Fix def files so that the implementation functions of eglrefimpl occur only in its implementation space.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "tdirectgdi_server.h"
#include "tbitblt.h"
#include "tbitbltmasked.h"
#include "tdrawbitmap.h"
#include "tdrawbitmapmasked.h"
#include "tgeneraldrawing.h"
#include "tclear.h"
#include "tdrawshapes.h"
#include "tbrushandpen.h"
#include "tclipping.h"
#include "tcopyrect.h"
#include "tdrawtext.h"
#include "tdirectgdidriver.h"
#include "tdirectgdicontext.h"
#include "tpanictests.h"
#include "tdirectgdicontexttarget.h"
#include "tmultithread.h"
#include "tglyphimagecache.h"
#include "tvgimagecache.h"
#include "tdirectgdiresource.h"
#include "tdirectgdioom.h"
#include "tinterleaving.h"
#include "tdirectgdinoadapter.h"
#include "textendedbitmap.h"
#include <graphics/fbsdefs.h>
CTDirectGdiServer* CTDirectGdiServer::NewL()
CTDirectGdiServer* server = new (ELeave) CTDirectGdiServer();
// CServer base class call
return server;
LOCAL_C void MainL()
CActiveScheduler* sched=NULL;
sched=new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CTDirectGdiServer* server = NULL;
// Create the CTestServer derived server
server = CTDirectGdiServer::NewL();
// startup fbs server
// Sync with the client and enter the active scheduler
delete server;
delete sched;
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
if(cleanup == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
if (err)
RDebug::Print(_L("TDirectGdiServer::MainL - Error: %d"), err);
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;
CTestStep* CTDirectGdiServer::CreateTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName)
CTestStep* testStep = NULL;
if (aStepName == KTDirectGdiBitBltStep)
testStep = new CTBitBlt();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiBitBltMaskedStep)
testStep = new CTBitBltMasked();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiDrawBitmapStep)
testStep = new CTDrawBitmap();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiDrawBitmapMaskedStep)
testStep = new CTDrawBitmapMasked();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiDriverStep)
testStep = new CTDirectGdiDriver();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiContextStep)
testStep = new CTDirectGdiContext();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiGeneralDrawingStep)
testStep = new CTGeneralDrawing();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiClearStep)
testStep = new CTClear();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiDrawShapeStep)
testStep = new CTDrawShapes();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiBrushAndPenStep)
testStep = new CTBrushAndPen();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiDrawTextStep)
testStep = new CTDrawText();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiClippingStep)
testStep = new CTClipping();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiCopyRectStep)
testStep = new CTCopyRect();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiPanicTestsStep)
testStep = new CTPanicTests();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiContextTargetStep)
testStep = new CTDirectGdiContextTarget();
else if(aStepName == KTMultiThreadStep)
testStep = new CTMultiThread();
else if(aStepName == KTGlyphImageCacheStep)
testStep = new CTGlyphImageCache();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiVgImageCacheStep)
testStep = new CTVgImageCache();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiResourceStep)
testStep = new CTDirectGdiResource();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiOom)
testStep = new CTDirectGdiOom();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiInterleavingStep)
testStep = new CTInterleaving();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiNoAdapter)
testStep = new CTNoAdapter();
else if(aStepName == KTDirectGdiExtendedBitmapStep)
testStep = new CTExtendedBitmap();
return testStep;