--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsresourceservices/graphicsresourceimplementation/test/src/tsgdrawablegeneric.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Graphics Resource API Conformance Test Suite
+#include "tsgdrawablegeneric.h"
+Construct the CTsgDrawableGeneric tests; set whether the tests are being used as conformance
+tests or OOM tests.
+@param TBool ETrue to run the conformance tests, EFalse to run the OOM tests.
+ */
+CTSgDrawableGeneric::CTSgDrawableGeneric(TBool aConformanceTests) :
+ CTSgTestStepBase(aConformanceTests)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Graphics resource component test - RSgDrawable Generic Tests.\r\n"));
+ }
+ {
+ }
+Overrides of base class pure virtual
+Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
+not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTSgDrawableGeneric::doTestStepL()
+ {
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-RESOURCE-0013"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opening an image in RSgDrawable.\r\n"));
+ TestOpenImageAsDrawableL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-RESOURCE-0014"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieving drawable id of an RSgDrawable object.\r\n"));
+ TestGetDrawableDrawableIdL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-RESOURCE-0032"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("RSgDrawable::Open() with invalid parameters.\r\n"));
+ TestOpenDrawableInvalidL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-RESOURCE-0033"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Releasing reference to the image in RSgDrawable without first opening it.\r\n"));
+ TestCloseDrawableWithoutOpenL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-RESOURCE-0080"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("RSgDrawable generic panic test - Open() when the driver is not initialised.\r\n"));
+ TestPanicDrawableOpenNoDriverL();
+ RecordTestResultL();
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Warning: Skipping the panic tests in release build. \r\n"));
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Opens an RSgImage as an RSgDrawable.
+@SYMFssID RSgImage::Id()
+ RSgDrawable::Open(const TSgDrawableId&)
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPurpose To ensure an RSgDrawable object can reference an image.
+@SYMTestActions Initialise the graphics resource component. Create an image. Declare an
+ RSgDrawable object. Call Open() on the object with the resource ID of the
+ image. These tests are repeated in a seperate thread and seperate process.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The function should return KErrNone. The RSgDrawable now references an
+ image. The same should occur in the seperate thread and seperate process.
+ */
+void CTSgDrawableGeneric::TestOpenImageAsDrawableL()
+ {
+ TestOpenDriverL();
+ RSgImage image;
+ CreateImageL(image);
+ CleanupClosePushL(image);
+ const TSgDrawableId id = image.Id();
+ TSgImageInfo imageinfo;
+ image.GetInfo(imageinfo);
+ //opening an image as a drawable in the current thread
+ RSgImage image2;
+ TEST(image2.IsNull());
+ CheckErrorL(KErrNone, image2.Open(id), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ TEST(!image2.IsNull());
+ image2.Close();
+ if (iEnableConformanceTests)
+ {
+ //opening an image as a drawable in another thread in the same process
+ TSgThreadTestInfo threadInfo(id, imageinfo, ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawable);
+ TInt testResult = 0;
+ TRAPD(err, testResult=CreateSecondThreadAndDoTestL(threadInfo));
+ TEST(err == KErrNone);
+ TEST(testResult >= 0);
+ TEST(testResult & EFirstTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & ESecondTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EThirdTestPassed);
+ //opening an image as drawbale in a different process
+ TSgProcessTestInfo processInfo(id, imageinfo, ESgresSecondProcessOpenDrawable);
+ TRAP(err, testResult = CreateSecondProcessAndDoTestL(KSecondProcess, processInfo));
+ TEST(err == KErrNone);
+ TEST(testResult >= 0);
+ TEST(testResult & EFirstTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & ESecondTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EThirdTestPassed);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ TestCloseDriver();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Retrieves drawable id of an RSgDrawable.
+@SYMFssID RSgImage::Id()
+ RSgDrawable::Open(const TSgDrawableId&)
+ RSgDrawable::Id()
+@SYMTestPriority Critical
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPurpose To ensure the globally unique drawable id of the RSgDrawable object can be retrieved.
+@SYMTestActions Initialise the graphics resource component. Create an image. Call Id() on the image.
+ Construct an RSgDrawable object and open an image in it. Call Id() on the
+ RSgDrawable object. Compare the two ids.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The two drawable ids should be identical.
+ */
+void CTSgDrawableGeneric::TestGetDrawableDrawableIdL()
+ {
+ TestOpenDriverL();
+ RSgImage image;
+ CreateImageL(image);
+ CleanupClosePushL(image);
+ TSgDrawableId id1 = image.Id();
+ TEST(id1 != KSgNullDrawableId);
+ RSgDrawable drawable;
+ TEST(KErrNone == drawable.Open(id1));
+ TSgDrawableId id2 = drawable.Id();
+ TEST(id2 != KSgNullDrawableId);
+ TEST(id1 == id2);
+ drawable.Close();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ TestCloseDriver();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Calls RSgDrawable::Open() with invalid parameters.
+@SYMFssID RSgImage::Id()
+ RSgDrawable::Open(const TSgDrawableId&)
+@SYMTestPriority Medium
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPurpose To check the correct error codes are returned if Open() uses invalid parameters.
+@SYMTestActions Initialise the graphics resource component. Create an image. Declare an RSgDrawable
+ object. Call Open() with:
+ 1. null drawable id
+ 2. a non-existing
+ 3. valid drawable id
+ 4. on a RSgDrawable handle that is not null
+ Do the same tests in a second thread in the same process and in a second process.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The function should return:
+ 1. KErrArgument
+ 2. KErrNotFound
+ 3. KErrNone
+ 4. KErrInUse
+ */
+void CTSgDrawableGeneric::TestOpenDrawableInvalidL()
+ {
+ TestOpenDriverL();
+ //same thread
+ // null drawable id
+ RSgDrawable drawable;
+ CheckErrorL(KErrArgument, drawable.Open(KSgNullDrawableId), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ drawable.Close();
+ // non-existing drawable id
+ TSgDrawableId fakeid = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU};
+ CheckErrorL(KErrNotFound, drawable.Open(fakeid), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ drawable.Close();
+ //create a valid image
+ TSgImageInfo info;
+ info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
+ info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
+ info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
+ RSgImage image;
+ CheckErrorL(KErrNone, image.Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+ CleanupClosePushL(image);
+ const TSgDrawableId id = image.Id();
+ // open an image - should succeed
+ TEST(KErrNone == drawable.Open(id));
+ // open on a non-null RSgDrawable handle
+ TEST(KErrInUse == drawable.Open(id));
+ drawable.Close();
+ if (iEnableConformanceTests)
+ {
+ //different thread in the same process
+ TSgThreadTestInfo threadInfo(id, info, ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawableInvalid);
+ TInt testResult = 0;
+ TRAPD(err, testResult = CreateSecondThreadAndDoTestL(threadInfo));
+ TEST(err == KErrNone);
+ TEST(testResult >= 0);
+ TEST(testResult & EFirstTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & ESecondTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EThirdTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EFourthTestPassed);
+ //different process
+ TSgProcessTestInfo processInfo(id, info, ESgresSecondProcessOpenDrawableInvalid);
+ TRAP(err, testResult = CreateSecondProcessAndDoTestL(KSecondProcess, processInfo));
+ TEST(err == KErrNone);
+ TEST(testResult >= 0);
+ TEST(testResult & EFirstTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & ESecondTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EThirdTestPassed);
+ TEST(testResult & EFourthTestPassed);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&image);
+ TestCloseDriver();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Closes RSgDrawable without first opening it.
+@SYMFssID RSgDrawable::Close()
+@SYMTestPriority Low
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPurpose To check the function does nothing if Open() was not called.
+@SYMTestActions Initialise the graphics resource component. Declare an RSgDrawable object. Call Close().
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The function should not panic or return any error.
+ */
+void CTSgDrawableGeneric::TestCloseDrawableWithoutOpenL()
+ {
+ TestOpenDriverL();
+ RSgDrawable drawable;
+ drawable.Close();
+ drawable.Close();
+ drawable.Close();
+ TestCloseDriver();
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Calls RSgDrawable::Open() when the driver was not initialised.
+@SYMFssID RSgImage::Open()
+@SYMTestPriority Low
+@SYMTestType UT
+@SYMTestPurpose To ensure calling RSgDrawable::Open() with an uninitialised driver will cause a panic.
+@SYMTestActions Do not Initialise the graphics resource component and call RSgDrawable::Open() in a second thread.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The function should panic in the second thread with panic code SGRES 1 (ESgPanicNoDriver).
+ */
+void CTSgDrawableGeneric::TestPanicDrawableOpenNoDriverL()
+ {
+ TSgImageInfo info;
+ TSgThreadTestInfo threadInfo(KSgNullDrawableId, info, ESgresSecondThreadPanicDrawableOpenNoDriver);
+ TExitCategoryName exitCategoryName(KSgTestGenericPanicCategory);
+ _LIT(KTestName, "TestPanicDrawableOpenNoDriverL");
+ CreateSecondThreadAndCheckPanicL(threadInfo, 1, exitCategoryName, KTestName);
+ }