changeset 0 5d03bc08d59c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/tlisten/listener.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:47:50 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+#include "listener.h"
+#include "wsgraphicdrawercontext.h"
+#include <graphics/wsscreendevice.h>
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <bitdev.h>
+#include <bitstd.h>
+#ifdef __WINS__
+#include "../debuglog/osbwin.h"
+const TInt KDefaultScreen 	= 0;
+const TInt KListenDisable 	= 0;
+const TInt KListenEnable  	= 1;
+const TInt KCmdQuery		= 2;
+const TUint8 KListenerInfoSig = 0xaa;
+	{
+	TUint8 iSignature;
+	TInt iNumRect;
+	TRect iRect;
+	TInt iWindowGroupId;
+	};
+const TInt KMaxColors = 14;
+const TInt KColorList[KMaxColors] =
+	{
+	0x555555,
+	0x000080,
+	0x008000,
+	0x008080,
+	0x800000,
+	0x800080,
+	0x808000,
+	0x0000ff,
+	0x00ff00,
+	0x00ffff,
+	0xff0000,
+	0xff00ff,
+	0xffff00,
+	0xaaaaaa
+	};
+CWsEventListener* CWsEventListener::NewL()
+	{
+	return new(ELeave) CWsEventListener;	
+	}
+	{
+	if (iEnabled)
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+	if (!iDisableWin)
+		delete iWin;
+	delete iGc;
+	delete iDev;
+	delete iBit;
+	if (iDrawerContext)
+		{
+		iDrawerContext->Destroy();
+		iDrawerContext = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::ConstructL(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv, const TGraphicDrawerId& aId, MWsClient& aOwner, const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	BaseConstructL(aEnv, aId, aOwner);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+	if (aData.Length()>0)
+		iDisableWin = aData[0]==1;
+	iScreen = aEnv.Screen(KDefaultScreen);
+	MWsScreenConfig* screenConfig = iScreen->ObjectInterface<MWsScreenConfig>();
+	if (screenConfig)
+		{// Non NGA
+		iSize = screenConfig->SizeInPixels();
+		iDisplayMode = screenConfig->DisplayMode();
+		iDrawerContext = CWsGraphicDrawerNonNgaContext::NewL();
+		}
+	else
+		{// NGA
+		MWsScreenDevice* screenDevice = iScreen->ObjectInterface<MWsScreenDevice>();
+		User::LeaveIfNull(screenDevice);
+		iSize = screenDevice->SizeInPixels();
+		iDisplayMode = screenDevice->DisplayMode();
+		iDrawerContext = CWsGraphicDrawerNgaContext::NewL();
+		}
+	iWindowGroupId = KErrNotFound;
+	iBit = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iBit->Create(iSize,iDisplayMode));
+	iDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(iBit);
+	User::LeaveIfNull(iDev);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iDev->CreateContext(iGc));
+	iGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+	iGc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
+#ifdef __WINS__
+	if (!iDisableWin)	
+		{
+		_LIT(KListener, "EventListener");
+		iWin = CDebugOsbWin::NewL(KListener, iBit->SizeInPixels());
+		}
+	iReady = ETrue;
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::HandleMessage(const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	// wserv already check data size, and won't invoke this handler if it's empty
+	switch (aData[0])
+		{
+		case KListenEnable:
+		if (!iEnabled)
+			{
+			Env().RegisterEventHandler(this, this, TWservCrEvent::EScreenSizeModeChanged|TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged|TWservCrEvent::EWindowGroupChanged);
+			iEnabled = ETrue;
+			}
+		break;
+		case KListenDisable:
+		if (iEnabled)
+			{
+			iEnabled = EFalse;
+			Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+			}
+		break;
+		case KCmdQuery:
+		SendInfo();
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::DoHandleEvent(const TWservCrEvent& aEvent)
+	{
+	if (!iReady)
+		return;
+	switch (aEvent.Type())
+		{
+	case TWservCrEvent::EScreenSizeModeChanged:
+		OnScreenSizeModeChanged(aEvent.SizeMode());
+		break;
+	case TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged:
+		OnWindowVisibilityChanged(aEvent.VisibleRegion());
+		break;
+	case TWservCrEvent::EWindowGroupChanged:
+		OnWindowGroupChanged(aEvent.ScreenNumber(), aEvent.WindowGroupIdentifier());
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::DoDraw(MWsGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TDesC8& /*aData*/) const
+	{
+	iDrawerContext->DrawEllipse(aGc, aRect, TRgb(0,255,0,128));
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::OnScreenSizeModeChanged(TInt /*aMode*/)
+	{
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbWhite);
+	iGc->Clear();
+#ifdef __WINS__	
+	if (!iDisableWin)
+		{
+		iBit->LockHeap();
+		iWin->Refresh(iBit->SizeInPixels(), iBit->DisplayMode(), iBit->DataAddress());
+		iBit->UnlockHeap();
+		}
+	}
+TRgb CWsEventListener::CurrentColor()
+	{
+	iColorIdx = (iColorIdx+1) % KMaxColors;
+	return TRgb(KColorList[iColorIdx]);
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::OnWindowVisibilityChanged(const RRegion* aRegion)
+	{
+	if (!aRegion)
+		return;
+	TInt n = aRegion->Count();
+	if (n==0)
+		return;
+	iGc->SetBrushColor(CurrentColor());
+	for (TInt i=0; i<n; ++i)
+		{
+		iGc->DrawRect((*aRegion)[i]);
+		}
+	iSaveNumRect = n;
+	iSaveRect = (*aRegion)[0];
+#ifdef __WINS__
+	if (!iDisableWin)
+		{
+		iBit->LockHeap();
+		iWin->Refresh(iBit->SizeInPixels(), iBit->DisplayMode(), iBit->DataAddress());
+		iBit->UnlockHeap();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::OnWindowGroupChanged(TInt /*aScreenNumber*/, TInt aWindowGroupId)
+	{
+	iWindowGroupId = aWindowGroupId;
+	}
+void CWsEventListener::SendInfo()
+	{
+	TPckgBuf<TListenerInfo> buf;
+	buf().iSignature = KListenerInfoSig;
+	buf().iNumRect = iSaveNumRect;
+	buf().iRect = iSaveRect;
+	buf().iWindowGroupId = iWindowGroupId;
+	TInt err = SendMessage(buf);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(err>=KErrNone, User::Invariant());
+	iSaveNumRect = 0;
+	iSaveRect = TRect();
+	}
+CWsEventNotifier* CWsEventNotifier::NewL()
+	{
+	return new(ELeave) CWsEventNotifier;	
+	}
+	{
+	Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+	}
+void CWsEventNotifier::ConstructL(MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment& aEnv, const TGraphicDrawerId& aId, MWsClient& aOwner, const TDesC8& /*aData*/)
+	{
+	BaseConstructL(aEnv, aId, aOwner);
+	iEnv = &aEnv;
+	iTestGraphicDrawerEnvironment = EFalse;
+	iReady = ETrue;
+	}
+void CWsEventNotifier::HandleMessage(const TDesC8& aData)
+	{
+	// wserv already checked data size, and won't invoke this handler if it's empty
+	switch (aData[0])
+		{				//Set how it will handle the first visibility event
+		case KNotifyRemoveSelf:
+		case KNotifyRemoveThenAddSelf:
+		case KNotifyAddSelf:
+		case KNotifyRemoveOther:
+		case KNotifyRemoveThenAddOther:
+		case KNotifyAddOther:
+		case KNotifyRemoveSelfAndOther:
+		case KNotifyDoNothing:
+			Env().RegisterEventHandler(this, this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged);
+			iHandleMethod = aData[0];
+			break;
+		case KNotifyDisable:
+			Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+			iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventNotifier::DoHandleEvent(const TWservCrEvent& /*aEvent*/)
+	{
+	if(!iTestGraphicDrawerEnvironment)
+		{
+		iTestGraphicDrawerEnvironment = ETrue;
+		TestGraphicDrawerEnvironment();
+		}
+	if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyRemoveSelf)
+		{
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyRemoveThenAddSelf)
+		{
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+		Env().RegisterEventHandler(this, this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyAddSelf)
+		{
+		Env().RegisterEventHandler(this, this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyRemoveOther)
+		{
+		iAnotherPluginID.iId = 0x102754c5;		//First method that needs the address of the other plugin
+		iAnotherPluginID.iIsUid = ETrue;
+		iAnotherPlugin = const_cast<CWsGraphicDrawer*>(Env().ResolveGraphic(iAnotherPluginID));
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(iAnotherPlugin);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyRemoveThenAddOther)
+		{
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(iAnotherPlugin);
+		Env().RegisterEventHandler(iAnotherPlugin, this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyAddOther)
+		{
+		Env().RegisterEventHandler(iAnotherPlugin, this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowVisibilityChanged);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	else if (iHandleMethod == KNotifyRemoveSelfAndOther)
+		{
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(this);
+		Env().UnregisterEventHandler(iAnotherPlugin);
+		iHandleMethod = KNotifyDoNothing;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsEventNotifier::DoDraw(MWsGc& /*aGc*/, const TRect& /*aRect*/, const TDesC8& /*aData*/) const
+	{
+	}
+void CWsEventNotifier::TestGraphicDrawerEnvironment()
+	{
+	const MWsGraphicDrawerEnvironment* aEnvConst = iEnv; 
+	TInt lowerbound = -1;
+	//-tests Screen methods (const and non const)
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->Screen(lowerbound)==NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->Screen(lowerbound) - expected: NULL, actual: !NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->Screen(iEnv->ScreenCount())==NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->Screen(iEnv->ScreenCount()) - expected: NULL, actual: !NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEnvConst->Screen(lowerbound)==NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:aEnvConst->Screen(lowerbound) - expected: NULL, actual: !NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aEnvConst->Screen(aEnvConst->ScreenCount())==NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:aEnvConst->ScreenCount()) - expected: NULL, actual: !NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	//+test const screen method
+	const MWsScreen* constScreen = aEnvConst->Screen(aEnvConst->ScreenCount()-1);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(constScreen!=NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:constScreen - expected: !NULL, actual: NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	//+test resolveobjectinterface method
+	MWsActiveSchedulerDebug* scheduler = iEnv->ObjectInterface<MWsActiveSchedulerDebug>();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(scheduler!=NULL, SendMessage(_L8("Error:scheduler - expected: !NULL, actual: NULL (listener.cpp)")));
+	TUint32 eventMask = 0;
+	//-tests for registereventhandler and unregistereventhandler
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(NULL,this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(NULL,this, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(this,NULL, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(this,NULL, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(this,this, eventMask)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->RegisterEventHandler(this,this, eventMask) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->UnregisterEventHandler(NULL)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->UnregisterEventHandler(NULL) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	//-tests for registerwseventhandler
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->RegisterWsEventHandler(this, eventMask)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->RegisterWsEventHandler(this, eventMask) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEnv->RegisterWsEventHandler(NULL, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing)==KErrArgument, SendMessage(_L8("Error:iEnv->RegisterWsEventHandler(NULL, TWservCrEvent::EWindowClosing) - expected: KErrArgument, actual: !KErrArgument (listener.cpp)")));
+	}