--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/screen.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "screen.h"
+#include <hal.h>
+#include "server.h"
+#include "wstop.h"
+#include "rootwin.h"
+#include "walkwindowtree.h"
+#include "offscreenbitmap.h"
+#include "EVENT.H"
+#include "windowgroup.h"
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "inifile.h"
+#include "pointer.h"
+#include "debugbar.h"
+#include "ScreenRedraw.h"
+#include "wspluginmanager.h"
+GLREF_D CDebugLogBase *wsDebugLog;
+GLREF_D TDisplayMode ParseDisplayMode(const TDesC& aModeName);
+LOCAL_D TBool FindNextValue(TLex& aLex, TInt& aValue) // assumes the list cannot contain *negative* integers
+ {
+ while (!aLex.Eos())
+ {
+ const TUint character=aLex.Peek();
+ if (Rng(TUint('0'), character, TUint('9')) || (character=='-'))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ aLex.Inc();
+ }
+ return (aLex.Val(aValue)==KErrNone);
+ }
+CScreen::CFallbackMap * CScreen::CFallbackMap::NewL(CScreen* aScreen)
+ {
+ CFallbackMap * self = new (ELeave) CFallbackMap(aScreen);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+CScreen::CFallbackMap::CFallbackMap(CScreen* aScreen) :
+ iScreen(aScreen),
+ iRegion(TRect(TPoint(0,0), TSize(1,1))),
+ iCount(0)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iMap;
+ }
+void CScreen::CFallbackMap::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iMapSize = 0;
+ for (TInt num = 0; num < iScreen->NumScreenSizeModes(); ++num)
+ {
+ if (iScreen->IsValidScreenSizeMode(num))
+ {
+ const TSizeMode & mode = iScreen->ScreenSizeModeData(num);
+ TInt width = mode.iScreenSize.iWidth / 32;
+ if (mode.iScreenSize.iWidth & (32 - 1))
+ ++width;
+ TInt size = width * mode.iScreenSize.iHeight;
+ if (size > iMapSize)
+ iMapSize = size;
+ }
+ }
+ iMap = new (ELeave) TInt [iMapSize];
+ }
+void CScreen::CFallbackMap::Prepare()
+ {
+ const TSizeMode & mode = iScreen->ScreenSizeModeData();
+ Mem::FillZ(iMap, iMapSize * sizeof(TInt));
+ iCount = mode.iScreenSize.iHeight * mode.iScreenSize.iWidth;
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iRegion.Count() == 1, EWsPanicScreenFallback);
+ iRegion.Clear();
+ iRegion.AddRect(TRect(mode.iOrigin, mode.iScreenSize));
+ }
+TBool CScreen::CFallbackMap::FillRegion(const TRegion& aRegion)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(!aRegion.CheckError(), EWsPanicScreenFallback);
+ if (aRegion.Count() > 20 || aRegion.CheckError())
+ return ETrue;
+ TBool hit = EFalse;
+ if (iCount > 0)
+ {
+ const TRect * rect = aRegion.RectangleList();
+ for (TInt num = 0; num < aRegion.Count(); ++num)
+ {
+ hit = FillRect(*rect) || hit;
+ if (iCount < 1)
+ break;
+ ++rect;
+ }
+ }
+ return hit;
+ }
+// x >> 5 is equivalent to x / 32
+// 0x1F is the rounding error when dividing by 32
+// 0x20 is 32.
+// The compiler might do all the optimizations for us - not checked.
+TBool CScreen::CFallbackMap::FillRect(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ TBool hit = EFalse;
+ const TSizeMode & mode = iScreen->ScreenSizeModeData();
+ TRect scrrect(mode.iOrigin, mode.iScreenSize);
+ TRect rect = aRect;
+ rect.Intersection(scrrect);
+ TInt rowWidthInInts = mode.iScreenSize.iWidth;
+ if (rowWidthInInts & 0x1F)
+ rowWidthInInts += 0x20;
+ rowWidthInInts >>= 5;
+ TInt colStartInInts = rect.iTl.iX >> 5;
+ TInt firstOffsetInBits = rect.iTl.iX & 0x1F;
+ for(TInt row = rect.iTl.iY; row < rect.iBr.iY; ++row)
+ {
+ TInt * map = iMap + row * rowWidthInInts + colStartInInts;
+ TInt offsetShift = 31 - firstOffsetInBits;
+ for (TInt col = rect.iTl.iX; col < rect.iBr.iX; ++col)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(map - iMap < iMapSize, EWsPanicScreenFallback);
+ if (!(*map & 1 << offsetShift))
+ {
+ --iCount;
+ hit = ETrue;
+ if (iCount < 1)
+ break;
+ (*map) |= (1 << offsetShift);
+ }
+ --offsetShift;
+ if (offsetShift < 0)
+ {
+ offsetShift = 31;
+ ++map;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return hit;
+ }
+TInt CScreen::CFallbackMap::Count() const
+ {
+ return iCount;
+ }
+const TRect * CScreen::CFallbackMap::Rect() const
+ {
+ return iRegion.RectangleList();
+ }
+const RRegion * CScreen::CFallbackMap::Region() const
+ {
+ return &iRegion;
+ }
+// CScreen
+CScreen::CScreen(): iDirects(_FOFF(CWsDirectScreenAccess,iLink)), iMaxContrast(-1), iMaxBrightness(-1)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iDebugBar;
+ delete iOffScreenBitmap;
+ delete iScreenGdi;
+ TInt ii;
+ if(iModes)
+ {
+ for(ii=iNumScreenSizeModes-1;ii>=0;--ii)
+ {
+ delete (*iModes)[ii];
+ }
+ iModes->Close();
+ delete iModes;
+ }
+ delete iRootWindow;
+ delete iScreenDevice;
+ delete iFallbackMap;
+ delete iSpriteManager;
+ delete iRedraw;
+ }
+void CScreen::ConstructL(const TRect& aDigitiserArea, TInt aScreenNumber )
+ {
+ iScreenNumber = aScreenNumber ;
+ if (wsDebugLog)
+ {
+ _LIT(KWSERVInitScreen,"Initialising for Screen %d");
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogImportant, KWSERVInitScreen, aScreenNumber);
+ }
+ CreateScreenDeviceL();
+ iScreenDevice->SetAutoUpdate(EFalse);
+ iPhysicalScreenSize=iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels();
+ LoadScreenSizesL(iPhysicalScreenSize);
+ // mode 0 might not be available, get the first/lowest valid mode
+ SetInitialScreenSizeMode();
+ iFallbackMap = CFallbackMap::NewL(this);
+ iScreenGdi=CFbsBitGc::NewL();
+ iScreenGdi->Activate(iScreenDevice);
+ LoadScreenSizeProperties();
+ SetDigitiserAreas(iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels(),aDigitiserArea);
+ iScreenGdi->SetOrientation(Orientation());
+ const TSizeMode& sizeMode=ScreenSizeModeData(ScreenSizeMode());
+ iScreenDevice->SetScalingFactor(sizeMode.iOrigin,sizeMode.iScreenScale.iWidth,sizeMode.iScreenScale.iHeight,1,1);
+ iScreenDevice->ChangeScreenDevice(NULL); //This is necessary to initialise the screen
+ // Off Screen Bitmaps
+ iOffScreenBitmap=CWsOffScreenBitmap::NewL(this);
+ TSize osbSize(iOffScreenBitmap->Bitmap()->SizeInPixels());
+ TSize osbTwips(sizeMode.iScreenTwipsSize);
+ if (osbSize!=sizeMode.iScreenSize)
+ {
+ // The specified screen twips size is for the specified screen pixel size, however the OSB
+ // is potentially larger as it needs to hold the maximum possible screen size, so we need
+ // to scale the twips size up correspondingly.
+ osbTwips.iWidth=sizeMode.iScreenTwipsSize.iWidth*osbSize.iWidth/sizeMode.iScreenSize.iWidth;
+ osbTwips.iHeight=sizeMode.iScreenTwipsSize.iHeight*osbSize.iHeight/sizeMode.iScreenSize.iHeight;
+ }
+ iOffScreenBitmap->Bitmap()->SetSizeInTwips(osbTwips);
+ TInt autoClear = 1;
+ _LIT(KWSERVIniFileVarAutoClear,"AUTOCLEAR");
+ WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber,KWSERVIniFileVarAutoClear,autoClear);
+ if (autoClear != 0)
+ {
+ iFlags|=EAutoClear;
+ }
+ iBackLightFlag=WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, KBackLight);
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KWSERVIniFileVarBlankScreen))
+ {
+ iFlags|=EBlankScreenOnRotation;
+ }
+ SetShadowVector(TPoint(EDefaultShadowX,EDefaultShadowY));
+ iRedraw = CScreenRedraw::NewL(*this);
+ iRootWindow = new (ELeave) CWsRootWindow(NULL, this);
+ iRootWindow->ConstructL();
+ TInt refreshRate = 1000000;
+ _LIT(KDebugBar, "DEBUGBAR");
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(refreshRate, KDebugBar))
+ {
+ if (refreshRate < 100000)
+ refreshRate = 50000;
+ const TPoint origin = CurrentScreenModeOrigin();
+ iDebugBar = CDebugBar::NewL(this, TRect(origin.iX,origin.iY,origin.iX+CurrentScreenSize().iWidth,origin.iY+16), refreshRate);
+ }
+ // Default fading parameters
+ iBlackMap=128;
+ iWhiteMap=255;
+ iSpriteManager = CWsSpriteManager::NewL();
+ //Look for fading plugins here.
+ _LIT(KDefaultFaderPluginName, "wsfader");
+ _LIT(KFaderPluginIni,"FADER");
+ CWsPluginManager* mgr = CWsTop::WindowServer()->PluginManager();
+ if (mgr)
+ {
+ TPtrC faderName;
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KFaderPluginIni, faderName))
+ iFader = mgr->FindNamedImplementation<MWsFader>(faderName);
+ else
+ iFader = mgr->FindNamedImplementation<MWsFader>(KDefaultFaderPluginName);
+ }
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KBltOffScreenBitmap))
+ {
+ iFlags|=EBltOffScreenBitmap;
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::CreateScreenDeviceL()
+ {
+ _LIT(KScreenMode,"SCREENMODE");
+ _LIT(KWindowMode,"WINDOWMODE");
+ TPtrC screenModeName;
+ TDisplayMode screenMode = ENone;
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KScreenMode, screenModeName))
+ {
+ screenMode = ParseDisplayMode(screenModeName);
+ }
+ else if (WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KWindowMode, screenModeName))
+ {
+ screenMode = ParseDisplayMode(screenModeName);
+ }
+ if (screenMode != ENone)
+ {
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(screenMode))
+ return;
+ }
+ // No screen mode was specified, or we failed creating the specified screen
+ // mode. Default to as high display mode as possible.
+ // Check if the screen device supports 16M colors (it can only support one of
+ // 16M, 16MU, 16MA, 16MAP, or none of them)
+ screenMode = CFbsDevice::DisplayMode16M();
+ if(screenMode != ENone)
+ {
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(screenMode))
+ return;
+ }
+ // Try creating the screen device with all available display modes, going from best to worst
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(EColorLast == 14); // if any display mode is added to TDisplayMode we must update the list below
+ // (the list below contains all enums in TDisplayMode except ENone, ERgb, EColorLast)
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor16MAP))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor16MA))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor16MU))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor16M))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor64K))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor4K))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor256))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EColor16))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EGray256))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EGray16))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EGray4))
+ return;
+ if(DoCreateScreenDevice(EGray2))
+ return;
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+TBool CScreen::DoCreateScreenDevice(TDisplayMode aScreenMode)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, iScreenDevice = CFbsScreenDevice::NewL(iScreenNumber, aScreenMode));
+ return (err == KErrNone);
+ }
+void CScreen::AbortDSAs(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason,TSglQue<CWsDirectScreenAccess>& aDirects)
+ {
+ if (aDirects.IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ TInt nofDSAs = 0;
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter(aDirects);
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* direct;
+ while (( direct=iter++)!=NULL )
+ {
+ nofDSAs++;
+ direct->SignalAbort( aReason );
+ }
+ TRequestStatus timerStatus;
+ RTimer& timer=CWsTop::Timer();
+ timer.Cancel();
+ TRequestStatus** cancelReqList = (TRequestStatus**) User::AllocZ( sizeof( TRequestStatus* ) * (nofDSAs + 1) );
+ if ( NULL != cancelReqList )
+ {
+ TInt dsaNo = 1;
+ timer.After( timerStatus, KDSAAbortingImmediateRespAwaitFrameMicrosec );
+ iter.SetToFirst();
+ while (( direct=iter++)!=NULL )
+ {
+ cancelReqList[ dsaNo ] = &direct->AbortStatus();
+ dsaNo++;
+ }
+ cancelReqList[ 0 ] = &timerStatus;
+ User::WaitForNRequest( cancelReqList, nofDSAs + 1 );
+ iter.SetToFirst();
+ while (( direct=iter++)!=NULL )
+ {
+ if ( direct->AbortStatus() != KRequestPending )
+ direct->CancelAbortObject(); // responded
+ else
+ direct->Abort();
+ }
+ if (timerStatus == KRequestPending)
+ {
+ timer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest( timerStatus );
+ }
+ User::Free( cancelReqList );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iter.SetToFirst();
+ while ((direct=iter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus timerStatus;
+ RTimer& timer=CWsTop::Timer();
+ timer.Cancel();
+ timer.After(timerStatus, KDSAAbortingImmediateRespAwaitFrameMicrosec);
+ //wait for response or timeout
+ User::WaitForRequest(direct->AbortStatus(), timerStatus);
+ if (direct->AbortStatus() != KRequestPending)
+ direct->CancelAbortObject(); //responded
+ else
+ direct->Abort(); //timed out
+ if (timerStatus == KRequestPending)
+ {
+ timer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::AbortAllDirectDrawing(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason)
+ {
+ AbortDSAs(aReason,iDirects);
+ }
+void CScreen::AddDirect(CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDirect)
+ {
+ TBool emptyBefore = iDirects.IsEmpty();
+ iDirects.AddLast(aDirect);
+ TBool emptyAfter = iDirects.IsEmpty();
+ if (emptyBefore && ! emptyAfter)
+ {
+ TWsEvent wsevent;
+ wsevent.SetType(EEventDirectScreenAccessBegin);
+ *(wsevent.Int()) = iScreenNumber;
+ TWindowServerEvent::PublishNotification(wsevent);
+ }
+ if (iDsaDrawState==EDsaDrawStateIdle && aDirect.IsVisible())
+ {
+ iDsaDrawState = EDsaDrawStateDrawing;
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(TWservCrEvent(TWservCrEvent::EDsaDrawingBegin, iScreenNumber));
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::RemoveDirect(CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDirect)
+ {
+ TBool emptyBefore = iDirects.IsEmpty();
+ iDirects.Remove(aDirect);
+ TBool emptyAfter = iDirects.IsEmpty();
+ if (emptyAfter && ! emptyBefore)
+ {
+ TWsEvent wsevent;
+ wsevent.SetType(EEventDirectScreenAccessEnd);
+ *(wsevent.Int()) = iScreenNumber;
+ TWindowServerEvent::PublishNotification(wsevent);
+ }
+ if (iDsaDrawState==EDsaDrawStateDrawing && aDirect.IsVisible() && !HasVisibleDirectOnQueue())
+ {
+ iDsaDrawState = EDsaDrawStateIdle;
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(TWservCrEvent(TWservCrEvent::EDsaDrawingEnd, iScreenNumber));
+ }
+ }
+TBool CScreen::HasVisibleDirectOnQueue()
+ {
+ if (iDirects.IsEmpty())
+ return EFalse;
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter(iDirects);
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* dsa;
+ while ((dsa=iter++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (dsa->IsVisible())
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+TBool CScreen::IsDirectOnQueue(const CWsDirectScreenAccess* aDirect)
+ {
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter(iDirects);
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* direct;
+ while ((direct=iter++)!=NULL)
+ {
+ if (direct==aDirect)
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+void CScreen::UpdateOffScreenBitmap()
+ {
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ iOffScreenBitmap->Update();
+ }
+void CScreen::KillForegroundSession()
+ {
+ if (iCurrentFocus)
+ {
+ _LIT(KWSERVKillWinGp,"Killing Session owning Window Group with Id=%d");
+ if (wsDebugLog)
+ wsDebugLog->MiscMessage(CDebugLogBase::ELogEverything,KWSERVKillWinGp,iCurrentFocus->Identifier());
+ iCurrentFocus->WsOwner()->SessionTerminate();
+ }
+ }
+CWsWindowGroup* CScreen::FindNewFocus(CWsRootWindow* aRootWindow)
+ {
+ CWsWindowGroup* newFocus;
+ for(newFocus=aRootWindow->Child();newFocus && newFocus->CanReceiveFocus()==EFalse;newFocus=newFocus->NextSibling()) {}
+ return newFocus;
+ }
+void CScreen::ResetFocus(CWsWindowGroup* aClosingWindow)
+ {
+ CWsWindowGroup* oldFocus=iCurrentFocus;
+ CWsWindowGroup* newFocus=NULL;
+ CScreen* newFocusedScreen=NULL;
+ iCurrentFocus=FindNewFocus(iRootWindow);
+ TBool focusedScreen= EFalse;
+ /*Focus policy is specified in the wsini.ini file using the keyword 'MULTIFOCUSPOLICY'.
+ If the keyword is not specified, then the default policy is run.
+ */
+ if(!CWsTop::MultiFocusPolicy())
+ {
+ focusedScreen=(this==CWsTop::CurrentFocusScreen()); //check if this screen is the focus screen
+ if (!iCurrentFocus && focusedScreen)
+ {
+ /*If this screen is the focused screen but does not have a focusable window group, then search for the
+ next screen that has a focusable window group and set that screen as the focused screen.
+ */
+ CScreen* screen=NULL;
+ TInt screenNo;
+ for (screenNo=0; screenNo<CWsTop::NumberOfScreens() && !newFocus; ++screenNo)
+ {
+ if (screenNo!=iScreenNumber)
+ {
+ screen=CWsTop::Screen(screenNo);
+ newFocus=FindNewFocus(screen->RootWindow());
+ }
+ }
+ if (newFocus)
+ newFocusedScreen=screen;
+ }
+ }
+ /*Scenario A: multi-focus policy
+ newFocusedScreen is NULL
+ focusedScreen is EFalse
+ CWsTop::MultiFocusPolicy() returns ETrue
+ Check if the new focusable window group is not the same, send focus lost message to window group
+ that has just lost focus and send focus gain message to window group that can receive focus.
+ Scenario B: single-focus policy (default)
+ CWsTop::MultiFocusPolicy() returns EFalse
+ Check if the new focusable window group is not the same or if there is a new focused screen, send focus lost
+ message to window group that has just lost focus and send focus gain message to window group that can receive focus.
+ */
+ if (iCurrentFocus!=oldFocus || newFocusedScreen)
+ {
+ if (oldFocus && (focusedScreen||CWsTop::MultiFocusPolicy()) && oldFocus!=aClosingWindow)
+ {
+ oldFocus->LostFocus();
+ }
+ if (newFocusedScreen)
+ {
+ CWsTop::SetCurrentFocusScreen(newFocusedScreen);
+ newFocus->ReceivedFocus();
+ }
+ else if (iCurrentFocus && (focusedScreen||CWsTop::MultiFocusPolicy()))
+ {
+ iCurrentFocus->ReceivedFocus();
+ }
+ WsPointer::UpdatePointerCursor();
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendFocusChangedEvents();
+ }
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendGroupListChangedEvents();
+ }
+void CScreen::SetShadowVector(const TPoint &aShadowShift)
+ {
+ iShadowShift=aShadowShift;
+ }
+void CScreen::RemoveFromDefaultOwningList(CWsWindowGroup *aDestroyedGroup)
+ {
+ for (CWsWindowGroup **group=&iDefaultOwningWindow;*group;group=(*group)->NextDefaultOwningWindowPtr())
+ {
+ if (*group==aDestroyedGroup)
+ {
+ *group=*aDestroyedGroup->NextDefaultOwningWindowPtr();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::SetDefaultOwningWindow(CWsWindowGroup *aGroup)
+ {
+ RemoveFromDefaultOwningList(aGroup);
+ aGroup->SetNextDefaultOwningWindow(iDefaultOwningWindow);
+ iDefaultOwningWindow=aGroup;
+ }
+void CScreen::GetScanLine(const TWsSdCmdGetScanLine *aGetScanLine)
+ {
+ TRgb buf[EGetScanLineBufLen];
+ TPtr8 des((TUint8 *)&buf[0],EGetScanLineBufLen*sizeof(TRgb));
+ TPoint pos(aGetScanLine->pos);
+ TInt read=0;
+ TInt len=(des.MaxLength()*EGetScanLineBufLen)/CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(EGetScanLineBufLen,aGetScanLine->dispMode);
+ if (aGetScanLine->len < 0 || (CFbsBitmap::ScanLineLength(aGetScanLine->len, aGetScanLine->dispMode) >
+ CWsClient::CurrentClient()->ClientMessage().GetDesMaxLength(1)))
+ {
+ CWsClient::PanicCurrentClient(EWservPanicInvalidParameter);
+ }
+ {
+ if ((aGetScanLine->len-read)<len)
+ len=aGetScanLine->len-read;
+ iScreenDevice->GetScanLine(des,pos,len,aGetScanLine->dispMode);
+ CWsClient::ReplyBuf(des);
+ read+=len;
+ if (read==aGetScanLine->len)
+ break;
+ pos.iX+=len;
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::MaxNumColors(TInt& aColors,TInt& aGrays)
+ {
+ aGrays=0;
+ aColors=TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeColors(DisplayMode());
+ if (!TDisplayModeUtils::IsDisplayModeColor(DisplayMode()))
+ {
+ aGrays=aColors;
+ aColors=0;
+ }
+ }
+#define MODE_TO_FLAG(x) 1<<(x-1)
+#define ROTATION_TO_FLAG(x) 1<<x
+TInt CScreen::ColorModesFlag()
+ {
+ return MODE_TO_FLAG(DisplayMode());
+ }
+void CScreen::Update()
+ {
+#if defined(__WINS__) && defined(_DEBUG)
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ iOffScreenBitmap->Update();
+ if (iRedirectGc)
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(TWservCrEvent(TWservCrEvent::EScreenUpdated, iScreenNumber));
+ else
+ iScreenDevice->Update();
+ }
+void CScreen::UpdateGcs()
+ {
+ iScreenGdi->Activate(iScreenDevice);
+ }
+void CScreen::ChangeDisplayModeForAllOffScreenBitmap(TBool aSwapWidthAndHeight/*=EFalse*/)
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ {
+ err=iOffScreenBitmap->DisplayModeChanged(aSwapWidthAndHeight);
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iOffScreenBitmap;
+ iOffScreenBitmap=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+CFbsScreenDevice *CScreen::ScreenDevice()
+ {
+ return(iScreenDevice);
+ }
+void CScreen::UpdateOrientation()
+ {
+ CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation orientation=Orientation();
+ iScreenGdi->SetOrientation(orientation);
+ TWservCrEvent crEvent(TWservCrEvent::EScreenOrientationChanged,iScreenNumber,&orientation);
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(crEvent);
+ }
+void CScreen::SetPointerCursorArea(TInt aMode,const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ (*iModes)[aMode]->iPointerCursorArea=aRect;
+ WsPointer::SetPointerCursorPos(WsPointer::PointerCursorPos());
+ }
+CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation CScreen::Orientation()
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValidScreenSizeMode(iScreenSizeMode),EWsPanicInvalidScreenSizeMode);
+ return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iRotation;
+ }
+TRect CScreen::DrawableArea() const
+ {
+ TRect drawRect;
+ iScreenDevice->GetDrawRect(drawRect);
+ return drawRect;
+ }
+TClientPanic CScreen::SetModeRotation(TInt aMode,CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation aRotation)
+ {
+ if (!IsValidScreenSizeMode(aMode))
+ return EWservPanicScreenModeNumber;
+ TSizeMode& mode=*(*iModes)[aMode];
+ if (!(ROTATION_TO_FLAG(aRotation)&mode.iAlternativeRotations))
+ return EWservPanicRotation;
+ TInt oldRotation=mode.iRotation;
+ mode.iRotation=aRotation;
+ CWsWindowGroup::NewOrientation(aMode,aRotation, iRootWindow);
+ if (aMode==ScreenSizeMode())
+ {
+ UpdateOrientation();
+ TBool shouldSwapWidthAndHeight=ShouldSwapWidthAndHeightOffScBitmap(oldRotation);
+ ChangeDisplayModeForAllOffScreenBitmap(shouldSwapWidthAndHeight);
+ iRootWindow->OrientationChanged();
+ }
+ return EWservNoPanic;
+ }
+void CScreen::CycleDisplaySize()
+ {
+ TInt newMode = iScreenSizeMode;
+ TSizeMode* sizeMode = NULL;
+ do
+ {
+ newMode = (newMode+1)%iModes->Count();
+ sizeMode = (*iModes)[newMode];
+ }
+ while (sizeMode==NULL);
+ doSetScreenMode(newMode);
+ }
+inline TBool CScreen::ShouldSwapWidthAndHeightOffScBitmap(TInt aOldRotation)
+ {
+ TInt rot=Abs((*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iRotation-aOldRotation);
+ return (rot==1||rot==3);
+ }
+void CScreen::doSetScreenMode(TInt aMode)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValidScreenSizeMode(aMode),EWsPanicInvalidScreenSizeMode);
+ TWindowServerEvent::NotifyDrawer(TWservCrEvent(TWservCrEvent::EScreenSizeModeAboutToChange, aMode));
+ TInt oldRotation=(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iRotation;
+ iScreenSizeMode=aMode;
+ TBool shouldSwapWidthAndHeight=ShouldSwapWidthAndHeightOffScBitmap(oldRotation);
+ CWsWindowGroup::SetScreenDeviceValidStates(ETrue,shouldSwapWidthAndHeight,this);
+ if (shouldSwapWidthAndHeight)
+ {
+ SetPhysicalScreenSize();
+ }
+ TWindowServerEvent::SendScreenDeviceChangedEvents(this);
+ ResetFocus(NULL);
+ }
+void CScreen::UpdateOffScreenBitmapGc(const TBool aSwapWidthAndHeight)
+ {
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ {
+ iOffScreenBitmap->UpdateGc(aSwapWidthAndHeight);
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::CycleOrientation()
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(IsValidScreenSizeMode(iScreenSizeMode),EWsPanicInvalidScreenSizeMode);
+ TSizeMode& currentSizeMode=*(*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode];
+ TUint rotations=currentSizeMode.iAlternativeRotations;
+ TInt currentRotation=currentSizeMode.iRotation;
+ TInt rotation=currentRotation+1;
+ while (rotation!=currentRotation)
+ {
+ if (rotation>CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270)
+ rotation=CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal;
+ if (ROTATION_TO_FLAG(rotation)&rotations)
+ break;
+ ++rotation;
+ }
+ if (rotation==currentRotation)
+ {
+ if (rotation>CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated90)
+ rotation-=2;
+ else
+ rotation+=2;
+ }
+ currentSizeMode.iRotation=REINTERPRET_CAST(CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation&,rotation);
+ CWsWindowGroup::NewOrientation(iScreenSizeMode,currentSizeMode.iRotation, iRootWindow);
+ UpdateOrientation();
+ TBool shouldSwapWidthAndHeight=ShouldSwapWidthAndHeightOffScBitmap(currentRotation);
+ ChangeDisplayModeForAllOffScreenBitmap(shouldSwapWidthAndHeight);
+ if (shouldSwapWidthAndHeight)
+ {
+ SetPhysicalScreenSize();
+ }
+ iRootWindow->OrientationChanged();
+ }
+TPoint CScreen::PhysicalToLogical(TPoint aPhysicalPt)
+ {
+ const TSizeMode& mode=ScreenSizeModeData();
+ TPoint logicalPt;
+ logicalPt=aPhysicalPt-mode.iOrigin;
+ if (mode.iScreenScale.iWidth!=1)
+ logicalPt.iX=(logicalPt.iX>=0 ? logicalPt.iX/mode.iScreenScale.iWidth : (logicalPt.iX-(mode.iScreenScale.iWidth-1))/mode.iScreenScale.iWidth);
+ if (mode.iScreenScale.iHeight!=1)
+ logicalPt.iY=(logicalPt.iY>=0 ? logicalPt.iY/mode.iScreenScale.iHeight : (logicalPt.iY-(mode.iScreenScale.iHeight-1))/mode.iScreenScale.iHeight);
+ return logicalPt;
+ }
+void CScreen::LoadScreenSizesL(TSize aScreenSize)
+ {
+ TBool allowScrGap=WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, KWSERVNumScrSizeMode, iNumScreenSizeModes);
+ iModes=new(ELeave) RPointerArray<TSizeMode>(1);
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(!allowScrGap || (allowScrGap && iNumScreenSizeModes>0), EWsPanicInvalidScreenSizeMode);
+ TInt screenNum=0;
+ {
+ ++screenNum;
+ TBuf<32> varNameWidth;
+ TBuf<32> varNameHeight;
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenWidthPattern,"SCR_WIDTH%d");
+ varNameWidth.Format(KWSERVScreenWidthPattern,screenNum);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenHeightPattern,"SCR_HEIGHT%d");
+ varNameHeight.Format(KWSERVScreenHeightPattern,screenNum);
+ TSize screenSize;
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, varNameWidth, screenSize.iWidth) ||
+ !WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber, varNameHeight, screenSize.iHeight))
+ {
+ if (allowScrGap && screenNum<=iNumScreenSizeModes)
+ {
+ iModes->AppendL(NULL);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (screenSize.iWidth==0 && screenSize.iHeight==0)
+ screenSize=aScreenSize;
+ TSizeMode* newSizeMode=new(ELeave) TSizeMode(screenSize);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(newSizeMode);
+ iModes->AppendL(newSizeMode);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(newSizeMode);
+ ++iNumSupportedScreenSizeModes;
+ }
+ // If sparse index is enabled and no screen size mode defined, all iModes entries will be NULL
+ // Otherwise iModes will be empty
+ if (iModes->Count()==0 || iNumSupportedScreenSizeModes==0)
+ {
+ TSizeMode* defaultSizeMode=new(ELeave) TSizeMode(aScreenSize);
+ if (iModes->Count()>0)
+ (*iModes)[0]=defaultSizeMode;
+ else
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(defaultSizeMode);
+ iModes->AppendL(defaultSizeMode);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(defaultSizeMode);
+ }
+ ++iNumSupportedScreenSizeModes;
+ }
+ if (!allowScrGap)
+ iNumScreenSizeModes=iNumSupportedScreenSizeModes;
+ }
+void CScreen::LoadScreenSizeProperties()
+ {
+ TBool orientations[4];
+ TUint allowableRotations=0;
+ TInt ii;
+ iScreenGdi->OrientationsAvailable(orientations);
+ for (ii=0;ii<4;++ii)
+ {
+ if (orientations[ii])
+ allowableRotations|=ROTATION_TO_FLAG(ii);
+ }
+ TBuf<32> xScale;
+ TBuf<32> yScale;
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenXScale,"SCR_XSCALE%d");
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenYScale,"SCR_YSCALE%d");
+ for(TInt sizeLoop=0;sizeLoop<iModes->Count();sizeLoop++)
+ {
+ TSizeMode* modePtr=(*iModes)[sizeLoop];
+ if (!modePtr)
+ continue;
+ TSizeMode& mode=*modePtr;
+ TBuf<32> varLeft;
+ TBuf<32> varTop;
+ TBuf<32> varRotation;
+ TBuf<32> varNameWidth;
+ TBuf<32> varNameHeight;
+ TBuf<32> varDisplayMode;
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenLeftPattern,"SCR_LEFT%d");
+ varLeft.Format(KWSERVScreenLeftPattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenTopPattern,"SCR_TOP%d");
+ varTop.Format(KWSERVScreenTopPattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenRotationPattern,"SCR_ROTATION%d");
+ varRotation.Format(KWSERVScreenRotationPattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenTwipWidthPattern,"SCR_TWIP_WIDTH%d");
+ varNameWidth.Format(KWSERVScreenTwipWidthPattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenTwipHeightPattern,"SCR_TWIP_HEIGHT%d");
+ varNameHeight.Format(KWSERVScreenTwipHeightPattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ _LIT(KWSERVScreenDisplayModePattern,"SCR_WINDOWMODE%d");
+ varDisplayMode.Format(KWSERVScreenDisplayModePattern,sizeLoop+1);
+ xScale.Format(KWSERVScreenXScale,sizeLoop+1);
+ yScale.Format(KWSERVScreenYScale,sizeLoop+1);
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber,xScale,mode.iScreenScale.iWidth))
+ {
+ mode.iScreenScale.iWidth=1;
+ }
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar(iScreenNumber,yScale,mode.iScreenScale.iHeight))
+ {
+ mode.iScreenScale.iHeight=1;
+ }
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varLeft,mode.iOrigin.iX))
+ {
+ mode.iOrigin.iX=0;
+ }
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varTop,mode.iOrigin.iY))
+ {
+ mode.iOrigin.iY=0;
+ }
+ TPtrC displayModeName(NULL,0);
+ mode.iDefaultDisplayMode = iScreenDevice->DisplayMode();
+ TInt rotation=CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal;
+ TUint allRotations=0;
+ TPtrC rotList(NULL,0);
+ if (WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varRotation,rotList))
+ {
+ TLex lex(rotList);
+ TBool foundOne=EFalse;
+ TInt rot;
+ while (!lex.Eos())
+ {
+ if (!FindNextValue(lex, rot))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rot<0 || rot>360)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rot>4)
+ {
+ rot/=90;
+ }
+ if (!foundOne)
+ {
+ rotation=rot;
+ foundOne=ETrue;
+ }
+ if (rot<=CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270)
+ {
+ allRotations|=ROTATION_TO_FLAG(rot);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (allRotations==0)
+ allRotations=ROTATION_TO_FLAG(rotation);
+ WS_ASSERT_ALWAYS((ROTATION_TO_FLAG(rotation)&allowableRotations)>0, EWsPanicFailedToInitialise);
+ mode.iRotation=(CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation&)rotation;
+ mode.iAlternativeRotations=allRotations & allowableRotations;
+ TSize twipsSize;
+ TSize pixels(mode.iScreenSize);
+ switch(mode.iRotation)
+ {
+ // CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated90:
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270:
+ {
+ //swap the axes in order to use the correct twips per pixel ratio, as CFbsScreenDevice
+ //does not take into consideration rotation, when converting pixels to twips
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varNameWidth,twipsSize.iWidth))
+ twipsSize.iWidth=iScreenDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(pixels.iWidth);
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varNameHeight,twipsSize.iHeight))
+ twipsSize.iHeight=iScreenDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(pixels.iHeight);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal:
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated180:
+ {
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varNameWidth,twipsSize.iWidth))
+ twipsSize.iWidth=iScreenDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(pixels.iWidth);
+ if (!WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, varNameHeight,twipsSize.iHeight))
+ twipsSize.iHeight=iScreenDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(pixels.iHeight);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ WS_PANIC_ALWAYS(EWsPanicFailedToInitialise);
+ break;
+ }
+ mode.iScreenTwipsSize=twipsSize;
+ }
+ TInt intForFindVar=0;
+ _LIT(KWSERVIniFileVarSizeMode,"SIZE_MODE");
+ WsIniFile->FindVar( iScreenNumber, KWSERVIniFileVarSizeMode,intForFindVar);
+ iSizeEnforcementMode=(TScreenModeEnforcement)intForFindVar;
+ }
+void CScreen::SetDigitiserAreas(const TSize& aScreenSize,const TRect& aDigitiserArea)
+ {
+ for(TInt sizeLoop=0;sizeLoop<iModes->Count();sizeLoop++)
+ {
+ TSizeMode* modePtr=(*iModes)[sizeLoop];
+ if (!modePtr)
+ continue;
+ TSizeMode& mode=*modePtr;
+ switch (mode.iRotation)
+ {
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal:
+ mode.iPointerCursorArea=aDigitiserArea;
+ continue;
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated90:
+ mode.iPointerCursorArea.SetRect(aDigitiserArea.iTl.iY,aScreenSize.iWidth-aDigitiserArea.iBr.iX,
+ aDigitiserArea.iBr.iY,aScreenSize.iWidth-aDigitiserArea.iTl.iX);
+ break;
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated180:
+ mode.iPointerCursorArea.SetRect(-(aDigitiserArea.iBr-aScreenSize),-(aDigitiserArea.iTl-aScreenSize));
+ break;
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270:
+ mode.iPointerCursorArea.SetRect(aScreenSize.iHeight-aDigitiserArea.iBr.iY,aDigitiserArea.iTl.iX,
+ aScreenSize.iHeight-aDigitiserArea.iTl.iY,aDigitiserArea.iBr.iX);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::GetScreenSizeAndRotation(TPixelsTwipsAndRotation &aSar, TInt aScreenMode)
+ {
+ TSizeMode& mode=*(*iModes)[aScreenMode];
+ aSar.iRotation=mode.iRotation;
+ aSar.iPixelSize=mode.iScreenSize;
+ aSar.iTwipsSize=mode.iScreenTwipsSize;
+ if (aSar.iTwipsSize.iWidth==0)
+ {
+ aSar.iTwipsSize.iWidth=iScreenDevice->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aSar.iPixelSize.iWidth);
+ aSar.iTwipsSize.iHeight=iScreenDevice->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aSar.iPixelSize.iHeight);
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::GetScreenSizeAndRotation(TPixelsAndRotation &aSar, TInt aScreenMode)
+ {
+ TSizeMode& mode=*(*iModes)[aScreenMode];
+ aSar.iRotation=mode.iRotation;
+ aSar.iPixelSize=mode.iScreenSize;
+ }
+TBool CScreen::SetScreenModeEnforcement(TInt aMode)
+ {
+ if (aMode<0 || aMode>ESizeEnforcementPixelsTwipsAndRotation)
+ return EFalse;
+ TScreenModeEnforcement newMode=(TScreenModeEnforcement)aMode;
+ if (newMode!=iSizeEnforcementMode)
+ {
+ iSizeEnforcementMode=newMode;
+ CWsWindowGroup::SetScreenDeviceValidStates(EFalse,EFalse,this);
+ ResetFocus(NULL);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+CWsOffScreenBitmap* CScreen::OffScreenBitmap()
+ {
+ return iOffScreenBitmap;
+ }
+CFbsDevice * CScreen::DrawDevice()
+ {
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ return iOffScreenBitmap->BitmapDevice();
+ else
+ return ScreenDevice();
+ }
+void CScreen::FreeOffScreenBitmap()
+ {
+ // for Flicker Free test
+ /** Andy - this either needs to talk to render stages or simply be removed.
+ Deleting the OSB when CRPs already know it exists is one thing - we dont do it while
+ testing ones that can't cope - deleting it when render stages use it is something else.
+ Fortunately we never actually use it.
+ if (iOffScreenBitmap)
+ {
+ delete iOffScreenBitmap;
+ iOffScreenBitmap = NULL;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+void CScreen::IncContrast()
+ {
+ TInt contrast;
+ if (iMaxContrast<0) //If failed to get it sofar get it again
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrastMax,iMaxContrast));
+ if (TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrast,contrast)))
+ return;
+ if (contrast==iMaxContrast)
+ contrast=-1;
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast, HAL::Set(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrast,++contrast));
+ }
+void CScreen::DecContrast()
+ {
+ TInt contrast;
+ if (TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrast,contrast)))
+ return;
+ if (contrast==0)
+ {
+ if (iMaxContrast<0 && TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast,
+ HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrastMax,iMaxContrast)))
+ return;
+ contrast=iMaxContrast+1;
+ }
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EContrast, HAL::Set(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayContrast,--contrast));
+ }
+void CScreen::IncBrightness()
+ {
+ TInt brightness;
+ if (iMaxBrightness<0) //If failed to get it sofar get it again
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightnessMax,iMaxBrightness));
+ if (TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightness,brightness)))
+ return;
+ if (brightness==iMaxBrightness)
+ brightness=-1;
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight, HAL::Set(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightness,++brightness));
+ }
+void CScreen::DecBrightness()
+ {
+ TInt brightness;
+ if (TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight, HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightness,brightness)))
+ return;
+ if (brightness==0)
+ {
+ if (iMaxBrightness<0 && TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight,
+ HAL::Get(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightnessMax,iMaxBrightness)))
+ return;
+ brightness=iMaxBrightness+1;
+ }
+ TWindowServerEvent::ProcessErrorMessages(TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight, HAL::Set(iScreenNumber,HALData::EDisplayBrightness,--brightness));
+ }
+TInt CScreen::GetScreenSizeModeListL()
+ {
+ RArray<TInt> list(iNumScreenSizeModes);
+ CleanupClosePushL(list);
+ TInt index;
+ for (index=0; index<iModes->Count(); ++index)
+ {
+ TSizeMode* modePtr=(*iModes)[index];
+ if (modePtr)
+ list.AppendL(index);
+ }
+ TInt count=list.Count();
+ CWsClient::ReplyBuf(&list[0], count*sizeof(TInt));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&list);
+ return count;
+ }
+void CScreen::SetInitialScreenSizeMode()
+ {
+ // get first/lowest valid screen size mode, if mode 0 not available
+ TInt index;
+ for (index=0; index<iModes->Count(); ++index)
+ {
+ TSizeMode* modePtr=(*iModes)[index];
+ if (modePtr)
+ {
+ iScreenSizeMode=index;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TDisplayMode CScreen::FirstDefaultDisplayMode() const
+ {
+ TInt mode=-1;
+ while ((*iModes)[++mode]==NULL)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(mode<iModes->Count()-1,EWsPanicInvalidScreenSizeMode);
+ }
+ return((*iModes)[mode]->iDefaultDisplayMode);
+ }
+CFbsDevice* CScreen::GetFbsDevice()
+ {
+ if (iRedirectGc)
+ {
+ WS_ASSERT_DEBUG(iRedirectGc->Device(), EWsPanicNullDeviceHandle);
+ return static_cast<CFbsDevice*>(iRedirectGc->Device());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice;
+ }
+ }
+void CScreen::AddRedrawRegion(const TRegion& aRegion, TBool aSchedule, TRedrawDepth aDepth)
+ {
+ iRedraw->AddRedrawRegion(aRegion, aSchedule, aDepth);
+ }
+void CScreen::DoRedrawNow()
+ {
+ iRedraw->DoRedrawNow();
+ }
+// implementing MWsScreen
+const TTime& CScreen::Now() const
+ {
+ return iRedraw->Now();
+ }
+void CScreen::ScheduleAnimation(const TRect& aRect,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFromNow,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFreq,const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aStop)
+ {
+ iRedraw->ScheduleAnimation(aRect,aFromNow,aFreq,aStop);
+ }
+void CScreen::OnAnimation()
+ {
+ iRedraw->OnAnimation();
+ }
+void CScreen::Redraw()
+ {
+ STACK_REGION bounds;
+ bounds.AddRect(DrawableArea());
+ AddRedrawRegion(bounds);
+ bounds.Close();
+ }
+TBool CScreen::RedrawInvalid(const TArray<TGraphicDrawerId>& aInvalid)
+ {
+ TBool wasDirty = EFalse;
+ STACK_REGION bounds;
+ bounds.AddRect(DrawableArea());
+ TWalkWindowTreeCalcInvalidGraphics calc(&bounds,dirty,aInvalid);
+ if(calc.CreateSubRegion())
+ {
+ calc.CalcInvalid(*this);
+ if(dirty.CheckError() || dirty.Count())
+ {
+ Redraw();
+ wasDirty = ETrue;
+ }
+ calc.DestroyRegions();
+ }
+ dirty.Close();
+ bounds.Close();
+ return wasDirty;
+ }
+ Overidding MWsObjectProvider
+TAny* CScreen::ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId)
+ {
+ TAny* interface = NULL;
+ switch (aTypeId)
+ {
+ case MWsScreenConfig::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
+ interface = static_cast<MWsScreenConfig*>(this);
+ break;
+ case MWsFrontBuffer::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
+ interface = static_cast<MWsFrontBuffer*>(this);
+ break;
+ case MWsWindow::EWsObjectInterfaceId:
+ interface = static_cast<MWsWindow*>(RootWindow());
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!interface && iOffScreenBitmap)
+ interface = iOffScreenBitmap->ResolveObjectInterface(aTypeId);
+ if (!interface)
+ interface = iRedraw->ResolveObjectInterface(aTypeId);
+ return interface;
+ }
+ Implementing MWsScreenConfig
+TDisplayMode CScreen::DisplayMode() const
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice->DisplayMode();
+ }
+TSize CScreen::SizeInPixels() const
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice->SizeInPixels();
+ }
+TSize CScreen::ScreenModeSizeInPixels() const
+ {
+ return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenSize;
+ }
+TInt CScreen::Stride() const
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice->Stride();
+ }
+CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation CScreen::Orientation() const
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice->Orientation();
+ }
+TInt CScreen::SizeMode() const
+ {
+ return iScreenSizeMode;
+ }
+TSize CScreen::ScalingFactor() const
+ {
+ return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iScreenScale;
+ }
+TPoint CScreen::Origin() const
+ {
+ return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->iOrigin;
+ }
+TPoint CScreen::ScaledOrigin() const
+ {
+ return (*iModes)[iScreenSizeMode]->ScaledOrigin();
+ }
+ Implementing MWsFrontBuffer
+const TAny* CScreen::GetBits()
+ {
+ return iScreenDevice->Bits();
+ }
+CFbsBitGc* CScreen::GetBitGc()
+ {
+ return iScreenGdi;
+ }
+CFbsBitGc* CScreen::GetBitGcCurrent()
+ {
+ if (iRedirectGc)
+ return iRedirectGc;
+ else
+ return iScreenGdi;
+ }
+ Redirect screen drawing to specified gc. Passing NULL will stop redirection.
+TInt CScreen::SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc)
+ {
+ if (aBitGc && (aBitGc==iScreenGdi || aBitGc==iRedirectGc))
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ if (aBitGc && !aBitGc->Device())
+ return KErrArgument;
+ // screen shall not be redirected when there is at least one DSA client is actively drawing
+ if (aBitGc && iDsaDrawState==EDsaDrawStateDrawing)
+ return KErrInUse;
+ iRedirectGc = aBitGc;
+ // Redraw window CWindowGC objects have CFbsBitGcs active on the screen device and need reactivating:
+ TWalkWindowTreeReactivateGcs wwt;
+ RootWindow()->WalkWindowTree(wwt, EWalkChildren);
+ // Andy - should we do something with the CPlaybackGc here? Can they be active at this point?
+ // if so, do they care, or should it already be handled for them?
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CScreen::SetBitGc(CFbsBitGc* aBitGc, TBool aInvalidateScreen)
+ {
+ const TInt err = SetBitGc(aBitGc);
+ if (err==KErrNone && aInvalidateScreen)
+ iRootWindow->InvalidateWholeScreen();
+ return err;
+ }
+void CScreen::DiscardAllSchedules()
+ {
+ iRedraw->DiscardAllSchedules();
+ }
+void CScreen::ScheduleRegionUpdate(const TRegion* aDefinitelyDirty)
+ {
+ iRedraw->ScheduleRegionUpdate(aDefinitelyDirty);
+ }
+void CScreen::DSARegionSyncStart( CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDSA )
+ {
+ iRedraw->BanThisRegionUpdate( aDSA.RegionUnderSync() );
+ }
+void CScreen::DSARegionSyncOver( CWsDirectScreenAccess& aDSA )
+ {
+ iRedraw->LiftRegionUpdateBan( aDSA.RegionUnderSync() );
+ }
+TBool CScreen::IsUpdatePending()
+ {
+ return iRedraw->IsUpdatePending();
+ }
+TBool CScreen::IsDSAClientWindow( const CWsClientWindow* aWin ) const
+ {
+ TBool res = EFalse;
+ if ( ! iDirects.IsEmpty() )
+ {
+ TSglQueIter<CWsDirectScreenAccess> iter( (TSglQueBase&)iDirects );
+ iter.SetToFirst();
+ CWsDirectScreenAccess* dsa;
+ while ( (dsa = iter++) != NULL && !res )
+ {
+ res = (dsa->ClientWindow() == aWin ) && ( dsa->IsVisible() || dsa->IsSyncTimeoutPending() );
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+void CScreen::AcceptFadeRequest( CWsWindow* aWin, TBool aIsFaded, TBool aIsBehind, TBool aIncludeChildren )
+ {
+ iRedraw->AcceptFadeRequest( aWin, aIsFaded, aIsBehind, aIncludeChildren );
+ }