author Faisal Memon <>
Thu, 06 May 2010 15:31:43 +0100
changeset 49 0ee978e37eb7
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Apply patch 3. Many of the fixes in patch 3 are obseleted by updates made to the FCL. So the FCL head is taken in preference. This leaves only the hack in the display channel implementation to do not do a screen rotation on syborg. That solution is a bit hacky, but actually revised in a later patch.

	eglChooseConfig @ 1 NONAME
	eglCopyBuffers @ 2 NONAME
	eglCreateContext @ 3 NONAME
	eglCreatePbufferSurface @ 4 NONAME
	eglCreatePixmapSurface @ 5 NONAME
	eglCreateWindowSurface @ 6 NONAME
	eglDestroyContext @ 7 NONAME
	eglDestroySurface @ 8 NONAME
	eglGetConfigAttrib @ 9 NONAME
	eglGetConfigs @ 10 NONAME
	eglGetCurrentContext @ 11 NONAME
	eglGetCurrentDisplay @ 12 NONAME
	eglGetCurrentSurface @ 13 NONAME
	eglGetDisplay @ 14 NONAME
	eglGetError @ 15 NONAME
	eglGetProcAddress @ 16 NONAME
	eglInitialize @ 17 NONAME
	eglMakeCurrent @ 18 NONAME
	eglQueryContext @ 19 NONAME
	eglQueryString @ 20 NONAME
	eglQuerySurface @ 21 NONAME
	eglSwapBuffers @ 22 NONAME
	eglTerminate @ 23 NONAME
	eglWaitGL @ 24 NONAME
	eglWaitNative @ 25 NONAME
	glActiveTexture @ 26 NONAME
	glAlphaFunc @ 27 NONAME
	glAlphaFuncx @ 28 NONAME
	glBindTexture @ 29 NONAME
	glBlendFunc @ 30 NONAME
	glClear @ 31 NONAME
	glClearColor @ 32 NONAME
	glClearColorx @ 33 NONAME
	glClearDepthf @ 34 NONAME
	glClearDepthx @ 35 NONAME
	glClearStencil @ 36 NONAME
	glClientActiveTexture @ 37 NONAME
	glColor4f @ 38 NONAME
	glColor4x @ 39 NONAME
	glColorMask @ 40 NONAME
	glColorPointer @ 41 NONAME
	glCompressedTexImage2D @ 42 NONAME
	glCompressedTexSubImage2D @ 43 NONAME
	glCopyTexImage2D @ 44 NONAME
	glCopyTexSubImage2D @ 45 NONAME
	glCullFace @ 46 NONAME
	glDeleteTextures @ 47 NONAME
	glDepthFunc @ 48 NONAME
	glDepthMask @ 49 NONAME
	glDepthRangef @ 50 NONAME
	glDepthRangex @ 51 NONAME
	glDisable @ 52 NONAME
	glDisableClientState @ 53 NONAME
	glDrawArrays @ 54 NONAME
	glDrawElements @ 55 NONAME
	glEnable @ 56 NONAME
	glEnableClientState @ 57 NONAME
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	glFlush @ 59 NONAME
	glFogf @ 60 NONAME
	glFogfv @ 61 NONAME
	glFogx @ 62 NONAME
	glFogxv @ 63 NONAME
	glFrontFace @ 64 NONAME
	glFrustumf @ 65 NONAME
	glFrustumx @ 66 NONAME
	glGenTextures @ 67 NONAME
	glGetError @ 68 NONAME
	glGetIntegerv @ 69 NONAME
	glGetString @ 70 NONAME
	glHint @ 71 NONAME
	glLightModelf @ 72 NONAME
	glLightModelfv @ 73 NONAME
	glLightModelx @ 74 NONAME
	glLightModelxv @ 75 NONAME
	glLightf @ 76 NONAME
	glLightfv @ 77 NONAME
	glLightx @ 78 NONAME
	glLightxv @ 79 NONAME
	glLineWidth @ 80 NONAME
	glLineWidthx @ 81 NONAME
	glLoadIdentity @ 82 NONAME
	glLoadMatrixf @ 83 NONAME
	glLoadMatrixx @ 84 NONAME
	glLogicOp @ 85 NONAME
	glMaterialf @ 86 NONAME
	glMaterialfv @ 87 NONAME
	glMaterialx @ 88 NONAME
	glMaterialxv @ 89 NONAME
	glMatrixMode @ 90 NONAME
	glMultMatrixf @ 91 NONAME
	glMultMatrixx @ 92 NONAME
	glMultiTexCoord4f @ 93 NONAME
	glMultiTexCoord4x @ 94 NONAME
	glNormal3f @ 95 NONAME
	glNormal3x @ 96 NONAME
	glNormalPointer @ 97 NONAME
	glOrthof @ 98 NONAME
	glOrthox @ 99 NONAME
	glPixelStorei @ 100 NONAME
	glPointSize @ 101 NONAME
	glPointSizex @ 102 NONAME
	glPolygonOffset @ 103 NONAME
	glPolygonOffsetx @ 104 NONAME
	glPopMatrix @ 105 NONAME
	glPushMatrix @ 106 NONAME
	glQueryMatrixxOES @ 107 NONAME
	glReadPixels @ 108 NONAME
	glRotatef @ 109 NONAME
	glRotatex @ 110 NONAME
	glSampleCoverage @ 111 NONAME
	glSampleCoveragex @ 112 NONAME
	glScalef @ 113 NONAME
	glScalex @ 114 NONAME
	glScissor @ 115 NONAME
	glShadeModel @ 116 NONAME
	glStencilFunc @ 117 NONAME
	glStencilMask @ 118 NONAME
	glStencilOp @ 119 NONAME
	glTexCoordPointer @ 120 NONAME
	glTexEnvf @ 121 NONAME
	glTexEnvfv @ 122 NONAME
	glTexEnvx @ 123 NONAME
	glTexEnvxv @ 124 NONAME
	glTexImage2D @ 125 NONAME
	glTexParameterf @ 126 NONAME
	glTexParameterx @ 127 NONAME
	glTexSubImage2D @ 128 NONAME
	glTranslatef @ 129 NONAME
	glTranslatex @ 130 NONAME
	glVertexPointer @ 131 NONAME
	glViewport @ 132 NONAME