Apply patch 5. This is mostly collapsed as a null change since the head has the fixes for techview (removing techview from the path name).
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
size_height =2
size_width =2
color_red =255
color_green =0
color_blue =0
point_x =100
point_y =100
pixel1_x =100
pixel1_y =100
expected1_red =255
expected1_green =0
expected1_blue =0
pixel2_x =100
pixel2_y =101
expected2_red =255
expected2_green =0
expected2_blue =0
pixel3_x =101
pixel3_y =100
expected3_red =255
expected3_green =0
expected3_blue =0
pixel4_x =101
pixel4_y =101
expected4_red =255
expected4_green =0
expected4_blue =0
message =A red point is drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
size_height =2
size_width =2
color_red =255
color_green =0
color_blue =0
point_x =100
point_y =30
color_red =0
color_green =255
color_blue =0
point_x =50
point_y =70
point_x =150
point_y =70
color_red =0
color_green =0
color_blue =255
point_x =75
point_y =120
point_x =125
point_y =120
pixel1_x =100
pixel1_y =30
expected1_red =255
expected1_green =0
expected1_blue =0
pixel2_x =50
pixel2_y =70
expected2_red =0
expected2_green =255
expected2_blue =0
pixel3_x =150
pixel3_y =70
expected3_red =0
expected3_green =255
expected3_blue =0
pixel4_x =75
pixel4_y =120
expected4_red =0
expected4_green =0
expected4_blue =255
pixel5_x =125
pixel5_y =120
expected5_red =0
expected5_green =0
expected5_blue =255
message =Five (red, green, blue) points are drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
size_height =1
size_width =1
color_red =255
color_green =0
color_blue =0
point1_x =20
point1_y =100
point2_x =120
point2_y =100
start1_x =20
start1_y =100
finish1_x =120
finish1_y =100
expected1_red =255
expected1_green =0
expected1_blue =0
message =A red straight line is drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
size_height =1
size_width =1
color_red =255
color_green =0
color_blue =0
point1_x =80
point1_y =20
point2_x =80
point2_y =100
color_red =0
color_green =255
color_blue =0
point1_x =20
point1_y =20
point2_x =60
point2_y =100
color_red =0
color_green =0
color_blue =255
point1_x =120
point1_y =20
point2_x =100
point2_y =100
start1_x =80
start1_y =20
finish1_x =80
finish1_y =100
expected1_red =255
expected1_green =0
expected1_blue =0
start2_x =20
start2_y =20
finish2_x =60
finish2_y =100
expected2_red =0
expected2_green =255
expected2_blue =0
start3_x =120
start3_y =20
finish3_x =100
finish3_y =100
expected3_red =0
expected3_green =0
expected3_blue =255
message =Three (red, green, blue) lines are drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
bitmap_id =0
file_name =\graphics\bitgdi\test_rwssprite_bitmap.mbm
use_rfile =FALSE
share_if_loaded =TRUE
height =1000
width =1000
bitmap =fbsBitmap
topleft_x =20
topleft_y =20
message =A bitmap is drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
bitmap_id =0
file_name =\graphics\bitgdi\test_rwssprite_bitmap.mbm
use_rfile =FALSE
share_if_loaded =TRUE
bitmap =fbsBitmap
destrect_top =0
destrect_left =0
destrect_bottom =100
destrect_right =120
bitmap =fbsBitmap
destrect_top =110
destrect_left =50
destrect_bottom =130
destrect_right =70
message =Two bitmaps are drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
color_red =255
color_green =0
color_blue =0
font_height =30
font_name =Arial
font =font
font =font
point_x =20
point_y =50
text =This is a test!
message =A line of red text is drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
font =font
disown =false
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
color_red =0
color_green =0
color_blue =255
font_height =20
font_name =Arial
font =font
font =font
point_x =20
point_y =20
text =This is a test!
up =EFalse
point_x =100
point_y =200
text =This is a test!
up =ETrue
message =Two lines of blue text are drawn vertically; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49
font =font
disown =false
displaymode ={default_bitgdi, displaymode}
screen_number ={default_bitgdi, screennumber}
device =fbsScrDev
brushstyle =ESolidBrush
color_red =0
color_green =255
color_blue =0
rect_top =20
rect_left =20
rect_bottom =100
rect_right =160
message =An green ellipse is drawn; Press key '1' to confirm, if not press any key else!
keyCode =49