--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/SHELL.CPP Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Shell to launch test code
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include "W32STD.H"
+#include "../SERVER/w32cmd.h"
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include "../tlib/testbase.h"
+#include "../TClick/CLICK.H"
+#define __USING_PROCESS_
+#if !defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+#define RP_FILENAME_SET _L(".DLL")
+#define THE_PASSWORD _L("pass")
+#define SHELL_TEST_NAME _L("ShellTest")
+#define RESTART_TEST_NAME _L("RestartTest")
+#define RESTART_EVENT_TEST_NAME _L("RestartEventTest")
+const TInt EDoubleClickTime=500000;
+const TInt EDoubleClickDistance=16;
+#ifndef __USING_PROCESS_
+LOCAL_D const TUint KHeapSize=0x400000;
+enum TShellPanic
+ {
+ EShellPanicRunningProcessCancel,
+ EShellPanicTemp,
+ EShellPanicRunningProcessNullPtr,
+ EShellPanicPassword,
+ };
+typedef TInt (*DllTestAppEntryPoint)(TAny *aParam);
+class CShellClient;
+class RShellWsSession : public RWsSession
+ {
+ static void Shutdown();
+ void SendShutdown();
+ };
+class MProcessObserver
+ {
+ virtual void ProcessDied()=0;
+ };
+class CRunningProcess : public CActive
+ {
+ CRunningProcess(MProcessObserver* aObserver);
+ ~CRunningProcess();
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aName);
+ void ConstructTestExecuteL(const TDesC &aName);
+ void Link(CRunningProcess** aRpPtr);
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ inline RProcess& Process() {return iProcess;}
+ inline RThread& Process() {return iProcess;}
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ virtual void RunL();
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ RLibrary iLib;
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ RProcess iProcess;
+ RThread iProcess;
+ CRunningProcess* iNext;
+ CRunningProcess** iPrevPtr;
+ TParse iFileName;
+ MProcessObserver* iObserver;
+ };
+class CShellErrorDialog : public CTDialog
+ {
+ CShellErrorDialog(CTWindowGroup *aGroupWin,CWindowGc *aGc);
+ void ButtonPressL(TInt aButton);
+ void ConstructLD();
+ CTWindowGroup *iGroupWin;
+ CWindowGc *iGc;
+ };
+class CTCalibWindow : public CTWin
+ {
+ CTCalibWindow();
+ void InitWin();
+ void DrawPoint(const TPoint &aPoint, const TDesC &aText);
+ void Draw();
+ void PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime);
+ TInt iCount;
+ TDigitizerCalibration iCalibPoints;
+ TDigitizerCalibration iReturnValues;
+ };
+class CListWindow : public CTTitledWindow
+ {
+ CListWindow();
+ void CloseWindow();
+ void ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent, TBool aExitOnEscape);
+ void Draw();
+ virtual void SelectedL(TInt aIndex)=0;
+ virtual void WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
+ void SetExt(const TPoint &aPos, const TSize &aSize);
+ void SetSize(const TSize &);
+ virtual TPtrC GetText(TInt aLine)=0;
+ virtual TInt ListCount()=0;
+ void SetSize();
+ void PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime);
+ void Resized(const TSize &aSize);
+ void SetListPos(TInt aNewPos);
+ TInt TextRowHeight() const;
+ void RowBox(TRect &aRect, TInt aRow) const;
+ TRgb iColorMap[4];
+ TInt iListPos;
+ TTime iPrevTime;
+ TBool iExitOnEscape;
+ };
+class CShellWindow : public CListWindow, public MProcessObserver
+ {
+ CShellWindow();
+ ~CShellWindow();
+ void ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent);
+ TBool RunClientL(const TDesC &aName,TBool aTestExecute);
+ void SelectedL(TInt aIndex);
+ virtual void WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
+ void ForegroundAppDialogL();
+ void HeapCountDialogL();
+ void SetPointerZone(TInt aZone);
+ void SetAutoLaunch(TBool aAutoLaunch);
+ // Virtual function defined in CTBaseWin and overriden in CListWindow
+ void PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime);
+ // Virtual function defined in CTBaseWin and overriden in CTTitledWindow
+ void FocusChanged(TBool aState);
+ void DoShellTests();
+ void BugHunt();
+ void CheckTerminate();
+ //Pure virtual functions defined in CListWindow
+ TPtrC GetText(TInt aLine);
+ TInt ListCount();
+ //Pure virtual function defined in MProcessObserver
+ void ProcessDied();
+ //Simulates SwitchOffEvent
+ void SimulateSwitchOffEvent();
+ //Simulates RestartSystemEvent
+ void SimulateRestartEvent();
+ //Simulates RestartSystemEvent and test the receiving of off event
+ void SimulateAndReceiveRestartEvent();
+ TBool iFailModeEnabled;
+ TInt iPointerZone;
+ CRunningProcess *iProcessList;
+ CArrayFixFlat<TFileName> iFileNames;
+ CTPointerCursor *iPointerCursor;
+ RSoundPlugIn iClick;
+ TInt iCaptureKey;
+ TBool iAutoLaunch;
+ TInt iNumWindowGroups;
+ TBool iIsFocused;
+ };
+class CTIconWindow : public CTBlankWindow
+ {
+ CTIconWindow(TInt aType);
+ void InitWinL();
+ void SetExtentL();
+ TInt iType;
+ };
+class CTPasswordWindow: public CTTitledWindow
+ {
+ CTPasswordWindow();
+ void InitWin();
+ void Draw();
+ TPoint iTextPos;
+ };
+class CTaskListWindow : public CListWindow
+ {
+ CTaskListWindow();
+ void ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent);
+ void SelectedL(TInt aIndex);
+ virtual TPtrC GetText(TInt aLine);
+ virtual TInt ListCount();
+ CArrayFixFlat<TInt> iWindowHandles;
+ CArrayFixFlat<TFullName> iWindowThreadNames;
+ TBuf<KMaxFullName+KMaxName+2> iLatestText;
+ };
+class CShellWindowGroup : public CTWindowGroup
+ {
+ CShellWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient);
+ ~CShellWindowGroup();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
+ void ErrorMessage(const TWsErrorMessage &aErrorMessage, const TTime &);
+ void ScreenDeviceChangedL();
+ TUint32 iCapHandle1;
+ TUint32 iCapHandle2;
+ TUint32 iCapHandle3;
+ TUint32 iCapHandle4;
+ };
+class CIconWindowGroup : public CTWindowGroup
+ {
+ CIconWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient);
+ void ConstructL();
+ };
+class CPasswordWindowGroup : public CTWindowGroup
+ {
+ CPasswordWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient);
+ ~CPasswordWindowGroup();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime&aTime);
+ void Cancel();
+ void PasswordL(const TTime &aTime);
+ CTPasswordWindow *iWin;
+ TBool iPasswordMode;
+ };
+class CShellClient : public CTClient
+ {
+ CShellClient();
+ ~CShellClient();
+ void ConstructL();
+ void KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime);
+ void Exit();
+ void CreateTestWindowL(CTWin *aWin, const TPoint &aPos);
+ void CreateTestWindowL(CTWin *win, const TPoint &aPos, CTWinBase *parent);
+ void ErrorDialog(const TDesC &aTitle, TInt aErr);
+ void ScreenDeviceChangedL();
+ RFs iFs;
+ TInt iNum;
+ CTWindowGroup *iIconGroup;
+ CTIconWindow *iIconWin1;
+ CTIconWindow *iIconWin2;
+ CTPointerCursor *iPointerCursor;
+ CPasswordWindowGroup *iPasswordGroup;
+ };
+class ROverrideProtectionInRSessionBase : public RWsSession
+ {
+ inline TInt Send(TInt aFunction) const {return(RSessionBase::Send(aFunction,TIpcArgs()));};
+ };
+const TInt Xmove=8;
+const TInt Ymove=6;
+const TInt ENumPointerCursors=2;
+void DrawShellDragCursor(CBitmapContext *aGc,TInt , const TSize &aSize, TBool aDoMask, TAny *aParam);
+void DrawShellListCursor(CBitmapContext *aGc,TInt , const TSize &aSize, TBool aDoMask, TAny *aParam);
+TSpriteCreateParams spriteParams1(TSize(32,32),TPoint(-16,-16),DrawShellListCursor,NULL,EFalse,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
+TSpriteCreateParams spriteParams2(TSize(32,32),TPoint(-16,-16),DrawShellDragCursor,NULL,ETrue,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+TSpriteCreateParams *PointerParams[ENumPointerCursors]={&spriteParams1,&spriteParams2};
+void Panic(TInt aPanic)
+ {
+ User::Panic(_L("Shell"),aPanic);
+ }
+void RShellWsSession::Shutdown()
+ {
+ RShellWsSession ShellSession;
+ ShellSession.Connect();
+ ShellSession.SendShutdown();
+ }
+void RShellWsSession::SendShutdown()
+ {
+ SendReceive(EWservMessShutdown,TIpcArgs(EWservShutdownCheck));
+ }
+// Sprite drawing functions //
+void DrawPointerCursor(CBitmapContext *aGc,TInt , const TSize &aSize, TBool aDoMask, TAny *)
+ {
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(aDoMask ? 0 : 2));
+ aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aSize));
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+ aGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(3));
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(3));
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(0,aSize.iHeight/2-1,aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight/2+2));
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aSize.iWidth/2-1,0,aSize.iWidth/2+2,aSize.iHeight));
+ if (!aDoMask)
+ {
+ aGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(0));
+ aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(0,aSize.iHeight/2),TPoint(aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight/2));
+ aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(aSize.iWidth/2,0),TPoint(aSize.iWidth/2,aSize.iHeight));
+ }
+ }
+void DrawShellDragCursor(CBitmapContext *aGc,TInt , const TSize &aSize, TBool aDoMask, TAny *)
+ {
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(aDoMask ? 0 : 2));
+ aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aSize));
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+ aGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray4(aDoMask ? 3 : 1));
+ for(TInt y=0;y<aSize.iHeight;y++)
+ {
+ TInt xfact=aSize.iWidth*Abs(y-aSize.iHeight/2)/aSize.iHeight;
+ aGc->DrawLine(TPoint(xfact,y),TPoint(aSize.iWidth-xfact,y));
+ }
+ }
+void DrawShellListCursor(CBitmapContext *aGc,TInt , const TSize &aSize, TBool , TAny *)
+ {
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(0));
+ aGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ aGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aSize));
+ aGc->SetBrushColor(TRgb::Gray4(3));
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(0,aSize.iHeight/2-1,aSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight/2+2));
+ aGc->DrawRect(TRect(aSize.iWidth/2-1,0,aSize.iWidth/2+2,aSize.iHeight));
+ }
+// Calibration window //
+ {
+ }
+void CTCalibWindow::InitWin()
+ {
+ UserHal::CalibrationPoints(iCalibPoints);
+ AssignGC(*Client()->iGc);
+ iWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,1);
+ iWin.Activate();
+ }
+void CTCalibWindow::DrawPoint(const TPoint &aPoint, const TDesC &aText)
+ {
+ iGc->MoveTo(aPoint);
+ iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(0,-20));
+ iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(0,40));
+ iGc->MoveBy(TPoint(-20,-20));
+ iGc->DrawLineBy(TPoint(40,0));
+ iGc->DrawText(aText, aPoint+TPoint(4,-4));
+ }
+void CTCalibWindow::Draw()
+ {
+ iGc->Clear();
+ DrawPoint(iCalibPoints.iTl,_L("1"));
+ DrawPoint(iCalibPoints.iBl,_L("2"));
+ DrawPoint(iCalibPoints.iTr,_L("3"));
+ DrawPoint(iCalibPoints.iBr,_L("4"));
+ }
+void CTCalibWindow::PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& )
+ {
+ if (aPointer.iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
+ {
+ switch(iCount++)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ iReturnValues.iTl=aPointer.iPosition;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ iReturnValues.iBl=aPointer.iPosition;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ iReturnValues.iTr=aPointer.iPosition;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ iReturnValues.iBr=aPointer.iPosition;
+ UserHal::SetXYInputCalibration(iReturnValues);
+ delete this;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Error dialog //
+CShellErrorDialog::CShellErrorDialog(CTWindowGroup *aGroupWin,CWindowGc *aGc) : CTDialog(),
+ iGroupWin(aGroupWin),
+ iGc(aGc)
+ {
+ }
+void CShellErrorDialog::ButtonPressL(TInt aButton)
+ {
+ if (aButton==0)
+ CTDialog::ButtonPressL(aButton);
+ }
+void CShellErrorDialog::ConstructLD()
+ {
+ CTDialog::ConstructLD(*iGroupWin, *iGc);
+ }
+// Offscreen icon->button window //
+CTIconWindow::CTIconWindow(TInt aType) : iType(aType)
+ {
+ }
+void CTIconWindow::InitWinL()
+ {
+ SetExtentL();
+ iWin.SetShadowDisabled(ETrue);
+ Activate();
+ }
+void CTIconWindow::SetExtentL()
+ {
+ enum {ENumYKeys=5};
+ enum {ENumXKeys=9};
+ TRect digRect(Client()->iScreen->PointerRect());
+ TSize scrSize(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels());
+ TInt ypos=0;
+ TInt count=0;
+ iWin.RemoveAllKeyRects();
+ if (iType==0)
+ {
+ for (;count<ENumYKeys;count++)
+ {
+ TInt oldypos=ypos;
+ ypos=digRect.iTl.iY+(count+1)*digRect.Height()/ENumYKeys;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWin.AddKeyRect(TRect(0,oldypos,-digRect.iTl.iX,ypos),'A'+count,ETrue));
+ }
+ iWin.SetExtent(digRect.iTl,TSize(-digRect.iTl.iX,scrSize.iHeight));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt xpos=0;
+ for (count=0;count<ENumXKeys;count++)
+ {
+ TInt oldxpos=xpos;
+ xpos=digRect.iTl.iY+(count+1)*digRect.Width()/ENumXKeys;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWin.AddKeyRect(TRect(oldxpos,0,xpos,digRect.iBr.iY-scrSize.iHeight), EStdKeyF1+count, EFalse));
+ }
+ iWin.SetExtent(TPoint(digRect.iTl.iX,scrSize.iHeight),TSize(digRect.Width(),digRect.Height()-scrSize.iHeight));
+ }
+ }
+// Individual window sub-classes
+void CShellClient::ErrorDialog(const TDesC &aTitle, TInt aErr)
+ {
+ TBuf<0x20> err;
+ err.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Error %d")),aErr);
+ DisplayDialog(this, aTitle, err,_L(""));
+ }
+CListWindow::CListWindow() : CTTitledWindow(), iPrevTime(0)
+ {
+ iColorMap[0]=TRgb::Gray4(0);
+ iColorMap[1]=TRgb::Gray4(3);
+ iColorMap[2]=TRgb::Gray4(3);
+ iColorMap[3]=TRgb::Gray4(0);
+ }
+void CListWindow::CloseWindow()
+ {
+ CTClient *client=((CShellClient *)Client());
+ CTWin::Delete(this);
+ client->ResetFocus();
+ }
+void CListWindow::SetExt(const TPoint &aPos, const TSize &)
+ {
+ SetPos(aPos);
+ }
+void CListWindow::SetSize(const TSize &)
+ {
+ }
+void CListWindow::SetSize()
+ {
+ iSize.iHeight=ListCount()*(iFont->HeightInPixels()+1)+iTitleHeight+2;
+ iSize.iWidth=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(*Client()->Title())+30;
+ for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++)
+ {
+ TInt wid=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(GetText(index));
+ if (wid>iSize.iWidth)
+ iSize.iWidth=wid;
+ }
+ iSize.iWidth+=4;
+ iWin.SetSize(iSize);
+ Resized(iSize);
+ }
+void CListWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent, TBool aExitOnEscape)
+ {
+ iExitOnEscape=aExitOnEscape;
+ CTTitledWindow::ConstructL(parent);
+ }
+void CListWindow::SetListPos(TInt aNewPos)
+ {
+ if (aNewPos>=0 && aNewPos<ListCount())
+ {
+ iListPos=aNewPos;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+void CListWindow::WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey, const TTime&)
+ {
+ switch(aKey.iCode)
+ {
+ case EKeyUpArrow:
+ SetListPos(iListPos-1);
+ break;
+ case EKeyDownArrow:
+ SetListPos(iListPos+1);
+ break;
+ case EKeyEnter:
+ SelectedL(iListPos);
+ break;
+ case EKeyEscape: // Fall through from EKeyEnter
+ if (iExitOnEscape)
+ CloseWindow();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CListWindow::PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ if (aPointer.iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++)
+ {
+ RowBox(rect,index);
+ if (rect.Contains(aPointer.iPosition))
+ {
+ if (index==iListPos && (aPointer.iModifiers&EModifierDoubleClick /*|| index<=INDEX_FOR_SHELL_TEST*/))
+ SelectedL(iListPos);
+ else
+ {
+ iPrevTime=aTime;
+ SetListPos(index);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CTTitledWindow::PointerL(aPointer,aTime);
+ }
+TInt CListWindow::TextRowHeight() const
+ {
+ return(iFont->HeightInPixels()+1);
+ }
+void CListWindow::RowBox(TRect &aRect, TInt aRow) const
+ {
+ aRect.iTl.iX=2;
+ aRect.iTl.iY=iTitleHeight+TextRowHeight()*aRow;
+ aRect.iBr.iX=iSize.iWidth-2;
+ aRect.iBr.iY=aRect.iTl.iY+TextRowHeight();
+ }
+void CListWindow::Draw()
+ {
+ CTTitledWindow::Draw();
+ iGc->SetPenColor(TRgb::Gray16(0));
+ TPoint pos(2,iTitleHeight+iFont->AscentInPixels()+2);
+ TInt gap=TextRowHeight();
+ for(TInt index=0;index<ListCount();index++,pos.iY+=gap)
+ {
+ iGc->DrawText(GetText(index), pos);
+ if (index==iListPos)
+ {
+ TRect rect;
+ RowBox(rect,index);
+ iGc->MapColors(rect,iColorMap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CListWindow::Resized(const TSize &aSize)
+ {
+ SetDragRect(TRect(0,0,aSize.iWidth,iTitleHeight));
+ }
+// CShellWindow class //
+CShellWindow::CShellWindow() : CListWindow(), iFileNames(4)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ if (iCaptureKey)
+ Client()->iGroup->GroupWin()->CancelCaptureKey(iCaptureKey);
+ delete iPointerCursor;
+ while(iProcessList)
+ delete iProcessList;
+ }
+void CShellWindow::SetPointerZone(TInt aZone)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,iPointerCursor->UpdateL(0, PointerParams[aZone]));
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->ErrorDialog(_L("Error Changing Pointer"), err);
+ else
+ iPointerZone=aZone;
+ }
+void CShellWindow::SetAutoLaunch(TBool aAutoLaunch)
+ {
+ iAutoLaunch=aAutoLaunch;
+ if (aAutoLaunch)
+ iNumWindowGroups=Client()->iWs.NumWindowGroups();
+ }
+void CShellWindow::PointerL(const TPointerEvent &aPointer,const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ TInt zone=(aPointer.iPosition.iY<iTitleHeight) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (iPointerZone!=zone)
+ SetPointerZone(zone);
+ CListWindow::PointerL(aPointer,aTime);
+ }
+void CShellWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent)
+ {
+ CListWindow::ConstructL(parent, EFalse);
+ RFile dllList;
+ RProcess thisProc;
+ TParse dllListFileName;
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ TFileName fName(thisProc.FileName());
+ User::LeaveIfError(dllListFileName.Set(_L("\\SYSTEM\\DATA\\DLL_LIST.TXT"),&fName,NULL));
+ User::LeaveIfError(dllList.Open(((CShellClient *)Client())->iFs,dllListFileName.FullName(),EFileShareReadersOnly|EFileStreamText));
+ User::LeaveIfError(dllList.Open(((CShellClient *)Client())->iFs,_L("Z:\\SYSTEM\\DATA\\DLL_LIST.TXT"),EFileShareReadersOnly|EFileStreamText));
+ TBuf8<0x200> dllNames;
+ User::LeaveIfError(dllList.Read(dllNames));
+ dllList.Close();
+ TPtrC8 name(dllNames);
+ {
+ TInt pos=name.Locate('\r');
+ if (pos==KErrNotFound)
+ break;
+ if (pos<=KMaxFileName)
+ {
+ TFileName buf;
+ buf.Copy(name.Left(pos));
+ iFileNames.AppendL(buf);
+ }
+ name.Set(name.Mid(pos+2));
+ };
+ SetSize();
+ BaseWin()->PointerFilter(EPointerFilterMove|EPointerFilterDrag,0);
+ iPointerCursor=new(ELeave) CTPointerCursor(Client()->iWs);
+ iPointerCursor->ConstructL(0);
+ SetPointerZone(0);
+ iWin.SetCustomPointerCursor(iPointerCursor->PointerCursor());
+ iClick=RSoundPlugIn(Client()->iWs);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iClick.Construct(TUid::Uid(CLICK_THIRD_UID)));
+ TBool isChangeAble;
+ if (iClick.IsLoaded(isChangeAble))
+ {
+ TInt ret=Client()->iGroup->GroupWin()->CaptureKey(3,EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift|EModifierFunc
+ ,EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift|EModifierFunc); //Ctrl-Alt-Shift-C
+ User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+ iCaptureKey=ret;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CShellWindow::RunClientL(const TDesC &aName,TBool aTestExecute)
+ {
+ if (aName.Length()!=0)
+ {
+ CRunningProcess* rp=new(ELeave) CRunningProcess(this);
+ rp->Link(&iProcessList);
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(rp);
+ TInt err=KErrNone; //To stop a warning
+ if (aTestExecute)
+ {
+ TRAP(err,rp->ConstructTestExecuteL(aName));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TRAP(err,rp->ConstructL(aName));
+ }
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete rp;
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CShellWindow::SelectedL(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ TPtrC name=GetText(aIndex);
+ {
+ DoShellTests();
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ SimulateRestartEvent();
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ SimulateAndReceiveRestartEvent();
+ return;
+ }
+ TRAPD(err,RunClientL(GetText(aIndex),EFalse));
+ if (err==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TRAP(err,RunClientL(GetText(aIndex),ETrue));
+ }
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->ErrorDialog(_L("Error launching process"), err);
+ }
+TPtrC CShellWindow::GetText(TInt aLine)
+ {
+ return(TPtrC(iFileNames[aLine]));
+ }
+TInt CShellWindow::ListCount()
+ {
+ return(iFileNames.Count());
+ }
+void CShellWindow::ForegroundAppDialogL()
+ {
+ TInt focusGroup;
+ TName winName;
+ TThreadId threadId;
+ User::LeaveIfError(focusGroup=Client()->iWs.GetFocusWindowGroup());
+ User::LeaveIfError(Client()->iWs.GetWindowGroupClientThreadId(focusGroup, threadId));
+ User::LeaveIfError(Client()->iWs.GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(focusGroup,winName));
+ RThread thread;
+ User::LeaveIfError(thread.Open(threadId));
+ CShellErrorDialog *dialog=new(ELeave) CShellErrorDialog(Client()->iGroup, iGc);
+ dialog->ConstructLD();
+ dialog->SetTitle(_L("The Foreground App Is"));
+ dialog->SetLine1(thread.FullName());
+ thread.Close();
+ dialog->SetLine2(winName);
+ dialog->SetNumButtons(1);
+ dialog->SetButtonText(0,_L("Okay"));
+ if (dialog->Display()!=0)
+ Panic(0);
+ dialog=NULL;
+ }
+void CShellWindow::HeapCountDialogL()
+ {
+ CShellErrorDialog *dialog=new(ELeave) CShellErrorDialog(Client()->iGroup, iGc);
+ dialog->ConstructLD();
+ dialog->SetTitle(_L("Wserv Heap Count"));
+ TBuf<0x20> line1;
+ line1.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("Count=%d")),Client()->iWs.HeapCount());
+ dialog->SetLine1(line1);
+ dialog->SetNumButtons(1);
+ dialog->SetButtonText(0,_L("Okay"));
+ if (dialog->Display()!=0)
+ Panic(0);
+ dialog=NULL;
+ }
+void CShellWindow::WinKeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ TBool funcKeyPressed=aKey.iModifiers&EModifierFunc;
+ if (aKey.iModifiers&EModifierCtrl)
+ {
+ switch(aKey.iCode)
+ {
+ case EKeyLeftArrow:
+ {
+ TInt col=Client()->iWs.GetBackgroundColor().Gray16();
+ if (col>0)
+ Client()->iWs.SetBackgroundColor(TRgb::Gray16(col-1));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EKeyRightArrow:
+ {
+ TInt col=Client()->iWs.GetBackgroundColor().Gray16();
+ if (col<15)
+ Client()->iWs.SetBackgroundColor(TRgb::Gray16(col+1));
+ }
+ break;
+ case EKeyTab:
+ if (funcKeyPressed)
+ ForegroundAppDialogL();
+ else
+ {
+ Group()->GroupWin()->SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->CreateTestWindowL(new(ELeave) CTaskListWindow(), TPoint(50,30));
+ Client()->ResetFocus();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: //Ctrl-A
+ case 17: //Ctrl-Q
+ SetPos(TPoint(3,(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight-Size().iHeight)/2));
+ break;
+ case 2: //Ctrl-B
+ case 23: //Ctrl-W
+ SetPos(TPoint((Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels().iWidth-Size().iWidth)/2,(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight-Size().iHeight)/2));
+ break;
+ case 3: //Ctrl-C
+ case 5: //Ctrl-E
+ if (funcKeyPressed && aKey.iModifiers&EModifierShift && aKey.iCode==3) //Ctrl-Alt-Sh-C
+ iClick.CommandReply(EClickCommandToggleOutput,TPtrC8(NULL,0));
+ else
+ SetPos(TPoint(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels().iWidth-Size().iWidth-3,(Client()->iScreen->SizeInPixels().iHeight-Size().iHeight)/2));
+ break;
+ case 18: //Ctrl-R
+ {
+ CWsScreenDevice* screen=Client()->iScreen;
+ TPixelsAndRotation sizeAndRotation;
+ screen->GetScreenModeSizeAndRotation(0,sizeAndRotation);
+ Client()->iWs.SetPointerCursorArea(0,TRect(sizeAndRotation.iPixelSize));
+ screen->SetCurrentRotations(0,CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationNormal);
+ screen->SetScreenMode(0);
+ CArrayFixFlat<TInt> *rotations=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(1);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(rotations);
+ TInt numModes=screen->NumScreenModes();
+ TInt ii,err;
+ for (ii=1;ii<numModes;++ii)
+ {
+ err=screen->GetRotationsList(ii,rotations);
+ if (err==KErrNone)
+ screen->SetCurrentRotations(ii,REINTERPRET_CAST(CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation&,(*rotations)[0]));
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto not_used;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (funcKeyPressed)
+ {
+ switch(aKey.iCode)
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ {
+ CTCalibWindow *win=new(ELeave) CTCalibWindow();
+ win->ConstructL(*Client()->iGroup);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's': // Sleep
+ User::After(2000000);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ DisplayDialog(_L("Dialog test"),_L("Line of text"),_L(""));
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ UserHal::SwitchOff();
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (iFailModeEnabled)
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->iWs.HeapSetFail(RHeap::ENone,0);
+ else
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->iWs.HeapSetFail(RHeap::ERandom,20);
+ iFailModeEnabled=!iFailModeEnabled;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ if (aKey.iModifiers&EModifierShift)
+ RShellWsSession::Shutdown();
+ else
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->Exit();
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ Client()->iWs.LogMessage(_L("Hello, this is log test"));
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ HeapCountDialogL();
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ BugHunt();
+ break;
+ case EKeyLeftArrow:
+ AdjustSize(-Xmove,0,aKey.iModifiers);
+ break;
+ case EKeyRightArrow:
+ AdjustSize(Xmove,0,aKey.iModifiers);
+ break;
+ case EKeyUpArrow:
+ AdjustSize(0,-Ymove,aKey.iModifiers);
+ break;
+ case EKeyDownArrow:
+ AdjustSize(0,Ymove,aKey.iModifiers);
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto not_used;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ goto not_used;
+ return;
+ CListWindow::WinKeyL(aKey,aTime);
+ }
+void CShellWindow::FocusChanged(TBool aState)
+ {
+ CListWindow::FocusChanged(aState);
+ iIsFocused=aState;
+ CheckTerminate();
+ }
+void CShellWindow::DoShellTests()
+//Doing testing that can only be done from the shell
+ {
+ /*Group()->GroupWin()->EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse);
+ BaseWin()->SetSizeErr(TSize(160,220));
+ Group()->GroupWin()->EnableReceiptOfFocus(ETrue);
+ */
+ SimulateSwitchOffEvent();
+ }
+Sends the raw events to the current registered window session.
+Since no Window Group is allowed to request the off events,
+WServ shall handle these raw events.
+void CShellWindow::SimulateSwitchOffEvent()
+ {
+ TRawEvent rawEvent;
+ rawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::ESwitchOff);
+ Client()->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
+ Client()->iWs.Flush();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Restart system event can be successfully sent through WServ
+@SYMTestStatus Implemented
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Test restart system event in WServ
+@SYMTestActions The test code will simulate a 'restart event'.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The system should restart (manually observed).
+void CShellWindow::SimulateRestartEvent()
+ {
+ TRawEvent rawEvent;
+ rawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::ERestartSystem);
+ Client()->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
+ Client()->iWs.Flush();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Restart system event can be received by client that have registered for off event
+@SYMTestStatus Implemented
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Test restart system event in WServ with off event handler
+@SYMTestActions The test code will register for off event, simulate a 'restart event' and then receive the restart event
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Verify that the restart event is received and the testPass dialog displayed for this test (manually observed).
+void CShellWindow::SimulateAndReceiveRestartEvent()
+ {
+ const TInt KEventWaitTimer = 5000000; // 5 sec, The wait time that this test will wait for the restart event before declaring this test fail
+ TInt err = Client()->iWs.RequestOffEvents(ETrue, Client()->iGroup->GroupWin());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ static_cast<CShellClient *>(Client())->ErrorDialog(_L("Failed to request off event"),err);
+ }
+ TRawEvent rawEvent;
+ rawEvent.Set(TRawEvent::ERestartSystem);
+ Client()->iWs.SimulateRawEvent(rawEvent);
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ Client()->iWs.EventReady(&status);
+ Client()->iWs.Flush();
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TWsEvent event;
+ RTimer timer;
+ timer.CreateLocal();
+ TRequestStatus timerStatus;
+ timer.After(timerStatus,KEventWaitTimer);
+ TBool testPass=EFalse;
+ while (timerStatus != KErrNone) // wait for the restart event until timer expire
+ {
+ Client()->iWs.GetEvent(event);
+ if (event.Type() == EEventRestartSystem)
+ {
+ timer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus); // to receive the cancel event
+ testPass = ETrue;
+ _LIT(KTestPass,"TestPassed");
+ TWindowTitle winTitle(KTestPass);
+ DisplayDialog(Client(), winTitle, _L("Received Restart Event"), KNullDesC);
+ break;
+ }
+ // probably got pointer event above instead of restart event, so try getting the next event until we see retart event
+ Client()->iWs.EventReady(&status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status, timerStatus);
+ }
+ if (testPass == EFalse)
+ {
+ // timer expired before getting restart event
+ _LIT(KTestPass,"TestFailed");
+ TWindowTitle winTitle(KTestPass);
+ DisplayDialog(Client(), winTitle, _L("Did not receive Restart Event"), KNullDesC);
+ }
+ timer.Close();
+ Client()->iWs.RequestOffEvents(EFalse);
+ }
+void CShellWindow::BugHunt()
+// Attempt to reproduce messaging issue while program exiting with message outstanding
+ {
+ RThread().SetPriority(EPriorityRealTime);
+ ((ROverrideProtectionInRSessionBase *)&(Client()->iWs))->Send(1);
+ RThread().Kill(0);
+ }
+void CShellWindow::CheckTerminate()
+ {
+ if (iIsFocused && iAutoLaunch && iProcessList==NULL && iNumWindowGroups==Client()->iWs.NumWindowGroups())
+ {
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ delete this;
+ RShellWsSession::Shutdown();
+ // on hardware for automated test purposes cause board to crash to
+ // indicate the completion of test run
+ User::SetCritical(User::ESystemCritical);
+ User::Panic(_L("test"), KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ }
+void CShellWindow::ProcessDied()
+ {
+ CheckTerminate();
+ }
+// End of CShellWindow class //
+// CTaskListWindow class //
+CTaskListWindow::CTaskListWindow() : CListWindow(), iWindowHandles(4), iWindowThreadNames(4)
+ {
+ }
+void CTaskListWindow::ConstructL(CTWinBase &parent)
+ {
+ CListWindow::ConstructL(parent,ETrue);
+ User::LeaveIfError(Client()->iWs.WindowGroupList(0,&iWindowHandles));
+ for(TInt index=0;index<iWindowHandles.Count();index++)
+ {
+ TThreadId id;
+ Client()->iWs.GetWindowGroupClientThreadId(iWindowHandles[index],id);
+ RThread thread;
+ User::LeaveIfError(thread.Open(id));
+ iWindowThreadNames.AppendL(thread.FullName());
+ thread.Close();
+ }
+ SetSize();
+ }
+void CTaskListWindow::SelectedL(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ Client()->iWs.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(iWindowHandles[aIndex], 0);
+ CloseWindow();
+ }
+TPtrC CTaskListWindow::GetText(TInt aLine)
+ {
+ iLatestText=iWindowThreadNames[aLine];
+ iLatestText.Append(_L("::"));
+ TName winName;
+ if (Client()->iWs.GetWindowGroupNameFromIdentifier(iWindowHandles[aLine],winName)==KErrNone)
+ iLatestText.Append(winName);
+ return(iLatestText);
+ }
+TInt CTaskListWindow::ListCount()
+ {
+ return(iWindowHandles.Count());
+ }
+// End of CTaskListWindow class //
+CShellWindowGroup::CShellWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient) : CTWindowGroup(aClient)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ iGroupWin.CancelCaptureKey(iCapHandle1);
+ iGroupWin.CancelCaptureKey(iCapHandle2);
+ iGroupWin.CancelCaptureKey(iCapHandle3);
+ iGroupWin.CancelCaptureKey(iCapHandle4);
+ }
+void CShellWindowGroup::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTWindowGroup::ConstructL();
+ iCapHandle1=User::LeaveIfError(iGroupWin.CaptureKey(EKeyTab, EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift|EModifierPureKeycode,EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift|EModifierPureKeycode));
+ iGroupWin.DefaultOwningWindow();
+ iGroupWin.EnableErrorMessages(EEventControlOnlyWithKeyboardFocus);
+ iGroupWin.EnableScreenChangeEvents();
+ }
+void CShellWindowGroup::KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ if (iCurWin)
+ iCurWin->WinKeyL(aKey,aTime);
+ }
+void CShellWindowGroup::ErrorMessage(const TWsErrorMessage &aErrorMessage, const TTime &)
+ {
+ TBuf<0x40> errorText;
+ switch(aErrorMessage.iErrorCategory)
+ {
+ case TWsErrorMessage::EDrawingRegion:
+ {
+ _LIT(Graphics,"Graphics %d");
+ errorText.Format(Graphics,aErrorMessage.iError);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TWsErrorMessage::EBackLight:
+ {
+ _LIT(Backlight,"Backlight %d");
+ errorText.Format(Backlight,aErrorMessage.iError);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TWsErrorMessage::ELogging:
+ {
+ _LIT(Logging,"Error Starting Logging: %d, Location: %d");
+ // minus the error value is stored in the bottom 8 bits
+ // an indication of position in the code, that the error occured in, is stored in the top 24 bits
+ TInt line=(aErrorMessage.iError)&0xFFFFFF00;
+ errorText.Format(Logging,line-aErrorMessage.iError,line>>8);
+ }
+ break;
+ case TWsErrorMessage::EContrast:
+ {
+ _LIT(Contrast,"Contrast %d");
+ errorText.Format(Contrast,aErrorMessage.iError);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ _LIT(Unknown,"Unknown %d");
+ errorText.Format(Unknown,aErrorMessage.iError);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ _LIT(WservError,"Wserv error");
+ TWindowTitle winTitle(WservError);
+ DisplayDialog(Client(), winTitle, errorText, KNullDesC);
+ }
+void CShellWindowGroup::ScreenDeviceChangedL()
+ {
+ TPixelsTwipsAndRotation sizeAndRotation;
+ Client()->iScreen->GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation(sizeAndRotation);
+ Client()->iScreen->SetScreenSizeAndRotation(sizeAndRotation);
+ ((CShellClient *)Client())->ScreenDeviceChangedL();
+ }
+CIconWindowGroup::CIconWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient) : CTWindowGroup(aClient)
+ {
+ }
+void CIconWindowGroup::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTWindowGroup::ConstructL();
+ iGroupWin.EnableReceiptOfFocus(EFalse);
+ iGroupWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,100);
+ }
+// password window //
+ {
+ }
+void CTPasswordWindow::InitWin()
+ {
+ TInt wid=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(_L("Press Enter"));
+ iTextPos.iX=(iWin.Size().iWidth-wid)/2;
+ iTextPos.iY=(iWin.Size().iHeight)/2;
+ }
+void CTPasswordWindow::Draw()
+ {
+ CTTitledWindow::Draw();
+ iGc->DrawText(_L("Press Enter"),iTextPos);
+ }
+CPasswordWindowGroup::CPasswordWindowGroup(CTClient *aClient) : CTWindowGroup(aClient)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iWin;
+ }
+void CPasswordWindowGroup::PasswordL(const TTime &)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iPasswordMode,Panic(EShellPanicPassword));
+ iPasswordMode=ETrue;
+ iWin->SetTitle(_L("Password Mode Enabled"));
+ }
+void CPasswordWindowGroup::Cancel()
+ {
+ iPasswordMode=EFalse;
+ iWin->SetVisible(EFalse);
+ iGroupWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0,-1000);
+ iWin->SetTitle(_L("Why am I here?"));
+ }
+void CPasswordWindowGroup::KeyL(const TKeyEvent &aKey,const TTime&)
+ {
+ if (iPasswordMode && aKey.iCode==EKeyEnter)
+ {
+ Client()->iWs.PasswordEntered();
+ Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+void CPasswordWindowGroup::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CTWindowGroup::ConstructL();
+ iGroupWin.SetOrdinalPosition(-1);
+ iWin=new(ELeave) CTPasswordWindow();
+ iWin->ConstructL(*this);
+ iWin->AssignGC(*Client()->iGc);
+ Cancel();
+ iWin->Win()->PasswordWindow(EPasswordAlwaysTriggerNow);
+ iWin->Activate();
+ SetCurrentWindow(iWin);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+void CShellClient::CreateTestWindowL(CTWin *aWin, const TPoint &aPos,CTWinBase *parent)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,aWin->ConstructL(*parent));
+ if (err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete aWin;
+ User::Leave(err);
+ }
+ aWin->SetInitialPos(aPos);
+ aWin->Activate();
+ aWin->AssignGC(*iGc);
+ }
+void CShellClient::CreateTestWindowL(CTWin *aWin, const TPoint &aPos)
+ {
+ CreateTestWindowL(aWin, aPos, iGroup);
+ }
+ {
+ delete iPointerCursor;
+ delete iIconWin1;
+ delete iIconWin2;
+ delete iIconGroup;
+ delete iPasswordGroup;
+ iWs.FreeSystemPointerCursorList();
+ iFs.Close();
+ }
+void CShellClient::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
+ CTClient::ConstructL();
+ iWs.RequestOffEvents(EFalse); //To test this function
+ TBool keyClicksSupported=EFalse;
+ HAL::Get(HALData::EKeyboardClick,keyClicksSupported);
+ if (keyClicksSupported)
+ {
+ HAL::Set(HALData::EKeyboardClickState,1);
+ TInt maxVol=1;
+ HAL::Get(HALData::EKeyboardClickVolumeMax,maxVol);
+ HAL::Set(HALData::EKeyboardClickVolume,maxVol);
+ }
+ iWs.SetDoubleClick(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(EDoubleClickTime), EDoubleClickDistance);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWs.SetHotKey(EHotKeyBacklightToggle, 2, EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift,EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWs.SetHotKey(EHotKeyBacklightOn, 14, EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift,EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iWs.SetHotKey(EHotKeyBacklightOff, 13, EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift,EModifierFunc|EModifierCtrl|EModifierShift));
+ iGroup=new(ELeave) CShellWindowGroup(this);
+ iGroup->ConstructL();
+ iWs.RequestOffEvents(ETrue,iGroup->GroupWin()); //To test this function
+ iWs.RequestOffEvents(EFalse);
+ iIconGroup=new(ELeave) CIconWindowGroup(this);
+ iIconGroup->ConstructL();
+ iIconWin1=new(ELeave) CTIconWindow(0);
+ iIconWin1->ConstructL(*iIconGroup);
+ iIconWin2=new(ELeave) CTIconWindow(1);
+ iIconWin2->ConstructL(*iIconGroup);
+ CShellWindow *win=new(ELeave) CShellWindow();
+ CreateTestWindowL(win, TPoint(330,10));
+ TWinCommand command;
+ User::CommandLine(command);
+ win->SetAutoLaunch(win->RunClientL(command,EFalse));
+ iPointerCursor=new(ELeave) CTPointerCursor(iWs);
+ TSpriteCreateParams params(TSize(24,48),TPoint(-12,-24),DrawPointerCursor,NULL, ETrue,CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
+ iPointerCursor->ConstructL(1,¶ms,0);
+ iGroup->GroupWin()->SetCustomPointerCursor(iPointerCursor->PointerCursor());
+ ResetFocus();
+ }
+void CShellClient::ScreenDeviceChangedL()
+ {
+ iIconWin1->SetExtentL();
+ iIconWin2->SetExtentL();
+ }
+void CShellClient::Exit()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+CRunningProcess::CRunningProcess(MProcessObserver* aObserver) : CActive(-5), iObserver(aObserver)
+ {}
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ if (iNext)
+ iNext->iPrevPtr=iPrevPtr;
+ *iPrevPtr=iNext;
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ iLib.Close();
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ iProcess.Close();
+ iProcess.Close();
+ if (iObserver)
+ iObserver->ProcessDied();
+ }
+void CRunningProcess::ConstructL(const TDesC &aName)
+ {
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ TParse fileName;
+ fileName.Set(_L("E:\\.EXE"),&aName,NULL);
+ TInt error = iProcess.Create(fileName.FullName(),_L(""));
+ if(error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ fileName.Set(_L(""),&aName,NULL);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iProcess.Create(fileName.FullName(),_L("")));
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFileName.Set(RP_FILENAME_SET,&aName,NULL));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iLib.Load(iFileName.FullName()));
+ DllTestAppEntryPoint libFunc=(DllTestAppEntryPoint)iLib.Lookup(1);
+ User::LeaveIfNull((TAny *)libFunc);
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> threadName;
+ TInt err;
+ TInt num=0;
+ do
+ {
+ threadName.Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC>(_L("%S%02d")),&aName,num++);
+ err=iProcess.Create(threadName,libFunc,KDefaultStackSize,NULL,&iLib,NULL,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,EOwnerProcess);
+ } while(err==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ iProcess.Logon(iStatus);
+ iProcess.Resume();
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CRunningProcess::ConstructTestExecuteL(const TDesC &aName)
+ {
+ //testexecute z:\wstest\wstest_t_autotest.script
+ _LIT(KTestExecute,"testexecute");
+ _LIT(KComandLinePrefix,"z:\\wstest\\wstest_t_");
+ _LIT(KComandLinePostfix,"test.script");
+#if defined(__USING_PROCESS_)
+ TParse fileName;
+ fileName.Set(KNullDesC,&KTestExecute,NULL);
+ TBuf<128> commandLine;
+ commandLine.Append(KComandLinePrefix);
+ commandLine.Append(aName);
+ commandLine.Append(KComandLinePostfix);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iProcess.Create(fileName.FullName(),commandLine));
+ iProcess.Logon(iStatus);
+ iProcess.Resume();
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CRunningProcess::Link(CRunningProcess **aRpPtr)
+ {
+ iNext=*aRpPtr;
+ if (iNext)
+ iNext->iPrevPtr=&iNext;
+ *aRpPtr=this;
+ iPrevPtr=aRpPtr;
+ }
+void CRunningProcess::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iProcess.LogonCancel(iStatus);
+ }
+void CRunningProcess::RunL()
+ {
+ if (iStatus!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ TBuf<32> buf;
+ buf.Num(iStatus.Int());
+ DisplayDialog(_L("Program exited with error"),iProcess.ExitCategory(),buf);
+ }
+ delete this;
+ }
+GLDEF_C CTClient *CreateClientL()
+ {
+ return(new(ELeave) CShellClient());
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ return(TestLibStartUp(CreateClientL));
+ }