Apply patch 6. Cleanup syborg specific variation by allowing the project file to build one specially for it. Fix include macros for test apps. Further tuning how the variant is build appears in later patches. Explicitly including platform_paths seems to make debugging easier for carbide. This might be removed if its bad practice or causes issues.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// eglsynchelper.c
#include "eglsynchelper.h"
#include "EGL/egltypes.h"
#define EGLSYNC_TYPE 0xE5
/* sync object data type for POSIX thread implementation*/
typedef struct CondVarSync_* NativeSyncType;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \brief Create a sync object for the specified display.
* \ingroup api
* \param dpy Identifier of the display which will own the sync object
* \param type Type of the sync object. EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR is only supported
* \param attrib_list Attribute-value list specifying attributes of the sync
* object, terminated by an attribute entry EGL_NONE
* \return Handle for the created sync object if successful, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR otherwise
* \error EGL_BAD_DISPLAY if <dpy> is not a name of a valid EGLDisplay;
* EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if the display object associated with the <dpy> has not been initialized;
* EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE if <attrib_list> is neither NULL nor empty (containing only EGL_NONE) or
* if <type> is not a supported type of sync object;
* EGL_BAD_ALLOC if the memory allocation related to sync object is not successful
* \note If <type> is EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR, a reusable sync object is created.
* In this case <attrib_list> must be NULL or empty (containing only EGL_NONE).
* *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EGLSyncKHR eglCreateSyncKHR( EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLenum condition,
const EGLint *attrib_list )
if (createPointer == NULL)
return createPointer(dpy, condition, attrib_list);
* \brief Destroy a sync object and free memory associated with it
* \ingroup api
* \param dpy Identifier of the display which owns the sync object
* \param sync Sync object handle.
* \return EGL_TRUE if deletion was successful and EGL_FALSE otherwise
* \error EGL_BAD_DISPLAY if <dpy> is not a name of a valid EGLDisplay;
* EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if the display object associated with the <dpy> has not been initialized;
* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER if <sync> is not a valid sync object for <dpy>
* \note If any eglClientWaitSyncKHR commands are blocking on <sync> when
* eglDestroySyncKHR is called, they will be woken up, as if <sync> were signaled.
* If no errors are generated, <sync> will no longer be the handle of a valid sync object.
EGLBoolean eglDestroySyncKHR( EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync )
if (destroyPointer == NULL)
return EGL_FALSE;
return destroyPointer(dpy, sync);
* \brief Blocks the calling thread until the specified sync object
* is signaled, or until <timeout> nanoseconds have passed.
* \ingroup api
* \param dpy Identifier of the display which owns the sync object.
* \param sync Sync object handle.
* \param flags If the EGL_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR bit is set in <flags>
* and <sync> is unsignaled when the function is called, then the equivalent
* of Flush() will be performed for the current API context.
* \param timeout The thread will be unblocked when <timeout> is expired.
* If the <timeout> is to zero, the function just test the current status
* of the sync object. If the <timeout> is set to EGL_FOREVER_KHR, then the
* function does not time out. For all other values, <timeout> is adjusted to
* the closest value which may be substantially longer than one nanosecond.
* \return EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED if <sync> was signaled before
* the timeout expired, which includes the case when <sync> was already
* signaled when eglClientWaitSyncKHR was called; EGL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED_KHR if the
* specified timeout period expired before <sync> was signaled;
* EGL_FALSE if an error occurs.
* \error EGL_BAD_DISPLAY if <dpy> is not a name of a valid EGLDisplay;
* EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if the display object associated with the <dpy> has not been initialized;
* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER if <sync> is not a valid sync object for <dpy> or
* if <flags> does not equal to 0 or EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMAND_BIT_KHR
* Note\ More than one eglClientWaitSyncKHR may be outstanding on the same <sync> at any given time.
* When there are multiple threads blocked on the same <sync> and the sync object is signaled,
* all such threads are released, but the order in which they are released is not defined.
* If a sync object is destroyed while an eglClientWaitSyncKHR is blocking on that object,
* eglClientWaitSyncKHR will unblock and return immediately, just as if the sync object
* had been signaled prior to being destroyed.
EGLint eglClientWaitSyncKHR( EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLSyncKHR sync,
EGLint flags,
EGLTimeKHR timeout )
if (clientWaitPointer == NULL)
return EGL_FALSE;
return clientWaitPointer(dpy, sync, flags, timeout);
* \brief Signals or unsignals the reusable sync object.
* \ingroup api
* \param dpy Identifier of the display which owns the sync object.
* \param sync Sync object handle.
* \param mode Status of the sync object. There are two possible states:
* \return EGL_TRUE if an operation was successful and EGL_FALSE otherwise.
* \note The error code returned from eglSignalSyncImpl() will be generated
EGLBoolean eglSignalSyncKHR( EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLSyncKHR sync,
EGLenum mode )
if (signalPointer == NULL)
return EGL_FALSE;
return signalPointer(dpy, sync, mode);
* \brief Query an attribute of the sync object
* \ingroup api
* \param dpy Identifier of the display which owns the sync object
* \param sync Sync object handle.
* \param attribute An attribute to be retrieved.
* \param value Pointer to the value for the requested attribute which will be filled on function return.
* \return EGL_TRUE if an operation was successful and EGL_FALSE otherwise
* \error EGL_BAD_DISPLAY if <dpy> is not a name of a valid EGLDisplay;
* EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED if the display object associated with the <dpy> has not been initialized;
* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER if <sync> is not a valid sync object for <dpy> or if <value> is not
* a valid pointer; EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE if <attribute> does not lie within expected range;
* EGL_BAD_MATCH if <attribute> is not supported for the type of sync object passed in <sync>
EGLBoolean eglGetSyncAttribKHR( EGLDisplay dpy,
EGLSyncKHR sync,
EGLint attribute,
EGLint *value )
if (getAttribPointer == NULL)
return EGL_FALSE;
return getAttribPointer(dpy, sync, attribute, value);
#ifdef __cplusplus