changeset 163 bbf46f59e123
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/egl/egltest/endpointtestsuite/automated/inc/egltest_commscommon.h	Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
+ * To add a new message that can be passed over the message queue:
+ * 1. Add the test name to the TTestUid enum.
+ * 2. Create a T class to hold the params.
+ * 3. Add the T class to the TRemoteTestParams union.
+ *
+ * These steps are described in more detail below, where the
+ * individual bits should be added.
+ */
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <graphics/surface.h>
+#include <EGL/egl.h>
+#include "log.h"
+#include "egltest_endpoint_engine_types.h"
+#define ENDPOINT_ASSERT_DEBUG(x, y) do { if (!x) { RDebug::Printf("Assertion (%s) failed: %s:%d ", #x, __FILE__, __LINE__); y; } } while(0)
+//The maximum size of a message in an async message queue is 256 bytes.
+//If these valuses are increased, the maximum size will be exceeded.
+const TInt KRSLogMessageLength = 172;
+const TInt KRSLogFileLength = 32;
+//Names for the Async message queues that are used for
+//communication between the TEF driver app and the test
+//thread within window server.
+_LIT(KResultQueueName, "RemoteTestEnvResultQueue");
+_LIT(KParamsQueueName, "RemoteTestEnvParamsQueue");
+const TInt KStartTestStepCaseNumber = -1;
+const TInt KEndTestStepCaseNumber = -2;
+//Uids for all of the tests that the test thread knows about.
+enum TTestUid
+    {
+    //Endpoint Api Exposure Test.
+    ETestUidEndpointApiExposure,
+    // Common UID for engine code.
+    ETestUidEndpointEngine,
+    // Endpoint Lifetime test.
+    ETestUidEndpointLifetime,
+    //Image Tearing Test.
+    ETestUidEndpointTearing,
+    //Multithreaded stress tests.
+    ETestUidEndpointThreadStress,
+    //Release Image with Gles context tests.
+    ETestUidEndpointReleaseImageGles,
+    // vgThreading test.
+    ETestUidVgThreading,
+    };
+//Each test should have a struct with data members to hold
+//the test's parameters. The name name should begin
+//"TTest..." and should contain no member functions.
+//(c-style struct).
+//If it is found that many tests use the same params, we should
+//create a TTestGeneric class to hold the params and derive
+//classes from it.
+struct TTestEndpointApiExposure
+    {
+    };
+struct TTestEndpointTearing
+    {
+    TSurfaceId iSurfaceId;
+    };
+struct TTestEndpointThreadStress
+    {
+    TInt iNumThreads;
+    };
+struct TTestEndpointReleaseImageGles
+    {
+    TBool iUseValidGlesContext;
+    };
+//Union for all of the structs that tests use to pass
+//params between the local side and the remote side.
+union TRemoteTestParams
+    {
+    //Endpoint Api Exposure Test.
+    TTestEndpointApiExposure iTestEndpointApiExposure;
+    //Endpoint engine data.
+    TTestEndpointEngine iEndpointEngine;
+    // Endpoint Engine configuration data.
+    TTestEndpointEngineConfig iEndpointEngineConfig;
+    //Image Tearing Test.
+    TTestEndpointTearing iEndpointTearing;
+    //Multithreaded stress tests.
+    TTestEndpointThreadStress iEndpointThreadStress;
+    //Release Image with Gles context tests.
+    TTestEndpointReleaseImageGles iEndpointReleaseImageGles;
+    };
+//Structure that is passed from local side to remote side
+//in the async message queue. It contains the test Uid,
+//test case and the params.
+class TRemoteTestParamsPacket
+    {
+    TRemoteTestParamsPacket();
+    TRemoteTestParamsPacket(TTestUid aTestUid, TInt aTestCase, const TRemoteTestParams& aParams);
+    const TTestUid iUid;
+    const TInt iTestCase;
+    const TRemoteTestParams iParams;
+    };
+//The object passed back to the TEF driver app from the test
+//thread. It can be used for sending the resuult of a test and
+//for logging.
+class TRemoteTestResult
+    {
+    TRemoteTestResult();
+    //Constructor for sending logging info.
+    TRemoteTestResult(TTestUid aUid, TInt aTestCase, const TDesC8& aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity, const TDesC& aMessage);
+    //Constructor for sending result info.
+    TRemoteTestResult(TTestUid aUid, TInt aTestCase, TRemoteTestVerdict aVerdict);
+    //If EFalse this is a logging message, else a result message.
+    TBool iFinished;
+    TTestUid iUid;
+    TInt iTestCase;
+    //Result message.
+    TRemoteTestVerdict iVerdict;
+    //Logging message.
+    TBuf8<KRSLogFileLength> iFile;
+    TInt iLine;
+    TInt iSeverity;
+    TBuf8<KRSLogMessageLength> iMessage;
+    };
+//Inline functions --------------------------------------------------------
+inline TRemoteTestParamsPacket::TRemoteTestParamsPacket() :
+    iUid((TTestUid)0),
+    iTestCase(0),
+    iParams(TRemoteTestParams())
+    {
+    }
+inline TRemoteTestParamsPacket::TRemoteTestParamsPacket(TTestUid aTestUid, TInt aTestCase, const TRemoteTestParams& aParams) :
+    iUid(aTestUid),
+    iTestCase(aTestCase),
+    iParams(aParams)
+    {
+    }
+inline TRemoteTestResult::TRemoteTestResult()
+    {
+    }
+inline TRemoteTestResult::TRemoteTestResult(TTestUid aUid, TInt aTestCase, const TDesC8& aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity, const TDesC& aMessage) :
+    iFinished(EFalse),
+    iVerdict(ERtvInconclusive),
+    iUid(aUid),
+    iTestCase(aTestCase),
+    iLine(aLine),
+    iSeverity(aSeverity)
+    {
+    //Copy the filename to the log object. If the string is too long,
+    //truncate the string and append an elipsis to the log.
+    //The "-1"s ensure that a free char is left for appending a NULL (in the TEF app).
+    TBool truncate = iFile.MaxLength()-1 < aFile.Length();
+    TInt numChars = truncate ? iFile.MaxLength()-3-1 : aFile.Length();
+    iFile = aFile.Left(numChars);
+    if(truncate)
+        {
+        iFile.Append(_L("..."));
+        }
+    //Copy the message to the log object. If the string is too long,
+    //truncate the string and append an elipsis to the log.
+    //Note we convert message from unicode to ascii to conserve space in the message queue.
+    truncate = iMessage.MaxLength() < aMessage.Length();
+    numChars = truncate ? iMessage.MaxLength()-3 : aMessage.Length();
+    iMessage.Copy(aMessage.Left(numChars));
+    if(truncate)
+        {
+        iMessage.Append(_L8("..."));
+        }
+    }
+inline TRemoteTestResult::TRemoteTestResult(TTestUid aUid, TInt aTestCase, TRemoteTestVerdict aVerdict) :
+    iFinished(ETrue),
+    iUid(aUid),
+    iTestCase(aTestCase),
+    iVerdict(aVerdict)
+    {
+    }