--- a/graphicscomposition/openwfcompositionengine/adaptation/include/owfdisplaycontextgeneral.h Tue Jul 06 15:45:57 2010 +0300
+++ b/graphicscomposition/openwfcompositionengine/adaptation/include/owfdisplaycontextgeneral.h Wed Aug 18 11:05:09 2010 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2009 The Khronos Group Inc.
+ * Portions copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
@@ -22,8 +23,8 @@
+#include <WF/wfc.h>
#include <e32def.h>
-#include <WF/wfc.h>
#include <KHR/khrplatform.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -63,6 +64,86 @@
void OWF_DisplayContext_SetCompositionOngoing(OWF_DISPCTX dc, WFCboolean val);
+Creates posts the rendezvous semaphore
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_ComposerThread_Rendezvous(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Waits on rendezvous semaphore
+@param dc The display context who's composition ongoing flag is to be set
+void OWF_ComposerThread_RendezvousWait(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Destroys on rendezvous semaphore
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_ComposerThread_RendezvousDestroy(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Activates fastpath mechanism and associates the stream output
+@param dc The display context
+@param fastpathStream Sets the fastpath stream
+void OWF_DisplayContext_EnableFastpath(OWF_DISPCTX dc, OWFNativeStreamType fastpathStream);
+Disable fastpath stream
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_DisplayContext_DisableFastpath(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Returns fastpath state
+@param dc The display context
+@return OWF_TRUE if the current stream is fastpathable, OWF_FALSE otherwise
+WFCboolean OWF_DisplayContext_FastpathEnabled(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Returns fastpathed stream
+@param dc The display context
+@return handle of the fastpathed stream
+OWFNativeStreamType OWF_DisplayContext_FastpathStream(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Retrieves state of the fastpath
+@param dc The display context
+@return OWF_TRUE if the fastpath has been checked, OWF_FALSE otherwise
+WFCboolean OWF_DisplayContext_FastpathChecked(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Resets fatpath check
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_DisplayContext_ResetFastpathCheck(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Sets fatpath check
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_DisplayContext_SetFastpathChecked(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Flags that the internal stream has been made accessible for outside world
+The fast path mechanism is using it in order to fill the internal stream with
+the content of the fastpathed stream
+@param dc The display context
+void OWF_DisplayContext_FlagInternalStreamAccessed(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+Returns the internal stream accessibilty flag
+@param dc The display context
+@return OWF_TRUE if the fastpat has been checked, OWF_FALSE otherwise
+WFCboolean OWF_DisplayContext_InternalStreamAccessed(OWF_DISPCTX dc);
+OWFboolean OWF_DisplayContext_CopyFastpathedStreamToTargetStream(void* context);
#ifdef __cplusplus