--- a/windowing/windowserver/nga/SERVER/POINTER.CPP Sat Feb 20 00:07:50 2010 +0200
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/nga/SERVER/POINTER.CPP Fri Mar 12 15:50:05 2010 +0200
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@
CCirBuf<TPoint>* CWsPointerBuffer::iPointerBuffer=NULL;
TSglQue<CWsPointerBuffer> CWsPointerBuffer::iList(_FOFF(CWsPointerBuffer,iQue));
TInt TWsPointer::iYOffset;
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+TBool TWsPointer::iEmulatorRotatePointerCoords;
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KSecurityPolicy_SwEvent,ECapabilitySwEvent);
@@ -70,7 +73,14 @@
iYOffset = 0;
+#if defined(__WINS__)
+ //An emulator may or may not deploy a renderchain or displaydriver that supports rotated drawing.
+ //On a real device target the coordinate system is always rotated together with wserv's screendevice.
+ iEmulatorRotatePointerCoords = WsIniFile->FindVar(KWSERVIniFileVarEmulatorRotPointCoords);
iRootWindow = CWsTop::Screen()->RootWindow();
TMachineInfoV1Buf machineInfo;
@@ -679,23 +689,17 @@
- CScreen* screen=iRootWindow->Screen();
#if !defined(__WINS__)
- TSize screenSize=screen->SizeInPixels()-TSize(1,1); //This is in the current rotation
- switch (screen->Orientation())
+ TranslateCoordsOnRotation(xy);
+ #else
+ if(iEmulatorRotatePointerCoords)
- case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated90:
- xy.SetXY(xy.iY,screenSize.iHeight-xy.iX);
- break;
- case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated180:
- xy=-(xy-screenSize);
- break;
- case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270:
- xy.SetXY(screenSize.iWidth-xy.iY,xy.iX);
- break;
- default:; //To stop warning
+ //emulators that support rotated drawing and touch may want to enable
+ //rotation of pointer events in wsini.
+ TranslateCoordsOnRotation(xy);
+ CScreen* screen=iRootWindow->Screen();
// Move the raw event position by shifting it by Origin and scale
@@ -707,6 +711,25 @@
return ETrue;
+void TWsPointer::TranslateCoordsOnRotation(TPoint& aPoint)
+ {
+ CScreen* screen=iRootWindow->Screen();
+ TSize screenSize=screen->SizeInPixels()-TSize(1,1); //This is in the current rotation
+ switch (screen->Orientation())
+ {
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated90:
+ aPoint.SetXY(aPoint.iY,screenSize.iHeight-aPoint.iX);
+ break;
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated180:
+ aPoint=-(aPoint-screenSize);
+ break;
+ case CFbsBitGc::EGraphicsOrientationRotated270:
+ aPoint.SetXY(screenSize.iWidth-aPoint.iY,aPoint.iX);
+ break;
+ default:; //To stop warning
+ }
+ }
* Validates events sent to the Window Server by its Client (Anim or Window Group).
* May overwrite aRawEvent's Z coordinate and/or pointer number if Client or digitizer driver