author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 18:24:48 +0100
changeset 52 0c41673def7a
parent 26 15986eb6c500
child 163 bbf46f59e123
permissions -rw-r--r--
Apply patch 6. Cleanup syborg specific variation by allowing the project file to build one specially for it. Fix include macros for test apps. Further tuning how the variant is build appears in later patches. Explicitly including platform_paths seems to make debugging easier for carbide. This might be removed if its bad practice or causes issues.

// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


TARGET                  egltest.dll
TARGETTYPE              DLL
UID                     0x1000008d 0xA000E61A
VENDORID                0x70000001

CAPABILITY              All -Tcb


USERINCLUDE             ../inc

SOURCEPATH              ../src
SOURCE                  eglteststep.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_geterroranddisplay.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_general.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_syncobject.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_nativepixmaptype.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_createpixmapsurface.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_image.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_sibling.cpp 
SOURCE                  egltest_image_multithread.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_image_multiprocess.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_image_negative.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_vgimagetosurfaces.cpp
SOURCE                  egltest_benchmark_sgimage.cpp

SOURCEPATH             ../scripts
DOCUMENT               egltest_settings.ini
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_general.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_geterroranddisplay.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_syncobject.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_syncobject_flush.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_image.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_sibling.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_nativepixmaptype.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_createpixmapsurface.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_image_multithread.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_image_multiprocess.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_vgimagetosurfaces.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_image_negative.script
DOCUMENT               egltest_t_benchmark_sgimage.script

LIBRARY                 rfileloggerclient.lib
LIBRARY                 euser.lib
LIBRARY                 ws32.lib
LIBRARY                 fbscli.lib
LIBRARY                 gdi.lib
LIBRARY                 bitgdi.lib 
LIBRARY                 hal.lib
LIBRARY                 efsrv.lib
LIBRARY                 libEGL.lib
LIBRARY                 libOpenVG.lib
LIBRARY                 libGLESv1_CM.lib
LIBRARY                 sgresource.lib
LIBRARY                 graphicsresource.lib
LIBRARY                 testexecuteutils.lib
LIBRARY                 testexecutelogclient.lib
LIBRARY                 cinidata.lib
LIBRARY                 tgraphicsharness.lib
LIBRARY                 graphicsscreencomparison.lib
LIBRARY                 egltestcommon.lib
LIBRARY                 tprofiler.lib
LIBRARY                 estor.lib

DEFFILE                 egltest.def