--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/WINBASE.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Window virtual base class, windows and window groups are derived from this
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "server.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "rootwin.h"
+#include "windowgroup.h"
+#include "walkwindowtree.h"
+#include "wstop.h"
+#include "EVQUEUE.H"
+#include "EVENT.H"
+#include "panics.h"
+#include "pointer.h"
+CWsWindowBase::CWsWindowBase(CWsClient* aOwner,WH_HANDLES aType, CScreen* aScreen) : CWsScreenObject(aOwner,aType,aScreen)
+ {
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::ConstructL(CWsWindowBase *parent)
+ {
+ iParent=parent;
+ iSibling=parent->iChild;
+ parent->iChild=this;
+ SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+ iFadeCount = iParent->iFadeCount;
+ }
+CWsWindowBase *CWsWindowBase::GetPrevSibling() const
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase **prev= &iParent->iChild;
+ CWsWindowBase *ret=NULL;
+ while ((*prev)!=this)
+ {
+ ret=*prev;
+ prev= &(*prev)->iSibling;
+ }
+ return(ret);
+ }
+CWsWindowBase *CWsWindowBase::LastSibling() const
+ {
+ const CWsWindowBase *win;
+ for(win=this;win->iSibling;win=win->iSibling)
+ {}
+ return (CWsWindowBase*)win;
+ }
+CWsWindowBase *CWsWindowBase::PrevSiblingMultiParent() const
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase *win=GetPrevSibling();
+ if (win)
+ return(win);
+ for(CWsWindowBase *parent=iParent->GetPrevSibling();parent;parent=parent->GetPrevSibling())
+ if ((win=parent->iChild)!=NULL)
+ return(win->LastSibling());
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+// Andy - this is a kind of "next cousin" function
+CWsWindowBase *CWsWindowBase::NextSiblingMultiParent() const
+ {
+ if (iSibling)
+ return(iSibling);
+ for(CWsWindowBase *parent=iParent->iSibling;parent;parent=parent->iSibling)
+ {
+ if (parent->iChild!=NULL)
+ return(parent->iChild);
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+TInt CWsWindowBase::OrdinalPosition(TBool aFull) const
+ {
+ if (!iParent)
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ CWsWindowBase *win=iParent->iChild;
+ if (!aFull)
+ while(iOrdinalPriority<win->iOrdinalPriority)
+ win=win->iSibling;
+ TInt count;
+ for(count=0;win!=this;count++)
+ win=win->iSibling;
+ return(count);
+ }
+/** Removes a window from the list of siblings maintained by its parent window.
+The iSibling stored inside the window we remove is kept unchanged as it may be needed later.
+void CWsWindowBase::RemoveFromSiblingList()
+ {
+ if (iParent!=NULL)
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase **prev= &iParent->iChild;
+ while ((*prev)!=this)
+ prev= &(*prev)->iSibling;
+ *prev=iSibling;
+ }
+ }
+/* This const casts in this function are horrible and need revisiting. */
+CWsWindowGroup *CWsWindowBase::WinGroup() const
+ {
+ switch (iWinType)
+ {
+ case EWinTypeClient:
+ {
+ if (iParent)
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase* win = const_cast<CWsWindowBase*>(this);
+ while(win->WinType()!=EWinTypeGroup)
+ win=win->BaseParent();
+ return static_cast<CWsWindowGroup*>(win);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case EWinTypeGroup:
+ return const_cast<CWsWindowGroup*>(static_cast<const CWsWindowGroup*>(this));
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWsWindowBase::CheckOrdinalPositionChange(TInt aPos)
+// This routine checks to see whether the specified new ordinal position
+// will causes a change, if so returns ETrue else EFalse.
+ {
+ if (!iParent)
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ CWsWindowBase *win= iParent->iChild;
+ CWsWindowBase *prev= NULL;
+ while(win==this || (win!=NULL && iOrdinalPriority<win->iOrdinalPriority))
+ {
+ prev=win;
+ win=win->iSibling;
+ }
+ if (prev==this)
+ win=this;
+ else if (win==NULL || (win->iSibling==this && iOrdinalPriority>win->iOrdinalPriority))
+ return ETrue;
+ while(aPos--!=0 && win->iSibling!=NULL && iOrdinalPriority==win->iSibling->iOrdinalPriority)
+ win=win->iSibling;
+ return(win!=this);
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::ChangeWindowPosition(TInt aPos,CWsWindowBase* aNewParent)
+ {
+ if (aNewParent != iParent)
+ {
+ iScreen->ScheduleRegionUpdate(NULL);
+ TWalkWindowTreeScheduleRedraws wwt;
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt, EWalkChildren);
+ }
+ else if (WinType() == EWinTypeClient)
+ {
+ CWsClientWindow * cliwin = static_cast<CWsClientWindow*>(this);
+ if (cliwin->IsVisible())
+ {
+ iScreen->ScheduleRegionUpdate(NULL);
+ if (cliwin->IsTranslucent())
+ {
+ // There is still room for optimization here. These redraws are only required if the window
+ // moved through another window and BOTH of them were transparent, otherwise the visible
+ // region change will sort out the redraws required.
+ TWalkWindowTreeScheduleRedraws wwt;
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt, EWalkChildren);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (WinType() == EWinTypeGroup)
+ {
+ iScreen->ScheduleRegionUpdate(NULL);
+ if (static_cast<CWsWindowGroup*>(this)->HasVisibleTranslucentChild())
+ {
+ TWalkWindowTreeScheduleRedraws wwt;
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt, EWalkChildren);
+ }
+ }
+ RemoveFromSiblingList();
+ CWsWindowBase **prevWinPtr= &aNewParent->iChild;
+ while((*prevWinPtr)!=NULL && iOrdinalPriority<(*prevWinPtr)->iOrdinalPriority)
+ {
+ prevWinPtr= &(*prevWinPtr)->iSibling;
+ }
+ while(aPos--!=0 && *prevWinPtr!=NULL && iOrdinalPriority==(*prevWinPtr)->iOrdinalPriority)
+ {
+ prevWinPtr= &(*prevWinPtr)->iSibling;
+ }
+ iSibling=*prevWinPtr;
+ iParent=aNewParent;
+ *prevWinPtr=this;
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::SetOrdinalPosition(TInt aPos)
+ {
+ if (CheckOrdinalPositionChange(aPos))
+ ChangeWindowPosition(aPos,iParent);
+ }
+TEventQueueWalkRet EventPurgeFunc(TAny *aPtr, TWsEvent *aEvent)
+// Callback function for event queue walk
+ {
+ return(((CWsWindowBase *)aPtr)->EventPurgeCheck(aEvent));
+ }
+TEventQueueWalkRet CWsWindowBase::EventPurgeCheck(TWsEvent *aEvent)
+ {
+ if (aEvent->Handle()==ClientHandle())
+ return(EEventQueueWalkDeleteEvent);
+ return(EEventQueueWalkOk);
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::PurgeEvents()
+ {
+ iWsOwner->EventQueue()->WalkEventQueue(&EventPurgeFunc,this);
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::Shutdown()
+// Destroy a window, disconnects from the window tree and destroys all it's child windows
+ {
+ if (iWsOwner!=NULL)
+ PurgeEvents();
+ if (iParent!=NULL) // Check it's connected to something
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase *win;
+ for(win=this;win && win->iParent!=(CWsWindowBase *)RootWindow();win=win->iParent)
+ {}
+ RemoveFromSiblingList();
+ TWalkWindowTreeDisconnect wwt2(win ? ((CWsWindowGroup *)win)->TextCursor() : NULL);
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt2,EWalkChildren); // Disconnect all child windows
+ iChild=NULL;
+ }
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromSwitchOnEventList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromErrorMessageList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromGroupChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromFocusChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromGroupListChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromModifierChangedEventList(*this);
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromScreenDeviceChangeEventList(*this);
+ CWsTop::StopWindowGettingOffEvents(this);
+ }
+TBool CWsWindowBase::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, TWsWinCmdUnion &aCmd)
+// If the command is supported by the window base class process it and return ETrue
+// if it is not supported return EFalse
+ {
+ switch(aOpcode)
+ {
+ case EWsWinOpFree:
+ delete this;
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetOrdinalPosition:
+ SetOrdinalPosition(*aCmd.Int);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpOrdinalPriority:
+ SetReply(iOrdinalPriority);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpOrdinalPosition:
+ SetReply(OrdinalPosition(EFalse));
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpFullOrdinalPosition:
+ SetReply(OrdinalPosition(ETrue));
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpClientHandle:
+ SetReply(iClientHandle);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpParent:
+ if (!iParent)
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ SetReply(iParent->iClientHandle);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpPrevSibling:
+ {
+ if (!iParent)
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ TUint32 reply=NULL;
+ for(CWsWindowBase *win=this->GetPrevSibling();win;win=win->GetPrevSibling())
+ {
+ if (win->iWsOwner==iWsOwner)
+ {
+ reply=win->iClientHandle;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SetReply(reply);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpNextSibling:
+ {
+ TUint32 reply=NULL;
+ for(CWsWindowBase *win=this->iSibling;win;win=win->iSibling)
+ {
+ if (win->iWsOwner==iWsOwner)
+ {
+ reply=win->iClientHandle;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SetReply(reply);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpChild:
+ SetReply(iChild==NULL ? NULL : iChild->iClientHandle);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpScreenNumber:
+ SetReply(Screen()->ScreenNumber());
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpWindowGroupId:
+ if (!WinGroup())
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ SetReply(WinGroup()->Identifier());
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableOnEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToSwitchOnEventListL(*this, *aCmd.EventControl);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableOnEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromSwitchOnEventList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableErrorMessages:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToErrorMessageListL(*this, *aCmd.EventControl);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableErrorMessages:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromErrorMessageList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableModifierChangedEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToModifierChangedEventListL(*this, aCmd.EnableModifierChangedEvents->modifierMask,
+ aCmd.EnableModifierChangedEvents->circumstances);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableModifierChangedEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromModifierChangedEventList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableGroupChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToGroupChangeEventListL(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableGroupChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromGroupChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableFocusChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToFocusChangeEventListL(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableFocusChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromFocusChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEnableGroupListChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::AddToGroupListChangeEventListL(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableGroupListChangeEvents:
+ TWindowServerEvent::RemoveFromGroupListChangeEventEventList(*this);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetCustomPointerCursor:
+ CWsObject *pointercursor;
+ if ((pointercursor=iWsOwner->HandleToObj(*aCmd.Int, WS_HANDLE_POINTER_CURSOR))==NULL)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicSprite);
+ SetPointerCursor((CWsPointerCursor *)pointercursor);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetPointerCursor:
+ SetPointerCursorByIndex(*aCmd.UInt);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpClearPointerCursor:
+ SetPointerCursor(NULL);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetNonFading:
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iScreen, EWsPanicNoScreen);
+ // No fading will occur from a graphical perspective, but the fade counts
+ // are maintained for BC reasons.
+ TWalkWindowTreeSetNonFading wwt(*aCmd.Bool);
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt,EWalkChildren);
+ Screen()->AcceptFadeRequest( reinterpret_cast<CWsWindow*>(this),
+ ETrue,
+ EFalse,
+ ETrue );
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetFade:
+ {
+ if (!iParent)
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ }
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iScreen, EWsPanicNoScreen);
+ TUint8 blackMap;
+ TUint8 whiteMap;
+ if (aCmd.SetFaded->UseDefaultMap())
+ {
+ iScreen->GetFadingParams(blackMap,whiteMap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aCmd.SetFaded->GetFadingParams(blackMap,whiteMap);
+ }
+ if (aCmd.SetFaded->IncludeChildren())
+ {
+ TWalkWindowTreeSetFaded wwt(aCmd.SetFaded->Faded(),this,blackMap,whiteMap);
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt,EWalkChildren);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iWinType==EWinTypeGroup)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicOpcode);
+ static_cast<CWsClientWindow*>(this)->SetFaded(aCmd.SetFaded->Faded(),blackMap,whiteMap);
+ }
+ if (CWsTop::IsFadeEnabled())
+ {
+ Screen()->AcceptFadeRequest( reinterpret_cast<CWsWindow *> (this),
+ aCmd.SetFaded->Faded(),
+ EFalse,
+ aCmd.SetFaded->IncludeChildren() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ return(ETrue);
+ }
+TBool CWsWindowBase::QueueEvent(TInt aEvent) const
+ {
+ if (WsOwner())
+ return(WsOwner()->EventQueue()->QueueEvent(iClientHandle, aEvent));
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::SetPointerCursorByIndex(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ SetPointerCursor(CWsClient::SystemPointerCursor(aIndex));
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::SetPointerCursor(CWsPointerCursor *aCursor)
+ {
+ CWsPointerCursor *old=iPointerCursor;
+ iPointerCursor=aCursor;
+ if (iPointerCursor)
+ iPointerCursor->Open();
+ WsPointer::UpdatePointerCursor();
+ if (old)
+ old->Close();
+ }
+TBool CWsWindowBase::TreeIsObscured() const
+ {
+ TBool result;
+ TWalkWindowTreeIsObscured wwt(result);
+ CONST_CAST(CWsWindowBase *,this)->WalkWindowTree(wwt,EWalkChildren);
+ return(result);
+ }
+CEventQueue *CWsWindowBase::EventQueue() const
+ {
+ return(iWsOwner->EventQueue());
+ }
+void CWsWindowBase::WalkWindowTree(TWalkWindowTreeBase &aWalkClass,TWalkMode aMode)
+// Walks windows in a front to back order
+// If mode is EWalkBehind
+// call DoIt for all windows that are behind 'this'
+// else if mode is EWalkChildren
+// call DoIt for all descendents
+// else if mode is EWalkChildrenAndBehind
+// call DoIt for for all descendents and windows behind
+ {
+ if (this!=NULL)
+ {
+ CWsWindowBase *win=this;
+ CWsWindowBase *end=RootWindow();
+ CWsWindowBase *sibling=win->iSibling;
+ CWsWindowBase *parent=win->iParent;
+ if (aMode!=EWalkBehind)
+ {
+ if (aMode==EWalkChildren)
+ end=win;
+ goto start;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ if (sibling!=NULL)
+ {
+ win=sibling;
+start: while(win->iChild!=NULL)
+ win=win->iChild;
+ }
+ else
+ win=parent;
+ sibling=win->iSibling; // De-reference win so it can be destroyed by 'DoIt'
+ parent=win->iParent;
+ if (win->iWinType!=EWinTypeGroup && aWalkClass.DoIt((CWsWindow *)win))
+ return;
+ } while(win!=end);
+ }
+ }
+/* Walks windows in a front to back order
+ If aResume is EFalse the walk is identical to above.
+ Otherwise iWin is taken as the restart point, (any child windows will have been
+ walked previously).
+ */
+void CWsWindowBase::WalkWindowTree(TResumableWalkWindowTreeBase& aWalkClass, TWalkMode aMode, TBool aResume)
+ {
+ if (this != NULL)
+ { // init
+ if (!aResume)
+ {
+ aWalkClass.iWin = this;
+ aWalkClass.iEnd = (aMode == EWalkChildren) ? this : RootWindow();
+ aWalkClass.iParent = aWalkClass.iWin->iParent;
+ if (aMode == EWalkBehind)
+ {
+ aWalkClass.iNextChild = aWalkClass.iWin->iSibling;
+ }
+ else
+ { // ensure walk includes this and its child windows
+ aWalkClass.iNextChild = this;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (aWalkClass.iWin == aWalkClass.iEnd)
+ {
+ return; // walk had already reached end
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ if (aWalkClass.iNextChild != NULL)
+ { // walk down tree to a leaf window
+ aWalkClass.iWin = aWalkClass.iNextChild;
+ while (aWalkClass.iWin->iChild != NULL)
+ {
+ aWalkClass.iWin = aWalkClass.iWin->iChild;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // walk up tree
+ aWalkClass.iWin = aWalkClass.iParent;
+ }
+ // De-reference iWin so it can be destroyed by 'DoIt'
+ aWalkClass.iNextChild = aWalkClass.iWin->iSibling;
+ aWalkClass.iParent = aWalkClass.iWin->iParent;
+ if ( ( aWalkClass.iWin->iWinType != EWinTypeGroup ) && aWalkClass.DoIt(static_cast<CWsWindow *>(aWalkClass.iWin)) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while (aWalkClass.iWin != aWalkClass.iEnd);
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+void CWsWindowBase::CheckTree()
+ {
+ TWalkWindowTreeCheck wwt1;
+ WalkWindowTree(wwt1,EWalkChildren);
+ }
+enum {ENullWsHandle=0xFFFFFFFF}; // Events delivered to this handle are thrown away
+TBool CWsWindowBase::IsClientHandleInUse(TUint32 aHandle)
+ {
+ if (aHandle==static_cast<TUint>(ENullWsHandle)) //This value has a special meaning in test code
+ return EFalse;
+ CWsObjectIx* index=iWsOwner->ObjectIndex();
+ const CWsObject* obj;
+ TInt length=index->Length();
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<length;++ii)
+ {
+ obj=index->At(ii);
+ if (obj && (obj->Type()==WS_HANDLE_WINDOW || obj->Type()==WS_HANDLE_GROUP_WINDOW))
+ {
+ if (STATIC_CAST(const CWsWindowBase*,obj)->ClientHandle()==aHandle)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+TBool CWsWindowBase::IsDSAHost() const
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }