changeset 121 d72fc2aace31
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/windowing/windowserver/test/tauto/tdevicerotation.cpp	Tue Jul 20 13:27:44 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Set of tests for Tracing Device Rotation. These tests generally test
+// RWsSession::IndicateAppOrientation(...).
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Internal Nokia test code
+#include "tdevicerotation.h"
+#include "themeserverpropertydefine.h"
+#include "..\..\nga\server\renderorientationtracker.h" 
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <hal_data.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+const TInt KPublishTimeout = 1000000; // 1 second in microseconds
+// CTDeviceRotation Definition
+CTDeviceRotation::CTDeviceRotation(CTestStep* aStep):
+	CTGraphicsBase(aStep), iWaitForPublishOnNextTest(ETrue)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+    iPublishTimer.Close();
+    iChildWindow.Close();
+    iWindowGroup.Close();
+    iWs.Close();    
+    iSecondChildWindow.Close();
+    iSecondWindowGroup.Close();    
+    iSecondWs.Close();
+    /* This Process called with the argument KThemeServerPropertyDefineCmdDelete, deletes 
+       the theme server RProperty. This is because an RProperty can only be defined and 
+       deleted from within a process with the same UID3 as the RProperty catogory you are 
+       trying to define/delete.*/
+    RProcess themeServerPropertyDefine;
+    TInt err = themeServerPropertyDefine.Create(KThemeServerPropertyDefine,
+            KThemeServerPropertyDefineCmdDelete);
+    if (KErrNone != err)
+        {
+        _LIT(KLog, "themeServerPropertyDefine.Create() failed with error: %d");
+        INFO_PRINTF2(KLog, err);
+        TEST(EFalse);        
+        }
+    //wait for themeServerPropertyDefine process to terminate
+    TRequestStatus themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus;
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Logon(themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus);
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Resume();
+    User::WaitForRequest(themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus);
+    if (themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus != KErrNone)
+        {
+        _LIT(KLog, "themeServerPropertyDefine.Logon() failed with error: %d");
+        INFO_PRINTF2(KLog, themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus);
+        TEST(EFalse);        
+        }
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Close();
+    iRenderOrientationProperty.Delete(KRenderOrientationCategory, KRenderOrientationKey);
+    iRenderOrientationProperty.Close();
+    iThemeServerOrientationProperty.Close();
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::ConstructL()
+    {
+    TInt err = iWs.Connect();
+    TESTL(err == KErrNone);
+    err = iSecondWs.Connect();
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    iWs.SetAutoFlush(ETrue);
+    iSecondWs.SetAutoFlush(ETrue);
+    iWindowGroup = RWindowGroup(iWs);
+    err = iWindowGroup.Construct(iWs.Handle());
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    iWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0,1);
+    iChildWindow = RWindow(iWs);
+    err = iChildWindow.Construct(iWindowGroup, reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(&iChildWindow));
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);    
+    iSecondWindowGroup = RWindowGroup(iSecondWs);
+    err = iSecondWindowGroup.Construct(iSecondWs.Handle());
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    iSecondWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(1,1);
+    iSecondChildWindow = RWindow(iSecondWs);
+    err = iSecondChildWindow.Construct(iSecondWindowGroup, reinterpret_cast<TUint32>(&iSecondChildWindow));
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);    
+    err= iRenderOrientationProperty.Attach(KRenderOrientationCategory, KRenderOrientationKey, EOwnerThread);
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    iRenderOrientationProperty.Subscribe(iRenderOrientationStatus);
+    /* This Process called with the argument KThemeServerPropertyDefineCmdDefine, defines
+       the theme server catagory to be the same as the theme servers process ID. This is 
+       because an RProperty can only be defined and deleted from within a process with the 
+       same UID3 as the RProperty catogory you are trying to define/delete.*/
+    RProcess themeServerPropertyDefine;
+    err = themeServerPropertyDefine.Create(KThemeServerPropertyDefine,KThemeServerPropertyDefineCmdDefine);
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    TRequestStatus themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus;
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Logon(themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus);
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Resume();
+    User::WaitForRequest(themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus);
+    TESTL(KErrNone == themeServerPropertyDefineLogonStatus.Int()); 
+    themeServerPropertyDefine.Close(); 
+    err = iThemeServerOrientationProperty.Attach(KThemeOrientationCategory, KThemeOrientationKey, EOwnerThread);
+    TESTL(KErrNone == err);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    iPublishTimer.CreateLocal();
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::SimulateThemeServerOrientation(TRenderOrientation aOrientation)
+    {
+    _LIT(KFunctionInfo, "SimulateThemeServerOrientation(aOrientation = %d)");
+    INFO_PRINTF2(KFunctionInfo, aOrientation);
+    TInt err = iThemeServerOrientationProperty.Set(aOrientation);
+    if (KErrNone != err)
+        {
+        _LIT(KLog,"iThemeServerOrientationProperty.Set(%d) failed with err %d");
+        INFO_PRINTF3(KLog,aOrientation,err);
+        TEST(EFalse);
+        }
+    switch(aOrientation)
+        {
+        case EDisplayOrientationNormal:
+        case EDisplayOrientation90CW:
+        case EDisplayOrientation180:
+        case EDisplayOrientation270CW:
+            {
+            if(KErrNone == err)
+                {
+                iCurrentThemeServerOrientation = aOrientation;            
+                }                
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            _LIT(KLog, "This orientation is not supported by theme server.");
+        	INFO_PRINTF1(KLog);
+        }
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::IsOrientationCorrect(TRenderOrientation aExpectedOrientation)
+    {
+    // timer to timeout when nothing is published
+    iPublishTimer.After(iPublishTimerStatus, KPublishTimeout);
+    // wait for either
+    User::WaitForRequest(iRenderOrientationStatus, iPublishTimerStatus);
+    // check that the orientation was published or not, as expected
+    if(iWaitForPublishOnNextTest)
+        {
+        // Check that it really has published
+        if(iRenderOrientationStatus.Int()==KErrNone && iPublishTimerStatus.Int()==KRequestPending)
+            {
+            iPublishTimer.Cancel();
+            // re-subscribe
+            iRenderOrientationProperty.Subscribe(iRenderOrientationStatus);            
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            _LIT(KLog,"Timed out (%d) while waiting for render orientation %d to be published");
+            INFO_PRINTF3(KLog,iRenderOrientationStatus.Int(),aExpectedOrientation);        
+            TEST(EFalse);
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Check that it really hasn't published    
+        if(iRenderOrientationStatus.Int()!=KRequestPending)
+            {
+            _LIT(KLog,"Render Orientation %d was published (%d) when not expected (timeout = %d)");
+            INFO_PRINTF4(KLog,aExpectedOrientation, iRenderOrientationStatus.Int(),iPublishTimerStatus.Int());
+            iPublishTimer.Cancel();
+            TEST(EFalse);
+            }
+        else if(iPublishTimerStatus.Int()!=KErrNone)
+            {
+            _LIT(KLog,"Timeout failure %d");
+            INFO_PRINTF2(KLog,iPublishTimerStatus.Int());           
+            TEST(EFalse);        
+            }
+        // reset to default
+        iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = ETrue;
+        }
+    // Retrieve the value.
+    TInt orientation;
+    TInt err = iRenderOrientationProperty.Get(orientation);
+    if(KErrNone != err)
+           {
+           _LIT(KLog,"iThemeServerOrientationProperty.Get(...) failed with err %d");
+           INFO_PRINTF2(KLog,err);
+           TEST(EFalse);
+           }
+    else if(aExpectedOrientation == EDisplayOrientationAuto)
+        {
+        TEST(orientation == iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+        CheckHalSetting(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TEST(orientation == aExpectedOrientation);
+        CheckHalSetting(static_cast<TRenderOrientation>(orientation));
+        }
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::CheckHalSetting(TRenderOrientation aOrientation)
+    {
+    HALData::TDigitiserOrientation halOrientationExp = static_cast<HALData::TDigitiserOrientation>
+            (HALData::EDigitiserOrientation_000 + (aOrientation - EDisplayOrientationNormal));
+    TInt halOrientation;
+    TInt err = HAL::Get(iWs.GetFocusScreen(), HALData::EDigitiserOrientation, halOrientation);
+    if (err != KErrNotSupported)
+        {
+        if (err != KErrNone)
+            {
+            _LIT(KLog,"Getting HAL orientation attribute returned error %d when no error expected");
+            INFO_PRINTF2(KLog,err);
+            }
+        TEST(err==KErrNone);
+        if (halOrientationExp != halOrientation)
+            {
+            _LIT(KLog,"HAL orientation is %d when expected to be %d");
+            INFO_PRINTF3(KLog, halOrientation, halOrientationExp);
+            }
+        TEST(halOrientationExp==halOrientation);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        _LIT(KLog,"HAL-Orientation HALData::EDigitiserOrientation isn't supported by Driver");
+        INFO_PRINTF1(KLog);
+        }
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestIndicateAppOrientation(TRenderOrientation aOrientation)
+	{
+    _LIT(KTestInfo, "TestIndicateAppOrientation(aOrientation = %d)");
+    INFO_PRINTF2(KTestInfo, aOrientation);
+	if (EDisplayOrientationIgnore == aOrientation)
+	    {
+        TEST(EFalse);
+        _LIT(KLog, "TestIndicateAppOrientation(TRenderOrientation aOrientation) cannot be used with EDisplayOrientationIgnore");
+        INFO_PRINTF1(KLog);
+	    }
+	iWs.IndicateAppOrientation(aOrientation);
+	iWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+	IsOrientationCorrect(aOrientation);
+	}
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestIndicateAppOrientation(TRenderOrientation aOrientation, TRenderOrientation aSecondOrientation)
+    {
+    _LIT(KTestInfo, "TestIndicateAppOrientation(aOrientation = %d, aSecondOrientation = %d)");
+    INFO_PRINTF3(KTestInfo, aOrientation, aSecondOrientation);
+    //Inform window serve the orientation status
+    iWs.IndicateAppOrientation(aOrientation);
+    iSecondWs.IndicateAppOrientation(aSecondOrientation);
+    iWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0,1);
+    iSecondWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(1,1);
+    if(aOrientation != EDisplayOrientationIgnore)
+        {
+        IsOrientationCorrect(aOrientation);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        IsOrientationCorrect(aSecondOrientation);
+        }
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestAppOrientationOnSwap(TRenderOrientation aOrientation, TRenderOrientation aSecondOrientation)
+    {    
+    _LIT(KTestInfo, "TestAppOrientationOnSwap(aOrientation = %d, aSecondOrientation = %d)");
+    INFO_PRINTF3(KTestInfo, aOrientation, aSecondOrientation);
+    iWs.IndicateAppOrientation(aOrientation);
+    iSecondWs.IndicateAppOrientation(aSecondOrientation);
+    iSecondWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+    if (aSecondOrientation != EDisplayOrientationIgnore)
+        {
+        IsOrientationCorrect(aSecondOrientation);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        IsOrientationCorrect(aOrientation);
+        }
+    }
+void CTDeviceRotation::RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase)
+	{
+    _LIT(KNewLine, "\n");
+    (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KUnknownSYMTestCaseIDName);
+	switch(aCurTestCase)
+		{
+	    case 1:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID1,"Test Initial Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID1);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID1);
+            TestInitialOrientation();
+            break;
+		case 2:
+    	    _LIT(KTestStepID2,"Test Fixed Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID2);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID2);
+            TestFixedOrientations();
+			break;
+		case 3:
+    	    _LIT(KTestStepID3,"Test Auto Orientation");
+		    (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID3);
+		    INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+		    INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID3);
+		    TestAutoOrientation();
+			break;
+		case 4:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID4,"Test Ignore Orientation");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID4);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID4);
+            TestIgnoreOrientation();
+			break;
+        case 5:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID5,"Test Swap Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID5);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID5);
+            TestFixedOrientationsOnWindowSwap();
+			break;
+        case 6:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID6,"Test Auto Swap Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID6);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID6);
+            TestAutoOrientationOnWindowSwap();
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID7,"Test Ignore Swap Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID7);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID7);
+            TestIgnoreOrientationOnWindowSwap();
+			break;
+        case 8:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID8,"Test Auto Swap Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID8);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID8);
+            TestIgnoreAutoOrientationOnWindowSwap();
+            break;
+        case 9:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID9,"Test Invalid App Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID9);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID9);
+            TestInvalidAppOrientation();
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            _LIT(KTestStepID10,"Test Invalid Theme Server Orientations");
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KTestStepID10);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KNewLine);
+            INFO_PRINTF1(KTestStepID10);
+            TestInvalidThemeServerOrientation();
+            break;
+		default:
+            (reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->SetTestStepID(KNotATestSYMTestCaseIDName);
+			(reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
+			TestComplete();
+		}
+	(reinterpret_cast<CTDeviceRotationStep*>(iStep))->RecordTestResultL();
+	}
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Auto Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we can return the correct initial orientation value from 
+                            the windwoserver.
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            We have set up an RWindowGroup at the foreground and not altered its
+                            indicated orientation.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Get the value of the orientation as published by window server.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    The windowserver should return EDisplayOrientationNormal
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestInitialOrientation()
+    {
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    IsOrientationCorrect(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Fixed Orientations
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we can return the correct orientation value from 
+                            the windwoserver after we indicate the application orientation
+                            as fixed values using RWsSession::IndicateAppOrientation. Any 
+                            theme server orientations should be ignored.
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes. 
+                            We have set up an RWindowGroup in the foreground.
+                            Windowserver orientation currently set to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            2) Set the RWindowgroup in ordinal position 0 to a fixed orientation.
+                            3) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            4) Repeat steps 2) and 3) for all fixed orientations
+                            3) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            4) Repeat Steps 2-4).
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    The orientation set in step 2) should always be the same as the 
+                            orientation set in step 2)
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestFixedOrientations()
+    {
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);    
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Auto Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we can return the correct orientation value from 
+                            the windwoserver after we indicate the application orientation
+                            as auto values using RWsSession::IndicateAppOrientation. The wserv
+                            should publish the theme server orientation changes only.
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up an RWindowGroup in the foreground.
+                            WindowServer orinetation is not set to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            2) Set the RWindowgroup in ordinal position 0 to auto orientation.
+                            3) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            4) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            5) Check the value of the orientation as published by window server.
+                            6) Repeat 4) and 5) for EDisplayOrientation180 and 
+                               EDisplayOrientation270CW
+                            7) repeat 4) and 5) again for EDisplayOrientation270CW
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            The orientation checked in step 3) should be the theme server 
+                            orientation set in step 1).
+                            The orientations checked in step 5) should be the theme server 
+                            orientations set in step 4).
+                            We should recieve no notification for step 7).
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestAutoOrientation()
+    {
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    // Now flip it upside down to ensure that nothing assumes this will only be updated incrementally
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation180);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    // And check that wserv doesn't publish if the theme server publishes the existing orientation
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;    
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Ignore Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we can return the correct orientation value from 
+                            the windwoserver after we indicate the front applications 
+                            orientation as ignore.  
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up two RWindowGroups in the ordinal positions 0 and 1. 
+                            WindowServer orinetation is not set to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to a ignore orientation.
+                            3) Set the RWindowgroup in ordinal position 1 to a fixed orientation.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Repeat steps 2-4) varying the fixed orientation set in step 2).
+                            6) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            7) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to a ignore orientation.
+                            8) Set the RWindowgroup in ordinal position 1 to a fixed orientation.
+                            9) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            10) Set Theme Server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            11) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            All orientations checked in step 4) should be the fixed orientations 
+                            of the windows in ordinal position 1, as set in step 3).
+                            The orientation checked in step 9) should be the theme server 
+                            orientation set in step 6).
+                            The orientation checked in step 11) should be the theme server 
+                            orientation set in step 10).
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestIgnoreOrientation()
+    {
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Fixed Orientations On Swap
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we get notifactation of a change in orientation and can 
+                            return the correct orientation value from the windwoserver after we 
+                            swap windows with varying fixed orienations.  
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            We have set up two RWindowGroups in the ordinal positions 0 and 1. 
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to a fixed orientation.
+                            2) Set the RWindowgroup in ordinal position 1 to a fixed orientation.
+                            3) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            4) Move the RWindowGroup ordinal position 1 to the ordinal position 0.
+                            5) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            6) Repeat steps 1-5 but vary the values the fixed orientation of the 
+                               RWindows set in steps 1) and 2)
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            All orientations checked in step 3) should be the fixed orientations 
+                            of the windows in ordinal position 0, as set in step 1).
+                            The orientations checked in step 5) should be the fixed orientations 
+                            of the windows which was in ordinal position 1 before each swap, as 
+                            set in step 2).
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestFixedOrientationsOnWindowSwap()
+    {
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationNormal, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal, EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationNormal, EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientation90CW, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Auto Orientations On Swap
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we get notifactation of a change in orientation and can 
+                            return the correct orientation value from the windwoserver after we 
+                            swap windows with auto orienations.  
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up two RWindowGroups in the ordinal positions 0 and 1.
+                            WindowServer orinetation is not set to EDisplayOrientation270CW. 
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the theme server orientation.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to a fixed orientation.
+                            3) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 1 to auto orientation.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Move the RWindowGroup ordinal position 1 to the ordinal position 0. 
+                            6) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            7) Repeat steps 1-6 but vary the values of the theme server 
+                               orientation in step 1) and the fixed orientation of the frontwindow
+                               in 2)
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            All orientations checked in step 4) should be the fixed orientations 
+                            of the front windows, which have been set in step 2).
+                            All orientations checked in step 6) should be the theme server 
+                            orientations set in step 1)
+ */
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestAutoOrientationOnWindowSwap()
+    {
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW, EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientation270CW, EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationAuto, EDisplayOrientation180);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationAuto, EDisplayOrientation180);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW, EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientation90CW, EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationAuto, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationAuto, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Swap Orientations with Ignore Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we get notifactation of a change in orientation and can 
+                            return the correct orientation value from the windwoserver after we 
+                            swap windows with ignore orienations.  
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up two RWindowGroups in the ordinal positions 0 and 1. 
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the theme server orientation.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to ignore orientation.
+                            3) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 1 to a fixed orientation.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Move the RWindowGroup ordinal position 1 to the ordinal position 0. 
+                            6) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            7) Repeat steps 1-6 but vary the values of the theme server 
+                               orientation in step 1) and the fixed orientation of the frontwindow
+                               in 3)
+                            8) Set the theme server orientation.
+                            9) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to a fixedorientation.
+                            10) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 1 to ignore orienation.
+                            11) Repeat steps 4-6) 
+                            12) Repeat steps 8-11) but vary the values of the theme server 
+                               orientation in step 8) and the fixed orientation of the 
+                               RwindowGroup in 9)                            
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            All orientations checked in step 4) and 6) should be the fixed 
+                            orientations RWindowGroups which have been set in step 3).
+                            All orientations checked in step 11) should be the fixed orientations 
+                            of the front RWindowGroups which have been set in step 9).
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestIgnoreOrientationOnWindowSwap()
+    {
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation270CW);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation180);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientationIgnore, EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation270CW, EDisplayOrientationIgnore);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientation180, EDisplayOrientationIgnore);    
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal, EDisplayOrientationIgnore);
+    TestAppOrientationOnSwap(EDisplayOrientation90CW, EDisplayOrientationIgnore);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Swap Orientations with Auto and Ignore Orientations
+ @SYMPREQ                   460936 Tracking Device Rotation
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that we get notifactation of a change in orientation and can 
+                            return the correct orientation value from the windwoserver after we 
+                            swap windows with auto and ignore orienations.  
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up two RWindowGroups in the ordinal positions 0 and 1. 
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to auto orientation.
+                            3) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 1 to ignore orientation.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            6) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            7) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            8) Move the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 1 to ordinal position 0.
+                            9) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            10) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            11) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    We should get expected notifications where orientations have changed.
+                            The orientations checked in step 4), 6), 9) and  11) should all be 
+                            the orientations set to the themeserver in steps 1), 5), 8) and 10)
+                            respecvtively. 
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestIgnoreAutoOrientationOnWindowSwap()
+    {
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationAuto, EDisplayOrientationIgnore);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+    iSecondWindowGroup.SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+    IsOrientationCorrect(iCurrentThemeServerOrientation);
+    }
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Invalid App Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   ###TrackingDeviceRotation### TODO replace me
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that an invalid orientation is ignored.
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up an RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to 
+                               EDisplayOrientation90CW.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to an invalid 
+                               orientation.
+                            6) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    Wserv should publish an orientation change for 2) but not for 5).
+                            The orientations checked in steps 4) and 6) should both be the 
+                            orientation set in step 2).
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestInvalidAppOrientation()
+	{
+	SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+	TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+	iWs.IndicateAppOrientation(static_cast<TRenderOrientation>(1000));
+	iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+	IsOrientationCorrect(EDisplayOrientation90CW);
+	}
+ @SYMTestCaseDesc           Test Invalid Theme Server Orientation
+ @SYMPREQ                   ###TrackingDeviceRotation### TODO replace me
+ @SYMTestPriority           1
+ @SYMTestPurpose            To test that an invalid theme server orientation is ignored when
+                            the app orientation has been set to auto.
+ @SYMPrerequisites          An RProperty is set up to subscribe to notifications of 
+                            windowserver orientation changes.
+                            An RProperty is set up to publish Theme server Orientation changes.
+                            We have set up an RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0.
+ @SYMTestActions            1) Set the theme server orientation to EDisplayOrientationNormal.
+                            2) Set the RWindowGroup in ordinal position 0 to 
+                               EDisplayOrientationAuto.
+                            4) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+                            5) Set the theme server orientation to an invalid orientation.
+                            6) Check the published orinetation value in windowserver.
+ @SYMTestExpectedResults    Wserv should publish an orientation change for 2) but not for 5).
+                            The orientations checked in steps 4) and 6) should both be the 
+                            theme server orientation set in step 1).
+void CTDeviceRotation::TestInvalidThemeServerOrientation()
+	{
+	SimulateThemeServerOrientation(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+	TestIndicateAppOrientation(EDisplayOrientationAuto);
+	SimulateThemeServerOrientation(static_cast<TRenderOrientation>(5000));
+	iWaitForPublishOnNextTest = EFalse;
+	IsOrientationCorrect(EDisplayOrientationNormal);
+	}