--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicscomposition/openwftest/src/openwftest.cpp Tue Jul 20 13:27:44 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2763 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// OpenWF tests
+#include <test/extendtef.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include "openwftest.h"
+#define KCompositorVersion 0x01023456
+#define KGrowCleanupStack 12
+#define KMaxNotificationDelay 5000000 //5 seconds
+#define KNotificationWarning 100000 //100 ms
+_LIT(KTestSectionName, "TestInfo");
+_LIT(KImageSectionName, "ImageInfo");
+_LIT(KContiguousFlag, "ContiguousFlag");
+_LIT(KTolerance, "Tolerance");
+_LIT(KTestMode, "TestMode");
+_LIT(KSaveImage, "SaveImage");
+_LIT(KDir, "Dir");
+_LIT(KDefaultDir, "c:\\openwftest\\img\\");
+_LIT(KCompositionPause, "CompositionPause");
+_LIT(KManualPause, "ManualPause");
+//Uncomment this and rebuild if you wish to test if fastpath is enabled using breakpoints
+ * COpenwfTest implementation
+ */
+ iNonFastpathablePixelFormat(EUidPixelFormatRGB_565),
+ iMappable(ETrue),
+ iMaxBuffers(2),
+ iMinBuffers(1),
+ iCacheAttrib(ECacheNotlisted),
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ TearDown();
+ }
+void COpenwfTest::SetupL()
+ {
+ iScheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(iScheduler);
+ ReadIniData();
+ iEGLDisplay = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
+ eglInitialize(iEGLDisplay, NULL, NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(wfcEnumerateDevices(&iDeviceId, 1, filterList) == 1);
+ iDevice = wfcCreateDevice(iDeviceId, NULL);
+ iContext = wfcCreateOnScreenContext(iDevice, WFC_DEFAULT_SCREEN_NUMBER, NULL);
+ iFastpathableHeight = wfcGetContextAttribi(iDevice, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_TARGET_HEIGHT);
+ iFastpathableWidth = wfcGetContextAttribi(iDevice, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_TARGET_WIDTH);
+ iStride = iFastpathableWidth * 4;
+ iFullScreenTRect = TRect(0,0,iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight);
+ iFullScreenRect[0] = 0;
+ iFullScreenRect[1] = 0;
+ iFullScreenRect[2] = iFullScreenTRect.Width();
+ iFullScreenRect[3] = iFullScreenTRect.Height();
+ iCenterTRect = TRect(iFastpathableWidth/4,iFastpathableHeight/4,
+ 3*iFastpathableWidth/4,3*iFastpathableHeight/4);
+ iCenterRect[0] = iCenterTRect.iTl.iX;
+ iCenterRect[1] = iCenterTRect.iTl.iY;
+ iCenterRect[2] = iCenterTRect.Width();
+ iCenterRect[3] = iCenterTRect.Height();
+ iHalfSizeRect[0] = 0;
+ iHalfSizeRect[1] = 0;
+ iHalfSizeRect[2] = iFastpathableWidth/2;
+ iHalfSizeRect[3] = iFastpathableHeight/2;
+ iUtility = CSurfaceUtility::NewL();
+ if((iTestMode == EAutomatic) || iSaveImage)
+ {
+ // Need to initialise the on screen stream before composition
+ // to ensure the content is available later
+ iUtility->GetOnScreenStream(iDevice, iContext);
+ }
+ if (iSaveImage)
+ { // Create a directory to save images
+ iUtility->CreateImagePath(iImageDirectory);
+ }
+ iAllowManualPause = ETrue; //tests can stop it (eg dispXtimes tests)
+ EGLint attrib_list[1] = {EGL_NONE};
+ iSync = eglCreateSyncKHR(iEGLDisplay,EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR, attrib_list);
+ }
+ * test Suite furniture
+ **/
+void COpenwfTest::TearDownL()
+ {
+ // Nothing leaves in this function,
+ // but TearDownL() is needed for the CTestFixture (TEF) interface
+ TearDown();
+ }
+void COpenwfTest::TearDown()
+ {
+ WFCErrorCode wfcError;
+ if (iDevice != WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ wfcError = wfcGetError(iDevice);
+ if (wfcError != WFC_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TearDown: There was a failure in the test. error=%d"),wfcError);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iOnScreenStream != WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ (void)SymbianStreamReleaseReadBuffer(iOnScreenStream, iOnScreenBuffer); //ignore the error
+ iOnScreenStream = WFC_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ }
+ delete iUtility;
+ iUtility = NULL;
+ if (iContext != WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ wfcDestroyContext(iDevice, iContext);
+ WFCErrorCode wfcError = wfcGetError(iDevice);
+ if (wfcError != WFC_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TearDown: wfcDestroyContext error=%d"),wfcError);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iDevice != WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ WFCErrorCode deviceError = wfcDestroyDevice(iDevice);
+ if (deviceError != WFC_ERROR_NONE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TearDown: wfcDestroyDevice error=%d"),deviceError);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iSync != EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR)
+ {
+ EGLBoolean eglSyncError = eglDestroySyncKHR(iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ iSync = EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR;
+ if (eglSyncError != EGL_TRUE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TearDown: eglSyncError line %d"),__LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ if (iEGLDisplay != EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+ {
+ EGLBoolean eglTerminateError = eglTerminate(iEGLDisplay);
+ if (eglTerminateError != EGL_TRUE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("TearDown: eglTerminateError line %d"),__LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ delete iScheduler;
+ iScheduler = NULL;
+ }
+ * To be called at the beginning of tests
+ * aActivate default is ON
+ */
+void COpenwfTest::SetupEmptySceneL(TBool aActivate)
+ {
+ wfcSetContextAttribi(iDevice, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_ROTATION, WFC_ROTATION_0);
+ wfcSetContextAttribi(iDevice, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_BG_COLOR, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ if (aActivate)
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Running in autonomous composition mode"));
+ wfcActivate(iDevice,iContext);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Running in non autonomous composition mode"));
+ wfcDeactivate(iDevice,iContext);
+ }
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE); // Compose the scene
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - setting up scene - fastpath now off"));
+ }
+void COpenwfTest::ReadIniData()
+ {
+ //test mode
+ TBool returnValue = iConfig.GetInt(KTestSectionName, KTestMode, iTestMode);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(returnValue);
+ //save images
+ iSaveImage=EFalse;
+ if (iTestMode == EAutomatic)
+ {
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetBool(KTestSectionName, KSaveImage, iSaveImage);
+ }
+ // Get path for the images to be saved to
+ TPtrC dir;
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetString(KTestSectionName, KDir, dir);
+ if (returnValue)
+ {
+ iImageDirectory.Set(dir);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iImageDirectory.Set(KDefaultDir);
+ }
+ // Composition pause in microseconds
+ TInt compositionPause;
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetInt(KTestSectionName, KCompositionPause, compositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(returnValue);
+ iCompositionPause = compositionPause;
+ // Manual pause in microseconds
+ iManualPause = 0;
+ if (iTestMode != EAutomatic)
+ {
+ TInt manualPause;
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetInt(KTestSectionName, KManualPause, manualPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(returnValue);
+ iManualPause = manualPause;
+ }
+ // Force contiguous
+ TBool contiguousFlag;
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetBool(KImageSectionName, KContiguousFlag, contiguousFlag);
+ if (returnValue && contiguousFlag)
+ {
+ iContiguous = EContiguous;
+ }
+ // Test tolerance
+ TInt tolerance;
+ returnValue = iConfig.GetInt(KImageSectionName, KTolerance, tolerance);
+ if (returnValue)
+ {
+ iTolerance = tolerance;
+ }
+ }
+ * Acquires the on screen stream and buffer number
+ * NOTE: this function should be paired with a ReleaseOnScreenStream call
+ * Returns ETrue on success
+ */
+TBool COpenwfTest::AcquireOnScreenStream()
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ if(iTestMode == EAutomatic)
+ { //need to get the on screen stream
+ iOnScreenStream = iUtility->GetOnScreenStream(iDevice, iContext);
+ if(iOnScreenStream == WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed getting on screen stream"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Failed getting on screen stream"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ error = SymbianStreamAcquireReadBuffer(iOnScreenStream, &iOnScreenBuffer);
+ if (error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Unable to acquire read buffer. error = %d",error));
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unable to acquire read buffer. error = %d"),error);
+ }
+ return (error == KErrNone);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("No need to get the on screen stream, probably manual checking mode"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** No need to get the on screen stream, probably manual checking mode"));
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ * Releases the on screen stream
+ */
+void COpenwfTest::ReleaseOnScreenStream()
+ {
+ if (iOnScreenStream != WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ (void)SymbianStreamReleaseReadBuffer(iOnScreenStream, iOnScreenBuffer); //ignore the error
+ iOnScreenStream = WFC_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ }
+ if(iTestMode != EAutomatic && iAllowManualPause)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Performing manual wait"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Performing manual wait"));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(WaitL(iManualPause));
+ }
+ if(iTestMode != EAutomatic && !iAllowManualPause)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test not allowing a manual wait"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Test not allowing a manual wait"));
+ }
+ }
+ * Checks the rect of the on screen stream
+ * Returns ETrue on success
+ */
+TBool COpenwfTest::CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect aRect, const TRgb& aExpectedColor, TInt aTolerance)
+ {
+ if(iTestMode == EAutomatic)
+ {
+ if (iOnScreenStream == WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** We don't have access to the on screen stream"));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("We don't have access to the on screen stream"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ const TSurfaceId* surfaceId = NULL;
+ long bufferIndex;
+ TInt error = SymbianStreamGetBufferId(iOnScreenStream,iOnScreenBuffer,&bufferIndex,&surfaceId);
+ if (error == KErrNone)
+ {
+ return CheckRect(*surfaceId,bufferIndex,aRect,aExpectedColor,aTolerance);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Unable to get stream buffer id. error = %d",error));
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unable to get stream buffer id. error = %d"),error);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { //print out what we're hoping to see for manual testing
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: For rect %d %d %d %d",aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY,aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iBr.iY));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: The expected color is r=%d g=%d b=%d",aExpectedColor.Red(),aExpectedColor.Green(),
+ aExpectedColor.Blue()));
+ INFO_PRINTF5(_L("For rect %d %d %d %d"),aRect.iTl.iX,aRect.iTl.iY,aRect.iBr.iX,aRect.iBr.iY);
+ INFO_PRINTF4(_L("The expected color is r=%d g=%d b=%d"),aExpectedColor.Red(),aExpectedColor.Green(),
+ aExpectedColor.Blue());
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ * checks the color within the given rectangle of the given surface
+ * returns ETrue on success
+ */
+TBool COpenwfTest::CheckRect(const TSurfaceId& aSurface, TInt aBuffer, TRect aRect,
+ const TRgb& aExpectedColor, TInt aTolerance)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting pixel checking"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Starting pixel checking"));
+ // Check pixel data
+ TBool success = iUtility->CheckRectColor(aSurface, aRect, aBuffer, aExpectedColor, aTolerance);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Finished pixel checking - pass"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Finished pixel checking - pass"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Finished pixel checking - fail"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Finished pixel checking - fail"));
+ }
+ return success;
+ }
+ * If in automatic mode it will save a TGA image of the on screen stream.
+ * It will also print the name of the reference image.
+ * Returns ETrue on success
+ */
+TBool COpenwfTest::CheckOnScreenReferenceImage()
+ {
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ //Create image file name
+ _LIT(KSeparator, "_");
+ _LIT(KTGAImgFormat, ".tga");
+ iImageAddress.Zero();
+ iImageAddress.Append(iTestName);
+ iImageAddress.Append(KSeparator);
+ iImageAddress.AppendNum(iImageCounter);
+ iImageAddress.Append(KTGAImgFormat);
+ LOGL((_L("Reference Image:%S"),&iImageAddress));
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Reference Image:%S"),&iImageAddress);
+ //Add file path
+ iImageAddress.Insert(0,iImageDirectory);
+ iImageCounter++;
+ if(iTestMode == EAutomatic && iSaveImage)
+ {
+ if (iOnScreenStream == WFC_INVALID_HANDLE)
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** We don't have access to the on screen stream",error));
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("We don't have access to the on screen stream"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ const TSurfaceId* surfaceId = NULL;
+ long bufferIndex;
+ error = SymbianStreamGetBufferId(iOnScreenStream,iOnScreenBuffer,&bufferIndex,&surfaceId);
+ if (error == KErrNone)
+ {
+ return SaveImage(*surfaceId,bufferIndex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Unable to get stream buffer id. error = %d",error));
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Unable to get stream buffer id. error = %d"),error);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ * helper function for saving images to files
+ * returns ETrue on success
+ */
+TBool COpenwfTest::SaveImage(const TSurfaceId& aSurface, TInt aNumOfBuffer)
+ {
+ if(iTestMode == EAutomatic && iSaveImage)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start to save image"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Start to save image"));
+ TBool success = EFalse;
+ TRAPD(error, success = iUtility->SaveResultImageTGAL(aSurface, aNumOfBuffer, iImageAddress));
+ if(error != KErrNone || !success)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed saving image"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Failed saving image"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Saved image"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Saved image"));
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ * Basic wait function call. Return amount of other active objects that stopped the scheduler
+TInt COpenwfTest::WaitL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDelay) //aDelay in microseconds
+ {
+ CActiveWaiter* waiter = NULL;
+ waiter = CActiveWaiter::NewL();
+ TInt counter = waiter->Wait(aDelay);
+ delete waiter;
+ return counter;
+ }
+ * aMaxDelay The maximum time we are willing to wait in microseconds
+ * aNotifications The amount of notifications we expect to complete, must be >0
+ * Returns ETrue on success
+TBool COpenwfTest::WaitForNotifications(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aMaxDelay,TInt aNotificatons)
+ {
+ if (aNotificatons == 0)
+ { //use WaitL if no notifications are expected
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ TTime before;
+ TTime after;
+ before.UniversalTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds diff;
+ TInt counter = aNotificatons;
+ CActiveWaiter* waiter = NULL;
+ TRAP_IGNORE(waiter = CActiveWaiter::NewL());
+ if (!waiter)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed creating CActiveWaiter"));
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Failed creating CActiveWaiter"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ waiter->StartWait(aMaxDelay);
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ while(!waiter->iRun)
+ {
+ after.UniversalTime();
+ diff = after.MicroSecondsFrom(before);
+ if (diff > KNotificationWarning)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("note: Notification took a long time to complete: %ld microseconds"),diff.Int64());
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** note: Notification took a long time to complete: %ld microseconds",diff.Int64()));
+ }
+ counter--;
+ if (counter == 0)
+ { //all expected notifications were completed
+ delete waiter;
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Not all notifications completed, counter=%d"),counter);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: *** Not all notifications completed, counter=%d",counter));
+ delete waiter;
+ //the notifications didn't complete in time
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// Create a suite of all the tests
+CTestSuite* COpenwfTest::CreateSuiteL(const TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ //positive fastpath tests
+ //fastpath with notification tests
+ //negative fastpath tests
+ }
+void TefUnitFailLeaveL()
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrTEFUnitFail);
+ }
+CActiveNotification* CActiveNotification::NewL(RSurfaceUpdateSession& aSurfaceUpdateSession,TBool aActivate)
+ {
+ CActiveNotification* self = new (ELeave) CActiveNotification;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aSurfaceUpdateSession);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ if (aActivate)
+ {
+ self->SetActive();
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+void CActiveNotification::ConstructL(RSurfaceUpdateSession& aSurfaceUpdateSession)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ iSurfaceUpdateSession = aSurfaceUpdateSession;
+ }
+CActiveNotification::CActiveNotification() : CActive(EPriorityNormal)
+ {}
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveNotification::DoCancel()
+ { //we need to cancel all notifications - this will impact other notifications in this sus session!
+ iSurfaceUpdateSession.CancelAllUpdateNotifications();
+ }
+void CActiveNotification::RunL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+TInt CActiveNotification::RunError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ return aError; // exists so a break point can be placed on it.
+ }
+void CActiveNotification::Activate()
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ }
+CActiveWaiter* CActiveWaiter::NewL()
+ {
+ CActiveWaiter* self = new (ELeave) CActiveWaiter;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CActiveWaiter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iTimer.CreateLocal());
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+CActiveWaiter::CActiveWaiter() : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
+ {}
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iTimer.Close();
+ }
+void CActiveWaiter::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iTimer.Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveWaiter::RunL()
+ {
+ iRun = ETrue;
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ }
+TInt CActiveWaiter::RunError(TInt aError)
+ {
+ return aError; // exists so a break point can be placed on it.
+ }
+ * Waits the set amount of time. Returns the amount of times the active scheduler
+ * was stopped (not including its own active scheduler stop)
+ */
+TInt CActiveWaiter::Wait(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDelay) //microseconds
+ {
+ TInt counter = 0;
+ SetActive();
+ iTimer.After(iStatus, aDelay);
+ iRun = EFalse;
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ while (!iRun)
+ {//may be another object that stops the scheduler running in these tests.
+ counter++;
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ }
+ return counter;
+ }
+ * Starts an AO with the given delay. Remember the RunL will stop the active scheduler.
+ */
+void CActiveWaiter::StartWait(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDelay) //microseconds
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iTimer.After(iStatus, aDelay);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene meeting fastpath criteria can be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element with no scaling, no alpha, no mask, no rotation
+ Compose the scene
+ The final scene should be fastpathed
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0000");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - Now ON"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen element with global alpha at opaque level
+ can be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element with 2 buffers
+ Set WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA to be 255 (opaque)
+ Compose the scene
+ The final scene should be fastpathed
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0001");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //set element global alpha
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, 1.0f);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit - using element alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON - using element alpha"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen element with source alpha flagged but an
+ opaque data format can be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element
+ Enable WFC_TRANSPARENCY_SOURCE, but the source format has no alpha value
+ Compose the scene
+ The final scene should be fastpathed
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0002");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ EUidPixelFormatXRGB_8888,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //set pixel alpha on XRGB element
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit - using pixel alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON - using pixel alpha"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath scene with a double buffered element
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check if a scene is fastpathed using the second buffer
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing an element with 2 buffers
+ Set the element screen size
+ Set destination and source rectangle to screen size
+ Compose the scene
+ B) Send an update to buffer 1 with change of colour
+ Wait for notification
+ The scene should be fastpathed for A and B
+ Screen colour should change after B
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0003");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Fill surface is blue
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 1, KBlue);
+ //Do content update for surface buff1
+ CActiveNotification* buff1disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(buff1disp);
+ TTimeStamp buff1time;
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(buff1disp->iStatus,buff1time);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - staying ON..."));
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 1, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,1)); //1 AO should have completed
+ //create ref image/check on screen content
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KBlue,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buff1disp);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath two-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority Medium
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen opaque element as the top layer can be
+ fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing a screen sized element with WFC_TRANSPARENCY_NONE enabled
+ Compose the scene
+ B) Create a small rectangle behind the first element
+ Compose the scene
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0004");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceB = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceB.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceB = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceB), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementB = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceB);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - staying ON..."));
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KBlue);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceB);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath two-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority Medium
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen element with global alpha as the top layer
+ can be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing a screen sized element
+ Compose the scene
+ B) Create a smaller element behind the first element
+ Compose the scene
+ Both compositions should trigger fastpathing.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0005");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+//set element global alpha
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, 1.0f);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceB = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceB.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceB = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceB), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementB = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceB);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit - using element global alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON... - using element global alpha"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL),KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit - using element global alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KBlue);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceB);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath two-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority Low
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen opaque element behind a transparent element
+ can be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing an element of any size
+ Compose the scene
+ B) Create another screen sized opaque element behind the frist
+ Compose the scene
+ The final scene should fastpath for B), not for A)
+ (The current implementation does not support this fastpath behaviour. This test can be ignored at
+ the moment.)
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0006");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ //set element global alpha fully transparent
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, 0.0f);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceB = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceB.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceB = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceB), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementB = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceB);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit -single fully transparent element using global alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON - single fully transparent element using global alpha"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit -fullscreen opaque element behind fully transparent element"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON - fullscreen opaque element behind transparent element"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KBlue);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KBlue,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceB);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including destination rectangle changes can trigger fastpath on and off
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element
+ Compose scene
+ Set the destination rectangle smaller than screen size
+ Compose the scene
+ Set the destination rectangle back to screen size
+ Compose the scene
+ The scenes with the element of full screen destination rectangle should be fastpathed
+ The scene with the element of smaller destination rectangle should not be fastpathed
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0007");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //NOT full screen destination
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still OFF"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iCenterTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //NOW set full screen
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+void COpenwfTest::FastpathNotificationsTestL(TBool aAutonomous)
+ {
+ SetupEmptySceneL(aAutonomous);
+ //Create 3 elements A+C fastpathable, B centered
+ TSurfaceId surfaceA = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceA.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceA = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceA), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementA = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceA);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceB = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceB.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceB = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceB), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementB = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceB);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceC = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceC.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceC = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceC), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceC, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementC = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementC, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceC);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementC, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementC, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //**********STARTING ACTUAL TEST!**********
+ //**********SURFACE A FASTPATHABLE**********
+ //Add A to scene
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementA, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ //Set A buffer0 red
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceA, 0, KRed);
+ //Do content update Abuff0 idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfAbuff0disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfAbuff0disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfAbuff0time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfAbuff0avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfAbuff0avail);
+ //iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfAbuff0disp,surfAbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus,surfAbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check A buff0 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,1));
+ //Check A buff0 iDisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KRed,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Set A buffer1 Yellow
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceA, 1, KYellow);
+ //Check A buff0 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KRed,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Do content update Abuff1 idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfAbuff1disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfAbuff1disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfAbuff1time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfAbuff1avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfAbuff1avail);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfAbuff1disp->iStatus,surfAbuff1time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 1, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check A buff1 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,2));
+ //Check A buff1 idisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KYellow,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //**********SURFACE B NOT VISIBLE**********
+ //Add surfaceB to scene behind surfaceA
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still ON"));
+ //Set B buffer0 green
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KGreen);
+ //Do content update idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfBbuff0disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfBbuff0disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfBbuff0time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfBbuff0avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfBbuff0avail);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus,surfBbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check B buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff0 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,1));
+ //Check B buff0 idisp completes - could be no error or not visible
+ ASSERT_TRUE((surfBbuff0disp->iStatus.Int()==KErrNotVisible)||(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus.Int()==KErrNone));
+ //Check B buff0 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Set B buffer1 blue
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 1, KBlue);
+ //Do content update idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfBbuff1disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfBbuff1disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfBbuff1time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfBbuff1avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfBbuff1avail);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfBbuff1disp->iStatus,surfBbuff1time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 1, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,2));
+ //Check B buff1 idisp completes - could be no error or not visible
+ ASSERT_TRUE((surfBbuff1disp->iStatus.Int()==KErrNotVisible)||(surfBbuff1disp->iStatus.Int()==KErrNone));
+ //Check B buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff0 iavail completes - could be no error or not visible
+ ASSERT_TRUE((surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int()==KErrNotVisible)||(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int()==KErrNone));
+ //Check A buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KYellow,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //**********SURFACE C ALSO FASTPATHABLE**********
+ //Add C to scene in front of surfaceA
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementC, elementA);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still ON"));
+ //Set C to brown
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceC, 0, KBrown);
+ //Do content update Cbuff0 idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfCbuff0disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfCbuff0disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfCbuff0time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfCbuff0avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfCbuff0avail);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfCbuff0disp->iStatus,surfCbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfCbuff0avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceC, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check C buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff0 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,1));
+ //Check C buff0 idisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check C buff0 iavail does not complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KBrown,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Set C buffer1 grey
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceC, 1, KGray);
+ //Do content update Cbuff1 idisp iavail
+ CActiveNotification* surfCbuff1disp = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfCbuff1disp);
+ TTimeStamp surfCbuff1time;
+ CActiveNotification* surfCbuff1avail = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfCbuff1avail);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfCbuff1disp->iStatus,surfCbuff1time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceC, 1, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check C buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff1 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,2));
+ //Check C buff1 idisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check C buff1 iavail does not complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff0 iavail completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check B buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGray,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //**********SURFACE A BACK TO FRONT**********
+ //Move A to the front
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementA, elementC);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still ON"));
+ //Set A buffer0 magenta
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceA, 0, KMagenta);
+ //Do content update Abuff0 idisp iavail
+ surfAbuff0disp->Activate();
+ surfAbuff0avail->Activate();
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus,surfAbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff0 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,2));
+ //Check A buff0 idisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A buff0 iavail does not complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff1 iavail does complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check C buff1 iavail does not complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iavail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KMagenta,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Move B to the front
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, elementA);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now OFF..."));
+ //Set B buffer0 dark red
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KDarkRed);
+ //Do content update Abuff0 idisp iavail
+ surfBbuff0disp->Activate();
+ surfBbuff0avail->Activate();
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayed(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus,surfBbuff0time);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenAvailable(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check B buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff0 iDisp doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(WaitForNotifications(KMaxNotificationDelay,2));
+ //Check B buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff0 iDisp completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff0disp->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A buff0 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff0avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check C buff1 iAvail doesnt complete
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfCbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B buff1 iAvail completes
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1avail->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ //Check dark red center of screen
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iCenterTRect,KDarkRed,iTolerance));
+ //Check magenta around the borders
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(0,0,iCenterTRect.iTl.iX,iCenterTRect.iTl.iY),KMagenta,iTolerance));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(iCenterTRect.iBr.iX+1,iCenterTRect.iBr.iY+1,
+ iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),KMagenta,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceA);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceB);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceC);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(12,surfAbuff0disp);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath with notification checking for autonomous composition
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Integration Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check fastpath does not cause any problem to notifications
+ Autonomous composition
+ All elements created are double buffered and opaque:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing a screen sized element A
+ Fill buffer 0 of element A with red colour
+ Submit the scene
+ Do content update of buffer 0 for available (iAvailable) and display time (iDisplayed)
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed for buffer 0 should complete
+ Fill buffer 1 of element A with yellow colour
+ Do content update of buffer 1
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed for buffer 1 should complete
+ Wait for iAvailable of buffer 0 to complete
+ (iAvailable of buffer 1 will not complete until further content update)
+ B) Add a new element B of smaller non fastpathable size behind element A
+ Fill buffer 0 of element B with green colour
+ Submit the scene
+ Do content update of buffer 0 of element B
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed for buffer 0 of element B should not complete
+ iAvailable for buffer 1 of element A should not complete
+ Fill buffer 1 of element B with blue colour
+ Do content update of buffer 1 of element B
+ Wait for iDisplay to complete (possibly with KErrNotVisible)
+ Wait for iAvailable for buffer 0 of element B to complete (possibly with KErrNotVisible)
+ C) Add a new screen size element C in front of A and B
+ Fill buffer 0 of element C to be brown
+ Do content update of buffer 0 of element C
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed of buffer 0 of element C should complete
+ iAvailable of buffer 1 of element B should not complete
+ Fill buffer 1 of element C with grey colour
+ Do content update of buffer 1 of element C
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed of buffer 1 of element C should complete
+ Wait for iAvailable of buffer 0 of element C to complete
+ D) Move element A to the front
+ Fill buffer 0 of element A with magenta colour
+ Do content update of buffer 0 of element A
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed for buffer 0 of element A should complete
+ Wait for iAvailable of buffer 1 of element A to complete
+ iAvailable of buffer 1 of element C should not complete
+ E) Move element B to the front *NOW NOT FASTPATHING*
+ Fill buffer 0 of element B with dark red colour
+ Do content update of buffer 0 of element B
+ Compose the scene, iDisplayed for buffer 0 of element B should complete
+ Wait for iAvailable of buffer 1 of element B to complete
+ iAvailable of buffer 1 of element C should not complete
+ iAvailable of buffer 0 of element A should not complete
+ All composition should trigger fastpath
+ Request status checks iAvailable and iDisplayed should be set to KErrNone every time.
+ Screen colour should change in the sequence of red, yellow, brown, grey, magenta
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0010");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ FastpathNotificationsTestL(ETrue);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath with notification checking for non-autonomous composition
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Integration Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check fastpath does not cause any problem to notifications
+ A repeat of GRAPHICS-OPENWFC-FASTPATH-0010 but with non autonomous composition
+ Where possible TRequestStatuses are additionally checked after submit updates and before
+ explicit wfcCompose calls are made.
+ Just commit should not trigger any changes to the scene or notifications to complete
+ Just content updates should not trigger any changes to the scene or notifications to complete
+ Only after Commit, Content update and Force compose should things happen.
+ Request status checks iAvailable and iDisplayed should be completed.
+ Screen colour should change in the sequence of red, yellow, green, blue, brown and grey
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0011");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ FastpathNotificationsTestL(EFalse);
+ }
+void COpenwfTest::FastpathDispXNotificationsTestL(TBool aAutonomous)
+ {
+ SetupEmptySceneL(aAutonomous);
+ if (aAutonomous)
+ { //if we have manual pauses the test will complete early
+ iAllowManualPause = EFalse;
+ }
+ //Create 2 fastpathable elements
+ TSurfaceId surfaceA = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceA.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceA = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceA), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementA = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceA);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementA, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceB = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceB.IsNull());
+ WFCSource sourceB = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceB), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement elementB = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, sourceB);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, elementB, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iCenterRect);
+ //**********STARTING ACTUAL TEST!**********
+ //Add A to scene
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementA, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ //Set A buffer0 red
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceA, 0, KRed);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KRed,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Add surfaceB to scene infront of surfaceA
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, elementB, elementA);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now OFF"));
+ //Set B buffer0 green
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 0, KBlue);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ //Check blue center of screen
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iCenterTRect,KBlue,iTolerance));
+ //Check red around the borders
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(0,0,iCenterTRect.iTl.iX,iCenterTRect.iTl.iY),KRed,iTolerance));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(iCenterTRect.iBr.iX+1,iCenterTRect.iBr.iY+1,
+ iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),KRed,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Set A buffer1 yellow
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceA, 1, KYellow);
+ //Set B buffer1 KGreen
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceB, 1, KGreen);
+ //Do content updated surfaceA dispXtimes 10
+ CActiveNotification* surfAbuff1dispX = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfAbuff1dispX);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes(10,surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceA, 1, NULL);
+ //Do content updated surfaceB dispXtimes 5
+ CActiveNotification* surfBbuff1dispX = CActiveNotification::NewL(iUtility->Session(),ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(surfBbuff1dispX);
+ iUtility->NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes(5,surfBbuff1dispX->iStatus);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceB, 1, NULL);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ for(TInt i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check A has not completed yet
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Check B has not completed yet
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ }
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ }
+ //surfBbuff1dispX should complete, and its RunL will stop the scheduler
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ //Check B has completed
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfBbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ //Check A has not completed yet
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ //Check green center of screen
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iCenterTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ //Check yellow around the borders
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(0,0,iCenterTRect.iTl.iX,iCenterTRect.iTl.iY),KYellow,iTolerance));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(TRect(iCenterTRect.iBr.iX+1,iCenterTRect.iBr.iY+1,
+ iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),KYellow,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //check it hasn't completed unexpectedly early while using on screen stream
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ //Remove surfaceB from the scene
+ wfcRemoveElement(iDevice, elementB);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ if(!aAutonomous)
+ {
+ for(TInt i=0;i<4;i++)
+ {
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Check A has not completed yet
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ }
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ }
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ //surfAbuff1dispX should complete, and its RunL will stop the scheduler
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(surfAbuff1dispX->iStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KYellow,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Shutdown
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceA);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, sourceB);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,surfAbuff1dispX);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath with notification checking DisplayXTime
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Integration Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check fastpath does not cause any problem to notifications
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Compose an empty scene
+ A) Create a scene containing a screen sized opaque element A
+ Commit the scene
+ Make a content update for available (iAvailable) and display time (aDisplayed)
+ Wait for the request status objects to complete
+ B) Add a small element B in front of A
+ Compose the scene
+ Content update for both A and B, set display 10 times to A, set display 5 times to B
+ Wait for the 5 times
+ C) Remove element B
+ Commit the scene
+ Compose the scene
+ Wait for the 10 times
+ Composition should fastpath in sections A and C
+ Elements A's 10 times should not complete before element B's 5 times
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0012");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ FastpathDispXNotificationsTestL(ETrue);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Positive testing - Fastpath with notification checking DisplayXTime
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Integration Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check fastpath does not cause any problem to notifications
+ Repeats GRAPHICS-OPENWFC-FASTPATH-0013 in non autonomous mode.
+ This allows gives the added benefit of accurate counting of wfcCompose calls, checking the displayXtimes
+ notifications only complete after the correct number of composes.
+ Composition should fastpath in sections A and C
+ Both should complete after their expect amount of compose calls with no errors
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0013");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ FastpathDispXNotificationsTestL(EFalse);
+ }
+ * */
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen element with source alpha cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element
+ Set the value of WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE between 0 and 255 (non-inclusive).
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0020");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ EUidPixelFormatARGB_8888,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //set per pixel alpha
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using source alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<=256;i+=64)
+ {
+ i=(i==256)?255:i;
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, TRgb(0,255,0,i));
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ }
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene including a full screen element with global alpha cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element
+ Set the value of WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA between 0 and 255 (non-inclusive)
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0021");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ EUidPixelFormatXRGB_8888,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ //set element global alpha
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, 0.0f);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using element global alpha not fully opaque"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<=256;i+=64)
+ {
+ i=(i==256)?255:i;
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, (TReal32)i/255);
+ if(i == 255)
+ {
+ }
+ if(i == 255)
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit - using element global alpha fully opaque"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using element global alpha not fully opaque"));
+ }
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ }
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene with RGB 565 format cannot be fastpathed
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element with an unsupported source format, such as 565
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0022");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ //NON fastpathable pixel format
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iNonFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using non fastpathable pixel format"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene with mask settings cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element A
+ Set a value to WFC_ELEMENT_MASK
+ Create a mask element, set the size to be the same as element A's desitnation rectangle
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0023");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceMask = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceMask.IsNull());
+ WFCMask mask = wfcCreateMaskFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceMask), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceMask, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ //set the mask to fpElement
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_MASK, mask);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using a mask"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest:Fastpath - still off - using a mask"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceMask, 0, KBlack);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceMask, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath one-element scene
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene with alpha and mask settings cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create a scene containing a screen sized element A
+ Set the value of WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA to be 255
+ Set a value to WFC_ELEMENT_MASK
+ Create a mask element, set it the same size of element A's destination rectangle
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0024");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ TSurfaceId surfaceMask = iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surfaceMask.IsNull());
+ WFCMask mask = wfcCreateMaskFromStream(iDevice, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surfaceMask), NULL);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceMask, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ //set the mask and global alpha for use with fpElement
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_MASK, mask);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_TRANSPARENCY_TYPES,
+ //set global alpha to fully opaque
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_GLOBAL_ALPHA, 1.0f);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using a mask and global alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still off - using a mask and global alpha"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surfaceMask, 0, KBlack);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surfaceMask, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath a scene with scaling element
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene with scaling cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create an element containing source size smaller than full screen destination size
+ Add to scene and compose
+ The scene cannot be fastpathed.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0025");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ //create half screen size surface
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth/2,iFastpathableHeight/2),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ //note the source is only half the size of the screen
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iHalfSizeRect);
+ //set destination to fullscreen, causing it to stretch
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit - using a mask and global alpha"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - still off... - source not equal to destination"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KGreen,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Fastpath a scene with rotation
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check a scene with rotation cannot be fastpathed
+ All compositions are autonomous:
+ Create a scene containing a screen size element
+ Compose the scene
+ Rotate the element with 90, 180 and 270 degrees
+ Compose the scene
+ The scene can be fastpathed only for the first scene commited composition.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0026");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ SetupEmptySceneL();
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(iDevice, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ TInt err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(iDevice, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_DESTINATION_RECTANGLE, 4, iFullScreenRect);
+ wfcInsertElement(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now ON"));
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KGreen);
+ err = iUtility->SubmitUpdate(surface, 0, NULL);
+ ASSERT_EQUALS(err,KErrNone);
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ //Set 90 degree rotation
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_ROTATION, WFC_ROTATION_90);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KBlue);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now OFF"));
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KBlue,iTolerance));
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Set 180 degree rotation
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_ROTATION, WFC_ROTATION_180);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KMagenta);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting FASTPATH after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now OFF"));
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KMagenta,iTolerance));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ //Set 270 degree rotation
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE_ROTATION, WFC_ROTATION_270);
+ iUtility->FillSurfaceL(surface, 0, KBrown);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Expecting COMPOSITION after next commit"));
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ LOG(("OpenWFTest: Fastpath - now OFF"));
+ WaitL(iCompositionPause);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(AcquireOnScreenStream());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenStreamRect(iFullScreenTRect,KBrown,iTolerance));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CheckOnScreenReferenceImage());
+ ReleaseOnScreenStream();
+ wfcDestroySource(iDevice, fpSource);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Negative testing - Pass in bad parameter values
+@SYMPREQ PREQ417-54885
+@SYMTestType Unit Test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestPurpose Check invalid parameter values passed in OWF APIs
+ Use invalid values to call OWF APIs
+ Test should pass without panic.
+ {
+ iTestName = _L("FASTPATH_0027");
+ LOGL((_L("OpenWFTest: GRAPHICS_OPENWFC_%SL()"),&iTestName));
+ WFCint deviceId;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(wfcEnumerateDevices(&deviceId, 1, filterList) == 1);
+ WFCint attribList = 1;
+ WFCDevice device = wfcCreateDevice(deviceId, &attribList);
+ WFCContext onScreenContext = wfcCreateOnScreenContext(NULL, WFC_DEFAULT_SCREEN_NUMBER, NULL);
+ WFCContext offScreenContext = wfcCreateOffScreenContext(NULL, WFC_DEFAULT_SCREEN_NUMBER, NULL);
+ WFCfloat value = 1.0;
+ wfcGetContextAttribi(NULL, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_TARGET_HEIGHT);
+ wfcSetContextAttribi(NULL, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_ROTATION, WFC_ROTATION_0);
+ wfcGetContextAttribfv(NULL, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_ROTATION, NULL, &value);
+ wfcSetContextAttribfv(NULL, iContext, WFC_CONTEXT_ROTATION, NULL, &value);
+ TSurfaceId surface=iUtility->CreateSurfaceL(TSize(iFastpathableWidth,iFastpathableHeight),
+ iFastpathablePixelFormat,
+ iStride, iContiguous, iMaxBuffers);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(surface.IsNull());
+ WFCSource fpSource = wfcCreateSourceFromStream(NULL, iContext,reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ wfcCreateMaskFromStream(NULL, iContext, reinterpret_cast<WFCNativeStreamType>(&surface), NULL);
+ WFCElement fpElement = wfcCreateElement(NULL, iContext, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribi(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, fpSource);
+ wfcSetElementAttribf(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribfv(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcSetElementAttribfv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcGetElementAttribi(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE);
+ wfcGetElementAttribf(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE);
+ wfcGetElementAttribiv(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcGetElementAttribiv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcGetElementAttribfv(NULL, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcGetElementAttribfv(iDevice, fpElement, WFC_ELEMENT_SOURCE, NULL, NULL);
+ wfcInsertElement(NULL, fpElement, NULL);
+ wfcGetElementAbove(NULL, fpElement);
+ wfcGetElementBelow(NULL, fpElement);
+ WFCDeviceAttrib devAttrib = WFC_DEVICE_ID;
+ wfcGetDeviceAttribi(NULL, devAttrib);
+ wfcActivate(NULL, iContext);
+ wfcActivate(iDevice, NULL);
+ wfcDeactivate(NULL, iContext);
+ wfcDeactivate(iDevice, NULL);
+ wfcCompose(NULL, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcCompose(iDevice, NULL, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcCommit(NULL, iContext, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcCommit(iDevice, NULL, WFC_TRUE);
+ wfcFence(NULL, iContext, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ wfcFence(iDevice, NULL, iEGLDisplay, iSync);
+ wfcDestroyMask(NULL, mask);
+ wfcRemoveElement(NULL, fpElement);
+ wfcDestroyElement(NULL, fpElement);
+ wfcDestroySource(NULL, fpSource);
+ wfcDestroyContext(NULL, onScreenContext);
+ }