Apply patch 5. This is mostly collapsed as a null change since the head has the fixes for techview (removing techview from the path name).
// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
#include "AUTO.H"
#include "../tlib/testbase.h"
#include "TGraphicsHarness.h"
class CTAlphaChannel;
Introduces a base class for transparent windows (both background and foreground)
class CTWinAlpha : public CTWin
void Draw(); //we have to overridden it to avoid panic in a based class
TInt iState;
enum {ETransparencyFactor, ETransparencyAlpha, ENonTransparentAlpha};
Introduces a foreground transparent windows.
In order to set any instance of class as transparent it has to be created with
ETransparencyAlpha parameter
class CTWinAlphaForeground : public CTWin
static CTWinAlphaForeground* NewL(CTAlphaChannel& aTest, TPoint aPos, TSize aSize,
CTWinBase* aParent, CWindowGc& aGc, TDisplayMode* aMode, TRgb aCol, TInt aTransparencyType = ENonTransparentAlpha);
CTWinAlphaForeground(CTAlphaChannel& aTest);
void Draw();
void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aColor);
void SetDisplayMode(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);
void StartAnimationL();
void CreateBackedWindowL();
inline void SetDrawOpaque(TBool aDrawOpaque = ETrue)
iDrawOpaque = aDrawOpaque;
void DrawTable(CBitmapContext& aGc) const;
void DrawPrimitivesInCell(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap64K, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap16MA);
void DrawTextInCell(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect);
void PrepareForDrawingL();
void CalculateTableMargin();
void SetPoligonLocation(const TPoint &ptOffset);
void CreateBackgroundBitmapL(const TDisplayMode& aDispMode);
void CleanBackgroundBitmap();
TInt iRows[4];
TInt iCol; // width of the first column
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapBackground;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDeviceBackground;
CBitmapContext* iBitmapContextBackground;
TRgb iBackgroundColor;
CArrayFix<TPoint>* iPolygon;
TBuf<16> iTitle1;
TBuf<16> iTitle2;
TBool iDrawOpaque; // this value will set to CWindowGc before drawing, should have any effect on drawing with alpha channel
CTAlphaChannel& iTest;
/** Test base class, which exersices drawing graphics operations with alpha channel */
class CTAlphaChannel : public CTWsGraphicsBase
friend class CTWinAlphaForeground;
CTAlphaChannel(CTestStep* aStep);
void ConstructL();
void DrawTestWindowsNow(TBool aDrawBackgroundWin = EFalse);
void SetWindow64K();
void SetOpaqueWindow16MA();
void SetTransparentWindow16MA();
TInt SetWindow16MAWithMask();
TInt SetWindow64KWithMask();
CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode GetDrawMode(TInt aIndex) const;
TRgb GetBrush(TInt aIndex) const;
TRgb GetPen(TInt aIndex) const;
// test functions
void SetDisplayModeConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
void SetPositionConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
void SetColourConfiguration(TInt aConfig);
void DoMoving();
void DoMoveBehind();
void DoInvisibility();
void TestMoving();
void TestMovingOverlapping();
void TestFading();
void TestChangingTransparencyFactor();
void TestInvisibility();
void TestMoveUnderneath();
void TestMoveBehindInvisible();
void TestRedrawBehind();
void TestAnimationL();
void TestBackedWindowL();
void TestEffectSetOpaque();
void TestChildWindowL();
void TestMultipleChildrenL();
void TestTransparentMovingUnderOpaqueL();
void TestSetOrdinalPosition();
//from CTGraphicsStep
virtual void RunTestCaseL(TInt aCurTestCase);
void CreateForegroundWindowsL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode);
void DestroyForegroundWindows();
void DrawOffscreenBitmapsL(const TRgb& aPen, const TRgb& aBrush,
CGraphicsContext* aBitmapContext64K, CGraphicsContext* aBitmapContext16MA,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap64K, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap16MA);
void CalculateSizePrimitives(const TSize& aSize);
TRgb iPenTable;
CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle iBrushStyle;
CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle iPenStyle;
TSize iSizeForegroundWindow;
CTWinAlpha* iBackgroundWindow;
CTWinAlphaForeground* iForegroundWindowBottom;
CTWinAlphaForeground* iForegroundWindowOpaque;
CTWinAlphaForeground* iForegroundWindowSemiTrans;
CTWinAlphaForeground* iForegroundWindowTrans;
CTWinAlphaForeground* iForegroundWindowTop;
CArrayPtrFlat<CTWinAlphaForeground> iArrWindow;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_1;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_1;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_2;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_2;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap64K_3;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmap16MA_3;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapMask;
CFbsBitmap* iBitmapGray256Mask;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_1;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_1;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_2;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_2;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice64K_3;
CFbsBitmapDevice* iBitmapDevice16MA_3;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_1;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_1;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_2;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_2;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext64K_3;
CGraphicsContext* iBitmapContext16MA_3;
TBuf<256> iText;
CFont* iFont; // for true type font, needs to exercise anti-aliasing
CFont* iFont1; // title font
TSize iBitmapSize;
TSize iRectangleSize;
TSize iEllipseSize ;
TSize iTriangleSize ;
TInt iFirstCellWidth ;
TInt iFirstCellHeight;
TBool iDrawText; // if true output text, graphics primitives otherwise
TBool iIsFading;
TUint8 iBlackFading;
TUint8 iWhiteFading;
class CTAlphaChannelStep : public CTGraphicsStep
//from CTGraphicsStep
virtual CTGraphicsBase* CreateTestL();