changeset 163 bbf46f59e123
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egl/egltest/endpointtestsuite/automated/group/eglendpointtestserver.mmp	Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 
+TARGET                  eglendpointtestserver.exe
+TARGETTYPE              exe
+UID                     0x1000007a 0xA000E07E
+VENDORID                0x70000001
+USERINCLUDE				../inc
+USERINCLUDE				../tinc
+SOURCEPATH				../src
+SOURCE                  localtestbase.cpp
+SOURCE                  egltest_localteststepfactory.cpp
+SOURCEPATH				../tsrc
+SOURCE					egltest_surface.cpp
+SOURCE 					egltest_endpoint_images.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpoint_engine_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpoint_engine_execthread.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpoint_util.cpp
+//Local test steps.
+SOURCEPATH				../tsrc
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointapiexposure_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointcreate_local.cpp
+SOURCE 					egltest_endpointacquire_local.cpp 
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointattrib_local.cpp
+SOURCE 					egltest_endpointimage_local.cpp 
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointlocking_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointstreaming_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointtearing_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointstreamingtests_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointnotification.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpointdirtyarea.cpp
+SOURCE 					egltest_endpoint_stress_engine.cpp 
+SOURCE					egltest_endpoint_stresstests.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_endpoint_stressload.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_threadedstress_local.cpp
+SOURCE					egltest_releaseimagegles_local.cpp
+SOURCEPATH				../scripts
+DOCUMENT				egltest_t_endpoint.script
+LIBRARY					rfileloggerclient.lib
+LIBRARY                 euser.lib
+LIBRARY                 libEGL.lib
+LIBRARY         		libOpenVG.lib
+LIBRARY                 libOpenVGU.lib
+LIBRARY                 testexecuteutils.lib
+LIBRARY                 testexecutelogclient.lib
+LIBRARY                 ws32.lib
+LIBRARY                 fbscli.lib
+LIBRARY                 gdi.lib
+LIBRARY                 bitgdi.lib 
+LIBRARY                 hal.lib
+LIBRARY                 ecom.lib
+LIBRARY                 efsrv.lib
+LIBRARY					surfacemanager.lib
+LIBRARY 				surfaceupdateclient.lib
+// We're quite heavy on the stack... 4k in WinS isn't enough...
+// Images used as source images to push through endpoints, and the same
+// image is then used as a "this is what it should look like" when an
+// image is acquired through the endpoint.
+START BITMAP image1.mbm
+	TARGETPATH resource/apps/egltest_endpoint
+	SOURCE c32 Image1.bmp
+START BITMAP image2.mbm
+	TARGETPATH resource/apps/egltest_endpoint
+	SOURCE c32 Image2.bmp
+START BITMAP image3.mbm
+	TARGETPATH resource/apps/egltest_endpoint
+	SOURCE c32 Image3.bmp
+START BITMAP image4.mbm
+	TARGETPATH resource/apps/egltest_endpoint
+	SOURCE c32 Image4.bmp