Check if RIEGLDisplay is already created in CEglThreadSession::EglInitialize,then return EGL_TRUE
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "te_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase.h"
#include <w32std.h>
class CTAlphaDrawing : public CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase
enum TTestCase
void TestDrawWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters, TTestCase aTestCase, const TDesC& aTestName);
void DrawBlankWindowL (RWindow& aForeGndWin, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawOpaqueWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowFactorL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowBitmapL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowAlphaChannelL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestCreateWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
TInt CyclesPerPixel(TInt64 aDuration, TInt aIters, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, TInt aCPUSpeed);
// From CStepStep
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
RWsSession iWsSession;
RWindowGroup iWinGroup;
RWindow iBackgndWindow;
CFbsBitmap* iSourceImage;
CWsScreenDevice* iScreenDevice;
CWindowGc* iWindowGc;
CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation iRotation;
TInt iScreenMode;
TInt iCPUSpeed;
TInt64 iDuration;