--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/redrawmsgwindow.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Window redraw code, three sorts of redrawing are supported
+// CRedrawMsgWindow handles it via sending a redraw message to the client
+#include "redrawmsgwindow.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "playbackgc.h"
+#include "inifile.h"
+#include "rootwin.h"
+#include "wstop.h"
+#include "ANIM.H"
+#include "EVQUEUE.H"
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include "panics.h"
+#include "rootwin.h"
+#include "EVENT.H"
+#include "wsfont.h"
+#include <graphics/wsgraphicdrawerinterface.h>
+#include "../debuglog/DEBUGLOG.H"
+const TUint KDrawBufferGranularity = 240;
+const TInt KRedrawRegionGranularity = 8;
+const TInt KReadBufferMaxLen=0x100;
+const TInt KRegionCompressThreshold = 6; // number of rectangles in region at which we try to compress it
+/** Max number of non-redraw segments allowed before starting to throw away the oldest */
+const TInt KNonRedrawSegMaxLimit = 16;
+/** The number of non-redraw segments to spare from deletion once their number
+ have grown beyond KNonRedrawSegMaxLimit */
+const TInt KNonRedrawSegThreshold = 8;
+TInt CWsRedrawMsgWindow::iNonRedrawAgeLimit = 0;
+CWsRedrawMsgWindow::TAtomicityType CWsRedrawMsgWindow::iAtomicity = ENoAtomicity;
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+# include "offscreenbitmap.h"
+# define DEBUGOSB { CWsOffScreenBitmap * ofb = Screen()->OffScreenBitmap(); if (ofb) ofb->Update(); }
+# define DEBUGOSB
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+#define LOG_WINDOW_REDRAW_START(wswin,region)
+#define LOG_WINDOW_REDRAW_END(wswin)
+#define LOG_REDRAW_SEGMENT(segmentIndex,segmentType)
+#define LOG_PLAYBACK_GC_COMMAND(opcode,data)
+#define LOG_WINDOW_REDRAW_START(wswin,region) LogDrawCommandsStart(wswin,region)
+#define LOG_WINDOW_REDRAW_END(wswin) LogDrawCommandsEnd(wswin)
+#define LOG_REDRAW_SEGMENT(segmentIndex,segmentType) LogRedrawSegment(segmentIndex, segmentType)
+#define LOG_REDRAW_SEGMENT_REGION(region) {if(wsDebugLog){ LogRegion(region);}}
+#define LOG_PLAYBACK_GC_COMMAND(opcode,data) {if (wsDebugLog) {wsDebugLog->Command(WS_HANDLE_GC, opcode, data, NULL);}}
+extern CDebugLogBase *wsDebugLog;
+class TTruncateOverflow : public TDesOverflow
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void Overflow(TDes&) {};
+ };
+LOCAL_C void LogRedrawSegment(TUint aSegmentIndex, CWsRedrawMsgWindow::TRedrawSegmentType aSegmentType)
+ {
+ if (wsDebugLog)
+ {
+ TBuf<LogTBufSize> log;
+ TTruncateOverflow overflow;
+ _LIT(KLogRedrawSegment, ">> CRedrawSegment[%d] ");
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogRedrawSegment, &overflow, aSegmentIndex);
+ _LIT(KLogRedrawSegmentPending, "Pending");
+ _LIT(KLogRedrawSegmentRedraw, "Redraw");
+ _LIT(KLogRedrawSegmentNonRedraw, "NonRedraw");
+ switch(aSegmentType)
+ {
+ case CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ESegmentTypePendingRedraw :
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogRedrawSegmentPending, &overflow);
+ break;
+ case CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ESegmentTypeRedraw :
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogRedrawSegmentRedraw, &overflow);
+ break;
+ case CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ESegmentTypeNonRedraw :
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogRedrawSegmentNonRedraw, &overflow);
+ break;
+ default :
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogEverything, log);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void LogRegion(const TRegion* aRegion)
+ {
+ TBuf<LogTBufSize> log;
+ TTruncateOverflow overflow;
+ TInt rectCount = (aRegion == NULL ? 0 : aRegion->Count());
+ log.AppendFormat(_L("region [%d,"), &overflow, rectCount);
+ if (rectCount > 0)
+ {
+ const TRect* rectangles = aRegion->RectangleList();
+ TBuf<1> comma;
+ for (TInt ii = 0; ii < rectCount; ii++)
+ {
+ TRect current = rectangles[ii];
+ log.AppendFormat(_L("%S{{%d,%d},{%d,%d}}"), &overflow, &comma,
+ current.iTl.iX,current.iTl.iY,current.iBr.iX,current.iBr.iY);
+ comma = _L(",");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log.AppendFormat(_L("NULL"), &overflow);
+ }
+ log.AppendFormat(_L("]"), &overflow);
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogEverything, log);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void LogDrawCommandsStart(const CWsWindow* aWsWin, const TRegion* aRegion)
+ {
+ if (wsDebugLog)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLogDrawCommandsStart, ">> CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DrawCommandsL() [%S][app %d] RWindow[%d]");
+ const TDesC& clientName = aWsWin->WsOwner()->Client().FullName();
+ TBuf<LogTBufSize> log;
+ TTruncateOverflow overflow;
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogDrawCommandsStart, &overflow, &clientName, aWsWin->WsOwner()->ConnectionHandle(), aWsWin->LogHandle());
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogEverything, log);
+ LogRegion(aRegion);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void LogDrawCommandsEnd(const CWsWindow* aWsWin)
+ {
+ if (wsDebugLog)
+ {
+ _LIT(KLogDrawCommandsEnd, "<< CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DrawCommandsL() [%S][app %d] RWindow[%d]");
+ const TDesC& clientName = aWsWin->WsOwner()->Client().FullName();
+ TBuf<LogTBufSize> log;
+ TTruncateOverflow overflow;
+ log.AppendFormat(KLogDrawCommandsEnd, &overflow, &clientName, aWsWin->WsOwner()->ConnectionHandle(), aWsWin->LogHandle());
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogEverything, log);
+ }
+ }
+// Redraw windows //
+ {
+ }
+CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment* CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::NewLC(const TRect& aRect, TRedrawSegmentType aNewRegionType)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment* self = new (ELeave) CRedrawSegment();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aRect, aNewRegionType);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::StaticInitL()
+ {
+ const TInt KDefaultNonRedrawAgeLimit = 1000000;
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar(KNonRedrawAgeLimit, iNonRedrawAgeLimit))
+ iNonRedrawAgeLimit = KDefaultNonRedrawAgeLimit;
+ _LIT(KAtomicRedraws,"ATOMICREDRAWS");
+ _LIT(KAtomicSegment,"SEGMENT");
+ _LIT(KAtomicWindow,"WINDOW");
+ TPtrC atomicityTypeString;
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(KAtomicRedraws,atomicityTypeString))
+ {
+ if(atomicityTypeString.CompareF(KAtomicSegment)==0 || atomicityTypeString.Length()==0)
+ iAtomicity = ESegment;
+ else if(atomicityTypeString.CompareF(KAtomicWindow)==0)
+ iAtomicity = EWindow;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::ReleaseFontsAndBitmaps()
+ {
+ // release Bitmap and Font handles
+ TInt count = iWsBitmapArray.Count();
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii = count - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
+ {
+ iWsBitmapArray[ii]->DecRefCount();
+ iWsBitmapArray.Remove(ii);
+ }
+ count = iWsFontArray.Count();
+ for (ii = count - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
+ {
+ CWsFontCache::Instance()->ReleaseFont(iWsFontArray[ii]);
+ iWsFontArray.Remove(ii);
+ }
+ count = iFbsBitmapArray.Count();
+ for(ii = count - 1 ; ii >= 0; ii--)
+ {
+ delete iFbsBitmapArray[ii];
+ iFbsBitmapArray.Remove(ii);
+ }
+ }
+/* Set new rectangle and region type for initial or reset redraw region
+ @leave KErrNoMemory no memory to update region details
+ */
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect, TRedrawSegmentType aNewRegionType)
+ {
+ iDrawCommands = CBufSeg::NewL(KDrawBufferGranularity);
+ iCreationTime.UniversalTime();
+ iRegion.AddRect(aRect);
+ if (iRegion.CheckError())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ iRedrawSegmentType = aNewRegionType;
+ }
+ {
+ delete iDrawCommands;
+ iRegion.Close();
+ // Release Font and Bitmap handles, close arrays
+ ReleaseFontsAndBitmaps();
+ iFbsBitmapArray.Close();
+ iWsBitmapArray.Close();
+ iWsFontArray.Close();
+ iDrawerArray.Close();
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::WindowClosing()
+ {
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->RedrawQueue()->RemoveInvalid(this);
+ }
+TInt CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::SizeInBytes() const
+ {
+ TInt size = sizeof(CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment);
+ size += iDrawCommands->Size();
+ size += iFbsBitmapArray.Count() * sizeof(CFbsBitmap);
+ size += iWsBitmapArray.Count() * sizeof(DWsBitmap);
+ size += iWsFontArray.Count() * sizeof(CWsFbsFont);
+ size += iDrawerArray.Count() * sizeof(TGraphicDrawerId);
+ return size;
+ }
+CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CWsRedrawMsgWindow(CWsWindow *aWin)
+ :CWsWindowRedraw(aWin), iBackColor(aWin->RootWindow()->DefaultBackgroundColor()), iFlags(EBackgroundClear|EStoringEntireWindow),
+ iRedrawSegments(KRedrawRegionGranularity),
+ iCurrentSegment(0),
+ iOSBStatus(ETrue)
+ {
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CWsWindowRedraw::ConstructL();
+ Invalidate(&WsWin()->Rel());
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->RedrawQueue()->ReCalcOrder();
+ }
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iMemoryLock == 0, EWsPanicMemoryLock);
+ RemoveFromRedrawQueueIfEmpty();
+ iInvalid.Close();
+ iLocalRedrawRegion.Close();
+ iRedrawSegments.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iCurrentSegment=NULL;
+ }
+These three functions actually check for a value they have already asserted on. This is intentional.
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ExpandCommandBufferL(TInt aLength)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentSegment != NULL, EWsPanicRedrawSegmentsInvalidState);
+ if (iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ // need more space?
+ if (iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos + aLength > iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Size())
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->ResizeL(iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos + aLength);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CommandBufferWrite(const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentSegment != NULL, EWsPanicRedrawSegmentsInvalidState);
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos + aLength <= iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Size(), EWsPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ if (iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Write(iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos, aDes, aLength);
+ iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos += aLength;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CommandBufferWrite(const TAny* aPtr,TInt aLength)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentSegment != NULL, EWsPanicRedrawSegmentsInvalidState);
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos + aLength <= iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Size(), EWsPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ if (iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Write(iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos, aPtr, aLength);
+ iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos += aLength;
+ }
+ }
+ Description: Processes draw commands. These are received as opcodes.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CommandL(TInt aOpcode, TWsWinCmdUnion &aCmd)
+ {
+ switch(aOpcode)
+ {
+ case EWsWinOpEnableOSB:
+ iOSBStatus = ETrue;
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpDisableOSB:
+ iOSBStatus = EFalse;
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetBackgroundColor:
+ iBackColor = *aCmd.rgb;
+ iFlags |= EBackgroundClear;
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpSetNoBackgroundColor:
+ iFlags &= ~EBackgroundClear;
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpInvalidate:
+ Invalidate(aCmd.rect);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpInvalidateFull:
+ Invalidate();
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpBeginRedraw:
+ BeginRedraw(aCmd.rect);
+ ValidateRect(aCmd.rect);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpBeginRedrawFull:
+ BeginRedraw(NULL);
+ ValidateRect(NULL);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpEndRedraw:
+ EndRedraw();
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpGetInvalidRegionCount:
+ {
+ SetReply(iInvalid.Count());
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpGetInvalidRegion:
+ {
+ if ((*aCmd.Int) <= 0)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicInvalidRegionCount);
+ if ((!iInvalid.CheckError()) && iInvalid.Count() == (*aCmd.Int))
+ {
+ CWsClient::ReplyBuf(iInvalid.RectangleList(),(*aCmd.Int) * sizeof(TRect));
+ SetReply(EFalse);
+ }
+ else
+ SetReply(ETrue);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpStoreDrawCommands:
+ /* If the client asks us not to store commands, we still store the commands
+ for the region of the window which can be seen through the parent, but
+ won't attempt to obtain the entire window.
+ */
+ if (*aCmd.Bool)
+ {
+ SetScope(EStoreEntireWindow);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Clients that turn their redraw store off will still get one,
+ // but it will only attempt to store the current viewport.
+ SetScope(EStoreViewport);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpHandleTransparencyUpdate: // deprecated
+ case EWsWinOpSetTransparencyBitmap: // deprecated
+ case EWsWinOpSetTransparencyFactor: // deprecated
+ case EWsWinOpSetTransparencyBitmapCWs: // deprecated
+ break; // do nothing.
+ case EWsWinOpIsRedrawStoreEnabled:
+ SetReply(ETrue);
+ break;
+ case EWsWinOpClearRedrawStore:
+ DiscardStoredCommands();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ return(ETrue);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::BeginRedraw(const TRect* aRect)
+ {
+ if(InRedraw())
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ iFlags|=EBeginEndRedraw;
+ TRAPD(err,DoBeginRedrawL(aRect));
+ DiscardStoredCommandsIfError(err);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DoBeginRedrawL(const TRect* aRect)
+ {
+ const TRect redrawRect = (aRect ? *aRect : TRect(WsWin()->Size()));
+ if (redrawRect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ //Skip empty rects since they are not added to the region
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CreateNewSegmentL(redrawRect, CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ESegmentTypePendingRedraw);
+ if (iAtomicity==ENoAtomicity)
+ PromoteLastPendingSegment();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Invalidate(const TRect * aRect)
+ {
+ //The memory allocation in this function can trigger a call to ReleaseMemory(), which would
+ //recursively call this function again. This would cause a memory leak. To avoid this
+ //we call Lock() to block ReleaseMemory() from this object while executing this function.
+ Lock();
+ if (!aRect)
+ {
+ iInvalid.Clear();
+ iInvalid.Copy(iWsWin->WindowArea());
+ iInvalid.Offset(-iWsWin->Origin());
+ }
+ else if((!aRect->IsEmpty()) && aRect->IsNormalized())
+ {
+ iInvalid.AddRect(*aRect);
+ iInvalid.Tidy();
+ }
+ if (iWsWin->IsVisible())
+ {
+ QueueRedraw();
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->TriggerRedraw(); //wtf isn't the redrawq already scheduling itself?
+ }
+ Unlock();
+ }
+If a draw command is received outside a begin/end redraw pair, then it is stored in a non-redraw
+segment. This function creates such a segment if it isn't already available.
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::HandleNonRedrawCommand(TWsGcOpcodes aOpcode)
+ {
+ // calling code should check the Window State
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(!InRedraw(), EWsPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ // Attempting to draw part of a polygon in a new segment - only a very bad client can do this:
+ TBool canCreate = !(aOpcode == EWsGcOpSegmentedDrawPolygonData || aOpcode == EWsGcOpDrawSegmentedPolygon);
+ if ((!iCurrentSegment) && (!canCreate))
+ {
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBadPolyData);
+ }
+ if (canCreate)
+ AgeNonRedrawSegments();
+ // If current redraw region is not for Non-Redraw drawing, add a region corresponding to the
+ // full window to the redraw store. Need to make sure that this is done
+ // before the AppendCommand, or bitmap/font handles are recorded, in StoreDrawCommandL
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if ((!iCurrentSegment) || iCurrentSegment->iRedrawSegmentType != ESegmentTypeNonRedraw)
+ {
+ TRAP(err,CreateNewSegmentL(TRect(WsWin()->Size()), ESegmentTypeNonRedraw));
+ }
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ if(iWsWin->VisibleRegion().CheckError())
+ iWsWin->Screen()->AddRedrawRegion(iWsWin->WindowArea());
+ else if(iWsWin->VisibleRegion().Count())
+ iWsWin->Screen()->AddRedrawRegion(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ else if(!iWsWin->HasBeenDrawnToScreen())
+ CliWin()->ScheduleRegionUpdate(&iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ }
+This function attempts to prevent non-redraw segments from growing indefinitely by requesting redraws
+and throwing away old ones.
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::AgeNonRedrawSegments()
+ {
+ if (!iRedrawSegments.Count())
+ return;
+ //Count the number of non-redraw segs
+ TInt nonRedrawSegCount = 0;
+ for (TInt i = iRedrawSegments.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment* segment = iRedrawSegments[i];
+ if (segment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypeNonRedraw)
+ {
+ ++nonRedrawSegCount;
+ }
+ }
+ TBool callInvalidate = EFalse;
+ //To prevent the number of non redraw segements to grow indefinitely,
+ //delete the oldest if their number exceeds KNonRedrawSegMaxLimit
+ if (nonRedrawSegCount > KNonRedrawSegMaxLimit)
+ {
+ TInt keep = KNonRedrawSegThreshold; // keep this many, the most recent ones
+ for (TInt i = iRedrawSegments.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment* segment = iRedrawSegments[i];
+ if (segment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypeNonRedraw)
+ {
+ if (keep-- > 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (segment!=iCurrentSegment) //never delete the current segment
+ {
+ callInvalidate = ETrue;
+ iRedrawSegments.Remove(i);
+ delete segment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(iCurrentSegment && iCurrentSegment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypeNonRedraw)
+ {
+ // If the current segment is an old non-redraw segment, try to get rid of it
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds age = now.MicroSecondsFrom(iCurrentSegment->iCreationTime);
+ if (age > iNonRedrawAgeLimit)
+ {
+ // First, find any even older non redraw segments and discard them.
+ for (TInt seg = iRedrawSegments.Count() - 2; seg >= 0; --seg)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment * segment = iRedrawSegments[seg];
+ if (segment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypeNonRedraw)
+ {
+ age = now.MicroSecondsFrom(segment->iCreationTime);
+ if ((age > iNonRedrawAgeLimit * 2) && (segment!=iCurrentSegment))
+ {
+ iRedrawSegments.Remove(seg);
+ delete segment;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Then force the creation of a new segment, so that the current one can be allowed to age and eventually vanish.
+ iCurrentSegment->iCreationTime = now;
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ callInvalidate = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(callInvalidate)
+ Invalidate(); // Invalidate the window so that a complete redraw should occur
+ }
+Obtains a region from the redraw store, intersects it with the global redraw region which
+we have been asked to draw to, and returns the intersection.
+const TRegion * CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ReadRegion(const TInt aRegionNum)
+ {
+ // Catch anyone calling this without first deciding where they want to draw
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iWsWin->ScheduledRegion(), EWsPanicScheduledRedraw);
+ // We are drawing to the global region, and we have a region in the redraw store to clip to.
+ // We want the intersection of these to actually draw to.
+ // Andy - this allocates memory during drawing, which is bad in OOM conditions.
+ iLocalRedrawRegion.Copy(iRedrawSegments[aRegionNum]->iRegion);
+ iLocalRedrawRegion.Offset(WsWin()->Origin());
+ iLocalRedrawRegion.Intersect(*iGlobalRedrawRegion);
+ iLocalRedrawRegion.Tidy();
+ // If the resulting region is empty there is no point drawing its corresponding commands
+ if (iLocalRedrawRegion.IsEmpty())
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return &iLocalRedrawRegion;
+ }
+TInt CWsRedrawMsgWindow::SubtractRectFromSegmentArray(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ TInt numOfRegionsRemoved =0;
+ for (TInt regionNum = iRedrawSegments.Count() - 1; regionNum >= 0; --regionNum)
+ {
+ if (iRedrawSegments[regionNum]->iRedrawSegmentType != ESegmentTypePendingRedraw)
+ {
+ RWsRegion& region = iRedrawSegments[regionNum]->iRegion;
+ region.SubRect(aRect);
+ if (region.CheckError())
+ {
+ // Ouch. Drop the now broken segment and ask for a full redraw
+ // Andy - This is an error condition and needs to check for infinite loops
+ delete iRedrawSegments[regionNum];
+ iRedrawSegments.Remove(regionNum);
+ numOfRegionsRemoved++;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // check if region has zero uncovered rectangles left
+ if (region.IsEmpty())
+ { // delete draw commands, release bitmaps and fonts
+ delete iRedrawSegments[regionNum];
+ iRedrawSegments.Remove(regionNum);
+ numOfRegionsRemoved++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (region.Count() > KRegionCompressThreshold)
+ { // tidy up the rectangles
+ region.Tidy();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numOfRegionsRemoved;
+ }
+ Description: Clears out the command buffer if aError indicates an
+ error has occurred whilst storing commands.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DiscardStoredCommandsIfError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ if (aError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // Discard stored commands by clearing out the command buffer
+ DiscardStoredCommands();
+ if (!(iFlags&ENoRepeatRedraw))
+ Invalidate();
+ iFlags |= ENoRepeatRedraw;
+ }
+ }
+ Description: If the graphics context has changed and we are currently storing
+ commands, store the data given by aCmdData.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DrawCommand(CWsGc* aGc,const TAny *aCmdData)
+ {
+ // Store commands, clearing out buffer if error occurs.
+ TRAPD(err,StoreDrawCommandL(aGc,aCmdData));
+ DiscardStoredCommandsIfError(err);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::GcAttributeChange(CWsGc* aGc,const TAny *aCmdData)
+ {
+ if (iLastDrawGc == aGc && iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if (IsWsFontOperation(CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode))
+ {
+ TWsGcCmdUnion pData;
+ pData.any=aCmdData;
+ TRAP(err,AddWsFontL(*pData.UInt));
+ }
+ if (KErrNone == err)
+ TRAP(err,AppendCommandL(aCmdData));
+ DiscardStoredCommandsIfError(err);
+ }
+ // INC135845:
+ // Retain the bitmap handle for the lifetime of the redraw store
+ // If the client destroys it, we will still have a reference to it
+ if (iCurrentSegment && CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode == EWsGcOpUseBrushPattern)
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ TWsGcCmdUnion pData;
+ pData.any=aCmdData;
+ TRAP(err, AddFbsBitmapsL(*pData.handle, 0));
+ DiscardStoredCommandsIfError(err);
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::GcDeactivate(CWsGc* aGc)
+ {
+ if (iLastDrawGc==aGc)
+ iLastDrawGc=NULL;
+ }
+inline TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::IsFbsBitmapOperation(TInt aOpCode) const
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG((EWsGcOpGdiBlt3==EWsGcOpGdiBlt2+1)&&(EWsGcOpGdiBltMasked==EWsGcOpGdiBlt3+1)
+ &&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmap2==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap+1)&&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmap3==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap2+1)&&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmapMasked==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap3+1),EWsPanicBitmapOpcodeInvalid);
+ return (aOpCode>=EWsGcOpGdiBlt2&&aOpCode<=EWsGcOpGdiBltMasked)||(aOpCode>=EWsGcOpDrawBitmap&&aOpCode<=EWsGcOpDrawBitmapMasked)||(aOpCode==EWsGcOpGdiAlphaBlendBitmaps);
+ }
+inline TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::IsWsBitmapOperation(TInt aOpCode) const
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG((EWsGcOpGdiBlt3==EWsGcOpGdiBlt2+1)&&(EWsGcOpGdiBltMasked==EWsGcOpGdiBlt3+1)
+ &&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmap2==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap+1)&&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmap3==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap2+1)&&(EWsGcOpDrawBitmapMasked==EWsGcOpDrawBitmap3+1),EWsPanicBitmapOpcodeInvalid);
+ return (aOpCode>=EWsGcOpGdiWsBlt2&&aOpCode<=EWsGcOpGdiWsBltMasked)||(aOpCode==EWsGcOpGdiWsAlphaBlendBitmaps)||(aOpCode==EWsGcOpWsDrawBitmapMasked);
+ }
+inline TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::IsWsFontOperation(TInt aOpCode) const
+ {
+ return aOpCode==EWsGcOpUseFont;
+ }
+inline TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::IsDrawWsGraphicOperation(TInt aOpCode) const
+ {
+ return (aOpCode == EWsGcOpDrawWsGraphic) || (aOpCode == EWsGcOpDrawWsGraphicPtr);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ReplaceAndAppendCommandL(TInt aOpcode,const TAny* aCmdData)
+ {
+ const TInt KCharWidthInBytes = 2; // # of bytes for a Unicode character
+ CWsClient* owner=iWsWin->WsOwner();
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(owner,EWsPanicDrawCommandsNullSession);
+ // aCmdData doesn't contain data, it should be retrieved from client space using remote read
+ TWsGcCmdUnion cmd;
+ cmd.any=aCmdData;
+ TUint16 newOpcode=EWsGcOpDrawText;
+ TInt strLen=0;
+ switch (aOpcode)
+ {
+ case EWsGcOpDrawTextPtr:
+ newOpcode=EWsGcOpDrawText;
+ strLen=cmd.DrawText->length;
+ break;
+ case EWsGcOpDrawTextVerticalPtr:
+ newOpcode=EWsGcOpDrawTextVertical;
+ strLen=cmd.DrawTextVertical->length;
+ break;
+ case EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextPtr:
+ newOpcode=EWsGcOpDrawBoxText;
+ strLen=cmd.BoxText->length;
+ break;
+ case EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextVerticalPtr:
+ newOpcode=EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextVertical;
+ strLen=cmd.DrawBoxTextVertical->length;
+ break;
+ }
+ TInt strSize = strLen * KCharWidthInBytes;
+ TInt oldCmdLen=CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength;
+ TInt newCmdLen=sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase)+oldCmdLen+strSize;
+ // resize buffer
+ ExpandCommandBufferL(newCmdLen);
+ // update current command to reflect the new command and data
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode=newOpcode;
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode|=EWsGcOpFlagDrawOp;
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength=(TInt16)(oldCmdLen+strSize);
+ // write command header
+ CommandBufferWrite(&CWsClient::iCurrentCommand, sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // write command
+ CommandBufferWrite(aCmdData, oldCmdLen);
+ // remote read
+ TBuf<KReadBufferMaxLen> buf;
+ TInt len=KReadBufferMaxLen;
+ TInt bufOffset=0;
+ TInt toGo=strLen;
+ while(toGo>0)
+ {
+ if (len>toGo)
+ len=toGo;
+ owner->RemoteRead(buf,bufOffset);
+ CommandBufferWrite(buf.Ptr(), len * KCharWidthInBytes);
+ bufOffset+=len;
+ toGo-=len;
+ }
+ }
+ Description: Stores drawing related commands into the command buffer
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::StoreDrawCommandL(CWsGc* aGc,const TAny *aCmdData)
+ {
+ TWsGcOpcodes currentOpcode = static_cast<TWsGcOpcodes>(CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode);
+ // If we get an extra command after the redraw has finished then redraw strategy needs to know
+ if (!InRedraw())
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ TBool isDrawingCommand = (currentOpcode != EWsGcOpSegmentedDrawPolygonData) && (currentOpcode != EWsGcOpDrawSegmentedPolygon);
+ if( CWsClient::DebugEnforceRedrawCallingConvention() && isDrawingCommand)
+ CWsClient::PanicCurrentClient(EWservPanicWindowBeginRedrawNotCalled);
+ HandleNonRedrawCommand(currentOpcode);
+ }
+ // If there is no current segment then we have discarded it at some point
+ // since beginning this redraw.
+ if (iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ TWsGcCmdUnion pData;
+ pData.any = aCmdData;
+ if (IsFbsBitmapOperation(currentOpcode))
+ {
+ TInt maskHandle = 0;
+ TInt handle = aGc->FbsBitmapHandle(currentOpcode, pData, maskHandle);
+ AddFbsBitmapsL(handle, maskHandle);
+ }
+ else if (IsWsBitmapOperation(currentOpcode))
+ {
+ TInt maskHandle = 0;
+ TInt handle = aGc->WsBitmapHandle(currentOpcode, pData, maskHandle);
+ AddWsBitmapsL(handle, maskHandle);
+ }
+ else if (IsDrawWsGraphicOperation(currentOpcode))
+ {
+ TGraphicDrawerId drawerId;
+ drawerId.iId = pData.WsGraphic->iId;
+ drawerId.iIsUid = (pData.WsGraphic->iFlags & EWsGraphicIdUid);
+ iCurrentSegment->AddDrawerL(drawerId);
+ }
+ // If the graphics context has changed since last time store the new graphics
+ // context attributes.
+ if (aGc != iLastDrawGc)
+ {
+ StoreAllGcAttributesL(aGc);
+ iLastDrawGc = aGc;
+ }
+ // For operation which requires remote read from client space, we must retrieve that data and store
+ // it in command buffer at server side and change opcode if necessary e.g EWsGcOpDrawTextPtr to EWsGcOpDrawText
+ // to avoid remote read during DoDrawing operation
+ if (IsRemoteReadRequired(currentOpcode))
+ ReplaceAndAppendCommandL(currentOpcode,aCmdData);
+ else
+ // Append the command data to the command buffer
+ AppendCommandL(aCmdData, EWsGcOpFlagDrawOp);
+ }
+ }
+ Description: Stores given drawing command data into the command buffer.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::AppendCommandL(const TAny* aCmdData, const TUint16 aOpcodeFlags)
+ {
+ if (CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode == EWsGcOpSetClippingRegion)
+ {
+ // The client is defining a clipping region
+ // make room for the header
+ ExpandCommandBufferL(sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // Externalize the clipping region data from position after the header
+ RBufWriteStream bufWriteStream;
+ bufWriteStream.Open(*CurrentDrawCommandBuffer(), CurrentCommandBufferWritePos() + sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ CleanupClosePushL(bufWriteStream);
+ TInt dataLen = iLastDrawGc->ExternalizeClippingRegionL(bufWriteStream);
+ // Setup the clipping region data header
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode = EWsStoreClippingRegion;
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength = REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt16&,dataLen);
+ // Store command header for clipping region data at current write position
+ CommandBufferWrite(&CWsClient::iCurrentCommand,sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // Update write position for command data
+ iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos += dataLen;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&bufWriteStream);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TUint16 opcode = CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode;
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode |= aOpcodeFlags;
+ // ensure room in command buffer
+ ExpandCommandBufferL(sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase) + CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength);
+ // Store command header to current position
+ CommandBufferWrite(&CWsClient::iCurrentCommand, sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // If there's command data (other than header), store it
+ if (CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength > 0)
+ {
+ CommandBufferWrite(aCmdData, CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength);
+ }
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iOpcode = opcode;
+ }
+ }
+ Description: Stores graphics context information into the command buffer
+ from the current write position.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::StoreAllGcAttributesL(CWsGc* aGc)
+ {
+ // In order for the externalize below to work correctly from
+ // a non-zero position we have to create the header placeholder
+ ExpandCommandBufferL(sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // Externalise GC attribute data. We do this before writing the
+ // header as we do not know the size of the data yet and it is
+ // part of the header.
+ TInt numOfBytesAdded = aGc->ExternalizeL(*CurrentDrawCommandBuffer(),
+ CurrentCommandBufferWritePos() + sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // Setup the header
+ TWsCmdHeaderBase cmdHeader;
+ cmdHeader.iCmdLength = (TInt16) numOfBytesAdded; // as calculated above
+ cmdHeader.iOpcode = (TInt16) EWsStoreAllGcAttributes;
+ // Store the header for the GC data into the space we created
+ CommandBufferWrite(&cmdHeader, sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ // Update write position for command data
+ iCurrentSegment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos += numOfBytesAdded;
+ }
+ Description: Loops through the whole of the current command buffer, processing
+ each in turn.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DrawCommandsL()
+ {
+ LOG_WINDOW_REDRAW_START(WsWin(), iGlobalRedrawRegion);
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iMemoryLock > 0, EWsPanicMemoryLock);
+ static TBuf8<EClientBufferMaxSize> buf;
+ TInt regionCount = iRedrawSegments.Count();
+ for (TInt regionNum = 0; regionNum < regionCount; ++regionNum)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment* segment = iRedrawSegments[regionNum];
+ LOG_REDRAW_SEGMENT(regionNum, segment->iRedrawSegmentType);
+ if (segment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypePendingRedraw)
+ continue;
+ // The amount of commands we process is given by the value of the
+ // current write position rather than the size of the command buffer.
+ // Note: the write position is incremented as each command is stored and
+ // will typically be less than the buffer size.
+ const TInt length = segment->iCurrentCommandBufferWritePos;
+ // need to draw this region?
+ const TRegion * localDrawRegion = 0;
+ if (length)
+ localDrawRegion = ReadRegion(regionNum);
+ if (localDrawRegion)
+ {
+ CPlaybackGc::Instance()->SetTargetRegion(localDrawRegion);
+ TWsCmdHeaderBase header;
+ TInt pos = 0; // Set to first command position in buffer
+ CBufSeg* drawCmdBuffer = segment->iDrawCommands;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Read the first command header. The associated opcode must always be
+ // EWsStoreAllGcAttributes as this is always the first stored item.
+ drawCmdBuffer->Read(pos,&header,sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(header.iOpcode == EWsStoreAllGcAttributes, EWsPanicDrawCommandsBufferCorrupt);
+ // Read through remaining commands
+ while (pos < length)
+ {
+ // Get header of command
+ drawCmdBuffer->Read(pos, &header, sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase));
+ pos += sizeof(TWsCmdHeaderBase);
+ switch(header.iOpcode)
+ {
+ case EWsStoreAllGcAttributes:
+ {
+ // Header indicates command encapsulates gc data
+ CPlaybackGc::Instance()->Reset();
+ // Read gc data
+ CPlaybackGc::Instance()->InternalizeL(*drawCmdBuffer,pos);
+ }
+ break;
+ case EWsStoreClippingRegion:
+ {
+ // Clipping region data read in from current position via stream
+ RBufReadStream bufReadStream;
+ bufReadStream.Open(*drawCmdBuffer,pos);
+ CleanupClosePushL(bufReadStream);
+ CPlaybackGc::Instance()->InternalizeClippingRegionL(bufReadStream);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&bufReadStream);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ // Another type of command. Read it.
+ CWsClient::iCurrentCommand.iCmdLength = header.iCmdLength;
+ drawCmdBuffer->Read(pos,buf,header.iCmdLength);
+ TInt opcode = header.iOpcode;
+ // Drawing command?
+ if (opcode & EWsGcOpFlagDrawOp)
+ {
+ opcode &= ~EWsGcOpFlagDrawOp;
+ }
+ if (opcode > -1)
+ {
+ LOG_PLAYBACK_GC_COMMAND(opcode, buf.Ptr())
+ CPlaybackGc::Instance()->CommandL(static_cast<TWsGcOpcodes>(opcode),buf);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ pos += header.iCmdLength; // Move on, header indicates length
+ }
+ DEBUGOSB // per-redraw-segment debug osb updates
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Description: Called when the currently stored graphics commands
+ are no longer required.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DiscardStoredCommands()
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ // First of all, if we have any redraws pending, update the screen with
+ // whatever commands we have before we throw them away:
+ if (iFlags & EPendingScheduledDraw)
+ {
+ Screen()->DoRedrawNow();
+ }
+ // for all regions or just Partial Redraw regions > index 0: delete bitmaps and draw commands
+ iRedrawSegments.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iLastDrawGc = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CreateNewSegmentL(const TRect& aRect, TRedrawSegmentType aNewRedrawRegionType)
+ {
+ CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment* newRegion = CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::NewLC(aRect, aNewRedrawRegionType);
+ iRedrawSegments.AppendL(newRegion);
+ iCurrentSegment = newRegion;
+ CleanupStack::Pop(newRegion);
+ // Set iLastDrawGc to NULL. This will cause all GC attributes to be stored
+ // in redraw store when the window receives the next command
+ iLastDrawGc = NULL;
+ }
+static TInt FindBitmapByHandle(const TInt* aKey, const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap)
+ { // compare handles
+ return *aKey - aBitmap.Handle();
+ }
+static TInt InsertBitmapByHandle(const CFbsBitmap& aFirst, const CFbsBitmap& aSecond)
+ {
+ return aFirst.Handle() - aSecond.Handle();
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::AddFbsBitmapsL(TInt aHandle, TInt aMaskHandle)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->AddFbsBitmapL(aHandle, this);
+ if (aMaskHandle)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->AddFbsBitmapL(aMaskHandle, this);
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::AddFbsBitmapL(TInt aHandle, CWsRedrawMsgWindow* aWindow)
+ {
+ if (iFbsBitmapArray.FindInOrder(aHandle, &FindBitmapByHandle) >= 0)
+ {
+ // Bitmap already in the store
+ return;
+ }
+ CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
+ if (bitmap->Duplicate(aHandle)!=KErrNone)
+ aWindow->OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
+ iFbsBitmapArray.InsertInOrderL(bitmap, TLinearOrder<CFbsBitmap>(InsertBitmapByHandle));
+ CleanupStack::Pop(bitmap);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::AddWsBitmapsL(TInt aHandle, TInt aMaskHandle)
+ {
+ if (iWsWin->WsOwner() == NULL)
+ Panic(EWsPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ DWsBitmap * bmp = static_cast<DWsBitmap*>(iWsWin->WsOwner()->HandleToObj(aHandle, WS_HANDLE_BITMAP));
+ if (!bmp)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
+ iCurrentSegment->AddWsBitmapL(bmp);
+ if (aMaskHandle)
+ {
+ bmp = static_cast<DWsBitmap*>(iWsWin->WsOwner()->HandleToObj(aMaskHandle, WS_HANDLE_BITMAP));
+ if (!bmp)
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicBitmap);
+ iCurrentSegment->AddWsBitmapL(bmp);
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::AddWsBitmapL(DWsBitmap* bitmap)
+ {
+ iWsBitmapArray.AppendL(bitmap);
+ bitmap->IncRefCount();
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::AddWsFontL(TInt aHandle)
+ {
+ if (iWsWin->WsOwner()==NULL)
+ Panic(EWsPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ TDblQueIter<CWsFbsFont> iter(CWsFontCache::List());
+ CWsFbsFont* font=NULL;
+ while((font=iter++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (font->Handle()==aHandle)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (font)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->iWsFontArray.AppendL(font);
+ ++(font->iCount);
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::AddDrawerL(TGraphicDrawerId aDrawerId)
+ {
+ TInt error = iDrawerArray.InsertInOrder(aDrawerId, TLinearOrder<TGraphicDrawerId>(TGraphicDrawerId::Compare));
+ if (error != KErrAlreadyExists && error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ User::Leave(error);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::CRedrawSegment::ContainsDrawers(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aDrawers,const TRegion& aRegion) const
+ {
+ TBool result = EFalse;
+ if (iDrawerArray.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ STACK_REGION tempRegion;
+ tempRegion.Intersection(iRegion, aRegion);
+ if (tempRegion.CheckError() || (tempRegion.Count() > 0) )
+ { // regions do intersect, (presumed if region had an error); so check for a matching Id
+ const TInt drawersCount = aDrawers.Count();
+ for (TInt idx = 0; idx < drawersCount; ++idx)
+ { // (iDrawerArray is kept sorted)
+ if (KErrNotFound != iDrawerArray.FindInOrder(aDrawers[idx], TLinearOrder<TGraphicDrawerId>(TGraphicDrawerId::Compare)))
+ {
+ result = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ const TInt count = iDrawerArray.Count();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ const CWsGraphicDrawer* drawer = CWsTop::WindowServer()->ResolveGraphic(iDrawerArray[i]);
+ if(drawer && drawer->Contains(aDrawers))
+ {
+ result = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tempRegion.Close();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+inline TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::NoBuffer() const
+ {
+ return (iRedrawSegments.Count() == 0);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ClientExposing()
+ {
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ Description: If a complete set of drawing commands have been stored
+ this method attempts to draw ALL the commands via DrawCommandsL().
+ It also draws the window in the background colour if the window is
+ opaque.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DrawWindow()
+ {
+ iFlags &= ~EPendingScheduledDraw;
+ // This is a happy window - it can draw itself whenever we ask.
+ if(iFlags&EBackgroundClear)
+ {
+ DrawBackgroundColor(iGlobalRedrawRegion);
+ }
+ // If valid commands have been stored, draw them.
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ Lock();
+ TRAP_IGNORE(DrawCommandsL());
+ Unlock();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::RemoveFromRedrawQueueIfEmpty()
+ {
+ if (iInvalid.Count()==0)
+ {
+ iInvalid.Clear(); // Ensures heap cell is freed, otherwise may be left as an empty cell
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->RedrawQueue()->RemoveInvalid(this);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::NeedsRedraw() const
+// If iInvalid has an persistant error it will not be reported as needing a redraw,
+// this is needed as otherwise cases where validation of a window results
+// in iInvalid having an error will get into an endless cycle of redraws.
+// The down side of this is that sometimes a window will not be sent a redraw
+// message when it needs it, some things can't be perfect!
+ {
+ if ((!iWsWin->IsVisible()) || iInvalid.IsEmpty())
+ return EFalse;
+ TRect nextRedrawRect;
+ return GetRedrawRect(nextRedrawRect);
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::GetRedrawRect(TRect &aRect) const
+ {
+ if (iWsWin->ClientSetInvisible())
+ return EFalse;
+ if(InRedraw())
+ {
+ aRect = iRedrawRect;
+ return (!aRect.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ else if(iInvalid.CheckError())
+ {
+ if (iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow || iWsWin->VisibleRegion().CheckError())
+ {
+ aRect = iWsWin->AbsRect();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRect = iWsWin->VisibleRegion().BoundingRect();
+ }
+ if (!(iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow))
+ iWsWin->ClipRectToViewport(aRect);
+ aRect.Move(-iWsWin->Origin());
+ return (!aRect.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ else if(iInvalid.Count())
+ {
+ if (iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow)
+ {
+ aRect = iInvalid.BoundingRect();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RWsRegion region;
+ region.Copy(iInvalid);
+ region.Offset(iWsWin->Origin());
+ region.Intersect(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ if (region.CheckError())
+ {
+ aRect = iInvalid.BoundingRect();
+ aRect.Move(iWsWin->Origin());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aRect = region.BoundingRect();
+ }
+ region.Close();
+ iWsWin->ClipRectToViewport(aRect);
+ aRect.Move(-iWsWin->Origin());
+ }
+ return (!aRect.IsEmpty());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ClipInvalidRegion(const TRect &aRect)
+ {
+ if (iInvalid.Count()>0)
+ {
+ iInvalid.ClipRect(aRect);
+ RemoveFromRedrawQueueIfEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::EndRedraw()
+ {
+ ++iCount;
+ if(!InRedraw())
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicDrawCommandsInvalidState);
+ if (iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ iCurrentSegment->iDrawCommands->Compress();
+ if (iAtomicity==ENoAtomicity)
+ {
+ ScheduleUpdateOfSegment(iCurrentSegment);
+ }
+ else if(iAtomicity==ESegment)
+ {
+ PromoteLastPendingSegment();
+ ScheduleUpdateOfSegment(iCurrentSegment);
+ }
+ else if(iAtomicity==EWindow)
+ {
+ //only promote all pending segments when there are no invalid regions left in the window.
+ STACK_REGION regionAwaitingRedraws;
+ regionAwaitingRedraws.Copy(WsWin()->VisibleRegion());
+ regionAwaitingRedraws.Offset(-WsWin()->Origin());
+ regionAwaitingRedraws.Intersect(iInvalid);
+ if(regionAwaitingRedraws.IsEmpty())
+ PromoteAndUpdateAllPendingSegments();
+ regionAwaitingRedraws.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ iFlags&=~(ENoRepeatRedraw|EBeginEndRedraw);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ScheduleUpdateOfSegment(CRedrawSegment* aSegment)
+ {
+ // Schedule an update of the area of the screen we just drew to:
+ iFlags |= EPendingScheduledDraw;
+ if(iWsWin->VisibleRegion().Count() || iWsWin->VisibleRegion().CheckError())
+ {
+ STACK_REGION draw; //### in low memory where VisibleRegion() is intact we can degrade much better than this!
+ draw.Copy(aSegment->iRegion);
+ draw.Offset(iWsWin->Origin());
+ draw.Intersect(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ if(!draw.CheckError())
+ Screen()->AddRedrawRegion(draw);
+ else
+ Screen()->AddRedrawRegion(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ draw.Close();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ValidateRect(const TRect *aRect)
+ {
+ if (!WsWin()->BaseParent())
+ OwnerPanic(EWservPanicParentDeleted);
+ if (aRect)
+ iRedrawRect = *aRect;
+ if (!iInvalid.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ STACK_REGION validated;
+ validated.Copy(iInvalid);
+ if (aRect)
+ validated.ClipRect(iRedrawRect);
+ if (iInvalid.CheckError())
+ {
+ iInvalid.Copy(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ iInvalid.Offset(-iWsWin->Origin());
+ }
+ iInvalid.SubRegion(validated);
+ validated.Close();
+ }
+ RemoveFromRedrawQueueIfEmpty();
+ }
+TRgb CWsRedrawMsgWindow::BackColor() const
+ {
+ return(iBackColor);
+ }
+This function used to be quite clever about what it invalidated and what it redrew by copying
+rectangles of the screen around. This is a lot less subtle, and makes calling Scroll pretty much
+pointless, but it IS functionally correct.
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Scroll(const TRect &aClipRect, const TPoint &aOffset,const TRect &aRect)
+ {
+ TRect rect = aRect;
+ rect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+ Invalidate(&rect);
+ rect = aRect;
+ rect.Move(aOffset);
+ rect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+ Invalidate(&rect);
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ClearRedrawStore(TBool aClearPendingRedraw)
+ {
+ if(aClearPendingRedraw && (iFlags & EPendingScheduledDraw))
+ iFlags &= ~EPendingScheduledDraw;
+ DiscardStoredCommands();
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::PrepareForResizeL(const TSize& aSize, TSize& /*aOldSize*/)
+ {
+ TBool anyIncreases(EFalse);
+ if (aSize.iWidth>iWsWin->Size().iWidth||aSize.iHeight>iWsWin->Size().iHeight)
+ {
+ anyIncreases = ETrue;
+ }
+ TRect newWinRect(TPoint(0,0),aSize);
+ iInvalid.ClipRect(newWinRect);
+ if (anyIncreases)
+ {
+ // add new invalid region to iInvalid
+ iInvalid.AddRect(newWinRect);
+ QueueRedraw();
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->TriggerRedraw();
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Moved()
+ {
+ if (!(iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow))
+ {
+ DiscardSegmentsOutsideViewport();
+ }
+ if (iInvalid.Count())
+ {
+ QueueRedraw();
+ iWsWin->WsOwner()->TriggerRedraw();
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Contains(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aDrawers,const TRegion& aRegion) const
+ {
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 0)
+ {
+ // scan redraw store: calls Contains() on every region drawing commands are stored for,
+ // looking for a DrawWsGraphic command that intersects the aRegion
+ TBool contains = EFalse;
+ const TInt regionCount = iRedrawSegments.Count();
+ // loop through regions, stops when a match is found
+ for (TInt regionNum = 0; (regionNum < regionCount) && !contains; ++regionNum)
+ {
+ contains = iRedrawSegments[regionNum]->ContainsDrawers(aDrawers, aRegion);
+ }
+ return contains;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return CWsWindowRedraw::Contains(aDrawers,aRegion);
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::SetScope(TScope aScope)
+ {
+ if (aScope == EStoreEntireWindow)
+ {
+ if (!(iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow))
+ {
+ iFlags |= EStoringEntireWindow;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow)
+ {
+ iFlags &= ~ EStoringEntireWindow;
+ DiscardSegmentsOutsideViewport();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Removes all segments from the redraw store which are outside the viewport onto the window.
+Note that this doesn't clip the regions of those segments which are partly outside, since
+this wouldn't actually achieve anything useful.
+This function allocates memory so it is not suitable to run as part of ReleaseMemory.
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::DiscardSegmentsOutsideViewport()
+ {
+ TBool discarded = EFalse;
+ TInt count = iRedrawSegments.Count();
+ STACK_REGION viewport;
+ CliWin()->SetClippedBaseArea(viewport);
+ viewport.Offset(-iWsWin->Origin());
+ STACK_REGION intersect;
+ for (TInt idx = count - 1; idx >= 0; --idx)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment * segment = iRedrawSegments[idx];
+ intersect.Intersection(segment->iRegion, viewport);
+ if (!intersect.CheckError() && intersect.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ iInvalid.Union(segment->iRegion);
+ delete segment;
+ iRedrawSegments.Remove(idx);
+ if (iCurrentSegment == segment)
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ discarded = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ intersect.Close();
+ viewport.Close();
+ return discarded;
+ }
+Statements encapsulated in between Lock() and Unlock() is guaranteed to execute in an
+atomic way without being interupted by a call to ReleaseMemory from CWsMemoryManager.
+Locking will prevent memory belonging to this object to be freed during a
+memory alloc/realloc originating from self.
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Lock()
+ {
+ ++iMemoryLock;
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::Unlock()
+ {
+ --iMemoryLock;
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iMemoryLock >= 0, EWsPanicMemoryLock);
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ReleaseMemory(MWsMemoryRelease::TMemoryReleaseLevel aLevel)
+ {
+ //When this function is called, wserv is in the middle of executing something.
+ //Therefore we can not safely do anything that alters the state of any shared
+ //resouces (like e.g. CScreenRedraw::iInvalid).
+ //In addition, we should refrain from anything that might try to allocate memory.
+ TBool released = EFalse;
+ //Don't release iRedrawSegments from this win if its currently being rendered,
+ //is releasing memory or is receiving drawcommands.
+ if (iMemoryLock == 0 && !iCurrentSegment)
+ {
+ Lock();
+ switch (aLevel)
+ {
+ case MWsMemoryRelease::ELow:
+ break;
+ case MWsMemoryRelease::EMedium:
+ break;
+ case MWsMemoryRelease::EHigh:
+ //Only release memory from background windows.
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 0 && iWsWin->VisibleRegion().IsEmpty())
+ {
+ ReleaseRedrawSegments();
+ released = ETrue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Unlock();
+ }
+ return released;
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ReleaseRedrawSegments()
+ {
+ iLastDrawGc = NULL;
+ iCurrentSegment = NULL;
+ iRedrawSegments.ResetAndDestroy();
+ //The call to ResetAndDestroy just freed some memory so it should be
+ //possible to call Invalidate() now.
+ Invalidate();
+ //Releasing the same window over and over again could quickly end up in
+ //a never ending loop with a high-prio client before we find the window
+ //that has nicked all memory. So call accessed now to prevent that.
+ iWsWin->Accessed();
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::VisibleRegionChange()
+ {
+ if (!iFlags & EStoringEntireWindow)
+ {
+ DiscardSegmentsOutsideViewport();
+ }
+ if ((!iInvalid.IsEmpty()) && (!iWsWin->VisibleRegion().IsEmpty()))
+ {
+ STACK_REGION exposed;
+ exposed.Copy(iInvalid);
+ exposed.Offset(iWsWin->Origin());
+ exposed.Intersect(iWsWin->VisibleRegion());
+ if (!exposed.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ QueueRedraw();
+ }
+ exposed.Close();
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWsRedrawMsgWindow::ReadyToDraw() const
+ {
+ //We are only ready to draw when we have a complete segment.
+ if (iWsWin->HasBeenDrawnToScreen())
+ return ETrue;
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() == 0)
+ return EFalse;
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 1)
+ return ETrue;
+ if (iRedrawSegments[0]->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypePendingRedraw)
+ return EFalse;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TInt CWsRedrawMsgWindow::SizeInBytes() const
+ {
+ TInt size = sizeof(CWsRedrawMsgWindow);
+ for(TInt i = iRedrawSegments.Count()-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ size += iRedrawSegments[i]->SizeInBytes();
+ }
+ size += iInvalid.Count() * sizeof(TRect);
+ size += iLocalRedrawRegion.Count() * sizeof(TRect);
+ return size;
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::PromoteLastPendingSegment()
+ {
+ if (iRedrawSegments.Count() > 0 && iRedrawSegments[iRedrawSegments.Count() - 1]->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypePendingRedraw)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment * segment = iRedrawSegments[iRedrawSegments.Count() - 1];
+ const TRect * rect = segment->iRegion.RectangleList();
+ // when we get here there should only ever be one rectangle in the region, but we are playing safe
+ for (TInt r = 0; r < segment->iRegion.Count(); ++r)
+ {
+ SubtractRectFromSegmentArray(*rect);
+ ++rect;
+ }
+ segment->iRedrawSegmentType = ESegmentTypeRedraw;
+ }
+ }
+void CWsRedrawMsgWindow::PromoteAndUpdateAllPendingSegments()
+ {
+ for(TInt i =0; i<iRedrawSegments.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ CRedrawSegment * segment = iRedrawSegments[i];
+ if (segment->iRedrawSegmentType == ESegmentTypePendingRedraw)
+ {
+ const TRect * rect = segment->iRegion.RectangleList();
+ TInt totalRemovedSegments = 0;
+ for (TInt r = 0; r < segment->iRegion.Count(); ++r)
+ {
+ totalRemovedSegments += SubtractRectFromSegmentArray(*rect);
+ ++rect;
+ }
+ //we need to decrement the loop count to take into account any removed segments so we
+ //make sure we iterate over every segment in the array.
+ i-=totalRemovedSegments;
+ segment->iRedrawSegmentType = ESegmentTypeRedraw;
+ ScheduleUpdateOfSegment(segment);
+ }
+ }
+ }