())
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+CWsGraphic* CWsGraphic::CManager::Find(const TWsGraphicId& aId)
+/** Find the active artwork identified by the Id
+ @return NULL if no active artwork has the Id
+ @publishedAll @released */
+ {
+ /* RPointerArray can only FindInOrder other T*, which is a needless shame. Therefore this search is
+ dumb sequential */
+ const TInt count = iArray.Count();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
+ {
+ CWsGraphic* graphic = iArray[i];
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(graphic && graphic->iPimpl && (graphic->iPimpl->iFlags & CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ERegistered),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ const TWsGraphicId& candidate = graphic->Id();
+ if(0 == candidate.Compare(aId))
+ {
+ // found
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(i == iArray.FindInOrder(graphic,GraphicCompare),Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ return graphic;
+ }
+ }
+ // not found
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::Queue()
+ {
+ if(!IsActive())
+ {
+ GraphicMessageReady(&iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::RunL()
+ {
+ if(0 < iStatus.Int())
+ {
+ // a message to fetch!
+ const TInt msgLen = iStatus.Int();
+ TPtr8 buf(NULL,0);
+ MWsGraphicMessageAlloc* allocator = NULL;
+ MWsGraphicMessageAlloc::MBuffer* theirBuf = NULL;
+ HBufC8* ourBuf = HBufC8::New(msgLen);
+ if(ourBuf)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ourBuf);
+ buf.Set(ourBuf->Des());
+ }
+ else // try to see if the destination CWsGraphic can allocate for us
+ {
+ const TInt handle = GraphicFetchHeaderMessage();
+ CWsGraphic* dest = reinterpret_cast<CWsGraphic*>(handle & ~0x03);
+ // check if it's valid
+ if(KErrNotFound != iArray.Find(dest) && dest->iPimpl && dest->iPimpl->iExt)
+ {
+ // check if the client is able to alloc memory for us
+ allocator = dest->iPimpl->iExt->ObjectInterface<MWsGraphicMessageAlloc>();
+ if(allocator)
+ {
+ // allocate memory
+ theirBuf = allocator->Alloc(msgLen);
+ if(theirBuf)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(MWsGraphicMessageAllocRelease,theirBuf));
+ buf.Set(theirBuf->Buffer());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!ourBuf && !theirBuf)
+ {
+ GraphicMessageCancel();
+ GraphicAbortMessage(KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetGraphicMessage(buf);
+ // decode header and body
+ RDesReadStream in(buf);
+ in.PushL();
+ const TInt header = in.ReadInt32L();
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(header) == sizeof(TInt32));
+ const TInt clientHandle = (header & ~0x03);
+ const TInt msgType = (header & 0x03);
+ const TPtr8 body = buf.MidTPtr(sizeof(header));
+ // dispatch
+ CWsGraphic* dest = (CWsGraphic*)clientHandle;
+ if(KErrNotFound != iArray.Find(dest))
+ {
+ switch(msgType)
+ {
+ case EWsGraphMessageTypeUser:
+ dest->HandleMessage(body);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal);
+ }
+ }
+ // done
+ in.Pop();
+ }
+ if(ourBuf)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ourBuf);
+ }
+ else if(theirBuf)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theirBuf);
+ }
+ // done, wait for next message
+ Queue();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::DoCancel()
+ {
+ GraphicMessageCancel();
+ }
+TInt CWsGraphic::CManager::GraphicCompare(const CWsGraphic& aFirst,const CWsGraphic& aSecond)
+/** Compares two graphics for id equality
+*/ {
+ return aFirst.Id().Compare(aSecond.Id());
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CManager::ScheduleFlush()
+/** Request to schedule flush when idle
+ {
+ if (iFlushScheduled)
+ return;
+ iFlushScheduled = ETrue;
+ iFlusher->Start(TCallBack(CWsGraphic::CManager::FlushOnIdle,this));
+ }
+TInt CWsGraphic::CManager::FlushOnIdle(TAny* aArg)
+/** Flush buffer when idle and there is outstanding data in it
+ {
+ CWsGraphic::CManager* mgr = reinterpret_cast<CWsGraphic::CManager*>(aArg);
+ if (mgr)
+ {
+ mgr->iFlushScheduled = EFalse;
+ if (mgr->iBuffer && !mgr->iBuffer->IsEmpty())
+ mgr->iBuffer->Flush();
+ }
+ return 0; // complete
+ }
+// CWsGraphic::CPimpl \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+CWsGraphic::CPimpl::CPimpl(CWsGraphic& aGraphic):
+ iGraphic(aGraphic), iId(TWsGraphicId::EUninitialized)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if(iManager)
+ {
+ iManager->Dec();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsGraphic::CPimpl::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iManager = CManager::StaticL();
+ iManager->Inc();
+ iBuffer = iManager->Buffer();
+ }
+TInt CWsGraphic::CPimpl::WriteCreateGraphic(TWsClCmdCreateGraphic& aCreateGraphic,const TDesC8& aData,TInt aWsHandle) const
+/** Writes the CreateGraphic message to the server. If the data will not fit in the buffer, uses remote-read
+ @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ aCreateGraphic.iDataLen = aData.Size();
+ aCreateGraphic.iRemoteReadData = ((aData.Size()+sizeof(aCreateGraphic))>(TInt)(iBuffer->BufferSize()-sizeof(TWsCmdHeader)));
+ if(aCreateGraphic.iRemoteReadData)
+ {
+ return iBuffer->WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(aWsHandle,EWsClOpCreateGraphic,&aCreateGraphic,sizeof(aCreateGraphic),&aData);
+ }
+ else if(aCreateGraphic.iDataLen)
+ {
+ return iBuffer->WriteReplyWs(&aCreateGraphic,sizeof(aCreateGraphic),aData.Ptr(),aData.Size(),EWsClOpCreateGraphic);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return iBuffer->WriteReplyWs(&aCreateGraphic,sizeof(aCreateGraphic),EWsClOpCreateGraphic);
+ }
+ }
+// CWsGraphic \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+Default Constructor.
+EXPORT_C CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic()
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CWsGraphic::~CWsGraphic()
+ {
+ Destroy();
+ delete iPimpl;
+ }
+Completes construction of the baseclass. All the overloaded BaseConstructL() methods
+should invoke this method to complete the construction of the baseclass.
+void CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL()
+ {
+ iPimpl = new(ELeave) CPimpl(*this);
+ iPimpl->ConstructL();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL(TUid aUid,TUid aType,const TDesC8& aData)
+Constructs a piece of non-transient graphic artwork.
+@capability ProtServ
+@param aUid Graphic artwork UID.
+@param aType Graphic artwork type.
+@param aData User specific data.
+*/ {
+ BaseConstructL();
+ TWsClCmdCreateGraphic createGraphic;
+ createGraphic.iFlags = EWsGraphicIdUid;
+ createGraphic.iId = aUid.iUid;
+ createGraphic.iType = aType;
+ createGraphic.iClientHandle = (TInt)this;
+ TInt ret = iPimpl->WriteCreateGraphic(createGraphic,aData,iPimpl->iManager->WsHandle());
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+ iPimpl->iWsHandle=ret;
+ iPimpl->iId = aUid;
+ iPimpl->iFlags = CPimpl::EHasPeer;
+ iPimpl->iManager->AddL(this);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL(TUid aType,const TDesC8& aData)
+Constructs a piece of transient graphic artwork.
+@param aType Graphic artwork type.
+@param aData User specific data.
+ {
+ BaseConstructL();
+ TWsClCmdCreateGraphic createGraphic;
+ createGraphic.iFlags = EWsGraphicIdTransient;
+ createGraphic.iId = 0;
+ createGraphic.iType = aType;
+ createGraphic.iClientHandle = (TInt)this;
+ TInt ret = iPimpl->WriteCreateGraphic(createGraphic,aData,iPimpl->iManager->WsHandle());
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+ iPimpl->iWsHandle = ret;
+ // fetch id from server
+ TPckgBuf<TWsClCmdGdGetId> cmd;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iPimpl->WriteReplyP(TWriteDescriptorType(&cmd),EWsGdOpGetGraphicId));
+ if(cmd().iIsUid)
+ {
+ __DEBUG_ONLY(Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ iPimpl->iId = cmd().iId;
+ iPimpl->iFlags = CPimpl::EHasPeer;
+ iPimpl->iManager->AddL(this);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::BaseConstructL(const TWsGraphicId& aReplace,TUid aType,const TDesC8& aData)
+Atomically replace the artwork that already exists with this artwork.
+If failure to properly construct the replacement artwork occurs, the replacee artwork will remain
+@param aReplace Graphic artwork which will be replaced.
+@param aType New graphic artwork type.
+@param aData User specific data.
+ {
+ BaseConstructL();
+ CWsGraphic* dup = iPimpl->iManager->Find(aReplace);
+ if(!dup || !dup->iPimpl)
+ {
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal);
+ }
+ const TUint flags = aReplace.IsUid()?EWsGraphicIdUid:EWsGraphicIdTransient;
+ TWsClCmdCreateGraphic createGraphic;
+ createGraphic.iFlags = EWsGraphicReplace|flags;
+ createGraphic.iId = aReplace.IsUid()?aReplace.Uid().iUid:aReplace.Id();
+ createGraphic.iType = aType;
+ createGraphic.iClientHandle = (TInt)this;
+ TInt ret = iPimpl->WriteCreateGraphic(createGraphic,aData,iPimpl->iManager->WsHandle());
+ if(0 > ret)
+ {
+ User::Leave(ret);
+ }
+ iPimpl->iWsHandle = ret;
+ iPimpl->iId = aReplace;
+ iPimpl->iFlags = CPimpl::EHasPeer;
+ iPimpl->iManager->Replace(this);
+ // when WriteCreateGraphic succeeds, the replacee drawer has already been destroyed serverside
+ // so this cleanup is not quite the same as Destroy(), as it doesn't free server side
+ // coverity[var_deref_op]
+ dup->iPimpl->iWsHandle = 0;
+ dup->OnReplace();
+ dup->iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EHasPeer;
+ }
+Shares the graphic artwork with all the client sessions.
+Sharing globally trumps explicit shares.
+@return KErrNone if the graphic is globally shared, else one of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::ShareGlobally()
+ {
+ if(!IsActive())
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ return iPimpl->WriteReply(EWsGdOpShareGlobally);
+ }
+Prevents this graphic artwork from being shared with all the client sessions.
+A graphic artwork that isn't shared explicitly is only available to clients it
+has been explicitly shared with using Share().
+@return KErrNone if the graphic is not globally shared, else one of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::UnShareGlobally()
+ {
+ if(!IsActive())
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ return iPimpl->WriteReply(EWsGdOpUnShareGlobally);
+ }
+Explicitly shares this graphic artwork with client sessions with the specified Secure ID.
+@param aClientId the Secure ID of the client sessions to share with.
+@return KErrNone If the graphic artwork was shared, else one of the system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::Share(TSecureId aClientId)
+ {
+ if(!IsActive())
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ return iPimpl->WriteReply(&aClientId,sizeof(TSecureId),EWsGdOpShare);
+ }
+Stops this graphic artwork from being shared with all client sessions with the specific Secure ID.
+ShareGlobally() trumps explicit sharing.
+@param aClientId the Secure ID of the client sessions to not share with
+@return KErrNone if the graphic artwork is no longer shared, KErrNotFound if the graphic was not shared anyway, else one of the system-wide error codes
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::UnShare(TSecureId aClientId)
+ {
+ if(!IsActive())
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ return iPimpl->WriteReply(&aClientId,sizeof(TSecureId),EWsGdOpUnShare);
+ }
+Returns graphic artwork Id.
+@return Graphic artwork Id. KNullWsGraphicId if graphic artwork is not active.
+EXPORT_C const TWsGraphicId& CWsGraphic::Id() const
+ {
+ if(IsActive())
+ {
+ return iPimpl->iId;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // fallback
+ static const TInt KNullWsGraphicId[4] = //binary compatible with TWsGraphicId
+ {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0
+ };
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(KNullWsGraphicId) == sizeof(TWsGraphicId));
+ return reinterpret_cast<const TWsGraphicId&>(KNullWsGraphicId);
+ }
+ }
+Checks whether a peer of this graphic artwork has been fully constructed on the server.
+@return ETrue if this graphic artwork has a peer CWsGraphic on the server.
+EXPORT_C TBool CWsGraphic::IsActive() const
+ {
+ return (iPimpl && iPimpl->iWsHandle && (iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::EHasPeer));
+ }
+Derived class can override this method to provide custom operations when the client is closed.
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::OnClientClose()
+ {
+ }
+Sends message to this graphic artwork peer on the server.
+@param aData User specific data.
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::SendMessage(const TDesC8& aData) const
+ {
+ TWsClCmdGdSendMessage cmd;
+ cmd.iDataLen = aData.Size();
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(cmd.iDataLen, Panic(EW32PanicGraphicNullData));
+ cmd.iRemoteReadData = ((aData.Size()+sizeof(cmd))>(TInt)(iPimpl->iBuffer->BufferSize()-sizeof(TWsCmdHeader)));
+ if(cmd.iRemoteReadData)
+ {
+ iPimpl->WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(&cmd,sizeof(cmd),&aData,EWsGdOpSendMsg);
+ //ignore return value!
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iPimpl->Write(&cmd,sizeof(cmd),aData.Ptr(),aData.Size(),EWsGdOpSendMsg);
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::SendSynchronMessage(const TDesC8& aData) const
+ {
+ TWsClCmdGdSendMessage cmd;
+ cmd.iDataLen = aData.Size();
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(cmd.iDataLen, Panic(EW32PanicGraphicNullData));
+ cmd.iRemoteReadData = ((aData.Size()+sizeof(cmd))>(TInt)(iPimpl->iBuffer->BufferSize()-sizeof(TWsCmdHeader)));
+ if(cmd.iRemoteReadData)
+ {
+ return iPimpl->WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(&cmd,sizeof(cmd),&aData,EWsGdOpSendSynchronMsg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return iPimpl->WriteReply(&cmd,sizeof(cmd),aData.Ptr(),aData.Size(),EWsGdOpSendSynchronMsg);
+ }
+ }
+Flushes window server command buffer
+@return One of system-wide error codes.
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::Flush() const
+ {
+ return iPimpl->iBuffer->Flush();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::Destroy()
+/** Destroys the corresponding CWsGraphicDrawer instance on the server
+*/ {
+ if(iPimpl && (iPimpl->iFlags & CPimpl::ERegistered))
+ {
+ iPimpl->iManager->Remove(this);
+ }
+ if(IsActive()) // if iPimpl==NULL, IsActive() returns false
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPimpl != NULL, Panic(EW32PanicGraphicInternal));
+ iPimpl->Write(EWsGdOpFree);
+ iPimpl->iWsHandle = 0;
+ iPimpl->iFlags &= ~CPimpl::EHasPeer;
+ iPimpl->iManager->ScheduleFlush();
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CWsGraphic::SetGraphicExtension(MWsObjectProvider* aExt)
+ {
+ iPimpl->iExt = aExt;
+ }
+EXPORT_C RWsSession& CWsGraphic::Session()
+ {
+ return *iPimpl->iManager;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved1()
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved2()
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CWsGraphic::CWsGraphic_Reserved3()
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+// TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+EXPORT_C TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase(TUid aTypeId,TInt aSizeOfDerived):
+/** Protected constructor for subclasses to call
+@param aTypeId The UID representing this type of data
+@param aSizeOf The size of the derived class
+TMyDerivedFixedMsg::TMyDerivedFixedMsg(): TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase(KUidMyDerivedType,sizeof(TMyDerivedFixedMsg)), ...
+*/ iTypeId(aTypeId), iSize(aSizeOfDerived-sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase))
+ {
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(*this) == (sizeof(TInt32)*2));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::Pckg() const
+/** @return this fixed message as a descriptor so that it can be passed as draw data in the CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic command directly if only one such message is to be sent
+*/ {
+ return TPtrC8(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(this),sizeof(*this) + iSize);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TUid TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::TypeId() const
+/** @return the UID identifying the type of the data that follows */
+ {
+ return iTypeId;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase::Size() const
+/** @return the size of the derived class (not including this fixed base class size) */
+ {
+ return iSize;
+ }
+// RWsGraphicMsgBuf \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
+EXPORT_C RWsGraphicMsgBuf::RWsGraphicMsgBuf()
+/** Default Constructor */
+ {
+ }
+TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::IntAt(TInt aOfs) const
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ if((aOfs < 0) || ((aOfs+sizeof(TInt)) > Length()))
+ {
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ }
+ TInt ret;
+ memcpy(&ret,Ptr()+aOfs,sizeof(TInt));
+ return ret;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append(TUid aTypeId,const TDesC8& aData)
+/** Append a descriptor as data
+ @param aTypeId the type of the message to append
+ @param aData arbitrary length data consisting of the whole message
+ @return KErrNone if successful, else a system-wide error code
+*/ {
+ TInt err = ExpandForAppend(aData.Length());
+ if (err)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ WriteHeader(aTypeId,aData.Length());
+ // append data
+ Insert(Length(),aData);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append(TUid aTypeId,const TDesC16& aData)
+/** Append a descriptor as data
+ @param aTypeId the type of the message to append
+ @param aData arbitrary length data consisting of the whole message
+ @return KErrNone if successful, else a system-wide error code
+*/ {
+ TPtr8 data(NULL,0);
+ TInt err = Append(aTypeId,aData.Size(),data);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ // append data
+ data.Copy(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aData.Ptr()),aData.Size());
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::ExpandForAppend(TInt aDataLen)
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TInt) == sizeof(TInt32));
+ const TInt required = (sizeof(TUid) + sizeof(TInt) + aDataLen);
+ if(MaxLength() < (Length() + required))
+ {
+ TInt err = ReAlloc(Length()+required);
+ if(KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void RWsGraphicMsgBuf::WriteHeader(TUid aTypeId,TInt aLen)
+/** @internalComponent @released */
+ {
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TInt) == sizeof(TInt32));
+ // append header
+ TPckgBuf<TInt32> i(aTypeId.iUid);
+ Insert(Length(),i);
+ i() = aLen;
+ Insert(Length(),i);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append(TUid aTypeId,TInt aLen,TPtr8& aPtr)
+/** Append a message of the specified length and type, and return a pointer to
+ allow client code to modify the message.
+ aPtr is only set if the append succeeds.
+ aPtr is only valid until the next message is appended to the buffer.
+ @param aTypeId the type of the message to append
+ @param aLen the length of the message to be reserved
+ @param aPtr a modifiable descriptor to be used by the client code to write into the message body
+ @return KErrNone if successful, else a system-wide error code
+*/ {
+ TInt err = ExpandForAppend(aLen);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ WriteHeader(aTypeId,aLen);
+ // set aPtr
+ TInt usedLen = Length();
+ SetLength(usedLen+aLen);
+ aPtr.Set(MidTPtr(usedLen,aLen));
+ aPtr.Fill('_'); // prettier when debugging, but want consistant behaviour in release builds
+ aPtr.Zero();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Remove(TInt aIndex)
+/** Remove a message from the buffer
+ @panic if the index is out of bounds
+ @param aIndex the ordinal position of message to be removed
+*/ {
+ if((aIndex < 0) || (aIndex >= Count()))
+ {
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ }
+ TPtrC8 ptr = Data(aIndex);
+ const TInt ofs = (ptr.Ptr()-(sizeof(TInt)*2)-Ptr());
+ Delete(ofs,ptr.Length() + (sizeof(TInt)*2));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Count() const
+/** Returns the number of messages in the buffer
+ @return the number of messages in the buffer
+*/ {
+ const TInt length = Length();
+ TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
+ while(ofs < length)
+ {
+ count++;
+ ofs += IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) + (sizeof(TInt)*2);
+ }
+ if(ofs != length)
+ {
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TUid RWsGraphicMsgBuf::TypeId(TInt aIndex) const
+/** Returns the Type ID of a message in the buffer
+ @param aIndex the ordinal position of the message
+ @return the Type ID of the message
+ @panic if the index is out of bounds
+*/ {
+ const TInt length = Length();
+ TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
+ while(ofs < length)
+ {
+ if(count == aIndex)
+ {
+ return TUid::Uid(IntAt(ofs));
+ }
+ count++;
+ ofs += IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) + (sizeof(TInt)*2);
+ }
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ return KNullUid; //dumb compiler
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Data(TInt aIndex) const
+/** Returns a non-modifiable descriptor of a message body in the buffer
+ @param aIndex the ordinal position of the message
+ @return the message body
+ @panic if the index is out of bounds
+*/ {
+ const TInt length = Length();
+ TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
+ while(ofs < length)
+ {
+ if(count == aIndex)
+ {
+ return Mid(ofs+(sizeof(TInt)*2),IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)));
+ }
+ count++;
+ ofs += IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) + (sizeof(TInt)*2);
+ }
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ return TPtrC8(KNullDesC8()); //dumb compiler
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Data(TInt aIndex)
+/** Returns a modifiable descriptor of a message body in the buffer
+ The returned TPtr8 is only valid until the next message is appended to the buffer.
+ @param aIndex the ordinal position of the message
+ @return the message body
+ @panic if the index is out of bounds
+*/ {
+ const TInt length = Length();
+ TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
+ while(ofs < length)
+ {
+ if(count == aIndex)
+ {
+ return MidTPtr(ofs+(sizeof(TInt)*2),IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)));
+ }
+ count++;
+ ofs += IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) + (sizeof(TInt)*2);
+ }
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ return TPtr8(NULL,0); //dumb compiler
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC8& RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Pckg() const
+/** Returns the message buffer as a descriptor. Example:
+ @code
+ RWsGraphicMsgBuf msgBuf;
+ msgBuf.Append(...);
+ ...
+ TWsGraphicId id(...);
+ SystemGc().DrawWsGraphic(id,Rect(),msgBuf.Pckg());
+ msgBuf.Close();
+ @endcode
+ @see CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic
+ @see CCoeControl::Draw
+ @return the message buffer to be attached a command to draw a CWsGraphic
+*/ {
+ return *this;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsGraphicMsgBuf::Append(const TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase& aMsg)
+/** Append a fixed-size message
+ @param aMsg the fixed-size message to append
+ @return KErrNone if successful, else a system-wide error code
+*/ {
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase) == (sizeof(TInt)*2));
+ TInt err = ExpandForAppend(aMsg.Size());
+ if (err)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ // append data
+ RBuf8::Append(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&aMsg),sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase) + aMsg.Size());
+ Count();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsGraphicMsgBuf::GetFixedMsg(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase& aMsg,TInt aIndex) const
+/** Returns a copy of a fixed-size message in the buffer
+ @param a copy of the message
+ @param aIndex the ordinal position of the message
+ @panic if the index is out of bounds
+ @panic the message specified is not of the correct type
+*/ {
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase) == (sizeof(TInt32)*2));
+ const TInt KHeaderSize = sizeof(TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase);
+ const TInt length = Length();
+ TInt ofs = 0, count = 0;
+ while(ofs < length)
+ {
+ if(count == aIndex)
+ {
+ if((TUid::Uid(IntAt(ofs)) != aMsg.TypeId()) ||
+ (IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) != aMsg.Size()) ||
+ ((ofs + KHeaderSize + aMsg.Size()) > length))
+ {
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ }
+ memcpy(&aMsg,(Ptr()+ofs),KHeaderSize + aMsg.Size());
+ return;
+ }
+ count++;
+ ofs += IntAt(ofs+sizeof(TInt)) + (sizeof(TInt)*2);
+ }
+ Panic(EW32PanicGraphicBadBuffer);
+ }