--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/SERVER/server.h Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Window server C++ Class definitions
+#ifndef __SERVER_H__
+#define __SERVER_H__
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "w32cmd.h"
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include "OBJECT.H"
+#include "CLIENT.H"
+#include "ScrDev.H"
+#include "panics.h"
+class CWsGc;
+class CWsDirectScreenAccess;
+class CWsAnim;
+class CWsPluginManager;
+const TUid KDllUid={0x10000079};
+const TUint KMaxNumberOfMsgsInQueue=20;
+const TUint KMaxNumberOfMsgsInInactiveQueue=2;
+enum TWservActiveObjectPriorities
+ {
+ EWsGraphicAnimateAwaitIdlePriority=0, // lowest of all, when the system is really idle
+ EWsGraphicAnimatePriority=50, // used by the default animation scheduler; custom schedulers might use other priorities as they see fit
+ EMainServerPriority=100,
+ ESpriteAnimatePriority=900, // Below normal heartbeat
+ EPointerCursorPriority=950,
+ EHeartBeatPriority=1000,
+ EKeyRepeatPriority=1990, // Just below normal events
+ EPointerRepeatPriority=1990,// Same as for key repeats
+ EEventPriority=2000,
+ EWsShellLogonPriority=3000, // Log on to the shell dying
+ EDirectTimeOut=4000,
+ EDirectAbort=4010,
+ };
+enum {ETidyCountSetting=8};
+class CWsClient;
+class DWsScreenDevice;
+GLREF_C RWsRegion *GetRegionFromClientL(CWsClient *aClient, TInt aCount);
+// The event queue
+// Forward references
+class CWsRedrawMsgWindow;
+class CWsWindowRedraw;
+class CWsWindow;
+class CWsWindowBase;
+class CWsWindowGroup;
+class CWsClientWindow;
+class CWsClient;
+class CWsBackedUpWindow;
+class CWsPointerCursor;
+class TWindowServerEvent;
+class CWsRootWindow;
+enum TFlashState {EFlashOn,EFlashOff};
+struct TPointerKeyList
+ {
+ TRect iRect;
+ TInt iScanCode;
+ TBool iActivatedByPointerSwitchOn;
+ TDblQueLink iQue;
+ };
+struct TWsMessage
+ {
+ TUid iUid;
+ TUint8 iTheRest[4]; // Dummy elemnt where a variable length component will be
+ };
+class WsKeyboardEmulator
+ {
+ static TBool PointerEvent(TPointerEvent::TType type,const TPoint &aPoint, TDblQue<TPointerKeyList> *iPointerKeyList);
+ static void RawKeyEvent(TRawEvent::TType aType);
+private: // Private data
+ static TBool iKeyIsDown;
+ static TInt iCurrentKeyDown;
+ };
+struct TPointerEventInternal
+ {
+ TPointerEvent::TType iType; // Type of pointer event
+ TUint iModifiers; // State of pointing device and associated buttons
+ TPoint iPosition; // Screen co-ordinates of mouse event
+ };
+// Client object
+class CWsCliObj : public CWsObject
+ {
+ static CWsCliObj* NewL(CWsClient *aOwner);
+ CWsCliObj(CWsClient *aOwner);
+ void ConstructL();
+public: //from CWsObject
+ void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
+ };
+// Capture Key
+class CWsCaptureKey : public CWsObject
+ {
+ CWsCaptureKey(CWsWindowGroup *owner);
+ ~CWsCaptureKey();
+ void ConstructL(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey);
+ void SetL(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey);
+ void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
+ inline CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup();
+ inline const CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup() const;
+ void CmdToParams(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey, TCaptureKey &aParams);
+ CWsWindowGroup *iWindowGroup;
+ };
+class CWsHotKey : public CBase
+ {
+ CWsHotKey(TInt aHotKey, TBool aIsDefault);
+ ~CWsHotKey();
+ void ConstructLD(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey);
+ inline TInt HotKeyType() const;
+ inline TInt KeyHandle() const;
+ inline TBool IsDefault() const;
+ inline void SetLink(CWsHotKey *aLink);
+ void SetL(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey);
+ CWsHotKey *iNext;
+ TInt iHotKeyType;
+ TBool iIsDefault;
+ CWsCaptureKey *iCaptureKey;
+ };
+class CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns : public CWsObject
+ {
+ CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns(CWsWindowGroup *owner);
+ ~CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns();
+ void ConstructL(const TWsWinCmdCaptureKey &aCaptureKey);
+ void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
+ static CWsWindowGroup *CheckForCapture(TUint aScanCode, TUint aModifiers);
+ inline CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup();
+ inline const CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup() const;
+ TUint iModifierValue;
+ TUint iModifierMask;
+ TUint iScanCode;
+ static TPriQue<CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns> iCaptureKeysUpsAndDowns;
+ TPriQueLink iLink;
+ CWsWindowGroup *iWindowGroup;
+ };
+class CWsCaptureLongKey : public CWsObject
+ {
+ friend class CKeyboardRepeat;
+ CWsCaptureLongKey(CWsWindowGroup *owner);
+ ~CWsCaptureLongKey();
+ void ConstructL(const TWsWinCmdCaptureLongKey &aCaptureKey);
+ void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
+ inline CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup();
+ inline const CWsWindowGroup *WindowGroup() const;
+ static CWsCaptureLongKey* CheckForCapture(TUint aKeyCode, TInt aModifiers);
+ static TPriQue<CWsCaptureLongKey> iCaptureLongKeys;
+ TPriQueLink iLink;
+ CWsWindowGroup *iWindowGroup;
+ TWsWinCmdCaptureLongKey iData;
+ };
+// Owner of CWsGraphicDrawer
+class CWsGraphicDrawerObject: public CWsObject
+ {
+ static CWsGraphicDrawerObject* NewL(CWsClient* aClient,const TWsClCmdUnion &aParams);
+ ~CWsGraphicDrawerObject();
+ // from CWsObject
+ void CommandL(TInt aOpcode, const TAny *aCmdData);
+ // access
+ CWsGraphicDrawer* Drawer();
+ const CWsGraphicDrawer* Drawer() const;
+ inline TInt ClientHandle() const;
+ CWsGraphicDrawerObject(CWsClient* aOwner);
+ void ConstructL(TUid aType,MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv,const TGraphicDrawerId& aId,const TDesC8& aData,TInt aClientHandle);
+ static TInt TransientSequence;
+ static TBool RollOver;
+ CWsGraphicDrawer* iDrawer;
+ TInt iClientHandle;
+ };
+// Window's
+enum TWalkMode
+ {
+ EWalkBehind,
+ EWalkChildren,
+ EWalkChildrenAndBehind
+ };
+enum TWindowFlags
+ {
+ EFlagHidden=0x1, // True if the window is invisble for any reason
+ EFlagPointerCaptured=0x2,
+ EFlagPointerGrab=0x4,
+ EFlagInvisible=0x8, // True if the client has requested the window to be invisible
+ EFlagActive=0x10, // True if the window has been activated
+ //0x20
+ //0x40
+ EFlagDrawnToScreen=0x80, // True if the window has been drawn to the screen since it became visible
+ //0x100
+ EFlagPointerCaptureDragDrop=0x200, // True if pointure capture in Drag/Drop mode
+ EFlagPointerCaptureAllGroups=0x400, // True if pointer capture affects all groups
+ EFlagUsingPointerBuffer=0x800, // True if using a pointer event buffer
+ EFlagHasPointerBuffer=0x1000, // True if has pointer event buffer allocated
+ //0x2000
+ EFlagFadeBehind=0x4000, // True if fade behind requested for this window
+ //0x8000
+ EFlagNonFadingWindow=0x00010000, //True if the window should never be faded
+ EFlagScreenDeviceInvalid=0x00020000,
+ EFlagShutDownInProgress=0x00040000, // True if the window is currently being shut down
+ //0x00080000,
+ //0x00100000,
+ //0x00200000,
+ //0x00400000,
+ //0x00800000,
+ EFlagGeneratesVisibilityEvents=0x02000000, // True if visibility events are enabled for this window
+ EFlagCanBeSeen=0x04000000, // True if the last visibility event indicated that part of the window was visible
+// EFlagTransparencyAlphaChannel=0x08000000, // True if the window is transparent with an alpha channel (and no transparency mask)
+ EFlagNotCantBeSeen=0x10000000, // True if the last visibility event did not indicate that part of the window was not visible
+// EFlagTransparencyPolicyFreezeUnder=0x20000000, // True if the transparent window enables freezing under policy
+// EFlagChildClippedRegionValid=0x40000000, // True if the ChildClippedRegion is valid
+ EFlagHasAlpha= 0x80000000, // Equivalent to EFlagTransperencyAlphaChannel - new name to prevent confusion
+ };
+// Sprites
+class TWsDeltaTimerEntry
+ {
+ friend class CWsDeltaTimer;
+ inline TWsDeltaTimerEntry(TCallBack& aCallback);
+ inline TWsDeltaTimerEntry();
+ inline void Set(TCallBack& aCallback);
+ inline TBool IsPending();
+ TCallBack iCallBack;
+ TDeltaQueLink iLink;
+ };
+class CWsDeltaTimer : public CActive
+ {
+ enum {CWsDeltaTimerGranularity=100000};
+ static CWsDeltaTimer* NewL(TInt aPriority);
+ void Queue(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeInMicroSeconds,TWsDeltaTimerEntry& aHandle);
+ void Remove(TWsDeltaTimerEntry& anEntry);
+ void Activate();
+ ~CWsDeltaTimer();
+ CWsDeltaTimer(TInt aPriority);
+ void DoCancel();
+ void RunL();
+ RTimer iTimer;
+ TDeltaQue<TWsDeltaTimerEntry> iQueue;
+ };
+// Top level command class
+/** The main server class.
+class CWindowServer : public CPolicyServer, public MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment, public MWsMemoryRelease, public MWsRawEventServer
+ {
+ static CWindowServer *NewL();
+ ~CWindowServer();
+ TInt SessionCount();
+ MWsAnimationScheduler* AnimationScheduler();
+ CWsPluginManager * PluginManager();
+ TBool ReleaseMemory();
+public: // from MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment
+ const CWsGraphicDrawer* ResolveGraphic(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId) const;
+ void Invalidate(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId);
+ TInt ScreenCount() const;
+ MWsScreen* Screen(TInt aIndex);
+ const MWsScreen* Screen(TInt aIndex) const;
+ TBool SetCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aScheduler);
+ TBool HasCustomAnimationScheduler() const;
+ TBool ClearCustomAnimationScheduler(MWsAnimationScheduler* aCurrentScheduler);
+ TInt RegisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer, MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask);
+ TInt UnregisterEventHandler(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer);
+ TInt RegisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler, TUint32 aEventMask);
+ TInt UnregisterWsEventHandler(MWsEventHandler* aHandler);
+ void Log(TInt aPriority,const TDesC &aFmt,TInt aParam=0);
+ TInt RegisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease);
+ void UnregisterMemoryRelease(MWsMemoryRelease * aMemoryRelease);
+public: // from MWsRawEventServer
+ TInt RegisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler * aHandler);
+ void UnregisterRawEventHandler(MEventHandler * aHandler);
+ void PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent & aEvent);
+ void PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent & aEvent);
+ // CWsGraphicDrawer master index
+ TInt AddGraphicDrawer(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer);
+ TInt SwapGraphicDrawer(CWsGraphicDrawer* aDrawer);
+ TInt RemoveGraphicDrawer(const TGraphicDrawerId& aId);
+ TInt RemoveAllGraphicDrawers(const MWsClient& aOwner);
+public: // from MWsMemoryRelease
+ TBool ReleaseMemory(TMemoryReleaseLevel aLevel);
+ CWindowServer();
+ void ConstructL();
+ TAny* ResolveObjectInterface(TUint aTypeId);
+private: // from CServer2
+ CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ class CDefaultAnimationScheduler;
+ CDefaultAnimationScheduler* iDefaultAnimationScheduler;
+ MWsAnimationScheduler* iCustomAnimationScheduler;
+ CWsPluginManager* iPluginManager;
+ RPointerArray<MWsMemoryRelease> iMemoryReleases;
+ /** An index to all the CWsGraphicDrawer objects.
+ All the CWsGraphicDrawer objects are created and owned by the CWsClient objects but they are
+ indexed centrally because some operations require access to the full list.
+ */
+ CWsGraphicDrawerArray iDrawerMasterIndex;
+ };
+inline CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureKey::WindowGroup()
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline const CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureKey::WindowGroup() const
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns::WindowGroup()
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline const CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureKeyUpsAndDowns::WindowGroup() const
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureLongKey::WindowGroup()
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline const CWsWindowGroup *CWsCaptureLongKey::WindowGroup() const
+ {return(iWindowGroup);}
+inline CWsPointerCursor *CWsClient::DefaultSystemPointerCursor()
+ {return(iDefaultSystemPointerCursor);}
+inline TInt CWsHotKey::HotKeyType() const
+ {return(iHotKeyType);}
+inline TInt CWsHotKey::KeyHandle() const
+ {return((TInt)iCaptureKey);}
+inline TBool CWsHotKey::IsDefault() const
+ {return(iIsDefault);}
+inline void CWsHotKey::SetLink(CWsHotKey *aLink)
+ {iNext=aLink;}
+inline TWsDeltaTimerEntry::TWsDeltaTimerEntry(TCallBack& aCallback)
+ {iCallBack=aCallback;}
+inline TWsDeltaTimerEntry::TWsDeltaTimerEntry()
+ {}
+inline void TWsDeltaTimerEntry::Set(TCallBack& aCallback)
+ {iCallBack=aCallback;}
+inline TBool TWsDeltaTimerEntry::IsPending()
+ {return(iLink.iNext!=NULL);}
+inline TInt CWsGraphicDrawerObject::ClientHandle() const
+ {return iClientHandle;}