Check if RIEGLDisplay is already created in CEglThreadSession::EglInitialize,then return EGL_TRUE
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "te_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase.h"
#include <w32std.h>
#include <test/ttmsgraphicsstep.h>
class CWindow;
class CWsClient;
class CRedrawingTest;
// List of test cases implemented
// -*-* To add new test case add new enum to bottom of list
enum TRedrawTestCase
ETwoWindowBitblt, // Test two windows with alpha bitblited images
ETwoWindowBitbltMasked, // Test two windows with alpha bitblt masked images
ETwoWindowManyBitmapsBitblt, // Test many small bitmaps in window with invaldate small area
This class is an active object that receives redraw events from the windows server
class CWsRedrawer : public CActive
void ConstructL(CWsClient* aClient);
void IssueRequest();
// From CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
CWsClient* iClient;
Window base abstract class. Derive from this class to introduce new types of windows
class CWindow : public CBase
CWindow(CWsClient* aClient, TRedrawTestCase aTestCase);
void ConstructL (const TRect& aRect, CWindow* aParent=0);
RWindow& Window();
void Activate();
CWindowGc& SystemGc();
virtual void Draw(const TRect& aRect) = 0;
RWindow iWindow; // window server window
TRect iRect; // rectangle re owning window
CWsClient* iClient; // client including session and group
TRedrawTestCase iTestCase;
Main window used to draw background
class CMainWindow : public CWindow
CMainWindow (CWsClient* aClient, TRedrawTestCase aTestCase);
~CMainWindow ();
void ConstructL(const TRect& aRect, CWindow* aParent=0);
void Draw (const TRect& aRect);
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapImage;
Test window for use in test cases
class CTestWindow : public CWindow
CTestWindow(CWsClient* aClient, TRedrawTestCase aTestCase);
void ConstructL (const TRect& aRect, CWindow* aParent=0);
void Draw(const TRect& aRect);
void AppInitiatedDraw();
TBool iBitmapFlag; // Flag to indicate which image to bitblt
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap12bit;
CFbsBitmap* iAlpha8bitMask;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapImage;
CFbsBitmap* i16x16Icon;
CFbsBitmap* i16x16IconMonochrome;
The windows server client is an active object to run the redraw test cases
class CWsClient : public CActive
CWsClient(CRedrawingTest& iTestSuite, TRedrawTestCase aTestCase);
void ConstructL();
CRedrawingTest& TestSuite() { return iTestSuite; }
RWsSession& WsSession() { return iWs; }
CWindowGc& Gc() { return *iGc; }
RWindowGroup& WindowGroup() { return iGroup; }
void ConstructMainWindowL();
void IssueRequest();
// From CActive
void DoCancel();
void RunL();
// Nested class to handle test case in separate active object
class CRedrawingTestActive : public CActive
CRedrawingTestActive(CWsClient& aClient);
void ConstructL();
// From CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
void RequestComplete();
// Test cases
void TestTwoWindowsBitBlt();
void TestInvalidateSmallArea();
CWsClient& iClient;
TBool iFlipWindow;
TInt iIterationCount;
// End nested class CRedrawingTestActive
RWsSession iWs;
CWindowGc* iGc;
RWindowGroup iGroup;
CWsScreenDevice* iScreen;
TRect iRect;
CWsRedrawer* iRedrawer;
CRedrawingTestActive* iTestActive;
TRedrawTestCase iTestCase;
CMainWindow* iMainWindow;
CTestWindow* iTestWindow;
CTestWindow* iTestWindow2;
CRedrawingTest& iTestSuite;
This the the test case derived from CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase
It will construct the rest of the framework
class CRedrawingTest : public CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase
inline CTProfiler& Profiler() const;
// From CTestStep
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
void RunRedrawWindowTestCaseL(const TDesC& aTestName, TRedrawTestCase aTestCase);
CWsClient* iWsClient;