--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nonnga/remotegc/CommandBuffer.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1373 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "Graphics/WSGRAPHICMSGBUF.H"
+#include "DrawSection.h"
+#include "CommandBuffer.h"
+#include "BitmapCache.h"
+#include "FontsCache.h"
+const TInt KBufferSize = 1024;
+EXPORT_C CCommandBuffer* CCommandBuffer::NewL()
+ {
+ CCommandBuffer* buffer = new (ELeave) CCommandBuffer;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(buffer);
+ buffer->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(buffer);
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C CCommandBuffer::~CCommandBuffer()
+ {
+ iDrawSections.ResetAndDestroy();
+ iDrawSections.Close();
+ iBufReadStream.Close();
+ iClippingRegion.Close();
+ iBufRead = NULL;
+ delete iRecordSegBuf;
+ delete iBitmapCache;
+ delete iFontCache;
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iBitmapCache = new (ELeave) CBitmapCache;
+ iRecordSegBuf = CBufSeg::NewL(KBufferSize);
+ iFontCache = new (ELeave) CFontsCache;
+ }
+Resets the entire commandbuffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::Reset()
+ {
+ if(iRecordSegBuf)
+ iRecordSegBuf->Reset();
+ iError = KErrNone;
+ iOrigin = TPoint(0,0);
+ iClippingRegion.Clear();
+ iDrawSections.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+Externalizes commandbuffer sections into a format which makes it possible to send over IPC.
+If ETrue is sent as a parameter to this method, the entire commandbuffer will be externalized,
+otherwise only sections which has not been externalized before will be externalized. Note that if only
+not externalized sections is asked for, the flag will be reset on that section so next call
+to ExternalizeLC will not externalize that section.
+@param aMsgBuf A buffer used to externalize the commandbuffer to.
+@param aEntireBuffer If ETrue, the entire commandbuffer will be externalized, otherwise only sections which has not been externalized before.
+void CCommandBuffer::ExternalizeL(RWsGraphicMsgBuf& aMsgBuf, TBool aEntireBuffer)
+ {
+ // Add drawsections to aMsgBuf
+ const TInt sectionCount = iDrawSections.Count();
+ for(TInt j = 0; j < sectionCount; j++)
+ {
+ CDrawSection* section = iDrawSections[j];
+ if(aEntireBuffer || !section->HasBeenExternalized())
+ {
+ section->ExternalizeL(aMsgBuf);
+ section->SetHasBeenExternalized(ETrue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Internalizes the entire commandbuffer from buffer containing information about all drawsections and drawcommands.
+@param aBuf A buffer containing information about all drawsections and drawcommands.
+EXPORT_C void CCommandBuffer::InternalizeL(const TDesC8& aBuf)
+ {
+ // Reset the commandbuffer
+ iRecordSegBuf->Reset();
+ InternalizeAppendL(aBuf);
+ }
+Internalizes and appends from a buffer containing information about some drawsections and drawcommands.
+@param aBuf A buffer containing information about some drawsections and drawcommands.
+EXPORT_C void CCommandBuffer::InternalizeAppendL(const TDesC8& aBuf)
+ {
+ // Reset the commandbuffer
+ TWsGraphicMsgBufParser parser(aBuf);
+ // Load drawsections
+ const TInt count = parser.Count();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CDrawSection* drawSection = CDrawSection::NewL();;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(drawSection);
+ User::LeaveIfError(drawSection->LoadL(parser, i));
+ iDrawSections.AppendL(drawSection);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(drawSection);
+ }
+ // Tidy the iDrawSection array so completely blocked sections will be removed
+ Tidy();
+ }
+@return the current active clipping region of the commandbuffer.
+EXPORT_C const TRegion& CCommandBuffer::ClippingRegion() const
+ {
+ return *iActiveMasterClippingRegion;
+ }
+Prepares to record new drawcommands for a drawsection.
+This method is called from CRemoteGc::Activate().
+void CCommandBuffer::Prepare(const TRect& aDrawRect)
+ {
+ iDrawSectionRect = aDrawRect;
+ iError = KErrNone;
+ if(iRecordSegBuf)
+ iRecordSegBuf->Delete(0, iRecordSegBuf->Size()); // Reset record buffer
+ else
+ TRAP(iError, iRecordSegBuf = CBufSeg::NewL(KBufferSize));
+ }
+Finishes the recording of drawcommands for a drawsection.
+This method is called from CRemoteGc::Deactivate().
+@param aDrawRect The drawrect of the recorded drawcommands.
+@param aBoundingRect The boundingrect of the recorded drawcommands.
+TInt CCommandBuffer::Finish(const TRect& aDrawRect, const TRect& aBoundingRect, TBool aHasBitmapCommand)
+ {
+ // If some error occured during the recording of this section, dont add the section
+ if(!iError)
+ {
+ CDrawSection* drawSection = NULL;
+ TRAP(iError, drawSection = CDrawSection::NewL(aDrawRect, aBoundingRect, aHasBitmapCommand))
+ if(iError)
+ return iError;
+ // If boundingRect is empty clear the drawcommands added
+ if(aBoundingRect.IsEmpty())
+ iRecordSegBuf->Delete(0, iRecordSegBuf->Size());
+ iRecordSegBuf->Compress();
+ drawSection->SetBuffer(iRecordSegBuf); //Takes ownership of the memory allocated by iRecordSegBuf
+ iRecordSegBuf = NULL;
+ if(CheckForDuplicate(*drawSection))
+ {
+ delete drawSection;
+ return KErrAlreadyExists;
+ }
+ iError = iDrawSections.Append(drawSection);
+ if(iError)
+ delete drawSection;
+ else
+ {
+ Tidy();
+ if(iDrawSections.Count() == 0 || AllSectionsExternalized())
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ }
+ }
+ return iError;
+ }
+Remove drawsections that is completely blocked by another drawsection.
+void CCommandBuffer::Tidy()
+ {
+ RRegion region;
+ TInt count = 0;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < (count = iDrawSections.Count()); i++)
+ {
+ TRect rect1 = iDrawSections[i]->DrawRect();
+ region.Clear();
+ region.AddRect(rect1);
+ for(TInt j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
+ {
+ TRect rect2 = iDrawSections[j]->DrawRect();
+ region.SubRect(rect2);
+ }
+ if(region.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ delete iDrawSections[i];
+ iDrawSections.Remove(i--);
+ }
+ }
+ region.Close();
+ }
+@return ETrue if all sections in the commandbuffer have been externalized, otherwise EFalse.
+TBool CCommandBuffer::AllSectionsExternalized() const
+ {
+ const TInt count = iDrawSections.Count();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if(!iDrawSections[i]->HasBeenExternalized())
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+Checks if there exists any duplicate of aDrawSection already in the iDrawSection array.
+@param aDrawSection The drawsection to look for a duplicate of.
+@return ETrue if a duplicate was found, otherwise EFalse.
+TBool CCommandBuffer::CheckForDuplicate(const CDrawSection& aDrawSection) const
+ {
+ const TInt count = iDrawSections.Count();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if(!iDrawSections[i]->IsIdentical(aDrawSection))
+ continue;
+ // Check if there is some drawsection that overlaps the section we found identical,
+ // if that is the case it is not a duplicate
+ for(TInt j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
+ {
+ TRect compareRect = iDrawSections[j]->DrawRect();
+ if(aDrawSection.DrawRect().Intersects(compareRect))
+ return EFalse; //Found a drawrect that overlapped, no duplicate exists then
+ }
+ // Found duplicate
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+Updates the clippingregion for a specific drawsection.
+@param aDrawSectionIndex The index in iDrawSections of the drawsection to update the clippingregion for.
+@param aBitmapContext The bitmapcontext to set the new clippingregion on.
+void CCommandBuffer::UpdateClippingRegion(TInt aDrawSectionIndex)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDrawSectionIndex < iDrawSections.Count(), User::Invariant());
+ iDrawSectionClippingRegion.Clear();
+ if (iMasterClippingRegion)
+ {
+ iDrawSectionClippingRegion.Copy(*iMasterClippingRegion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRect rect = iMasterClippingRect;
+ rect.Move(iMasterOrigin);
+ iDrawSectionClippingRegion.AddRect(rect);
+ }
+ const TInt count = iDrawSections.Count();
+ for(TInt i = aDrawSectionIndex + 1; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ TRect rect = iDrawSections[i]->DrawRect();
+ rect.Move(iMasterOrigin);
+ iDrawSectionClippingRegion.SubRect(rect);
+ }
+ if (iDrawSectionClippingRegion.CheckError())
+ iActiveMasterClippingRegion = iMasterClippingRegion;
+ else
+ iActiveMasterClippingRegion = &iDrawSectionClippingRegion;
+ }
+Writes data of a specific length to the recordbuffer.
+@param aPtr The data to write.
+@param aLength The length of the data to write.
+void CCommandBuffer::Write(const TUint8* aPtr, TUint aLength)
+ {
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ TRAP(iError, iRecordSegBuf->InsertL(iRecordSegBuf->Size(), aPtr, aLength))
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ }
+Writes text to the recordbuffer.
+@param aText The text to write to the recordbuffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::WriteText(const TDesC8 &aText)
+ {
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ // Append the total size of the text
+ Write<TInt>(aText.Size());
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ TRAP(iError, DoWriteTextL(aText));
+ }
+Writes text to the recordbuffer.
+@param aText The text to write to the recordbuffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::WriteText(const TDesC16 &aText)
+ {
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ // Append the total size of the text
+ Write<TInt>(aText.Size());
+ if(iError)
+ return;
+ TPtrC8 textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(aText.Ptr()),aText.Size());
+ TRAP(iError, DoWriteTextL(textPtr));
+ }
+Writes text to the recordbuffer.
+@param aText The text to write to the recordbuffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::DoWriteTextL(const TDesC8 &aText)
+ {
+ iRecordSegBuf->InsertL(iRecordSegBuf->Size(), aText, aText.Size());
+ }
+Reads data with a specific length from iBufReadStream.
+@param aPtr The read data is written to this paramenter.
+@param aLength The length of the data to be read.
+void CCommandBuffer::ReadL(TUint8* aPtr, TUint aLength)
+ {
+ iBufReadStream.ReadL(aPtr, aLength);
+ }
+Reads text from iBufReadStream.
+@param aText The read text is put into this 8-bit buffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::ReadTextLC(TPtrC8& aText)
+ {
+ DoReadTextLC(aText,EFalse);
+ }
+Reads text from iBufReadStream.
+@param aText The read text is put into this 16-bit buffer.
+void CCommandBuffer::ReadTextLC(TPtrC16& aText)
+ {
+ TPtrC8 text8;
+ DoReadTextLC(text8,ETrue);
+ aText.Set(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(text8.Ptr()),text8.Size()/2);
+ }
+Reads text from iBufReadStream; used by ReadTextLC
+void CCommandBuffer::DoReadTextLC(TPtrC8& aText,TBool a16Bit)
+ {
+ ASSERT(iBufRead);
+ TInt textSize;
+ ReadL<TInt>(textSize); // Read the length of the text
+ if(0 > textSize)
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // attempt to do it inline
+ const TInt pos = iBufReadStream.Source()->TellL(MStreamBuf::ERead).Offset();
+ if(!a16Bit || !(pos & 1)) // check 16bit-aligned
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 remaining = iBufRead->Ptr(pos);
+ if(remaining.Size() >= textSize) // can do inline!
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL((TAny*)NULL); // have to push something
+ iBufReadStream.Source()->SeekL(MStreamBuf::ERead,textSize);
+ aText.Set(remaining.Ptr(),textSize);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // have to copy into a continuous segment
+ HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(textSize);
+ TPtr8 textPtr8(buf->Des());
+ iBufReadStream.ReadL(textPtr8,textSize);
+ aText.Set(*buf);
+ }
+Compares the commands in one buffer to those in another
+@param aBuffer The buffer to compare to
+@return ETrue if they are an exact match, EFalse otherwise
+EXPORT_C TBool CCommandBuffer::IsIdentical(const CCommandBuffer & aBuffer) const
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < iDrawSections.Count(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!iDrawSections[i]->IsIdentical(*aBuffer.iDrawSections[i]))
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+Draws drawcommands that are within a specific rect to a specific position.
+This function is deprecated use the other overload
+@param aPosition Draws the drawcommands to this position.
+@param aDrawRect Draws only drawcommands that are within this rect.
+@param aBitmapContext The bitmapcontext to draw to.
+EXPORT_C TInt CCommandBuffer::Play(const TPoint& aPosition, const TRect& aDrawRect, const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver, CBitmapContext& aContext)
+ {
+ iMasterOrigin = aPosition;
+ iOrigin = TPoint(0,0); // Need to save this to be able to make Reset not affect Origin beacuse that is how CWsGc works.
+ aContext.SetOrigin(iMasterOrigin);
+ iMasterClippingRect = aDrawRect;
+ iMasterClippingRegion=0;
+ TRAPD(errMess, DoPlayL(aWsGraphicResolver, aContext));
+ return errMess;
+ }
+Draws drawcommands that are within a specific rect to a specific position.
+@param aMasterOrigin The origin relative to which all draw commands will be drawn
+@param aMasterClippingRegion The region to which all draw commands are clipped
+@param aMasterClippingRect The rectangle to which all draw commands are clipped
+@param aWsGraphicResolver Any DrawWsGraphic commands will use this to draw themselves
+@param aContext The bitmap context to draw to
+EXPORT_C TInt CCommandBuffer::Play(const TPoint& aMasterOrigin, const TRegion * aMasterClippingRegion, const TRect& aMasterClippingRect, const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver, CBitmapContext& aContext)
+ {
+ iMasterOrigin = aMasterOrigin;
+ iMasterClippingRegion = aMasterClippingRegion;
+ iMasterClippingRect = aMasterClippingRect;
+ Reset(aContext);
+ TRAPD(errMess, DoPlayL(aWsGraphicResolver, aContext));
+ return errMess;
+ }
+ @internalTechnology
+EXPORT_C TInt CCommandBuffer::Play(const TPoint& /*aOffset*/, const TRegion* /*aClippingRegion*/, const TRect& /*aSourceRect*/, const MWsGraphicResolver& /*aWsGraphicResolver*/, MWsGraphicsContext& /*aGraphicsContext*/) //Stub implementation to maintain compatibility with NGA Window Server
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+ @internalTechnology
+EXPORT_C TInt CCommandBuffer::Play(const TPoint& /*aOffset*/, const TRegion* /*aClippingRegion*/, const TRect& /*aSourceRect*/, RWsSession& /*aWsSession*/, CWindowGc& /*aWindowGc*/) //Stub implementation to maintain compatibility with NGA Window Server
+ {
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+Draws drawcommands that are within a specific rect.
+@param aDrawRect Draws only drawcommands that are within this rect.
+@param aBitmapContext The bitmapcontext to draw to.
+void CCommandBuffer::DoPlayL(const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver, CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ const TInt sections = iDrawSections.Count();
+ if(sections == 0)
+ User::Leave(KErrEof);
+ iBitmapCache->BeginUpdate();
+ iFontCache->BeginUpdate();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < sections; i++)
+ {
+ UpdateClippingRegion(i);
+ DrawSectionL(*iDrawSections[i], aWsGraphicResolver, aBitmapContext);
+ }
+ iFontCache->EndUpdate();
+ iBitmapCache->EndUpdate();
+ }
+Draws a specific drawsection.
+@param aDrawSection The drawsection to be drawn.
+@param aBitmapContext The bitmapcontext to draw to.
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawSectionL(const CDrawSection& aDrawSection, const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver, CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ iDrawSectionRect = aDrawSection.DrawRect();
+ Reset(aBitmapContext);
+ iBufRead = aDrawSection.Buffer();
+ iBufReadStream.Open(*iBufRead, 0);
+ TDrawCode drawCode;
+ while(ETrue)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, ReadL<TDrawCode>(drawCode));
+ if(err == KErrEof)
+ return;
+ else if(err)
+ User::Leave(err);
+ switch(drawCode)
+ {
+ case ECommandClear:
+ Clear(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandClearRect:
+ ClearRectL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandCopyRect:
+ CopyRectL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandBitBlt1:
+ BitBlt1L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandBitBlt2:
+ BitBlt2L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandBitBltMasked:
+ BitBltMaskedL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetFaded:
+ SetFadedL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetFadingParameters:
+ SetFadingParametersL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandAlphaBlendBitmaps:
+ AlphaBlendBitmapsL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetOrigin:
+ SetOriginL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetDrawMode:
+ SetDrawModeL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetClippingRect:
+ SetClippingRectL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandCancelClippingRect:
+ CancelClippingRect(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandReset:
+ Reset(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandUseFont:
+ UseFontL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDiscardFont:
+ DiscardFont(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetUnderlineStyle:
+ SetUnderlineStyleL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetStrikethroughStyle:
+ SetStrikethroughStyleL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetWordJustification:
+ SetWordJustificationL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetCharJustification:
+ SetCharJustificationL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetPenColor:
+ SetPenColorL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetPenStyle:
+ SetPenStyleL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetPenSize:
+ SetPenSizeL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetBrushColor:
+ SetBrushColorL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetBrushStyle:
+ SetBrushStyleL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetBrushOrigin:
+ SetBrushOriginL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandUseBrushPattern:
+ UseBrushPatternL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDiscardBrushPattern:
+ DiscardBrushPattern(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandMoveTo:
+ MoveToL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandMoveBy:
+ MoveByL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandPlot:
+ PlotL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawArc:
+ DrawArcL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawLine:
+ DrawLineL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawLineTo:
+ DrawLineToL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawLineBy:
+ DrawLineByL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawPolyLine:
+ DrawPolyLineL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawPie:
+ DrawPieL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawEllipse:
+ DrawEllipseL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawRect:
+ DrawRectL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawPolygon:
+ DrawPolygonL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawRoundRect:
+ DrawRoundRectL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawBitmap1:
+ DrawBitmap1L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawBitmap2:
+ DrawBitmap2L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawBitmap3:
+ DrawBitmap3L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawBitmapMasked:
+ DrawBitmapMaskedL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawText1:
+ DrawText1L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawText2:
+ DrawText2L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawText3:
+ DrawText3L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandMapColors:
+ MapColorsL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetClippingRegion:
+ SetClippingRegionL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandCancelClippingRegion:
+ CancelClippingRegion(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawTextVertical1:
+ DrawTextVertical1L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawTextVertical2:
+ DrawTextVertical2L(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawWsGraphic1:
+ DrawWsGraphic1L(aWsGraphicResolver);
+ break;
+ case ECommandDrawWsGraphic2:
+ DrawWsGraphic2L(aWsGraphicResolver);
+ break;
+ case ECommandSetShadowColor:
+ SetShadowColorL(aBitmapContext);
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::LeaveIfError(KErrNotFound);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::Clear(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext) const
+ {
+ aBitmapContext.Clear();
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::ClearRectL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ aBitmapContext.Clear(rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::CopyRectL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ aBitmapContext.CopyRect(point, rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::BitBlt1L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TInt handle;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<TInt>(handle);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(handle))
+ aBitmapContext.BitBlt(point, iBitmapCache->Resolve(handle));
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::BitBlt2L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TRect sourceRect;
+ TInt handle;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<TInt>(handle);
+ ReadL<TRect>(sourceRect);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(handle))
+ aBitmapContext.BitBlt(point, iBitmapCache->Resolve(handle), sourceRect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::BitBltMaskedL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TInt bitmapHandle;
+ TRect sourceRect;
+ TInt maskHandle;
+ TBool invertedMask;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<TInt>(bitmapHandle);
+ ReadL<TRect>(sourceRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(maskHandle);
+ ReadL<TBool>(invertedMask);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(bitmapHandle) && !iBitmapCache->UseL(maskHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.BitBltMasked(point, iBitmapCache->Resolve(bitmapHandle), sourceRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(maskHandle), invertedMask);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetFadedL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TBool faded;
+ ReadL<TBool>(faded);
+ aBitmapContext.SetFaded(faded);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetFadingParametersL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TUint8 blackMap;
+ TUint8 whiteMap;
+ ReadL<TUint8>(blackMap);
+ ReadL<TUint8>(whiteMap);
+ aBitmapContext.SetFadingParameters(blackMap, whiteMap);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::AlphaBlendBitmapsL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint destPoint;
+ TInt srcHandle;
+ TRect sourceRect;
+ TInt alphaHandle;
+ TPoint alphaPoint;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(destPoint);
+ ReadL<TInt>(srcHandle);
+ ReadL<TRect>(sourceRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(alphaHandle);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(alphaPoint);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(srcHandle) && !iBitmapCache->UseL(alphaHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.AlphaBlendBitmaps(destPoint, iBitmapCache->Resolve(srcHandle), sourceRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(alphaHandle), alphaPoint);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetOriginL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ ReadL<TPoint>(iOrigin);
+ aBitmapContext.SetOrigin(iMasterOrigin + iOrigin);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetDrawModeL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode drawMode;
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode>(drawMode);
+ aBitmapContext.SetDrawMode(drawMode);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetClippingRectL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ rect.Intersection(iMasterClippingRect);
+ rect.Intersection(iDrawSectionRect);
+ aBitmapContext.SetClippingRect(rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::CancelClippingRect(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect = iMasterClippingRect;
+ rect.Intersection(iDrawSectionRect);
+ aBitmapContext.SetClippingRect(rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::Reset(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ aBitmapContext.Reset();
+ const TBool isFbsBitGc= aBitmapContext.IsFbsBitGc();
+ if (isFbsBitGc)
+ {
+ TRgb brushColor = KRgbWhite;
+ brushColor.SetAlpha(0); //make transparent
+ aBitmapContext.SetBrushColor(brushColor);
+ }
+ aBitmapContext.SetOrigin(iMasterOrigin);
+ if(iActiveMasterClippingRegion)
+ aBitmapContext.SetClippingRegion(*iActiveMasterClippingRegion);
+ CancelClippingRect(aBitmapContext);
+ iOrigin = TPoint(0,0);
+ iClippingRegion.Clear();
+ iParsedClippingRegionIsSet = EFalse;
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::UseFontL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt fontHandle;
+ ReadL<TInt>(fontHandle);
+ if(iFontCache->UseL(fontHandle)) return;
+ aBitmapContext.UseFont(iFontCache->Resolve(fontHandle));
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DiscardFont(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext) const
+ {
+ aBitmapContext.DiscardFont();
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetUnderlineStyleL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TFontUnderline underlineStyle;
+ ReadL<TFontUnderline>(underlineStyle);
+ aBitmapContext.SetUnderlineStyle(underlineStyle);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetStrikethroughStyleL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TFontStrikethrough strikethroughStyle;
+ ReadL<TFontStrikethrough>(strikethroughStyle);
+ aBitmapContext.SetStrikethroughStyle(strikethroughStyle);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetWordJustificationL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt excessWidth;
+ TInt numGaps;
+ ReadL<TInt>(excessWidth);
+ ReadL<TInt>(numGaps);
+ aBitmapContext.SetWordJustification(excessWidth, numGaps);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetCharJustificationL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt excessWidth;
+ TInt numChars;
+ ReadL<TInt>(excessWidth);
+ ReadL<TInt>(numChars);
+ aBitmapContext.SetCharJustification(excessWidth, numChars);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetPenColorL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRgb color;
+ ReadL<TRgb>(color);
+ aBitmapContext.SetPenColor(color);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetPenStyleL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle penStyle;
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle>(penStyle);
+ aBitmapContext.SetPenStyle(penStyle);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetPenSizeL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TSize size;
+ ReadL<TSize>(size);
+ aBitmapContext.SetPenSize(size);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetBrushColorL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRgb color;
+ ReadL<TRgb>(color);
+ aBitmapContext.SetBrushColor(color);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetBrushStyleL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle brushStyle;
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle>(brushStyle);
+ aBitmapContext.SetBrushStyle(brushStyle);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetBrushOriginL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.SetBrushOrigin(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::UseBrushPatternL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt deviceHandle;
+ ReadL<TInt>(deviceHandle);
+ if(iBitmapCache->UseL(deviceHandle)) return;
+ aBitmapContext.UseBrushPattern(iBitmapCache->Resolve(deviceHandle));
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DiscardBrushPattern(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext) const
+ {
+ aBitmapContext.DiscardBrushPattern();
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::MoveToL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.MoveTo(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::MoveByL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.MoveBy(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::PlotL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.Plot(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawArcL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ TPoint start;
+ TPoint end;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(start);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(end);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawArc(rect, start, end);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawLineL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point1;
+ TPoint point2;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point1);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point2);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawLine(point1, point2);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawLineToL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawLineTo(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawLineByL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawLineBy(point);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawPolyLineL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt nrOfPoints;
+ ReadL<TInt>(nrOfPoints);
+ CArrayFix<TPoint>* pointList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(5);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pointList);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < nrOfPoints; i++)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ pointList->AppendL(point);
+ }
+ aBitmapContext.DrawPolyLine(pointList);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pointList);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawPieL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ TPoint start;
+ TPoint end;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(start);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(end);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawPie(rect, start, end);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawEllipseL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawEllipse(rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawRectL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawRect(rect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawRoundRectL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ TSize ellipse;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ ReadL<TSize>(ellipse);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawRoundRect(rect, ellipse);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawPolygonL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt nrOfPoints;
+ ReadL<TInt>(nrOfPoints);
+ CArrayFix<TPoint>* pointList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPoint>(5);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pointList);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < nrOfPoints; i++)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ pointList->AppendL(point);
+ }
+ CGraphicsContext::TFillRule fillRule;
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TFillRule>(fillRule);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawPolygon(pointList, fillRule);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pointList);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawBitmap1L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint topLeft;
+ TInt bitmapHandle;
+ ReadL<TPoint>(topLeft);
+ ReadL<TInt>(bitmapHandle);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(bitmapHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.DrawBitmap(topLeft, iBitmapCache->Resolve(bitmapHandle));
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawBitmap2L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect destRect;
+ TInt bitmapHandle;
+ ReadL<TRect>(destRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(bitmapHandle);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(bitmapHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.DrawBitmap(destRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(bitmapHandle));
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawBitmap3L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect destRect;
+ TRect sourceRect;
+ TInt bitmapHandle;
+ ReadL<TRect>(destRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(bitmapHandle);
+ ReadL<TRect>(sourceRect);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(bitmapHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.DrawBitmap(destRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(bitmapHandle), sourceRect);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawBitmapMaskedL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect destRect;
+ TRect sourceRect;
+ TInt bitmapHandle;
+ TInt maskHandle;
+ TBool invertedMask;
+ ReadL<TRect>(destRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(bitmapHandle);
+ ReadL<TRect>(sourceRect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(maskHandle);
+ ReadL<TBool>(invertedMask);
+ if(!iBitmapCache->UseL(bitmapHandle) && !iBitmapCache->UseL(maskHandle))
+ aBitmapContext.DrawBitmapMasked(destRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(bitmapHandle), sourceRect, iBitmapCache->Resolve(maskHandle), invertedMask);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawText1L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TPtrC16 text;
+ ReadTextLC(text);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawText(text, point);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawText2L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect box;
+ TInt baselineOffset;
+ CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign horiz;
+ TInt leftMargin;
+ TPtrC16 text;
+ ReadTextLC(text);
+ ReadL<TRect>(box);
+ ReadL<TInt>(baselineOffset);
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign>(horiz);
+ ReadL<TInt>(leftMargin);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawText(text, box, baselineOffset, horiz, leftMargin);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawText3L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ CGraphicsContext::TDrawTextParam param;
+ TPtrC16 text;
+ ReadTextLC(text);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TDrawTextParam>(param);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawText(text, point, param);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::MapColorsL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ TInt nrOfPairs;
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ ReadL<TInt>(nrOfPairs);
+ TRgb* colorList = new (ELeave) TRgb [nrOfPairs*2]; // Every pair has two colors
+ CleanupArrayDeletePushL(colorList);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < nrOfPairs; i++)
+ {
+ TRgb color;
+ ReadL<TRgb>(color);
+ colorList[i] = color;
+ ReadL<TRgb>(color);
+ colorList[i+1] = color;
+ }
+ TBool mapForwards;
+ ReadL<TBool>(mapForwards);
+ aBitmapContext.MapColors(rect, colorList, nrOfPairs, mapForwards);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(colorList);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetClippingRegionL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TInt nrOfRects;
+ ReadL<TInt>(nrOfRects);
+ TRect rect;
+ iClippingRegion.Clear();
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < nrOfRects; i++)
+ {
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+// rect.Move(iMasterOrigin);
+ iClippingRegion.AddRect(rect);
+ }
+ iParsedClippingRegionIsSet = ETrue;
+ if(iActiveMasterClippingRegion)
+ iClippingRegion.Intersect(*iActiveMasterClippingRegion);
+ aBitmapContext.SetClippingRegion(iClippingRegion);
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::CancelClippingRegion(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ iClippingRegion.Clear();
+ iParsedClippingRegionIsSet = EFalse;
+ if(iActiveMasterClippingRegion)
+ aBitmapContext.SetClippingRegion(*iActiveMasterClippingRegion);
+ else
+ aBitmapContext.CancelClippingRegion();
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawTextVertical1L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TPoint point;
+ TBool up;
+ TPtrC16 text;
+ ReadTextLC(text);
+ ReadL<TPoint>(point);
+ ReadL<TBool>(up);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawTextVertical(text, point, up);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawTextVertical2L(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRect box;
+ TInt baselineOffset;
+ TBool up;
+ CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign vertical;
+ TInt margin;
+ TPtrC16 text;
+ ReadTextLC(text);
+ ReadL<TRect>(box);
+ ReadL<TInt>(baselineOffset);
+ ReadL<TBool>(up);
+ ReadL<CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign>(vertical);
+ ReadL<TInt>(margin);
+ aBitmapContext.DrawTextVertical(text, box, baselineOffset, up, vertical, margin);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawWsGraphic1L(const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver)
+ {
+ TInt id;
+ TBool isUid;
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TInt>(id);
+ ReadL<TBool>(isUid);
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ aWsGraphicResolver.DrawWsGraphic(id,isUid,rect,KNullDesC8());
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::DrawWsGraphic2L(const MWsGraphicResolver& aWsGraphicResolver)
+ {
+ TInt id;
+ TBool isUid;
+ TRect rect;
+ ReadL<TInt>(id);
+ ReadL<TBool>(isUid);
+ ReadL<TRect>(rect);
+ TPtrC8 text8;
+ ReadTextLC(text8);
+ aWsGraphicResolver.DrawWsGraphic(id,isUid,rect,text8);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //ReadTextLC
+ }
+void CCommandBuffer::SetShadowColorL(CBitmapContext& aBitmapContext)
+ {
+ TRgb shadowColor;
+ ReadL<TRgb>(shadowColor);
+ aBitmapContext.SetShadowColor(shadowColor);
+ }