Added GLES 1.x spinning cube-rendering code to eglbringuptest
The coordinate, color and index data are uploaded to server-side
buffers by the CGLES1Cube::KhrSetup function. CGLES1Cube::KhrPaint
just sets the view matrix and issues a draw command.
Which demo to display can be selected by passing its name on the
command line, e.g.
eglbringuptest vgline
eglbringuptest gles1cube
If no name is provided, the application defaults to vgline.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "te_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase.h"
#include <w32std.h>
class CTAlphaDrawing : public CTe_graphicsperformanceSuiteStepBase
enum TTestCase
void TestDrawWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters, TTestCase aTestCase, const TDesC& aTestName);
void DrawBlankWindowL (RWindow& aForeGndWin, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawOpaqueWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowFactorL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowBitmapL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestDrawTransparentWindowAlphaChannelL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
void DoTestCreateWindowL(TDisplayMode aMode, TInt aIters);
TInt CyclesPerPixel(TInt64 aDuration, TInt aIters, TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, TInt aCPUSpeed);
// From CStepStep
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
RWsSession iWsSession;
RWindowGroup iWinGroup;
RWindow iBackgndWindow;
CFbsBitmap* iSourceImage;
CWsScreenDevice* iScreenDevice;
CWindowGc* iWindowGc;
CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation iRotation;
TInt iScreenMode;
TInt iCPUSpeed;
TInt64 iDuration;