changeset 110 7f25ef56562d
parent 98 bf7481649c98
child 111 29ddb8a72f0e
--- a/windowing/windowserver/tauto/TBACKUPW.CPP	Fri Jun 11 14:58:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Test backed up windows
- @file
- @test
- @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
-#include "TBACKUPW.H"
-CTBackedUpWindow::CTBackedUpWindow(CTestStep* aStep):
-	CTWsGraphicsBase(aStep)
-	{
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::CheckWindow(CFbsBitmap *aBitmap)
-	{
-	TPoint oldPos=iBackedUpWindow.Position();
-	iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(TPoint(0,0));
-	iCheckWindow.SetVisible(ETrue);
-	iCheckWindow.SetPosition(iCheckPos);
-	iCheckWindow.BeginRedraw();
-	TheGc->Activate(iCheckWindow);
-	TheGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), aBitmap);
-	TheGc->Deactivate();
-	iCheckWindow.EndRedraw();
-	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-	TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
-	TBool retVal = TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(TRect(iSize),TRect(iCheckPos,iSize));
-	TEST(retVal);
-	if (!retVal)
-		INFO_PRINTF3(_L("TheClient->iScreen->RectCompare(TRect(iSize),TRect(iCheckPos,iSize)) return value - Expected: %d , Actual: %d"), ETrue, retVal);		
-	iCheckWindow.SetVisible(EFalse);
-	iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(oldPos);
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::CheckWindow()
-	{
-	CheckWindow(&iBitmap);
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::Draw(TInt aDrawFunc, TAny *aParam)
-	{
-	TheGc->Activate(iBackedUpWindow);
-	Draw(aDrawFunc, aParam, TheGc, iBitGc);
-	TheGc->Deactivate();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::DrawWithTwoGcsL()
-	{
-	RBlankWindow blank(TheClient->iWs);
-	User::LeaveIfError(blank.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle));
-	blank.Activate();
-	CWindowGc *gc2;
-	User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->CreateContext(gc2));
-	CleanupStack::PushL(gc2);
-	CFbsFont *font1;
-	TFontSpec fspec(KTestFontTypefaceName,200);
-	User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)font1,fspec));
-	CFbsFont *font2;
-	TFontSpec fspec2(KTestFontTypefaceName,400);
-	User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)font2,fspec2));
-	gc2->Activate(iBackedUpWindow);
-	gc2->UseFont(font2);
-	TheGc->Activate(iBackedUpWindow);
-	TheGc->UseFont(font1);
-	_LIT(KText,"Testing123");
-	TheGc->DrawText(KText,TPoint(20,20));
-	gc2->DrawText(KText,TPoint(20,40));
-	iBitGc->UseFont(font1);
-	iBitGc->DrawText(KText,TPoint(20,20));
-	iBitGc->UseFont(font2);
-	iBitGc->DrawText(KText,TPoint(20,40));
-	iBitGc->DiscardFont();
-	TheGc->Deactivate();
-	TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(font2);
-	TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(font1);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
-	blank.Close();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::Draw(TInt aDrawFunc, TAny *aParam, CBitmapContext *gc1, CBitmapContext *gc2)			//DDD
-	{
-	CBitmapContext *gc;
-	for(TInt mode=0;mode<2;mode++)
-		{
-		if (mode==0)
-			gc=gc1;
-		else
-			gc=gc2;
-		gc->Reset();
-		switch(aDrawFunc)
-			{
-			case 0:
-				gc->SetBrushColor(*((TRgb *)aParam));
-				gc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
-				gc->SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
-				gc->DrawRect(TRect(iSize));
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				{
-				TSize half(iSize.iWidth/2,iSize.iHeight/2);
-				gc->DrawEllipse(TRect(half));
-				gc->DrawEllipse(TRect(TPoint(0,half.iHeight),half));
-				TRect rect1(half);
-				gc->SetOrigin(TPoint(half.iWidth,0));
-				gc->SetClippingRect(rect1);
-				gc->DrawEllipse(rect1);
-				gc->SetOrigin(TPoint(half.iWidth,half.iHeight));
-				gc->SetClippingRect(rect1);
-				gc->DrawEllipse(rect1);
-				gc->SetOrigin(TPoint(0,0));
-				gc->CancelClippingRect();
-				}
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				{
-				TInt param= *((TInt *)aParam);
-				if (param&0x1)
-					gc->DrawLine(TPoint(param+(param*27)%iSize.iWidth,0),
-								 TPoint(iSize.iWidth-((param<<1)+(param*19)%iSize.iWidth),iSize.iHeight));
-				else
-					gc->DrawLine(TPoint(0, (param<<1)+(param*7)%iSize.iHeight),
-								 TPoint(iSize.iWidth,param+(param*13)%iSize.iHeight));
-				}
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				{
-				TPoint pos;
-				for(;pos.iX<iSize.iWidth;pos.iX+=10)
-					gc->DrawLine(pos,pos+TSize(0,iSize.iHeight));
-				for(pos.iX=0;pos.iY<iSize.iHeight;pos.iY+=10)
-					gc->DrawLine(pos,pos+TSize(iSize.iWidth,0));
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	{
-	iBackedUpWindow.Close();
-	iCheckWindow.Close();
-	iOomFrontWindow.Close();
-	delete iBitGc;
-	delete iBitmapDevice;
-	delete iTestBitmap;
-	delete iMaskBitmap;
-	}
-void CopyToGray4L(CFbsBitmap*& aDestBitmap,const CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap)
-	{
-	aDestBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-	CleanupStack::PushL(aDestBitmap);
-	User::LeaveIfError(aDestBitmap->Create(aSrcBitmap.SizeInPixels(),EGray4));
-	CFbsBitmapDevice* device=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(aDestBitmap);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
-	CFbsBitGc* gc;
-	User::LeaveIfError(device->CreateContext(gc));
-	gc->BitBlt(TPoint(),&aSrcBitmap);
-	delete gc;
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(device);
-	CleanupStack::Pop(aDestBitmap);
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::ConstructL()
-	{
-	iBackedUpWindow=RBackedUpWindow(TheClient->iWs);
-	iBackedUpWindow.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),EGray4,ENullWsHandle);
-	TSize size=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInTwips();
-	iSize=TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels();
-	iSize.iWidth>>=1;
-	iSize.iHeight>>=1;
-	size.iWidth>>=1;
-	size.iHeight>>=1;
-	size.iWidth-=1;			//Modification to get the mapping factor the same as the screen
-	size.iHeight-=1;		//Ditto
-	iWinPos.SetXY(iSize.iWidth>>1,iSize.iHeight>>1);
-	User::LeaveIfError(iBackedUpWindow.SetExtentErr(iWinPos,iSize));
-	iBackedUpWindow.Activate();
-	iCheckPos.SetXY(iSize.iWidth,0);
-	iCheckWindow=RWindow(TheClient->iWs);
-	iCheckWindow.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-	iCheckWindow.SetSize(iSize);
-	iCheckWindow.SetVisible(EFalse);
-	iCheckWindow.Activate();
-	TInt col,grey;
-	TDisplayMode defMode=TheClient->iWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(col,grey);
-	User::LeaveIfError(iBitmap.Create(iSize,defMode));
-	iBitmap.SetSizeInTwips(size);
-	iBitmapDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(&iBitmap);
-	User::LeaveIfError(iBitmapDevice->CreateContext(iBitGc));
-	TRgb rgb(TRgb::Gray4(2));
-	Draw(0,&rgb);
-	iTestBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-  	User::LeaveIfError(iTestBitmap->Load(TEST_BITMAP_NAME,0));
-	iTestBitmap->SetSizeInTwips(TSize(1500,750));
-	iMaskBitmap=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-  	User::LeaveIfError(iMaskBitmap->Load(TEST_BITMAP_NAME,0));
-  	TDisplayMode defMode2=iMaskBitmap->DisplayMode();
-  	if (defMode>EGray4)
-		{
-		CFbsBitmap* bitmap=iTestBitmap;
-		CopyToGray4L(iTestBitmap,*bitmap);
-		delete bitmap;
-		bitmap=iMaskBitmap;
-		CopyToGray4L(iMaskBitmap,*bitmap);
-		delete bitmap;
-		}
-	defMode2=iMaskBitmap->DisplayMode();
-	defMode2=iMaskBitmap->DisplayMode();	
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::InvisVis()
-	{
-	iBackedUpWindow.SetVisible(EFalse);
-	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-	iBackedUpWindow.SetVisible(ETrue);
-	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::WindowOnTop()
-	{
-	RBlankWindow blank(TheClient->iWs);
-	blank.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-	blank.Activate();
-	blank.Close();
-	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-	TPoint pos;
-	TInt sizeMode=0;
-	TInt draw=13;
-	for(pos.iX=-iSize.iWidth;pos.iX<iSize.iWidth;pos.iX+=50)
-		for(pos.iY=-iSize.iHeight;pos.iY<iSize.iHeight;pos.iY+=50)
-			{
-			blank=RBlankWindow(TheClient->iWs);
-			blank.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-			blank.SetColor(TRgb::Gray256(220));
-			blank.SetShadowHeight(2);
-			blank.SetExtent(pos+iWinPos,TSize((sizeMode&0x1)?iSize.iWidth>>1:iSize.iWidth<<1,(sizeMode&0x2)?iSize.iHeight>>1:iSize.iHeight<<1));
-			sizeMode=(sizeMode+1)%4;
-			blank.Activate();
-			Draw(2,&draw);
-			TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-			draw++;
-			blank.Close();
-			}
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::Resize()
-	{
-	RBlankWindow blank(TheClient->iWs);
-	blank.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-	blank.SetColor(TRgb::Gray256(128));
-	blank.Activate();
-	TInt xtop=(iSize.iWidth)-(iSize.iWidth>>2);
-	TInt ytop=(iSize.iHeight)-(iSize.iHeight>>2);
-	for(TInt winMode=0;winMode<3;winMode++)
-		{
-		switch(winMode)
-			{
-			case 0:
-				blank.SetExtent(TPoint(0,ytop),TSize(iSize.iWidth,iSize.iHeight>>1));
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop,0),TSize(iSize.iWidth>>1,iSize.iHeight));
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop,ytop),TSize(iSize.iWidth>>1,iSize.iHeight>>1));
-				break;
-			}
-		blank.SetShadowHeight(winMode);
-		TPoint oldPos=iBackedUpWindow.Position();
-		TPoint pos=oldPos;
-		for(TUint i=0;i<sizeof(moveList)/sizeof(moveList[0]);i++)
-			{
-			pos+=moveList[i];
-			iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(pos);
-			TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-			}
-		iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(oldPos);
-		}
-	blank.Close();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::ChildWindows()
-	{
-	TPoint pos;
-	TInt sizeMode=0;
-	TInt draw=13;
-	RBlankWindow blank(TheClient->iWs);
-	for(pos.iX=-(iSize.iWidth>>1);pos.iX<iSize.iWidth;pos.iX+=33)
-		for(pos.iY=-(iSize.iHeight>>1);pos.iY<iSize.iHeight;pos.iY+=33)
-			{
-			blank.Construct(iBackedUpWindow,ENullWsHandle);
-			blank.SetColor(TRgb::Gray256(220));
-			blank.SetShadowHeight(2);
-			blank.SetExtent(pos,TSize((sizeMode&0x1)?iSize.iWidth>>2:iSize.iWidth,(sizeMode&0x2)?iSize.iHeight>>2:iSize.iHeight));
-			sizeMode=(sizeMode+1)%4;
-			blank.Activate();
-			Draw(2,&draw);
-			TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-			draw++;
-			blank.Close();
-			}
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::DupBitmapTestL()
-	{
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AUTO  Dup Bitmap Test "));
-	CFbsBitmap *dup=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-	dup->Duplicate(iBackedUpWindow.BitmapHandle());
-	CheckWindow(dup);
-	TRgb rgb(TRgb::Gray4(1));
-	Draw(0,&rgb);
-	CheckWindow(dup);
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Done Window Drawing Test"));
-	CFbsBitmapDevice *dupDevice=NULL;
-	TRAPD(err,dupDevice=CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(dup));
-	CFbsBitGc *gc;
-	if (err==KErrNone && dupDevice->CreateContext(gc)==KErrNone)
-		{
-		Draw(3,NULL,gc,iBitGc);		// Draw directly to backup bitmap (and test bitmap)
-		iBackedUpWindow.UpdateScreen();
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" First Bitmap Drawing"));
-		CheckWindow();
-		TRgb rgb(TRgb::Gray256(128));
-		TInt col,grey;
-		if (TheClient->iWs.GetDefModeMaxNumColors(col,grey)>EGray4)
-			rgb=TRgb::Gray4(2);
-		Draw(0,&rgb,gc,iBitGc);
-		Draw(1,NULL,gc,iBitGc);
-		iBackedUpWindow.UpdateScreen(TRegionFix<1>(TRect(iSize)));
-		INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Second Bitmap Drawing"));
-		CheckWindow();
-		delete gc;
-		}
-	delete dupDevice;
-	delete dup;
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::UpdateBitmapTestL()
-	{
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("AUTO  UpdateBitmap "));
-	CheckWindow();
-	CFbsBitmap *dup=new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
-	dup->Duplicate(iBackedUpWindow.BitmapHandle());
-	Draw(3,NULL);
-	iBackedUpWindow.UpdateBackupBitmap();
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" First Drawing"));
-	CheckWindow(dup);
-	TRgb rgb;
-	if (iSupState==0)
-		rgb=TRgb::Gray256(128);
-	else
-		rgb=TRgb::Gray4(2);
-	Draw(0,&rgb);
-	Draw(1,NULL);
-	iBackedUpWindow.UpdateBackupBitmap();
-	INFO_PRINTF1(_L(" Second Drawing"));
-	CheckWindow(dup);
-	delete dup;
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::OOML()
-	{
-	iOomFrontWindow=RBlankWindow(TheClient->iWs);
-	TSize size(iBackedUpWindow.Size());
-	size.iWidth>>=1;
-	size.iHeight>>=1;
-	TPoint pos(size.iWidth*3/2,size.iHeight*3/2);
-	iOomFrontWindow.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-	iOomFrontWindow.SetColor(TRgb(TRgb::Gray4(1)));
-	iOomFrontWindow.SetExtent(pos,size);
-	iOomFrontWindow.Activate();
-	TheClient->iWs.Flush();
-	TPoint buwPos=iBackedUpWindow.Position();
-	TSize buwSize=iBackedUpWindow.Size();
-	for(TInt count=0;count<100;count++)
-		{
-		iOomFrontWindow.SetVisible(ETrue);
-		TheClient->iWs.HeapSetFail(RHeap::EDeterministic,count);
-		iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(buwPos+TPoint(10,5));
-		iBackedUpWindow.SetPosition(buwPos);
-		iOomFrontWindow.SetSize(size+TSize(10,5));
-		iOomFrontWindow.SetSize(size);
-		iBackedUpWindow.SetSizeErr(buwSize+TSize(13,7));
-		iBackedUpWindow.SetSizeErr(buwSize);
-		iOomFrontWindow.SetVisible(EFalse);
-		TheClient->iWs.HeapSetFail(RHeap::ENone,0);
-		User::LeaveIfError(iBackedUpWindow.SetSizeErr(buwSize));
-		TheClient->WaitForRedrawsToFinish();
-		CheckWindow();
-		}
-	iOomFrontWindow.Close();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::doGraphicFunctionsL(CBitmapContext *gc,TBool aExtraDrawBitMap)
-	{
-	TSize size=iBackedUpWindow.Size();
-	CFbsFont *aFont;
-	_LIT(KFontName,"Swiss");
-	TFontSpec fspec(KFontName,190);
-	User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)aFont,fspec));
-	CFbsBitmap* aBitmap=iTestBitmap;
-	CFbsBitmap* aMaskBitmap=iMaskBitmap;
-	#include "DLLDRAW.H"	// Draws to a Gc called 'gc'
-	TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(aFont);
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::AllGraphicFunctionsL(RBlankWindow &aBlank,TBool aExtraDrawBitMap/*=ETrue*/)
-	{
-	aExtraDrawBitMap=EFalse;		//Check out when bitblit scaling has changed again
-	aBlank.SetVisible(ETrue);
-	TheGc->Activate(iBackedUpWindow);
-	TRAPD(err,doGraphicFunctionsL(TheGc,aExtraDrawBitMap));
-	TheGc->Deactivate();
-	User::LeaveIfError(err);
-	iBitGc->Reset();
-	iBitGc->SetUserDisplayMode(EGray4);
-	doGraphicFunctionsL(iBitGc,aExtraDrawBitMap);
-	aBlank.SetVisible(EFalse);
-	CheckWindow();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::AllGraphicFunctionsTestsL()
-	{
-	RBlankWindow blank(TheClient->iWs);
-	TInt xtop=(iSize.iWidth)-(iSize.iWidth>>1);
-	TInt ytop=(iSize.iHeight)-(iSize.iHeight>>1);
-	blank.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),ENullWsHandle);
-	blank.SetColor(TRgb::Gray256(128));
-	blank.Activate();
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(0,ytop),TSize(iSize.iWidth,iSize.iHeight>>2));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(0,ytop+10),TSize(iSize.iWidth,iSize.iHeight>>2));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop,ytop),TSize(iSize.iWidth>>1,iSize.iHeight));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank,EFalse);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop+(iSize.iWidth>>1),ytop),TSize(iSize.iWidth>>1,iSize.iHeight));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank,EFalse);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop+10,iSize.iHeight),TSize(iSize.iWidth,iSize.iHeight));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank,EFalse);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(xtop,ytop),iSize);
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank,EFalse);
-	blank.SetExtent(TPoint(0,0),TSize(0,0));
-	AllGraphicFunctionsL(blank);
-	blank.Close();
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::RunTestCaseL(TInt /*aCurTestCase*/)
-	{
-	switch(iSupState)
-		{
-		case 0:
-			for (TInt iSubTest=0;iSubTest<KLastSubtest;iSubTest++)
-				{
-				DoSubTestL(iSubTest);
-				}
-			iBackedUpWindow.MaintainBackup();		//Putting this line here is a work around
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			for (TInt iSubTest=0;iSubTest<KLastSubtest;iSubTest++)
-				{
-				DoSubTestL(iSubTest);
-				}
-			break;
-		default:
-			TestComplete();
-			break;
-		}
-	iSupState++;
-	}
-void CTBackedUpWindow::DoSubTestL(TInt iState)
-	{
-	_LIT(KTest0,"Simple draw");
-	_LIT(KTest1,"Resizing");
-	_LIT(KTest2,"Invisible/Visible");
-	_LIT(KTest3,"Windows on top");
-	_LIT(KTest4,"Child Windows");
-	_LIT(KTest5,"OOM");
-	_LIT(KTest6,"Update Bitmap");
-	_LIT(KTest7,"Bitmap duplicate");
-	_LIT(KTest8,"Two Graphic Contexts");
-	_LIT(KTest9,"All Graphic Functions");
-	_LIT(KTest10,"Reactivate");
-	_LIT(KTest11,"DoDrawCommand");
-	TRgb rgb1(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb2(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb3(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb4(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb5(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb6(255,255,255);
-	TRgb rgb7(255,255,255);
-	TRgb color(TRgb::Gray4(2));
-	iTest->iState=iState;
-	switch(iState)
-		{
-@SYMTestCaseID		GRAPHICS-WSERV-0202-0001
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw in a backed up window and a normal window and check
-					the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 0:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0202-0001"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest0);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMTestCaseID		GRAPHICS-WSERV-0202-0002
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw in a backed up window and a normal window and check
-					the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 1:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0202-0002"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest1);
-			Draw(0,&rgb1);
-			Draw(3,NULL);
-			Resize();
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test making a backed up window invisible
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw in a backed up window and a normal window, make
-					the backed up window invisible then visible and
-					then check the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 2:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0203"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest2);
-			Draw(0,&rgb2);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			InvisVis();
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing in a backed up window and then placing a
-					window on top of it
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw in a backed up window and a normal window, then
-					place a window on top of the backed up window and then
-					check the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 3:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0204"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest3);
-			//TRgb rgb(220,220,220);
-			Draw(0,&rgb3);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			WindowOnTop();
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing in a backed up window and then drawing in
-					a child window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw in a backed up window and a normal window, then
-					create and draw in a child window and then
-					check the two original drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 4:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0205"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest4);
-			Draw(0,&rgb4);
-			Draw(3,NULL);
-			ChildWindows();
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Out of memeory test for backed up windows
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Out of memeory test for backed up windows
-@SYMTestExpectedResults Backed up window responds correctly when out
-						of memory
-		case 5:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0206"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest5);
-			if (!iTest->IsFullRomL())
-				{
-				Draw(0,&rgb5);
-				Draw(3,NULL);
-				OOML();
-				CheckWindow();
-				}
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test updating a bitmap in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Update a bitmap in a backed up window and a normal window
-					and check the two bitmaps are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two bitmaps are exactly the same
-		case 6:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0207"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest6);
-			Draw(0,&rgb6);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			UpdateBitmapTestL();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test updating a duplicate bitmap in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Update a duplicated bitmap in a backed up window and a normal window
-					and check the two bitmaps are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two bitmaps are exactly the same
-		case 7:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0208"));
-			if (iSupState==0)		//Will fail unless the window is fully backup.
-				break;
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest7);
-			Draw(0,&rgb7);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			DupBitmapTestL();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing with two graphic contexts in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw using two graphic contexts in a backed up window and a normal
-					window and check the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 8:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0209"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest8);
-			Draw(0,&color);
-			Draw(1,NULL);
-			DrawWithTwoGcsL();
-			CheckWindow();
-			break;
-@SYMDEF             DEF081259
-@SYMTestCaseDesc    Test drawing using all the graphic functions in a backed up window
-@SYMTestPriority    High
-@SYMTestStatus      Implemented
-@SYMTestActions     Draw using all the graphic functions in a backed up window and a normal
-					window and check the two drawings are the same
-@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawings are exactly the same
-		case 9:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0210"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest9);
-			if(TheClient->iScreen->SizeInPixels() == TSize(640,240))
-				AllGraphicFunctionsTestsL();
-			break;
-		//A Coverage test, nothing spectacular just making the code
-		//go into CWsGc::Reactivate
-		case 10:
-			{
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0502"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest10);
-			TheGc->Deactivate();
-			RBackedUpWindow extentWindow;
-			extentWindow=RBackedUpWindow(TheClient->iWs);
-			extentWindow.Construct(*(TheClient->iGroup->GroupWin()),EGray4,ENullWsHandle);
-			TheGc->Activate(extentWindow);
-			TheClient->Flush();
-			User::LeaveIfError(extentWindow.SetExtentErr(TPoint(2,2), TSize(4,4)));
-			extentWindow.Activate();
-			extentWindow.Close();
-			TheGc->Deactivate();
-			break;
-			}
-		//Coverage for various messages for CWsGc::DoDrawCommand
-		case 11:
-			{
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-WSERV-0507"));
-			iTest->LogSubTest(KTest11);
-			TheGc->Activate(iBackedUpWindow);
-			TheGc->Reset();
-			iBitGc->Reset();
-			iBitGc->SetUserDisplayMode(EGray4);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawWsGraphic
-			TheGc->DrawWsGraphic(TWsGraphicId(0), TRect(0,0,10,10)); 
-			//create a large junk buffer so that messages with Ptr suffix will be sent
-			RBuf8 junkBuf8;
-			RBuf  junkBuf;
-			junkBuf8.CreateMax(650); // a large enough buffer to sent as Ptr (this value used to crash the code before)
-			junkBuf.CreateMax(650); // a large enough buffer to sent as Ptr
-			for (int i=0; i<junkBuf.MaxLength()-1;i++)
-				{
-				junkBuf8[i] = 'A';
-				junkBuf[i] = 'A';
-				}
-			junkBuf8[junkBuf8.MaxLength()-1] = '\0';
-			junkBuf[junkBuf.MaxLength()-1] = '\0';
-			// EWsGcOpDrawWsGraphicPtr
-			TheGc->DrawWsGraphic(TWsGraphicId(0), TRect(0,0,10,10), junkBuf8);
-			// Set font for drawing on screen
-			CFbsFont *font1;
-			TFontSpec fspec(KTestFontTypefaceName,200);
-			User::LeaveIfError(TheClient->iScreen->GetNearestFontToDesignHeightInTwips((CFont *&)font1,fspec));
-			TheGc->UseFont(font1);
-			iBitGc->UseFont(font1);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawTextPtr
-			TheGc->DrawText(junkBuf, TPoint(0,0));
-			iBitGc->DrawText(junkBuf, TPoint(0,0));
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxText - unreachable 299-too lo, 300-too hi
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextPtr
-			TheGc->DrawText(junkBuf, TRect(0,0,10,10), 0, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0); 
-			iBitGc->DrawText(junkBuf, TRect(0,0,10,10), 0, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0); 
-			// EWsGcOpDrawTextVerticalPtr
-			TheGc->DrawTextVertical(junkBuf, TPoint(0,0), ETrue);
-			iBitGc->DrawTextVertical(junkBuf, TPoint(0,0), ETrue);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextVerticalPtr
-			TheGc->DrawTextVertical(junkBuf, TRect(0,0,10,10), 0, ETrue, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
-			iBitGc->DrawTextVertical(junkBuf, TRect(0,0,10,10), 0, ETrue, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 0);
-			// EWsGcOpMoveBy
-			TheGc->MoveBy(TPoint(2,2));
-			iBitGc->MoveBy(TPoint(2,2));
-			// a bitmap for bitblt ops
-			CWsBitmap bmp(TheClient->iWs);
-			bmp.Create(TSize(16,16), iBackedUpWindow.DisplayMode());
-			// EWsGcOpGdiWsBlt2
-			TheGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), &bmp);
-			iBitGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), &bmp);
-			// EWsGcOpGdiWsBlt3
-			TheGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10));
-			iBitGc->BitBlt(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10));
-			// EWsGcOpGdiWsBltMasked
-			TheGc->BitBltMasked(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, EFalse);
-			iBitGc->BitBltMasked(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, EFalse);
-			// EWsGcOpGdiWsAlphaBlendBitmaps
-			TheGc->AlphaBlendBitmaps(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, TPoint(1,1));
-			iBitGc->AlphaBlendBitmaps(TPoint(0,0), &bmp, TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, TPoint(1,1));
-			// EWsGcOpWsDrawBitmapMasked
-			TheGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, TRect(0,0,8,8), &bmp, ETrue);
-			iBitGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(0,0,10,10), &bmp, TRect(0,0,8,8), &bmp, ETrue);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmap 
-			TheGc->DrawBitmap(TPoint(0,0), &bmp);
-			iBitGc->DrawBitmap(TPoint(0,0), &bmp);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmapMasked 
-			TheGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(0,0,10,10), static_cast<const CFbsBitmap*>(&bmp), 
-					                TRect(0,0,8,8), static_cast<const CFbsBitmap*>(&bmp), 
-					                EFalse);
-			iBitGc->DrawBitmapMasked(TRect(0,0,10,10), static_cast<const CFbsBitmap*>(&bmp), 
-	                				TRect(0,0,8,8), static_cast<const CFbsBitmap*>(&bmp), 
-	                				EFalse);
-			// EWsGcOpDrawPolyLineContinued
-			TheGc->DrawPolyLine(reinterpret_cast<const TPoint*>(junkBuf8.Ptr()),
-    				            TInt(junkBuf8.Size()/sizeof(TPoint)));
-			iBitGc->DrawPolyLine(reinterpret_cast<const TPoint*>(junkBuf8.Ptr()),
-		            			TInt(junkBuf8.Size()/sizeof(TPoint)));
-			// EWsGcOpCopyRect
-			TheGc->CopyRect(TPoint(0,0), TRect(0,0,10,10));
-			iBitGc->CopyRect(TPoint(0,0), TRect(0,0,10,10));
-			//cleanup
-			TheClient->Flush();
-			TheGc->DiscardFont();
-			iBitGc->DiscardFont();
-			TheClient->iScreen->ReleaseFont(font1);
-			junkBuf.Close();
-			junkBuf8.Close();
-			TheGc->Deactivate();
-			CheckWindow();
-			//the following have no client equivalent methods
-			// EWsGcOpMapColorsLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawPolyLineLocalBufLen
-			// EWsGcOpDrawPolyLineLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawPolygonLocalBufLen
-			// EWsGcOpDrawPolygonLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmapLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmap2Local
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmap3Local
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBitmapMaskedLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawTextPtr1
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextPtr1
-			// EWsGcOpDrawTextVerticalPtr1
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextVerticalPtr1
-			// EWsGcOpDrawTextLocal
-			// EWsGcOpDrawBoxTextLocal
-			// EWsGcOpGdiBlt2Local
-			// EWsGcOpGdiBlt3Local
-			// EWsGcOpGdiBltMaskedLocal
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
-			break;
-			}
-		default:
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
-			((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
-			break;
-		}
-       ((CTBackedUpWindowStep*)iStep)->RecordTestResultL();
-	}