author Gareth Stockwell <gareth.stockwell@accenture.com>
Fri, 05 Nov 2010 17:31:20 +0000
changeset 215 097e92a68d68
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added GLES 1.x spinning cube-rendering code to eglbringuptest The coordinate, color and index data are uploaded to server-side buffers by the CGLES1Cube::KhrSetup function. CGLES1Cube::KhrPaint just sets the view matrix and issues a draw command. Which demo to display can be selected by passing its name on the command line, e.g. eglbringuptest vgline eglbringuptest gles1cube If no name is provided, the application defaults to vgline.

* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Mesh implementation

 * \internal
 * \file
 * \brief Mesh implementation

#   error included by m3g_core.c; do not compile separately.

#include "m3g_mesh.h"
#include "m3g_memory.h"

 * Internal functions

 * \internal
 * \brief Destroys this Mesh object.
 * \param obj Mesh object
static void m3gDestroyMesh(Object *obj)
    M3Gint i;
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *) obj;

    for (i = 0; i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; ++i) {
        M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->indexBuffers[i], NULL);
        M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->appearances[i], NULL);
    M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->vertexBuffer, NULL);

		Interface *m3g = M3G_INTERFACE(mesh);
		m3gFree(m3g, mesh->indexBuffers);
		m3gFree(m3g, mesh->appearances);

    m3gIncStat(M3G_INTERFACE(obj), M3G_STAT_RENDERABLES, -1);

 * \internal
 * \brief Insert a mesh into a rendering queue
static M3Gbool m3gQueueMesh(Mesh *mesh, const Matrix *toCamera,
                            RenderQueue *renderQueue)
    M3Gint i;

    /* Fetch the cumulative alpha factor for this node */
    mesh->totalAlphaFactor =
        (M3Gushort) m3gGetTotalAlphaFactor((Node*) mesh, renderQueue->root);
    /* Insert each submesh into the rendering queue */
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; i++) {
        if (mesh->appearances[i] != NULL) {
            if (!m3gInsertDrawable(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh),
                                   (Node*) mesh,
                return M3G_FALSE;
    return M3G_TRUE;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Node method.
 * Setup mesh rendering by adding all submeshes to
 * the render queue.
 * \param self Mesh object
 * \param toCamera transform to camera
 * \param alphaFactor total alpha factor
 * \param caller caller node
 * \param renderQueue RenderQueue
 * \retval M3G_TRUE continue render setup
 * \retval M3G_FALSE abort render setup
static M3Gbool m3gMeshSetupRender(Node *self,
                                  const Node *caller,
                                  SetupRenderState *s,
                                  RenderQueue *renderQueue)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
    m3gIncStat(M3G_INTERFACE(self), M3G_STAT_RENDER_NODES, 1);
	if ((self->enableBits & NODE_RENDER_BIT) != 0 &&
        (self->scope & renderQueue->scope) != 0) {

        /* Check view frustum culling */
#       if defined(M3G_ENABLE_VF_CULLING)
        AABB bbox;
        m3gGetBoundingBox(mesh->vertexBuffer, &bbox);
        m3gUpdateCullingMask(s, renderQueue->camera, &bbox);
        if (s->cullMask == 0) {
                       M3G_STAT_RENDER_NODES_CULLED, 1);
            return M3G_TRUE;
#       endif

        /* No dice, let's render... */

        return m3gQueueMesh(mesh, &s->toCamera, renderQueue);
    return M3G_TRUE;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Node method.
 * Renders one submesh.
 * \param self Mesh object
 * \param ctx current render context
 * \param patchIndex submesh index
static void m3gMeshDoRender(Node *self,
                            RenderContext *ctx,
                            const Matrix *toCamera,
                            M3Gint patchIndex)
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;

                mesh->totalAlphaFactor + 1,

 * \internal
 * \brief Internal equivalent routine called
 * by m3gMeshRayIntersect.
 * \param mesh      Mesh object
 * \param vertices  VertexBuffer object used in calculations
 * \param mask      pick scope mask
 * \param ray       pick ray
 * \param ri        RayIntersection object
 * \param toGroup   transform to originating group
 * \retval          M3G_TRUE    continue pick
 * \retval          M3G_FALSE   abort pick
static M3Gbool m3gMeshRayIntersectInternal(	Mesh *mesh,
                                            VertexBuffer *vertices,
            								M3Gint mask,
            								M3Gfloat *ray,
            								RayIntersection *ri,
            								Matrix *toGroup)
    Vec3 v0, v1, v2, tuv;
    Vec4 transformed, p0, p1;
    M3Gint indices[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; 
    M3Gint i, j, k, cullMode;
    Matrix t;   /* Reused as texture transform */

    if (vertices == NULL ||
         mesh->appearances == NULL ||
         mesh->indexBuffers == NULL ||
         (((Node *)mesh)->scope & mask) == 0) {
        return M3G_TRUE;

    if (vertices->vertices == NULL) {
        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
        return M3G_FALSE;

    p0.x = ray[0];
    p0.y = ray[1];
    p0.z = ray[2];
    p0.w = 1.f;

    p1.x = ray[3];
    p1.y = ray[4];
    p1.z = ray[5];
    p1.w = 1.f;

    m3gCopyMatrix(&t, toGroup);
    if (!m3gInvertMatrix(&t)) {
        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_ARITHMETIC_ERROR);
        return M3G_FALSE;
    m3gTransformVec4(&t, &p0);
    m3gTransformVec4(&t, &p1);
    m3gScaleVec3((Vec3*) &p0, m3gRcp(p0.w));
    m3gScaleVec3((Vec3*) &p1, m3gRcp(p1.w));

    m3gSubVec4(&p1, &p0);

    /* Quick bounding box test for Meshes */
    if (m3gGetClass((Object *)mesh) == M3G_CLASS_MESH) {
        AABB boundingBox;
        m3gGetBoundingBox(vertices, &boundingBox);

        if (!m3gIntersectBox((Vec3*) &p0, (Vec3*) &p1, &boundingBox)) {
            return M3G_TRUE;

    /* Apply the inverse of the vertex scale and bias to the ray */
    if (!IS_ZERO(vertices->vertexScale)) {
        const Vec3 *bias = (const Vec3*) vertices->vertexBias;
        M3Gfloat ooScale = m3gRcp(vertices->vertexScale);
        m3gSubVec3((Vec3*) &p0, bias);
        m3gScaleVec3((Vec3*) &p0, ooScale);
        m3gScaleVec3((Vec3*) &p1, ooScale); /* direction vector -> no bias */
    else {
        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_ARITHMETIC_ERROR);
        return M3G_FALSE;
    /* Go through all submeshes */
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; i++) {
        /* Do not pick submeshes with null appearance */
        if (mesh->appearances[i] == NULL ||
            mesh->indexBuffers[i] == NULL) continue;

        /* Validate indices versus vertex buffer */
        if (m3gGetMaxIndex(mesh->indexBuffers[i]) >= m3gGetNumVertices(vertices)) {
            m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
            return M3G_FALSE;

        if (mesh->appearances[i]->polygonMode != NULL) {
            cullMode = m3gGetWinding(mesh->appearances[i]->polygonMode) == M3G_WINDING_CCW ? 0 : 1;
            switch(m3gGetCulling(mesh->appearances[i]->polygonMode)) {
            case M3G_CULL_FRONT: cullMode ^= 1; break;
            case M3G_CULL_NONE:  cullMode  = 2; break;
        else {
            cullMode = 0;

        /* Go through all triangels */
        for (j = 0; m3gGetIndices(mesh->indexBuffers[i], j, indices); j++) {
            /* Ignore zero area triangles */
            if ( indices[0] == indices[1] ||
                 indices[0] == indices[2] ||
                 indices[1] == indices[2]) continue;

            m3gGetVertex(vertices, indices[0], &v0);
            m3gGetVertex(vertices, indices[1], &v1);
            m3gGetVertex(vertices, indices[2], &v2);

            if (m3gIntersectTriangle((Vec3*)&p0, (Vec3*)&p1, &v0, &v1, &v2, &tuv, indices[3] ^ cullMode)) {
                /* Check that we are going to fill this intersection */
                if (tuv.x <= 0.f || tuv.x >= ri->tMin) continue;

                /* Fill in to RayIntersection */
                ri->tMin = tuv.x;
                ri->distance = tuv.x;
                ri->submeshIndex = i;
                ri->intersected = (Node *)mesh;

                /* Fetch normal */
                if (m3gGetNormal(vertices, indices[0], &v0)) {
                    m3gGetNormal(vertices, indices[1], &v1);
                    m3gGetNormal(vertices, indices[2], &v2);

                    ri->normal[0] = m3gAdd(
                        m3gMul(v0.x, m3gSub(1.f, m3gAdd(tuv.y, tuv.z))),
                            m3gMul(v1.x, tuv.y),
                            m3gMul(v2.x, tuv.z)));
                    ri->normal[1] = m3gAdd(
                        m3gMul(v0.y, m3gSub(1.f, m3gAdd(tuv.y, tuv.z))),
                            m3gMul(v1.y, tuv.y),
                            m3gMul(v2.y, tuv.z)));
                    ri->normal[2] = m3gAdd(
                        m3gMul(v0.z, m3gSub(1.f, m3gAdd(tuv.y, tuv.z))),
                            m3gMul(v1.z, tuv.y),
                            m3gMul(v2.z, tuv.z)));
                else {
                    ri->normal[0] = 0.f;
                    ri->normal[1] = 0.f;
                    ri->normal[2] = 1.f;
                /* Fetch texture coordinates for each unit */
                for (k = 0; k < M3G_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS; k++) {
                    if (m3gGetTexCoord(vertices, indices[0], k, &v0)) {
                        m3gGetTexCoord(vertices, indices[1], k, &v1);
                        m3gGetTexCoord(vertices, indices[2], k, &v2);

                        /* Calculate transformed S and T */
                        transformed.x = m3gAdd(
                            m3gMul(v0.x, m3gSub(1.f, m3gAdd(tuv.y, tuv.z))),
                                m3gMul(v1.x, tuv.y),
                                m3gMul(v2.x, tuv.z)));
                        transformed.y = m3gAdd(
                            m3gMul(v0.y, m3gSub(1.f, m3gAdd(tuv.y, tuv.z))),
                                m3gMul(v1.y, tuv.y),
                                m3gMul(v2.y, tuv.z)));
                        transformed.z = 0;
                        transformed.w = 1;

                        /* Transform and * 1/w */
                        if (mesh->appearances[i]->texture[k] != NULL) {
                            m3gGetCompositeTransform((Transformable *)mesh->appearances[i]->texture[k], &t);
                            m3gTransformVec4(&t, &transformed);
                            m3gScaleVec4(&transformed, m3gRcp(transformed.w));

                        ri->textureS[k] = transformed.x;
                        ri->textureT[k] = transformed.y;
                    else {
                        ri->textureS[k] = 0.f;
                        ri->textureT[k] = 0.f;

    return M3G_TRUE;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Node method.
 * Just forward call internal ray intersect.
 * \param self      Mesh object
 * \param mask      pick scope mask
 * \param ray       pick ray
 * \param ri        RayIntersection object
 * \param toGroup   transform to originating group
 * \retval          M3G_TRUE    continue pick
 * \retval          M3G_FALSE   abort pick
static M3Gbool m3gMeshRayIntersect( Node *self,
    								M3Gint mask,
    								M3Gfloat *ray,
    								RayIntersection *ri,
    								Matrix *toGroup)
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
    return m3gMeshRayIntersectInternal(mesh, mesh->vertexBuffer, mask, ray, ri, toGroup);

 * \internal
 * \brief Initializes a Mesh object. See specification
 * for default values.
 * \param m3g                   M3G interface
 * \param mesh                  Mesh object
 * \param hVertices             VertexBuffer object
 * \param hTriangles            array of IndexBuffer objects
 * \param hAppearances          array of Appearance objects
 * \param trianglePatchCount    number of submeshes
 * \param vfTable               virtual function table
 * \retval                      M3G_TRUE success
 * \retval                      M3G_FALSE failed
static M3Gbool m3gInitMesh(Interface *m3g,
                           Mesh *mesh,
                           M3GVertexBuffer hVertices,
                           M3GIndexBuffer *hTriangles,
                           M3GAppearance *hAppearances,
                           M3Gint trianglePatchCount,
                           M3GClass classID)
    M3Gint i;
    /* Out of memory if more than 65535 triangle patches */
    if (trianglePatchCount > 65535) {
        m3gRaiseError(m3g, M3G_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
        return M3G_FALSE;

	for (i = 0; i < trianglePatchCount; i++) {
		if (hTriangles[i] == NULL) {
			m3gRaiseError(m3g, M3G_NULL_POINTER);
            return M3G_FALSE;

	mesh->indexBuffers =
        m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(IndexBuffer *) * trianglePatchCount);
	if (!mesh->indexBuffers) {
		return M3G_FALSE;

	mesh->appearances =
        m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(Appearance *) * trianglePatchCount);
	if (!mesh->appearances) {
		m3gFree(m3g, mesh->indexBuffers);
		return M3G_FALSE;

	/* Mesh is derived from node */
	m3gInitNode(m3g, &mesh->node, classID);
    mesh->node.hasRenderables = M3G_TRUE;
    mesh->node.dirtyBits |= NODE_BBOX_BIT;

    for (i = 0; i < trianglePatchCount; i++) {
        M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->indexBuffers[i], hTriangles[i]);
	if (hAppearances != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < trianglePatchCount; i++) {
            M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->appearances[i], hAppearances[i]);
	else {
		m3gZero(mesh->appearances, sizeof(Appearance *) * trianglePatchCount);
    M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->vertexBuffer, hVertices);
	mesh->trianglePatchCount = (M3Gshort) trianglePatchCount;

    m3gIncStat(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_STAT_RENDERABLES, 1);
	return M3G_TRUE;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
 * \param self Mesh object
 * \param references array of reference objects
 * \return number of references
static M3Gint m3gMeshDoGetReferences(Object *self, Object **references)
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
    M3Gint i, num = m3gObjectDoGetReferences(self, references);
    if (references != NULL)
        references[num] = (Object *)mesh->vertexBuffer;
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; i++) {
        if (mesh->indexBuffers[i] != NULL) {
            if (references != NULL)
                references[num] = (Object *)mesh->indexBuffers[i];
        if (mesh->appearances[i] != NULL) {
            if (references != NULL)
                references[num] = (Object *)mesh->appearances[i];
    return num;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
static Object *m3gMeshFindID(Object *self, M3Gint userID)
    int i;
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
    Object *found = m3gObjectFindID(self, userID);

    if (!found) {
        found = m3gFindID((Object*) mesh->vertexBuffer, userID);
    for (i = 0; !found && i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; ++i) {
        if (mesh->indexBuffers[i] != NULL) {
            found = m3gFindID((Object*) mesh->indexBuffers[i], userID);
        if (!found && mesh->appearances[i] != NULL) {
            found = m3gFindID((Object*) mesh->appearances[i], userID);
    return found;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
 * \param originalObj original Mesh object
 * \param cloneObj pointer to cloned Mesh object
 * \param pairs array for all object-duplicate pairs
 * \param numPairs number of pairs
static M3Gbool m3gMeshDuplicate(const Object *originalObj,
                                Object **cloneObj,
                                Object **pairs,
                                M3Gint *numPairs)
    /* Create the clone if it doesn't exist; otherwise we'll be all
     * set by the derived class(es) and can just call through to the
     * base class */
    if (*cloneObj == NULL) {
        Mesh *original = (Mesh *)originalObj;
        Mesh *clone = (Mesh *)m3gCreateMesh(originalObj->interface,
        *cloneObj = (Object *)clone;
        if (*cloneObj == NULL) {
            return M3G_FALSE;
    return m3gNodeDuplicate(originalObj, cloneObj, pairs, numPairs);

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Object3D method.
 * \param self Mesh object
 * \param time current world time
 * \return minimum validity
static M3Gint m3gMeshApplyAnimation(Object *self, M3Gint time)
    M3Gint validity, minValidity;
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)self;
    Object *vb;

    minValidity = m3gObjectApplyAnimation(self, time);

    vb = (Object *) mesh->vertexBuffer;

    if (vb != NULL && minValidity > 0) {
        validity = M3G_VFUNC(Object, vb, applyAnimation)(vb, time);
        minValidity = M3G_MIN(validity, minValidity);
    if (mesh->appearances != NULL) {
        Object *app;
        M3Gint i, n;
        n = mesh->trianglePatchCount;
        for (i = 0; i < n && minValidity > 0; ++i) {
            app = (Object *) mesh->appearances[i];
            if (app != NULL) {
                validity = M3G_VFUNC(Object, app, applyAnimation)(app, time);
                minValidity = M3G_MIN(validity, minValidity);

    return minValidity;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Node method
static M3Gint m3gMeshGetBBox(Node *self, AABB *bbox)
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *) self;
    VertexBuffer *vb = mesh->vertexBuffer;

    if (vb->vertices) {
        m3gGetBoundingBox(vb, bbox);
    else {
        return 0;

 * \internal
 * \brief Overloaded Node method
static M3Gbool m3gMeshValidate(Node *self, M3Gbitmask stateBits, M3Gint scope)
    Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *) self;
    VertexBuffer *vb = mesh->vertexBuffer;
    int i;

    if ((scope & self->scope) != 0) {
        if (stateBits & self->enableBits) {
            /* Validate vertex buffer components */
            for (i = 0; i < mesh->trianglePatchCount; ++i) {
                Appearance *app = mesh->appearances[i];
                if (app) {
                    if (!m3gValidateVertexBuffer(
                            vb, app, m3gGetMaxIndex(mesh->indexBuffers[i]))) {
                        m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_OPERATION);
                        return M3G_FALSE;
            /* Invalidate cached vertex stuff if source buffer changed */
                M3Gint vbTimestamp = m3gGetTimestamp(vb);
                if (mesh->vbTimestamp != vbTimestamp) {
                    m3gInvalidateNode(self, NODE_BBOX_BIT);
                    mesh->vbTimestamp = vbTimestamp;
            return m3gNodeValidate(self, stateBits, scope);
    return M3G_TRUE;

#if 0
 * \internal
 * \brief Computes the estimated rendering cost for this Mesh node
static M3Gint m3gMeshRenderingCost(const Mesh *mesh)
    /* Since we're using strips, just assume that each vertex
     * generates a new triangle... */
        mesh->vertexBuffer->vertexCount * (VFC_VERTEX_COST +
                                           VFC_TRIANGLE_COST) +
        mesh->trianglePatchCount * VFC_RENDERCALL_OVERHEAD +

 * Virtual function table

static const NodeVFTable m3gvf_Mesh = {

 * Public API functions

 * \brief Creates a Mesh object.
 * \param interface             M3G interface
 * \param hVertices             VertexBuffer object
 * \param hTriangles            array of IndexBuffer objects
 * \param hAppearances          array of Appearance objects
 * \param trianglePatchCount    number of submeshes
 * \retval Mesh new Mesh object
 * \retval NULL Mesh creating failed
M3G_API M3GMesh m3gCreateMesh(M3GInterface interface,
                              M3GVertexBuffer hVertices,
                              M3GIndexBuffer *hTriangles,
                              M3GAppearance *hAppearances,
                              M3Gint trianglePatchCount)
    Interface *m3g = (Interface *) interface;

		Mesh *mesh = m3gAllocZ(m3g, sizeof(Mesh));

		if (mesh != NULL) {
    		if (!m3gInitMesh(m3g, mesh,
                             hVertices, hTriangles, hAppearances,
                             M3G_CLASS_MESH)) {
    			m3gFree(m3g, mesh);
    			return NULL;

		return (M3GMesh)mesh;

 * \brief Sets submesh appearance.
 * \param handle                Mesh object
 * \param appearanceIndex       submesh index
 * \param hAppearance           Appearance object
M3G_API void m3gSetAppearance(M3GMesh handle,
                              M3Gint appearanceIndex,
                              M3GAppearance hAppearance)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)handle;
	if (appearanceIndex < 0 || appearanceIndex >= mesh->trianglePatchCount) {
		m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_INDEX);

    M3G_ASSIGN_REF(mesh->appearances[appearanceIndex], (Appearance *) hAppearance);

 * \brief Gets submesh appearance.
 * \param handle                Mesh object
 * \param idx                   submesh index
 * \return                      Appearance object
M3G_API M3GAppearance m3gGetAppearance(M3GMesh handle,
                                       M3Gint idx)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)handle;
	if (idx < 0 || idx >= mesh->trianglePatchCount) {
		m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_INDEX);
        return NULL;

    return mesh->appearances[idx];

 * \brief Gets submesh index buffer.
 * \param handle                Mesh object
 * \param idx                   submesh index
 * \return                      IndexBuffer object
M3G_API M3GIndexBuffer m3gGetIndexBuffer(M3GMesh handle,
                                         M3Gint idx)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)handle;
	if (idx < 0 || idx >= mesh->trianglePatchCount) {
		m3gRaiseError(M3G_INTERFACE(mesh), M3G_INVALID_INDEX);
        return NULL;

    return mesh->indexBuffers[idx];

 * \brief Gets VertexBuffer.
 * \param handle                Mesh object
 * \return                      VertexBuffer object
M3G_API M3GVertexBuffer m3gGetVertexBuffer(M3GMesh handle)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)handle;

    return mesh->vertexBuffer;

 * \brief Gets submesh count.
 * \param handle                Mesh object
 * \return                      submesh count
M3G_API M3Gint m3gGetSubmeshCount(M3GMesh handle)
	Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)handle;

    return mesh->trianglePatchCount;