author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 18:24:48 +0100
changeset 52 0c41673def7a
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 98 bf7481649c98
child 163 bbf46f59e123
permissions -rw-r--r--
Apply patch 6. Cleanup syborg specific variation by allowing the project file to build one specially for it. Fix include macros for test apps. Further tuning how the variant is build appears in later patches. Explicitly including platform_paths seems to make debugging easier for carbide. This might be removed if its bad practice or causes issues.

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <graphics/updateserverprovider.h>
#include <graphics/compositionsurfaceupdate.h>

enum  TSurfaceUpdateServPanic
	EUpdateServPanicBadRequest = 1,

enum TSurfaceUpdateEvent
	EUpdateServEventRegister = 1,
	EUpdateServEventTerminate //this event will only be used for test purpose
class CSurfaceUpdateServer;

The class implements interface(s) required for content update
Intended to be used by Surface-update control flow
@see MSurfaceUpdateServerProvider
class CSurfaceUpdateServerProvider : public CActive, public MSurfaceUpdateServerProvider
	static CSurfaceUpdateServerProvider* NewL(CActive::TPriority aPriority, CSurfaceUpdateServer* aServer);
	//from MSurfaceUpdateServerProvider
	IMPORT_C TInt Register(TInt aScreen, CBase* aUpdateReceiver, TInt aPriority);
	//the following function is intended to be used for test purpose only, 
	//will have no effect in the release build 
	IMPORT_C void Terminate();
	CSurfaceUpdateServerProvider(CActive::TPriority aPriority, CSurfaceUpdateServer* aServer);
	void ConstructL();
	void RunL();
	void DoCancel();
	CSurfaceUpdateServer* iServer;
	TThreadId iThreadId;
	TInt iRegisterErr;
	CBase* iUpdateReceiver;
	TInt iScreen;
	TInt iPriority;
	RSemaphore iSemaphore;
Priority is used to identify the master screen for the surface. 
class TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry
	TInt iPriority; //Highest number signifies highest priority of the screen.
	MCompositionSurfaceUpdate* iUpdateReceiver; //doesn't own

The server maintains session with the clients. 
It starts during the initialization of the Compositor thread.  
class CSurfaceUpdateServer : public CServer2
friend class CSurfaceUpdateSession;
	static CSurfaceUpdateServer* NewL();

	TInt Register(TInt aScreen, CBase* aUpdateReceiver, TInt aPriority); 
	virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
	static void PanicServer(TSurfaceUpdateServPanic aPanic);

	Provide surface update provider for usage by the content update receiver.
	@return surface update provider
	MSurfaceUpdateServerProvider* SurfaceUpdateProvider() const
		return static_cast <MSurfaceUpdateServerProvider*> (iServerProvider);
	static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny* aAny);
	// for DEF118736: [v9.5] turfaceupdatetestserver unexecuted
	// For test purposes, only if iNumberPendingNotification reaches zero, the surface update server can be shut.
	// The counter is incremented by one when the CUpdateReceiverNotification AO is set to self-destroyed in surface update session's destructor()
	// The counter is decremented by one before its self-destruction in CUpdateReceiverNotification AO's RunL()
	TInt iNumberPendingNotification;
	void ConstructL();
	CSurfaceUpdateServer(CActive::TPriority aPriority);
	MCompositionSurfaceUpdate* UpdateReceiver(TInt aScreen) const;
	 @return content update receiver priority list   
	inline const RPointerArray<TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry>& UpdateReceiverPriority() const;
	inline TInt NumUpdateReceivers() const;
	static TInt CompareUpdateReceiverPriority(const TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry& aEntry1, const TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry& aEntry2);
	RPointerArray<MCompositionSurfaceUpdate> iUpdateReceiver; //Screen number is the index for the access of the receiver entry in the array
	RPointerArray<TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry> iUpdateReceiverPriorityOrder; //stored in priority order, the higher the priority of the receiver the closer to the beginning of the array
	CSurfaceUpdateServerProvider* iServerProvider;

enum TNotificationType
	EUpdateSrvReusable = 1, /**< When a notification batch doesn’t contain any active notifiers, i.e. they have been processed by the content update receiver, the batch will not be deleted but becomes available for the following reuse.*/

class CSurfaceUpdateSession;
class CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch;

Notification object. Content update receiver signals the server via this object of composition events.
class CUpdateReceiverNotification : public CActive
	CUpdateReceiverNotification(CActive::TPriority aPriority, TInt aReceiverPriority, CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch *aParentNotificationBatch);
	TRequestStatus& Status();
	void Activate();
	void DoCancel();
	virtual void RunL();
	TUint32	iTimeStamp;
	TInt iUpdateReceiverPriority;
	TBool iSelfDestructWhenRun;
	void DecNumberPendingNotifications();
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch *iParentNotificationBatch; //doesn't own
	CSurfaceUpdateServer* iServer;

 The class manages the batch of notification objects with the same type and 
 initiated by the particular SubmitUpdate request.
class CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch : public CBase
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch(CSurfaceUpdateSession *aSession, TInt aNumReceivers);
	void ProcessNotificationEvent(CUpdateReceiverNotification* aReceiverNotification);
	TBool IsActive() const;
	CUpdateReceiverNotification* UpdateReceiverNotification(TInt aReceiverPriority = 0);
	void CheckForReuse();
	CSurfaceUpdateServer* Server();
	void IncNumberPendingNotifications();
	RMessage2 iMsg;
	TNotificationType iType;
	RPointerArray<CUpdateReceiverNotification> iUpdateReceiverNotifications; //for multiple entries stored in priority order, the higher the priority of the receiver the closer to the beginning of the array
	CSurfaceUpdateSession *iSession; //doesn't own
	TInt iNumUpdateReceivers;
	TBool iCompleteWithSuccess;
	TInt iHighestPriority; //attributed to successful notification
	TUint32	iTimeStamp; //attributed to successful notification

Maintain the channel between clients and the server. 
Functions are provided will respond appropriately to client messages. 
class CSurfaceUpdateSession : public CSession2
	CSurfaceUpdateSession(const RPointerArray<TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry>& aReceiverEntryList);
	void SubmitUpdate(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void NotifyWhenAvailable(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void NotifyWhenDisplayed(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void NotifyWhenDisplayedXTimes(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void CancelAllUpdateNotifications();
	void DoSubmitUpdateL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void StoreNotification(CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch*& aNotifier, const RMessage2& aMessage, TNotificationType aType);
	virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	void PanicClient(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aPanic) const;
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch* UpdateReceiverNotificationBatchL();
	void IssueRequestComplete(TInt aErr);
	void DispatchUpdate(const TSurfaceId& aSurfaceId, TInt aBuffer, RRegion* aRegion, TInt* aDisplayedXTimes,  MCompositionSurfaceUpdate* aReceiver = NULL );
	void SetHeapFailure(const RMessage2& aMessage);
	RPointerArray<CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch> iUpdateReceiverNotificationBatches;
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch* iAvailable;	
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch* iDisplayed;	
	CUpdateReceiverNotificationBatch* iDisplayedXTimes;
	const RPointerArray<TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry>& iUpdateReceiverEntryList; //doesn't own
		} iUpdateMethod;

inline const RPointerArray<TUpdateReceiverPriorityEntry>& CSurfaceUpdateServer::UpdateReceiverPriority() const
	return iUpdateReceiverPriorityOrder;
