--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/CLIENT/RWS.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2389 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// IPC implementation of client side code
+#include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
+#include "w32comm.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "CLIENT.H"
+#include "wstraces.h"
+#include "graphics/windowserverconstants.h"
+const TInt KMaxWSERVMessagesSlot=-1;
+GLREF_C void Assert(TW32Assert aPanic);
+/** Panics the client. This will result in the client thread being destroyed. */
+GLREF_C void Panic(TW32Panic aPanic);
+class RWsCustomTextCursor : public RWsSpriteBase
+ {
+ public:
+ RWsCustomTextCursor(RWsSession aWs, TInt aHandle) : RWsSpriteBase(aWs)
+ { iWsHandle = aHandle; }
+ };
+EXPORT_C RWsSession::RWsSession()
+/** Default C++ constructor.
+Constructs an uninitialised window server session. Note that it does not establish
+a connection to the window server - this must be done explicitly by calling
+the session's Connect() function. Before Connect() is called, no corresponding
+session object exists in the server, and the RWsSession contains no meaningful
+handle. */
+ {}
+void RWsSession::connectL()
+ {
+ iBuffer=new(ELeave) RWsBuffer(this);
+ iBuffer->SetBufferSizeL(RWsBuffer::EDefBufferSize);
+ User::LeaveIfError(CreateSession(KWSERVServerName,Version(),KMaxWSERVMessagesSlot));
+ iWsHandle=User::LeaveIfError(SendReceive(EWservMessInit,TIpcArgs()));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::Connect()
+/** Connects the client session to the window server.
+Connect() should be the first function called on an RWsSession object after
+it is created. The function establishes a connection to the window server,
+creating a corresponding session object in the server. Each session has one
+and only one connection to the server. Attempting to call Connect() when
+a connection has already been made will cause a panic.
+After a connection has been successfully established, all events are delivered
+to the client application through the RWsSession object.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TInt ret;
+ if (iBuffer!=NULL)
+ Panic(EW32PanicReConnect);
+ if ((ret=RFbsSession::Connect())==KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRAP(ret,connectL());
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (!iBuffer)
+ RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+ Close();
+ }
+ else
+ iBuffer->SetCallBack();
+ }
+ return(ret);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::Connect(RFs& aFileServer)
+/** Connects the client session to the window server using pre constructed file server
+Connect() should be the first function called on an RWsSession object after
+it is created. The function establishes a connection to the window server,
+creating a corresponding session object in the server. Each session has one
+and only one connection to the server. Attempting to call Connect() when
+a connection has already been made will cause a panic.
+After a connection has been successfully established, all events are delivered
+to the client application through the RWsSession object.
+@param aFileServer A fully constructed file server session
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TInt ret;
+ if (iBuffer!=NULL)
+ Panic(EW32PanicReConnect);
+ if ((ret=RFbsSession::Connect(aFileServer))==KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRAP(ret,connectL());
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (!iBuffer)
+ RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+ Close();
+ }
+ else
+ iBuffer->SetCallBack();
+ }
+ return(ret);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::Close()
+/** Closes the window server session.
+This function cleans up all resources in the RWsSession and disconnects it
+from the server. Prior to disconnecting from the window server, the client-side
+window server buffer is destroyed without being flushed. This function should
+be called when the RWsSession is no longer needed - normally just before
+it is destroyed. */
+ {
+ if (iBuffer)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iBuffer->iDirectAcessCount==0,Panic(EW32PanicDirectMisuse));
+ iBuffer->CancelCallBack();
+ iBuffer->Destroy();
+ iBuffer=NULL;
+ RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+ }
+ RSessionBase::Close();
+ }
+// Private function(s)
+TInt RWsSession::DoSyncMsgBuf(const TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs)
+ {
+ return (SendReceive(EWservMessSyncMsgBuf,aIpcArgs));
+ }
+TInt RWsSession::DoFlush(const TIpcArgs& aIpcArgs)
+ {
+ return (SendReceive(EWservMessCommandBuffer,aIpcArgs));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TVersion RWsSession::Version() const
+/** Gets the window server version.
+@return Window server version containing major and minor version numbers,
+and build number. */
+ {
+ TVersion v(KWservMajorVersionNumber,KWservMinorVersionNumber,KWservBuildVersionNumber);
+ return(v);
+ }
+TInt RWsSession::doSetHotKey(TInt aOpcode, TInt aType, TUint aKeycode, TUint aModifierMask, TUint aModifiers)
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetHotKey setHotKey;
+ setHotKey.type=aType;
+ setHotKey.keycode=(TUint16)aKeycode;
+ setHotKey.modifiers=aModifiers;
+ setHotKey.modifierMask=aModifierMask;
+ return(WriteReply(&setHotKey,sizeof(setHotKey),aOpcode));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetHotKey(THotKey aType, TUint aKeycode, TUint aModifierMask, TUint aModifiers)
+/** Sets the hot keys.
+Hot keys allow standard functions to be performed by application-defined key
+This function maps any key press (with optional modifiers) to one of the hot
+keys defined in THotKey. More than one key combination may be mapped to each
+hot key: a new mapping is added each time the function is called.
+Modifier key states are defined in TEventModifier. The modifiers that you
+want to be in a particular state should be specified in aModifierMask and
+the ones of these you want to be set should be specified in aModifiers. For
+example, if you want to capture FN-A and you want the SHIFT modifier unset,
+but you don't care about the state of the other modifiers then set both the
+flags for SHIFT and FN in aModiferMask and only set FN in aModifiers.
+Note: default hotkey settings exist, but this function can be used for customisation.
+Typically it might be be used by a shell application or other application
+that controls system-wide settings.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aType The hot key to be mapped
+@param aKeyCode The keycode to be mapped to the hot key
+@param aModifierMask Modifier keys to test for a match
+@param aModifiers Modifier keys to be tested for "on" state
+@return KErrNone value if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide
+error codes.
+@capability SwEvent */
+ {
+ return(doSetHotKey(EWsClOpSetHotKey, aType, aKeycode, aModifierMask, aModifiers));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::ClearHotKeys(THotKey aType)
+/** Clears all mappings for the specified hotkey, including the default mapping.
+Hotkeys allow standard functions to be performed by application-defined key
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aType The hot key to be cleared
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+@see SetHotKey()
+@see RestoreDefaultHotKey()
+@capability SwEvent */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aType,EWsClOpClearHotKeys));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::RestoreDefaultHotKey(THotKey aType)
+/** Restores the default mapping for a hot key.
+The function clears current mappings for a hot key and restores the default
+mapping. See THotKey for the default.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aType The hot key to restore to its default value
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see ClearHotKeys() */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aType,EWsClOpRestoreDefaultHotKey));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::ComputeMode(TComputeMode aMode)
+/** Sets the mode used to control process priorities.
+The default window server behaviour is that the application that owns the
+window with keyboard focus gets foreground process priority (EPriorityForeground)
+while all other clients get background priority (EPriorityBackground). This
+function can be used to over-ride this default behaviour, as discussed in
+Unlike real Symbian phones, the Emulator runs on a single process. As a result,
+on the Emulator this function sets the priority of individual threads rather
+than of processes. The values used for thread priorities are EPriorityLess
+instead of EPriorityBackground, and EPriorityNormal instead of EPriorityForeground.
+@param aMode The compute mode. */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aMode,EWsClOpComputeMode);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetShadowVector(const TPoint &aVector)
+/** Sets the shadow vector.
+@param aVector New shadow vector */
+ {
+ WritePoint(aVector,EWsClOpSetShadowVector);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPoint RWsSession::ShadowVector() const
+/** Gets the current value of the shadow vector.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Current shadow vector */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TPoint> pointPkg;
+ WriteReplyP(&pointPkg,EWsClOpShadowVector);
+ return(pointPkg());
+ }
+void RWsSession::doReadEvent(TRequestStatus *aStat, TInt aOpcode)
+ {
+ *aStat=KRequestPending;
+ if (iBuffer)
+ {
+ iBuffer->Flush(); //ignore error since this flushing should not return any error
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EWservMessAsynchronousService>=aOpcode, Assert(EW32AssertIllegalOpcode));
+ const TInt function=EWservMessAsynchronousService|aOpcode;
+ SendReceive(function,TIpcArgs(),*aStat);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::EventReady(TRequestStatus* aStat)
+/** Requests standard events from the window server.
+Standard events include all events except redraws and priority key events.
+The client application will typically handle the completed request using the
+RunL() function of an active object, and in this case the request status aStat
+should be the iStatus member of that CActive object.
+- The active object runs when an event is waiting. You should call GetEvent()
+in the RunL() function to get the event.
+- You should not call this function again until you have either called GetEvent()
+or EventReadyCancel().
+- Because this function is asynchronous, there is no guarantee that the Window
+Server will process the request before the function returns. However, on single
+core systems it is unusual for this function to return before the Window Server
+has processed the request, because the client generally runs in a lower priority
+thread than the Window Server. You should therefore expect the use of this
+function to give rise to different behaviour between single and multicore systems.
+@param aStat Request status. On successful completion contains KErrNone, otherwise
+another of the system-wide error codes.
+@see CActive
+@see GetEvent() */
+ {
+ doReadEvent(aStat,EWsClOpEventReady);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::RedrawReady(TRequestStatus* aStat)
+/** Requests redraw events from the window server.
+Typically, a client will create an active object for redraw events with a
+lower priority than the active objects for standard events. The client will
+then typically handle completed redraw requests in the active object's RunL()
+As in EventReady(), the request status aStat should be used as the iStatus
+member of an active object. When a redraw event occurs the active object's
+RunL() function is called. The redraw event can be obtained by calling
+GetRedraw() in the RunL().
+- You should not call this function again until you have either called
+GetRedraw() or RedrawReadyCancel().
+- Because this function is asynchronous, there is no guarantee that the Window
+Server will process the request before the function returns. However, on single
+core systems it is unusual for this function to return before the Window Server
+has processed the request, because the client generally runs in a lower priority
+thread than the Window Server. You should therefore expect the use of this
+function to give rise to different behaviour between single and multicore systems.
+@param aStat The request status. On successful completion contains KErrNone,
+otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@see RedrawReadyCancel()
+@see GetRedraw()
+@see CActive */
+ {
+ doReadEvent(aStat,EWsClOpRedrawReady);
+ }
+void RWsSession::GraphicMessageReady(TRequestStatus *aStat)
+ {
+ doReadEvent(aStat,EWsClOpGraphicMessageReady);
+ }
+void RWsSession::GetGraphicMessage(TDes8& aData) const
+ {
+ WriteReplyP(TWriteDescriptorType(&aData),EWsClOpGetGraphicMessage);
+ }
+void RWsSession::GraphicMessageCancel()
+ {
+ WriteReply(EWsClOpGraphicMessageCancel);
+ }
+void RWsSession::GraphicAbortMessage(TInt aError)
+ {
+ WriteReplyInt(aError, EWsClOpGraphicAbortMessage);
+ }
+TInt RWsSession::GraphicFetchHeaderMessage()
+ {
+ return WriteReply(EWsClOpGraphicFetchHeaderMessage);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::PriorityKeyReady(TRequestStatus *aStat)
+/** Requests priority key events from the window server.
+Typically, an client will create an active object for priority key events
+with a higher priority than the active objects for standard events. The client
+will then normally handle completed priority key requests in the active object's
+RunL() function.
+As in EventReady(), the request status argument should be the set to the iStatus
+member of CActive. When priority key events occur, they are obtained using
+- You should not call this function again until you have either called
+GetPriorityKey() or PriorityKeyReadyCancel().
+- Because this function is asynchronous, there is no guarantee that the Window
+Server will process the request before the function returns. However, on single
+core systems it is unusual for this function to return before the Window Server
+has processed the request, because the client generally runs in a lower priority
+thread than the Window Server. You should therefore expect the use of this
+function to give rise to different behaviour between single and multicore systems.
+@param aStat Request status. On successful completion contains KErrNone, otherwise
+another of the system-wide error codes.
+@see PriorityKeyReadyCancel()
+@see GetPriorityKey()
+@see CActive */
+ {
+ doReadEvent(aStat,EWsClOpPriorityKeyReady);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::GetEvent(TWsEvent &aEvent) const
+/** Gets a standard event from the session for processing.
+The type of event returned by GetEvent() may be any of those listed in TEventCode.
+To access the data within an event, the event should be converted to the appropriate
+type, using functions provided by the TWsEvent class. TWsEvent also provides
+a function to find out the type of the event.
+It is possible that the returned event is of type EEventNull. Clients should
+normally ignore these events.
+This function should only be called in response to notification that an event
+has occurred, otherwise the client will be panicked.
+This function would normally be called in the RunL() function of an active
+object which completes with the EventReady() function's request status.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aEvent On return, contains the event that occurred
+@see TEventCode
+@see EventReady() */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TWsEvent> event;
+ WriteReplyP(&event,EWsClOpGetEvent);
+ aEvent=event();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::PurgePointerEvents()
+/** Removes all pointer events waiting to be delivered to this session.
+The events are removed from the event queue without being processed. This
+might occur, for example, at application startup. */
+ {
+ Write(EWsClOpPurgePointerEvents);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::GetRedraw(TWsRedrawEvent &aEvent)
+/** Gets the redraw event from the session.
+This function is similar to GetEvent(), except that the event is returned
+as a TWsRedrawEvent, and hence there is no need to convert it from a TWsEvent.
+The function should only be called after notification that a redraw is waiting.
+It always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aEvent On return, contains the redraw event that occurred
+@see RedrawReady()
+@see GetEvent()
+@see CActive */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TWsRedrawEvent> redraw;
+ WriteReplyP(&redraw,EWsClOpGetRedraw);
+ aEvent=redraw();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::GetPriorityKey(TWsPriorityKeyEvent &aEvent) const
+/** Gets the completed priority key event from the window server session.
+Priority key events are typically used for providing "Abort" or "Escape" keys
+for an application.
+This function is similar to GetEvent(), except that it returns a TWsPriorityKeyEvent
+instead of a TWsEvent.
+Note: this should only be called after notification that a priority key event has
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aEvent On return, contains the priority key event that occurred.
+@see PriorityKeyReady()
+@see PriorityKeyReadyCancel() */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TWsPriorityKeyEvent> abortEvent;
+ WriteReplyP(&abortEvent,EWsClOpGetPriorityKey);
+ aEvent=abortEvent();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::EventReadyCancel()
+/** Cancels a request for standard events from the window server.
+This request was made using EventReady().
+The client application will typically use an active object to handle standard
+events, and this function should be called from the active object's DoCancel()
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@see EventReady() */
+ {
+ if (iWsHandle)
+ WriteReply(EWsClOpEventReadyCancel);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::RedrawReadyCancel()
+/** Cancels a redraw event request.
+If active objects are used, this function should be called from the active
+object's DoCancel() function.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@see RedrawReady() */
+ {
+ if (iWsHandle)
+ WriteReply(EWsClOpRedrawReadyCancel);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::PriorityKeyReadyCancel()
+/** Cancels a priority key event request.
+If active objects are used, this function should be called from the active
+object's DoCancel() function.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@see PriorityKeyReady()
+@see CActive */
+ {
+ if (iWsHandle)
+ WriteReply(EWsClOpPriorityKeyReadyCancel);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::Flush()
+/** Sends all pending commands in the buffer to the window server.
+Delivering a command to the window server requires a context switch, and so
+it is more efficient to deliver several commands in one go. Hence all client
+commands are normally first placed into a buffer for delivery to the window
+The buffer is delivered when it gets full, or when a command that returns a value
+is called (there are a few exceptions to this), or when this function is called.
+Note: this function is called when a prompt response is required from the window
+server, e.g. after doing some drawing.
+@see RWsSession::SetAutoFlush()
+@see RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL()
+@see RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL()
+ {
+ if (iBuffer)
+ iBuffer->Flush(NULL,ETrue);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool RWsSession::SetAutoFlush(TBool aState)
+/** Sets a session's auto-flush state.
+If auto-flush is set to ETrue, the window server buffer is flushed immediately
+anything is put into it, instead of waiting until it becomes full. This setting
+is normally used only in a debugging environment.
+If the auto-flush state is EFalse, the window server buffer is flushed normally.
+@param aState ETrue to set auto-flushing on, EFalse to disable auto-flushing.
+@return Previous auto-flush state
+@see RWsSession::Flush()
+@see RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL()
+@see RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL()
+ {
+ return(iBuffer->SetAutoFlush(aState));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::NumWindowGroups() const
+/** Gets the total number of window groups currently running in the window server.
+This includes all the groups running in all sessions.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Total number of window groups running in the server */
+ {
+ return(WriteReply(EWsClOpNumWindowGroupsAllPriorities));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::NumWindowGroups(TInt aPriority) const
+/** Gets the number of window groups of a given window group priority running in
+all sessions in the window server.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority Window group priority
+@return Number of window groups of priority aPriority */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aPriority,EWsClOpNumWindowGroups));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::NumWindowGroups(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aPriority) const
+/** Gets the number of window groups of a given window group priority running on a specified screen
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@param aPriority Window group priority. EAllPriorities is the enum for all priorities
+@return Number of window groups of priority aPriority on the specified screen */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdNumWindowGroups params;
+ params.screenNumber = aScreenNumber;
+ params.priority = aPriority;
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpNumWindowGroupsOnScreen));
+ }
+TInt RWsSession::doWindowGroupList(TInt aScreenNumber, TInt aPriority,CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aWindowList,TInt aNumOpcode,TInt aListOpcode) const
+/** Gets the id of window groups of specified priority running on a specified screen.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@param aPriority Window group priority
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+ {
+ TWsClCmdWindowGroupList params;
+ params.priority = aPriority;
+ params.screenNumber = aScreenNumber;
+ if(aScreenNumber!=KDummyScreenNumber)
+ {
+ TWsClCmdNumWindowGroups numWinGrp;
+ numWinGrp.screenNumber = aScreenNumber;
+ numWinGrp.priority = aPriority;
+ params.count=WriteReply(&numWinGrp,sizeof(numWinGrp),aNumOpcode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ params.count=WriteReplyInt(aPriority,aNumOpcode);
+ }
+ TRAPD(err,aWindowList->ResizeL(params.count));
+ if (err!=KErrNone || params.count==0)
+ return(err);
+ TPtr8 listPtr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&(*aWindowList)[0]),params.count*sizeof((*aWindowList)[0]));
+ TInt actualCount=WriteReplyP(¶ms, sizeof(params), &listPtr, aListOpcode);
+ err=KErrNone;
+ if (actualCount<0)
+ {
+ err=actualCount;
+ actualCount=0;
+ }
+ if (actualCount<params.count)
+ aWindowList->ResizeL(actualCount); // Can't fail, only shrinking it
+ return(err);
+ }
+TInt RWsSession::doWindowGroupList(TInt aPriority, RArray<TWindowGroupChainInfo>* aWindowListCh, TInt aNumOpcode, TInt aListOpcode) const
+/** Gets the id of window groups and id of its parent window group of specified priority running in
+all sessions in the window server.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority Window group priority
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers
+@return KErrNone if successful else KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient memory to create the array.
+This function will panic if aWindowListCh is Null.*/
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aWindowListCh,Panic(EW32PanicNullArray));
+ TWsClCmdWindowGroupList params;
+ params.priority=aPriority;
+ params.count=WriteReplyInt(aPriority,aNumOpcode);
+ aWindowListCh->Reset();
+ TUint8* WindowList=static_cast<TUint8*>(User::Alloc(params.count*sizeof(TWindowGroupChainInfo)));
+ if(WindowList==NULL)
+ {
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ TPtr8 listPtr(WindowList,params.count*sizeof(TWindowGroupChainInfo));
+ WriteReplyP(¶ms, sizeof(params), &listPtr, aListOpcode);
+ new(aWindowListCh) RArray<TWindowGroupChainInfo>(sizeof(TWindowGroupChainInfo),(TWindowGroupChainInfo*)WindowList,params.count);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::WindowGroupList(CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aWindowList) const
+/** Gets a list of identifiers of all window groups in all window server sessions.
+An array buffer must be created to store the resultant list.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers of all window groups in the server.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ return(doWindowGroupList(KDummyScreenNumber,0,aWindowList,EWsClOpNumWindowGroupsAllPriorities,EWsClOpWindowGroupListAllPriorities));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::WindowGroupList(CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aWindowList,TInt aScreenNumber,TInt aPriority) const
+/** Lists the number of window groups of a given window group priority running on a specified screen.
+This function is the same as WindowGroupList() described above, but allows
+the application to restrict the list of window groups to those of a particular
+window group priority.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen
+@param aPriority Window group priority . Enum for all priorities is EAllPriorities
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers of all window groups on the specified screen with the given priority
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ return(doWindowGroupList(aScreenNumber,aPriority,aWindowList,EWsClOpNumWindowGroupsOnScreen,EWsClOpWindowGroupList));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::WindowGroupList(RArray<TWindowGroupChainInfo>* aWindowList) const
+/** Gets a list of identifier of window group and parent identifier of window group of
+ all window groups in all window server sessions.
+An array buffer must be created to store the resultant list.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers of all window groups in the server.
+@return KErrNone if successful otherwise KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient memory to create the array,
+Panics if aWindowList is NULL. */
+ {
+ return(doWindowGroupList(0,aWindowList,EWsClOpNumWindowGroupsAllPriorities,EWsClOpWindowGroupListAndChainAllPriorities));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::WindowGroupList(TInt aPriority,CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aWindowList) const
+/** Lists the number of window groups of a given window group priority running
+in all window server sessions.
+This function is the same as WindowGroupList() described above, but allows
+the application to restrict the list of window groups to those of a particular
+window group priority.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority Window group priority
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers of all window groups in the server of priority
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ return(doWindowGroupList(KDummyScreenNumber,aPriority,aWindowList,EWsClOpNumWindowGroups,EWsClOpWindowGroupList));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::WindowGroupList(TInt aPriority, RArray<TWindowGroupChainInfo>* aWindowList) const
+/** Lists the number of window groups of a given window group priority running
+in all window server sessions.
+This function is the same as WindowGroupList() described above, but allows
+the application to restrict the list of window groups to those of a particular
+window group priority.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority Window group priority
+@param aWindowList List of identifiers of all window groups in the server of priority
+@return KErrNone if successful otherwise KErrNoMemory if there is insufficient memory to create the array,
+Panics if aWindowList is NULL. */
+ {
+ return(doWindowGroupList(aPriority,aWindowList,EWsClOpNumWindowGroups,EWsClOpWindowGroupListAndChain));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetDefaultOwningWindow() const
+/** Gets the identifier of the current default owning window group.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Identifier of current default owning window group. Returns 0 if there
+isn't one. */
+ {
+ return GetDefaultOwningWindow(KDummyScreenNumber);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetDefaultOwningWindow(TInt aScreenNumber) const
+/** Gets the identifier of the current default owning window group on a specified screen.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@return Identifier of current default owning window group on the specified screen. Returns 0 if there
+isn't one. */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aScreenNumber,EWsClOpGetDefaultOwningWindow));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetFocusWindowGroup() const
+/** Gets the identifier of the window group that currently has the keyboard focus.
+Note: this might not necessarily be the front-most window group, as window groups
+can disable keyboard focus.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Identifier of window group with keyboard focus. */
+ {
+ return GetFocusWindowGroup(KDummyScreenNumber);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetFocusWindowGroup(TInt aScreenNumber) const
+/** Gets the identifier of the window group on a specified screen that currently has the keyboard focus.
+Note: this might not necessarily be the front-most window group, as window groups
+can disable keyboard focus.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@return Identifier of window group with keyboard focus. */
+ {
+ return WriteReplyInt(aScreenNumber,EWsClOpGetFocusWindowGroup);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(TInt aIdentifier, TInt aPosition)
+/** Sets the ordinal position of a window group.
+This function allows the caller to change the ordinal position of an existing
+window group. It would typically be used by a shell application.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The window group.
+@param aPosition Ordinal position for the window group.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition params(aIdentifier,aPosition);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms, sizeof(params),EWsClOpSetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetWindowGroupClientThreadId(TInt aIdentifier, TThreadId &aThreadId) const
+/** Gets the thread ID of the client that owns the window group specified by the
+window group identifier.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The window group identifier.
+@param aThreadId On return, contains the thread ID.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TPtr8 ptr(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&aThreadId),sizeof(aThreadId));
+ return(WriteReplyIntP(aIdentifier,&ptr,EWsClOpGetWindowGroupClientThreadId));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetWindowGroupHandle(TInt aIdentifier) const
+/** Gets the handle of the window specified by the window group identifier.
+This is the handle that was passed as an argument to RWindowGroup::Construct().
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The window group identifier.
+@return Handle of the window group */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aIdentifier,EWsClOpGetWindowGroupHandle));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority(TInt aIdentifier) const
+/** Gets a window group's priority.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The window group identifier.
+@return The window group priority. */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aIdentifier,EWsClOpGetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendEventToWindowGroup(TInt aIdentifier, const TWsEvent &aEvent)
+/** Sends an event to a window group.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier Window group identifier.
+@param aEvent Event to send to the window group.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have
+the required capability, KErrNoMemory if there is not enough room to add the
+event to the event queue and otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability SwEvent Required when aEvent.Type() < EEventUser unless the event
+is for a window group owned by this session
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup params(aIdentifier,aEvent);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms, sizeof(params),EWsClOpSendEventToWindowGroup));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendEventToAllWindowGroups(const TWsEvent &aEvent)
+/** Sends the specified event to all existing window groups.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aEvent The event to be sent to all window groups.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have
+the required capability, KErrNoMemory if there is not enough room to add the
+event to all the required event queues (although it may have been added to some
+of them) and otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability SwEvent Required when aEvent.Type() < EEventUser
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup params(0,aEvent);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms, sizeof(params),EWsClOpSendEventToAllWindowGroup));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendEventToAllWindowGroups(TInt aPriority, const TWsEvent &aEvent)
+/** Sends the specified event to all window groups with the specified priority.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority The priority which window groups must have to be sent the
+@param aEvent The event to be sent to the specified window groups.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrPermissionDenied if the client does not have
+the required capability, KErrNoMemory if there is not enough room to add the
+event to all the required event queues (although it may have been added to some
+of them) and otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
+@capability SwEvent Required when aEvent.Type() < EEventUser
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup params(aPriority,aEvent);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms, sizeof(params),EWsClOpSendEventToAllWindowGroupPriority));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendEventToOneWindowGroupsPerClient(const TWsEvent &aEvent)
+/** This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@capability SwEvent Required when aEvent.Type() < EEventUser
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendEventToWindowGroup params(0,aEvent);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms, sizeof(params),EWsClOpSendEventToOneWindowGroupPerClient));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(TInt aIdentifier, TDes &aWindowName) const
+/** Gets the name of a window group from its identifier.
+Using the list of identifiers returned by WindowGroupList(), it is possible
+to get the names of all window groups in the system. Note that window names
+are a zero length string by default.
+Note that the window group name must have been previously set using RWindowGroup::SetName()
+to contain a meaningful value.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The identifier of the window group whose name is to be
+@param aWindowName On return, contains the window group name.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdGetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier params(aIdentifier,aWindowName.MaxLength());
+ return(WriteReplyP(¶ms,sizeof(params),&aWindowName,EWsClOpGetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::FindWindowGroupIdentifier(TInt aPreviousIdentifier,const TDesC& aMatch,TInt aOffset) const
+/** Gets all window groups whose names match a given string, which can contain
+An example use of this function might be to find all the currently
+running instances of a particular application, assuming that the window group
+name contains the application name. An optional argument, aOffset, specifies
+the number of characters to be ignored at the beginning of the window group
+name. As several window group names may match the given string, and the function
+can return only one at a time, there is an argument, aPreviousIdentifier,
+which gives the identifier for the previous match that was returned. In other
+words, it means, "get me the next match after this one." The first time the
+function is called, give 0 as the previous identifier.
+Matching is done using TDesC::MatchF(), which does a folded match. Wildcards
+'*' and '?' can be used to denote one or more characters and exactly one character,
+respectively. Windows are searched in front to back order.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPreviousIdentifier Identifier of the last window group returned. If
+the value passed is not a valid identifier, the function returns KErrNotFound.
+@param aMatch String to match window group name against: may contain wildcards
+@param aOffset The first aOffset characters of the window group name are ignored
+when doing the match.
+@return The next window group, after the one identified by aPreviousIdentifier,
+whose name matches aMatch. KErrNotFound if no window group matched or aPreviousIdentifier
+was not a valid identifier. */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifier params(aPreviousIdentifier,aOffset, aMatch.Length());
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),aMatch.Ptr(),aMatch.Size(),EWsClOpFindWindowGroupIdentifier));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::FindWindowGroupIdentifier(TInt aPreviousIdentifier,TThreadId aThreadId) const
+/** Gets the identifiers of window groups belonging to a client which is owned
+by a thread with the specified thread ID.
+The thread may own more than one window group, so the identifier returned
+is the one after aPreviousIdentifier. The first time the function is called,
+use 0 for the previous identifier.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPreviousIdentifier Identifier returned by previous call
+@param aThreadId Thread owning the window group or groups.
+@return Next window group identifier after the one identified by aPreviousIdentifier */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdFindWindowGroupIdentifierThread params(aPreviousIdentifier, aThreadId);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpFindWindowGroupIdentifierThread));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendMessageToWindowGroup(TInt aIdentifier, TUid aUid, const TDesC8 &aParams)
+/** Sends a message to a window group.
+The window group will then receive an event of type EEventMessageReady notifying
+it that a message has been received. The window group can belong to this or
+another session.
+In order to receive messages sent using this function you will need to implement
+the MCoeMessageObserver interface which is defined in the UI Control Framework API.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The identifier of the window group to receive the message.
+@param aUid A UID which uniquely identifies the session sending the message.
+@param aParams The message data. An unlimited amount of data can be passed
+in this argument.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see MCoeMessageObserver
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup params(aIdentifier, aUid, aParams.Length(),&aParams);
+ return(WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(¶ms,sizeof(params),&aParams,EWsClOpSendMessageToWindowGroup));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendMessageToAllWindowGroups(TUid aUid, const TDesC8& aParams)
+/** Sends a message to all window groups.
+In order to receive messages sent using this function you will need to implement
+the MCoeMessageObserver interface which is defined in the UI Control Framework
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aUid A UID which uniquely identifies the session sending the message.
+@param aParams The message data. An unlimited amount of data can be passed
+in this argument.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup params(0, aUid, aParams.Length(),&aParams);
+ return(WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(¶ms,sizeof(params),&aParams,EWsClOpSendMessageToAllWindowGroups));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SendMessageToAllWindowGroups(TInt aPriority, TUid aUid, const TDesC8& aParams)
+/** Sends a message to all window groups with the specified priority.
+In order to receive messages sent using this function you will need to implement
+the MCoeMessageObserver interface which is defined in the UI Control Framework
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPriority The priority which window groups must have to be sent the
+@param aUid A UID which uniquely identifies the session sending the message.
+@param aParams The message data. An unlimited amount of data can be passed
+in this argument.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSendMessageToWindowGroup params(aPriority, aUid, aParams.Length(),&aParams);
+ return(WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(¶ms,sizeof(params),&aParams,EWsClOpSendMessageToAllWindowGroupsPriority));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::FetchMessage(TUid& aUid, TPtr8& aParams, const TWsEvent& aMessageEvent) const
+/** This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer. */
+ {
+ const SEventMessageReady& eventMessageReady=*(SEventMessageReady*)aMessageEvent.EventData();
+ TUint8* ptr=(TUint8*)User::Alloc(eventMessageReady.iMessageParametersSize);
+ if (ptr==NULL)
+ {
+ aParams.Set(NULL, 0, 0);
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+ aUid=eventMessageReady.iMessageUid;
+ aParams.Set(ptr, eventMessageReady.iMessageParametersSize, eventMessageReady.iMessageParametersSize);
+ TWsClCmdFetchMessage outGoingParams(eventMessageReady.iWindowGroupIdentifier);
+ const TInt error=WriteReplyP(&outGoingParams, sizeof(outGoingParams), &aParams, EWsClOpFetchMessage); // must be called even if eventMessageReady.iMessageParametersSize==0
+ if (error!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete ptr;
+ aParams.Set(NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetKeyboardRepeatRate(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aInitialTime, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aTime)
+/** Sets the system-wide keyboard repeat rate.
+This is the rate at which keyboard events are generated when a key is held
+The default settings for the keyboard repeat rate are 0.3 seconds for the
+initial delay, and 0.1 seconds for the interval between subsequent repeats.
+However, since the settings are system-wide, these will not necessarily be
+the current settings when an application is launched: the settings may have
+been over-ridden by another module.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aInitialTime Time before first repeat key event
+@param aTime Time between subsequent repeat key events
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see GetKeyboardRepeatRate()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetKeyboardRepeatRate repeat(aInitialTime,aTime);
+ return(WriteReply(&repeat,sizeof(repeat),EWsClOpSetKeyboardRepeatRate));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::GetKeyboardRepeatRate(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aInitialTime, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aTime) const
+/** Gets the current system-wide settings for the keyboard repeat rate.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aInitialTime Time before first repeat key event
+@param aTime Time between subsequent repeat key events
+@see SetKeyboardRepeatRate() */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<SKeyRepeatSettings> settings;
+ WriteReplyP(&settings,EWsClOpGetKeyboardRepeatRate);
+ aInitialTime=settings().iInitialTime;
+ aTime=settings().iTime;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetDoubleClick(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aInterval, TInt aDistance)
+/** Sets the system-wide double click settings.
+Double click distance is measured, in pixels, as the sum of the X distance
+moved and the Y distance moved between clicks. For example: a first click
+at 10, 20 and a second click at 13,19 gives a distance of (13-10)+(21-20) = 4.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aInterval Maximum interval between clicks that constitutes a double
+@param aDistance Maximum distance between clicks that constitutes a double
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see GetDoubleClickSettings()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetDoubleClick dblClick(aInterval,aDistance);
+ return(WriteReply(&dblClick,sizeof(dblClick),EWsClOpSetDoubleClick));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::GetDoubleClickSettings(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 &aInterval, TInt &aDistance) const
+/** Gets the current system-wide settings for pointer double clicks.
+Double click distances are measured in pixels as the sum of the X distance
+moved and the Y distance moved between clicks. For example: a first click
+at 10, 20 and a second click at 13,19 gives a distance of (13-10)+(21-20) = 4.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aInterval Maximum interval between clicks that constitutes a double
+@param aDistance Maximum distance between clicks that constitutes a double
+@see SetDoubleClick() */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<SDoubleClickSettings> settings;
+ WriteReplyP(&settings,EWsClOpGetDoubleClickSettings);
+ aInterval=settings().iInterval;
+ aDistance=settings().iDistance;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aColor)
+/** Sets the background colour for the window server.
+This background can only be seen in areas of the display that have no windows
+on them: so for many applications it will never be seen. It affects no
+other windows.
+@param aColor Background colour */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aColor.Internal(),EWsClOpSetBackgroundColor);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TRgb RWsSession::GetBackgroundColor() const
+/** Gets the window server's background colour.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Background colour */
+ {
+ TRgb col;
+ col.SetInternal((TUint32)WriteReply(EWsClOpGetBackgroundColor));
+ return col;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::RegisterSurface(TInt aScreenNumber, const TSurfaceId& aSurface)
+This function registers a surface for use in composition on the screen associated
+with this device within this session.
+A surface may be registered as a separate step before it is added as a background surface
+for a window created in the same session and that is displayed on this screen. This then
+allows content to be provisioned before the surface is displayed for the first time, and
+to be kept "live" while not assigned to any window.
+A surface can be successfully registered in multiple sessions and on multiple screens, but
+only once for a given combination of session and screen.
+The client should call UnregisterSurface when finished with the surface registered using
+this method. The surface will be automatically unregistered if necessary when the session closes.
+@param aScreenNumber The screen to which to register.
+@param aSurface The surface to be registered.
+@return KErrNone on success or a system-wide error code
+ - KErrNoMemory if registration fails due to low memory.
+ - KErrInUse if the surface ID is already registered for this session and screen.
+@pre aSurface has been initialized and is compatible with being composited on this device's
+screen; otherwise the client thread is panicked with code EWservPanicIncompatibleSurface.
+@pre aScreenNumber is an acceptable screen number. Otherwise the client thread is panicked
+with code EWservPanicScreenNumber.
+@post The surface has been successfully registered for use in composition on this device's screen.
+@post The surface’s content is in an undefined state, but the surface remains initialized.
+@post This function always causes a flush of the WServ session buffer.
+@see UnregisterSurface
+ {
+ (void) aScreenNumber; //avoid unreferenced warning
+ (void) aSurface; //avoid unreferenced warning
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::UnregisterSurface(TInt aScreenNumber, const TSurfaceId& aSurface)
+This function removes the surface from the session's register of surfaces that are used in
+composition on the screen associated with this device.
+Calling this function with a surface that is not currently explicitly registered on this screen
+in this session by RegisterSurface() will have no effect.
+Calling this function while the surface is still assigned to a window will have no immediate
+effect. However, when the surface is unassigned from the window, and is not held by another
+session it will then be automatically unregistered.
+An unregistered surface can be re-registered again, if necessary.
+This function does not explicitly force a flush of the WServ session buffer. Internal reference
+counting will keep the Surface ID "live" until the client code has released any handles and
+provisioners, and WServ processes the buffered remove command, and the final frame containing
+this surface has finished being displayed.
+@param aScreenNumber The screen to which to unregister.
+@param aSurface The surface to be unregistered.
+@pre aSurface has been initialized; otherwise the client thread is panicked with
+code EWservPanicIncompatibleSurface.
+@pre aScreenNumber is an acceptable screen number. Otherwise the client thread is
+panicked with code EWservPanicScreenNumber.
+@post If no window is using the surface, then it is unregistered on this screen in this session.
+@see RegisterSurface
+ {
+ (void) aScreenNumber; //avoid unreferenced warning
+ (void) aSurface; //avoid unreferenced warning
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::PreferredSurfaceConfigurationSize() const
+Returns the window server's preferred size for the TSurfaceConfiguration object, used
+for RWindow::SetBackgroundSurface.
+Client code is permitted to present any defined version of the TSurfaceConfiguration
+class, distinguished by its size. If smaller, earlier versions are presented, the server
+will substitute the stated default values. If later, larger, structures are presented to
+the server then the additional data will be ignored.
+However, by using this method, the client can fine-tune its use of the interface, avoiding
+generating attribute data that may not be supported, or reduce the options presented to users.
+@return The preferred size in bytes
+ - Should match one of the TSurfaceConfiguration classes defined in the client's header
+ file, or be larger than them all, indicating a version newer that the client is compiled for.
+ - If the server does not support surface configuration
+ - Return KErrNotSupported.
+ {
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetSystemPointerCursor(const RWsPointerCursor &aPointerCursor,TInt aCursorNumber)
+/** Sets a cursor in the system pointer cursor list.
+To gain access to the list, the client must first call ClaimSystemPointerCursorList().
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPointerCursor Pointer cursor to set in the list
+@param aCursorNumber Cursor number in the list
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetSystemPointerCursor setpc;
+ setpc.handle=aPointerCursor.WsHandle();
+ setpc.number=aCursorNumber;
+ return(WriteReply(&setpc,sizeof(setpc),EWsClOpSetSystemPointerCursor));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::ClearSystemPointerCursor(TInt aCursorNumber)
+/** Clears a system pointer cursor from the list.
+Before calling this function, the client must first gain access to the list
+by calling ClaimSystemPointerCursorList().
+@param aCursorNumber Cursor number to clear */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aCursorNumber,EWsClOpClearSystemPointerCursor);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::ClaimSystemPointerCursorList()
+/** Claims the system pointer cursor list.
+You must call this function before you can call SetSystemPointerCursor() or
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrInUse if another client is already using
+the system pointer cursor list, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see FreeSystemPointerCursorList()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ return(WriteReply(EWsClOpClaimSystemPointerCursorList));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::FreeSystemPointerCursorList()
+/** Releases the system pointer cursor list and deletes all the entries in it.
+A client should call this function when it no longer needs the system pointer
+cursor list. */
+ {
+ if (iWsHandle)
+ Write(EWsClOpFreeSystemPointerCursorList);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetCustomTextCursor(TInt aIdentifier, const TArray<TSpriteMember>& aSpriteMemberArray, TUint aSpriteFlags, TCustomTextCursorAlignment aAlignment)
+/** Adds a custom text cursor to the server's list of cursors.
+After adding a custom text cursor, it can be selected for use by calling
+Note that once added, custom text cursors cannot be removed.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aIdentifier The unique identifier for the cursor.
+@param aSpriteMemberArray An array defining the bitmap(s) that make up the
+cursor. Typically, this array will contain a single element for a static,
+non-animated cursor.
+@param aSpriteFlags Flags affecting the sprite behaviour. For possible values
+see TSpriteFlags.
+@param aAlignment The vertical alignment of the cursor sprite.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrAlreadyExists if a custom cursor with the
+specified identifier already exists, or another of the standard system wide
+error codes. */
+ {
+ // Create the cursor
+ TWsClCmdCustomTextCursorData params;
+ params.identifier = aIdentifier;
+ params.flags = aSpriteFlags;
+ params.alignment = aAlignment;
+ const TInt handle = iBuffer->WriteReplyWs(¶ms, sizeof(params), EWsClOpStartSetCustomTextCursor);
+ if (handle < 0)
+ {
+ return handle; // Failed to create
+ }
+ RWsCustomTextCursor cursor(*this, handle);
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < aSpriteMemberArray.Count(); ii++)
+ {
+ err = cursor.AppendMember(aSpriteMemberArray[ii]);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.Close();
+ err = iBuffer->WriteReplyWs(&err, sizeof(err), EWsClOpCompleteSetCustomTextCursor);
+ return err;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetModifierState(TEventModifier aModifier,TModifierState aState)
+/** Sets the state of the modifier keys.
+This function is typically used for permanent modifier states such as Caps
+Lock or Num Lock, but other possible uses include on-screen function key simulation,
+or the implementation of a Shift Lock key.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aModifier Modifier to set.
+@param aState Modifier state.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@see GetModifierState()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetModifierState params;
+ params.modifier=aModifier;
+ params.state=aState;
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpSetModifierState));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetModifierState() const
+/** Gets the state of the modifier keys.
+The state of each modifier key (defined in TEventModifier) is returned in
+a bitmask.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return Modifier state
+@see TEventModifier */
+ {
+ return(WriteReply(EWsClOpGetModifierState));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::HeapCount() const
+/** Gets the heap count.
+This function calls RHeap::Count() on the window server's heap, after throwing
+away all the temporary objects allocated for each window.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return The window server's heap count. */
+ {
+ return(WriteReply(EWsClOpHeapCount));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::DebugInfo(TInt aFunction, TInt aParam) const
+ {
+ TWsClCmdDebugInfo params(aFunction,aParam);
+ return(WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpDebugInfo));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::DebugInfo(TInt aFunction, TDes8& aReturnBuf, TInt aParam) const
+ {
+ TWsClCmdDebugInfo params(aFunction,aParam);
+ return(WriteReplyP(¶ms,sizeof(params),TWriteDescriptorType(&aReturnBuf),EWsClOpDebugInfoReplyBuf));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::ResourceCount() const
+/** Gets the number of objects that the server has allocated for that client.
+This function can be used to check that the client has correctly cleaned up
+all of its objects.
+It always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return The number of resources allocated to the client. */
+ {
+ return(iWsHandle ? WriteReply(EWsClOpResourceCount) : 0);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::PasswordEntered()
+/** Disables the window server password mode.
+This function must be called by the session which owns the password window
+when the correct machine password has been entered.
+@deprecated */
+ {
+ Write(EWsClOpPasswordEntered);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::HeapSetFail(TInt aTAllocFail,TInt aValue)
+/** Sets the heap failure mode in the window server.
+The release version of the base does not support simulated heap failure functionality,
+and the result of this function is additional error messages. In the debug
+version the clients are notified of the simulated failure and handle it. See
+RHeap::__DbgSetAllocFail() for more information.
+It is unlikely, but possible to create a ROM with a mixture of Release and
+Debug versions of the Base and Window Server DLLs, which results in different
+behaviour to that described above. If you run a debug Window Server with a
+release version of the Base, then calling this function will result in neither
+extra error messages (e.g. EDrawingRegion) nor simulated heap failures. However
+if you have a release Window Server with a debug Base then you will get both
+simulated heap failures and the extra error messages.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aTAllocFail A value from the RHeap::TAllocFail enumeration which
+indicates how to simulate heap allocation failure.
+@param aValue The rate of failure; when aType is RHeap::EDeterministic, heap
+allocation fails every aRate attempt
+@see RHeap::__DbgSetAllocFail()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdHeapSetFail params;
+ params.type=(RHeap::TAllocFail)aTAllocFail;
+ params.value=aValue;
+ params.burst=-1;
+ WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpHeapSetFail);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::HeapSetBurstFail(TInt aTAllocFail,TInt aRate,TInt aBurst)
+/** Sets the heap failure burst mode in the window server.
+The release version of the base does not support simulated heap failure functionality,
+and the result of this function is additional error messages. In the debug
+version the clients are notified of the simulated failure and handle it. See
+RHeap::__DbgSetBurstAllocFail() for more information.
+It is unlikely, but possible to create a ROM with a mixture of Release and
+Debug versions of the Base and Window Server DLLs, which results in different
+behaviour to that described above. If you run a debug Window Server with a
+release version of the Base, then calling this function will result in neither
+extra error messages (e.g. EDrawingRegion) nor simulated heap failures. However
+if you have a release Window Server with a debug Base then you will get both
+simulated heap failures and the extra error messages.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aTAllocFail A value from the RHeap::TAllocFail enumeration which
+indicates how to simulate heap allocation failure.
+@param aRate The rate of failure; when aType is RHeap::EDeterministic, heap
+allocation fails every aRate attempt.
+@param aBurst The number of consecutive allocations that should fail.
+@see RHeap::__DbgSetBurstAllocFail()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdHeapSetFail params;
+ params.type=(RHeap::TAllocFail)aTAllocFail;
+ params.value=aRate;
+ params.burst=aBurst;
+ WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpHeapSetFail);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::RequestOffEvents(TBool aOn,RWindowTreeNode *aWin/*=NULL*/)
+/** Requests the window server to send OFF events to a window.
+After calling this function, the window server sends OFF events to the window
+when an event occurs which requires power down, rather than handling powering
+down itself.
+Any client can ask for OFF events, but only one window in the system can be
+set to receive them. If this function is called when another window is set
+to receive OFF events then the client will be panicked. The exception is the
+shell, which is allowed to take receipt of OFF events from other clients.
+The window server identifies the shell client by comparing the process name
+of the client with the process name of the shell. Only the first client created
+by the shell is guaranteed to have the extra shell client privileges.
+If the shell dies or terminates just before the action requiring power down
+happens then the window server will handle it rather than passing it on to
+the shell.
+The window server has a queue of messages that it is waiting to send to clients.
+If the shell's client's queue is full and the window server cannot make room
+for the OFF message then it will power down the machine itself.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aOn ETrue to get the window server to send EEventShellSwitchOff messages
+to the shell (rather than powering down). EFalse makes the window server switch
+back to powering down the machine itself.
+@param aWin The handle to the window or window group of the shell to which
+the message is to be sent. This may be NULL only if aOn=EFalse, in other words,
+the window server is handling power down itself. If aOn=ETrue then this must not
+be NULL, or the Window Server will panic the shell. Note that as far as the window
+server is concerned the handle must exist when this function is called.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+@panic WSERV 51 aOn is true, but no window was specified (aWin is NULL).
+@capability PowerMgmt */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdOffEventsToShell OffEventsToShell(aOn,(aWin ? aWin->WsHandle():0));
+ return WriteReply(&OffEventsToShell,sizeof(OffEventsToShell),EWsClOpSendOffEventsToShell);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDisplayMode RWsSession::GetDefModeMaxNumColors(TInt& aColor,TInt& aGray) const
+/** Gets the number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode, the
+number of greys available in the richest grey mode, and returns the default
+display mode.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aColor The number of colours in the richest supported colour mode.
+@param aGray The number of greys in the richest supported grey mode.
+@return The default display mode. */
+ {
+ return GetDefModeMaxNumColors(KDummyScreenNumber,aColor,aGray);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDisplayMode RWsSession::GetDefModeMaxNumColors(TInt aScreenNumber,TInt& aColor,TInt& aGray) const
+/** Gets the number of colours available in the richest supported colour mode, the
+number of greys available in the richest grey mode, and returns the default
+display mode, on the specified screen.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@param aColor The number of colours in the richest supported colour mode.
+@param aGray The number of greys in the richest supported grey mode.
+@return The default display mode. */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<SDefModeMaxNumColors> colors;
+ WriteReplyIntP(aScreenNumber,&colors,EWsClOpGetDefModeMaxNumColors);
+ aColor=colors().iColors;
+ aGray=colors().iGrays;
+ return colors().iDisplayMode;
+ }
+#define MODE_TO_FLAG(x) 1<<(x-1)
+LOCAL_C void HandleColorMode(CArrayFix<TInt>* aModeList,TUint aModeBits, TInt& aNumberOfModes, TInt aMode)
+ {
+ if (aModeBits&(MODE_TO_FLAG(aMode)))
+ {
+ if (aModeList!=NULL)
+ {
+ (*aModeList)[aNumberOfModes]=aMode;
+ }
+ ++aNumberOfModes;
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt DoGetColorModeList(CArrayFix<TInt>* aModeList,TUint aModeBits)
+ {
+ TInt numberOfModes=0;
+ for (TInt mode=EGray2; mode<=EColor256; ++mode)
+ {
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,mode);
+ }
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor4K);
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor64K);
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor16M);
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor16MU);
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor16MA);
+ HandleColorMode(aModeList,aModeBits,numberOfModes,EColor16MAP);
+ return numberOfModes;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetColorModeList(CArrayFixFlat<TInt> *aModeList) const
+/** Gets the list of available colour modes.
+Note that this function should usually be called within User::LeaveIfError().
+The only time that an error can be generated is when the array gets resized
+to the number of display modes. Thus if you make the size of your array equal
+to the maximum number of display modes over all hardware (this is the number
+of different values in TDisplayMode) then this function will never leave.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aModeList On return, contains a TDisplayMode entry for each of the
+available display modes. Note that the array's contents are deleted prior
+to filling with display mode information.
+@return The number of color modes if the parameter is passed NULL. Otherwise KErrNone or KErrNoMemory. */
+ {
+ return GetColorModeList(KDummyScreenNumber,aModeList);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetColorModeList(TInt aScreenNumber,CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* aModeList) const
+/** Gets the list of available colour modes on a particular screen.
+Note that this function should usually be called within User::LeaveIfError().
+The only time that an error can be generated is when the array gets resized
+to the number of display modes. Thus if you make the size of your array equal
+to the maximum number of display modes over all hardware (this is the number
+of different values in TDisplayMode) then this function will never leave.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aModeList On return, contains a TDisplayMode entry for each of the
+available display modes. Note that the array's contents are deleted prior
+to filling with display mode information.
+@param aScreenNumber specifies the screen.
+@return The number of color modes if the parameter is passed NULL. Otherwise KErrNone or KErrNoMemory. */
+ {
+ const TUint modeList=STATIC_CAST(TUint,WriteReplyInt(aScreenNumber,EWsClOpGetColorModeList));
+ const TInt numberOfModes=DoGetColorModeList(NULL, modeList);
+ if (aModeList==NULL)
+ {
+ return numberOfModes;
+ }
+ TRAPD(error,aModeList->ResizeL(numberOfModes));
+ if (error!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ return error;
+ }
+ DoGetColorModeList(aModeList, modeList);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetPointerCursorArea(const TRect& aArea)
+Sets the area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used while in
+relative mouse mode, for the first screen display mode.
+This function sets the area for the first screen mode - the one with index
+0, which in most devices will be the only screen mode. The other function
+overload can be used to set the screen area for other modes. The area is set
+and stored independently on each screen mode, so that it is not necessary
+to call this function again when switching back to the first screen mode.
+The default area is the full digitiser area. When you set the area it will
+come into immediate affect, i.e. if necessary the current pointer position
+will be updated to be within the new area.
+Relative mouse mode is where the events received from the base by window server
+are deltas from the last position of the pointer, as opposed to absolute co-ordinates.
+This function is honoured even if there is a mouse or pen (e.g. on the emulator),
+by mapping the co-ordinates of where you click into the area set using this
+function. However the function does not restrict clicks outside of the 'drawing
+area' on the Emulator, to allow you to select items on the fascia.
+@param aArea The area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used.
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ SetPointerCursorArea(0,aArea);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetPointerCursorArea(TInt aScreenSizeMode,const TRect& aArea)
+/** Sets the area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used while in
+relative mouse mode, for a specified screen display mode.
+The default area is the full digitiser area for the given mode. When you set
+the area it will come into immediate affect, i.e. if necessary the current
+pointer position will be updated to be within the new area.
+The area is set and stored independently on each screen mode, so that it is
+not necessary to call this function again when switching back to a mode.
+Relative mouse mode is where the events received from the base by window server
+are deltas from the last position of the pointer, as opposed to absolute co-ordinates.
+The previous function overload may be used to set the screen area for only
+the first mode.
+This function is honoured even if there is a mouse or pen (e.g. on the emulator),
+by mapping the co-ordinates of where you click into the area set using this
+function. However the function does not restrict clicks outside of the 'drawing
+area' on the Emulator, to allow you to select items on the fascia.
+@param aScreenSizeMode The screen mode to which the new area applies.
+@param aArea The area of the screen, in the aScreenSizeMode screen mode, within
+which the virtual cursor can be used.
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetPointerCursorArea SetPointerCursorArea(aScreenSizeMode,aArea);
+ Write(&SetPointerCursorArea,sizeof(SetPointerCursorArea),EWsClOpSetPointerCursorArea);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TRect RWsSession::PointerCursorArea() const
+/** Gets the pointer cursor area for the first screen display mode.
+This is the area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used while
+in relative mouse mode. While in pen or mouse mode the event co-ordinates
+are forced to be within this area unless you click outside the drawable area.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return The pointer cursor area for the first screen display mode.
+@see SetPointerCursorArea() */
+ {
+ return PointerCursorArea(0);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TRect RWsSession::PointerCursorArea(TInt aScreenSizeMode) const
+/** Gets the pointer cursor area for the specified screen display mode.
+This is the area of the screen in which the virtual cursor can be used while
+in relative mouse mode. While in pen or mouse mode the event co-ordinates
+are forced to be within this area unless you click outside the drawable area.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aScreenSizeMode The screen mode for which the pointer cursor area is
+@return The pointer cursor area for the specified screen display mode.
+@see SetPointerCursorArea() */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TRect> rectPkg;
+ WriteReplyP(&aScreenSizeMode,sizeof(aScreenSizeMode),&rectPkg,EWsClOpPointerCursorArea);
+ return(rectPkg());
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetPointerCursorMode(TPointerCursorMode aMode)
+/** Sets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
+The mode determines which sprite is used for the pointer cursor at any point.
+The request is ignored unless the calling application is the application
+that currently has keyboard focus.
+See TPointerCursorMode for more information.
+@param aMode The new mode for the pointer cursor.
+@see TPointerCursorMode */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aMode,EWsClOpSetPointerCursorMode);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetClientCursorMode(TPointerCursorMode aMode)
+/** Sets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
+The mode determines which sprite is used for the pointer cursor at any point.
+See TPointerCursorMode for more information.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aMode The new mode for the pointer cursor.
+@see TPointerCursorMode
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise returns system wide errors. Returns
+KErrPermissionDenied if calling thread lacks WriteDeviceData capability
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ return(WriteReplyInt(aMode,EWsClOpSetClientCursorMode));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPointerCursorMode RWsSession::PointerCursorMode() const
+/** Gets the current mode for the pointer cursor.
+The mode determines which sprite is used for the pointer cursor at any point.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return The current mode for the pointer cursor. */
+ {
+ return(STATIC_CAST(TPointerCursorMode,WriteReply(EWsClOpPointerCursorMode)));
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetDefaultSystemPointerCursor(TInt aCursorNumber)
+/** Sets the default system pointer cursor.
+This function can only be called by the owner of the system pointer cursor
+list. By default the 0th entry in the pointer cursor list is assigned as the
+system pointer. The function allows any cursor from the list or even no cursor
+to be set as the system pointer cursor.
+Note: ownership of the system pointer cursor list can be obtained by calling
+ClaimSystemPointerCursorList() when no-one else has ownership.
+@param aCursorNumber The index of the new default system pointer cursor within
+the system cursor list. */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aCursorNumber,EWsClOpSetDefaultSystemPointerCursor);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::ClearDefaultSystemPointerCursor()
+/** Clears the default system pointer cursor.
+This sets the pointer to the current default system pointer cursor to NULL.
+@panic WSERV 42 If this function is called by a client other than the owner of the
+system pointer cursor list. */
+ {
+ Write(EWsClOpClearDefaultSystemPointerCursor);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetPointerCursorPosition(const TPoint& aPosition)
+/** Sets the pointer cursor position.
+This function allows an application to move the virtual cursor. It works in
+all modes, not just relative mouse mode.
+Note: the function works in screen co-ordinates and honours the pointer cursor area
+exactly as pen presses do, i.e. only when they are in the drawing area
+on the Emulator.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aPosition The new pointer cursor position.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@capability WriteDeviceData required, if the client calling the function doesn't have keyboard focus.
+However, if the client have keyboard focus then he doesn't need any capability to call this function. */
+ {
+ return(WriteReply(&aPosition,sizeof(aPosition),EWsClOpSetPointerCursorPosition));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPoint RWsSession::PointerCursorPosition() const
+/** Gets the pointer cursor position.
+This function allows an application to determine the position of the virtual
+It always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@return The position of the virtual cursor. */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TPoint> pointPkg;
+ WriteReplyP(&pointPkg,EWsClOpPointerCursorPosition);
+ return(pointPkg());
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetDefaultFadingParameters(TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap)
+Sets the default fading parameters.
+Fading is used to change the colour of windows to be either closer
+to white or closer to black, so that another window stands out. For example,
+when displaying a dialogue you could fade all visible windows, then unfade
+the dialog window. This function sets whether, and the amount by which, faded
+windows appear closer to white or closer to black.
+The white and black mapping values define the range over which colours are
+re-mapped when a window is faded. If aBlackMap=0 and aWhiteMap=255 then the
+colours are mapped unchanged. As the two values get closer together, all colours
+in the faded window becomes more similar - creating the fading effect. When
+the numbers cross over (so that the black value is greater than the white
+value) the colours in the faded window start to invert - i.e. colours that
+were closer to white in the unfaded window are mapped to a darker colour in
+the faded window.
+Changing the default will automatically apply to current graphics contexts
+but will not have any affect on windows that are already faded.
+Note: RWindowTreeNode::SetFaded(), CWindowGc::SetFaded() and RWsSession::SetSystemFaded()
+use these fading parameters, and in addition allow the default fading value
+to be overridden.
+@param aBlackMap Black map fading parameter.
+@param aWhiteMap White map fading parameter.
+@see RWindowTreeNode::SetFaded()
+@see CWindowGc::SetFadingParameters()
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ WriteInt(WservEncoding::Encode8BitValues(aBlackMap,aWhiteMap),EWsClOpSetDefaultFadingParams);
+ }
+Prepares for switch off.
+This stops the window server heart beat timer if running.
+@capability PowerMgmt
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::PrepareForSwitchOff()
+ {
+ Write(EWsClOpPrepareForSwitchOff);
+ }
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetRemoveKeyCode(TBool aRemove)
+/** Sets whether to remove the top 16 bits of a key code (Emulator builds only).
+This function allows the Emulator to use Windows to translate keypresses into
+the correct key code for each locale, rather than having to do the translation
+for each international keyboard itself.
+The top 16 bits of a keypress code contains the keycode that Windows would
+produce if the key had been pressed in a typical Windows program. If aRemove
+is EFalse the client can get these top 16 bits. If the value is non-zero
+the CKeyTranslator uses it rather than calculating it's own value. If aRemove
+is ETrue the window server strips the top 16 bits of the scan code before
+passing the value on to the client.
+Note: this function is intended for Java but it will be useful to any client who
+creates their own CKeyTranslator and processes keyups and downs.
+@param aRemove ETrue to remove the code (default), EFalse to pass it to the
+client. */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aRemove,EWsClOpRemoveKeyCode);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SimulateXyInputType(TXYInputType aInputType)
+ {
+ WriteInt(aInputType,EWsClOpSimulateXyInput);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::LogCommand(TLoggingCommand aCommand)
+/** Allows the window server client to enable or disable logging of window server
+The type of logging that takes place (e.g. whether to file or to serial port)
+depends on the settings specified in the wsini.ini file.
+Clients can also force a dump of the window tree or information about the
+window server's heap size and usage.
+For logging to work, the wsini.ini file has to specify the type of logging
+required and the DLLs for that type of logging must have been correctly installed.
+Otherwise, calling this function will have no effect.
+@param aCommand The logging command. */
+ {
+ WriteInt(aCommand,EWsClOpLogCommand);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::LogMessage(const TLogMessageText &aMessage)
+/** Adds a message to the window server debug log if one is currently in operation.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aMessage The text added to the message log. */
+ {
+ TInt len=aMessage.Length();
+ WriteReply(&len,sizeof(len),aMessage.Ptr(),aMessage.Size(),EWsClOpLogMessage);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SimulateRawEvent(TRawEvent aEvent)
+Simulates raw events.
+For most purposes, RWsSession::SimulateKeyEvent() should be used instead to
+simulate key events because low-level scan-code up/down events are not meaningful
+to anything other than the keyboard to which they apply.
+For example, the driver for an external keyboard should do its own conversion from
+raw scan-codes to higher-level character code key events and pass these to the
+window server using SimulateKeyEvent().
+@param aEvent The raw event.
+@capability SwEvent */
+ {
+ Write(&aEvent,sizeof(aEvent),EWsClOpRawEvent);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SimulateKeyEvent(TKeyEvent aEvent)
+Sends a simulated key event to the window server.
+All the fields in TKeyEvent are honoured except iRepeats, which is overridden
+with zero.
+@param aEvent The key event to be simulated.
+@capability SwEvent */
+ {
+ Write(&aEvent,sizeof(aEvent),EWsClOpKeyEvent);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SystemInfo(TInt &aSystemInfoNumber, SSystemInfo &aSystemInfo)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<SSystemInfo> systemInfoPckg;
+ WriteReplyP(&aSystemInfoNumber,sizeof(aSystemInfoNumber),&systemInfoPckg,EWsClOpSystemInfo);
+ aSystemInfo=systemInfoPckg();
+ }
+void RWsSession::DirectAcessActivation(TBool aIsNowActive)
+ {
+ if (aIsNowActive)
+ ++iBuffer->iDirectAcessCount;
+ else
+ {
+ --iBuffer->iDirectAcessCount;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer->iDirectAcessCount>=0,Assert(EW32AssertDirectMisuse));
+ }
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::TestWrite(TInt aHandle,TInt aOpcode,const TAny *pData, TInt aLength)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ iBuffer->Write(aHandle,aOpcode,pData,aLength);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::TestWriteReply(TInt aHandle,TInt aOpcode,const TAny *pData, TInt aLength)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ iBuffer->WriteReply(aHandle,aOpcode,pData,aLength);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::TestWriteReplyP(TInt aHandle,TInt aOpcode,const TAny *pData,TInt aLength,TDes8 *aReplyPackage)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ iBuffer->WriteReplyP(aHandle,aOpcode,pData,aLength,aReplyPackage);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::TestWriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(TInt aHandle,TInt aOpcode,const TDesC8& aData,const TDesC8& aRemoteReadBuffer)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ return iBuffer->WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(aHandle,aOpcode,aData.Ptr(),aData.Length(),&aRemoteReadBuffer);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::TestWriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(TInt aHandle,TInt aOpcode,const TDesC8& aData,const TDesC16& aRemoteReadBuffer)
+/** @internalComponent */
+ {
+ return iBuffer->WriteReplyByProvidingRemoteReadAccess(aHandle,aOpcode,aData.Ptr(),aData.Length(),&aRemoteReadBuffer);
+ }
+/** Sets both the buffer size and maximum buffer size for queuing commands to send to the Windows Server.
+The value should be at least the size of the largest message that will be sent,
+otherwise a panic of the client may occur.
+The minimum possible buffer size is 640 and the maximum possible size is 16384 bytes.
+The default size of 640 bytes is sufficient for most uses.
+Larger buffers can reduce drawing flicker by allowing more drawing commands to be
+collected in the buffer before being sent to the server.
+Smaller buffers conserve system memory.
+Can be used to set a minimum buffer size, sufficient for largest drawing command used,
+before calling RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL() to set a maximum buffer size for queuing commands.
+@param aBufSize The desired buffer size in bytes, at least the size of largest message to be sent.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Could not allocate the required memory.
+@panic TW32Panic 5 Occurs during the session if a single drawing command is too big to fit in the buffer.
+@see RWsSession::Flush()
+@see RWsSession::SetAutoFlush()
+@see RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL()
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL(TInt aBufSize)
+ {
+ iBuffer->SetBufferSizeL(aBufSize);
+ }
+/** Sets the maximum size that the buffer for queuing commands to send to the Windows Server can expand to.
+The minimum possible buffer size is 640 and the maximum possible size is 16384 bytes.
+If the buffer size is larger than the new maximum it is reduced.
+A minimum size is calculated to be one quarter the maximum size, but in any case at least 640 bytes.
+If the buffer size is smaller than the calculated minimum it is expanded.
+RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL() can be used to set a specific minimum size >640 bytes before setting a maximum size.
+This is useful if you will send very large drawing commands.
+After calling this function the buffer size will be between the specified maximum and calculated minimum sizes.
+The algorithm for growing the buffer up to the maximum is chosen to balance the cost of expanding the buffer
+with the waste of an excessively large buffer that is never filled.
+If the buffer becomes too full to add a new drawing command, and the buffer size is less than the maximum,
+the buffer size will be expanded.
+If the buffer is already at the maximum size, or the expansion fails due to low memory,
+the buffer will be emptied with RWsSession::Flush().
+If there is not enough space now for the new command a panic occurs.
+@param aMaxBufSize The desired maximum buffer size in bytes.
+@leave KErrNoMemory Could not allocate the required minimum memory.
+@panic TW32Panic 5 Occurs during the session if a single drawing command is too big to fit in the buffer.
+@see RWsSession::Flush()
+@see RWsSession::SetAutoFlush()
+@see RWsSession::SetBufferSizeL()
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SetMaxBufferSizeL(TInt aMaxBufSize)
+ {
+ iBuffer->SetMaxBufferSizeL(aMaxBufSize);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetSystemFaded(TBool aFaded)
+/** Sets all windows in the system as faded or unfaded, using the default fading
+This function allows all windows that currently exist, not just those in a
+single window group, to be faded or unfaded.
+Notes: The window server generates a redraw to un-fade a window, because information
+is lost during fading. Blank (RBlankWindow) and backup (RBackupWindow) windows
+deal with this themselves. Areas in shadow when the window is faded will also
+have redraw events generated for them by the window server. While a window
+is faded, all drawing to that window will be adjusted appropriately by the
+window server.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aFaded ETrue to fade all windows, EFalse to un-fade all windows.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetSystemFaded params(aFaded);
+ return WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpSetFaded);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetSystemFaded(TBool aFaded,TUint8 aBlackMap,TUint8 aWhiteMap)
+/** Sets all windows in the system as faded or unfaded, overriding the default
+fading parameters (as set by SetDefaultFadingParameters()).
+This function allows all windows that currently exist, not just those in the
+same window group, to be faded or unfaded.
+Notes: Fading a window for a second time (that is fading it when it is already
+faded) will not change the fading map used. The window server generates a
+redraw to un-fade a window, because information is lost during fading. Blank
+(RBlankWindow) and backup (RBackupWindow) windows deal with this themselves.
+Areas in shadow when the window is faded will also have redraw events generated
+for them by the window server. While a window is faded, all drawing to that
+window will be adjusted appropriately by the window server.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.
+@param aFaded ETrue to fade all windows, EFalse to un-fade all windows.
+@param aBlackMap Black map fading parameter.
+@param aWhiteMap White map fading parameter.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+@capability WriteDeviceData */
+ {
+ TWsClCmdSetSystemFaded params(aFaded,EFalse,aBlackMap,aWhiteMap);
+ return WriteReply(¶ms,sizeof(params),EWsClOpSetFaded);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetFocusScreen(TInt aScreenNumber)
+/** Set focus screen
+@param aScreenNumber The new focus screen.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+codes. */
+ {
+ return WriteReplyInt(aScreenNumber,EWsClOpSetFocusScreen);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetFocusScreen() const
+/** Get focus screen
+@return The screen number of current focus screen */
+ {
+ return WriteReply(EWsClOpGetFocusScreen);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::NumberOfScreens() const
+/** Number Of Screens
+@return The number of screens on the phone */
+ {
+ return WriteReply(EWsClOpGetNumberOfScreens);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::ClearAllRedrawStores()
+/** Clear the redraw store for all windows in the system
+By default Windows will recorded the drawing commands used during a redraw and use them latter if the window needs to be redrawn.
+Calling this function will cause all these stores to be thrown away redraw will then be sent to all window, visible windows will recieve them first.
+This function always causes a flush of the window server buffer.*/
+ {
+ Write(EWsClOpClearAllRedrawStores);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::Finish()
+Blocks until all outstanding window server rendering has been completed.
+@return KErrNone if successful
+ {
+ SyncMsgBuf();
+ return SendReceive(EWservMessFinish);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::SyncMsgBuf()
+Sends all pending commands in the buffer to the window server.
+ {
+ if (iBuffer)
+ iBuffer->Flush();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetCloseProximityThresholds(TInt /*aEnterCloseProximityThreshold*/, TInt /*aExitCloseProximityThreshold*/)
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetEnterCloseProximityThreshold() const
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNone; // return any value to prevent compilation warning
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetExitCloseProximityThreshold() const
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNone; // return any value to prevent compilation warning
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::SetHighPressureThresholds(TInt /*aEnterHighPressureThreshold*/, TInt /*aExitHighPressureThreshold*/)
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetEnterHighPressureThreshold() const
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNone; // return any value to prevent compilation warning
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RWsSession::GetExitHighPressureThreshold() const
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNone; // return any value to prevent compilation warning
+ }
+EXPORT_C void RWsSession::EnableWindowSizeCacheL()
+/** Dummy implementation in order to preserve compatibility with WSERV NGA.
+ @internalComponent */
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }